BOB MEUSEL StribUng Yearning YOUIH GIVES Is The ‘Babe’ Happy? Sure! M’ALLEN GIRL IS FOUND AT CORPUS for Everybody Is i Cauliflower Ear MfAU.KN. Texn Mur. 11. Mary l-ois, 14 year old dnut'hter of Mr. uud Wearing Them! I H !l Mi*. J. S. Hayles , of McAllen. i‘ur whom friends of the family together 1 Arrives in Yankee’s with officers have searched fer sine * I wo-piece under**\ Yc(j>-G Sunday, March R, has been It rat'd' i < wear with Camp With Herb CHICAGO CUBS t orpu* hrlsti. pink The eirl, anom; timed K. by another knitted shirt— Pennock „irl, ailie A»hlry, left home;, j striped and ‘Short in Years But tcorning to nttend church and a1-' checked though the Hayles* girl did not re pants—cool and NEW YORK. March 14. A F’.o’j in turn home that night her mother ex-i good lookin'— Heusel, heralded us half of Ui New Long Experience/ | pressed no alarm. *he later said, as he tiat was the York Yankee hold-out problt. n|< ng supposed he spending! They’re thing McCarthy i with lierh Pannock, h«s :. m J at the night with friend'. indeed! Pt. Petersburg from the m.»c» *tn’:- of C!ub Various reports were received o» Says ■ of California, hut is the and t untv »ay» hr no [about girl and city Shirt SI. 23 hold-out at nil. ! officers were searching this settle n Mt use! and M Her Iluge'mi. hi B> VICTOR (.. RHILCK of the eountry. hot no tra~r of hfl Pants $ 1.23 Sar.ii Catalina Island. malinger played Sonday golf on the AVALON was found until Thursday night. aame Mur. 14. *.4 A j course hut did not meet. :Hif., club, veteran) Exc lusively at from the standpoint of experience : but !Hi!t‘en*inK the speed of youth.; Gulf After three n.’i ... of the Company Opens training, will l.i!.tie thi.. reason under .he blue axe appear* perilously close to a and white tundtiril of the Station at «lo**n rookie htuilc in John Mc- ! Edinburg Cuba. (•law’s rumfi at Sarasota. The line- Manager «!■ •• out up appeals to he Terry, fiist; Horns- McCarthy points FIUNBIRG, Tex.. Mar. U —The youth a ont* of the < utstanding char- 1 by, second; Jackson, shortstop; I,ind- litilf Refining oi:ipony opened their acteristios of tin* aggregation he i* strom, third; with [Irvornti r and | service '.‘.ntton here Sntutduy < g»oom!ng here for the National untmings backstops and Lebour- morning ut the intersectr n of Clo« Lt avu” veoux. Roush. Harper, Ott, Moore pennant rr.cp. ner Boulevard and Peter Street. Tito In possessing perhapt .he youngc. t ; and Miller splitting outfield duty. stall n is very attractive in every •Ittb in the circuit --only two nun of i way. The building is of red and yel- the thirty-two iuw carried arc < ver I a Herald At Clearwater. Otto assist- low brick, which is the color chosen Try Classified Ad Miller, thirty me t’ub pilot nays he will urt to Villager Robinson of Brook- for all the Gulf Refining station*. have in addition to -peed the punch ] lyn, insist* that the club Fins the The station here is the tenth the and enthusiasm of youth. fFnest team he has noticed for Gulf Refining peupte have in the spirit As (or expedience, nineteen of tic years. Valley. twenty-five men who will form .So MOVED John F. Freeman is the manager of WHAT HE entourage the Cubs this season will |! the ni'v, and The • station, Wayne Holli- Philndcighiu American ar WAHTS lake to the pennant tussle, wore < hi- j M. Kahn & Co. ? Nat onal en- “ftake" Ruth photographed cn the observation platfcnr of the most man, and Floyd McFarland at* I League dubs Monday r-i,go unif riu.-' last season un<{ many Expert Watch Repairing tered one of „>iu important section 'this day, at lc,.st) of the "Twertieth Lim- tendant*. Mr. Freeman stairs that the most stre them still The I t'entury N*»w at spoiled longer. i s» located weeks n it'd.' ur he arrives in New York nch individual nnected in 1 of their training s«sr in added starters will .lie to accept a new contract from the any way 1*2% I.EVEE STREET represent pick j wdth the stnt’on here Hoiida camps, live « :»1.1 bi* *»n New York for will wear tb. games; ">f thirtien newcomers fighting for : Yankees, calling $?