Section 1: Introduction page 1

Section 2: Design Tasks page 3

KEY REQUIREMENTS OF THE DESIGN GUIDE Task 1 - Making a positive contribution towards character page 3 Task 2 - Appropriate building style page 3 Task 3 - Complementing and enhancing character page 4


ACHIEVE HIGH QUALITY PUBIC SPACES Task 5 - A pleasant place to be page 5

REALISE HIGH QUALITY PLACE MAKING AND DESIGN Task 6 - A sense of place page 5 Task 7 - New building design page 6 Task 8 - Complementary materials page 6 Task 9 - A varied skyline page 7 Task 10 - Traditional roofing materials page 7 Task 11 - Appropriate building scale and setting page 8 Task 12 - Density of building page 8 Task 13 - Sustainable development page 8 Task 14 - Design of boundaries page 8 Task 15 - Design in the detail page 9 Task 16 - Appropriate car parking design page 9 Task 17 - Enhancing biodiversity page 10

Note 1 - Extensions page 10 Note 2 - Building conversions page 11

Section 3: Character Areas page 12

DISTINCTIVE AREAS OF CHARACTER IN ROCHE VILLAGE AND DESIGN DETAIL Churchtown/Glebe page 12 Fore Street page 14 The lower town page 15 Chapel Road/Tremodrett Lane page 17

BUILT ENVIRONMENT Public/ecclesiastical buildings page 18 Housing types page 19 Industrial, commercial and outbuildings page 20 Materials and local details page 22




CONTENTS continued

APPENDIX page 26


Pre 1809 page 26

1809-41 page 28

1841-1880 page 29

1880-1906 page 32

1906-1946 page 33

Post 1946 page 34

TODAY page 34 DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 1: Introduction

SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION tantly inspired by, and expressive of, the best elements of local architecture traditions. OVERVIEW In order to fit in, new development should The people of Roche Parish have expressed respond to the local pattern of streets and concerns about the character, form and qual- spaces, follow the natural topography and ity of recent development and have stated a take account of traditional settlement form. desire to improve standards to the Roche New buildings should be neighbourly in terms Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Both of their scale, height, volume, how much of national and local planning policy recognise the site they occupy and the distance from, the importance of high quality design that and effect upon, adjacent buildings and land- responds to specific characteristics of the site, scape features. The plot coverage of buildings area and wider settings. should be appropriate to their scale and pro- vide adequate garden space, while distances  There was particular concern expressed from other buildings should maintain ade- about unsympathetic patterns and loca- quate standards of privacy and daylight. tion of recent development, i.e. new housing estates that have detracted New buildings should express locally distinc- from the character of Roche Village, and tive building traditions, materials, character failed to respect historic patterns and and identity. That is not to say that all build- styles of development and especially ings should be the same or traditional in where these have detracted from the character but, by reference to these local de- setting of, and views from and to, the tails, new buildings should fit in and make a wider landscape and especially Roche positive contribution to their surroundings. Rock.  There were strong feelings that new de- Community engagement is also important. velopment should ‘fit’ by being com- Fitting in is not simply about the physical plementary in character, form and qual- character and structure of the development. ity to the older more traditional parts of Development that has involved the public and the community, and that it should aspire engendered a sense of ‘ownership’ is more to the same quality of design and con- likely to be respected and cared for by the struction quality as found in the historic community. core area.  There was special concern about the im- The Guide follows Government advice and pact further new development might supports strategic and local planning policies have on much valued views of Roche which seek to encourage new development Rock and the Church that has regard to the character and appeal of  There was strong support for the view its locality and provides a good quality envi- ronment for those who live and work in the that any new development should re- spect and be sympathetic to the wider area. landscape and setting of the Parish and existing communities. The objectives and arising tasks and policies detailed in this design guide section provide In sum, the community expressed growing direction and guidance to owners, developers concern to the Roche Neighbourhood Plan and all involved in the planning, design and Steering Group that the character and special development of sites contained within the qualities that make Roche Parish distinctive Neighbourhood Plan Area and on any ‘wind- and attractive are being eroded by standard- fall’ sites not identified within the plan. They ised new development which pays little or no should be read with the policies and guidance respect to its location. Through sensitive de- contained in the Local Plan and sign, and taking into account the local con- other related policies, to inform design that text, new development can be sympathetic to complements and enhances the character, the ‘grain’ of the landscape and most impor- form and qualities of Roche Parish. It is not


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 1: Introduction intended to be restrictive, but to inform the design process.

