Coffee Cup Made of Hard Paper 040712/0 2
Coffee cup made of hard paper 040712/0_2 • white without print • special cup for hot drinks with good insulating effect • multiple lid variations Price in € per thousand plus VAT DeDessccrripiptiotionnDescription CaCappaacciittyyCapacity iinnin Box content in SuSubbSub-Sub--- frfroommfrom 1,0001,1,000000 frfroommfrom frfroommfrom mlmlml pipiececesespieces papacckakagiginnggpackaging pcpcs.s.pcs. 10,10,00010,000000 pcs.ppccss.. 25,000 pcs.pcpcss.. TrwSH01 Coffee to go cup 100 20 x 50 43.10 38.80 36.70 35.10 white = 1,000 TTrrwwSSH0H01177TrwSH017 Coffee to go cup 170 20 x 50 49.90 45.40 43.20 41.10 white = 1000 TTrrwwSSH0H022TrwSH02 Coffee to go cup 200 20 x 50 45.90 41.30 39.10 37.30 white = 1,000 TTrrwwSSH0H02255TrwSH025 Coffee to go cup 250 20 x 50 51,40 46,20 43,70 41,70 White = 1000 TTrrwwSSH0H033TrwSH03 Coffee to go cup 300 20 x 50 58.90 52.80 50.10 47.60 white = 1,000 TTrrwwSSH0H044TrwSH04 Coffee to go cup 400 20 x 50 72.40 65.10 61.90 58.80 white = 1,000 Price in € per thousand plus VAT DeDessccrripiptiotionnDescription Box content in SuSubbSub-Sub--- frfroommfrom 1,0001,1,000000 frfroommfrom frfroommfrom pipiececesespieces papacckakagiginnggpackaging pcpcs.s.pcs. 10,10,00010,000000 pcs.ppccss.. 25,000 pcs.pcpcss.. TTrrSSH0H011DDTrSH01D Lid white f. TrwSH01 10 x 100 24.50 21.90 19.90 18.50 without drinking spout = 1,000 TTrrSSH0H01177DDTrSH017D Lid white 10 x 100 32.90 28.30 25.40 22.90 for TrwSH017 = 1,000 TTrrSSH0H022DDTrSH02D Lid white 10 x 100 32.80 30.80 28.00 21.40 for TrwSH02 = 1,000 TTrrSSH0H022DDssTrSH02Ds ditto black 32.80 30.80 28.00 21.40 TTrrSSH0H02255DDwwTrSH025Dw Lid white 10 x 100 34,20 31,50 28,90 25,50 For TrwSH025 = 1.000 TTrrSSH0H02255DDssTrSH025Ds ditto black 34,20 31,50 28,90 25,50 TTrrSSHDHDTrSHD Lid white 10 x 100 37.70 32.00 29.40 27.60 for TrwSH03,TrwSH04 = 1,000 TrSHDs ditto black 37.70 32.00 29.40 27.60 OurTTrrSSHDHDss Terms & Conditions apply.
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