®,0®0 annually for three years. Ho Spit «*) -Kow aluki i uniform in with all the Gulf I Building with major league rival* a-ere sched- hert hs. doe.-n’t look unhappy. keeping tiled for the Athletics four fot *tatii ii«. Six players are bidding for the out- the Phillies. field posts. All will be retained. Hack W ib-on, t •-fielder, who The Ronton Ur*ves are booked for McAllen District led League in an exhibition game a i LotP on mIc April 2#. • major twenty-two f them—last year: LoU „„ hal«. ^pri, 2*. league club * this To Concrete Canals veiy ..ay week, Cliff lleuthcote, “Stc- Me right fielder, j starting day with the New York | 1 1 lie Stephi-iisor., Floyd Scott and Joe (Hunts a*1 Sura .ota, thi ir only en- M« ALLEN, Texas, Mar. 14. It has Kelly were with .he eluli last sen son. I away from the St. been unnoumed Peters-j A stirring battle is being Waged through the Hidalvo burr, ramp. by E wood the Water Improvement Number _ I Kngiish, fTilllMMI young-| ;) that the bonds ter. and James Cooney for the short-I voted in this di»tri t At New Orleans, Manager Hill some time berth, with hon> r* to ago have been approved the Keii .-top date per-' farrignn believes Huston by the att< rney J haps slightly in favor of the veteran j general. $7'»,{K'<. So* pitchers are sufficiently in shape v orth i f bonds because of an to were voted. to start on steam. The Sox injury English. putting The bonds were Should the* 10 old f »i i>.u»d for the par- Sunday bested New Orleans but year player, , 4-1, pose of concreting the laterals and the Pelicans' w< r«« in far merly with Toledo, make the graue, pitchers canals north of McAllen. This will better shapi than those of the Hove- By NORMAN E. BROWN Cooney will he us:d for utility pur- sj prevent seepage and waste, and "ill Exclusive Central Press l« poses. Charley Grimm undiubtedly |)i>p«trh make the will h' Id forth at first with .McAllen irrigation district Th Ch White Sox opened Brew ns> illr Herald base, Tolson his A- the most modern in the Vallty. their spring training exhibition se- big “Senator" relief. ATLANTA, Cn., March 14. (icoryt* This is the first district in Ju* Val- ries with the home club at Shreve- SPORTS for second, things there too are un- Atlanta’s “Young" Mribling. heavy- ley to vote hopi f. r the «>.f with a 10-3 settled, with Frank kerns, a .34“ purpose port victory Sunday, fen wants a cauliflower car. weight cementing the n canals and luring two of the Sox new bitter from Okmulgee. Okla., clasp- irrigate pitchers, j lie wants and needs it more Ilian Ted Done Brown with veteran Adams for as the bonds will be .-old in a fe * Hlankenship’tt brother Homer, j else in the world now. ing Sparky anything right days, work will »tart within a short and t'hcrles Harnabec, a Texas the keystone honors. | And he's gonna get it. time. league who to, southpaw, promises I have it on the wo/d of close March 14. Experience apparently will have stick. IN LAND. Alphonse Thomu finished out! friends of Str iding anil his new the rail at the ‘hot corner" where the The Sox demonstrated In Bichard Haynes Ct'yTioff, pitching game. manager, Walt Miller, that he will the claim of Howard Freignu, with thev j in. kie, the Cincinnati Beds have ne ar«> growing effective, gathering and r acquire it. In fact Stribling men the cHib f< several years, i« being 13 hits. f the most versatile young dug Banish That Walt acre out alter jt when I hit the contested by Harry Wilke, a new- up in the minors at least w:thin Break Cough this town. comer from Asheville, \. < who ha.