Framing Magazine® (ISSN 10529977) Is Published Monthly, Plus One Issue by Hobby Publications, Inc., 83 South Street, Unit 307, Freehold New Jersey 07728

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Framing Magazine® (ISSN 10529977) Is Published Monthly, Plus One Issue by Hobby Publications, Inc., 83 South Street, Unit 307, Freehold New Jersey 07728 Table of Contents PFM is a member of: Volume 26, Number 10 PPFA, The Professional Picture Framers Association ACC, Art Copyright Coalition SOG, Society of Gilders Picture Framing Magazine® (ISSN 10529977) is published monthly, plus one issue by Hobby Publications, Inc., 83 South Street, Unit 307, Freehold New Jersey 07728. phone 732-536-5160; fax 732-536-5761 Subscription On the Cover: Frame design for Office: PFM P.O. Box 5016, black-and-white photography is no Brentwood, TN 37024-5016; longer limited to the white mats and phone 731-434-1106. Subscrip- tion: $20 per year U.S., $40 U.S. black frames that have traditionally Dollars per year in Canada and defined the photographic look. By Mexico, $60 U.S. Dollars per year adding style, color, and texture, for all international. Single copies, $5.95. If a paid subscrip- today’s looks go far beyond the styles tion magazine is returned by the of the past. For more on this trend, U.S. Postal Service as non-deliver- able, Picture Framing Magazine turn to “B/W: Today’s New Looks,” on will maintain the subscription for page 30. one year. If after one year a new address is not provided, Picture Framing Magazine will cancel the order. No refund will be available for that account. Periodicals class postage paid at Freehold, New Jer- sey, and at an additional mailing office. Entire contents © 2015 by Hobby Publications, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Picture Framing Maga- zine registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Postmaster: Send address changes to PFM P.O. Box 5016, Brentwood, TN 37024-5016 FEATURE Agreement Number 1691910 30 B/W: Today’s New Looks Disclaimer The opinions and information in this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher and are COLUMNS therefore not to be viewed as DEPARTMENTS such. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the 16 PPFA News 8 Editor’s Note expressed written consent of the publisher. PFM does not know- 18 Frame Design ingly accept false or misleading 10 Industry News advertising or editorial, nor does 24 Sales Strategies the publisher assume any 48 Product Showcase responsibility for the conse- quences that occur should any 36 Digital Impressions 49 Classified Ads such material appear. PFM and Hobby Publications assume no 38 Mat Doctors 50 Distributor Spotlight responsibility for content, text, or artwork of advertisements 44 Successful Retailing Panel appearing in PFM except those 52 Index of Advertisers promoting PFM. The Publisher reserves the right to review all 54 Design of the Month 53 Calendar of Events advertising materials submitted for publication and to not accept any such material deemed inappropriate for any reason. PFMGROUP 83 South St., Unit 307, Freehold, NJ 07728 • Phone 732-536-5160 • Fax 732-536-5761 PICTURE FRAMING MAGAZINE EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Bruce Gherman • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Patrick Sarver • EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Brianna Winters • CONTRIBUTORS BUSINESS EDITOR Jay Goltz • PRESERVATION EDITOR Hugh Phibbs • MOUNTING EDITOR Chris A. Paschke, CPF, GCF MAT DOCTORS Tim Franer, CPF • John E. Ranes II, CPF, GCF • Brian Wolf, CPF William B. Adair • Ken Baur • Jared Davis, MCPF, GCF • Paul MacFarland, MCPF, GCF James Miller, MCPF, GCF • Greg Perkins, CPF SALES PUBLISHER/ADVERTISING SALES Rob Gherman • NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL SALES MANAGER Ellen S. Blatt • • 845-639-9647 DIRECTORY STAFF DIRECTORY COORDINATOR Kendall Turchyn • CIRCULATION DIRECTOR OF AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT Maureen Robertson • SUBSCRIPTIONS T O L L F R E E 888-238-0049 or 615-377-3322 PFM SEMINARS • NATIONAL CONFERENCE VICE PRESIDENT Deborah Salmon • MARKETING COORDINATOR Amy Sudol • WEST COAST ART & FRAME EXPO TRADE SHOW DIRECTOR Deborah Salmon • DIRECTOR OF SALES AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Rob Gherman • DIRECTOR OF TRADE SHOW MARKETING Bruce Gherman • BUSINESS MANAGER Mindy Gruenbaum • EXHIBITOR SERVICES Maureen Robertson • ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kendall Turchyn • ASSOCIATE EDITOR Alexis Orlacchio • SALES NATIONAL SALES MANAGER Ellen S. Blatt • • 845-639-9647 WCAF TEAM SALES LEADER Jim Hynes • INTERNATIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE-CHINA Angela Pang • • +86.579.85135955/15057801085 PFM PUBCO • BOOKS DIVISION BOOK SALES COORDINATOR PFM GROUP STAFF EDITORIAL EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Patrick Sarver • MARKETING COORDINATOR Amy Sudol • PRODUCTION ART DIRECTORS Gary Coughlin • Alan Pegler • ADVERTISING COORDINATOR Jin Dong • HOBBY PUBLICATIONS, INC. PRESIDENT David Gherman • VICE-PRESIDENT Rob Gherman Publishers of Hobby Merchandiser and Design New Jersey PFMseminars PFM WEST COAST ART & FRAME EXPO Excellence in Art and Framing Education PICTURE FRAMING MAGAZINE THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE 6 PFM October 2015 From the Editor’s Desk COMING NEXT s we move into the fall, there are many positive economic signs afoot that could mean more potential sales for cus- ISSUE Atom framers. Overall, the economy is up and people are spending more on themselves than they have in the recent past. Per- Cutting Edge Shadowboxes haps more significantly, the housing market is improving, with peo- James Miller presents creative ple buying more new homes and spending more on home renova- dual shadowboxes that tions. That doesn’t translate immediately into more framing sales, but it does mean your preserve decorative Masonic customers—existing