Toronto, urban design associates january 2006 etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario , and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Block Plan and Design Guidelines andDesignGuidelines Plan Block West DonLands PROJECT MANAGEMENT TEAM COORDINATOR Corporation Revitalization Toronto Waterfront Corporation Revitalization unrFeshrAciet,Inc. Turner Architects, Fleischer Urban DesignAssociates ra taeis Inc. Urban Strategies, CONSULTANT TEAM o ok,Architect Joe Lobko, PREPARED FOR FUNDED BY urban design associates design urban acknowledgements

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Table ofContents Mill Street NeighbourhoodMill Street Don RiverPark Neighbourhood NeighbourhoodRiver Square PRECINCT PLANNEIGHBOURHOODS Parking andService Building HeightsandStepbacks andBuildingLocations Required OpenSpace Building EnvelopesandFrontages OpenSpace andPublicly-Accessible Public andBlocks Streets The Precinct Plan THE WEST DONLANDS PRECINCT PLANDEFINITIONS ORGANIZATION OF THE DOCUMENT PURPOSE OF THE BLOCK PLAN AND DESIGN GUIDELINES SUMMARY: DEVELOPMENT YIELDS DEVELOPMENT BLOCKS Affordable RentalHousing Towers Buildings Apartment Large Buildings Apartment Small Townhouses BUILDING TYPES Front Neighbourhood Street 34 urban design associates design urban 31 5 6 30 12 4 35 24 32 33 36 26 14 11 20 9 3 63 2 13 7 10 1 table of contents

© 2006 urban design associates Purpose of the Block Plan oftheBlock Purpose etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west December 2004) varied astheneighbourhoodssurrounding it.(Imagefrom West DonLandsPrecinct Plan, THE WEST DONLANDSPRECINCTPLAN and DesignGuidelines The West DonLandswillbecomeadistrict as 3 2 1 is: Guidelines andDesign Plan oftheBlock Thepurpose PrecinctLands Plan. createdtern ofstreetsblocks inthe anddevelopment West Don ment toprovide more detailedresolution totherecommended pat- docu- andDesignGuidelines hasprepared Plan aBlock (TWRC) corporationthe toronto waterfront revitalization proposals. Panel development forevaluating the DesignReview ascriteria of Thisdocumentwillalsobeused by and theCity TWRC Toronto. andtheirdesigners intheirsubmissionstothe guide developers oftheProposal beapart Itwill inorderto Call West Don Lands. documentationforplanning approvalsused assupporting forthe andDesignGuidelines. Plan are definingthepublicrights-of-way illustratedintheBlock facades andcharacter ofthebuildings’ andscale ofuses, thedistribution ing, ofheightandmass- thegeneralprinciples Specifically, public realm. withtheroleconcerned buildingsplayincreating andanimating the of thePrecinct itself. Plan degree ofdesignlatitudewithoutcompromising intent theoverall To provide guidelinesforimplementationthatassure ahigh builtproduct; in thepublicprocess andtheeventual To themasterplanningideasenvisioned thegapbetween bridge andcurrent information conditions; new visionforthe the overall West inaccordancewith DonLands andtorefine of2005), Councilin the Spring (endorsed byCity To upholdthetenetsof West Precinct DonLands Plan hsdcmn ilhv eea ssadadecs Itwillbe usesandaudiences. This documentwillhaveseveral documentisprimarily andDesignGuidelines Plan The Block urban design associates design urban Create bothactive andnatural openspacealongthe Balance openspacefor thelocalcommunity, theCity, Create parksforandthe boththelocalcommunity Create multiplepointsofaccessbetween thecom- Re-vegetate theriver’s edgeaspartoftheDonRiver Design theflood-protectionlandform asanamenity FLOOD CONTROL MEASURES &OPENSPACE ofthestreetnetwork. thecapacity Preserve Develop Front entrancetothe Streetasaprimary Transform intoapedestrian-friendly Reduce relianceontheautomobileby providing Create astreetandblock pattern thatreflectsthe Create apedestrian-friendlystreetnetwork thatcon- STREETS FRAMEWORK & . and theRegion. City. andtheRiver’smunity edge. Park system, tothewaterfront. linkingtheCity options. to accommodateusableopenspaceandrecreation City, connectingitsmajorparks. West DonLandsasitisalandmarkstreetinthe street. options. rangeoftransportation access toahigh-quality eccentricities ofsurrounding neighbourhoods. communities. nects the West DonLandswiththeadjacent ups ftebokpa n eingieie 1 anddesign guidelines plan of theblock purpose PRECINCT PLANDESIGNPRINCIPLES * These designprincipleswere developed inapublic Provide facilities appropriatecommunity inaccessible Provide thatareflexible buildingtypes andcan Limit auto-orientedlandusestositeswithhigh Provide amixoflandusesappropriatefor anurban LAND USE to createa andstyles Use avarietyofbuildingtypes Respect ofthearea;however, theheritage createa resourceswhereverRetain heritage possible. arangeofarchitecturalEstablish guidelines(massing, CHARACTER &IMAGE OF THE COMMUNITY and regulations contained inthisdocument and regulationscontained Council. They arethe foundation oftheguidelines Board andCity process endorsedby the TWRC locations relatedtoopenspace. market demands. accommodate arangeoflandusesdependingon minimized. access and/ortolocationswheretheimpactsare employment andpublicuses. neighbourhood which and include residential,retail, varied, eclectic,organic,andcreative community. not historicalreplicas. buildings, withcontemporary “living” community scales andcharacters ofsurrounding communities. materials, andproportion)thatreflecttherangeof

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Organization ofthe Organization Document Precinct inanillustrativemanner. forthe yields development Thefinalsectionsummarizes adhere. West andtherequirements DonLands must towhichalldevelopers withinthe blocks theexpectedbuild-outofalldevelopment detail, in describes, sectionofthereport Thefifth the West DonLands. tobebuiltin therangeofbuilding types section describes The fourth neighbourhoodsandaddresses withinthePlan. detail theprimary in describes Thethirdsectionofthereport Precinct-wide maps. of through development The West Precinct DonLands Plan, ment, therelationship toitsparent ofthisreport section describes docu- Thesecond as itsorganization. aswell ofthereport purpose overall the Thefirstsectiondescribes isintendedto bebuilt-out. Lands of thisdocumentassures fullunderstandingofhow the West Don Athorough reading ofthe to specificdescriptions West DonLands. Thesixsectionsprogress from general intosixsections. are organized the west don lands block plan don block lands the west and DesignGuidelines urban design associates design urban 1 5 3 Purpose, organization,anddefinitions Block descriptions Precinct neighbourhoods Purpose of the Block Plan oftheBlock Purpose

December 2004) varied astheneighbourhoodssurrounding it.(Imagefrom West DonLandsPrecinct Plan, etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west THE WEST DONLANDSPRECINCTPLAN employment andresidentialuses,provides avisualgateway intoDowntown Toronto. RIVER SQUARE NEIGHBOURHOOD etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west later additionswillberemoved. thoughthe portion ofthebuildingwillbepreserved, gateway intotheheartof West DonLands. The front at thecornerofFront Streetsandactsasa andCherry be developed aslive/work. Restaurantstands The Canary grade-related units. The buildingsfacing MillStreetwill Local Street A willbelinedwithresidencesthatare core for thePrecinct. The block's interiorcourtyard and amixed-useon thegroundfloorinordertoestablish Front Streetswillbelinedwithactive uses andCherry FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES | january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west Block 10 Block Cherry RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE LIVE/WORK FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary and DesignGuidelines

Front Street Neighbourhood

Mill Street

The River SquareNeighbourhoodbalances Local Street A Street Local The West DonLandswillbecomeadistrictas River Square River Square

above-grade parkingsolutions. block eitheratgrade,oratopaparkingstructure for feel ofthestreet. A courtyard willbedeveloped mid- setbacka 0.00m themoreindustrial aswell topreserve Precinct's buildings.MillStreethas functioningheritage Restaurant, oneofthe oftheCanary preservation ,however, setback hasa0.00m duetothe setbacks3.00m andLocal exist Street onCherry A. SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Cherry Street Cherry COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary 3m

Front Street 10 3m 3m 3m 3m Panel as criteria for evaluating development proposals. Panel development forevaluating ascriteria ThedocumentwillalsobeusedbytheDesignReview TWRC. andtheirdesignersinsubmissions tothe guide developers oftheProposal beapart Itwill inorderto Call West DonLands. documentationforplanningapprovalsused assupporting forthe andDesignGuidelines. Plan are definingthepublicrights-of-way illustratedintheBlock facades andcharacterofthebuildings’ and scale ofuses, thedistribution ing, ofheightandmass- the generalprinciples Specifically, public realm. withtheroleconcerned buildingsplayincreating andanimatingthe 3 2 1 is: Plan oftheBlock Thepurpose PrecinctLands Plan. createdtern ofstreets blocks inthe anddevelopment West Don ment toprovide more detailedresolution totherecommended pat- docu- andDesignGuidelines hasprepared Plan aBlock (TWRC) corporationthe toronto waterfront revitalization modifications tothePrecinctmodifications Plan. employment opportunities. alongwithothercompatible retailing isenvisionedinthisarea, andshowroom production, distribution, Activities assmall-scale such EasternAvenueOld wouldhouseemployment andproduction uses. creating anintimatespaceadjacenttothemainpark. River Square, River Park andRiverSquare. iconic residential tower atthejunctionofDon wouldbelocated Asingle todowntown creating adramaticentry Toronto. ramps, of thebuildingswouldextendsouthRichmond-Adelaide shape Thecurved buildings toformtheedgeofDonRiverPark. ThePrecinct recommended asetofsinuousapartment Plan ramps. connections thatdownplay thepresence oftheRichmond-Adelaide Corktown byextendingitintothe West andtoprovide DonLands intentistostrengthen neighbourhoodwhoseprimary eclectic 2 1 the precinct plan

Mill Street

of thePrecinct itself. Plan degree ofdesignlatitudewithoutcompromising intent theoverall To provide guidelinesfor implementationthatprovide forahigh builtproduct; in thepublicprocess andtheeventual To themasterplanning ideas envisioned thegapbetween bridge andcurrentinformation conditions; visionforthe overall West inaccordance tonew DonLands 2005)andtorefine the CouncilinSpring (endorsed byCity To upholdthetenetsof West Precinct DonLands Plan hsdcmn ilhv eea ssadadecs Itwillbe usesandaudiences. This documentwillhaveseveral documentisprimarily andDesignGuidelines Plan The Block between theresidential neighbourhoodandDonRiverPark. thereby creating connections Street, Lawrence toSt. back access tothebuildingsfronting ontoDonRiverPark andtolink River Park toprovide laneway wasrealignedprivate asanew totheDon Street Lawrence The east/weststreet connectingSt. not feasibleandtherefore square formatsare block now proposed. lineandrenderedopment setback thePrecinct configuration Plan The floodprotection landformrequires ofthedevel- modification Additional studyandenvironmentalhaveprompted constraints The Precinct recommended southto extendingRiverStreet Plan Local Street A Street Local 3m

the intimate,neighbourhoodstreets. after thefourth asmallerscalealong floortomaintain Local Street A willbe5storeys inheightwithastepback storeys inheightwithastepback after the5thfloor. after the6thfloor. BuildingsonMillStreetwillbe6 Streetwillbe8storeysCherry inheightwithastepback with arequiredstepback after the8thfloor. Buildingson Buildings alongFront Streetwillbe10 storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Cherry Street Cherry aldfrteceto fRvrSur,an forthecreation ofRiverSquare, called 10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary

Front Street 6 8+P 5 8 10+P urban design associates urban design associates urban design associates 6+P 5+P Mill Street

4 Local Street A Street Local 5 5

Canary Restaurant Canary and grade-relatedcourtyards. below-grade parkingsolutionsfor development density solution isillustrated,developers areencouragetoutilize on allsidesby buildings. Though anabove-grade parking Local Street A. Parking willoccurmid-block, concealed ways Access PARKINGSERVICING AND Cherry Street Cherry ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary Create bothactive andnatural openspacealongthe Balance openspacefor thelocalcommunity, theCity, Create parksforandthe boththelocalcommunity Create multiplepointsofaccessbetween thecom- The river’s edgeshouldbere-vegetatedaspartofthe Design theflood-protectionlandformit asanamenity; FLOOD CONTROL MEASURES &OPENSPACE ofthestreetnetwork. thecapacity Preserve Front entrancetothe Streetshouldbeaprimary Transform Eastern Avenue intoapedestrian-friendly Reduce relianceontheautomobileby providing Create astreetandblock pattern thatreflectsthe Create apedestrian-friendlystreetnetwork thatcon- STREETS FRAMEWORKS & Don River. and theRegion. City. andtheRiver’smunity edge. waterfront. Don River Park system,tothe linkingtheCity ational options. should accommodateusableopenspaceandrecre- City, connectingmajorparksacrosstheCity. West DonLandsasitisalandmarkstreetinthe street. options. rangeoftransportation access toahigh-quality eccentricities ofsurrounding neighbourhoods. communities. nects the West DonLandswiththeadjacent

Front Street will be located along Cherry Streetand will belocatedalongCherry

Queen Street LC P2 BLOCK

K in g S tr e e t

Mill Street Local Street A Street Local Richmond-Adelaide Ramps ups ftebokpa n eingieie 1 anddesign guidelines plan of theblock purpose


LC P3 BLOCK t Law St.

along MillStreet. access for residents.Largeapartmentbuildingswithloft-like spacesareplanned inordertoprovideapartment buildingsalongstreetsandcourtyards directoutdoor buildings lineLocal Street A. Ground-relatedunitsshouldbeimbeddedinthesmall Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Streetswhilesmallapartment andCherry OVERALL MASSING

re nce S nce

oa S 32,600 300 340 1)90GSMwas assumedasaresidentialunitsize 2,600 * 30,000 Approximate parkingspaces Approximate residentialunits Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 10 LC 19 BLOCK treet 3) 0.75parkingratiowas assumed 2) 34squaremetreswas assumedpercar

Old Eastern Avenue

LC 22 BLOCK Front Street Front * These planningprinciplesgrew outofthepublic Provide facilities appropriatecommunity inaccessible Provide thatareflexible buildingtypes andcan Limit auto-orientedlandusestositeswithhigh Provide amixoflandusesappropriatefor anurban LAND USE tocreatea andstyles Use avarietyofbuildingtypes Respect ofthearea;however, theheritage createa resourceswhereverRetain heritage possible. arangeofarchitecturalEstablish guidelines(massing, CHARACTER &IMAGE OF THE COMMUNITY regulations includedintheBlock Plans. principlesand input processandguidethedetailed locations relatedtoopenspace. market demands. accommodate arangeoflandusesdependingon minimized. access and/ortolocationswheretheimpactsare employment. neighbourhood which and includeresidential,retail, varied, eclectic,organic,andcreative community. not historicalreplicas. buildings, withcontemporary “living” community scales andcharacters ofsurrounding communities. materials, andproportion)thatreflecttherangeof ie qaenihorod11 squareriver neighbourhood

