DOI: 10.2478/JAS-2020-0030 J. APIC. SCI. VOL. 64 NO. 2 2020J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 64 No. 2 2020 Review paper PATHOGENESIS, EPIDEMIOLOGY AND VARIANTS OF MELISSOCOCCUS PLUTONIUS (EX WHITE), THE CAUSAL AGENT OF EUROPEAN FOULBROOD Adrián Ponce de León-Door1,2 Gerardo Pérez-Ordóñez2 Alejandro Romo-Chacón2 Claudio Rios-Velasco2 José D. J. Órnelas-Paz2 Paul B. Zamudio-Flores2 Carlos H. Acosta-Muñiz2* 1 Universidad Tecnologíca de la Babícora, Km. 1 S/N, Carretera Soto Maynez-Gómez Farías, C. P. 31963, Namiquipa, Chihuahua, Mexico 2 Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo A.C., Unidad Cuauhtémoc, Av. Río Conchos S/N, Parque Industrial. C. P. 31570, Apartado Postal 781, Cd. Cuauhté- moc, Chihuahua, Mexico *corresponding author: [email protected] Received: 17 January 2020; accepted: 27 August 2020 Abstract The bacterium Melissococcus plutonius is the etiologic agent of the European foulbrood (EFB), one of the most harmful bacterial diseases that causes the larvae of bees to have an intestinal infection. Although EFB has been known for more than a century and is practically present in all countries where beekeeping is practiced, the disease has been little studied compared to American foulbrood. Recently, great advances have been made to understand the disease and the interaction between the pathogen and its host. This review summarizes the research and advances to understand the disease. First, the morphological characteristics of M. plutonius, the infection process and bacterial development in the gut of the larva are described. Also, the epidemiological distribution of EFB and factors that favor the development of the disease as well as the classification of M. plutonius according its genomic and phenotype characteristics are reported. Finally, the new molecular tools for the study of M. plutonius, possible virulence factors in its genome, the issue of current EFB control measures and possible alternatives to the use of antibiotics are addressed.

Keywords: Apis mellifera, European foulbrood disease, Melissococcus plutonius, pathogenesis, virulence

INTRODUCTION most vital bacterial diseases of honey bees in the world is European Foulbrood (EFB) caused Honey bees (mainly Apis mellifera) are the most by the bacterium Melissococcus plutonius. EFB valuable pollinators in the world. They are inex- is generally associated with such secondary pensive, versatile, and usually, the only solution as Enterococcus faecalis, Brevibacillus to guarantee pollination (Morse & Calderone, laterosporus, Bacillus pumilis, Paenibacillus alvei, 2000). However, their health is impacted by and Paenibacillus dendritiformis that may lead such numerous pathogens as bacteria, viruses, to a pathogenic effect, but their role in the de- fungi and parasites. The factors involved in velopment of the disease is unclear (Forsgren, bee’s health affect sustainable and profitable et al., 2018). M. plutonius leads to intestinal agriculture, as well as many non-agricultur- infection in bee larvae causing death between al ecosystems, (Genersch, 2010). One of the the fourth and seventh days. Infected larvae 173 de León-Door et AL. Pathogenesis of Melissococcus plutonius have an abnormal position inside the brood cell cal and chemical characteristics. The specific and the color of the larvae changes from pearly epithet ‘pluton’ was corrected to plutonius by white to yellow, then brown and finally, when Dicks, Endo, & Van Reenen (2014) and Trüper & they decompose to grayish-black (Bailey, 1961). de’Clari (1998). M. plutonius is a Gram-positive Occasionally, the larvae die after the brood cocci lanceolate oval-shaped, non-spore-forming cell is sealed. Present P. alvei remains and bacteria, with an approximate size of 0.5 x 1.0 multiplies in the larvae and sunken opercula can μm (Fig. 1), that is found individually, in pairs be observed, and these symptoms are possibly or chains of various lengths (Forsgren, 2010; confused with American foulbrood (Bailey & Forsgren et al., 2013). The bacteria only affect Ball, 1991; Forsgren, 2010). M. plutonius infects the larval stages of bees (Bailey & Collins, 1982). European bees A. mellifera, Asian bees A. cerana The infection begins with the consumption of (Singh Rana et al., 2012; Takamatsu et al., 2014) contaminated food during the early larval stage, and Himalayan bees A. laboriosa (Allen, Ball, & when the larvae are exclusively fed with royal Underwood, 1990). The etiologic agent of EFB jelly (RJ), a mixture of secretions from the hy- was identified more than a century ago (White, popharyngeal and mandibular glands of young 1912). To understand and treat a disease, the worker bees (Snodgrass, 1925). causative