“Good design enhances existing places and reinforces the underlying character of a place. It makes a positive contribution to its setting – whether landscape or townscape. While there are a wide range of building and landscape typologies in Cornwall, each is distinctive. Good design reflects this diver- sity. Distinctiveness in part is about under- standing the tradition, learning from it, and reinterpreting it for today.” A Design State- ment for Cornwall, 2001


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks

SECTION 2: DESIGN TASKS should not be an excuse for further extending poor quality and unsympathetic development KEY REQUIREMENTS OF THE DESIGN approaches.

GUIDE Development must contribute to the charac- ter of Roche Parish as a whole, incorporating Development complements and en- design principles that reflect the historic hances the character, form and quali- qualities of the community. In Roche this ties of Roche Parish, and Roche Village should especially reflect the historic core of in particular. the village.

This policy does not seek to impose a particu- TASK 1 lar architectural style, instead it aims to en- sure that new development relates to specific Making a positive contribution towards local context, character and form. Different areas within the village and the parish have character different characteristics, each with their own local strengths and weaknesses, with the his- Development must make a positive contri- toric areas being the most cherished for their bution towards the distinctive character character and form of development. There- and form of the parish as a whole and fore development proposals must respond to Roche village in particular, especially the the unique character of the site and its sur- older parts of the village, and relate well roundings, maintaining or enhancing its to its site and its surroundings, especially strengths, and seeking to address its weak- views from and to Roche Rock and the nesses. Church.


Appropriate building style

Building style must be appropriate to the context, but not use recent poorer devel- opment as an excuse not to achieve excel- lent design quality drawing on the best of the Parish as a whole.

Buildings within Roche Parish historically Fig 2.1 Recent developments have encroached on were typically simple, of good proportion Roche Rock with little regard for its historic setting and in harmony with their environment, Roche village, where most development will built to withstand the extremes of climate be centred, is an ancient community with a or ground conditions. In general, building distinct character, form and qualities. The forms should be simple and draw inspira- design of new development must be framed tion from local building traditions. within the context of the community’s unique setting and history and supporting Roche’s The historic character of Roche Parish is rich evident sense of community. The same ap- and varied, particularly reflecting the incre- plies throughout the parish - design of any mental development of the area. The design new development must be complementary to of new buildings should reflect the richness of its surroundings, drawing upon, and inspired character and form of the historic areas. by, its unique assets - but importantly neighbouring poor quality development


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks

The Design and Access Statement must in- clude an appraisal of the site in its immediate surroundings and identify the opportunities and constraints for development and design. Applications must explain clearly and con- cisely how the proposals have been informed and influenced by this appraisal.

The layout of buildings and access needs to reflect local patterns in order to ‘fit in’ effec- tively and to be responsive to the characteris- Fig 2.2 Buildings within Roche Parish historically tics of the site and its setting. were of simple design and proportion, built to with- stand the extremes of climate and ground conditions For small scale development pre-application engagement should be sought with the Parish The quality of design must, therefore, ensure Council and . For new large that new buildings contribute positively to the scale developments, comments should be historic character and form of the commu- sought at an early stage from an approved nity. When a traditional design is followed it design review body (e.g. Design Council CABE) must be correctly proportioned and detailed as well as with the Parish Council and Corn- and seek when possible to use historically- wall Council, and the community. correct materials. Any development proposal that may affect a listed building or its setting The Design and Access Statement must ex- must be discussed with heritage officers at plain the design thinking and aspirations in- Cornwall Council and with the Parish Council herent in any development proposal. It pro- at an early stage of the planning and design vides an opportunity for the applicant to process. Layout design should follow historic demonstrate commitment to achieving good patterns of development rather than modern and accessible design. Importantly it must ‘estate’ layouts. also include reference to how the proposed development addresses the context on a Contemporary, innovative design solutions community-wide scale, not just the immedi- that offer a fresh interpretation of local dis- ate context. tinctiveness are also encouraged. The use of modern materials and finishes can be an ac- ENSURE POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS BE- ceptable alternative to traditional ones if they TWEEN VILLAGE AND COUNTRYSIDE achieve the same degree of sensitivity and responsiveness to their setting.