Complex Existing Foundry








Local Street A e

e t development blocks: LC 23 BLOCK

C 20 BLOCK he




e P ri

t v












block 10 block a











e Mill Street Mill 44

© 2006 urban design associates © 2006 urban design associates © 2006 urban design associates 2 6 4 raiaino h ouet2 organization of the document Precinct-wide maps Development Summary Building types SECTION asidentifiedintheGreen BuildingSpecs. criteria performance for theunitstoshare. containing amenities assemi-public openspace, tial unitsandserve toresiden- containentrances will courtyards Theseelevated parking. ofabove-grade inthecase gardenorterrace, topped witharooftop Townhouses parking infront structures ofmid-block maybelocated Zone. intheFront andbalconieslocated Facade bay windows, porches, Thestreet shouldbeanimatedwithfront doors, or garden. patio, tobeusedasalawn, Zone have atwo-tothree-metre Setback Townhouses will townhouse unitshouldhaveanentranceatgrade. Each assembled inrows soastocreate acontinuousstreet wall. Theyare tobe to 8metres wideanduptofourstoreys inheight. found insomeof Toronto’s Townhouses are 6 bestneighbourhoods. of Corktown intothearea housingas andtoprovide family-oriented Townhouses inthe Precinct are located inordertoextendthescale Townhouses | january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west the city. position the West asaproductive mixeduseprecinct DonLands in will businessesandcreativity ofspaceforentrepreneurs, A variety Employment 8 The West beaglobalmodelofsustainability will DonLands SustainableDesign 7 precinct andsurrounding neighbourhoods. the smallerparks andtrailswillserve several The DonRiverPark, Parks and Trails 6 theneedsoffamiliesandchildren willsupport services These critical Library, School, DayCareandCommunityCenter 5 nect theprecinct totherest ofthecity. toenablecon- beextendedalongCherry linewill The KingStreet Transit 4 and amenities. The ground floorofbuildingsonmajorstreets willprovide services Shops,Restaurants, andEntertainment 3 segment. buildingswillappealtoabroad market ofunitsinelevator A variety Apartments andCondominiums 2 able rental housing. 20%asafford- An affordablemixofhousingforfamiliesincluding Family OrientedHousing 1 accommodated from youth tosenioryears. broad market segmentandenableresidents tobecomfortably suita will services ofhousingoptions andcommunity Avariety life. The West phasesof familiesinall isdesignedtonourish DonLands etdnlnsbokpas oot,otro|jnay20 | january 2006 | ontario toronto, plans: don block lands west | january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west The Precinct Plan NUMBER TOTAL BLOCK P3 P2 P1 23 22 21 20 16 15 14 13 12 19 18 17 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The rooftop gardens should be used to achieve thegreen gardensshouldbeusedtoachieve roof The rooftop Townhouse androoftop garden/terrace (ACRES) 38.60 AREA 0.61 0.75 2.36 0.46 0.46 2.05 0.62 2.35 4.20 0.21 0.35 1.84 1.98 1.50 1.58 1.86 1.87 1.92 1.81 1.73 1.37 1.68 0.74 2.01 1.18 1.11 Development Yields Development RESIDENTIAL 511,180 60,000 38,800 16,300 26,400 28,200 30,700 23,700 31,380 40,430 23,450 40,340 14,850 30,760 19,570 10,000 10,500 47,200 8,000 4,505 5,880 GSM 670 0 0 0 0 0 Rooftop garden/terrace COMMERCIAL 14,420 10,400 74,860 5,000 4,900 1,600 1,400 2,600 2,300 2,700 1,200 1,440 4,480 2,080 2,260 2,380 5,060 1,980 1,470 3,280 1,740 1,710 GSM 460 0 0 0 0 Summary: 586,040 65,000 12,900 40,400 31,380 26,050 26,860 42,420 30,460 33,080 33,060 16,830 24,420 20,770 50,480 42,170 25,170 10,400 11,900 18,010 TOTAL 2,700 4,050 5,880 1,440 4,480 5,730 GSM 0 RESIDENTIAL UNITS 5,490 500 430 120 350 450 260 290 450 240 270 340 660 160 260 180 210 110 50 60 90 10 0 0 0 0 0 PARKING SPACES 4,130 300 260 380 270 360 320 230 220 450 180 180 170 100 410 80 90 80 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Historic Toronto townhouses distinguishthemselves withindividualgables. The Precinct Plan Precinct Development Blocks

asn neoeMassingalternative Massing envelope

Parliam ent Street ent urban design associates

BLOCK 1 Trinity Street Trinity BLOCK P1 BLOCK 22 Eas urban design associates urban design associates te BLOCK 23 rn Ave


walls, bay windows, terraces, balconies,andseparateentries. townhouses in Contemporary Vancouver aredistinguishedby separation BLOCK P3

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry BLOCK 3 BLOCK 20 BLOCK 14 K in g S

BLOCK 18 Front Street tre

BLOCK 6 e t BLOCK 21

BLOCK 4 BLOCK 15 t Lawre St.

BLOCK 16 nce Street nce

Old Eastern Avenue BLOCK 17


Mill Street









e t BLOCK 11 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 13 BLOCK 8 portico andperhapsabay window orsubtlechange inplaneormaterial. English Terrace housingismoresubtle.Each househasitsown entrance Massing alternative BLOCK 9 the west don lands: the west development yields development the precinct plan building types: townhouses summary: 64 28 6

© 2006 urban design associates © 2006 urban design associates © 2006 urban design associates

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Precinct Plan Definitions ing urban form describ- many elements Lands asawhole. Lands build-out ofthe West Don elements usedtoregulate the designtermsand and theurban nitions setthedesignguidelines defi- Thesebrief entire Precinct. issues consistentthroughout the nitions cover comprehensive The following defi- prescribed. understand thatwhichisbeing all readers ofthisdocument have beencreated toensure that asetofdefinitions Precinct, throughout the development expectations for provide clear Inorderto Design Guidelines. and Plan throughout theBlock are used

Above-grade extensions fromthebuildingsuch as awnings, bay win- • The frontedge ofthe • Porches, arcades,andstoopsmustbelocated withinthe • The • SETBACK ZONE The • FRONT FACADE ZONE • UPPER STOREY STEPBACK Abuilding’s • FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Active Use • Above-grade buildingextensions such asbalconies,awnings, shading • • •A • Along Active Frontages, the • AlongResidential Frontages, the •

Setback Zone Upper StoreyStepbacks Upper StoreyStepbacks Frontages Zone dows, andbalconiesmay projectintothe Zone yard, garden,orpatio. line andthe Community Use. Community devices, andsignsmay extend beyond the extent ofthe buildingenvelope. in the buildings shall be sculpted.However, theydesign donotdictate height. the publicrealm. window anddooropenings. of the elementsofbuildingthat extend fromthefacade, andthescale the particularuseatgrade, heightofthefirstfloorrelative tograde, ties for additionaloutdoorspace. extension ofthepublicsidewalk tothebuildings,providing opportuni-


Setback Zone Front FacadeZone .

within which thefrontfacade ofthebuildingmustbelocated. Setback Zone urban design associates design urban

are definedas Active Use,Residential, Live/Work, or


is definedby several butnotlimitedto, elementsincluding,

Frontage Front FacadeZone . is thedimensionedareabetween thefrontproperty .

is themannerinwhich itmeets thegroundand Front FacadeZone include office, uses. commercial,and retail is thedimensionedareabehind

define basicrequirements for how selected create horizontalregulatinglines atadefined Setback Zone

; nobuildingsorporches may belocated Setback Zone

describes themaximum Setback Zone

should bedesignedasan Front FacadeZone should bedesignedasa


Front Facade Setback into the

• Mechanical enclosures,elevator access,andchimneys equipment, stair • Affordable housing unit • PARKINGSERVICING AND • COURTYARDS •A PENTHOUSE Ablended • Facades of • • • • Individualtownhouse unitsshouldopenontoall • Oneprivate laneway to • Above-ground • Below-grade •

Courtyards Courtyards Penthouses Upper StoreyStepbacks Servicing area order tomeet architectural treatment. are permitted toextend above the the overall floorbelow. assumed. developer, however, noaccess wall ofablock. The particularlocationisatthediscretionof dards contained intheGreenBuildingSpecifications. dards contained screened fromview. encouraged inthedevelopment ofallblocks. be 6.00 metresalongMillStreet. be 6.00 approach orstyle. the permitted space for residents. grade above undergroundparking(desiredcondition). Mill Street. such asKingStreet,Bayview Avenue, Front Street,orthenorthsideof


parking ratio parking structures should belandscapedtoprovide asemi-publicgathering must beprovided mid-block atopparking structures, orat-

should bedesignedinconjunctionwiththegreenroofstan- parking

is thetopfloorofabuildingwithGFA lessthan50%of


parking requirements should belocatedintheinterior ofblocks andshouldbe parking will likely berequiredfor specificblocks asnotedin

was studied butbelow-grade

parking andservicing for market-rate unitsof0.75carsperunitis parking ratio shall be 3.00 metresand shall be3.00 Tower Stepbacks shall floor zone. rcntpa eiiin 3 definitions precinct plan visible frompublicareasshould receive

ways may be be may ways penthouse . is 0.40carsperunit located onmainstreets, is permitted inthestreet

level, butmustbewithin

courtyards parking . is

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west The West DonLands the continuous urban fabric oftheCity. fabric the continuousurban inthe development West into fitcomfortably will DonLands ences, Byembracing thesemajorinflu- of thearchitecture andpublicspace. are extended intothePrecinct andinfluencetheformtypologies Theseadjacentneighbourhoodsandnatural areas and naturalareas. basedonthecharacterofadjacentneighbourhoods character areas, with loft style livingandlive/work opportunities. style with loft bedesigned buildingswill New West Street. along Mill Don Lands willextendeastintothe buildings, rehabilitated masonry andnew of collection rich a District, The uniquequalitiesofthe Distillery Mill StreetNeighbourhood influence. willalsobean andmews courts, townhouse streets, family-oriented nature ofCorktown Thedelicate of asaseries residential buildings. wallof DonRiverPark curving willbeedgedbyagraciously ings. in ten-storey residential build- services andcommunity restaurants, withground floorshops, ofthePrecinct, forming theheart Street, Front EastofCherry boulevard widenintoagracious will Street ParkDon River Neighbourhood residentialof mid-rise buildings. ontheDonRiverPark RiverSquare willbeagraciousaddress ings. street build- oftownhousesas afamily-oriented andsmallapartment willbeextendedsouth RiverStreet and facetheDonRivercorridor. residentialMid-rise buildingswillformthesouthsideofKingStreet SquareNeighbourhood River precinct plan don lands the west urban design associates design urban establishes fourmajor RIVER SQUARE NEIGHBOURHOOD andresidences. offices, restaurants, shops, core forminganurban with extended intothe West DonLands, nature ofFrontThe lively intheOld Street Town of York willbe Front Street Neighbourhood DON RIVERPARK NEIGHBOURHOOD River Street Front StreetEsplanade MILL STREET NEIGHBOURHOOD FRONT STREET NEIGHBOURHOOD h etdnlns4 don lands the west Mill Street Front Street

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west within theCity. Precinct mixed-use position the West asaproductive, DonLands will andcreativity businesses, ofspaceforentrepreneurs, A variety Employment 8 The West willbea globalmodelofsustainability. DonLands SustainableDesign 7 thePrecinct andsurrounding neighbourhoods. serve The DonRiverPark aswell se Parks and Trails 6 theneedsoffamiliesandchildren willsupport services These critical School, Day CareFacilities, andCommunityCentre 5 the Precinct totherest oftheCity. toconnect Street linewillbeextendedalongCherry The KingStreet Transit 4 and amenities. The ground floorofbuildingsonmajor streets willprovide services Shops,Restaurants, andEntertainment 3 segment. buildingswillappealtoa broad market ofunitsinelevator A variety Apartments andCondominiums 2 total unitsforaffordablerental housing. 20%ofthe An affordablemixofhousingforfamilieswillinclude Family-Oriented Housing 1 accommodated from youth tosenioryears. broad market segmentandenableresidents tobecomfortably willsuita services ofhousingoptionsandcommunity Avariety life. The West familiesinallphasesof isdesignedtonourish DonLands The Precinct Plan veral smallerparks andtrailswill

The Precinct Plan

Parliament Street Parliament Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue urban design associates

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street

Front Street St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street River Street River

Bayview Avenue Don River Park the west don lands: the west the precinct plan 5

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west public space. of diversity neighbourhoodwitharich create apedestrian-friendly andbuildingsformingtheperimeter.the block West withparking internalto arenorth/south DonLands oriented inthe mostblocks Consistent withthesurrounding neighbourhoods, defined inthePrecinct Neighbourhoods sectionofthisreport. Plan anddensitiesas ofdevelopment accommodate thetypes to flexibly withinthe pattern Westblock dimensioned iscarefully DonLands The spacedacross streets thePrecinct. arenorth/south regularly plete thepatternofstreets andblocks. streets tothePrecinct internal local com- Several West DonLands. Avenue andBayview intothe Trinity Street, RiverStreet, Mill Street, Street, Cherry from the extensionofFront isderived blocks Street, ofstreets framework and Theprimary surrounding neighbourhoods. aswellinterconnectedprecinct tothe thatiscohesiveinternally Thearrangementofthestreets creates andblocks a and blocks. The West streets ofcarefully-dimensioned iscomprised DonLands Streets andBlocks Streets This precinctandmany streets isdesignedwithsmallblocks to east/west streetsAll connecttoDonRiverPark and all

Streets andBlocks Parliament Street Parliament 2.01 acres BLOCK 1 1.68 acres BLOCK 2

0.35 acres BLOCK 6 Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue 1.37 acres BLOCK 3 2.36 acres BLOCK P1 urban design associates design urban 0.74 acres BLOCK 5 1.73 acres BLOCK 4

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street 0.21 acres BLOCK 7 1.58 acres BLOCK 14

Front Street 1.36 acres BLOCK P2

2.35 acres BLOCK 10 1.11 acres BLOCK 15 Street Lawrence St. 0.46 acres BLOCK 18 1.92 acres BLOCK 11 1.98 acres BLOCK 21 Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street

4.20 acres BLOCK 8 River Street River 2.05 acres BLOCK 17 2.84 acres BLOCK 22 1.87 acres BLOCK 12 2.12 acres BLOCK 16 0.46 acres BLOCK 19 1.86 acres BLOCK 13 1.18 acres BLOCK 20 1.81 acres* BLOCK 9 Bayview Avenue * Subjectto finalconfirmation onPlanofSubdivision and “Open Space10”* Calculated asboth “Development Block 9” Don River Park the west don lands: the west streets and blocks streets 6

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west withactivity. which enliventheboulevard andservices restaurants, andwillbelined withretail, signature addresses withinthePrecinct, Thisspace will beoneofthe ing street fairsandinformalgathering. with generous spacefor arangeofneighbourhoodactivitiesinclud- Front ofthecommunity willbetheheart Street the greater Precinct. This linearpromenade willconnecttheDonRiver Park into back OS 3:Front StreetEsplanade and thegreen neighbourhood park. willbeawonderful Residential entranceswillactivate thestreets surrounding it Park. this spacewilltakeadvantageofthegrandeuradjacent DonRiver bothintoandfrom Views andpassiverecreation. informal gathering more intimate spacefor ismeanttobeahighly-designed, Square River along theedgeofDonRiverPark, Connected tobuttucked Square OS 2:River publicspaceandregional destination. andwillactasaprimary areas, andadjacentnatural totheDonRivercorridor will connecttheCity Thisgrandspace trails andpathsthroughout. andbicycle pedestrian andincorporates neighbourhoods, passive andactiveusesforseveral resource Thispark willbeanimportant forboth the Park design. protectionforthePrecinct willbe anintegralcomponentof Flood Don RiverPark will bethesignature Precinct. spaceofthenew ParkOS 1:DonRiver processes. Plan Precinct andBlock Planning ofhow description theyare envisionedinthe spaces withashort Thefollowing isalistofthedifferent cific park designcommissions. asspe- developed Thesepublicopenspaceswillbefurther Precinct. arangeofusesthroughout the ofopenspacesupports A widevariety Open Space andP Public ublicly-Accessible

