occupied Palestinian territory 2015

Table A: Total funding and outstanding pledges* as of 24 September 2021 http://fts.unocha.org (Table ref: R10) Compiled by OCHA on the basis of information provided by donors and appealing organizations.

Donor Channel Description Funding Outstanding Pledges USD USD Allocation of unearmarked funds by WFP to be allocated to specific projects (Multilateral)) 1,498,000 0 WFP Allocation of unearmarked funds by UNRWA in kind - Medical Supplies 144,712 0 WHO American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza 5,000 0

American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Shelter Repair and Collective Centre Management 20,300 0

American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Emergency Cash for Work - West Bank 25,000 0

American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Community Mental Health Programme in Gaza 85,000 0 American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Community Mental Health Programme in Gaza 100,000 0 American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 107,000 0 management American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects 121,113 0 American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Community Mental Health Programme in Gaza 122,400 0

American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza 175,000 0 American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Gaza Emergency Relief Efforts (to be allocated) 300,100 0

American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Gaza Emergency Relief Efforts (to be allocated) 300,100 0

American Friends of UNRWA UNRWA Temporary shelter and shelter repair 322,000 0

Australia UNRWA Shelter Assistance in Gaza under UNRWA's oPt Emergency 4,347,799 0 Appeal 2015

Austria ICRC To help the affected population 553,097 0 Belgium NGOs 2015 Cadre de financement ONG OpT (474) - Appel aux 0 539,700 ONG belges et internationales pour l’introduction de projets humanitaires dans le cadre de la crise humanitaire dans les territoires palestiniens occupés

Belgium FAO Distribution of small scale food production packages to 400,000 0 vulnerable households in the Gaza Strip (OSRO/GAZ/501/BEL)

Belgium UNICEF PD Child Protection: Protection of Chidlren's Rights in Armed 409,836 0 Conflict

Belgium Belgium RC Les conditions de vie de la population palestinienne sont 1,110,619 0 améliorées. (PJ/2015/16 - 3017476) Belgium NRC Humanitarian support to contribute to the protection of 1,342,282 0 Palestinians in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem)from forcible transfer (PJ/2015/15 - 3017398)

Belgium Oxfam Italia Integrated Protection in Area C: Enhancing the Resilience of 1,425,743 0 Communities to Violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law - 1 year Project - Coverage: North Jordan Valley, South Hebron/ Area C / West Bank/ Palestine; Rangeland and Land Rehabilitation; Support to Community Protection Committees; Advocacy

Belgium OXFAM Integrated protection in area C: enhance resilience of 1,459,234 0 communities to violations of IHL and HR. (PJ/2015/17 - 3017443) Belgium Oxfam Italia From Emergency Food Security to Durable Livelihoods: 1,573,436 0 Building Resilience in OPT - E1 Communities , Area C – West Bank- Palestine; Veterinary services; Rangeland and Land Rehabilitation; Support to Community Protection Committees; Rehabilitation of animal Shelters; Advocacy

Belgium OXFAM From emergency food security to durable livelihoods: building 1,573,436 0 resilience in complex crisis (PG/2015/05 - 3017463)

Belgium ERF (OCHA) Emergency Response Fund for oPt (projected needs $15 2,765,487 0 million) (OCT 4776) Belgium UNRWA Core activities - Institutional support (MU/2015/03 - 3016533) 7,621,951 0

Brazil UNRWA in kind - Food Assistance 2,015,773 0

Canada WFP to be allocated to specific projects 307,524 0 Canada WFP to be allocated to specific projects 334,061 0 Canada UNICEF Protected and safe access to schools as an emergency 790,514 0 response for vulnerable communities in the State of Palestine

Canada SC Improved access to protection and health services for children 1,121,170 0 with chronic diseases and disabilities in Gaza

Canada HI 18 months contract signed to support post-emergency 1,318,770 0 functional rehabiliattion activities in Gaza. Canada FAO Contribution to 2015 HPC project submitted by FAO to support 2,287,492 0 low resilience herders Canada FAO Contribution to 2015 HPC project submitted by FAO to support 2,287,492 0 low resilience farmers Canada UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 4,740,406 0 Carry-over (donors not specified) OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the 342,637 0 occupied Palestinian territory Carry-over (donors not specified) ERF (OCHA) OPT - ERF. 1,992,658 0

Carry-over (donors not specified) WFP to be allocated to specific projects 15,380,160 0

Croatia UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects 50,000 0 Czech Republic UNRWA Relief and rehabilitation (115361/2015-ORS) 122,916 0 Denmark ACT/DCA To contribute to the effective implementation of the demolition 7,236 0 response mechanism implemented by ACTED as part of the EU funded Consortium. DCA will contribute financially to the specific demolition case that occurred on the 10th August 2015, in Khirbet ar Rahwa (Incident Code: D15WB1498) in Hebron Governorate based on ACTED response mechanism and documentations.

Denmark SC Education Cluster Coordination 37,000 0

Denmark SC Meeting acute humanitarian needs following the recent 45,120 0 hostilities in East Jerusalem, Gaza and on the West Bank (2014-24813) Denmark ACT/DCA Strengthening Resilience for Children and Their Families by 49,857 0 Providing Psychosocial Support for Children Traumatised in North of Gaza (part of 2014-30510)

Denmark ACT/DCA This Operation will establish emergency response support and 100,000 0 coordination structures and plans. The structure will include Community Emergency Response Committees (CERC) in 25 high risk communities in Gaza benefiting over 175,000 persons. The CERCs will receive training in general humanitarian aid and sector specific standards and procedures enabling for effective role and coordination at the time of Emergency. (part of 2014-30510)

Denmark ACT/DCA Promoting the conditions of poor families by establishing house 173,480 0 gardens in Palestinian North West Jerusalem (part of 2014- 30510) - The Project aims to improve the micronutrient intake by providing the needy families of malnourished children (boys and girls) with food aid on a regular basis. A total of 500 poor/ food insecure families have received food vouchers (vegetables, grocery and protein vouchers). The targeted locations were Gaza North, Gaza City and Khanyounis. This project is considered as complementary part for a nutritional health project that has been implemented by AEI. MAAN has coordinated with AEI to get the list families of malnourished children as the main target group for the food voucher distribution before conducting the food security assessment to qualify the beneficiaries. Denmark ACT/DCA Promoting the conditions of poor families by establishing house 395,567 0 gardens in Palestinian North West Jerusalem (part of 2014- 30510) - The project aims to improve the health status of malnourished girls and boys in the targeted areas and to increase the community and family (women, men, girls and boys) awareness in nutritional related topics and diseases. Main activities: - 27.000 under 5 children screened by AEI community teams 9home 2 home screening) - Approximately 10,000 referred children have received comprehensive and specialized nutritional health care - The mothers of 27,000 screened children have been exposed to awareness raising activities during home visit - 500 group awareness-raising events conducted by the AEI clinics and community teams in the targeted communities

Denmark UNFPA Humanitarian Partnership Agreement 2010-2015 (2014-33091) 526,237 0

Denmark SC Annual programme 15 (2014-24813) 816,602 0 Denmark Denmark RC ICRC Appeal contribution (2014-24844) 1,203,188 0 Disasters Emergency Committee HelpAge Increasing resilience of, and improving access to appropriate 227,751 0 (UK) care for, old people in the Gaza Strip (oPt038)

Disasters Emergency Committee OXFAM GB The project aims to alleviate the suffering of immediate needs 3,312,000 0 (UK) and recovery needs to war affected population in Gaza and Northern Governorate. Activities include cash programming to at least 800 households (CfW and UCT), delivering of hot meals to 1070 children at affected Kindergartens, provide essential hygiene and nutrition awareness sessions to affected communities, recovery of livelihood for 170 cow breeders, training and coaching to 300 women to develop 30 income generating ideas. And finally to develop the basic ICT skills and confidence enhancement in using a computer to 400 women and elderly.

