.'V. V. sfwr .".,F ft. v "? S?v?5S 'i?» ?'?*^..w. ,."'! 'rv* ; jC$? 'f >V.^-' v . v .* ?\u25a0 *v^ THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAfc N. C.

Harvard Rowing Crews Get in Trim for the Coming Season WOMEN! DYE FADED OPERATIONS FOR THINGS NEW AGAIN The Harvard freshman' crew ? waiting tor the ice to break hds to \u25a0\u25a0 Py* or Tint Any Worn, Bhabby Qai> ment or Drapery. the tank. Left to right?Rice, It's the longest-lastlag FEMALE TROUBLES Bowles, Harrison, Bbattuck, , 0 New- 1 confection you bmy jj?. < earn Some Are | ' bnry, Pierce, Perkins and Barry. IR gg jH -and lri help Necessary, Some Are Not I Coach Btevens is shown on the left a to# } ""*** gestlon and adcwag These JHand Captain Henry of the varsity Wr' ? \ Women Gave Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- crew Is on the rlsrht. \ >y> etable Compound a Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Trial First Dyes" contains directions so simple 'dtp Pahriew, \u25a0 S.Dakota.-"A ago I Spring. lam well that any woman can dye or tint any btKHIMWtn M was sick in bed for year [ and stoat and "HH Ctl three weeks aad th ? have my organs they wanted to re- old, worn, faded thing new, if doctor Mid Iwould not be any better «even move. It was while I was in tbe she has never dyed before. Clioos« \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 without an operation. Ihad bearingr- hospital dowh pains that I Heard your medicines ad| any color at drug store.?Advertise- and sick headaches, with praised by other patients there. X Bkpuwk pain* (n the back of my I I IM lv M j ment. neck. fSt nave recommended them to my m > I' ured *llthe time, down-hearted, and friends my own / I got poor and to family. You S % j j I I and pale and was scarcely may use this testimonial far and a®|p : Sarcastic able to do anything at aU for some neju-, from the smallestpaper to the Milkman?Yes, I'm thinking of put- time before I took to my bed. The largest, gladly answer ting In some Improvements at my doctor of organs and I will let- said one nav was out ters from women who wish to krfow dairy In the near future. /, of place and caused my all troubles. what the Vegetable Compound has Customer?What are you planning I Was too weak and run-down to think done for me and what it will do for upon? ? of an operation and as pne of my them if they give it a fair trial." ? neighbors told me about Lydia K Mrs. J. RICH, 822 N. 40th St, Cam. Milkman ?Some electric milkers. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I den, New Jersey. Customer?Oh, I thought perhaps began taking it I have received you'd buy a cow. great relief from It and recommend Through neglect, some female'trou- Itvery highly. be bles may reach a stage where an It cannot praised operation too much in cases of female weak- is necessary, but most of For overnight relief to Inflamed eyee and the common ailments are not surgi- ?tlea um Roman Bye Balaam. Once tried, M RINa' Box alwaya preferred. »7» Kff-.y-'S*Fairview, P~ 106, cal ones; they are not caused by Pearl St.. N. T. Adv. Sooth Dakota. serious OPPORTI'NTY?Invest 160 to St,S«* la aari displacements, tumors or southern Induatry. mtklnt bis proflta. Oal> growths, although the \u25a0jmptumf may Moa on* (aliurv In hlitoir «' stale. Far tofar- New Jersey Woman mat Ion: BOX T«-A, U. Write* appear the same. The moa was a wingless bird found FARMERVH.UI Camden, New Jersey. "I.+«Va Many letters have great ? been received In New Zealand, somewhat like pleasure in writingyou this tes- from women who have been restored an timonial. I was a great sufferer of to health Lydia ostrich In appearance. It varied from s by R Pinkham's ************************** woman ailments and doctors told Vegetable Compound, after opera* POOR PUTTS DUE TO I T the size of a turkey to birds 12 feet melß years ago that I mast have a tions have height. They were edible and their serious operation been advised. FLAW IN GOLF BALL * Effective Southpaws £i to remove some of In a recent country-wide canvass extermination more than 500 years my organs. Irefused * to nave it done of purchasers of.Lydia E. Pinkham's Are Rare Now ;; Notes ago is probably due to that fact. and took a full coufse off your tnedi- Vegetable Compound, Quite idnes for months, over 100,000 * Where are the left-handers of Clifford Colee, a Florida semi-pro, six ttfen after the replies were