Public andPublicly-Accessible OpenSpace Parliament Street Parliament 0.9 acres OS 8

0.2 acres OS 7 Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue urban design associates

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street

Front Street

0.1 acres OS 5 St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. OS 3 1.2 acres OS 6 0.5 acres OS 9

Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street River Street River 0.9 acres OS 3 0.1 acres OS 4 public and publicly-accessible open space OS 3 0.5 acres OS 2 OS 1

Bayview 1.7 acres* OS 10 Avenue * Subjectto finalconfirmation onPlanofSubdivision and “Open Space10”* Calculated asboth “Development Block 9” 18.1 acres OS 1 the west don lands: the west OS 1 7

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west spaceisprominently Thishighly-visible and Trinity Streets. Eastern, at theintersectionofFront, will belocated plaza A triangular OS 7:Front Street Triangle theme. willhaveatransportation theplaza tion andtrolley loop, Combined withtheswitchingsta- should berelocated tothisspace. DonRiverStation Thehistoric transitloop andtransitstop. TTC Adjacent to thePassage witha isaplaza itself. within theDistillery Passage spaces will provide adirect linkagetotheintricate pedestrian The ofways. beprogrammed inavariety whichcan Mill Street andbuildingentrancessouthof ear spacewillconnecttocourtyards Thislin- destination. city-wide anew District, mixed-use Distillery Another strength ofthePrecinct totheredeveloping, isitsadjacency OS 6:DistilleryPassage area. residents nearby ofthe itwillbeapark meanttoserve a smallspace, As existingtrafficflow withthecomplicated inthisarea. interfering will alsoprovides linkage toEasternAvenue pedestrian without It necting totheCorktown of the Precinct. neighbourhoodnorth passagecon- Corktown willbeapedestrian Mews neighbourhoods. The Precinct isstrengthened byitsconnectionsto existingadjacent OS 5:CorktownMews and willprovide space fortheneighbourhood. asmallgathering suchasshopsorrestaurants, This spacewillbelinedwithactiveuses, the DominionFoundry alongFront Complextotheactivity Street. willconnecttheuniqueusesof space, orpedestrian Thismews, area. ofthe scattered throughout andintegratedintothedevelopment A uniqueaspectofthePrecinct buildings isthecollectionofheritage OS 4:DominionFoundry Mews Precinct. flowdesigned toencouragepedestrian from Corktown intothe Thespaceshouldbe visiblefrom manydirections. major work ofart, a tolocate willprovide location agreatThis gateway opportunity oftheadjacentstreets. andwillbeformed bythegeometries located yards associated with the school and community centre.yards associated withtheschoolandcommunity buildingfacilitiesbutalsoplay Thisarea willhousenotonly Precinct. adjacent toDonRiverPark havebeenplannedforthefuture ofthe centre of a schoolandcommunity landsforthedevelopment Public OS 10: School/Community CentreSite asacomponent ofthedesign. the displayofart for spacewillprovide Thisgateway aunique opportunity River Park. connectiontotheDon shouldbedesignedwithapedestrian triangle This intothePrecinct. aswellagateway as aDowntown gateway, Thisopenspacewillact spacewithintheCity. River isanimportant asthey cross Streets theDon The confluenceofKingandQueen OS 9:KingStreet Triangle Trinity adjacentresidential andthenew buildings. door spacerelated totheuniqueusesplannedforreuse of18 Bothspaceswillprovide out- important building atitseasternhead. ahandsomeheritage adjacentto18 Trinity, D, Street across Local Trinity willbelocated Square neighbourhood. Lawrence the St. ofinterconnectedof aseries openspaces betweenthePrecinct and Thispark willbeone betweenParliamentStreet and Trinity Streets. Parliament Park Street side ofMill alongthenorth willbelocated OS 8:Parliament Street Park and Trinity Square urban design associates * 0.5 Acres 1.7 Acres * 0.2 Acres 1.2 Acres 0.1 Acres Total 24.2 OS 10: School/Community Centresite 0.9 Acres OS 9:KingStreet Triangle 0.5 Acres 0.1 Acres OS 8:Parliament Street Park and Trinity Square 0.9 Acres 18.1 Acres OS 7:Front Street Triangle Passage OS 6:Distillery OS 5:Corktown Mews OS 4:DominionFoundry Mews OS 3:Front StreetEsplanade OS 2:River Square Acres OS 1:DonRiver Park Public andPublicly-Accessible OpenSpace ujc ofnlcnimto nPlanofSubdivision Subject tofinalconfirmationon Calculated asboth “Development Block 9”and “Open Space10” public and publicly-accessible open space * the west don lands: the west 8

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Residential Frontage Front Facade Zone Setback Zone Building Envelopesand Private Public Active Frontage Front Facade Zone Frontages LIVE/WORK FRONTAGE ZONE RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE COMMUNITY USE HERITAGE BUILDINGS Setback Zone Private


Parliament Street Parliament Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue urban design associates design urban

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street

Front Street St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street River Street River

building envelopes and frontagesbuilding envelopes Bayview Avenue Don River Park the west don lands: the west 9

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west Required Open Space and Required OpenSpace Building Locations


Parliament Street Parliament Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue urban design associates

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street

Front Street St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street River Street River

building envelopes and frontagesbuilding envelopes Bayview Avenue Don River Park the west don lands: the west 10

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Building Heightsand Stepbacks


Parliament Street Parliament Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue urban design associates design urban

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street

Front Street St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street River Street River

Bayview Avenue building heights and stepbacksbuilding heights Don River Park the west don lands: the west 11

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Parking andService


Parliament Street Parliament Trinity Street Trinity

Eastern Avenue urban design associates design urban

Queen Street Cherry Street Cherry

King Street

Front Street St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue

Mill Street River Street River

Bayview Avenue Don River Park the west don lands: the west parking and service 12

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west The multipleneighbourhoodswithinthePrecinct Old Town ofYork Neighbourhood Lawrence St. Neighbourhoods Corktown Front Street District Distillery Precinct Plan Don River Park Mill Street Square River LANDS DON WEST rounding areas. from isdrawn theinherentneighbourhoods qualities ofthesur- andcharacterofeach the Thequality Neighbourhood. Street andtheFront Neighbourhood, Street theMill Neighbourhood, theDonRiverPark Neighbourhood, theRiverSquare acter areas: conditions. that adjuststosuitlocal mixture street oflow-rise buildingswithinanidiosyncratic pattern Corktown consistsofatightly-knit dential andnon-residential uses. andcombinesresi- andcourtyards, alleyways, buildings, Victorian dense collectionof housesarich, enclave, industrial 19th century a unique District, TheDistillery colours. inarangeofbrick blocks, from three-storey townhouses tower tomid-rise housing types, Neighbourhood Lawrence features abroad mixof TheSt. materials. are and intheirselectionofform quiterespectful oftheoldcharacter taller, whilegenerally Newer buildings, multi-use buildings. mid-rise, TheOld Town of Yorkbourhoods. features oflow- adense fabric to ed withinthecontextofCity. sothatthearea isground- neighbours extendintothePrecinct itself, Theinherent anddiversequalitiesofits places. based upontheserich are andbuildingtypes blocks, streets, Thenew Don Riveritself. aswellthe tofourestablishedneighbourhoods, text andadjacency the basis don lands of thewest The West Precinct proposes DonLands fourdistinctchar- Plan influentialneigh- The West issurrounded bystrong, DonLands Precinct isitscon- Plan urban design associates design urban and cuesinhow toreweave fabric. thisareaintotherestof theCity Corktown District Distillery St. Lawrence Old Townof York NEIGHBOURHOODCHARACTER BLOCK PATTERN STREET & ADJACENCIES &OPPORTUNITIES The West DonLandsPrecinct bordersarich varietyofneighbourhoodsthat provide valuable lessons rcntpa egbuhos13 neighbourhoods precinct plan

© 2006 urban design associates Toronto. employment andresidentialusesaswell asprovides avisualgateway intoDowntown etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west RIVER SQUARE NEIGHBOURHOOD Neighbourhood The River SquareNeighbourhoodbalances River Square River Square modifications tothePrecinctmodifications Plan. 2 1 the precinct plan o hsae,alongwithothercompatibleemployment opportunities. for thisarea, andshowroom retailing isenvisioned production, distribution, scale Activities suchas small- house employment and production uses. EasternAvenue Old will intimate spaceadjacenttothemainpark. at thejunctionofDonRiverPark andRiverSquare. Aniconic residential tower belocated will Streets. Lawrence and St. buildingsandtownhouses willflankRiver apartment Small Square. theedgeofDonRiverPark andRiver south sideofKingStreet, buildingswillformthe of8and10storey Aseries apartment ramps. connections thatdownplay thepresence oftheRichmond-Adelaide andtoprovide Corktown byextendingitintothe West DonLands, intentistostrengthen neighbourhoodwhoseprimary eclectic tion betweentheresidential neighbourhood andDonRiverPark. thereby creating aconnec- Street, Lawrence toSt. also linkback Thispassagewill the buildingsfronting ontoDonRiverPark. River Park willprovide isrealigned laneway accessto asaprivate tothe Don Street Lawrence The east/weststreet connectingSt. posed inthisarea. square formatsare block now pro- Therefore, ration notfeasible. lineandrenders thePrecinct configu- setback development Plan The floodprotection required landform ofthe modification Additional studyandenvironmentalhaveprompted constraints creating an willextend southtoRiverSquare, RiverStreet A new al o h raino ie qae an forthecreationcalls ofRiverSquare, urban design associates design urban

Queen Street

King Street LC P2 BLOCK

Richmond-Adelaide Ramps St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. LC 18 BLOCK

Old Eastern Avenue LC 21 BLOCK ie qaenihorod14 squareriver neighbourhood

Complex Existing Foundry River Street River LC 17 BLOCK LC 22 BLOCK


Private Laneway Private Bayview Avenue Bayview River Square LC 20 BLOCK

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west

King Street King Street There alsobePark will laneway. accessfrom theprivate down beterraced spacewill tothe Park. from KingStreet pedestrian This Avenue. andBayview atKingStreet side ofthebuildinglocated ofthefloodprotectionconstraints landform. grade garagessinceunderground parking isprohibited duetothe above- Parking forthesebuildingswillreside inmid-block, Street. behindKing laneway onaprivate belocated for thesebuildingswill Vehicular access andservice to provide access totheDonRiverPark. across theDonRiverandeasternbuildingonKingStreet bridge betweenthe walkwillbelocated pedestrian publicly-accessible A could becommercial toextendthepatternof existingstreet. Theground floor ground floorusesandupperresidential units. andprominent thisentrance corner.brate River Park tocele- fordevelopers willprovide auniqueopportunity storey tower andtheDon punctuatingthecornerofKingStreet A14- from theeastdue totheirhighvisibility. theCity entering gateway. buildings willformasubstantialsouthernedgetothis important TheKingStreet Centre. greets trafficheadedtothe City westbound spacewhich willbeatriangular Street form atKingandQueen Theresulting urban pointintheCity. markingStreets asignificant andRiver Queen, define theconvergenceofKing, will Don Lands edgeofthe Thisnorthern West known astheMcCordSite. formerly Two ofwhatwas buildingsare onpart plannedalongKingStreet Pedestrian accesstothePark shouldbecreated alongthenorth willbemixed-usewithactive The buildingsonKingStreet fortravelers buildingswillalsoactasagateway The KingStreet urban design associates design urban STREET SECTION Existing building Sidewalk Existing King Street,lookingeast No Prkg. Rush Hr. P Lanes Travel 21.1m Lanes Travel No Prkg. Rush Hr. Existing P Stepback above Proposed 6th storey Sidewalk Public river squareriver neighbourhood: Setback 2.0m Zone Private Active UseorResidential Lobby king street Penthouse 15

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west

St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. River Street River St. Lawrence and Lawrence St. River Streets public spaceforresidents. providing semi- toppedwithagardenterrace, parking structures, Townhouses infront ofmid-block willbelocated and apartments andmanyfront doorsopeningontothestreet. baywindows, porches, residential incharacterandanimatedwithnarrow front gardens, These streets will be housingchoicesforresidents. family-oriented Theseaddresses of willprovide avariety buildings onitseastside. ground-related townhouses onitswestsideandsmallapartment willalsocontain TheextendedRiverStreet Street. Lawrence ground-relatedPrecinct locates townhouse unitsalongSt. Plan The andwestofthePrecinct. neighbourhoodnorth delicately-scaled a Precinct ofstreets are inCorktown, thecharacter designedtoecho southintothe andtheextensionofRiverStreet Street Lawrence St. AERIAL VIEW St. Lawrence Street urban design associates design urban STREET SECTION STREET SECTION Townhouse Existing Townhouses Stacked St. Lawrence Street, lookingnorth River Street,lookingnorth Private varies Setback Private 2.2m Zone Verge Sidewalk Sidewalk Verge P Lane Bike Lanes Travel Lanes Travel Public 20.1m Lanes Public Travel 21.6m Lanes Travel t lawrence streets andriver st. Lane Bike river squareriver neighbourhood: P P Verge Verge Sidewalk Sidewalk Setback Setback Private Private 2.2m Zone Zone 3.0 Small Apartment Townhouses Townhouses Building Stacked Stacked Penthouse 16

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west A A Private Laneway

B Private Laneway Private C B C >> >> >> >> >> >> A–A) should: possible shouldlinethislaneway. Asmanyactiveusesorresidences as planned forpublicaccessibility. spaceand shouldbedesignedasapedestrian-friendly laneway Thisprivate create totheRichmond-Adelaide ramps. abuffer andto tocreate anupperpromenade tothePark, Don RiverPark, passagetothe tocreate apedestrian oftheblocks, to theinterior are toprovide laneway The multiple functionsofthisprivate access laneway. continuousprivate there beasingle, will 22, Block Within have noexposeddumpsters orloadingdocks. openingsandfrontage; garage minimize side); and street landscaping trees (alongthenorth have high-quality residential unitsabove; be animatedonbothsideswithbalconiesandwindows from the andhaveacontinuoussidewalk withpaversorbricks be surfaced er apartments; forlarg- andlay-bys porte-cocheres, contain vehicular-drop areas, The segment of the laneway parallel to King Street (Section toKingStreet parallel The segmentofthelaneway urban design associates design urban STREET SECTION A–A Lobby or Active Use Apartment Building Private Laneway paralleltoKingStreetbuildings,lookingeast Planting, orDrop-OffPlanting, Zone Sidewalk, Possible Elevated Walkway Travel Lanes 16.5m Planting, orDrop-OffPlanting, Zone river squareriver neighbourhood: Sidewalk, private laneway Parking Garage Rooftop Garden/ Terrace 17

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west >> >> >> >> >> CC) (Section Richmond-Adelaide should: ramps edgeof the thatis onthenorth The segmentofthePrivate Laneway >> >> >> >> BB)should: (Section tection landform ramps. buffersthatmitigatetheexisting wallsand contain landscape toprovidehave acontinuoussidewalk accesstoDonRiverPark; provide parking garage accesstothemid-block be designedasabuffertotheramps the Park andtheadjacentresidential units; access-wayto publicly-accessible attractive, be designedasasafe, have acontinuoussidewalk. units thatfaceontothePark; provide vehicular drop areas andstreet parking forground-related and street landscaping trees; have high-quality building; apartment address of ground-related unitsinthe to becometheprimary be designedasanupperpromenade tothe Don RiverPark soas The segment of the private laneway that is parallel thefloodpro- thatisparallel laneway The segmentoftheprivate Penthouse STREET SECTIONB–B Residential Units Ground-related Large Apartment Building Setback Zone Sidewalk Upper Bayview Promenade Verge Private Street P Upper Bayview 13.4m Promenade Travel Lane Private Public urban design associates design urban Don River Park (pedestrian pathway tobedetermined through parkdesign) Edge ofBayview Avenue STREET SECTIONC-C Rooftop Garden/ Terrace Setback Zone Sidewalk Private Laneway northofRichmond-Adelaide Ramps 6.0m Travel Lane Private Setback Public Zone Richmond-Adelaide ramps river squareriver neighbourhood: private laneway 18