Emergency Response Fund (OCHA) FAO Emergency support to increase resilience of the poultry sector 250,062 0 against the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus H5N1in the Gaza Strip.

Estonia UNRWA Core contribution for UNRWA for year 2015 87,610 0 Estonia UNRWA Contribution for UNRWA’s 2015 Emergency Appeal for Gaza, 270,856 0 unearmarked contribution of 250 000 euros to support UNRWA’s activities to alleviate the humanitarian situation of the Gaza Strip’s residents.

European Commission EuropeAid NRC Legal AID Programme (ENI/2014/342-634) 1,659,290 0 Development and Cooperation

European Commission's UN Agencies, NGOs and/or Humanitarian Implementation Plan for the Occupied 0 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil Red Cross Palestinian Territory (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91000 - total Protection Department funding of Euro 25 million - fully allocated to specific organizations)

European Commission's PU Man-made crises / Tailored emergency response to most 162,514 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil affected communities exposed to recurrent IHL and IHRL Protection Department violations in Gaza Strip - Restore livelohoods of war‑affected farmers and most vulnerable people constantly exposed to protection threats in the Eastern side of Gaza Strip (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91011)

European Commission's OHCHR Man-made crises / Support for OHCHR leadership of the 340,136 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Cluster in the occupied Palestinian territory (ECHO/ Protection Department PSE/BUD/2015/91001) European Commission's PU Man-made crises / Tailored emergency response to most 487,541 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil affected communities exposed to recurrent IHL and IHRL Protection Department violations in Gaza Strip - Restore livelihoods of war‑affected small‑scale farmers and cash‑based intervention to food insecure households in the Gaza Strip (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91011)

European Commission's OXFAM GB Enhancing the resilience of the most war affected and 806,715 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil vulnerable population in the Gaza Strip through CFW and UCT Protection Department (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91008) European Commission's OXFAM GB Man-made crises / Support to war affected and vulnerable 866,739 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil population in Palestine (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91008) Protection Department European Commission's UNRWA Man-made crises / 2015 Protection of Palestine Refugees 1,106,195 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil Affected by Armed Conflict and Forced Displacement in the Protection Department West Bank (including East Jerusalem) (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/ 91009)

European Commission's NRC Man-made crises / Support to IDPs and those at risk of 1,178,451 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil displacement in the Gaza Strip (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91006) Protection Department European Commission's OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the 1,272,535 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil occupied Palestinian territory (OCT 4787-4789) [ECHO/PSE/ Protection Department BUD/2015/91004] European Commission's WFP Emergency food assistance to the non-refugee population in 1,397,260 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil the Gaza Strip, EMOP 200298 (part of ECHO/PSE/BUD/2014/ Protection Department 91004) European Commission's WFP Man-made crises / Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation 2,237,935 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil 'Food Assistance for Food-Insecure Populations in the Gaza Protection Department Strip' (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/91002)

European Commission's UNRWA Man-made crises / ECHO 2015: Supporting UNRWA's 4,424,779 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil strategic response to Gaza's emergency shelter needs (ECHO/ Protection Department PSE/BUD/2015/91010) European Commission's NRC Man-made crises / Humanitarian Support to Contribute to the 5,892,256 0 Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection of Palestinians in the West Bank (including East Protection Department Jerusalem) from Forcible Transfer. (ECHO/PSE/BUD/2015/ 91005)

Finland ACT/DCA Strengthening Resilience for Children and Their Families by 43,573 0 Providing Psychosocial Support for Children Traumatised in North of Gaza Finland UNRWA Transitional Shelter Cash Assistance TSCA 1,083,424 0

Finland UNRWA Core funding to UNRWA 5,102,041 0 Food & Agriculture Organization of ERF (OCHA) Balancing entry for fund allocation 243399 -250,062 0 the France UNRWA Transitional Shelter Cash Assistance TSCA (from France, 3,989 0 Municipality of Gennevilliers)

France WAC Promoting income and employment opportunities for women 71,038 0

France Dolphin for Development Promoting employment and supporting fishermen 103,825 0

France SIF Constitution d'un stock de contingence dans la Bande de Gaza 109,649 0

France ACF - Spain Protection des communautés les plus vulnérables dans le sud 109,649 0 de la Cisjordanie en facilitant l'accès aux services de base

France MDM France Protection des communautés vulnérables du nord de la 219,298 0 Cisjordanie victimes du conflit israélo-palestinien France WFP Distributions alimentaires et bons d’achat à Gaza 782,998 0 France UNRWA Répondre aux besoins urgents,investir dans les résultats à 1,587,302 0 long terme. - core activities Germany Germany RC Integrated community-based disaster preparedness, 202,475 0 Palestinian Territories (AA-S05 321.50 PSE 06/15) Germany Christoffel-Blindenmission Prevention of hearing impairment and post-traumatic disorders 247,043 0 for children and adolescents in the Gaza Strip (AA-S05 321.50 PSE 05/15) Germany OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the 336,700 0 occupied Palestinian territory (OCT 5004)

Germany Caritas Germany (DCV) The families affected by the conflict in the Gaza Strip recover 370,370 0 from the military escalation and dispose of adequate, sure and culturally adequate transitional lodging. In the well-chosen provinces there are the biggest losses and destructions and therefore the biggest need in transitional dwellings and at the same time enough free land surface. (2015.1844.8)

Germany MDM France Medical emergency preparedness and planning in the Gaza 696,903 0 Strip (AA-S05 321.50 PSE 03/15) Germany SC Preferred families in Gaza are able with the help of the income- 894,855 0 creative and reconstruction measures to cover her basic needs from own strength (incl. school education for children). (2015.1822.4)

Germany Medico International Improving access to essential primary health care services, 1,028,722 0 protection and crisis preparedness of vulnerable communities on the West Bank and provision of medicines to social hardship cases in the Gaza Strip and West Bank

Germany DIAKONISCHES WERK By the reconstruction of 310 agricultural production companies 1,122,334 0 DER EKD after the Building forecastle Better principle it is raised the Resilience of the target group compared with future crises as well as the food security is improved by the restoration of the income basis and the improved care of the market with fresh food. (2015.1805.9)

Germany ERF (OCHA) OPT - ERF (OCT 4749) 1,639,344 0 Germany UNRWA UNRWA Reforms - Emergency Capacity Strengthening and 2,244,669 0 Early Voluntary Separation (AA-S05 321.50 PSE 07/15)

Germany ICRC Assistance, protection, prevention and cooperation activities in 3,367,003 0 Israel and the occupied territoriesin 2015 (AA-S05 321.50 PSE 02/15) Germany UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza Strip (AA-S05 321.50 PSE 7,743,363 0 04/15) Germany UNRWA Cash assistance for families whose shelters sustained minor 7,829,978 0 damages in the Gaza Strip (2015.1826.5) Germany UNRWA UNRWA - Voluntary Contirbutions 2015 (AA-S05 385.07/01/ 9,756,098 0 15) Hungary Private (individuals & The objective of the action was to deliver the packages of 1,654 0 organisations) medicine aid worth approx. 32 000 EUR offered by the Hungaian Catholic Church to Gaza Strip population. (through Cargo Agencies CD Diplomat Ltd.)