agent, mechanisms of infection, and Royal jelly (RJ) has high antimicrobial activity favorable conditions for its development must (Melliou & Chinou, 2014) due to proteins like be identified. This review summarizes recent major royal jelly protein 1 (MRJP1) containing research on the epidemiology and pathogenesis jelleins 1, 2 and 3, which inhibit bacterial, yeast of M. plutonius, the causative agent of EFB. and fungus growth (Brudzynski & Sjaarda, 2015; Fontana et al., 2004). Recently Vezeteu Pathogenesis and Epidemiology et al. (2017), showed how MRJP1 can inhibit the Melissococcus plutonius was first classified development of bacteria associated with EFB, as Bacillus pluton (White, 1912) and later as including M. plutonius. MRJP2 has an antibacterial pluton (Bailey, 1957b). However, effect against P. larvae (Bíliková, Wu, & Šimúth, Bailey, & Collins (1982) described Melissococcus 2001) and the enzyme glucose oxidase, which is as a new genus, containing the species Melis- essential to inhibiting microbial development in sococcus pluton based on culture, biochemi- larval foods and honey (Ohashi, Natori, & Kubo,

Fig. 1. Gram staining of Melissococcus plutonius strain ATCC 35311, Cultivated under anaerobic conditions in SBK medium for 5 days at 36°C. 174 J. APIC. SCI. Vol. 64 No. 2 2020

1999; Sano et al., 2004). On the other hand, such the death of the larvae may be the result of non-protein components as 10-hydroxy-2-dece- such additional pathogenic mechanisms as peri- noic acid (10-HDA) have demonstrated antipath- trophic matrix invasion and penetration into ogenic activity. Šedivá et al. (2018) showed that other host tissues. However, Takamatsu, Sato, & 10-HDA contributes to the inhibition of P. larvae, Yoshiyama (2016) refuted this theory inferring and Yang, Li, & Wang (2015) proposed that it is a that the presence of substances produced by broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent that inhibits M. plutonius can diffuse into larval tissues during multiple pathogenic bacteria. However, despite the infection, but these substances and other the RJ antimicrobial activity, M. plutonius can virulence factors remains unidentified. Only 100 survive and infect honey bee larvae through it to 200 bacteria cells are required to cause EFB (Takamatsu et al., 2017). (Bailey, 1960; McKee et al., 2004), and once the Studies show that after ingestion, M. plutonius infection is established, the larvae can die before reaches the middle intestine of the larvae, the brood cell is covered. In this case, larvae are where it begins to multiply until it almost expelled from the colony or may die after the occupies the intestinal lumen without crossing brood cell is covered where the sunken upper the peritrophic membrane (Tarr, 1938). White wax layer is observed (Fig. 2-5c). Sometimes, (1912) determined that M. plutonius grows only the larvae survive the infection, however, in the food mass within the peritrophic matrix, pupation is delayed (McKee et al., 2004), and killing its host before any bacteria associated smaller adults emerge (Bailey, 1959b), which with EFB succeeds in invading the larval tissues. can transmit the bacteria (Fig. 2-6b). Derived from this, Bailey (1983) suggested that Melissococcus plutonius multiplies only within the pathogenic effect was due to nutrient com- the larval intestine of the honey bee. The per- petition between the larva and the pathogen, sistence of the pathogen in the hive depends resulting in starvation of the larvae. McKee, on the infected larvae’s survival, which Goodman, & Hornitzky (2004) suggested that deposits the bacteria along with their feces

Fig. 2. Melissococcus plutonius infection cycle 1. egg, 2. Ingestion of M. plutonius (Mp) in the royal jelly (RJ). 3. Proliferation of M. plutonius in the intestine, 4a. Manifestation of EFB symptoms, 4b Larvae without EFB symptoms, 5a. Death of larvae, scale formation and brood removal by worker bees, 5b. Sealing cell and slow pupae development, 5c. Death of larva after cell was seal, 6a. Cell with M. plutonius and secondary agents, 6b. Emergence of smaller adults carrying M. plutonius and cells with M. plutonius and secondary agents. Adapted from Bailey & Ball (1991). 