TASK 3 Visual impact Complementing and enhancing charac- ter The visual impact of new development on the countryside, and on views from the

countryside, must be enhancing. Developers must demonstrate through a

Design and Access Statement and accom- Connections with the countryside are intrinsic panying documents how any proposed to the character and setting of settlements in development complements and enhances Roche Parish, their growth patterns, eco- the character, form and qualities of the nomic raison d’être and the quality of life community. The Statement and accompa- people enjoy throughout Roche Parish. This nying drawings must provide sufficient sense of connection, in its historic form detail for proposals to be properly under- through to how people appreciate it today, is stood.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks defined by a combination of views (into and transport, i.e. pedestrians and cyclists as well out from the settlements), and from pedes- as vehicles. Pedestrian and cycle routes trian and cycle access to the countryside. should share the same network as vehicular routes. Quieter streets should be designed to Where possible, open views towards the be suitable for a range of social activities, countryside, or across open spaces, must be such as children’s play. Buildings should be maintained from key existing routes. For ex- positioned and orientated to articulate, over- ample, a view along an existing street can be look and present active facades (provide ‘eyes maintained by continuing a new street along on the street’) to public spaces and thorough- the same alignment. Views along streets fares. and/or open spaces to the surrounding coun- tryside must be created within new develop- Traditional communities like Roche have ments where there are opportunities to do grown up historically with clear, understand- so. Both panoramas and even glimpses of the able routes and connectivity. Cul-de-sacs and countryside through buildings are defining tortuous routes should be avoided in prefer- features throughout Roche Parish and should ence to direct links and connections. There be embedded in any design approach to new should be clear links between new develop- development. ment and the existing settlement. 20mph will generally be the maximum design speed that New agricultural buildings are permitted in is considered appropriate for new streets the countryside, and modern farming tech- within residential developments. Traffic calm- niques means older buildings and styles are ing features/measures may include the fol- often no longer appropriate. However, new lowing: agricultural buildings should respect tradi- tional influences and most importantly re-  Street dimensions – street widths and spect their landscape setting and be sited and distance between junctions designed sensitively to their wider landscape  Reduced visibility – research has identi- impact. fied that a reduction in forward visibility can have an effect on speed An assessment of views to and from the pro-  Psychology and perception – street fea- posed development must be included in the tures and human activity can have an in- Design and Access Statement. Visual impact fluence on speed should be enhanced through the design of the site layout, buildings and landscape. The ap- REALISE HIGH QUALITY PLACE MAKING proach to enhancing visual impact may in- clude the positioning of open space and soft AND DESIGN landscape boundaries between development and the countryside. TASK 6 ACHIEVE HIGH QUALITY PUBLIC SPACES A sense of place The form and structure of new develop- TASK 5 ment must ensure that a sense of place is retained and created, demonstrating the A pleasant place to be highest standards of design which respect Streets within new development must be its context, setting, local village-scape and designed as pleasant places to be, recog- landscape character nising that they can be social spaces in the own right, as well as channels for move- Roche Parish has a rich legacy of high-quality ment. development within its historic fabric. Pat- terns of development were historically in- New residential streets must be designed formed by the evolution of agricultural, indus- with an equal emphasis on all modes of


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks trial, social and religious needs and the land- that is commensurate with the best of the scape. community.

More recent development too often lacks The rhythm of the buildings and houses in the both physical and visual connections to the historic core, in terms of frontages and at a historic fabric and is composed of largely more detailed level, the ratio of solid (wall) to standardised house builder ‘products’. There void (windows and door), materials, pre- is now the aspiration for a reassessment of dominance of pitched roofs and vertical em- this approach, not only in the siting of devel- phasis to windows should be used to inform opment but also in its character, form and the way in which elevations are handled quality, towards an alternative based upon within new development. The above is not and reflecting the timeless elements found intended to invoke stylistic preferences, locally to create a sense of place and charac- merely to ensure that the design of new ter that is in harmony with the historic set- buildings is consistent with the quality of form tlement pattern and character. and character in the best of Roche Parish.