Hungary Private (individuals & The objective of the action was to deliver the packages of 5,454 0 organisations) medicine aid worth approx. 32 000 EUR offered by the Hungaian Catholic Church to Gaza Strip population. (through Lausanne Trading Consultants)

Ireland UNRWA in kind - Chlorine - Emergency Environmental Health 34,375 0 Programme (Gaza) Ireland OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the 211,640 0 occupied Palestinian territory (OCT 5059); [UNOCHA 15 01-2]

Ireland ERF (OCHA) OPT - ERF. (OCT 4781) 212,089 0 Ireland UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 223,561 0 management

Ireland UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 306,661 0 Coordination Capacity (UNRWA 15 02)

Ireland UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 549,451 0 management Ireland UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 549,451 0 management Islamic Development Bank RC Project completion and finishing Building Specialist surgery at 1,003,904 0 Shifa Hospital in Gaza Islamic Development Bank Qatar RC Project Specialist surgeries building processing 3,600,000 0 Islamic Development Bank UNDP Rehabilitation of severely damaged houses in Gaza 10,000,000 0

Italy Bilateral (affected Bilateral contribution: emergency program aimed at improving 0 1,754,386 government) vulnerable people's access to and use of basic services including health care, education, water, and distribution of non- food items. (AID 010735)

Italy UNHRD Italian Development Cooperation has financed the air transport 11,223 0 of medicines - donated by Italian pharmaceutical companies - to Tel Aviv to assist people affected by the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. Italy EducAid Psycho-social support and activation of pathways of resilience 266,524 0 for people with disabilities and children who experienced trauma after the operation "Protective Edge (part of AID.10487)

Italy UNMAS Multilateral contribution to the UNMAS three-phased 280,584 0 emergency response plan called “ Mitigation of the Threat Posed by Explosive Hazards in Gaza”. In the current Phase III of UNMAS response, the following activities will be prioritized: 1) Support to the rubble removal and reconstruction 2) Clearance of the deep buried aircraft bombs 3) Risk Education.

Italy UNRWA Multilateral contribution to the UNRWA project called 280,584 0 “Safeguarding Palestine refugees against explosive remnants of war (ERW) accidents in the Gaza Strip” to Increase the knowledge, attitude and skills on ERW of beneficiaries through different training modules, as educating children in UNRWA schools and providing ERW risk education programmes through UNRWA TV.

Italy Various Recipients Resilience and protection in a refugee environment 491,991 0 (Gerusalemme Est) (AID 010736) (through OVERSEAS + Educaid) Italy WFP to be allocated to specific projects 635,324 0 Italy UNDP Crushing concrete rubble in Gaza 897,868 0 Italy UNRWA Multilateral contribution to the UNRWA project called ”WASH: 1,083,424 0 Supporting UNRWA Solid Waste Management in Gaza and Improving Water Supply in Jabalia Camp" to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees in Jabalia Camp. This project aims at reducing the risk of communicable diseases and assuring a decent standard of living, through providing a safe and dignified living environment.

Italy Various Recipients Bilateral contribution: emergency program aimed at protecting 2,192,982 0 Palestinian refugees and Palestinian population in East Jerusalem and Area C of the West Bank at risk of forcible transfer. (AID 010736)

Italy UNRWA Multilateral contribution to the UNRWA project called “Ensuring 2,446,689 0 food assistance to Palestine refugees in UNRWA Social safety Net Programme in Gaza” to provide assistance to the most vulnerable Palestine refugees through the distribution of food (wheat flour, rice, sugar, oil and milk) and through social protection support from UNRWA’s social workers. Italy NGOs Humanitarian initiative to strengthen the resilience of the 2,530,791 0 Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, Area C of the West Bank and East Jerusalem [9 Italian NGOs: Overseas, Educaid, GVC, COOPI, Terre des Hommes Italia, CISS, Vento di Terra, CESVI, COSPE] (part of AID.10487)

Japan SC Support for protection of children and education in Gaza 8,502 0

Japan UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 9,282 0 management Japan JPF Care for disabled people in Gaza 80,431 0 Japan UNICEF Saving Lives of Children and Families through ERW education 82,819 0 in oPt Japan JADE Support programme for medical care in Gaza, Palestine 83,949 0

Japan JADE Medical Care for Palestine refugees in Gaza. 120,208 0

Japan UNICEF WASH Cluster Coordination 259,333 0 Japan UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 275,280 0 Coordination Capacity Japan UNICEF Informing humanitarian programmatic and advocacy response 286,799 0 through documentation of grave violations against children affected by armed conflict Japan UN Women UN Women had submitted to the Government of Japan a 292,849 0 comprehensive proposal that combined two HPC proposals including (Supporting HAYAT multipurpose Center)

Japan JPF Support program of education and health in conflicted affected 319,760 0 area in Gaza

Japan UN Women UN Women had received funds for a comprehensive proposal 386,449 0 that was submitted to the Japan government that combined two HPC proposals for 2015 (Supporting the Hayat Center and Improved psycho-social status and SGBV support to women, men, girls and boys)

Japan PARCIC Distribution of foods to affected people in Gaza district 405,485 0

Japan PARCIC Distribution of emergency relief (foods, etc) to affected people 411,453 0 in Gaza district Japan UNICEF Ensure access to education for affected children in Gaza in a 414,703 0 safer and enabling environment Japan PWJ Cash for work in Gaza 445,581 0 Japan UNDP Rubble and Debris Removal following the Protective Edge 500,000 0 Operation in the Gaza Strip -2014

Japan UNICEF Nutrition Emergency Preparedness and Resilience Building 622,054 0

Japan NICCOD Support for recovery of livelihoods in Gaza 763,541 0 Japan SC Support program of protection and education for children in 839,382 0 Gaza district

Japan JPF Enhancement of Resilience for vulnerable people affected by 876,185 0 Gaza conflict Japan UNICEF Adolescents’ resilience and opportunities to learn new skills in 936,546 0 a safe environment Japan UNICEF Support to remedial education in Gaza 1,146,207 0 Japan UNICEF Access to improved maternal and child (0 to 59 months) health 1,183,400 0 services (MCH) in the most conflict- affected communities

Japan UNICEF Emergency response to improve access to water services and 1,392,739 0 protect vulnerable families in the Jordan Valley

