Curriculum 2000: implementation HMI 993 March 2003 © Crown copyright 2003 Document reference number: HMI 993 To obtain a copy, contact: Ofsted Publications Centre Telephone: 07002 637833 Fax: 07002 693274 E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: This document may be reproduced in whole or in part for non-commercial educational purposes, provided that the information quoted is reproduced without adaptation and the source and date of publication are stated. Contents Introduction 1 Commentary 2 Key issues for action identified in 2001 report 4 Key issues for action 2002 5 Standards 6 Quality of teaching 10 Students’ response 12 Guidance and support 14 Target-setting 18 Curriculum organisation 19 Management 21 Annex A: schools involved in the survey 23 Introduction 1. This report offers a summary of findings of Ofsted’s survey work on the first two years of Curriculum 2000. The judgements are based on visits by eight of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) and 16 additional inspectors (AI) during 2000–2001, and by 13 HMI and 12 AI during 2001–2002. They made visits to a sample of 100 secondary maintained schools and 10 independent schools in England (see annex A). From September 2001, the introduction of Curriculum 2000 in further education and sixth form colleges was monitored by full inspections carried out by Ofsted. 2. A total of eight subjects were tracked at advanced subsidiary (AS) and advanced level (A2) General Certificate of Education (GCE): mathematics, English, modern foreign languages, business, art and design, biology, geography and physics and three subjects for the Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education (AVCE): business studies, art and design, and health and social care.