- that Cou^h or ot-'aired De- memory of .lack Hendricks, Kedleg up Cold* Marty McManus, by And here’s the rtuson for the pucst teii .3f*0 ln*l season. Kuror.ol Liquid ir manager. And Hendrick* has beer, RelievesCotighs. troit from the St. Lou Hrowns, the tin ear. bore BUY A LOT IN BELVEDERE of class of or- McCarthy says the trio of «ca- Colds, Throat. Harmless. shewing great form at th" Tiger managing teams in every DECISION OF FRIENDS soi ed catchers on hand will Eaay-To-Take. gan ire.I baseball around thirty years. capably AtDrusreistx. will furnish all training camp in San Antonio and .Miller and close followers of the money to build Henri School on I'alm Boulevard. comes to the Reds ns a ca e for the riceiving end. Miguel Machinery working indications rre that in- will be At-j Wykoff Hicks Modern Fire reg- lantn's fist c have l*roor ICoof (harden Homes. there mw. pride decided that' from the S.ilina, Kan., team Gonzales, Cuban, and L‘ •• Hartnett Watch Keltedere in the Heart ot ularly assigned I c nJ base. Mc- j,itcher Helvedere is between Kitanos trihlingV rise in the ring has been ! are the regular talent, with Jack Lon and the Hi^h Brownsville. manus bit. of f ve of the Southwestern league. obtained tone out checked his to through failure learn are some oT the relief man. limes an exh »Uion with j And hero thing* Churry up in game how to take it and under fight firc.| which C • •« • giro Mr. V> >- Of six candidates f< r four vacant M UtTIN-HiCKS San Antonin Suin’ ■>*. ( the hut few months Strddim huff credit for the lyjti season berths on the pitching staff. McCar- w; t managed by h daddy, “IV it is hard to : at this Rrnnrh St. that club: thy says tote KieVey of the Imui* , Slrihling. Nat;;r,»!l> a the pa *\ •' lust fi as a wn are the f'nrdinals has left the Avan Park .'3 and games time drawing lucky ter didn’t want to see hi< non licked John Brillheart and Corner and rumor has it he is en- cauls. ramp or even mu r! And he ..!• t la- up. i erf in of a ■ rIT ha e route to the hom> «.f th< two hold- the league percentage Wilson, air southpaws, bor' d under the ion tiiat a imjicys gaa:es m n, figurin'* the hurlers h >v n considerable stuff and have outs, P teller Klint ..I -SIi n t- tor,- f v w ill t’.c .’..ring \ h" Men 13 or non* games. the eye of the f ia> leader. Tommv Th enow. It f-aree * e*.tight stop be-1 ins r lid c* •*. \ King 1 ., d t e i :if in strikeouts with \ of rirhthnnder*, are coiuHti'in h their pair good they lot-iiijir 1 m a't i’* >11 * !4#*. r Lester K absence; the ii-.nn' n.f po- Lanky Luthi Roy and >up- match n^ tu** y,-u*.r;. .Mast f |?-\ a, an out- ■ in il games sitions it> also the m r. I‘!nyed rich if Gul:port, also have sh Wn up in nuts weie against setups, ,4l- Ming fielder. the : have on he ball. of uncertainty r*jr;u< the f. sr someth-ng little rent ted that h> boy w;t 1't as base- J Clayed in ll’ a second Henry Oamph, Jr., of Petersburg. learning a thiuj in f.gating tiiii men. .uni John Welch, viih -he t uos At the > t1 Va., Tarpon Kpi tj ne. I’Lc.d :n :H a third Im-c- la ■ year, an* the of)i'*r two asniranl *. i.<>u a ! u H ■ St. Brown*. Managei Mi's» umiNtA y rnsv •ii nr- is banking upon ltoot. must I inn., over • •. McCarthy be is knittinv tin With the t"‘*. iot; f h ii- ley t, il.'.r.K.'rt * « .u! in hatting in the “Singers 1 and Osborne, ■ Hi b, Hiake. final Ins t.»- ii .e. Th« «r.. !. n it* t. i : «*- Kai^fmann shape 1'i, ut* #Jii< h with a ."*(* average in a league, light hr nders, and IN- rc v Lee June*. noaitloii behind the ha l i it In 1 i. is a. in the ••.»-« u dec jin. ti tot it! of ***5 games. cautious t • take their regular turn> for h h a < •thp.r.v. little worry, Sviiant •Mile «»f lights in Sew York. I.ed the league in home run* regarding f .-,! < *n the mould, lie brlieves Ro*t has clr.x* veterai Fred Sclfuitt Ini ling had little e .'up titfon. And with 2«. •. over lust summer. be said to have cimhrnt |r la a’ in i * v. *, or i, r *» «• improved ith por- Ait of which played an important their throats. Like Sigler in a fixture at f t center. tunitv t.-itiins hiivi in the face— i.iri i:i the wine on of th:- league f: .u ■ The infield and pitching t-• St rioling f..:’. 