Japan UNICEF Improving water scarcity management and delivery to 1,541,061 0 effectively address the needs of vulnerable communities in the West Bank Japan UNICEF Humanitarian Psychosocial Response for Children and 1,711,595 0 Families Japan UNRWA Japan's core contribution to UNRWA for 2015 1,731,072 0

Japan UNICEF Humanitarian response to address the basic WASH needs of 2,082,744 0 affected communities in Gaza Japan WFP to be allocated to specific projects 2,950,621 0 Japan UNMAS Mitigation of the threat posed by explosive hazards in Gaza 3,000,000 0

Japan WFP to be allocated to specific projects 3,669,113 0 Japan WFP to be allocated to specific projects 5,000,000 0 Japan UNRWA Temporary shelter and shelter repair 13,715,438 0 Jordan Hashemite Charity UNRWA in kind - Shelter Repair and Collective Centre Management 16,820 0 Organization

Jordan Hashemite Charity UNRWA in kind - Food 157,044 0 Organization Jordan Hashemite Charity UNRWA in kind - food parcel 179,668 0 Organization Jordan Hashemite Charity UNRWA Financial Assistance to UNRWA’s Emergency and 499,978 0 Organization Winterization Activities in Gaza (Shelter Assistance )

Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan UNRWA Feed the Fasting during Ramadan, Gaza Strip 99,701 0 Foundation

Korea, Republic of UNICEF Nutrition Emergency Preparedness and Resilience Building 118,494 0

Korea, Republic of UNDP Cash assistance for non-refugee families with partially 300,000 0 damaged housing in Gaza

Korea, Republic of UNICEF Access to improved maternal and child (0 to 59 months) health 381,506 0 services (MCH) in the most conflict- affected communities

Liechtenstein UNRWA Core contribution - non HRP (FE 2015/3) 101,317 0 Liechtenstein ICRC Appeal for Israel and the Occupied Territories (FE 2015/34) 107,181 0

Luxembourg HI Explosive Remnants of War threat reduction in support to 90,832 0 those carrying out and living in areas of rubble removal and reconstruction in Gaza Contribution for 4 months (Sept to Dec 2015) ((AH/HIL/2015/0009)

Luxembourg HI Support for Private Sector Reconstruction and Rubble Removal 93,623 0

Luxembourg NRC Protection of Palestinians in the West Bank (including East 216,685 0 Jersualem)from forcible transfer (AH/NRC/2015/0001 1/2)

Luxembourg ICRC Protection of refugees, IDPs and detainees (AH/CICR/2012/2) 850,340 0

Norway NRC Wash MFA 62,555 0

Norway Norway RC QZA-15/0178-11/Humanitarian assistance 71,443 0 Norway Various Recipients QZA-13/0122-33/NORAD support for Palestine 114,787 0 Norway NRC Improved Education 150,131 0

Norway NRC Legal aid programmes 233,538 0

Norway Norway RC QZA-15/0178-11/Humanitarian assistance 248,397 0 Norway SC QZA-14/0254-10/Gaza Education 287,323 0 Norway NRC Our Schools Our Communities 298,806 0

Norway SC QZA-14/0254-10/Gaza Education 318,431 0 Norway NRC QZA-13/0122-14/Emergency shelter support to prevent 319,905 0 displacement of non-refugee households staying in minor/ major damaged units Norway NRC Shelter Coordination in Palestine 337,796 0

Norway NRC Improved Education 354,693 0

Norway NRC ICLA West Bank and Jerusalem 467,075 0

Norway OCHA QZA-15/0215-5/Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and 498,021 0 Advocacy in the occupied Palestinian territory (OCT 4907)

Norway NPA Protection and food security 509,489 0 Norway NRC QZA-13/0122-14Humanitarian assistance 573,937 0 Norway ERF (OCHA) Emergency Response Fund for oPt (projected needs $15 583,567 0 million) (OCT 4914) Norway SC An integrated community-based early recovery model for 621,538 0 enhancing children’s well-being and access to quality basic and early childhood education

Norway ACT/NCA PAL-15/0014/Protection and Support for Vulnerable 955,292 0 Populations Norway NORWAC PAL-15/0013/NORWAC. Health sector Palestine. 1,167,134 0 Norway ICRC QZA-15/0216-18/additional grant to the ICRC emergency 1,202,501 0 appeals Norway WHO PAL-14/0018 - Emergency Response to hostilies in Gaza 1,264,223 0

Norway NPA Conflict Preparedness and Resilience No: PAL-15 0017. 1,273,723 0 The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs awarded NOK 14 million to NPA for Conflict Preparedness and Protection Pilot (10 Million NOK) and Food Security (4 Million NOK). The grant duration planned for the period 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2016.

Norway NORWAC PAL-15/0013/NORWAC. Health sector Palestine. 1,273,723 0 Norway UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 1,992,397 0 management Norway UNDP Cash assistance to non-refugee Palestinians displaced in 3,000,000 0 shelters in Gaza

OPEC Fund for International UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance in Gaza 599,950 0 Development OPEC Fund for International UNDP Rehabilitation of homes that sustained major and minor 1,200,000 0 Development damages in the war in Gaza 2014 Poland UNMAS Polish response to UNMAS Gaza Emergency Appeal 35,000 0 Poland UNRWA Polish contribution to OPT Emergency Appeal 2015 245,307 0 Portugal UNRWA Contribution to aid operations for the Palestinian refugees in 26,455 0 the Middle East. Première Urgence - Aide Médicale ERF (OCHA) Balancing entry for fund allocation 242175 -230,001 0 Internationale Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Transitional Shelter Cash Assistance 262 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects (UNRWA Staff) 630 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (through UNICEF Hungarian 706 0 Foundation) Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Emergency Shelter, Transitional Shelter and Collective Centre 1,000 0 management (Japan Asia Cultural Exchanges )

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Providing 4 Reintegration Packages to 4 Families in Gaza 2,000 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Mini Light Lux (from Japan Asia Cultural Exchanges) 4,220 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Coordination, Safety, Security and Management (Online) 6,053 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects 6,202 0 Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (International On-line 11,104 0 Donations)

Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Project rescue and rehabilitation al makased Hospital (through 14,850 0 Islamic Development Bank) Private (individuals & organisations) ACT/DCA Strengthening Resilience for Children and Their Families by 16,020 0 Providing Psychosocial Support for Children Traumatised in North of Gaza Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Providing emergency Cash-for-Work opportunities to enable 21,178 0 food insecure refugee households in camps to meet their basic needs (Online)

Private (individuals & organisations) SC Improve the water storage capacity in the affected houesholds 24,525 0 in target localities in East and North Gaza (through Save the Children UK) Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects (Private Individuals (MBC Al 24,550 0 Amal Campaign))

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects (Through Banks) 27,149 0

Private (individuals & organisations) HaMoked East Jerusalem residency and social rights (Pro Victimis) 28,345 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA In kind - Blankets, Diapers, Pillows, Sleeping Mats, Mattresses 29,551 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA in kind - Emergency Environmental Health 34,375 0