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west ofRiverDetail Square

Old Eastern Avenue

Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River River Square and River Square Square River River Square

Bayview Avenue mented with new buildingsatselectedlocations. mented withnew andcompli- Existingbuildingswillbe preserved creative activity. EasternAvenueOld willcontinuetobeacenterforemployment and above. Buildings willhaveactiveground flooruseswithresidential uses at8storeys. buildings onallsideswithaconsistentstepback willbedefinedby10storey RiverSquare traversed bypedestrians. willbeapublicparkSquare boundbynarrow twowaystreets easily River that faceontoboththeDonRiverPark andRiverSquare. blocks shapeddevelopable while creatingand RiverStreet regularly Avenue Eastern ofOld thegeometries resolves park atthislocation A publicspaceinthe isan important WestRiver Street DonLands. EasternAvenue attheterminusofOld and located River Square, AERIAL VIEW River Square urban design associates design urban STREET SECTION Lobby or Active Use Apartment Building River Square Sidewalk Verge Lane Bike 18.0m Verge Sidewalk river squareriver andold eastern avenue Square 25.0m River 60.0m Park river squareriver neighbourhood: Sidewalk Verge 18.0m Lane Bike Verge Sidewalk Lobby or Active Use Apartment Building 19

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Neighbourhood Don RiverPark 2 1 the precinct plan prompted modifications tothePrecinctprompted modifications Plan. Additional studyandenvironmental have constraints buildings. to theEsplanadewillbelinedwithtownhouses andsmallapartment streets perpendicular Local accessible toresidents andvisitorsalike. immediately Front bealinearpark, will Street Neighbourhood, Lawrence totheEsplanadeinSt. Similar London. and Paris, Boston, park addressesspaces thatrecall inChicago, TheDonRiverNeighbourhood containsthese notablepublic Park. line thisspaceaswellformacrescent definingthewestedgeof buildingswill Apartment to connectthePrecinct toDon RiverPark. Restaurantasabroad esplanade will beextendedeastoftheCanary Front Street Don RiverPark uponthenew draws asitsmainaddress. dential toresidential withactiveusesatgrade. The landusealongFront resi- from changed exclusively Street underground parking possible. wherever are encouragedtoplan developers strongly However, provided. andthereforement foralldevelopment garages were mid-block Below-grade parking wasdeemedcostprohibitive asarequire- called for the creation of a district that forthecreation ofadistrict called

urban design associates design urban Cherry Street Cherry BLOCK 14 BLOCK 10

BLOCK 15 Local Street A Street Local

Old Eastern Avenue BLOCK 11

Mill Street

Front Street Esplanade Local Street B Street Local BLOCK 12 BLOCK 16

o ie aknihorod20 don park river neighbourhood Local Street C Street Local

BLOCK 13 Bayview Avenue Bayview Don River Park

© 2005 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west

Front Street Esplanade Front Street continuous horizontal expressions. continuous horizontal ple architectural toreduce solutionswithineachblock thechanceof compositionsshouldread asmulti- Thefacade sunlight penetration. Buildings are attheeighthfloortoincrease designed withstepbacks mance withtheCity’s designguidelinesforspace andlight. lanes. andvehiculartravel bikelanes, provides spaceforon-street parking, Thestreet itself planting areas fortrees andattractiveground cover. andgenerous awningstructures, shopareas, date outdoordining, areas are Thesidewalk widetoaccommo- and otherspecialevents. accommodateneighbourhoodfestivals Thisspacecan park setting. providing placesforstrolling andrelaxing ina oftrees, broad canopy to DonRiverPark. creating andiconicgateway adramatic from the10-storey buildings, 14-storey towers willrise At theeasternendofFront Street, floor. be 10storeys inheightwithcontinuousactiveusesliningtheground Buildingswill wall. urban andvaried buildings thatwillformarich green edgetotheCity. andformabroad, Don RiverPark, theedgeof street thatskirts curving a Avenue, with Bayview Front intersect will Street terminus, Atitseastern residential address. Front isamajoreast-westesplanadecreating Street agraciousactive, The overall proportions ofthestreet proportions crossThe overall sectionare inconfor- Front isdesigned withacentrallawnarea Street underneatha Front anditsesplanade willbecontainedanddefinedby Street urban design associates design urban AERIAL VIEW STREET SECTION Active Useor Apartment Building Lobby Private 3.0m Zone back Set- Front StreetEsplanade Sidewalk Front Street Public Verge P rvlLn Travel Lane Travel Lane Park Sidewalk 42.0m don park river neighbourhood: Park Stepback above 8th storey P front street Verge Public Sidewalk 3.0m Zone back Set- Private Penthouse Active Useor Apartment Building Lobby 21

© 2005 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west

Bayview Avenue Bayview

Bayview Avenue Don River Park Street Esplanade. Street Avenue shouldextendalongtheFronttion ofbuildingsonBayview Thearchitectural expressions andarticula- openings are encouraged. andtoparegular of pattern middle compositions withabase, Facade wall. urban facing thepark scaled toprovide humanly arich units are alongthestreet. encouraged Frequent to entrances directly front lawns. should belandscaped Avenue street oftheBayview along theresidential frontage portions Zone TheSetback AvenueBayview frontage shouldberesidential. theremainder of however, moderate amountofretail atgrade, ofFrontbuildings atthecorner shouldcontaina andBayview Street the DonRiverPark. asoneapproaches downtown totheCity createwill from agateway They taller 14storey towers from the10storey thatrise buildings. Avenue ofBayview andFront Thecorners contain will Street park. ofthe withthegrandscale in-scale tial andtenstoreys inheight, residen- beprimarily will BuildingsonBayview withthestreet. curve willbereplicated inthebuildingsastheywill gracefully Bayview Theformof landmark residential address ofthe West DonLands. andthe Avenue becomeapark will Bayview drive, Don RiverPark. Avenue create crescentBayview will ofthenew thedramatic form Multiple architectural solutionsare encouragedforthefacades The residential uses. Avenue containprimarily Bayview will urban design associates design urban AERIAL VIEW STREET SECTION Active Use,Lobby, or Ground-related Units Penthouse Apartment Building Bayview Avenue Bayview Avenue Private Setback 3.0m Zone Verge Public Sidewalk Stepback above 8th storey P ieTae ae Bike Travel Lanes Bike 30.0m P don park river neighbourhood: eg DonRiver Park Verge Sidewalk bayview avenue 22

© 2005 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west

East of Cherry Street East ofCherry

Local Street A Street Local Local Street B Street Local

Local Streets Local Local Street C Street Local access parking, service areas, and interior courtyards. andinterior areas, service access parking, street to ineach wall ispermitted penetration mum ofoneblock Amaxi- create areas. adequateseparationbetweenpublic andprivate houses are withstepsabove encouragedtobeelevated street to level Front yardsare required andtown- for root and pedestrians. structure Generous treewillprovide lawnsandsidewalks adequatespace ing. side andtwo-waytrafficare narrow enoughtodiscouragespeed- fromthat enterdirectly thestreet tobecompatiblewithtownhouses. courtyards. face ontointernal unitsare encouragedsothatunits back-to-back unitswithin; stacked housesmayhavetwo or more Some establish aneighbourhoodscale. unit shouldbedistinguishedfrom itsneighbourin somefashionto Each oneitherFront witha buildinglocated wall Streets. orMill thetownhouses shouldextendtoshare a townhouses onthesestreets, thepresence of Inorder tomaximize used toanimatethestreet. andhousingentrances front yards, baywindows, stoops, ture porches, public streets thatfea- framedbytownhouses andsmallapartments small-scaled These willbeintimate, neighbourhoods. Lawrence St. ofhousingfoundinCorktownbe anextensionofthescale andthe intheDonRiverneighbourhoodare Streets intendedto The Local The Local Streets are Streets designedwithon-street parking onone The Local buildingsshouldalsobedesigned with units apartment Small urban design associates design urban TYPICAL LOCAL STREET SECTION Detail oflocalstreets Detail the localstreets Small Apartment Townhouse Unit

Building Local Street A Street Local 3.0m Zone back Set- Sidewalk Verge P

Small apartmentbuildingsandtownhouses frame Local Street B Street Local Travel Lanes 18.0m Verge Sidewalk local streets east of street cherry streets local

3.0m Zone back Set- Local Street C Street Local Townhouse Townhouse Stacked don character river area: 23

© 2005 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Neighbourhood Mill Street Mill 3 2 1 the precinct plan fications tothe Precinctfications Plan. Additional studyandenvironmental haverequired constraints modi- space. loft-style inthemannerofflexible, will beresidential, Upperfloors orresidences. offices, galleries, spaces suitableforretail, Buildings willhavelargeground floor live/work area over time. intoa though itmayevolve residential, to bepredominantly area’s heritage. industrial into the District West theentire inordertocelebrate DonLands characteroftheDistillery continue boththesuccessandhistoric Theintentisto area. tocomplimentthis heritage District Distillery shouldresemblepublic spacesalongMillStreet thoseinthe Buildingsand intothe District Westof theDistillery DonLands. the development blocks andstreets blocks adjacenttoit. the development prompting to dimensionalchanges West EAProcess, DonLands the during developed alignment wasfurther Street The Cherry tositatoppodiumbuildingsalongMillStreet. moved north were atoptheparking garage, oncelocated Residential towers, Don RiverPark. the schoolwasaltered tobetterreinforce thecrescent formof of Theform center. andcommunity daycare, plant, energy trict adis- facilities programThe community wasincreased toinclude The land use in the Mill Street NeighbourhoodThe landuseintheMillStreet isrecommended calls for the extension of the rich character fortheextensionofrich calls

urban design associates design urban

Cherry Street Cherry Local Street A Street Local

Mill Street LC 8 BLOCK B Street Local

District Energy Local Street C Street Local ilsre egbuho 24 neighbourhood mill street Community Center School and LC 9 BLOCK

© 2005 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west

Mill Street Mill Street Mill AERIAL VIEW Street, overlooking the new park. thenew overlooking Street, attheterminusofMill buildingwillbelocated school/community Buildings. address fortheLoft become theprimary will Street whileMill address forthe become theprimary Towers, Extension will TheDistillery Extensionfrom thesouth. Distillery streets andtheextensionof from local thenorth perpendicular willbefedby Mill Street sixmetresstepped back from MillStreet. will betoppedwithtallertowers rangingbetween14and24storeys, buildings Theloft buildingsonbothsidesofthestreet. storey loft insix- spaceanimatedwithlive/work useslocated urban an eclectic Itwillbecome District. intheDistillery similar tothatofMillStreet becomeamixed-use street will Street westofCherry Street, Mill ilSre iltriaea h e o ie ak A new DonRiver Park. willterminateatthenew Mill Street Mill Street urban design associates design urban

STREET SECTION Detail ofMillStreet Detail Active Use,Lobby, or

Penthouse Ground-related Unit Cherry Street Cherry Sidewalk

Mill Street Local Street A Street Local P ieTravel Lanes Bike


Mill Street Local Street B Street Local Bike P Sidewalk Active Use,Lobby, or Ground-related Unit

mill street neighbourhood:mill street Local Street C Street Local Penthouse mill street mill 25

© 2005 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpas oot,otro|jnay20 | january 2006 | ontario toronto, plans: don block lands west Neighbourhood Front Street 2 1 neighbourhoodthe front street have prompted modifications tothePrecincthave prompted modifications Plan. Additional studyandenvironmental constraints the neighborhood. Active of retail atgradealongtheperimeter useswillbelocated nent. withastrong residentialbecome amixed-usecommunity compo- TheFront will neighborhood Street andParliamentStreet Street. intersectionofFrontstorey attheimportant tower belocated will Asingle24 alongFront Street. buildings located andCherry Street apartment hoods willbeextendedintoneighborhoodwithmid-rise and Lawrence York neighbor- oftheSt. thescale streets; south local along north/ buildings located Neighborhood withsmallapartment Street/Front intersection. oftheCherry west corner Street store thesouth anchoring withretailLands atgradeandagrocery sioned thissectionofFront astheretail Street core ofthe West Don ThePrecinct envi- Plan edges. andnorth west, alongitseast, transit with Theneighborhood willbewell-served tothewest. Lawrence Corktown andSt. tothenorth tothesouth, District Distillery tional openspaceinthewest endofthePrecinct. Parliament Park Street hasbeenaddedtoprovide formore func- Street. of the West wasmoved DonLands totheeastsideofCherry theretail core As a result, approved dealership. siteplanforacar of Front P1(north Block wasmodifiedduetoan Street) The scale of CorktownThe scale beextended intotheFront will Street urban design associates design urban

is located betweenthe is located Parliament Street Parliament

King Street


Trinity Street Trinity Local Street E Street Local LC 2 BLOCK LC 6 BLOCK

Eastern Avenue LC 3 BLOCK LC P1 BLOCK rn tetnihorod26 neighbourhood front street

Local Street F

Front Street

Mill Street

Distillery District Local Street D Street Local LC 5 BLOCK

LC 4 BLOCK Cherry Street Cherry LC 7 BLOCK

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpas oot,otro|jnay20 | january 2006 | ontario toronto, plans: don block lands west

Front Street Front Street AERIAL VIEW metres to30metres inwidth. introduced onFront ofwaywouldexpandfrom 26 theright Street is Iftransit Avenue andanarrow laneofFront onthesouth. Street byEastern Thispark willbeboundonthenorth Trinity Street. attheintersectionofFront park be located small will and Street A attheintersectionofParliament andFrontlocated Street Street. willbe marking theentranceto West DonLands, storey tower, Asingle24- contain activeusesatgradewithresidential usesabove. 8storeyMid-rise buildingsalongthesouthsideofFront will Street Front Street urban design associates design urban Detail ofFrontDetail Street Penthouse Active Useor Apartment Building Lobby Setback Zone 2.0m Sidewalk Verge 26.0m Lanes Travel

Eastern Avenue Verge Sidewalk front street neighbourhood:front street Active Useor Apartment Building Lobby Penthouse

Front Street front street 27

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpas oot,otro|jnay20 | january 2006 | ontario toronto, plans: don block lands west

Cherry Street Cherry Cherry Street Cherry AERIAL VIEW have on-street parking during non-rush hoursonly.have on-street non-rush parking during Bothsidesofthestreet will transit wayfortheproposed streetcar. and FrontStreet Street. and theCNPolice attheintersectionofCherry Buildingare located Restaurant theCanary Two buildings, heritage active usesatgrade. buildingswith 8-to10-storey apartment will containprimarily Street Cherry ofway. right inadedicated to accommodatestreet cars isdesigned Street Cherry southofthe West DonLands. Portlands, becomeamainconnectiontotheemerging will Street Cherry Cherry Street will have a wide right-of-way withadedicated willhaveawideright-of-way Street Cherry Cherry Street Cherry urban design associates design urban * Refer toBlock Plan STREET SECTION Commercial Use Sidewalk Cherry Street Cherry Rush Hr No Prkg PTT Travel Lane varies Travel Lane The Canary Rush Hr Restaurant No Prkg No P Sidewalk Zone* 3.0m back Set- front street neighbourhood:front street Penthouse Active Use Apartment or Lobby Building Detail of Cherry Streetfrontage ofCherry Detail

cherry street Cherry Street Cherry 28

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpas oot,otro|jnay20 | january 2006 | ontario toronto, plans: don block lands west Local Street E Street Local West Street ofCherry