175 de León-Door et AL. Pathogenesis of Melissococcus plutonius in the brood cell when they pupate (Fig. 2-6a, apiaries (Belloy et al., 2007). In Switzerland, a 6b). M. plutonius stay viable in the brood cell, high density of colonies and hives have been surviving for several years (Bailey, 1959a). A shown to promote the transmission of EFB large number of bacterial cells die during this (von Büren et al., 2019). Additionally, Abrol time, but the remaining bacteria can infect (2013) and Forsgren (2010) suggested that the other larvae. If the infected larva dies before it robbing of honey and drifting bees contributed becomes a pupa, the worker bees eliminate the to the spread of the bacteria between colonies infected larvae (Fig. 2-5a), reducing the number and apiaries, but in contrast Goodwin, Perry, & of bacteria that serve as a source of inoculum. Houten (1994) suggested that the drift of bees is Nevertheless, worker bees will subsequently not an important to the spread of AFB. However, feed new larvae causing the transmission of the it is not clear how EFB spreads reapidly, but such bacteria (Fig. 2-2). The infection is not always beekeeping practices as the exchange of con- fatal, and M. plutonius can be present in larvae taminated combs, poor equipment sanitation and pupae without any clinical symptoms (Fig. 2- and poor diet may contribute to it (Fig. 3) (Belloy 4b) (Forsgren et al., 2005) due to the different et al., 2007; Hornitzky & Smith, 1998; McKee et degrees of virulence. al., 2003). Adult worker bees responsible for removing Bacteria of the genus Enterococcus are found diseased larvae from the hive have higher in a variety of soil, water, and plants habitats M. plutonius loads than nectar and pollen-col- (Forsgren, 2010). Martzy et al. (2017) mentioned lecting bees because workers bees are in direct the possible presence of M. plutonius in water, contact with the infected brood that contains but the qPCR and loop-mediated isothermal am- large amounts of the bacteria (Roetschi et al., plification (LAMP) tests which they utilized are 2008). Adult bees act as carriers of the bacteria not specific, and M. plutonius was co-detected inside the colony, between colonies and between with Tetragenococcus halophilus, Vagococcus apiaries. More than a third of healthy colonies in fluvialis and Enterococcus faecalis. This suggests an apiary can maintain adult bees carrying the that water could be a reservoir for M. plutonius, bacteria due to the proximity to other diseased but more studies are required.

Fig. 3. Dissemination model of European foulbrood.

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Disease outbreaks appear to be related to colony a laboratory and between laboratories for the stress conditions - lack of food, water, genetic construction of reliable databases. Classifica- factors, climate and geography (Budge et al., tion methods based on the phenotype have 2014; Forsgren, 2010). EFB can be manifested several deficiencies, especially with the applica- for a short period, usually during summer or bility to all members of a species. Tenover et al. early spring (Bailey & Ball, 1991). Unexpected (1995) established classification methods based outbreaks of the disease have been observed on the microbial genotype or a particular DNA followed by a spontaneous recovery a few sequence. For the epidemiological study of EFB, weeks later. Severely infected colonies that Haynes et al. (2013) designed a classification move from infected endemic areas to disease- system of Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST), free areas can recover spontaneously (Bailey, based on the locus used for typing of Entero- 1961; Bailey & Locher, 1968). coccus faecalis (Ruiz-Garbajosa et al., 2006) and The incidence of EFB has been reported in five Enterococcus faecium (Homan et al., 2002). This continents and by 2019 only Nicaragua and scheme allowed the analysis of 381 M. plutonius Mozambique, of the 180 member countries of isolates from different countries, achieving the the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), identification of thirty-two sequences types, had never reported the disease (OIE, 2019). which were grouped into three genetically There have been occasional seasonal outbreaks distinct groups, called clonal complexes (CCs). of EFB in many countries (Bailey, 1961; Forsgren Budge et al. (2014), created the public database, et al., 2013). However, in Switzerland, the, where the incidence of EFB has increased dramatically epidemiological information of M. plutonius has since 1990, in the United Kingdom, it has become been uploaded. the most widespread brood bacterial disease and in Norway an outbreak was reported in Genotypes and virulence 2010 after a thirty-year absence (Forsgren et Melissococcus plutonius was initially described al., 2018). Geographically, the disease seems to by White (1912) and characterized by Bailey vary in severity, from relatively benign in some (1957b) as a demanding organism, which requires areas to very severe in others (Dahle, Sørum, anaerobic or microaerophilic conditions for & Weidemann, 2011; Wilkins, Brown, & Cuth- growth. Furthermore, its isolation and support bertson, 2007). Virulence