1 to an NT. pre- nnant SwJina. * by ■ other nebulous. »*'»** ..n I •llt the triple iv; that lie It was W'k'^' s second year with Santa Maria Players singers, pre- ujii" facing it Mali opp r*'*I'!t .*■)■{ tin! ■he club. Mis home's in Osborne, Manager Jack M <* •• ha n’t know how j handle h huso If. alt wh cil Huffman in jre b tits*?' Kill, blic. who once buried tor the Petroit cause are never "Tea Tavern,” a Inch ■*•,» they camp* last week. WTvil. t1 tribe peed end to tnork on paper out I'ire' end imaged the Manchester pi?y, Toper nr* Wntet! here nijrht ■«! th ha* broken even in four g i;n s .'orpot no t i «*' t;i hi* n«*" wiiet flub in the X* iv Ksi' ’id l«ttr-uc last Saturday resident * an m- school auditorium by be- played, he is not sat .i *i with re- Huffman tec puruiie.. at Mson, sends t'lyd Sukeforth. an Junior irritating and aim sult* of the ffi-t twn *-ie!.* train- him. fie'.dcr, bark to the Rmls wstn th« of S..n.:i Maria, was well played on nudi' nee. ing. Joe Sewell is expert'-d hack in RETAINS Ol I) I EATI RFS tipoff that he h r learned a lot of tp ni*preeiativo cause their * was a n sored the la* the regular line-up this week ant! One look at Str.blin,; fare is a baseball and .* ready for a thorough Th;* play pi l>y of finer <• Methodist church. will undoubtedly ad(i some batting ti| »*ff on kin career today. Hi* m.-n't test, lie’ll get it. oo, caper'ally if (1 of ihe local .award punch. a mark of any kind to mar hi* fe»- Horace Ford or Unglue frit* fall by The proceeds are to be used Maria. flavor tur« *. II is cv eorows have never been the wayside in some way. hu Idjnjr a chunh in Santa With the arrival of Hubbl.x liar- j puffed f»> constant pounding of aft grave at the training camp of the opponent’s glove. His no e is reg- Cincinnati Ifeda at (Irtando, Manager ular and in its native state. Ills Jack Hendrick* announced Monday lips arc* thin and firm. that the catching staff was com- And his ears are perfect. plete. Miller, who man.tired Tig< r Flowers, Scientifically Designed and oth.r fighter to s tine mcnsuit Lloyd Waner, rookie an I brother of fame at least, has decided that his Balloon Tire T read of Paul Pittsburgh Pirate i first move with is to Waner, Stribling put 9 slugger, loomed a.- u strong eandi- t the young man through the fire — > •late for the second sack position get h m accustomed to “taking it” when his work featured Sunday’s Pi- and f gilt while accepting what comes Another rate game at Paso Knble* which th« i h,s way. 1 reason yuan mat.', won. I to I. Lloyd, he- He figures the bout wdh Huffman tinning by taking a hot line from helped him thi t way. although it why Grantham's hat, covered the second virtually “killed" him :u far as the [ base area for the yannigan# in al- present scramble to land a fight with | Firestone most mid season form. lunnex i* concerned. Florence donna ■ tires are He wants more battles of that Easton, prima Manager Mucky 'lurr.s freely ad- k’nd better mil# that one of his chief worries in And Strihling's hometown folk are wh ppintr the Wanhingtoi Senators of the opinion that he will make a of the into shape at Tmnpa is the building real fighter out of the boy who is | Metropolitan Opera Company up of a pitching department, lie ha* just out of his teens, although now turned three Loft us, a daddy. Engineered for special The condition Morrell an I Van Alstyne aside aside pei feet of her voice end this, with the release of out- j \Va*cb Belvedere, in the heart of requirements of low-pressure fielder Gill is has reduced the squad i Brownsiille. ( wrr out t«v-d»\. wins to 35 always applause men. Walter Johnson has left Belvedere. h -tween I os Ehanes conditions j’ for hi# home for a three weeks stay and High School, on Balm Boule- to recover front h s injured leg. i ard —Adi« rt i-« menl. Phone COTT’S Phone Lucky Strikes, are mild and 6 ERViCE mellow—the finest cigarettes you 622 6225, PRINK • TATION ever smoked. They are made of the

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