Trinity and Street Trinity Street Trinity

Local Street F

Local Streets Streets Local Local Street D Street Local AERIAL VIEW street only. There beparking will onone sideofthe direction. one laneineach from thesidewalk. units willberaisedslightly ground all related onthenarrow street, andsecurity assure privacy Inorderto withitsown each individualfront door. streets, local All ground related residential units willfaceontothese or terraces. yards inordertocreate gardens, small ofthesidewalk from theback streets set2.0metresurban withtownhouses andsmallapartments intimate benarrow, will They in theFront Neighbourhood. Street Trinity inCorktown Street streets local istheprecedent forthenew Trinity streets andtheotherlocal willhavetwowaytraffic, Street Trinity Street urban design associates design urban STREET SECTION STREET SECTION Garage Garage Local Street streetswest ofCherry Trinity Street Penthouse Penthouse Apartment Apartment Townhouse Townhouse Building Building Stacked Stacked Setback trinity and local streets west of street cherry west streets and local trinity 2.0m Sidewalk Sidewalk Verge Verge 18.0m 18.0m Lanes Lanes Travel Travel P P Verge Verge front street neighbourhood:front street Sidewalk Sidewalk Setback Setback 2.0m 2.0m Townhouse Townhouse Apartment Apartment Stacked Stacked Building Building Penthouse Penthouse Garage Garage Rooftop Garden/ Rooftop Garden/ Terrace Terrace 29

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Building Types arranged on the blocks accordingtothePrecinct on theblocks arranged Plan. are tobe Thesebuildingtypes and Towers. Apartments, Large Apartments, Small Townhouses, usedthroughout thePrecinct: types There are fourmainbuilding andmassing. height, on theblock, disposition use, including ofcharacteristics, determined byavariety is Abuildingtype to create thedesired formforthePrecinct. urban ofbuildingtypes useavariety Plan The Precinct andtheBlock Plan urban design associates design urban uligtps30 building types TOWERS LARGE APARTMENTBUILDINGS SMALL APARTMENTBUILDINGS TOWNHOUSES

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west SECTION Specifications. asidentifiedintheGreen Building criteria performance for theunitstoshare. containing amenities assemi-publicopenspace, tial unitsandserve toresiden- containentrances will courtyards Theseelevated parking. ofabove-grade inthecase gardenorterrace, topped witharooftop Townhouses parking infront structures ofmid-block maybelocated Zone. intheFront andbalconieslocated Facade bay windows, porches, Thestreet shouldbeanimatedwithfront doors, or garden. patio, tobeusedasalawn, Zone have atwo-tothree-metre Setback Townhouses will townhouse unitshouldhaveanentranceatgrade. Each assembled inrows soastocreate acontinuousstreet wall. Theyare tobe to 8metres wideanduptofourstoreys inheight. found insomeof Toronto’s Townhouses are 6 bestneighbourhoods. of Corktown intothearea housingas andtoprovide family-oriented Townhouses inthePrecinct are located inordertoextendthescale Townhouses The rooftop gardens should be used to achieve thegreen gardensshouldbeusedtoachieve roof The rooftop Townhouse androoftop garden/terrace garden/terrace Rooftop Historic Toronto townhouses distinguishthemselves withindividualgables. asn neoeMassingalternative Massing envelope urban design associates design urban walls, bay windows, terraces, balconies,andseparateentries. townhouses in Contemporary Vancouver aredistinguishedby separation portico andperhapsabay window orsubtlechange inplaneormaterial. English Terrace housingismoresubtle.Each househasitsown entrance Massing alternative building types: townhouses 31

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west SECTION according totheGreen BuildingSpecifications. taining amenitiesfortheunitstoshare. con- materials, withhigh-quality landscaped dens willbegenerously gar- Thecourtyard semi-publicopenspace. opening ontothissmall, haveentrances will residential unitsfronting ontothecourtyard At-grade atoptheparking gardenorterrace garage. to therooftop Building shouldbedouble-loadedandunitsopen Apartment Theupperfloorsofthe Small ofhouses. intoaseries down vertically tobreak themassingofblock buildings shouldbearticulated ofthese Thelongfacade ofthree metres. zone and alandscaping porches, Front alongthestreet provide will room forentries, Setback A similar to Townhouses orbeplannedasimbeddedtownhouses. Ground floorunitsare encouragedtohaveindividualfront doors, this buildingwillbeasingle-aspectlineronthelower floors. infront ofagarage, Located Townhouses streets. onthelocal located from change the Buildingmitigatesthescale Apartment The Small Small Apartment Buildings Apartment Small All Apartment BuildingsrequireAll Apartment 50%vegetatedgreen roofs Small apartmentbuilding individual entrancestogroundfloorunits The Toronto apartmentbuildingshown issetback withafrontlawn and Massing envelope urban design associates design urban entrances, balconies,andarich roofscape. The London apartmentbuildingshown animatesthestreetwithfrequent penthouse tocreateavaried roofprofile. Massing alternative; Developers have flexibilityinthelocationof A Toronto apartmentdividesitselfvertically. Massing alternative small apartmentsmall buildings building types: 32

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west SECTION ing totheGreen BuildingSpecifications. toallunits. contain semi-publicspacethatisanamenity Theterracewillbeshared andshouldtherefore at theterracelevel. ontothisspacefrom should bedesignedwithentrances units terraces facades. scale elements toappropriately withvertical composedandarticulated Buildings shouldbecarefully Apartment Large have, scraper effectthattheymightotherwise sky- inordertoavoidthehorizontal Therefore, length oftheblock. Buildingsshouldextendthe Apartment Large streets. or sidelocal Vehicular accessisattherear lobbiesfacingthepublicstreets. central entrancestothesebuildingsare in pedestrian located The primary andunitsonbothsidesofthebuilding. corridor contain acentral Buildingsare approximately Apartment 25metresLarge wideand Large Apartment Buildings Apartment Large All Large Apartment Buildingsrequire Apartment 50%green accord- Large All roofs gardensor Buildingsthatface ontotherooftop Apartment Large Large apartmentbuilding Massing envelope and roofterraces respondstoview andsolarorientation. A Vancouver apartmentbuildingwithdirectional bay windows, balconies, urban design associates design urban creates vertical regulatinglines. A mixofmaterialsandfaçade compositionswithinalargebuildingmass the penthousetocreateavaried roofprofile. Massing alternative; Developers have flexibilityinthelocationof composition ofwall planesandmaterials. stepbacks withterraces andarich This Toronto apartmentbuildinghas Massing alternative large apartmentlarge buildings building types: 33

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west withadjacentlowerwalls andintegrate seamlessly buildings. Towers should bedesignedwithbases thatcontinuestreet of views. astheorientation aswell should bemindful oftheirsolarorientation Towers inthe Westmarket appealandattractiveness. DonLands Towers in Toronto oftheir havelargeareas ofglazing whichispart massofthetower. thehorizontal their heightandrelieve emphasize planes to ofvertical The tower shouldbedesignedas aseries facades Facades theyareof towers composedbecause sovisible. should becarefully Thetops andresponsibilities. theiruniquelocations ed toemphasize Towers shouldbesculpt- sculpturalobjectsin theprecinct. important towers Thetaller be will withtheirmass. tocreate gateways located onDonRiverPark ofKingStreet andattheterminus Street are The14-storey towers attheendofFront space atkeylocations. Towers theformofpublic toemphasize present uniqueopportunities Massing their bulkandtoencourageslenderness. All towers floorplatesare limitedto800square metres tominimize Small FloorPlates shadows onadjacentresidentialminimize areas. andto corridors view critical toavoidblocking located are carefully They gateways. andform locations important anchor views, dramatic Thetowers are situatedtotakeadvantageof and oneonKingStreet. twoattheDonRiverterminusofFront Street, – twosouthofMill, are provided locations for14-storey Five towers onBayview. Square andadjacenttoRiver the easternmosttower southofMillStreet, three towers tallest ofParliament atthecorner are andFront, located The The Precinct provides forresidential towers. eightlocations Plan Strategic Location Towers appearance. oriented elementsthatgive itagraceful A Toronto tower iscomposedofvertically Massing envelope distant views.distant respond toitsurbanlocationandthe The Vancouver tower shown ismoldedto urban design associates design urban asn lentv Massingalternative Massing alternative a well-designed basethatrespondstothestreet. The Toronto tower continuesthecharacter ofnearby loft buildingsandhas building types: towers 34

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Affordable RentalHousing part of an overall mixed-incomeandmixed-tenure ofanoverall development. part sectortodeliverthem as withtheprivate parcels andwillpartner ofthose inthedevelopment HousingCorporation Community The of willwork withtheCity TWRC Toronto and the Toronto ofhousing forms. andmadeavailableinavariety out thewaterfront through- thatsuchhousingisdistributed also committedtoensuring Itis asaffordablerentalof 20%allunitsbeingdeveloped housing. The withatarget thewaterfront iscommittedtodeveloping TWRC urban design associates design urban All affordable housingshouldbelocatednearneighbourhood- rental All affordable housing shouldbelocatedwithinafive-minute walk of All affordable housing for families withchildren shouldbeground-related All affordable housingshouldbelocatedproximate rental topublicparks Affordable housingshouldnotbeconcentratedinany rental oneareaof shouldbedesignatedasaffordableA varietyofhousingtypes rental AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING GUIDELINES serving usesandretail. serving public transitnodesandstops. play spaces,tothedegreepossible. to provide directaccesstotheoutdoors,aswell asdedicatedshared and openspace. withinbuildings,oracrossblockstypes attheleast. encouraged tointegrateaffordable housingwithothertenure rental the West DonLands. To thedegreepossible,developers shouldbe possible. housing toprovide thewidestrangeoflivingaccommodations affordable and rental housing building types: 35

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west Development Blocks Development the west don lands precinct don lands the west are likely tobe lessthan90squareare metres likely perunit. to belargerthan90square metres perunit andaffordableunitsthat multipliers were usedtotakeintoaccount townhouses thatare likely different onsomeblocks, However, square metres perparking space. itwas assumed90square metres Generally perunitand34 block. from theoverallderived floorarea ofthemaximum buildoutofeach thusfitting intotheoverall neighbourhood. precinct, ofthe beredevelopedinthespirit can so thattheseproperties someaimshavebeenoutlined For lands, privately-owned each block. willbeprovided of ment yields tounderstandtheformanddensity an illustrationofthegener Also, development. forprivate outtheground rules laying block, for each willbeaddressed andparking andservicing buildingheights, space, open private Thefrontage types, process. Plan throughout theBlock forit accordingtothedesignregulationsdescribed developed planningexercise. Space Open whosedesign willbethesubjectofanassociatedPublic space, open notitsadjacentpublicorpublicly-accessible development, containsthelanddefinedforprivate block Adevelopment bourhood. ings whichwillbeintegratedintotheoverall designoftheneigh- build- existingheritage include andsomeblocks rangeinsize blocks Thesedevelopment owned landswithintheprecinct boundary. ofprivately- andtwoblocks blocks, development publicly-owned The illustrative development program onthefollowingThe illustrativedevelopment pageswas willbe block eachdevelopment Throughout thefollowing pages, al massingandillustrativedevelop- has beendividedinto23 urban design associates design urban

Precinct Development Blocks Parliament Street Parliament BLOCK 1 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 3 BLOCK P1 BLOCK 5

BLOCK 4 Cherry Street Cherry BLOCK 14 BLOCK 7 BLOCK P2 BLOCK 10 BLOCK 15 BLOCK 18

Mill Street BLOCK 11 BLOCK 21

BLOCK 8 River Street River

Front Street BLOCK 17 BLOCK 22 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 16 BLOCK 19 eeomn lcs36 development blocks BLOCK 13 BLOCK 20

BLOCK 9 Bayview Avenue

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west 1 Block Parliament StreetPark willbelined withresidences. of theexisting fabric oftheCity. Local StreetEand uses onthegroundfloorinordertocontinuepattern Front andParliament Streetswillbelinedwithactive FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES


Front Street

Mill Street

Street Park Parliament Local Street E Street Local

west. a gateway tothe West DonLandsfromthesouthand provide publicopenspacefor thearea,aswell asact grade parkingsolutions.Parliament StreetPark will either atgrade,oratopaparkingstructure for above- Local EStreets. A courtyardwillbedeveloped mid-block setbacks2.00m willoccuralongParliament, Front, and SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Parliament Street Parliament PUBLIC ORPUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE OPENSPACE COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE

2m Front Street 2m 3m

Mill Street Street Park Parliament

2m Local Street E Street Local

to thePrecinct. Parliament andFront Streetstopunctuate theentrance and a24-storey tower willbelocatedatthecornerof apartment buildingof5storeys willfrontLocal StreetE, stories willdominatetheblock. However, asmall An 8-storey buildingmassingwithastepback at 6 STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Parliament Street Parliament 6 24 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /78M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M

Front Street 24+P 6 8+P 6 8+P 6

urban design associates design urban Mill Street 5+P 6 Street Park Parliament

4 Local Street E Street Local

grade-related courtyards. grade parkingsolutionsfor development and density illustrated, developers areencouragedtoexplore below- on allsides. Though anabove-grade parkingsolutionis Local StreetE.Parking willoccurmid-block, concealed PARKINGSERVICING AND Access Parliament Street Parliament ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION ways ways

Front Street will belocatedalongParliament Streetand

Mill Street

Street Park Parliament Local Street E Street Local OVERALL MASSING storey tower asagateway serves intothePrecinct. small apartmentbuildingwithimbeddedtownhouses liningLocal StreetE. A 24- Large apartmentbuildingsdefinetheedgesofblock, withtheexception of a

oa S 50,480 450 500 3,280 47,200 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 1 Parliament Street Parliament

Front Street

development blocks: Local Street E Street Local block 1 block

Mill Street 37

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west reuse shouldbeinconcertwiththe restoftheblock. not partoftheBlock Plan.Ifnotfunctionallyneeded, An existingbuildingremainsontheblock utility thatis townhouse unitsimbeddedintheapartmentbuildings. will belinedwithresidences,preferably ground-related to . All localstreetsandthe courtyard character throughout theCity, andtoactasaconnection Front Streetwillbelinedwithactive uses,tocontinueits FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES 2 Block


2 Local Street E Street Local Front Street

Local Street F

Building Utility Existing Trinity Street Trinity above-grade parkingsolutions. block eitheratgrade, oratopaparkingstructure for existing alignment. A courtyardwillbedeveloped mid- Trinity Street,which setback hasa0.00m duetoits setbacks2.00m ringallblock faces withtheexception of SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE Local Street E Street Local Front Street 2m 2m

Local Street F 2m

Building Utility Existing Trinity Street Trinity

the localstreets. after thefourth asmallerscalealong floortomaintain block faces willbe5storeys inheightwithstepbacks with arequiredstepback after the6thfloor. All other Buildings alongFront Streetwill be8storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Local Street E Street Local Front Street 6 4 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M 5+P 6 8+P

Local Street F 4 urban design associates design urban 5+P 6 Building Utility Existing

4 Trinity Street Trinity grade-related courtyards. grade parkingsolutionsfor development and density illustrated, developers areencouragedtoexplore below- all sides. Though anabove-grade parkingsolutionis Trinity Street.Parking will occur mid-block, concealedon PARKINGSERVICING AND Access ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION

ways ways Local Street E Street Local Front Street will belocatedalongLocal StreetEand