Development should work with the ‘grain’ of The design of windows is one of the most im- landscape, rather than against it. Existing portant factors influencing the character and landscape features such as trees, shrubs, appearance of new buildings. Certain styles hedges, natural water features and other suit certain types of houses and traditional wildlife habitats are valuable assets that window designs will not be appropriate in all should be accurately surveyed and incorpo- cases. However, many of the typical propor- rated into the design of new development tions, details and means of opening which are wherever possible. characteristic of older properties can be adapted to suit new buildings and help them to fit in with their surroundings.

TASK 7 In general, window and door styles should be kept simple, well proportioned, and of a style that suits the character of the building, nor- New building design mally with a strong vertical emphasis to the

openings and a deep (at least 50mm) reveal Design of new buildings should draw from (ie the setback of windows and doors from and enhance the character, form and iden- the outer face of the wall). tity of Roche through high quality bespoke responses which are specific to the site TASK 8 The parish has a diverse palette of quality design inspirations to drawn upon, across a Complementary materials range of sizes and types of buildings. The pre- dominant type of house historically is mainly th Materials within new development must detached cottages and houses, and early 20 complement the best architectural character century bungalows. In Roche Parish terracing and quality of the historic development is relatively rare compared to other china clay styles of Roche Parish communities, but it also has a place in local design. Most properties have good sized gar- There is a preference for the design of new dens, often including walled front gardens. buildings to use natural and indigenous mate- No stylistic preference is given in the design rials which have a natural harmony with the of new buildings but the range of buildings best buildings in the Parish. Use of materials and materials incorporated in cottages should be selected with care to ensure they through to larger, more formal houses is sub- improve with age and weathering. stantial and provides inspiration to achieve a quality within new design and development


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks

The following are predominant materials in and illustrated within any Design and Access the Parish and should be incorporated in the Statement and should be the subject of a de- design of new buildings: sign review.

 Local Granite – care should be taken to use it in ways that reflect traditional us- TASK 9 age, such as for lintels, quoins and open- ings. Mix stonework and render only A varied skyline where these distinct finishes are applied to distinct elements of the building, Design of new buildings must incorporate avoiding small or token areas of stone- a varied skyline work.  Artificial/reconstituted stone – avoid Subtle variations in the roofline of new devel- these materials, as they are usually a opment enhance its visual appeal and reflect poor match to local materials the rich local design and building traditions.  Render – there is evidence of both rough Designers and developers should adhere to and smooth finishes within the historic local traditions to inform the creation of an core of the town and the application of interesting and varied skyline. each should be considered as specific to the nature and character of each struc- Variation may be achieved by incorporating a ture. Render, unless self-coloured, variety of building types within a street com- should be painted. position in new development. Gables which  Brick – brick buildings are not typical of break the eave line also help to articulate the the Parish and are discouraged. Brick roof-scape and add visual interest as does the dressings, string or band courses etc. are use of chimney stacks. Designs should include equally discouraged. roof pitches similar to those found in the his-  Timber Cladding – might be considered toric types locally. on a site specific basis, especially if used in a contemporary style building within a self-build area, on the outer edges of the TASK 10 settlement or for garages, outbuildings, rear or side single storey ‘extensions’, Traditional roofing materials where a change of material is not un-

common traditionally. Design of new buildings should incorpo-  Slate hanging is traditional as a way to rate roofing materials and patterns that prevent damp, especially on northern exposed walls. complement traditional roofing materials  Wherever possible, consider using tradi- in the Parish tional materials and finishes for doors and windows, including using slate or Roof shapes on traditional buildings within stone for window sills in preference to the parish are typically simple, with long, timber. relatively low, pitched forms (30-35 de- grees) and uncomplicated ridge lines on A materials palette must be included and individual buildings. illustrated within any Design and Access Statement and should be the subject of a de- Silver grey natural slate in diminishing courses sign review. Colour variation should re-inforce is typical of roofs in the Parish and contribute local distinctiveness through adherence to greatly to its character. Thus there is a pref- the palette of colours already evidenced erence for natural slate to be incorporated within the historic buildings. The colour and within new development. Alternatives which tone of painted woodwork, especially window might be considered include artificial slate frames needs to be carefully considered in only if this has a similar colour, texture, vari- conjunction with the walling materials se- ety of unit sizes and diminishing coursing per lected. The colour palette must be included local slate roofs. Avoid dark coloured slates


