M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt. Limited M.I.G. 155, APHB, Baba Metta Vizianagaram, Andhra Pradesh Pin code‐535 002 Phone :+91 9391771194 E‐mail: [email protected] SUBMITTED TO MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FORESTS AND CLIMATE CHANGE GOVERNMENT OF INDIRA PARYAVARAN BHAWAN, JOR BAGH ROAD, NEW DELHI M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt. Ltd.,

Pre – Feasibility Report

M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt.Ltd., Sy. No. 45/1 to 45/54 and 46/1 to 46/22 Kovvada Agraharam Village, Mandal , Andhra Pradesh

1. Executive Summary M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt. Ltd., proposed to establish its Bulk Drug & Intermediates Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 45/1, to 45/54 and 46/1 to 46/22, Kovvada Agraharam Village, Puspatirega Mandal, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh. The total area acquired is 17.67 acres.

The site is having a longitude 83034’50.04”E and latitude 18006’23.60”N The site is surrounded by open lands in all directions except East, open lad followed by road connecting Chinthapalli village to NH5, at a distance of 0.2 Kms. There are three reserve forests in the study area; Konada RF at a distance of 7.8 km in south direction, Kumili RF at a distance of 1.6 km in north-west direction, Amarsingi RF at a distance of 7.6 km in west direction.

The nearest human settlement from the site is Kovvada Agraharam Village located at distance of 1.4 km from the site in the South-west direction. There are no ecologically sensitive areas like national parks, sanctuaries within 10 km radius of the site.

2. Introduction of the Project

2.1 Identification of Project and Project Proponent: The objective of this pre-feasibility study is to provide information for proposed project of Bulk Drug and Intermediates Manufacturing with Production Capacity of 135.3 TPM at Sy. No. 45/1, to 45/54 and 46/1 to 46/22, Kovvada Agraharam Village, Puspatirega Mandal, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh. The proposed project entails a capital cost of Rs. 25 crores towards establishment of production block, utilities and zero liquid discharge facility. The total area acquired is 17.67 acres.

2.1 Brief Description of Nature of the Project: The synthetic organic chemicals manufacturing will involve series of chemical reactions to get the final Product. The products of reaction are purified, filtered and dried before packing the final product. The Chemical reactions require various supporting services like Heating, Cooling and Agitation etc.

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M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt. Ltd.,

2.2 Need for the project and its importance to the country and or region: World population is growing at an alarming rate. In the Indian sub continent population growth is more than that of developed countries. To meet the needs and comforts of ever-growing population industrialization became inevitable. For the growing population the needs of health care substitutes are also increasing.

2.3 Demands-Supply Gap: The project is envisaged to meet the demand supply gap in both domestic market and export market, as API demand is increasing day by day.

2.4 Imports Vs. Indigenous Production: The project shall meet the reduce imports in some of the intermediate products and also enhance the foreign exchange reserves in view of the proposed exports of few products.

2.5 Domestic/export Markets: The products shall cater to both domestic and export markets.

2.6 Employment Generation (Direct and Indirect) due to the project: The present project for manufacturing of Bulk Drugs & Intermediates requires substantial handling of raw materials, goods in process and finished goods. It is expected that the following employment will be generated by the project:

3. Project Description

3.1 Type of Project including interlinked and interdependent projects, if any: M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt. Ltd., proposed to expand its Bulk Drug & Intermediates Manufacturing Unit in an area of 17.67 Acres at Sy. No. 45/1, to 45/54 and 46/1 to 46/22, Kovvada Agraharam Village, Puspatirega Mandal, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh..

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3.2 Size or magnitude of operation: The proposed products are manufactured in phase manner is presents in the Table given below.

Table A-1 Manufacturing Capacity S.No Name of the Product Capacity Kg/day TPM I. Bulk Drugs 1 Losartan Potassium 200 6.0 2 Pregablin 250 7.5 3 Flucanozole 100 3.0 4 Ketorolac 200 6.0 5 Ondansetron 50 1.5 6 Atrovastatin Calcium 100 3.0 7 Olanzapine 70 2.1 8 Linezolide 60 1.8 9 Sumatriptan 100 3.0 10 Quetiamine Fumerate 100 3.0 11 Dronedrone HCl 30 0.9 Total - I (Worst case 6 Products on campaign basis) 950 28.5 II. Drug Intermediates 12 Cis Lactum 200 6.0 13 Pramipexole HCl 60 1.8 Total - II 260 7.8 III. Fine Chemicals 14 Sodium Methoxide 3000 90 Total - III 3000 90 IV. Nano Carbons 16 Kantera 150 5 17 Graphene Oxide 150 5 Total - IV 300 9 Grand Total (I+II+III+IV) 4510 135.3

3.3 Process Description with process details (a schematic diagram/flow chart) Process description is as in the Form I Annexures.