and potential—are showing renewed interest in improving their liv- swords and related memorabilia using several ing spaces. advanced framing techniques. Combine this with the seasonal return to indoor living and the approaching holiday gift-giving season, and there’s an improved atmosphere generating more interest in fram- Enhancing Mats with Decorative Papers ing. That doesn’t mean such interest is automatic. It means that if you make the effort Jodie Prymke shows how to through marketing, you can generate more business. It’s time to crank up the emails, dress up your mats with newsletters, and even direct mail and advertising to capitalize on the favorable business decorative papers, including choosing the right paper, climate. Your market is in a more receptive mood, so take some time and reach out with how to design with papers, your message about the role of custom framing in today’s interior design looks. Strike and combining them while the iron is hot, as the old saying goes. with V-grooves. The Yupo Challenge Any publication relies on its advertisers for its continuing support, just as the suppli- Chris Paschke offers ers that advertise depend on readers for their ongoing existence. With the constant flow of valuable tips on how to ads in all media these days, it’s easy to ovelook those paid messages. But especially in the mount this increasingly popular and challenging world of custom framing, there’s more to advertisig than meets the eye. The people who art substrate. advertise dedicate much of their lives to bring you, the retailer, the products you need to In Every Issue: keep your business alive and growing. They work hard at being creative in bringing to market new and innovative products that will make your life easier and provide you with Calendar of Events a myriad of options that you can use to excite and interest your clients. Readers can learn about So when you read this issue of PFM—and all issues—take a little extra time to see upcoming industry happenings, such as what our advertisers are presenting to you. Think of the many people at those companies distributor open houses who work hard day in and day out to help make your life better and more successful. and educational events. When you look at all the new products available to custom framing retailers today, Product Showcase remember that it takes a lot of people working to provide you with the range of products Discover what’s new and services you need to thrive in today’s business retail market. In many ways, these peo- and exciting by shopping for ple make your business possible. They’re also invested in your success. So don’t just skip by the newest products the ads; think about how those products can help your business. Remember, we’re all in in each issue. the same business together—providing customers with the latest and best that custom framing has to offer. Also visit the new PFM Pinterest site, You’ll see lots of design ideas you can pin to your own site to provide customers with new framing ideas. Patrick Sarver Editor-in-Chief 8 PFM October 2015 INDUSTRY NEWS Tru Vue Contest Offers Free Business Consultation Tru Vue® has launched its second Retail Boot Camp, part of • A monthly follow-up by phone for six months to monitor a series of consultation giveaways that support the custom progress and to help ensure that goals are met. framing industry. A follow-up to last year’s Retail Makeover The first Retail Boot Camp was a wall design and Giveaway, these consultations focus on specific areas of training consultation by Meg Glasgow, Tru Vue consultant business, offering independent custom frame retailers an and owner of The Gallery at Finer Frames in Eagle, ID. The opportunity for one-on-one support from industry experts. winner was David Ping of The Framer’s Gallery in The second Boot Camp is a customized operations prof- Brecksville, OH. Ping has owned the shop for a year and itability consultation with Ken Baur, Tru Vue consultant and looks forward to providing customers with examples of owner of KB Consulting and Framing shadowbox work and upscale designs Concepts gallery in Northwest Indiana.
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    QUALITY FRAMING PRODUCTS FOAM BOARD 1 GLASS, ACRYLIC, MIRROR 4 TAPES, ADHESIVES, & MOUNTING SUPPLIES 7 CONSERVATION TAPES, ADHESIVES 10 MOUNTING TISSUES & ADHESIVE RELEASE BOARDS 12 GLUE & ADHESIVES 15 WIRE PRODUCTS 17 BLADES - MAT CUTTING & GENERAL USE 19 V-NAILS 21 JOINING, POINT DRIVERS, STAPLERS & POINTS 22 PICTURE HANGING HARDWARE & FASTENERS 25 TOUCH-UP & FILLERS 34 FITTING & BACKING SUPPLIES 36 MOUNTING & HANGING SUPPLIES 38 SPECIALTY TOOLS & CLEANING ITEMS 40 KRAFT PAPER & DISPENSERS 44 GALLERY HANGING & DISPLAY PRODUCTS 45 PACKING MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 46 STRETCHER BARS 48 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA 49 MACHINERY 51 MATBOARD 69 INDEX 95 FRAMING SUPPLY CATALOG OMEGA CANADA Telephone: 1-877-452-3799 or: 905-452-3799905-856-4343 Fax: 1-877-452-3783 or: 905-452-3783905-856-4349 Terms & Conditions TERMS: • Net 15 days. • Prices subject to change without notice. • Questions concerning your orders should be addressed to us in writing within 10 days of receipt of order. • All past due accounts will be shipped C.O.D. • Shipper’s C.O.D. charge will be added to all C.O.D shipments. • Interest charges of 1.5% will be added to all past due accounts. • There is a $30.00 charge on all NSF checks. • In the event of default of payment, the customer shall pay for all costs of collection, including but not limited to, attorney's fees, court costs, and collection agency fees. CREDIT: • To open your account, please complete our credit application with three trade references and your bank information. Allow 2 to 4 weeks processing to establish an approved credit line. Incomplete credit applications will delay establishment of credit line.
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