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks as the effect can be very austere, and avoid amenity area must be provided for all new cement fibre slates that create a dark, brittle dwellings. Densities and spacing should re- and shiny effect and bland appearance. Ridge flect these traditional forms – even terraced tiles are typically red or grey. cottages should have well-proportioned gar- dens. Tree cover is also important in older Lead and zinc may be appropriate in excep- areas of development, and provision for new tional situations for shallow pitched roofs tree cover will be welcomed. which may be incorporated within an overall design methodology. An approach to roofing materials must be included and illustrated TASK 13 within any Design and Access Statement and should be the subject of any design review. Sustainable development

TASK 11 The design of new development must re- flect the increasing importance of the prin- ciples of sustainable development Appropriate building scale and setting The design of new development should con- The scale and massing of all new buildings tribute positively towards supporting sustain- must be informed by and sensitive to tra- able design and construction techniques. For ditional local built character, and the wider example, buildings and spaces within new setting of the development within the development should be designed to be inte- community. grated with existing landforms to maximise the opportunities for solar gain and provide The silhouette of local settlements and views shelter in exposed areas, and sustainable ur- into and out from them rely upon sensitively- ban drainage systems used to reduce run-off. scaled buildings. Proposed building heights should be guided by traditional building scale, Wind can also be an important factor in the form and grain locally, and the scale and orientation of buildings. Traditionally build- massing of buildings should also be informed ings have been positioned to take advantage by the nature of the street or position they of any natural shelter and to avoid funnelling occupy and neighbouring development. As a effects. Gardens should ideally be south fac- general rule new buildings in Roche Parish ing. should not exceed 2 storeys.


TASK 12 Design of boundaries

Density of building The design of boundaries and edges is critical to the sense of place and owner- The residential density of new develop- ship ment must be informed by and sensitive to local character, form and quality of the The presence and character of boundaries, historic core of the community as well as especially along the frontage of properties, is its site specific characteristics. an important factor influencing older street- scapes in Roche Parish, which should be con- Roche Parish, including the village of Roche, is sidered in new developments. In general, typically low density, with even the terraced properties should have a defined boundary cottages usually provided with well sized gar- which segregates private and public space, dens reflecting the agricultural traditions of instead of the open frontage that character- the village. A private outdoor garden amenity ises much recent development and which space or (where that is not possible) a shared typically becomes dominated by parked cars.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks

Exceptions to this rule are where houses front  Carefully position flues and ventilation onto open space or where set-back is less ducts, ensuring they are as unobtrusive than 1 metre from the street or road. as possible. Use good quality grilles that fit in with the approach to materi- The type of boundary should fit in with the als for the building as a whole. character of the location and local traditions.  Guttering and rainwater down pipes Hedges and hedge-banks are typical in rural should be shown on application draw- locations and edges, and the more dispersed ings (elevations) to ensure they fit into settlement areas. The use of timber boarding the overall design approach to the over hedge-banks should be avoided. Within building and minimise their visual im- settlements, in Roche Parish stone and pact. smooth rendered low walling of front gardens  Satellite dishes and aerials should be is especially traditional. Where possible tradi- incorporated within the roof where tional walling techniques should be used with possible, and always sited to minimise stone – concrete block is acceptable when visual impact. rendered. Close-boarded, larchlap, or woven  Street lighting and security lighting timber fences and concrete and plastic fenc- should be designed to minimise light ing should generally be avoided where visible nuisance and impacts on the night from the public realm. landscape and wildlife. Much of the Parish is unlit at night, and the need for street lighting should not be assumed, TASK 15 and kept to the minimum necessary to fulfil its function. Design in the detail  Boundaries should be traditional where possible: Fencing should be carefully Design in the ‘forgotten’ elements from designed to complement the rest of the start of the design process the design and materials, with Cornish hedges and low stone or rendered The following items must be considered early walls used preferred for boundaries in the design process and integrated into the impacting the street scene and rural overall scheme: boundaries.

