Report on the ICTS Programme on Quantum Information Processing 5 December 2007 to 4 January 2008 Name of the programme: Quantum Information Processing Organisers: Jaikumar Radhakrishnan, School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR,
[email protected] Pranab Sen, School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR,
[email protected]. Duration: 5 December 2007 to 4 January 2008. Preamble: Quantum information processing is a thriving area of research that at- tempts to recast information processing in the quantum mechanical framework. Several remarkable recent works in this area have challenged our understand- ing of computation and shaken the foundations of well-established areas such as algorithms, complexity theory, and cryptography. Over the last decade, fol- lowing Peter Shor’s efficient quantum factoring algorithm (1994) and Grover’s quantum search algorithm (1996), several works have consolidated and gener- alised the insights obtained in these early works. In parallel, fundamental issues have been addressed in the area of quantum information theory, entanglement, quantum communication complexity, quantum cryptography etc. In 2002, TIFR organised a very successful successful event on a similar subject under the title Quantum Physics and Information Processing. Several developments have taken place in the area Quantum Information Pro- cessing in recent years. The purpose of the present program was to get the re- searchers in India, and TIFR in particular, acquainted with these developments. Structure of the program: The program was split between two locations: TIFR, Mum- bai, and India International Centre, New Delhi. We invited (to TIFR) experts who had made significant recent contributions, especially in areas where there is strong interest in TIFR, e.g.