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FEBRUARY 1966 LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE J. EDGAR HOOVER, DIRECTOR FEBRUARY 1966 VOL. 35 NO.2 ----------- THE COVER- Diving lor evidence. See "Un· derwater Investigation" on page 2. LAW ENFORCEMENT BULLETIN CONTENTS Message From Director j. Edgar Hoover. ., 1 Undenwter Investigation, by Arthur E. Nelson, Hialeah, Fla., Police Department. It's the Lau , ~ Habitual Sex Offenders AIlist Register, by Hon. john Rossetti, judge, Stark County Common Pleas Court, Canton, Ohio . .. 6 Education and Rehabilitation of YouthfLiI Of fenders, by john C. " 'atkins, 11 arden, lJraper Correctional Center, Elmore, Ala. 9 The Approximate Age of (L Document 12 Search of the Person (Part 11) 16 Published by the Inl'estigators' Aids . 20 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE The Lw(' Enforcement Ass; 'Wnce Act of 196.5 21 Washington , D.C. 20535 NatiollH'ide Crimescope 27 JJ anted by the FBI. 32 THE AMERICAN COLLEGE STUDENT today is them into serving the communist cause. This is being subjected to a bewildering and dangerous being accomplished primarily by a two.pronged , conspiracy perhaps unlike any social challenge offensive--a much.publicized college speaking ever before encountered by our youth. On many program and the campus· oriented communist campuses he faces a turbulence built on unre· W. E. B. DuBois Clubs of America. Therefore, strained individualism, repulsive dress and the communist influence is cleverly injected into speech, outright obscenity, disdain for moral and civil disobedience and reprisals against our spiritual values, and disrespect for law and economic, political, and social system. order. This movement, commonly referred to There are those who scoff at the significance as the "New Left," is complex in its deceitful of these student flareups, but let us make no mis· absurdity and characterized by its lack of com· take: the Communist Party does not consider monsense. them insignificant. The participants of the New Fortunately, a high percentage of the more Left are part of the 100,000 "state of mind" than 3 million full·time college students are dedi· members Gus Hall, the Party's General Secre· ..ated, hardworking, and serious·minded young tary, refers to when he talks of Party strength . ople; however, their good deeds and achieve· He recently stated the Party is experiencing the ments are greatly overshadowed by those who greatest upsurge in its history with a "one to two are doing a tremendous amount of talking but thousand" increase in membership in the last very little thinking. year. Much of this turmoil has been connected with For the first time since 1959, the Party plans a feigned concern for the vital rights of free a national convention this spring. We can be speech, dissent, and petition. Hard·core fanatics sure that high on the agenda will be strategy and have used these basic rights of our democratic plans to win the New Left and other new memo society to distort the issues and betray the public. bers. A communist student, writing in an official However, millions of Americans, who know Party organ, recently stated, "There is no ques· from experience that freedom and rights also tion but that the New Left will be won." mean duties and responsibilities, are becoming Thus, the communists' intentions are abun· alarmed over the anarchistic and seditious ring dantly clear. We have already seen the effects of these campus disturbances. They know lib· of some of their stepped·up activities, and I erty and justice are not possible without law and firmly believe a vast majority of the American order. public is disgusted and sickened by such social The Communist Party, U.S.A., as well as other orgies. One recourse is to support and en· subversive groups, is jubilant over these new courage the millions of youth who refuse to swal· rebellious activities. The unvarnished truth is low the communist bait. Another is to let it be that the communist conspiracy is seizing this in· known far and wide that we do not intend to stand surrectionary climate to captivate the thinking of idly by and let demagogues make a mockery of rebellious· minded youth and coax them into the our laws and demolish the foundation of our communist movement itself or at least agitate Republic. r ~ e FEBRUARY 1, 1966 ~. ;OH~Q::OO= D ADE CO NTY, FLA., has ap· upon to locate and recover the body Fire Department. When Chief of proximately 1,500 miles of waterfront of an accidental or suicide drowning Police David I. Maynard was placed area, and a large portion of this ter• victim; a discarded weapon; a sub• in command of the department, the rain is located in Hialeah, the second merged vehicle--with or without