tests on individual requires the addition of potassium phosphate larvae using exposure bioassays show that to the culture medium (Bailey & Collins, 1982). M. plutonius strains collected in different Early morphological, physiological, immuno- European geographic locations vary in their logical and genetic studies suggested that the morbidity (Charriere, Kilchenmann, & Roetschi, M. plutonius species was homogeneous (Allen & 2011). Ball, 1993; Djordjevic et al., 1999), and several Several studies mention the molecular reports mention that M. plutonius loses its detection of M. plutonius in such countries as virulence rapidly when it is subcultured in vitro. Mexico, Turkey, India, Saudi Arabia, Spain and Due to this situation, the infection of bee larvae Colombia (Ansari et al., 2017; Borum et al., 2015; with artificially cultivated M. plutonius was de León-Door et al., 2018; Garrido-Bailón et challenging, and Giersch, Barchia, & Hornitzky al., 2013; Singh Rana et al., 2012; Tibatá et al., (2010) reported that a high dose of it in addition 2018). For an epidemiological study, isolated to a secondary inoculation with Paenibacillus strains should be classified. The chosen method alvei caused high larval mortality. However, high to classify a specific pathogenic species must doses of M. plutonius used, since Lewkowski & meet several criteria. All strains of the species Erler (2019) showed that additional infections must be classified with the chosen method, with possible secondary invaders do not increase which must have a high power of differentia- larval mortality. On the other hand, McKee et al. tion and the results must be reproducible within (2004) and Bailey (1957a) failed to produce EFB

177 de León-Door et AL. Pathogenesis of Melissococcus plutonius in artificially bred larvae with pure M. plutonius Similar results were shown by Lewkowski cultures. Consequently, studies to determine and Erler (2019), where the CC3 strain caused the etiology of EFB were complicated. greater mortality than the CC13 strains, and Arai et al. (2012) called M. plutonius variants all cases of CC13 lethality are similar to the present in Japan “atypical” because they did not control. Additionally, different genetic back- match the phenotypic characteristics originally grounds contribute significantly to the course described for this species. The atypical strains of the disease. Although not all CCs caused do not require high concentrations of potassium the death of infected larvae, an increase in the phosphate, grow even in the presence of number of M. plutonius bacteria from the three oxygen, are positive for β-glucosidase activity CCs was observed during the six days post-in- and produce acid from L-arabinose, D-cellobiose, fection (Nakamura et al., 2016), which indicates and salicin. The analysis of atypical strains by that even when CC13 does not cause death, it pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed genetic can colonize the larva’s intestine. However, its differences. Additionally, these strains showed effect on adult bees remains unknown. a high virulence, killing all infected larvae in a The CC12 strains show the highest virulence period of 5 d, while the typical strains did not in vitro at the individual level, but this is incon- show mortality. sistent with the number of isolates reported. Haynes et al. (2013) used the sequences of argE, Budge et al. (2014) claimed that CC3 is the most galK, purR, and gbpB genes to develop a higher virulent at the colony level, followed by CC12 resolution classification scheme using MLST. and CC13. These results suggest the physi- This allowed the identification of thirty-two ological advantage of the CC3 strains for their sequence types (STs), grouped into three clonal survival and pathogenic potential. Takamatsu et complexes (CCs), in which Japanese atypical al. (2017) mentioned that CC3 strains can survive isolates belonged to CC12 and typical strains to and even proliferate in a concentration of 50% CC3 and CC13. The studies conducted by Budge RJ. On the other hand, CC13 was the most sus- et al. (2014), Takamatsu et al. (2014) and de ceptible to RJ components, because its number León-Door et al. (2018), showed that these CCs of viable bacterial cells decreased by 99% while were widely distributed throughout the world, the number of CC12 strains’ viable bacterial cells even in Asian bees Apis ceranae. Some isolates decreased by only 80% at the same concen- from Brazil, United Kingdom, USA and the Neth- tration of RJ. Arai et al. (2014) concluded that erlands have been classified inside the CC12 larvae infected with strains of CC12 develop where atypical strains are found. An analysis of EFB rapidly