received and 98 out of .Washington Doctor Finds j| full course I took a bottle of Lydia every 100reported they I yesteryear? Where are chaps it boa been signed by the Toledo club. E. Pinkham's- Vegetable that had been * Compound benefited by its nse. This statement Centers Not Round. like Nap Rocker, Rube Waddell, j j SWAMP-ROOT FOR every week or two. Lydia Waoaamakrr-ClerHead, Be- / also E. is important to every For | Doc White, Eddie Plank, Jesse ' John Dowell of Harrlaburg, 111., haa ralaalafcl?tf Pink nam's Blood every woman. i lected and Improvad (or earllnaaa and yield. iledicine sale at drag stores everywhere. A physician In Washington has j Tannehlll and so onT j| been named of the Cairo club Recom. flrat ia money value. Flret mimlmm Klneton (air. U O. Moeeley, Klaataa, made the discovery that poor putting X Up and down the list of major '' of the Kitty league. KIDNEY AILMENTS M. G. Foe Whittling ? * ? of Fined Is not always due to a faulty stroke, | league southpaws today chaps of | [ PRODL*CTIVB VIIOINIArUK, 111 acree, Angelo a There two dwelllnga, line climate, watar 4 VIMFOR WEAK, Gonzales owns shoe fac- but to the fact that the of I the caliber of of these old- >< Jack Cablness, a aeml-pro outfielder, is only one medicine that really mm NEW centers some (or quick tory \u25a0tanda out pre-eminent as a health. Will eaorlftc* aala. ar In Mexico City and abhors whis- golf balls are not always round. timers are few and even farther j| will be given a chance by Oklahoma medicine for laaaa. OWNER. Box SOS, AMELIA. TA tling. $ curable ailments of the kidneys, liver When two of his employees for- experiment carefully. * between. Rucker, ! City of league. and His was made with a chronic 1 the Western bladder. Mm and Womea?Our amaalaar THIN, PALE WOMEN got this recently ? ? ?- IMa-lneana and whistled at their " He putted several balls or. the green. second division ball club?Brook- j| Dr. Swamp-Root propoeltlon la open to yon. Sand lie (ar tab- J Kilmer's stands the (0c (ainoua enjoy your work and have work Angelo discharged them. But, " ular tkf. of our Ccennnnl «u ? and In many lyn?hurled winning stuff William Lindberg, pitcher highest for the proven partlc. your snare of the instances the golf ball J season (Lefty) reason that it haa of moat liberal offer ever eoneatvad. pleasures according to Mexican papers, the labor after to be just the remedy needed in Coemoe Cham. Co., II Oerry. Pa. of life get rid of tjhat run ' rolled straight for the cup, only to roll J season; Wadded, when !' of the St. Joaeph Western league dob, thousands W/Fradartek. TO commission decided that whistling was on one side * right, was Invincible; haa been sold upon thousands of distressing cases. your ' or the other Just as it was Doc White j| to Des Moines. down" feeling and enrich thin ? ? ? Swamp-Root make* frienda quickly because to not sufficient ground for dismissal, and I about to drop. was an enigma most of the time, j blood. Begin right now take J I its mild and immediate effect is soon real- Gude's Pepto-Mangan. Itwill help Senor Gonzales had to pay his ex- While this change In the course of Plank and Tannehill were Just as Harry Weaver, a pitcher, taken over employees months' jjj j | ised in moat esses. Ilia a gentle, healing you wonderfully. At your drug- three wages as ? the ball at the very end of Its run X good. And there were many oth- \u25a0 > by the Columbus club from Indianap- vegetable compound. gist's, in both liquid and tablets. compensation.?New York Times. could be traced to more than one mis- J erg, too. j[ olis, baa been Bold to Oalveston. Start treatment at onoa. Sold at all take In his stroke or to some defect in X Surely, there Is a shortage of u « ? * drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium Free Trial Wrttht'a Indian Gude'aT#>tsPepto-Mangan, Vegetable Pllla correct ' turf, putts fork-handed filngera nowadays. Vernon, league, and large. vain* Of .writ*today Indigestion, conatlpatlon. liver complaint, the' the were tried often t jj of the Pacific Coast (or However, if you wish first this " aanaroua Trial Package of Tableta. Send blllouaneaa. Costa yon nothing to eend tot \ enough to convince the player that haa signed two more pltchera, Oerald to test do money nam* and addreaa to trial ************************** preparation, send D.