Private (individuals & organisations) SC Improve the water storage capacity in the affected houesholds 52,226 0 in target localities in East and North Gaza (through Save the Children Australia) Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (through UNICEF/Ireland) 60,976 0

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Transitional Shelter Cash Assistance (Online) 72,860 0

Private (individuals & organisations) ARIJ Providing humanitarian irrigated Agricultural inputs to produce 74,965 0 more food by the vulnerable households located in area C, Seam Zone and East Jerusalem. (through Mennonite Central Committee (MCC))

Private (individuals & organisations) SC Improve the water storage capacity in the affected houesholds 81,239 0 in target localities in East and North Gaza Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF Protected and safe access to schools as an emergency 100,000 0 response for vulnerable communities in the State of Palestine (through UNICEF/United Arab Emirates)

Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects (through UNICEF/WEST 125,441 0 BANK & GAZA)

Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Project rehabilitation and development of sewage pumps and 142,894 0 generators (through Islamic Development Bank)

Private (individuals & organisations) ACT/DCA Strengthening Resilience for Children and Their Families by 144,254 0 Providing Psychosocial Support for Children Traumatised in North of Gaza ( Donation from Swiss Solidarity made to DCA from Caritas Switzerland) Signed agreement for 2015

Private (individuals & organisations) MDM France Co-financed project with a total annual cost of 239878 Euros / 147,204 0 50% covered by CDC and the other 50% covered by MDM-F private fund Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Rehabilitation and development of sewage pumps and 156,352 0 generators (through Islamic Development Bank) Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Processing of cardiac surgery at the Specialized Surgeries 233,927 0 healing building (through Islamic Development Bank)

Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Bring medical expertise and pelletizing staff working in the 260,620 0 facility and the Ministry of Health (through Islamic Development Bank) Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF Child Protection Mechanisms in Gaza (Family Centres and 300,000 0 Child Protection Networks) (through UNICEF/United Arab Emirates)

Private (individuals & organisations) UNICEF Improving water scarcity management and delivery to 335,655 0 effectively address the needs of vulnerable communities in the West Bank (through Tetsuko Kuroyanagi)

Private (individuals & organisations) SC An integrated community-based early recovery model for 344,618 0 enhancing children’s well-being and access to quality basic and early childhood education (through Save the Children Norway) Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Helping Families in Gaza to Prepare for Winter (through 500,000 0 Islamic Relief USA)

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Emergency Health Program in Gaza (through Islamic Relief 500,000 0 USA)

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Temporary shelter and shelter repair (Non-Food Items (NFI) for 500,000 0 Emergency Distribution) (through Islamic Relief USA)

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Ensuring a Clean Environment in Collective Centers: Gaza 500,000 0 (through Islamic Relief USA)

Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC supply of medicines and medical consumables in the Gaza 509,458 0

Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Construction of sewage Station pumping No. 11 in Gaza City 544,723 0

Private (individuals & organisations) WFP to be allocated to specific projects 607,790 0

Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Rehabilitation Project and the development of higher education 720,288 0 institutions in the Gaza Private (individuals & organisations) Qatar RC Project Qatar parts provide medicines and medical supplies to 968,828 0 Gaza in response to the consequences of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Project 1,000,000 0 (through Islamic Relief USA)

Private (individuals & organisations) UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (through Islamic Relief 1,000,000 0 USA)

Private (individuals & organisations) OXFAM GB WASH support to Vulnerable and war-affected Gaza 1,465,779 0 Population Qatar Qatar RC Documenting the war in the Gaza Strip in 2014 crimes 22,797 0 Qatar Qatar RC Mine action 25,919 0

Budget 2014 Palestine Office Qatar Qatar RC Operational budget for the Office of the Red Crescent in the 30,768 0 West Bank - Palestine Qatar Qatar RC Project to provide generators for the Ministry of Health 31,172 0 hospitals Qatar Qatar RC iftar for fasting - Qudes 2015 32,500 0 Qatar Qatar RC Support of the Palestinian Red Crescent Administrative 37,979 0 Services Qatar Palestinian RC Project 1411119 support Palestine red crescent admin , 38,481 0 humanitarian Qatar Qatar RC Grant Medical specialist doctors Filstunain Jordan (2013_2017) 76,706 0 11 Doctors Qatar Qatar RC Project vaginal births Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital 77,500 0

Qatar Qatar RC Budget 2014/2015 Gaza Office 87,500 0 Qatar Qatar RC Grants to Palestinian medical doctors in Jordan Project - 101,808 0 Phase 3 Qatar Qatar RC Grants to Palestinian medical doctors in Jordan Project - 106,005 0 Phase 3 Qatar Qatar RC Vaginal births Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital 109,589 0 Qatar Qatar RC Project clinics and emergency medical laboratory processing 120,000 0 and X-ray department in Salfit Qatar Qatar RC Project to bring medical expertise and training - Phase II 150,000 0

Qatar Qatar RC 2015 - The first batch of Gaza Office 155,000 0 Qatar Qatar RC Support emergency ambulances of the Palestinian Red 170,749 0 Crescent Project Qatar Qatar RC Project purchase and installation of two elevators Kahrabiaan 178,000 0 Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital in Qudes

Qatar Qatar RC Construction of a water well and extend the distribution 289,000 0 network household drinking water in Gaza Qatar Qatar RC Providing fuel for hospitals and the Health Ministry in the Gaza 349,952 0 Strip Qatar Charity Various Recipients 584 Beneficiaries - education 100,247 0 Qatar Charity Various Recipients 11,150 Beneficiaries - Watsan 123,805 0 Qatar Charity Various Recipients 300 Beneficiaries 180,445 0 Qatar Charity Various Recipients 180,000 Beneficiaries - health 291,118 0 Qatar Charity Various Recipients Water and sanitation - 586,000 people benefited by the project 760,425 0 (through QC Palestine office) Qatar Charity Various Recipients Economic Recovery and Infrastructure benefiting 8254 people 847,784 0

Qatar Charity Various Recipients Education projects implemented for the benefit of 316,445 1,402,870 0 people Qatar Charity Various Recipients contribution in education sector for the benefit of 236,048 1,948,205 0 people (through QC Palestine office) Qatar Charity Various Recipients Health - 535,000 people benefited from health projects 3,919,076 0 (through QC Palestine office) Qatar Charity Various Recipients Shelter and NFIs - 40,469 people benefited by the projects 4,983,252 0 (through QC Palestine office) Qatar Charity Various Recipients 2,187,839 people benefited from different projects (through QC 5,732,083 0 Palestine office) Russian Federation WFP to be allocated to specific projects 2,000,000 0 Russian Federation WFP to be allocated to specific projects 2,000,000 0 (Kingdom of) OIC In-Kind -Food aid to Palestinians in Gaza By National Saudi 540,000 0 Campaign

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) UNRWA in kind - Distributing 1600 Tons of Flour Bags to the Poor and 574,400 0 Most Needy Families in the Gaza strip (through Saudi Committee)

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Various Recipients Food aid, providing flour and cost to operate of bakeries for the 1,000,000 0 1M Palestinians displaced in Gaza for 12 months. By National Saudi Campaign (through Palestinian Municipality)