and are expelled from the colony by the database designed by Budge et al. (2014) worker bees before the disease is evident. For ( showed that this reason, fewer isolates of CC12 have been from the 381 isolates reported 66% correspond reported. to CC3, 20% to CC12 and the remaining 14% to CC13 (Consulted on April 12, 2020). Genomic analysis In the study conducted by Nakamura et al. The lack of molecular tools challenges the (2016), the virulence of the different CCs was studies on M. plutonius. To improve this tested. CC12 showed the highest virulence, situation, Takamatsu et al. (2013) developed a killing more than 90% of infected larvae before gene expression vector, (pMX2) for gene com- pupation, similar to the report by Arai et al. plementation and an electroporation protocol (2012). However, CC3 belonged to the strains for M. plutonius. They observed how mutations reported as typical and showed a higher in genes that encode for the Na+/H+ antiporter virulence than reported by Arai et al. (2012), and cation transport ATPase are involved in killing approximately 60% of infected larvae. the potassium requirement for the growth of For its part, CC13 showed no virulence, being typical strains of M. plutonius. Based on these similar to the mortality in the control larvae. results, Arai et al. (2014) developed a duplex

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PCR, selecting Na+ /H+ antiporter gene and Fur stable during in vitro propagation and the asso- family transcriptional regulator gene as targets ciation of pMP19 with virulence is not clear since for the detection of typical and atypical strains, this plasmid has also been reported in strains of respectively. the three CCs (Takamatsu et al., 2017). Takamatsu et al. (2015) designed a gene inacti- The advantage of atypical CC12 strains could vation system in M. plutonius, through the use be due to rapid nutrient consumption. The of a pSET6s thermosensitive plasmid vector, DAT561 strain uses several carbohydrates originally used for the construction of deletion as a source of energy through glycolysis, the mutants in Streptococcus suis (Takamatsu, pentose phosphate pathway, ED-pathway and Osaki, & Sekizaki, 2001). A non-functional srtA sugar interconversions. Also, the production mutated gene was added to the pSET6, and after of virulence-related molecules could favor the recombination, sortase A activity in M. plutonius rapid death of larvae infected with CC12 strains was suppressed. However, to verify if this gene (Djukic et al., 2018). However, for the verifica- inactivation system is specific, it is necessary to tion of these virulence factors, infection studies determine if the phenotypic changes observed with fully characterized strains are required to in the mutant strains are caused by the elimi- predict a difference in virulence between strains nation of the target genes, by carefully genetic of the different CCs of M. plutonius. Another analyses. The combination of pSET6s and factor is the genetic variability of the host, pMX2 could be a useful genetic tool for future whose origin has been observed to strongly molecular analyzes in M. plutonius. influence the mortality of bees infected with M. Djukic et al. (2018) conducted a compara- plutonius (Lewkowski & Erler, 2019). Additional- tive genome analysis of fourteen strains of M. ly, the results presented by Tibatá et al. (2018) plutonius, including the already reported genome are consistent with the appreciation that Afri- of the reference strain M. plutonius ATCC 35311 canized hybrids are more resistant to diseases. (Okumura et al., 2011), belonging to CC13 (Non- virulent), and the genome of the Japanese EFB control atypical strain M. plutonius DAT561, (Okumura et Before focusing on the treatment of EFB, it al., 2012; Okumura, Takamatsu, & Okura, 2018) is worth mentioning that the best form of belonging to CC12 (highly virulent). Their ob- disease control is prevention. Beekeepers must servations show that genomes exhibited sizes maintain proper sanitation practices to prevent ranging from 2.021 to 2.101 Mbp and included the spread of M. plutonius. The equipment must 1,595 to 1,686 genes encoding proteins. Bioin- be disinfected correctly before being stored, formatics analysis revealed the following genes reused or moved from one colony to another and proteins that could play a role in the patho- (Arbia & Babbay, B., 2011). All combs should be genesis of EFB: putative bacteriocins, cell sur- inspected for signs of diseased brood when new face-associated proteins, adhesion, and entero- nucs or full-size colonies are purchased. Upon coccal polysaccharide antigen, an epsilon toxin, detection of diseased colonies, a quarantine