3.4 Raw material required along with estimated quantity likely source, marketing area of final product/s, mode of transport of raw material and finished product.

All the raw materials required for manufacturing mostly available in India or from abroad. There are no banned chemicals or products which are proposed to be used.

It is proposed to enter into long term arrangements with some of the raw material suppliers both in India and overseas to avoid shortages at any time.

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3.5 Availability of water its source, energy/power requirement and source should be given Water is required for process, scrubbers, washing, cooling tower makeup, steam generation and domestic purposes. The required water shall be drawn from ground water sources in addition to reuse of treated wastewater. The total water requirement after expansion is of 428.9 KLD consisting of 248.9 KLD fresh water and 180 KLD of recycled water. Total water balance is presented in Table below.

Total Water Balance Purpose INPUT (KLD) OUTPUT (KLD) Fresh Water Recycled Water Loss Effluent Process 79.6 84.4 Washings 12 12 Scrubber 7 7 Boiler Feed 40 35 5 Cooling Tower 10 130 124 16 RO/DM Plant 10 10 Domestic 5 0.5 4.5 Gardening 5 5 Gross Total 168.6 130 164.5 138.9 Total 298.6 303.4

3.5.1 Electricity: The required energy shall be drawn from APCPDCL. DG set of 2 x 10000 KVA & 1 x 500 KVA is proposed.

3.6 Quantity of wastes to be generated (liquid and solid) and Scheme for their Management/disposal: The sources of effluent generation from the plant are from the process, Floor & reactor washings, Utilities, QC, R&D, Scrubber and plant domestic waste. The Effluent Treatment details and the Solid Waste Management details are listed in the below tables.

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Quantity of Effluent Generated and Mode of Treatment Description Quantity Mode of Treatment (KLD) HTDS Effluents (TDS & COD> 15000 mg/l) Process 84.4 Sent to Stripper followed by MEE and ATFD. Washings 12 Stripper Condensate sent to Cement Plants for Co- Scrubber Effluent 7 Incineration. RO/DM rejects 10 MEE and ATFD Condensate sent to Biological treatment plant followed by RO. RO rejects sent to MEE and permeate reused in cooling towers make- up. Total - I 113.4 LTDS Effluents (TDS & COD< 15000 mg/l) Boiler Blow downs 5 Sent to Biological Treatment System followed by Cooling Tower Blow downs 16 RO. Domestic 4.5 RO permeate reused for cooling tower makeup. RO rejects sent to MEE. Total - II 25.5 Grand Total (I+II) 138.9

Total Solid Waste Generated and Mode of Disposal S.No Description Units Quantity Mode of Disposal 1 Ash from Boiler TPD 22 Sold to Brick manufactures 2 Process Organic residue TPD 7.6 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries 3 Process Inorganic residue Kg/day 50.7 Sent to TSDF 3 Solvent Residue TPD 4.1 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries 4 Stripper Distillate KLD 2 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries 5 Spent Carbon Kg/day 134.5 Sent to TSDF/Cement Industries 6 Mixed Solvents TPD 10 Sent to authorized recovery units/Cement plants for co- incineration 7 Spent Solvents TPD 90 Recovered within the plant premises. 8 Evaporation Salts TPD 2.8 Sent to TSDF 9 ETP Sludge Kg/day 250 Sent to TSDF 10 Detoxified containers No.s/year 600 After detoxification sent to Authorized agencies 11 Waste Oil Kl/Month 0.2 Sent to Authorized Recyclers 12 Used batteries No.s/year 30 Sent to Authorized Recyclers

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4. Site Analysis

4.1 Plant Location M/s. SVL Life Science Pvt. Ltd., proposed to expand its Bulk Drug & Intermediates Manufacturing Unit at Sy. No. 45/1, to 45/54 and 46/1 to 46/22, Kovvada Agraharam Village, Puspatirega Mandal, Vizianagaram District, Andhra Pradesh. The total area acquired is 17.67 acres.