^F^j Juat box to 17! Pearl St., N. T. Adv. the fault might be Wear and Prank Kane, for tryoota. ten centa to Dr. AMISOH, ? UMMOIVTUX.*.C. ILJ. Braitenbach Co., {I Warren St., N. T. with the ball. lmer k Co., BingHamton, N. Y., for a He made several X-ray photographs * * * Esat ' Some Help sample bottle. When writing, be sure of the golf balls and found that the The Bridgeport club haa signed Mem- sod mention this psper.?Advertisement. . It was four o'clock when Marty McManus Signs Men Gude's the poker centers In several of the balls were, Its, a left-handed pitcher, who formerly Wanted?Young game showed signs of flagging. to enroll now for the vrlatlm not round. pitched in the Cotton Statea league. Easy to Get QwHotta "And I am due at work at eight,'? ? ? ? Barbae fluHiB^RC pepto-^angan He discovered an allbhthat golfers liberty unhap- CoPf. remarked Tenspot ruefully. "My wife Life, and evasion of ? have been searching for. A new alibi Joseph Heckle, star pitcher of the U., and Blood Enricher a good say." plness Is more easily attainable. W V CHARLOTTE, NO. Ifr-MOl Tonic will tyave deal to is always in golf. In nine Syracuse university team laat year, "In that case let's welcome play an hour or golf balls with which tbe experiment has been signed by the . lohger," suggested ? ? ? two hnother of the ? was made only otae* had a perfectly Stopm Eozema gang. "That will materially cut down 1 round center. Jimmy Austin la to replace Lefty Rellevee the latlamntatleii. Itehlas aadlrritattoas her speech."?Louisville Courier-Jour- The only trouble with a discovery Llefield aa first lieutenant to the St. akin aeotkea and aaltaaa tbe aad leavaa H nal. of this kind Is that every a Loula Browns' new manager, Oeorga am) ifftttwt. time golfer mlsrfes a putt he will Immediately tell Staler. ? ? ? TETTERINE Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Bkin his opponent that the center Isn't red, round. An X-ray Leo (Red) Page, an Inflelder from Ike owaplazJaa'a heat Mend. SOc at iwar dreg When rough and itching, by hot may become a sfeftet treat Ike SMWTUNECO.. UVAIUtAH.OA. baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of > part of the golfer's equipment. Ironton, Mich., haa been taken on by Cutlcura Ointment. Also make use the Toledo club of the American aaao- » RSE2IV PARKEITS now and then of that exquisitely scent- elation. Major League Players ? ? ? IWBAWA HAIR BALSAM ed dusting, powder, Cutlcura Talcum, ttfor j| Kaatnraa Color aad one of tbe indispensable Cutlcura [ Over 30 Years of Age Dallas Locker, first baseman with BCft _JBa?l) to Cray aad FxUd Hah Pacific Coast Me. mod SIM at PmrrUta. Toilet Trlo.^?Advertisement There are no fewer than 25 players clob of the M Chem. Wkj. T. in the major leagues in the fy-year-old league, haa been given bia uncondi- class. Tbese men still may be ranked tional release. Cum for Belting ?? ' ? SU^HBSCORNSJ among big One of the chief the brightest stars In the circuits. Vernon, of the Pacific Coaat league, lsh Guiana Is collecting tralata gum, Among the prominent play- era are Babe Adams, Walter Johnson, has taken on Perry Callahan, a south- Unethical which is used in making pelt- ' rubber Grover paw, formerly with a Loa Angelea You can never tell about women, ing. Alexander, Urban Shocker Dauss, semi-pro club. and even if you can, you shouldn't.? George Adolfo Luque, Sam Jones* ? ? ? Stanford Chaparral. Men's maxims reveal their Btanley Coveleski, Hank Sev- hearts. - ereld, Kay JSchalk, Ivy Wlngo, Wally Little Rock has released Outfielders Bchang,\ George Staler, , Storey and Tucker and Pitcher John- Dave Bancroft, Heinle Groh, Jake Dau- Marty McManus, star second bast- son to the Muakogee dob of the West- A HANM FLOUR man bert, Everett Scott, , Trls of the St. Louis Browns, who at ern association. t Speaker, Ed Roush, Irish Meusel, one time threatened to quit the team, ? ? ? With a score household uses Johnny Tobln and Cy Williams. finally reached an agreement with Dave Griffith, formerly a manager of Business Manager Friel and signed his In the Western and Texaa leagues, haa contract s . deserted organized baseball to manage Olympic Boxers to Get a clob In the Mldwfcat league. SELF-RISING flour were used for no other Extra Accommodations Want United States ? ? ? r' purpose than for making light, tatty biscuit* Running hot and* cold water In the Boxers in Australia Pitcher Claode Thomas, who was re- you couldn't afford to be without