proteolytic enzymes and capsule associated strategy should be followed (Locke, Low, & proteins. Forsgren, 2019). Frequently replacing queens Typical strains belonging to CC13 lack such with those that promote hygienic behavior important virulence factors as tyrosine decar- results in more offspring of workers that remove boxylase, endo-alpha-N-acetylgalactosamini- diseased larvae from the hive more efficiently. dase and a toxin as compared to CC3 and CC12 Additionally, racks should be replaced annually (Djukic et al., 2018). In addition, plasmid pMP19 and exchange between hives avoided (Flores, carried by the strains of CC12 and CC3 (Okumura, Spivak, & Gutiérrez, 2005; Spivak et al., 2003). Takamatsu, & Okura, 2019), can confer additional In addition, providing enough food prevents the advantages as compared to strains without the robbing of honey and stimulates the queen’s plasmid. However, this plasmid does not remain posture to produce a greater number of bees

179 de León-Door et AL. Pathogenesis of Melissococcus plutonius for diseased brood removal (Bailey & Ball, 1991; Therefore colonies with clinical symptoms are Gochnauer, Furgala, & Shimanuki, 1975). Weak destroyed, but the sanitation procedure is not colonies with less prolific queens are more sus- enough to prevent new outbreaks of EFB in the ceptible to EFB. The death of many larvae result same hives the following year (Roetschi et al., in more contaminated food for the remaining 2008). larvae, causing colony collapse (Bailey & Ball, Doughty, Luck & Goodman (2004) identified 1991). ampicillin and amoxicillin, beta-lactam antibiotics, There have been few studies on control as candidates for the control of EFB. However, measures for EFB. Oxytetracycline hydrochlo- these antibiotics are currently used to fight ride (OTC), a bacteriostatic antibiotic used in different infections in humans, and the routine many countries, inhibits the multiplication of use of antibiotics in animal feed, as documented, M. plutonius. Since the 1950s, beekeepers have contributes to the generation of resistant used this antibiotic for the prevention of EFB bacteria, a concern to human health leading to a and American foulbrood (AFB) (Moeller, 1978). greater public health concern (Cota-Rubio et al., However, in AFB, it has caused the emergence of 2014). In addition, bacteriostatic antibiotics only antibiotic resistant Paenibacillus larvae strains in suppress clinical symptoms but do not cure the different regions of the world (Genersch, 2010). disease, leading to chemical residues persisting The most recent reports in the United Kingdom in honey, affecting their quality and safety for and Australia evaluated the resistance and sus- human consumption (Martel et al., 2006). Next, ceptibility of M. plutonius to OTC (Hornitzky & antibiotics can affect the vitality and longevity Smith, 1999; Waite et al., 2003), but new large- of bees (Peng et al., 1992). Bacterial resistance scale studies are needed to determine if the in M. plutonius has not been reported yet, but bacteria are still susceptible to the antibiotic. in such beekeeping pathogens as P. larvae it As an alternative to OTC treatment, the shook has become widespread (Evans, 2003), and swarm method is proposed, in which adult therefore, alternatives to the use of chemical bees are changed to new hives and the combs treatments must be found. with sick brood are eliminated. Budge et al. Antagonistic microorganisms have been (2010) mention that this control method has an proposed as a potential alternative to the efficacy similar to the use of antibiotics. On the treatment of EFB. (LAB) other hand, Waite et al. (2003) suggest that the added to the food of the larvae exposed combination of the shook swarm method and to M. plutonius, was noted to decrease the the use of antibiotics reduces the recurrence number of larvae that succumb to the infection of the disease at the colony level. However, the (Vásquez et al., 2012). Wu et al. (2014) showed shook swarm method was subsequently recom- how Bacillus subtilis exhibited inhibitory activity mended without the use of antibiotics for the in vitro against M. plutonius. In addition, in vivo control of EFB, since the disease’s clinical signs feeding trials revealed that the mortality of are only suppressed with bacteriostatic antibi- infected larvae decreased. On the other hand, otics and beekeepers unconsciously spread the Killer et al. (2014) reported a new taxon called infection between the colonies (Thompson et Lactobacillus apis sp. with the ability to inhibit al., 2005). Nevertheless, adult bees present in the growth of M. plutonius. However, the use infected hives, especially those in contact with of these