Reading Packs Booklet 2016
PICTURE BOOKS - (Nursery / Infant) Reading Pack Booklet AHLBERG, Allan Mrs Plug the Plumber Miss Dirt the Dustman’s Daughter Miss Dose the Doctor’s Daughter Master Salt the Sailor’s Son Mrs Vole the Vet Starting School Funny Bones Tell us a story The Man who wore all his clothes AHLBERG, Janet & Allan Each Peach, Pear Plum Cops & Robbers ALBOROUGH, Jez Where’s My Teddy? ALLAN, Nicholas The Queen’s knickers ALLEN, Jonathan Two by Two by Two ALLEN, Pamela Who Sank the Boat? Bertie and the Bear Mr McGee Goes to Sea Mr Archimedes’ Bath AMERY, Heather Goldilocks and the Three Bears The Story of Rumpelstiltskin Cinderella Three Little Pigs ANDERSON, Hans Christian The Emperor’s New Clothes ANDREAE, Giles Rumble In The Jungle Mad about Minibeasts Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs - The Magic Cutlass Redbridge Schools’ Library Service Commotion in the Ocean ANHOLT, Laurence Stone Girl Bone Girl ARMITAGE, Ronda & David The Lighthouse Keeper’s For more informaon call 020 8708 2423/4 Catastrophe The Lighthouse Keeper’s Rescue The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch The Lighthouse Keeper’s Cat The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic ASHLEY, Bernard A Present for Paul BAKER, Jeannie Belonging BROWNE, Anthony (cont) A Walk in the Park Window The Tunnel BAKER-SMITH, Grahame Farther BUCKLEY, Helen Grandmother and I BARNETT, Mac Sam & Dave dig a hole BURNINGHAM, John Avocado Baby BARTRAM, Simon Dougal’s Deep-Sea Diary Come away from the water, Shirley Man on the Moon( a day in the life John Patrick Norman McHennessy, the Of
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