Local Street F

Building Utility Existing Trinity Street Trinity

OVERALL MASSING access for residents. apartment buildingsalongstreetsandcourtyardsinordertoprovide directoutdoor the localstreetnetwork. Ground-relatedunitsshouldbeimbeddedinthesmall A largeapartmentbuildingdefinesFront Streetwhilesmallapartmentbuildingsline Trinity Street Trinity

oa S 25,170 220 260 1,470 23,700 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 2 Local Street F

development blocks: Local Street E Street Local block 2 block

Front Street 38

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west experience. or landscapedinsuch away astosupportthepedestrian Any exposed parkingstructure wall shouldbearticulated townhouse unitsimbeddedintheapartmentbuildings. will belinedwithresidences,preferably ground-related to Downtown Toronto. All localstreetsandthe courtyard character throughout theCity, andtoactasaconnection Front Streetwillbelinedwithactive uses,tocontinueits FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES 3 Block


Front Street

Local Street F Local Street D Street Local solutions. atop aparkingstructure for above-grade parking courtyard willbedeveloped mid-block eitheratgrade,or setbacks2.00m arerequiredalongallblock faces. A SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE


Front Street 2m 2m

Local Street F 2m

2m Local Street D Street Local the localstreets. after thefourth asmallerscalealong floortomaintain block faces willbe5storeys inheightwithstepbacks with arequiredstepback after the6thfloor. All other Buildings alongFront Streetwill be8storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


6 Front Street 4 5+P 8+P 4 6

Local Street F urban design associates design urban 5+P 6 4

4 Local Street D Street Local development andgrade-relatedcourtyards. density to explore below-grade parkingsolutionsfor parking solutionisillustrated,developers areencouraged exposed alongLocal StreetF. Though anabove-grade on allsidesandwell-screened orlandscapedwhere Local StreetD. Parking willoccurmid-block, concealed PARKINGSERVICING AND Access


ways ways Trinity Street Trinity

will belocatedalong Trinity Streetand Front Street

Local Street F Local Street D Street Local

OVERALL MASSING area ofparkinggaragevisiblealongLocal StreetF. access for residents.Measuresshouldbetakentomitigatetheeffect ofthesmall apartment buildingsalongstreetsandcourtyardsinordertoprovide directoutdoor the localstreetnetwork. Ground-relatedunitsshouldbeimbeddedinthesmall A largeapartmentbuildingdefinesFront Streetwhilesmallapartmentbuildingsline Local Street D Street Local oa S 20,770 230 210 1,200 19,570 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 3

Local Street F

development blocks: Trinity Street Trinity block 3 block

Front Street 39

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west townhouse unitsimbeddedintheapartmentbuildings. lined withresidences,preferably ground-related Localwill beacommercialbuilding. StreetD to Downtown Toronto. Street The buildingalongCherry character throughout theCity, andtoactasaconnection Front Streetwillbelinedwithactive uses,tocontinueits FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES 4 Block Local Street D Street Local RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE

Front Street 4

Local Street F Cherry Street Cherry

atop aparkingstructure. Street. A courtyardwillbedevelopedCherry mid-block Local StreetsDandF. Nosetback willberequiredalong setbacks2.00m arerequiredalongFront Streetand SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Local Street D Street Local COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE 2m

Front Street 2m

Local Street F

2m Cherry Street Cherry

smaller scalefor theseintimatestreets. height withastepback after a the4thfloortomaintain floor. Buildingsalongthelocalstreetswillbe5storeys in storeys inheightwitharequiredstepback after the6th Buildings alongFront Streetswillbe8 andCherry STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Local Street D Street Local 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M 4 Front Street 5+P 8+P 6

Local Street F urban design associates design urban 8+P

6 6 Street Cherry

structure sinceit cannot self-park. must alsobeaccommodatedintheBlock 4parking on allsides. The parkingfor Block 7tothesoutheast Above-grade parkingwilloccurmid-block, concealingit PARKINGSERVICING AND Access Local Street D Street Local ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION ways ways will belocatedalongLocal StreetsDandF. Front Street

Local Street F Cherry Street Cherry OVERALL MASSING that ofitsresidentialcounterpartonFront Streettothedegreepossible. residents. Streetshouldcompliment The largecommercialbuildingliningCherry apartment buildingsalongstreetsinordertoprovide directoutdooraccessfor lines Local StreetsdandF. Ground-relatedunitsshouldbeimbeddedinthe small A largeapartmentbuildingdefinesFront Streetwhileasmallapartmentbuilding

oa S 24,420 320 100 14,420 10,000 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 4 Cherry Street Cherry

Local Street F

development blocks: Local Street D Street Local block 4 block

Front Street 40

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west throughthe City West DonLandstothePortlands. Street,amainnorth/southstreetconnectingthe Cherry Active useslineEastern Avenue, Front Street,and FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 5 Block ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE 5

Eastern Avenue Laneway

Front Street Cherry Street Cherry on allsides. Development ontheblock extendslines totheproperty SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

Eastern Avenue Laneway

Front Street Cherry Street Cherry with astepback above the6thstorey. Streetwillbe8storeysBuildings facing Cherry inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M

Eastern Avenue Laneway 6 8+P

Front Street 6 8+P urban design associates design urban

6 Cherry Street Cherry 6 PARKINGSERVICING AND to thedimensionalconstraintsofsite. below-grade withinthedesignatedblock due boundary Parking for thesebuildingsmustbeaccommodated ACCESS WAY REQUIRED BELOW-GRADE PARKING LOCATION

Eastern Avenue Laneway

Front Street Cherry Street Cherry OVERALL MASSING Large apartment buildings define and contain this area of Cherry Street. thisareaofCherry Large apartmentbuildingsdefineandcontain

oa S 16,830 50 160 1980 14,850 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 5 Cherry Street Cherry development blocks: block 5 block 41

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west 6 Block District isencouraged. with theaimsandfuture planningoftheDistillery house interestingusesanddiverse tenants.Integration oftheedificeitself.preservation This buildingshould uses. The development ofthisblock willincludeheritage District.Itwillberedeveloped ascommercial Distillery 18 Trinity isanexistingbuilding justnorthofthe heritage FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES

HERITAGE BUILDING Local Street E Street Local 6 Square Trinity

Local Street F

Mill Street

18 Trinity:

Heritage Building Existing Trinity Street Trinity

spaces of the . spaces oftheDistillery tothe the usesinbuildingitself, andcomplimentary across Local StreetE.Itsprogramshouldberelatedto Trinity Squareisanextension ofParliament StreetPark SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Local Street E Street Local PUBLIC ORPUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE OPENSPACE Square Trinity

Local Street F

Mill Street

18 Trinity:

Heritage Building Existing Trinity Street Trinity

renovated characteristics. heritage topreserve cases, existing architectural elementsshouldbe made tothesebuildingssupporttheiruse.Inall Thoughtful, architecturally-relevant additionsmay be structure. theentireoriginalheritage while retaining removed inordertomaximize thesize of Trinity Square permanent additionontoitswest sideshouldbe This stories inheight. buildingis2tall The later, non- STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Local Street E Street Local Square Trinity

Local Street F

Mill Street urban design associates design urban

18 Trinity:

Heritage Building Existing Trinity Street Trinity

PARKINGSERVICING AND shared solutionthroughouttheimmediatearea. Parking mustbeaccommodated on-streetandasa There isnoon-siteparkingprovided for thebuilding. Local Street E Street Local Square Trinity

Local Street F

Mill Street

18 Trinity:

Heritage Building Existing Trinity Street Trinity OVERALL MASSING range ofusescanbeconsideredfor theinterior. may beconsidered. The exterior ofthebuildingsshould becarefullyrestoredanda significant horizontalorvertical additions.Minoraddictionsfor codecompliance District. adjacent Distillery The form of18 Trinity shouldnotbemodifiedwith 18 Trinity isablocky, two-storey buildingconstructed intheeraandcharacter ofthe oa S 2,700 0 0 2,700 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 6

Trinity Street Local Street F Street Local development blocks: 18 Trinity: Heritage Building Trinity Square Existing

Local Street E

block 6 block Mill Street Mill 42

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west District, and its location along Cherry Street. District, anditslocationalongCherry building duetoitsadjacencyboththeDistillery Active uses areplannedfor thegroundfloorofthis FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES Block 7 Block ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE

Local Street F 7

Mill Street

18 Trinity Cherry Street Cherry adjacent, existing apartmentbuilding. on allsides,thoughitisplanned5.50mfromthe Development ontheblock extends lines totheproperty SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

Local Street F

Mill Street Cherry Street Cherry above the6th storey. The buildingwillbe8storeys inheightwithastepback STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M

Local Street F

Mill Street urban design associates 6 8+P


6 Cherry Street Cherry PARKINGSERVICING AND Block 4toitsimmediatenorthwest acrossLocal StreetF. Its parkingrequirementmustbeaccommodatedwithin There isnoon-siteparkingfor thisdevelopment block.

Local Street F

Mill Street Cherry Street Cherry OVERALL MASSING A large apartment building defines Cherry Street,Local StreetF,A largeapartmentbuildingdefinesCherry andMillStreet. oa S 5,730 0 55 670 5,060 Approximate parkingspaces Approximate residentialunits Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 7

Mill Street Cherry Street Cherry development blocks: block 7 block

Local Street F 43

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west zone toactivate thepedestrianexperience. *Architectural treatmentand /orpotentialnon-residentialgroundfloorusesshouldbeconsidered inthis District. mix ofusesbeingdeveloped throughouttheDistillery Live/Work Passage shoulddominateMillStreet aswell tocontinuethediverse frontage astheDistillery FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES Block 8 Block Cherry Street Cherry HERITAGE BUILDING RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE LIVE/WORK FRONTAGE ZONE Loop Turn-around TTC Station Switching Historic

Station Don River Local Street A Street Local

Distillery Passage

Mill Street Parking Garage

* Private Driveway Private Plant Energy District

Cherry should have aligned frontages on Cherry Street. shouldhave onCherry Cherry aligned frontages setback Street. zone along MillStreetorCherry The buildingsonthenorth andsouthsidesofMillStreetat existing resource. switching asaheritage willneedtobepreserved station There isnogroundfloor will belocated. The historic DonRivershouldberelocatedtodefinethetransitplaza,and Station connecting totheDistillery, aswell asaseriesofcourtyardsandplazawherethe TTC turn-around loop Passage connective isanimportant publicopenspace forDistillery thePrecinct, andincludesalinearwalk the above-grade parkingstructure willbedeveloped asasemi-publicopenspaceandgreenroof. The also developed alongthesouthernextension ofLocal Street Basitenterstheparkingstructure. The topof setbackA 3.00m zone Passage isdeveloped zone. asaprivate setback alongtheDistillery entry A 3.00m is SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Cherry Street Cherry PUBLIC AND PUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE OPENSPACE COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE Loop Turn-around TTC 6m Station Switching Historic Station Don River

3m Local Street A Street Local

Distillery Passage 3m 3m

Mill Street 6m urban design associates design urban

Parking Garage Private Driveway Private 6m Plant Energy District

Lands DistrictEnergyPlantislocated alongtheeasternedgeofblock. from thepodiums. A parkinggarageupto15 metresinheightisalso located inthisblock. The West Don exhaust stacks requiredby theadjacent DistrictEnergyPlant. The towers may besculptedasthey rise located inthisblock, two at14-storeys andoneat24-storeys. The 24-storey tower ismeanttohousethe Six-storey loft buildingsdominatetheblock, andarepodiumsfromwhich thetowers rise. Three towers are STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Cherry Street Cherry 24 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /78M 14 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /48M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE / 24M PARKING GARAGE; DISTRICT ENERGY PLANT/15M Loop Turn-around TTC 14+P Station Switching Historic Station Don River

6+P Local Street A Street Local

Distillery Passage 6+P

Mill Street 14+P Parking Garage 6+P

development blocks: Private Driveway Private 24+P Plant Energy District block 8 block 6+P 44

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west green roof. parking garageislocatedinthisblock, anditsrooftop istobedeveloped asasemi-publiccourtyardand Accessways penetratetheblock StreetandonthealignmentofLocal StreetB. fromCherry A 2-storey PARKINGSERVICING AND Cherry Street Cherry ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION SURFACE PARKING Loop Turn-around TTC Station Switching Historic

Don River

Station Local Street A Street Local

Distillery Passage

Mill Street

Parking Garage Private Driveway Private Plant Energy District rail linestothesouth. base forms. Lower structures housingparkingandtheDistrictEnergyPlantbuffer thedevelopment block fromtheadjacent Large apartmentbuildingsdeveloped withloft Passage. spaceslineMillStreetandtheDistillery Towers risefromthese OVERALL MASSING

Local Street B

Local Street A

urban design associates design urban Mill Street Mill

Cherry Street Historic Railroad Station oa S 65,000 410 660 5,000 60,000 Approximate parkingspaces Approximate residentialunits Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 8 8 development blocks: Historic Switching Station block 8 block 45

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west north. buildings ontheadjacentdevelopment blocks tothe should reflectthecrescentform followed by the River Park. The wall ofany buildingsfacing thePark site ofaschool centre adjacent toDon andcommunity This block willbedeveloped use,asthe asacommunity FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES C Street Local Block 9 Block COMMUNITY USE

Mill Street Community Centre Site School and

9 Bayview Avenue Bayview

developed in concertwiththeschool for itsuse. facilities. Someadjacentcourtyard spaceshouldbe The siteispubliclandandwillbedeveloped aspublic SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Local Street C Street Local PUBLIC AND PUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE OPENSPACE

Mill Street

Community Centre Site School and Bayview Avenue Bayview

decide uponthebuiltform. need todeterminethefinalprogramrequirementsand However, site canaccommodateabuildingofsixstoreys. Consistent withotherbuildingsalongMillStreet,this STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Local Street C Street Local 6 STOREYS /24M the City of the City Toronto andtheSchool Boards will

Mill Street Community Centre Site School and urban design associates

6 Bayview Avenue Bayview

PARKINGSERVICING AND eventual facility needs. Parking shouldbedeveloped inconcertwiththe Local Street C Street Local

Mill Street

Community Centre Site School and Bayview Avenue Bayview OVERALL MASSING the north. the crescentform followed by thebuildingsonadjacentdevelopment blocks to character ofthePrecinct. The wall ofany buildingsfacing thePark shouldreflect The school centreshouldbedeveloped andcommunity inthespiritofoverall oa S 9,250 1.8 acres Total GSM Overall Block Size ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 9 Community Centre School and Site development blocks:

Bayview Avenue Bayview Mill Street block 9 block 46

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west later additionswillberemoved. thoughthe portion ofthebuildingwillbepreserved, gateway intotheheartof West DonLands. The front at thecornerofFront Streetsandactsasa andCherry be developed aslive/work. Restaurantstands The Canary grade-related units. The buildingsfacing MillStreetwill Local Street A willbelinedwithresidencesthatare core for thePrecinct. The block's interiorcourtyardand amixed-useon thegroundfloorinordertoestablish Front Streetswillbelinedwithactive uses andCherry FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 10 Block Cherry Street Cherry HERITAGE BUILDING RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE LIVE/WORK FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary

Front Street

Mill Street Local Street A Street Local

above-grade parkingsolutions. block eitheratgrade, oratopaparkingstructure for feel ofthestreet. A courtyardwillbedeveloped mid- setbacka 0.00m themoreindustrial aswell topreserve Precinct's buildings.MillStreethas functioningheritage Restaurant,oneofthe oftheCanary preservation Front Street,however, setback hasa0.00m due tothe setbacks3.00m andLocal exist Street onCherry A. SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Cherry Street Cherry COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary 3m