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) WFP to be allocated to specific projects 1,000,000 0 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Various Recipients Construct and equip Bedair Health and Dialysis Center in Wast 2,172,600 0 Bank for 20,000 beneficiaries through Saudi National Campaign (through Palestinian Municipality and Ministry of Health)

Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) UNRWA Shelter repairs in Gaza, Cash for Shelter repair 13,500,000 0 Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) UNRWA Temporary shelter and shelter repair 23,000,000 0 Slovenia UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects 56,689 0 Spain NRC Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) to protect 0 609,756 the rights of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza affected by displacement

Spain UNRWA Providing Clothes for Orphan Children from Gaza (from Orio 1,612 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Albacete Local 2,104 0 Council)

Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Ejea de los 6,803 0 Caballerous Local Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Valle de Egüés 9,070 0 Local Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Alcobendas 9,226 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Castellón Local 10,771 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Project 10,834 0 (Spain, Fondo Galego)

Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Valencia Local 13,605 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (from Pamplona Local 14,118 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Mobile Health Clinics for vulnerable and isolated populations of 15,370 0 the West Bank lacking access to primary health care (from Regional Council of Valladolid) Spain UNRWA Psychosocial Support in Gaza (Spain, Valencia Regional 17,584 0 Government) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (from Beasain Local 17,747 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Psychosocial Support Programme: Improving the Resilience 19,118 0 through Psychosocial Support activities for Children in Gaza Strip (Spain, Fons Català Regional Government)

Spain UNRWA Mobile Health Clinics for vulnerable and isolated populations of 21,066 0 the West Bank lacking access to primary health care (from Local Government of Navarra) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza ( Spain, Galicia Local 22,099 0 Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza ( Spain, Castilla La Mancha 27,322 0 Local Council)

Spain IFRC Provision of non-food items. DREF (MDRPS010) 28,345 0 Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (from Castilla La Mancha) 49,412 0

Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Zaragoza) 55,310 0

Spain Nova - NOVACT The project aims to contribute to the protection of the IHRL and 65,233 0 IHL through an Observatory on IHRL and IHL violations committed by Private Military Security Companies (PMSC) and a unit of communication. Around this structure articulates and increase the capabilities of a coalition formed by 200 defenders of human rights, local authorities, Israeli and Palestinian organizations with 3 and 5 legal experts will produced reports and display serious cases of violations of political and social rights in the West Bank and Gaza. On the basis of this analysis and documentation will be built a proposal to guarantee political and social rights of the Palestinian people in cooperation with local authorities in the West Bank.

Spain UNRWA Communiy Mental Health (Mobile Clinics for Improving 66,372 0 Bedouin Communities’ Access to Psychosocial Services in Isolated Localities) in West Bank (Spain, Zaragoza)

Spain UNRWA Community Mental Health Programme in Gaza (Spain, 66,667 0 Asturias Local Council) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza (Spain, Palam City Council) 68,027 0

Spain UNRWA Mobile Health Clinics for vulnerable and isolated populations of 85,929 0 the West Bank lacking access to primary health care ( Spain, Navarra Local Council) Spain UN Women The project aims to address gender related vulnerabilities in 164,474 0 oPt as identified in the various needs analysis of national and international humanitarian and development actors.

Spain UNICEF Humanitarian response to address the basic WASH needs of 203,804 0 affected communities in Gaza Spain MDM Help mitigate the impact of context and armed conflict on the 209,836 0 health of the vulnerable population in the Gaza Strip.

Spain WFP To improve food consumption, and dietary diversity of targeted 216,683 0 vulnerable and food insecure households beneficiaries in the Gaza Strip. (PRRO200298) Spain UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza ( Spain, Basque Local 224,822 0 Council) Spain APS Prevent and mitigate the impact of violations of Human Rights 233,971 0 (HR) and International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Spain MDM Protection and psychosocial intervention to critical incidents for 327,869 0 victims of political violence in the area J2 Jerusalem and Area C District of Jericho. Spain Nova - NOVACT To enhance the protective environment for the most vulnerable 330,488 0 communities in the Area C of the West Bank, the Gaza strip and East Jerusalem, by strengthening access to justice and enforcement of IHL

Spain ACF - Spain Improving access to basic sanitation of vulnerable Palestinian 360,656 0 communities in the city of Khan Yunis. Spain NRC To contribute to the protection of Palestinians in the West Bank 438,596 0 from forcible tranfer, exposed to that risk through the provision of humanitarian assistance, including support to livelihoods, campaigns awareness raising, provision of shelter and access to water and sanitation, legal assitance and advocacy.

Spain ERF (OCHA) Emergency Response Fund for oPt (projected needs $15 549,451 0 million) [OCT 5023] Spain NRC Addressing housing needs and security of tenure for the most 561,167 0 vulnerable households (women, men, boys and girls) in the Gaza Strip affected by displacement. Spain UNICEF To improve access to safe water, adequate sanitation and 561,167 0 hygiene practices of targeted households in two marginalized communities, namely Al-Malalha area and Johr AlDeek and to strengthen national capacity to prevent and respond to repeated flooding

Spain ICRC To provide assistance to the Palestinian population, particularly 615,213 0 during emergencies. Sweden We Effect Sida will channel this funding through NRC who is leading the 0 116,293 NGO consortium - Humanitarian support to contribute to the protection of Palestinians in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) from forcible transfer. Project focuses on increased access to water, preservation of livelihoods for livestock herding communities through solar panels and improvement of shelter quality in Area C (Arab Abu Farda and Arab ar- Ramadin al Janubi)

Sweden NRC Humanitarian assistance 116,293 0 Sweden OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the 127,356 0 occupied Palestinian territory (OCT 4559)

Sweden MSB Secondment of Emergency Response Preparedness Expert to 156,645 0 UNDP and OCHA Sweden NRC Humanitarian assistance - Our Schools Our Communities 232,585 0

Sweden NRC Humanitarian assistance - ICLA Legal AID 232,585 0

Sweden UNRWA Emergency Cash for Work 257,220 0

Sweden UNRWA Emergency Cash for Work 314,060 0

Sweden Diakonia World Federation To protect life and human dignity in oPt and Israel by 481,986 0 increasing respect and compliance for International Law including International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights Law in occupied Palestinan territory and Israel to be better integrated into the humanitarian response so that the accountability among key duty bearers and stakeholders that directly or indirectly maintain the status quo is increased.

Sweden UNRWA Emergency food assistance 525,918 0

Sweden Sweden RC Humanitarian Assistance 539,944 0 Sweden ERF (OCHA) OPT - ERF. (OCT 5054) 571,298 0 Sweden ERF (OCHA) Emergency Response Fund for oPt (projected needs $15 581,463 0 million) [OCT 4783] Sweden ACT/CoS To decrease violations of human rights (HR) and international 729,129 0 humanitarian law (IHL) in Palestine and Israel through the provision of skilled, well trained and highly motivated Swedish Ecumenical Accompaniment, thus giving civilans more freedom of movement of decreasing acts of violence and harressement towards the people accompanied.