microorganisms presents challenges, the young, have high loads of M. plutonius, and since dosing, timing, duration and the microbio- therefore the shook swarm method is probably logical safety of hive products require optimiza- not as effective, (Belloy et al., 2007; Roetschi tion for the application of these treatments. et al., 2008), since adult bees act as a vector Tea tree oil nanoparticles (Santos et al., 2014), for the dissemination of M. plutonius. In Switzer- Malva sylvestris oil (Cecotti et al., 2016), land, the sanitation procedure is based only on aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Cinnamomum swarm shaking, due to EU antibiotic restrictions. spp. and Persian salvadora (Hashish et al.,

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2016), macelignan and corosolic acid (Kim et al., of stricter regulations on the prophylactic use of 2018), terpenes of Thymus vulgaris (Wiese et antibiotics and the presence of residues in bee al., 2018), among others, have been shown to products. Overall, for the increased sustainable have significant antibacterial effects against development of the beekeeping industry, new M. plutonius. The use of extracts and essential strategies are required to control such bacterial oils for integrated EFB treatment is promising infections as EFB. and stimulates the search for other bioactive plant phytochemicals with bactericidal capacity REFERENCES and low toxicity for bees. Currently, the use of bacteriophages for the treatment of EFB shows Abrol, D. (2013). Beekeeping: a compressive guide to promising results in many fields (Vandamme & bees and beekeeping: Scientific Publishers. Mortelmans, 2019). In beekeeping, it has been used successfully for the control of AFB (Brady Allen, M., & Ball, B. (1993). The cultural characteris- et al., 2017; Yost, Tsourkas, & Amy, 2016). tics and serological relationships of isolates of Melis- However, the isolation of bacteriophages of sococcus pluton. Journal of Apicultural Research, M. plutonius could be challenging since the cul- 32(2), 80-88. tivation of M. plutonius has been described as 19 93.11101291 difficult (Allen & Ball, 1993). Allen, M., Ball, B., & Underwood, B. (1990). An isolate CONCLUSIONS of Melissococcus pluton from Apis laboriosa. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 55, 439-440. https://doi. The objective of this review was to present the org/10.1016/0022-2011(90)90090-S new advances and pathogenesis of M. plutonius. An essential step has been the identification Ansari, M. J., Al-Ghamdi, A., Nuru, A., Ahmed, A. M., of variants of M. plutonius that maintain their Ayaad, T. H., Al-Qarni, A., . . . Al-Waili, N. (2017). Survey virulence. The MLST has enabled the differen- and molecular detection of Melissococcus plutonius, tiation of strains and the database will augment the causative agent of European Foulbrood in hon- our understanding of the global epidemiology of eybees in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Journal of Biological EFB. It is understood how M. plutonius behaves in Sciences, 24(6), 1327-1335. the early stages of infection, but most infectious sjbs.2016.10.012 process stages are still not clearly explained. The complete genomic sequences allowed the iden- Arai, R., Miyoshi-Akiyama, T., Okumura, K., Morinaga, tification of putative virulence factors, probably Y., Wu, M., Sugimura, Y., . . . Takamatsu, D. (2014). De- used by M. plutonius during pathogenesis. Ad- velopment of duplex PCR assay for detection and ditionally, the new genomic tools available for differentiation of typical and atypical Melissococ- the manipulation of M. plutonius will allow a cus plutonius strains. Journal of Veterinary Medical better understanding of these processes at Science, 76(4), 491-498. the molecular level. However, more studies are jvms.13-0386 vital to understanding the complex interactions between M. plutonius and honey bee larvae. Arai, R., Tominaga, K., Wu, M., Okura, M., Ito, K., Okamura, Although multiple efforts have been conducted N., . . . Yoshiyama, M. (2012). Diversity of Melissococ- to develop sustainable treatment strategies, cus plutonius from honeybee larvae in Japan and ex- progress is limited. The treatment of infected perimental reproduction of European foulbrood with hives with new antibiotics will remain prob- cultured atypical isolates. PLOS ONE, 7(3), e33708. lematic, due to the health risks associated with antibiotic use and the increased awareness to limit antibiotic use in animal production. Arbia, A., & Babbay, B. (2011). Management strate- Recently, this is revealed in the implementation gies of honey bee diseases. Journal of Entomology,

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