Front Street 10 3m 3m 2m 3m 3m 3m

Mill Street Local Street A Street Local 3m

the intimate,neighbourhoodstreets. after thefourth asmallerscalealong floortomaintain Local Street A willbe5storeys inheightwithastepback storeys inheightwithastepback after the5thfloor. after the6thfloor. BuildingsonMillStreetwillbe6 Streetwillbe8storeysCherry inheightwithastepback with arequiredstepback after the8thfloor. Buildingson Buildings alongFront Streetwill be10 storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Cherry Street Cherry 10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary

Front Street 6 8+P 5 8 10+P urban design associates design urban 6+P 5+P Mill Street

4 Local Street A Street Local 5 5

density andgrade-relatedcourtyards. density explore below-grade parkingsolutionsfor development solution isillustrated,developers areencouragedto on allsidesby buildings. Though anabove-grade parking Local Street A. Parking willoccurmid-block, concealed PARKINGSERVICING AND Canary Restaurant Canary Access Cherry Street Cherry ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION Building Existing Heritage Restaurant: The Canary ways ways

Front Street will be located along Cherry Streetand will belocatedalongCherry

Mill Street Local Street A Street Local OVERALL MASSING along MillStreet. access for residents.Largeapartmentbuildingswithloft-like spacesareplanned apartment buildingsalongstreetsandcourtyardsinordertoprovide directoutdoor building linesLocal Street A. Ground-relatedunitsshouldbeimbeddedinthesmall Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Streetswhileasmallapartment andCherry

oa S 33,060 300 340 2,300 30,760 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 10 Front Street Front

Local Street A development blocks:

Cherry Street

block 10 block Mill Street Mill 47

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west be developed aslive/work. grade-related units. The buildingsfacing MillStreetwill Streets A andBwill belinedwithresidencesthatare the groundfloor. The block's interiorcourtyardandLocal Front andMillStreetswillbelinedwithactive useson FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES 11 Block


Front Street 11

Mill Street Local Street B Street Local solutions. atop aparkingstructure for above-grade parking courtyard willbedeveloped mid-block eitheratgrade,or A andB. Nosetback zone occursonMillStreet. A setbacks3.00m exist onFront Street,andLocal Streets SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE Local Street A Street Local

3m Front Street 3m 3m

Mill Street Local Street B Street Local 3m neighbourhood streets. storeys thescaleofintimate, inheighttomaintain after the5thfloor. Local Streets A andB willbe4 Mill Streetwillbe6storeys inheightwithastepback with arequiredstepback after the8thfloor. Buildingson Buildings alongFront Streetwill be10 storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


Front Street 4 10+P 8 5

urban design associates design urban Mill Street 6+P 5

4 Local Street B Street Local 5 grade-related courtyards. grade parkingsolutionsfor development and density illustrated, developers areencouragedtoexplore below- buildings. Though anabove-grade parkingsolutionis Parking willoccurmid-block, concealedonallsidesby PARKINGSERVICING AND Access


ways ways Local Street A Street Local will belocatedalongLocal Streets A andB.

Front Street

Mill Street Local Street B Street Local OVERALL MASSING Street. A andB. Largeapartmentbuildingswithloft-like spacesareplannedalongMill Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Streetwhiletownhouses lineLocal Streets

oa S 33,080 180 270 2,380 30,700 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 11 Front Street Front

Local Street B development blocks:

block 11 block Mill Street Mill

Local Street A 48

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west be developed aslive/work. grade-related units. The buildingsfacing MillStreetwill Streets BandCwillbelinedwithresidencesthathave the groundfloor. The block's interiorcourtyardandLocal Front andMillStreetswillbelinedwithactive useson FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 12 Block


Front Street 12

Mill Street Local Street C Street Local solutions. atop aparkingstructure for above-grade parking courtyard willbedeveloped mid-block eitheratgrade,or B andC.Nosetback zone occursonMillStreet. A setbacks3.00m exist onFront Street,andLocal Streets SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE Local Street B Street Local 3m Front Street 3m

Mill Street

3m Local Street C Street Local 3m neighbourhood streets. storeys thescaleofintimate, inheighttomaintain after the5thfloor. Local StreetsBandCwillbe4 Mill Streetwillbe6storeys inheightwithastepback with arequiredstepback after the8thfloor. Buildingson Buildings alongFront Streetwill be10 storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


Front Street 10+P 4 8 5

Mill Street urban design associates design urban 6+P


4 Local Street C Street Local 5 grade-related courtyards. grade parkingsolutionsfor development and density illustrated, developers areencouragedtoexplore below- buildings. Though anabove-grade parkingsolutionis C. Parking willoccurmid-block, concealedonallsidesby PARKINGSERVICING AND Access


ways ways Local Street B Street Local will belocatedalongLocal StreetsBand

Front Street

Mill Street Local Street C Street Local OVERALL MASSING Street. B andC.Largeapartmentbuildingswithloft-like spacesareplannedalongMill Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Streetwhiletownhouses lineLocal Streets

oa S 30,460 180 240 2,260 28,200 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 12 Front Street Front

Local Street C Mill Street Mill development blocks: block 12 block

Local Street B 49

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west have grade-relatedunits. interior courtyardwillalsobelinedwithresidencesthat Street Cwillhave residentialfrontage. The block's remainder ofBayview Avenue, MillStreet,andLocal floor which willturn thecorneronBayview Avenue. The Front Streetwillbelinedwithactive usesontheground FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 13 Block Local Street C Street Local RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE

Front Street 13

Mill Street Bayview Avenue Bayview

as frontage foras frontage grade-relatedunits. Street. A courtyardwillbedeveloped mid-block atgrade, and Local StreetC.Nosetback zone occursonMill setbacks3.00m exist onFront Street,Bayview Avenue, SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Local Street C Street Local PUBLIC AND PUBLICLY-ACCESSIBLE OPENSPACE COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE 3m

Front Street 3m

Mill Street

3m Bayview Avenue Bayview

to beinconcertwiththeoverall block. and Bayview Avenue. Itwillstepback after the8thfloor the 10 storey buildingmass atthecornerofFront Street neighbourhood streets. A 14 storey tower willrisefrom fourth thescaleof intimate, floortomaintain C willbe5storeys inheightwithastepback after the height withastepback after the5thfloor. Local Streets 8th floor. BuildingsonMillStreetwillbe6storeys in 10 storeys inheightwitharequiredstepback after the Buildings alongFront Streetand Bayview Avenue willbe STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Local Street C Street Local 14 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /48M 10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M 8

10+P Front Street 4 5+P 8 4 14+P

Mill Street 6+P urban design associates design urban 10+P 5

8 Bayview Avenue Bayview 8

courtyard. grade parkingstructure before reaching theinterior Bayview Avenue. Access plannedalongFrontto facilitatethedensity Streetand Mill Street.Parking willberequiredbelow-grade inorder PARKINGSERVICING AND Access Local Street C Street Local ACCESS WAY REQUIRED BELOW-GRADE PARKING ways ways

Front Street will belocatedalongLocal StreetCand ways ways

Mill Street

will leadintothebelow- Bayview Avenue Bayview OVERALL MASSING be locatedalongLocal StreetC. with loft-like spacesareplannedalongMillStreet. Smallapartmentbuildingswill rising fromthesebuildingstoaheightof14 storeys. Largeapartmentbuildings Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront StreetandBayview Avenue withatower

oa S 42,420 360 450 2,080 40,340 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 13 Mill Street Bayview Avenue Bayview development blocks: block 13 block

Front Street 50

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west component oftheredeveloped area. theCNPolicebuilding, which Building, willremainasa grade-related units. This block houses aheritage interior courtyardwillbelinedwithresidencesthathave on thegroundfloor. Both Local Street A andtheblock's Front Streetswillbelinedwithactive uses andCherry FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 14 Block Cherry Street Cherry HERITAGE BUILDING RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE

Local Street G 14

Front Street Local Street A Street Local NPolice Building CN

north, onanadjacentblock, inthenear-term. because anexisting storagebuildingwillremaintothe since itisenvisioned asmoreofaprivate address,and LocalBuilding. StreetGalsohasnosetback requirement buildings aremeanttoalignwiththeexisting CNPolice occurs onFront Streetsincenew StreetorCherry setbacks3.00m exist onLocal Street A. Nosetback zone SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Cherry Street Cherry COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE 3m

Local Street G

Front Street

3m Local Street A Street Local

4th storey. Local Streets A andG,witharequiredstepback after the 5-storey apartmentbuildingwillanchor thecorner of between thisstructure Street. A andtherestofCherry the existing CNPolice Buildingtomitigatethescale after the6thfloor. A smallfour storey buildingwillabut Streetwillbe8storeysfronting Cherry withastepback with arequiredstepback after the8thfloor. Buildings Buildings alongFront Streetwill be10 storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Cherry Street Cherry 10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M 5 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /21M 4 STOREYS /12M 6 Local Street G 8+P 4

Front Street 4 5+P 10+P 8 urban design associates design urban

4 Local Street A Street Local

grade-related courtyards. grade parkingsolutionsfor development and density illustrated, developers areencouragetoutilize below- buildings. Though anabove-grade parkingsolutionis G. Parking willoccurmid-block, concealedonallsidesby PARKINGSERVICING AND Access Cherry Street Cherry ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION ways ways

will belocatedalongLocal Streets A and Local Street G

Front Street Local Street A Street Local OVERALL MASSING the corner. SmallapartmentbuildingswillbelocatedalongLocal Streets A andG. lower-scale CNPolice Buildingandacounterpart4storey new buildingwillanchor Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Street,however StreetandCherry the oa S 26,860 270 290 460 26,400 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 14

Local Street A development blocks:

Cherry Street

block 14 block Front Street Front 51

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west residences thathave grade-relatedunits. the block's interior courtyardwillbelinedwith Don River Park. Both Local Streets A andB, aswell as floor, animatingtheEsplanadefromLocal Street A to Front Streetwillbelinedwithactive usesontheground FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES 15 Block


Local Street G 15

Front Street Local Street B Street Local term. remain tothenorth,onanadjacentblock, inthenear- address, andbecauseanexisting storagebuildingwill requirement sinceitisenvisioned asmoreofaprivate well asFront Streetitself. Local StreetGhasnosetback setback3.00m zones exist onLocal Streets A andB, as SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE


Local Street G 3m

Front Street 3m

3m Local Street B Street Local with requiredstepbacks after the4thstorey. apartment buildingswilllineLocal Streets A, B, andG, with arequiredstepback after the8thfloor. Five storey Buildings alongFront Streetwill be10 storeys inheight STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


Local Street G 4 8 5+P

Front Street 10+P 4 5+P 8 urban design associates design urban

4 8 B Street Local grade-related courtyards. grade parkingsolutionsfor development and density illustrated, developers areencouragedtoexplore below- buildings. Though anabove-grade parkingsolutionis Parking willoccurmid-block, concealedonallsidesby PARKINGSERVICING AND Access


ways ways Local Street A Street Local will belocatedalongLocal Streets A andB.

Local Street G

Front Street Local Street B Street Local OVERALL MASSING more intimatescaletothecentreofthisarea. apartment buildingswillbelocatedalongLocal Streets A, B, andGtoprovide a Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Street,however lower-scale small

oa S 26,050 170 260 2,600 23,450 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 15 Front Street Front

Local Street A development blocks: block 15 block

Local Street B 52

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west employment usesfound intheFoundryitself. will alsobeactive useareasintendedtocomplimentthe the interiorcourtyardssurrounding theFoundryBuildings uses onthegroundfloor. Both theFoundryMews and Front StreetandLocal StreetBwillbelinedwithactive FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 16 Block West


Public Laneway 16

Front Street Mews Foundry itself. views structures oftheseheritage fromFront Street frame theFoundryComplex, andgrantpublicaccess of theFoundryMews. The FoundryMews isintendedto adjacent tothepublicandpublicly-accessible openspace setbacks areintended tofunctionassemi-private space Local StreetB, Foundry Mews, andthecourtyard. These setback3.00m zones exist onFront Street,aswell as SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE


Front Street Mews Foundry height witharequiredstepback after the8thfloor. This buildingalongFront Streetwillbe10 storeys in STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND

10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M Local Street B Street Local 8 8

Public Laneway

Front Street 10+P 8 urban design associates design urban 8 Mews Foundry PARKINGSERVICING AND required below-grade parkingstructure. Parking for thisblock willbeaccommodatedina Local StreetHwillactastheaccessway for theblock.


Public Laneway

Front Street Mews Foundry OVERALL MASSING Mews. Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Street,Local StreetB, andtheFoundry

oa S 18,010 100 180 1,710 16,300 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 16 WEST Local Street B Street Local development blocks:

Front Street block 16west block 53

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west Bayview Avenue willberesidentialfrontage. employment usesfound intheFoundry itself. The restof active useareasintendedtocomplimentthe courtyard southoftheFoundry Buildings willalsobe floor. Inaddition,theFoundry Mews andtheinterior Avenue willbelinedwithactive usesontheground Front Streetandthebaseoftower onBayview FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES Block 16East Block


Front Street

16 Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old

Bayview Avenue heritage structuresheritage fromFront Streetitself. Complex, andgrantpublicaccessviews ofthese Foundry Mews isintended toframetheFoundry accessible openspaceoftheFoundry Mews. The semi-private spaceadjacenttothepublicandpublicly- courtyard. These setbacks areintendedtofunctionas Avenue, Local StreetH, theFoundry Mews, andthe setback3.00m zones exist onFront Street,Bayview SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE


Front Street

3m Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old 3m

Bayview Avenue and Bayview Avenue toaheightof14 storeys. from this10 storey baseatthecornerofFront Street required stepback after the8thfloor. A tower willrise the Foundry Mews will be10 storeys inheightwitha The buildingsalongFront Street,Bayview Avenue, and STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND

Public Laneway 14 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /48M 10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M Mews Foundry 8 10+P 8

Front Street Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old urban design associates 8 14+P 10+P 8

Bayview Avenue PARKINGSERVICING AND heritage structures.heritage and thedevelopment constraintsposedby thenearby required below-grade parkingstructure duetoitsdensity Parking for thisblock willbeaccommodatedina Local StreetHwillactastheaccessway for theblock.