it. But that dressing rooms Is to be one of the cently porchaaed by Shreveport from isn't all. thousand* of excellent cook* At a recent dinner of the New Booth Every day novel accommodations the French Loa Angeles, haa retired from baaeball new uses find Wales Amateur Sports club the ques- are delighted at many they for it. Olympic committee is going to provide rather than play In the Texaa league. tion of Inviting amateur boxing ? ? ? for the boxers who compete in the teams "I always use self-rising flour in making biscuit!, Paris games from the United States and Sooth A. Lundquist, a 220-pound rlgw- next summer. Africa for a meat pie paste, dumplings, muffins, noodles, m Running water the corners tour of the Australian handed pitcher, has signed with the |ln and states was discussed and. a a of the dry mixture in corn bread, and a sink in which to empty the dirty committee Kanaas City Blues. Lundqolat waa part wis finally named to investigate all kinds of hot breads and muffins," utiles one water from the buckets also will be the with Salt Lake for a tryout several provided. possibility of making the necessary aeaaona ago. enterprising housewife. "Odd bits of unsweet- financial arrangements. ? ? Electric fans and radio ear attach; t? ened dough I cut in triangles, pop them into It was reported that the boxing ments to carry words from the coaches The Hartford dub of the Eastern the oven, bake ? rich brown ana serve with daring team of Stanford university in Cali- the rounds, for some strange league has signed s eatcher named soup* and broth . . I've never experienced reason, have fornia has agreed to make the tour If Ward, who In Boston Twilight been overlooked. arrangements to was the an absolute failure when using self-rising flow. can he made pay ita league laat year. Shrew, a New York expenses was It also save* time, material, steps and temper.'* and the same assurance aeml-pro pitcher, also haa been signed. Paul Strand Is had from the Sou th African boxers. Slugger You can always fed sure that everything you Johnson Will Retire bake with self-rising flour is tasteful, wholesome and healthful. It contains pure phosphate To mid imittHons, always look for the signature of in just the right to Proren dirertion; on each package. Physicians baking powder proportions everywhere recommend It .. HA Sport Notes make every baking fluffy and appetizing. \u25a0BaaHHHHMmaaiWMmiMa Boxing is now given encouragement rOLLOir THESE FIVE IUIKS Far Mskmt \u25a0liiwto with in the elementary schools in England. Setf-Kumg Plow,. (1) 3 Hut paar ami k hot! (2) Ahmyt mmrwmt mji ootrr ? ? ? or raid f 01 W«w odd iokimf fowdn. ?dsmtoki (4) V? good thortrnmg ?lord, maiHi f*t or hut tr; (J) Vila tok It Is that 2,100 golf clobs doLJr-ioi*vmcMy. SOFT WHEAT MilIHitV ASSTi.EZ with' foil membership are operating In the United States. ?? ? ? Lei ami Stanford recently scored a victory over the University of California water-polo team*. 1 ? ? ? I Miss Roth Ringer, a player on an In-, dlana high school basketball team, toaaed in 46 goals from the floor In a recent game. ?? ? » Century Mlllatead, now that he has definitely decided not to attend West Point In the fall, will Report for the Yale track squad. ? ? ? ?\u25a0 Walter Johnaon, atar pitcher of the Among the large field of horses be- Washington Americans, who, it is au- Paul Strand, outfielder of tbe gait ing groomed Derby, * for the Kentucky thentically reported, la ready to re- ? T Lake team of the Pacific Coast league, Bttbfttd iMMCtPwdtf Wirt harm Ma/ 17, no teyrer than aix are the tire from Vblg league" playing. It la Powder is tn?gllride?B? Brand to moat pow4cr. who holds all tbe altigging %bm molt tb« records out property of women. known that he Is negotiating for a ball «"-«t ? ? ? ««\u25a0»%. £»?>J*?* *"\u25a0>? there. Is a holdout from tbe Athletics, Howhold «t«?, I3» d Xc?ctht «l»?. 70c «nd »1 23. Pomp Klin Tic. club In the Padflc coaat league, and PfwL * *"**"**"tllt »»M« for fcintog . demanding a piece at his purchase Indiana university has one-legged a If he la will give up "big ? price. Connie Mack expects make It's Dependable?Sconomical to wrestler who la declared to be able to time" and devote himself to managing Healthful outfield with \ """if Ohuiw a strong Paul la tbe hold hie own on the mat with the beat the team and taking his turn oa the linen* of student grapplers. ?nouad. .