 Bin stores and recycling facilities  Cycle stores TASK 16  Meter boxes  Lighting Appropriate car parking design  Flues and ventilation ducts  Gutters and pipes Design car parking that is not over-  Satellite dishes and telephone lines. dominant and that fits in with the charac-  These items are all too easily forgotten ter of the proposed development about until the end of the design proc- ess. By considering them early, it will The way in which car parking is designed into be possible to meet the following re- new residential development will have a ma- quirements: jor effect on the quality of the development.  Bin stores and recycling facilities The following are guiding principles to design- should be designed to screen bins from ing parking: public view, whilst being easily accessi- ble for residents.  Accommodate the car within the de-  Meter boxes need not be standard velopment without being visually intru- white units: consider a bespoke ap- sive proach that fits in with the materials  Create a high quality street which in- used for the remainder of the building. corporates the car without detracting Position them to be unobtrusive, bet- from the sense of place ter still incorporate ‘smart meters’.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks

 Provide car parking arrangements  Provision for bird nesting and bat which are convenient and safe to use roosting in all new buildings in line with  Provide a well-balanced and practical the RIBA publication; Biodiversity for design approach to the street scene low and zero carbon buildings- A tech- without cars being a dominating fea- nical guide for new build. Swifts, swal- ture lows, house sparrows, house mar- tins and starlings are particularly rele- On-street: The provision of on-street parking vant for new developments and barn keeps the space active, and helps with reduc- owls in rural building conversions. ing traffic speeds within new residential de-  Where new developments require velopment. It is recognised that, in most, cir- street lighting it should be designed in cumstances, at least some parking demand in consultation with a bat ecologist to residential and mixed-use areas is met with minimise impacts on light-sensitive well-designed on-street parking. Visitor park- species. ing for cars, small vans and motorcycles  Cornish hedges and banks should be should generally use shared public on-street retained as part of new developments parking (see Manual for Streets, 2007). and buffered where possible. Ideally they should not be left in the curtilage In-curtilage: On plot car parking will be con- of gardens as this leads to over- sidered acceptable only where it does not management and loss of function as detract from the sense of place of a new de- wildlife corridors. Any loss of hedge velopment. For in curtilage parking, the fol- should be replaced elsewhere on the lowing principles should be incorporated: development by twice the length to ensure net-gain, or where this is not  Garages should be designed to be con- possible, built elsewhere in the parish. sistent in architectural style and char-  Fences should be constructed to allow acter of the house they serve movement of hedgehogs between gar-  Garages should be set back from the dens by leaving occasional small gaps street frontage at the base 13cm x 13cm square.  Parking should be tucked discreetly be-  Open space provided as part tween houses (rather than in front) so of developments can be designed to that it does not dominate the street maximise opportunities for wildlife in- scene and cluding long grass areas, shrub planting  Where parking is located in front of and pond creation. These should be houses, design the street and the land- designed with neighbouring habitats in scaping to minimise their visual impact, mind to try to connect sites to allow e.g. incorporate planting between use as wildlife corridors. front gardens. In order to support the overarching design aims, garage(s) link- Note 1 - Extensions ing two separate properties, especially in a terrace situation will not be ac- Designing a house extension is not only a ceptable within new development. matter of adding space for the owner’s do-

mestic use. In particular, the effects of the

extension on neighbours needs to be carefully TASK 17 considered, as well as the resultant appear- ance of the extension on the extended home Enhancing biodiversity itself and on the street scene. A suitable de- sign which respects the character of the exist- Opportunities to incorporate biodiversity ing building will not only look better but will in and around developments should be also broaden the range of potential purchas- taken. ers when the house is sold. Equally, a badly This could include: designed extension may not enhance the value of the property. Particular care should


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 2: Design Tasks be taken in the case of alterations or exten- sions to listed buildings, traditional buildings, and buildings in older more attractive hamlets or the historic parts of larger settlements such as Roche village. In general, any exten- sion will need to be respectful and subordi- nate to the parent building in terms of design, scale, siting, materials and finishes. Many of the tasks described above for new develop- ment are also applicable to consider when designing an extension. Note 2 - Building conversions