Front Street Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old

Bayview Avenue OVERALL MASSING Mews. Large apartmentbuildingsdefineFront Street,Bayview Avenue, andtheFoundry

oa S 42,170 380 450 1,740 40,430 Approximate parkingspaces Approximate residentialunits Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 16EAST Front Street Front development blocks:

Bayview Avenue Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old block 16 east block 54

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west campus environment. interesting tenantswithinwhatshouldbeconceived asa modern use.Development shouldencourageusageby ofthesestructuresrestoration andpreservation to within thePrecinct. Development ofthisblock requires buildingstobe preserved concentration ofheritage The DominionFoundryComplex isthelargest FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 17 Block Local Street B Street Local HERITAGE BUILDING

Old Eastern Avenue St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Existing Heritage Buildings Dominion Foundry Complex:

Public Laneway 17 Mews Foundry Dominion Foundry Buildings

setbacks arerequired. Since thecomplex ofbuildingsexist, nofurtherspecific SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Local Street B Street Local

Old Eastern Avenue St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Existing Heritage Buildings Dominion Foundry Complex:

Public Laneway Mews Foundry

renovated characteristics. heritage topreserve cases, existing architectural elementsshouldbe be madetothesebuildingssupporttheiruse.Inall height. Thoughtful, architecturally-relevant additionsmay The DominionFoundry buildingsaretwo storeys in STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND Local Street B Street Local

Old Eastern Avenue St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Existing Heritage Buildings Dominion Foundry Complex:

Public Laneway urban design associates design urban Mews Foundry

PARKINGSERVICING AND due totheexisting constraints. parkingrequirementscannotbemetfortypical thisblock site plandeveloped inthereuseofthesebuildings. The Parking for thisblock mustbeaddressedinthespecific Local StreetHwillactastheaccessway for theblock. Local Street B Street Local

Old Eastern Avenue St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Existing Heritage Buildings Dominion Foundry Complex:

Public Laneway Mews Foundry

OVERALL MASSING The Dominion Foundry Complex tells the story ofthe The DominionFoundryComplex tellsthestory West DonLandsuniquepast. Local Street B Street Local oa S 7,760 0 7,760 Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 17

Old Eastern Avenue Existing Heritage Buildings Dominion Foundry Complex: development blocks: block 17 block 55

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west line thesouthsideofRichmond-Adelaide ramps. A numberofexisting buildingshosingemployment uses FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES 18 Block HERITAGE BUILDING

Richmond-Adelaide ramps

Old Eastern Avenue Existing Buildings

18 St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Existing employment uses setbacks arerequired. Since theseriesofbuildingsexist, nofurtherspecific SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

Richmond-Adelaide ramps

Old Eastern Avenue Existing Buildings St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. in height. The seriesofexistingonestorey buildingsaretypically STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND

Richmond-Adelaide ramps

Old Eastern Avenue Existing Buildings

urban design associates design urban St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. PARKINGSERVICING AND Parking and servicing willremainasitcurrently exists.Parking andservicing

Richmond-Adelaide ramps

Old Eastern Avenue Existing Buildings St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

OVERALL MASSING Adelaide ramps. diverse workspace withinthePrecinct, aswell asact abuffer tothe Richmond- This dualfunctionofproviding seriesofexistingtheimportant buildingsserve oa S 1,440 0 1,440 Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 18 Street Lawrence St. Existing Buildings development blocks:

block 18 block Old Eastern Avenue 56

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west area ofthePrecinct. should complimenttheotheremployment usesinthis and attheheadofRiver Square. These active uses Active isrequiredalongOldEastern frontage Avenue FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 19 Block

Richmond-Adelaide ramps St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue



Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River

block. adjacent totheRichmond-Adelaide the rampstoservice Avenue andRiver Square. A private laneway isprovided River Street.Nosetback isrequiredalongOldEastern Street, whilea6msetback zone willbelocatedalong A 4msetback zone isprescribedalongSt.Lawrence SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Richmond-Adelaide ramps St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

Old Eastern Avenue



Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River stepback after the8thfloor. The buildingonBlock 20isa10 storey buildingwitha STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND

Richmond-Adelaide ramps St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.

10 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /36M 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M Old Eastern Avenue River Street River 8 10+P 8 urban design associates design urban 8


Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River PARKINGSERVICING AND the block. the private laneway running alongthenorthportionof requirements. isfrom Access toparkingandservicing required below theblock inordertosatisfyits Richmond-Adelaide ramps.Below-grade parkingisalso Parking isprovided by surface parkingareasunderthe

Richmond-Adelaide ramps St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St.


River Street River

Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River OVERALL MASSING Large apartmentbuildingsdefineallstreets.

oa S 10,400 80 0 115 10,400 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 19 Bayview Avenue Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Square Park development blocks: block 19 block 57

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west street experience. buildings toprovide for anintimate,neighbourhood related unitsshouldoccupy thebottom floorsof all River Park, andtheblock's internalcourtyard.Ground- Residences willlineRiver Street,Bayview Avenue, Don FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block 20 Block

Richmond-Adelaide ramps


Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River 20

Bayview Avenue and shouldproperlyaddressthispublic space. development block iscontiguouswithDonRiver Park, to provide accesstotheblock onitsnorthernedge. The imbedded parkingstructure. A private laneway islocated courtyard isplannedasanaddressfor unitsatopthe Don River Park andmid-block elevated courtyard. A and todefinesemi-private spaceinrelationshiptothe toreflectthePark's(though ittapers crescent shape), setback3.00m zones occuralongBayview Avenue SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE

Richmond-Adelaide ramps


3m River Street River 3m 3m

Bayview Avenue this massafter a required stepback after the8thfloor. stepback after the8thfloor. A 24-storey tower risesfrom The overall buildingmassistenstoreys in height witha STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


8 Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old

10+P River Street River 10+P 8 urban design associates design urban 24+P 8 8

Bayview Avenue PARKINGSERVICING AND servicing. the northernedgeofblock for bothparkingand protection landform. An accessway isprovided along above-grade duetotherequirementsofflood Parking for theblock isrequiredtobeaccommodated

Richmond-Adelaide ramps


Old Eastern Avenue Eastern Old River Street River

Bayview Avenue OVERALL MASSING design. for thePrecinct. Beyond itsinitialstepback, itshouldbegracefullysculptedinits block. A 24-storey tower risesfromthismass,andactsasagateway andbeacon Large apartmentbuildingswithground-relatedunitsatthebasedominate the oa S 31,380 260 0 350 31,380 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 20

Richmond-Adelaide River Square Park

ramps River Street River development blocks: block 20 block

Bayview Avenue 58

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west well astheprivate lan Residences willlineSt.Lawrence andRiver Streets, as the pattern found throughoutthisareaoftheCity. Active uses areplannedalongKingStreettocontinue FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES Block 21 Block

King Street

RESIDENTIAL FRONTAGE ZONE ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Connection Parking Garage Possible eway eway 21

Private Laneway and interiorcourtyard.

Richmond-Adelaide ramps River Street River requirements. atop aparkingstructure duetofloodprotectionlandform Adelaide ramps. A courtyard willbedeveloped mid-block or laneway and River Streets.Nosetbacks occuralongtheprivate setback3.00m zones occuralongSt.Lawrence, King, SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE 3m King Street PRIVATE LANEWAY COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE

2m St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Connection Parking Garage Possible the accessway adjacenttotheRichmond- 3m 2.2m

Private Laneway

Richmond-Adelaide ramps

2.2m River Street River courtyard. related unitsfacing thestreets,aswell astheinterior Lawrence andRiver Streetsare4storeys withground- stepback after the6thfloor. Buildingsfacing St. Buildings alongKingStreetare8storeys inheightwitha STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND

King Street


6 St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Connection Parking Garage Possible 8 +P 6

Private Laneway 4 6

urban design associates Richmond-Adelaide ramps

4 River Street River PARKINGSERVICING AND parking and servicing route. parking andservicing adjacent totheRichmond-Adelaide rampsalsoactsasa pedestrian connectiontotheDonRiver Park. A lan and parallel toKingStreetprovide servicing protection landform. A private lan above-grade duetotherequirementsofflood Parking for theblock isrequiredtobeaccommodated

King Street

ACCESS WAY ABOVE-GRADE PARKING LOCATION St. Lawrence Street Lawrence St. Connection Parking Garage Possible

Private Laneway

eway is is eway Richmond-Adelaide ramps River Street River positioned eway OVERALL MASSING River Streets,theneighbourhoodstreetnetwork. Large apartmentbuildingslineKingStreet. Townhouses lineSt.Lawrence and

oa S 11,900 50 120 1,430 10,500 Approximate parkingspaces Approximate residentialunits Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 21 King Street King

River Street development blocks:

St. Lawrence Street block 21 block 59

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES laneway andinteriorcourtyard. Residences willlineRiver Street,aswell astheprivate the pattern found throughoutthisareaoftheCity. Active usesareplannedalongKingStreettocontinue Block 22 Block


Connection Parking Garage Possible River Street River

Private Laneway 22

Richmond-Adelaide ramps c structure duetoflood protectionlandform requirements. courtyard willbedeveloped mid-block atopaparking King StreetortheRichmond-Adelaide ramps. A No setbacks occur alongtheprivate laneway parallelto fronting theDonRiver Park asnegotiatedwiththe TRCA. A 2.50msetback zone occursalongtheprivate laneway setback3.00m zones occuralongKingandRiver Streets. SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE 2m King Street PRIVATE LANEWAY COURTYARD SETBACK ZONE

Connection Parking Garage Possible River Street River 2.2m

Private Laneway

Richmond-Adelaide ramps 3m 10 storeys inheightwithastepback after the 8th floor. interior courtyard.BuildingsalongtheDonRiver Park are ground-related unitsfacing thestreet,aswell asthe height withastepback after the4thfloor, housing 6th floor. Buildingsfacing River Streetare5storeys in this buildingmasswithamatching stepback after the stepback after the6thfloor. A 14 storey tower risesfrom Buildings alongKingStreetare8storeys inheightwitha STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


6 8+P Connection Parking Garage Possible River Street River 14+P

Private Laneway 5+P 4 6 urban design associates design urban

Richmond-Adelaide ramps 10+P 8 PARKINGSERVICING AND parking and servicing route. parking andservicing adjacent totheRichmond-Adelaide rampsalsoacts asa pedestrian connectiontotheDonRiver Park. A laneway and parallel toKingStreetprovide servicing protection landform. An private laneway ispositioned above-grade duetotherequirementsofflood Parking for theblock isrequiredtobeaccommodated


Connection Parking Garage Possible River Street River

Private Laneway

Richmond-Adelaide ramps OVERALL MASSING townhouses toactive thestreet. apartment buildingswillface River Street,withimbeddedgrade-related Street, QueenandthenorthernmostportionofDonRiver Park. Small tower locatedattheconfluenceofKing isalsorisesfromtheKingStreetbuilding, Large apartmentbuildingslineKingStreetandoverlook theDonRiver Park. A

Richmond-Adelaide ramps oa S 40,400 340 430 1,600 38,800 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK 22 Don River Don River Park

development blocks: River Street River block 22 block

King Street 60

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, and design guidelines: plan don block lands west privately-owned. involving theFirstParliament site. All landisnow development arrangement ispartofalandexchange which willbethe future siteoftwo cardealerships. This development zoneonaprivately-owned stands block, Active usesareplannedalongFront Street. This FRONTAGES AND GROUND FLOOR USES Block P1 Block ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE Car Dealership Development P1 Private

Eastern Avenue

Front Street Car Dealership Development Private no setbacks areplanned alongFront Street. Due tothesiteconstraintsanddevelopment agreement, SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE Car Dealership Development Private

Eastern Avenue

Front Street Car Dealership Development Private the 6thfloor. Buildings willbe8storeys inheightwithastepback after STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M Car Dealership Development Private

Eastern Avenue

Front Street Car Dealership urban design associates design urban Development Private 8+P 6 PARKINGSERVICING AND Block 5,totheeast. constraints, andtheaccessway willbesharedwith Parking willberequiredbelow-grade duetothesite ACCESS WAY REQUIRED BELOW-GRADE PARKING Car Dealership Development Private

Eastern Avenue

Front Street Car Dealership Development Private OVERALL MASSING Large apartmentbuildingswillface Front Street. prxmt akn pcs 0 sf 52,400 12,900 90 4,900 8,000 Approximate parking spaces Approximate residential units Car Dealerships Total GSM Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM BLOCK P1

Car Dealership

Development Front Street Front

Private Eastern Avenue Eastern development blocks: block p1 block Car Dealership Development Private 61

© 2006 urban design associates

etdnlnsbokpa n eingieie:trno nai aur 06| january 2006 | ontario toronto, anddesign guidelines: plan don block lands west with thisemployment areaofthePrecinct. residential orcommercialusesareencouragedtofitin currently exists onthesite.Uponredevelopment, This block isprivately-owned, andastoragebuilding FRONTAGES AND GROUNDFLOOR USES Block P2 Block


e r r y St

r e e t Ea ACTIVE USEFRONTAGE ZONE stern Av enue P2


c tal S Co r re k t

e o t w n G Me

w s

Lo c a t S l

r e e t A

Lo c a t S l

r e e t B

provides passive recreationspacefor thePrecinct. continued alongthealignmentofLocal Street A, and Corktown Mews actsasaconnective, pedestrianspace B. Courtyard areasexist beyond thedevelopment zones. of thesite.Nosetbacks are plannedalongLocal Street alignment ofEastern Avenue exists atthenorthernedge interior courtyards. setbackA varying thatfollows the setbacks3.00m exist alongtheCorktown Mews and SETBACKS, COURTYARDS, AND OPENSPACE


e r r y St



c tal S Co re et G r k t o w n Me

w s

Lo c a t S l

r e e t A

Lo c a t S l

r e e t B

height limitonthissite. after the6thfloor. Existingzoning allows for a26-metre Corktown Mews are8storeys inheightwithastepback Buildings alongEastern Avenue, Street,and Cherry STEPBACKS HEIGHTS AND


e r r y St

r e e 8 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /30M 6 STOREYS+PENTHOUSE /24M t Ea 6 stern Av enue 6 8+P


c tal S Co r re k t

e o t w n G Me w s

urban design associates Lo c a t S l

r e e t A 6 8+P


Lo c a t S l

r e e t B

PARKING AND SERVICING \ of thisblock duetositeconstraints. Below-grade parkingisrequiredfor the redevelopment


e r r y St



c tal S Co r re k t

e o t w n G Me

w s

Lo c a t S l

r e e t A

Lo c a t S l

r e e t B OVERALL MASSING major connectorstreetintheCity. Large apartmentbuildingsdefinethisblock andgive form toEastern Avenue, a prxmt akn pcs 170 0 180 16,000 Approximate parkingspaces Approximate residentialunits To Commercial GSM Residential GSM ILLUSTRATIV BLOCK P2 GM16,000 GSM l a t E DEV ELOPMENT PROGRAM

development blocks:





r n Av


n u e block p2 block

Ch ery St ret 62

© 2006 urban design associates etdnlnsbokpas oot,otro|jnay20 | january 2006 | ontario toronto, plans: don block lands west SUBTOTAL GRAND NUMBER TOTAL BLOCK P2 P1 22 21 20 16 15 14 13 12 19 18 17 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IN ACRES Development Yields Development 35.38 39.10 AREA 2.36 2.34 0.46 0.46 2.05 2.12 2.35 4.20 0.21 0.35 1.36 1.98 1.58 1.86 1.87 1.92 1.81 1.73 1.37 1.68 0.74 2.01 1.18 1.11 RESIDENTIAL 532,040 508,040 16,000 60,000 38,800 26,400 28,200 30,700 23,700 31,380 56,730 23,450 40,340 14,850 30,760 19,570 10,000 10,500 10,400 47,200 8,000 5,060 GSM 0 0 0 0 NON-RESIDENTIAL 14,420 72,630 67,730 5,000 4,900 1,600 2,600 2,300 2,700 1,200 1,430 1,440 3,450 2,080 2,260 2,380 9,250 1,980 1,470 3,280 ,760 6 7 7, GSM 460 670 Summary: 0 0 0 604,670 575,770 16,000 65,000 12,900 40,400 31,380 26,050 26,860 42,420 30,460 33,080 33,060 16,830 24,420 20,770 50,480 60,180 25,170 10,400 11,930 TOTAL TOTAL 2,700 1,440 9,250 5,730 ,760 6 7 7, GSM RESIDENTIAL UNITS 5,720 5,450 500 430 120 350 630 260 290 450 240 270 340 660 160 260 180 210 115 110 90 55 0 0 0 0 PARKING SPACES 4,520 4,350 300 340 260 480 270 360 320 230 220 450 180 180 170 170 410 50 80 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 Precinct Development Blocks urban design associates BLOCK 1 BLOCK P1 BLOCK 21 BLOCK 22 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 5 BLOCK P2 BLOCK 18 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 19 BLOCK 14 BLOCK 17 BLOCK 6 BLOCK 20 BLOCK 4 BLOCK 15 BLOCK 16 BLOCK 10 BLOCK 11 BLOCK 7 BLOCK 12 BLOCK 13 BLOCK 8 BLOCK 9 development yields summary: 63

© 2006 urban design associates