vic• fire department divers were already largest city in the county. It is com• tims; or retrieve stolen property that trained and available to meet this po ed of natural and manmade lakes, has been thrown into the water. He need, and h.e preferred to have his rockpits, canals, and rivers. Hialeah, may be asked to survey the water men perform regular police functions rather than have a duplication of because it lies inland, is fortunate areas within his jurisdiction. It is that the deepest known water depth also possible that he may be requested effort. within its boundaries is only 35 feet. to assist other municipal, county, Through close cooperation of Hia• leah Fire Chief Norman Thomson, The need for properly trained law State, or Federal agencies in a coordi• there are 17 certified diving firemen enforcement personnel for diving pur• nated search and water recovery on call at all times to assist the police poses is becoming increasingly evi• activity. dent every day, particularly in those department. These men were trained areas of the country where swift-flow• in a lOO-hour course, Water Rescue Diving Program ing rivers, bays, and ocean shorelines and Recovery, which is approved by are involved. The Hialeah Police Department the Dade County Board of Public In• The tasks to which the law enforce• does not have officers a igned as div• struction and the National Asso• ment diver may be assigned are nu• ers. This phase of activity is accom• ciation of Underwater Instructors merous and varied. He may be called pli hed by the divers of the Hialeah ( A UI ) . I prepared the matere 2 FBI Law Enforcement Bu"etin unexpected in the silent world of the water. A check must be made of his adaptability to using only his sense of touch in black water, where his eyes l are of no use to him and all he can hear is the pounding of his own blood in his ears. Swimming Ability 'UNDERWATER Anyone who dives, and the enforce· ment diver especially, should be a better.than-average swimmer. Many people think that it is a simple task to don the regulator and cylinder, flip• INVESTIGATION pers, and face mask, and be a "frog• man." This is definitely not the case. A diver should, at the very least, hold the American Red Cross Senior Life• saving Certificate to indicate basic swimming ability. ARTHUR E. NELSON- The need for swimming ability is Hialeah, Fla., Police Department twofold: First, it gives the diver a feeling of confidence in the water that will help him to avoid panic in a dan• gerous situation; secondly, the phys• ical ability is present to overcome the . ed in this course and supervised the of a rescue squad, or a professional dangers. Currents, tides, and great training given at the Dade County diver. He may be paid a regular physical exertion can easily tax the Police Academy. A constant inserv· salary, with or without extrahazard· ability of the strongest of swimmers. ice training program is maintained to ous incentive bonus; be employed on retain peak performance. a contractual basis; or dive only as Proficiency Tests a person who merely wishes to per· Qualifications form a civic function. In a recently proposed workshop The man who plans to engage in on Search and Recovery for this de• What type of man is he who will this type of diving should undergo a risk his life to enter an alien and partment, the following water profi· periodic physical examination by a frightening world to perform thc ciency tests were established for active physician who is aware of the specific necessary function of the enforce· participation: ment diver? problems related to diving to deter• mine if he can perform under the Test-Phase No.1-Swimming He should be a well·trained diver demanding requirements of his tasks. who is also cognizant of the problems The swimmer will tow a fully equipped This physical examination must in• of enforcement agencies. He may be diver a distance of 50 yards. The towed clude the cardiovascular and respira• diver will not assist the swimmer in any a police officer, a fireman, a member tory systems-these are of prime im• way_ The swimmer may use any stroke he portance-the sinuses, Eustachian wishes. When the swimmer has completed -Officer Nelson has been with the Hialeah his tow, he will then don full equipment Police Department for 8 years and a pro tubes, a check for motion sickness and be towed by another swimmer. The fessional diver for 12 years. He is a cer and any other physical defects, and towed diver will not us~ the air in his tank; tified diving instructor and has been a staff a review of past diseases. no flotation device will be inflated. instructor at the Dade County Police Aca It must be determined if he suffers Three taps on the body of the swimmer demy since 1960.