There will inevitably be traditional buildings within the countryside and settlements of Roche Parish which are no longer used for their original purpose but which make an im- portant contribution to the landscape or set- tlement. Most commonly, these are farm buildings but they may also include, for ex- ample, chapels, buildings associated with mining and processing minerals, school; for- mer community buildings. Their adaptation and re-use is an important principle of sus- tainable development, but this must be done with great care to ensure that the essential character of the original building is not lost. Many of the tasks described above for new development are also applicable to consider when converting traditional buildings.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas

SECTION 3: ROCHE VILLAGE of the road, the ancient nucleated churchtown focused on the church is still re- CHARACTER AREAS markably intact, as either standing fabric or as archaeologically recorded and sensitive sites. DISTINCTIVE AREAS OF CHARACTER IN Here are church, glebe and rectory, manorial ROCHE VILLAGE, AND DESIGN DETAIL pound (in the pub car-park), the church farm The following material is largely taken from (Trerank), and the village inn (although the the CISI report on Roche Village, and should manorial farm (Tregarrick) is now demolished be used to inform the application of the de- and replaced by a large housing estate ex- sign guidance above. tending almost to Roche Rock. The older Churchtown/Glebe buildings around the cross roads form the historic heart of Roche, for centuries, indeed, The churchtown itself is split between that this was Roche. side that focuses on the top roundabout (the junction of Fore Street, Trezaise Road and the The churchtown was historically more obvi- road to Carbis and Bugle) and the other side ously a nucleated settlement, with buildings along the western fringes of the village. on the west side of Fore Street (roughly where the entrance to the new vicarage now Around, or in close proximity, to the danger- is) emphasising the direct historical, visual ous junction by the War Memorial are the and physical relationship with the Rock Inn church and churchyards, war memorial, and formerly Tregarrick Farmhouse and the commercial premises, public toilet, the Rock adjacent cottage. The Rock Inn is by repute at Inn car park, the playing fields, and most wor- least 16th century. rying perhaps, the village school; a little fur- ther away is housing and the public cemetery. This junction area should be part of a publicly accessible space; it is the focus of much of the social and recreational activity in the village, the part most visited perhaps by outsiders and visitors. Instead it is an over-engineered traffic junction with site lines and sweeping approaches which make it easier for traffic to pass through at excessive speed – as a brief observation on site quickly reveals – and which creates a barrier between the various parts of the churchtown.

Fig 3.2 The Rock Inn, is reputed to be 16th century in date

In a slightly wider context, Roche Rock must

also be considered as part of the context, at Fig 3.1 The dangerous junction at churchtown least, of the churchtown. Roche Rock is an outcrop some 20 metres (66 ft) high on the However, with more than just a superficial northern flank of the granite with observation, it is clear that, despite the effect