Sweden IRW Emergency Cash-for-Work Employment for Conflict-Affected 1,195,314 0 people in Gaza Strip Sweden UNRWA Emergency Response to for the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 1,215,214 0

Sweden UNRWA Emergency Environmental Health Programme (Gaza) 1,561,985 0 Sweden UNRWA Transitional Shelter Cash Assistance TSCA 2,111,241 0

Sweden ICRC Humanitarian assistance to affected populations in multiple 2,902,926 0 humanitarian crises Sweden UNDP Cash assistance to displaced non-refugee Palestinians in Gaza 3,944,537 0

Swiss Solidarity HI Support for Private Sector Reconstruction and Rubble Removal 59,960 0

Switzerland UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects (7F-08831.02) 47,357 0 Switzerland Various Recipients Aid Watch Palestine through Diala Association 50,066 0

Switzerland Various Recipients Additional credit program contribution to Human Rights & 108,696 0 Humanitarian Law Secretariat in oPt (7F-04397.04) Switzerland Various Recipients Building Cooperation and Collaboration between Israelis and 150,016 0 Palestinians for the Benefit of Children with Disabilities (7F- 09374.01) Switzerland OHCHR Support for OHCHR leadership of the ProtectionCluster in oPt 155,340 0 (7F-09277.02) Switzerland Various Recipients Humanitarian Small-scale Actions Credit Line (7F-09278.01) 210,970 0

Switzerland Various Recipients Consultancies Missions SCO Gaza & West Bank (7F- 252,525 0 03611.05) Switzerland OHCHR Contribution to support OHCHR's leadership of the Protection 268,344 0 Cluster in Palestine (7F-09277.01) Switzerland UNDP Add. Credit Youth Employment Generation-Gaza (7F- 308,642 0 09276.01) Switzerland TdH - L WASH Emergency Basis Schools Gaza (7F-9220.01) 310,881 0 Switzerland Various Recipients Actions credit line for the sdc office Gaza and west (7F- 388,350 0 04229.07) Switzerland UN-HABITAT Technical support to Gaza municipality for participatory 454,545 0 neighbourhood planning in Shajaaya (7F-09404.01) Switzerland UNDP Youth Employment Generation-Gaza (7F-09276.01) 471,698 0 Switzerland Various Recipients Additional credit HIMII - High Impact Micro-Infrastructure 505,051 0 Initiative (7F-09136.01) (through SDC/SHA)

Switzerland ERF (OCHA) OPT - ERF. (OCT 5001) 514,403 0 Switzerland OCHA Strengthening Humanitarian Coordination and Advocacy in the 518,135 0 occupied Palestinian territory (OCT 4756)

Switzerland Various Recipients Municipal Emergency Response – Gaza Strip (7F-09405.01) 555,556 0 (through SDC/SHA) Switzerland Various Recipients Additional credit Diakonia, support to International 576,520 0 Humanitarian Law Programme in the oPt (7F-08414.01)

Switzerland Various Recipients Add. Credit Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Core 606,061 0 funding (7F-02781.09) (through SDC/SHA) Switzerland NRC UDOC - Strenghening Gaza IDPs' participation in local 719,352 0 decision making

Switzerland Private (individuals & Safety and security services to Palestinian and international 768,890 0 organisations) NGOs in Gaza (7F-08948.02) Switzerland INSO Safety and security services to Pal and Int'l NGOs in Gaza 768,890 0

Switzerland NRC Humanitarian Support to Protect Palestinians in the West Bank 788,885 0 from Forcible Transfer Switzerland AMQF Enhancing Social Engagement and Accountability Through 791,152 0 Culture and the Arts (7F-08809.01.02) Switzerland Various Recipients Emergency Response to Gaza Municipalities (MDP II Window 1,013,171 0 5)

Switzerland IFRC ICRC Emergency Appeals 2015: Second Allocation (7F- 1,054,852 0 08393.29) Switzerland WFP to be allocated to specific projects 1,086,957 0 Switzerland CFTA CFTA Community empowerment in Gaza (7F-03095.07) 1,145,631 0

Switzerland Various Recipients Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics – core funding (7F- 1,215,805 0 02781.09) Switzerland UNRWA Long-term support to UNRWA reforms (7F-08831.02) [non- 1,266,464 0 SRP] Switzerland ARIJ Analyzing the environmental impact of the Separation Barrier 1,438,703 0 (7F-02782.07) Switzerland Various Recipients Support the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme 1,471,698 0 (GCMHP) (7F-02784.08) Switzerland GIZ Phasing-Out of the SDC/GIZ Co-Financing Project – Centers of 1,580,611 0 Competence (7F-08032.02) Switzerland ICRC Emergency Appeals 2015: First Allocation (7F-08393.23) 3,039,514 0

Switzerland OXFAM Improved Access to Markets for Female and Male Fresh Fruit 3,521,853 0 and Vegetable Small Scale Producers in the West Bank (7F- 08306.02) Turkey UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance (Purchase of damaged flour) 19,361 0

Turkey UNRWA in kind - Wheat Flour of 15,000 MT 4,086,000 0

UNICEF National Committee/ UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 19,577 0 Australia UNICEF National Committee/ UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 10,048 0 Canada UNICEF National Committee/ UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 25,064 0 Denmark UNICEF National Committee/France UNICEF Child Protection Mechanisms in Gaza (Family Centres and 125,027 0 Child Protection Networks) UNICEF National Committee/France UNICEF Informing humanitarian programmatic and advocacy response 200,000 0 through documentation of grave violations against children affected by armed conflict UNICEF National Committee/Hong UNICEF Thematic 9- Humanitarian Emergency - Occupied Palestinian 27,851 0 Kong Territory UNICEF National Committee/Italy UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 123,855 0

UNICEF National Committee/Italy UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 309,789 0

UNICEF National Committee/Japan UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 337,268 0

UNICEF National Committee/ UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 39,869 0 Luxembourg UNICEF National Committee/Spain UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 18,871 0

UNICEF National Committee/Spain UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 34,014 0

UNICEF National Committee/United UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 65,380 0 Kingdom UNICEF National Committee/United UNICEF Child Protection Mechanisms in Gaza (Family Centres and 156,740 0 Kingdom Child Protection Networks) United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC in kind - Provision 4000 blankets to 20,000 people of 272,257 0 Palestinians refugees. Relief items were purchased from the local markets of , and Convoy (13) trucks entered through the Rafah border into Gaza (GAZ-2015-002)

United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC in kind - Provision 1000 pieces of heating devices to 20,000 272,257 0 people of Palestinians refugees. Relief items were purchased from the local markets of Egypt, and Convoy (13) trucks entered through the Rafah border into Gaza (GAZ-2015-003)

United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates RC in kind - Provision 4000 of food parcels to 20,000 people of 408,386 0 Palestinians refugees. Relief items were purchased from the local markets of Egypt, and Convoy (13) trucks entered through the Rafah border into Gaza (GAZ-2015-001)

United Kingdom WFP to be allocated to specific projects 2,311,248 0 United Kingdom NRC Legal aid programmes 2,958,580 0

