Book IJPHRD July 2020.Indb
1400 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July 2020, Vol. 11, No. 7 Detection of Intestinal Helminthic Infection in Rural Communities Using Concentration Method Nathkapach Kaewpitoon Rattanapitoon1, Schawanya Kaewpitoon Rattanapitoon2, Nattawut Keeratibharat3, Pundit Asavaritikrai4, Alisa Boonsuya5, Phornphitcha Pechdee6 1 Assistant Professor, Parasitic Disease Research Center, 2Associate Professor/HOD, School of Translational Medicine, 3Lecturer, School of Surgery, 4HOD, Department of Medical Education, 5Research Assistant, Institute of Medicine, 6Research Scholar, Institute of Research Development, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand Abstract This study was aimed to determine the intestinal helminthic infections (IHIs) among rural communities of Bua Yai district, Nakhon Ratchasima province, northeastern Thailand. A cross-sectional study was conducted between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019 among rural villagers from 22 rural villages of 2 sub-districts. The participants were randomly selected from village enrollment list after proportional allocation of the total sample size. IHIs were prepared by the mini parasep sf faecal concentrator; concentration method, and then were detected using light microscope. Data were analyzed using STATA for windows version 13 and p-value less than 5% was considered as statistically significant. Of the total 454 faecal specimens examined, 6 were positive for at least one intestinal helminthes making the prevalence 1.32%. The most prevalent helminthes were Opisthorchis viverrini (1.26%) and followed by Ascaris lumbricoides (0.39%), Strongyloides stercolaris (0.19%), and Taenia spp. (0.19%), respectively. No significant association was found between IHIs and socio-demographic characteristics (P >0.05). This study reveals that the decreased infection rate is under control and elimination is possible through the prevention and control campaign from Ministry of Public Health in collaborated with network teams in this areas.
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