The site is having a longitude 83034’50.04”E and latitude 18006’23.60”N. There are three reserve forests in the study area; Konada RF at a distance of 7.8 km in south direction, Kumili RF at a distance of 1.6 km in north-west direction, Amarsingi RF at a distance of 7.6 km in west direction.

The nearest human settlement from the site is Kovvada Agraharam Village located at distance of 1.4 km from the site in the South-west direction. There are no ecologically sensitive areas like national parks, sanctuaries within 10 km radius of the site.

5. Planning Brief: The project is envisages to be completed in Phase wise as it involves installation of higher capacity processing equipment’s besides improving of yield and the production shall be initiated thereon. Consultants are identified for preparing the detailed project report.

6. Proposed Infrastructure: 6.1 Power Requirement and Supply/Source The required energy shall be drawn from APCPDCL. The power shall be drawn from proposed DG sets during load shut downs. DG sets of 750 KVA & 380 KVA is proposed. It is proposed to establish 6 TPH coal/husk fired boiler to meet the steam requirement both for process and ZLD system.

6.2 Utilities List of Utilities S.No Utility Proposed 1 Coal Fired Boilers (TPH) 1 x 10 1 x 6* 2 DG Sets (KVA)# 2 x1000 1 x 500 * DG set will be used during load shut down. #Standby

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Equipments The basic technology involved in the manufacturing of Bulk drugs is the process Kettles, Heat Exchangers, Centrifuges, and Storage Tanks. To support the process equipment Boilers, Chilling plants, Cooling Towers Etc. are required. All the above equipment can be sourced indigenously and the lead time to supply the equipment will not exceed 20 weeks.

6.3 Waste management Liquid Effluents The main sources of effluent generation from the plant are process, washings, Scrubber, blow downs from utilities like cooling tower, boiler & domestic effluents. The process effluents are segregated on the basis on TDS and COD loads and treated in Effluent treatment system. The effluent generated from the domestic sent to biological treatment plant along with LTDS effluents. Treated effluent reused for cooling towers make-up.

Air Pollution The sources of air pollution from the plant are from utilities existing and proposed. The emissions from the boilers are passed through bag filters before releasing into atmosphere through a chimney. Coal Ash will be collected in ash silo to dispose in closed condition. The stack heights are provided as per the guidelines of CPCB for effective stack heights.

Solid waste Solid wastes are generated from the process, solvent distillation, collection/neutralization tank, waste oil from DG sets, used batteries from DG sets. The ash from boiler is sold to brick manufacturers. The solid wastes; evaporation salts, wastes from the process in inorganic form i.e., process salts and filtration aids shall be disposed to the TSDF, while the hazardous wastes of organic nature i.e., distillation residues shall be disposed to authorized cement units and other wastes like used oil and used batteries shall be sent to authorized recyclers. The other solid wastes expected from the unit are containers, empty drums which will be used for packing product, and or returned to the product seller or sold to authorized buyers after detoxification, while the sludge from treatment plant shall be sent to TSDF.

7. Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Plan Not applicable as the land area is already acquired.

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8. Project Schedule & Cost Estimates

8.1 Likely date of start of construction and likely date of completion (Time schedule for the project to be given) Within three months as it involves installation of higher capacity processing equipment’s besides improving of yield and the production shall be initiated there upon.

8.2 Estimated project cost along with analysis in terms of economic viability of the project The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 45 crores

Project Cost Rs. In Crores Plant& machinery 12.0 Civil buildings 3.0 Structures 2.0 Total 17 Pipe lines & insulation 20% on plant & machinery 2.6 Electricals & instrumentation 10% on plant & machinery 1.3 Erection & commissioning & painting 8% on plant & machinery 1.1 and structures Land & development 0.5 Material handling equipment charges 0.3 Laboratory equipment 1.0 Safety eqpt 0.4 Furniture, fixtures, computers, lighting 0.4 etc Total 7.6 Contingencies & pre-operative expenses 5% on the above 0.3 Project Cost 25.0

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