United Kingdom UNRWA Emergency Cash for Work in Gaza 3,081,664 0

United States of America UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects (total funding of $57 million - 0 0 fully allocated) United States of America UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects (total funding of $38 million - 0 0 fully allocated) United States of America UNRWA Emergency Environmental Health Programme (Gaza) 4,518 0

United States of America UNRWA to be allocated to specific projects 17,483 0 United States of America UNRWA Protection of Palestine Refugees Affected by the Occupation 32,749 0 and Forced Displacement in the West Bank

United States of America UNRWA Gaza Summer fun weeks 44,805 0

United States of America UNRWA Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Project 71,040 0

United States of America UNRWA Emergency Health Program in Gaza 160,600 0

United States of America UNRWA Community Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Project - 213,703 0 West Bank

United States of America UNRWA Mobile Health Clinics for vulnerable and isolated populations of 330,558 0 the West Bank lacking access to primary health care

United States of America UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 510,276 0 Coordination Capacity - West Bank United States of America UNRWA Mobile Health Clinics for vulnerable and isolated populations of 517,461 0 the West Bank lacking access to primary health care

United States of America UNICEF Support water service providers to prevent and respond to 597,780 0 winter flooding risks in Gaza United States of America UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 635,370 0 Coordination Capacity - West Bank United States of America UNRWA Emergency Education for Palestine refugees in Gaza / 716,469 0 Summer Learning Programme (SLP) United States of America UNRWA Emergency Operations Support Officer Programme (West 802,864 0 Bank) United States of America UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 857,647 0 Coordination Capacity - HQ United States of America UNRWA Emergency Health Program in Gaza 862,059 0 United States of America UNRWA Building Safety - Mainstreaming GBV Interventions into 972,943 0 Emergency Preparedness, Prevention and Response (USAID/ PRM) United States of America UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 1,183,787 0 Coordination Capacity - Gaza United States of America UNRWA Emergency Cash for Work in Gaza 1,588,359 0

United States of America UNRWA Emergency Education for Palestine refugees in Gaza / 1,660,134 0 Summer Learning Programme (SLP) United States of America UNRWA Emergency Operations Support Officer Programme (West 1,665,240 0 Bank)

United States of America UNRWA Operations Support Officer Programme in Gaza 2,050,618 0 United States of America UNRWA Community Mental Health Programme in Gaza 2,054,464 0 United States of America UNRWA Gaza Summer fun weeks (non-SRP) 2,495,234 0

United States of America UNICEF Providing safe water and sanitation to vulnerable communities 3,121,740 0 in the Access Restricted / Border Area (AR/BA) of Gaza Strip

United States of America UNRWA Supporting food insecure refugees in the West Bank through 3,240,095 0 the provision of electronic food vouchers

United States of America UNICEF Humanitarian response to address the basic WASH needs of 3,785,940 0 affected communities in Gaza United States of America UNRWA Supporting food insecure refugees in the West Bank through 4,451,251 0 the provision of electronic food vouchers United States of America UNRWA Emergency Cash for Work in Gaza 4,670,692 0 United States of America UNRWA Providing emergency Cash-for-Work opportunities to enable 5,136,289 0 food insecure refugee households in camps to meet their basic needs United States of America WFP to be allocated to specific projects 6,425,251 0 United States of America UNRWA Providing emergency Cash-for-Work opportunities to enable 6,677,902 0 food insecure refugee households in camps to meet their basic needs - West Bank

United States of America WFP to be allocated to specific projects 7,500,000 0 United States of America UNRWA Emergency Management, Safety and Security, and 8,545,892 0 Coordination Capacity - Gaza United States of America UNDP Rubble and Debris Removal following the Protective Edge 10,000,000 0 Operation in the Gaza Strip -2014

United States of America WFP to be allocated to specific projects 13,000,000 0 United States of America UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza 17,993,383 0 United States of America UNRWA Contribution to the UNRWA General Fund (USAID/PRM) 20,000,000 0

United States of America UNRWA Emergency Food Assistance Gaza 25,809,058 0 United States of America UNRWA Contribution to 2015 General Fund (USAID/PRM) 60,000,000 0 UNRWA Spanish Committee UNRWA 2015 Emergency Appeal in Gaza: Rental Subsidies 89,191 0

US Fund for UNICEF UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 9,628 0 US Fund for UNICEF UNICEF to be allocated to specific projects 410,457 0 Various Donors (details not yet UNRWA in kind - Medical Supplies (Sundry Donors) 4,302 0 provided)

Various Donors (details not yet WFP to be allocated to specific projects (Miscellaneous Income) 14,137 0 provided) Various Donors (details not yet UNRWA Explosive Remnants of War / Unexploded Ordnance 32,905 0 provided) Awareness, Gaza (through Italian National Committee)

Various Donors (details not yet NRC UDOC Gap filling 50,949 0 provided)

Various Donors (details not yet UNRWA Emergency Health Program in Gaza (Lavelle Fund (thru 100,003 0 Variousprovided) Donors (details not yet UNRWA EmergencyAmerican Friends Food Assistanceof UNRWA)) Gaza (through Islamic Relief 598,390 0

Variousprovided) Donors (details not yet WFP toUSA) be allocated to specific projects (Stock transfer) 7,312,785 0 provided)

Grand Total: USD 610,754,673 3,020,135

CAP: The consolidated appeals process (CAP) is the precursor to the current humanitarian programming cycle (HPC).

Carry-over: Previous year's carry-over stocks (i.e. stocks physically in-country at 31 December) and carry-over contributions (i.e. funds committed by the donor at 31 December), not spent or used in the previous year, and now to be applied to projects in the current year.

Commitment: Creation of a contractual obligation regarding funding between the donor and appealing agency. Almost always takes the form of a signed contract. This is the crucial stage of humanitarian funding: agencies cannot spend money and implement before a funding commitment is made; once it is made, they can begin spending against it, using cash reserves.

Consolidated appeals: A precursor to the current humanitarian response plans (HRPs).

Contribution: The payment or transfer of funds or in-kind goods from the donor towards the appealing agency, resulting from a commitment.

Flash appeal: An inter-agency humanitarian response strategy to a major disaster that requires a coordinated response beyond the capacity of the government or any single agency. The appeal addresses acute needs for a common planning horizon, normally up to six months.

Funding: Contributions, commitments and carry-over.

Humanitarian response plans (HRPs): Inter-agency response plans for humanitarian crises requiring the support of more than one agency and prepared by humanitarian country teams (HCTs) based on a humanitarian needs overview (HNO).

Outstanding pledges: Pledges are a non-binding announcement of an intended contribution or allocation by the donor. The recipient organization and response plan or project are not necessarily specified. As soon as a commitment is reported to FTS against a pledge, the amount in the pledge column is reduced accordingly. FTS tables therefore show the 'outstanding' (not 'total') pledge amount. Pledges might or might not include verbal pledges of financial support made at pledging conferences.

Overlap: On occasion there can be a slight overlap between the needs and requirements stated in a country's HRP and its chapter in an RRP. Where this is the case, we create a separate heading in our tables and adjust the global total accordingly to avoid double-counting.

Regional response plans (RRPs): An inter-agency response plan, coordinated by UNHCR.