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas an approximate area of 600 metres (2,000 ft) Immediately away from this unnecessarily, x 300 metres (980 ft).) The rock is of interest but remediably, damaged streetscape is a to geologists as it is a fine example of quartz timeless, ancient world of old lanes, high Cor- shorl; a fully tourmalinised granite, with black nish hedges, huge, impressive, mature trees tourmaline crystals. The site is considered to and historic structures. The church, exposed be of prime importance for future research on the roadside, becomes part of a veiled, and notification by English Nature as a geo- protected space, inward-looking and en- logical SSSI occurred in 1991. closed. Adjacent are the old house plots and townplace of Higher Trerank – one of the old- Roche was the centre of a pilgrimage network est sites in the village, still with two fine 19th (see History Appendix); the link between the century houses, a number of part-ruinous parish church and the chapel on the Rock is outbuildings, which may be themselves even an important part of the character of the older, and mature, decorous gardens, into churchtown (the parish church is dedicated to which even a modern bungalow comfortably St Gonand of the Rock), and in return, of the sits. The unmetalled track bounded by its setting of the Rock, perhaps the most famous high, thick hedges, runs out into open coun- monument in central Cornwall. Sadly what tryside; the china clay dumps beyond are at was once an unimpeded view, with a direct some distance, emphasising that industry was relationship between these two vastly impor- always at some remove. tant sites, is being gradually eroded by the intrusiveness of the road and by the poorly The rural character, the dominance of trees sited and badly detailed boundaries, bland above all, continues down the Avenue, laid buildings and spotlight towers of the Trezaise out in the 1820s to connect the church with Road sports facilities. Worst is the decision to the new Rectory. The Glebe Field between allow building of the new estate to extend up the rectory and church was turned, in effect, to the ridge line formed by the road east of into a small area of parkland (the medieval the school, severing views of the Rock from stone cross in the Glebe Field is thought to be much of the village; all could have been laid in its original position). The Avenue, Glebe out, designed and built with much greater Field and Old Rectory are a single complex sensitivity. with the church – the church is treated almost as an eye-catcher at the end of the ornamen- Given the low level of attainment in the pub- tal grounds. The glebe was, theoretically, inal- lic realm, it is hardly surprising that other as- ienable land belonging to the church that pects of the streetscape here are beginning to could not be sold or developed; it is part of show loss of character and quality (the car- the context and setting of the Old Rectory, of parking area to the housing estate south of the church, of Fore Street, acting as an infor- the church, and the forecourt and back-yard mal open space, almost (in visual terms, and of the early 20th century commercial build- through historic and recent community use) ings immediately adjacent to the churchyard). as a village green. It retains its park-like char- Neither enhances the setting of the church or acter today, despite the top end being en- the streetscape. Similarly, there has been sig- closed for the building of a new vicarage – an nificant loss of enclosure and historic hedges appropriate use perhaps, although the build- to the pub car-park, while, no matter that the ing itself is lacking in character. The rest of Rock Inn itself remains an attractive building. the Glebe Field remains as an open paddock, Throughout this area, the loss of hedgerows and the central Ash a remnant of the original and trees has been the most consistent ele- plantation that ran up the lower eastern side ment of damage; much of the historic charac- and then into the field to approximately the ter, and quality could easily be restored by location of this survivor – a plantation proba- attention to this simple element of landscap- bly designed both to shield the rectory form ing and enclosure. the road and to visually emphasise the central importance of the church.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas

The Old Rectory itself is the largest, most ele- velopment here due to the presence of the gant, most impressive of local buildings (as glebe). Despite the one-sided effect this gives befits a living in the hands of aristocratic, but to the streetscape, the sloping length of Fore evangelical, Clapham Sect of London). Around Street retains a sense of a true village street, it is a complete miniature park, with avenue, with a real mix of commercial and residential eye-catcher, ha-ha, pleasure grounds, walled buildings. garden, follies (the medieval crosses), out- buildings, agricultural buildings (including the surviving piggery), even that most treasured of status symbols in any parkland, the re- routing of the public road away from the grounds (Harmony Road was laid out as re- placement in the 1830s for the old road, now a footpath north of the Rectory).

Something of this genteel, park-like character extends the churchtown/rectory area into other, later, parts of the village (see below – ‘the lower town’), around the grounds of the large houses at the western end of Harmony Fig 3.3 Fore street has a real mix of commercial and Road, for instance, or, closer to the heart of residential buildings the village, number 1 Tremodrett Road. This Free-standing, detached buildings of a variety early 19th century house with its large en- of styles, sizes and uses step up the hill. The closed garden is scarcely less grand than the streetscape retains much of its old sense of rectory itself and as far from an industrial cot- enclosure along its lower stretches, with tage as it is possible to get, a telling reminder walled front gardens, some, like those to no 1 of the wealth and social status of many of Tremodrett Road or the Rectory, on a grand Roche’s inhabitants at the time. scale, and with greenery and trees making a Fore Street particular impact, whether along the roadside The first stage of growth away from the or in rear gardens and in the hedgerows back- churchtown was along Fore Street. Much of ing properties on both sides; the impressive the current character of Fore Street, all the mature trees here are surprisingly striking. way down to its junction with Harmony This sense of enclosure has been damaged in Road/Victoria Road, dates from the major recent years, particularly by the loss of build- changes of the first decades of 19th century. ings and walls between the Sunday school At this date the church was heavily altered and the Old Bank, now a wide, bare pave- (1822), new Rectory was built (1822) and the ment. In the higher reaches of Fore Street old east-west road re-routed into the newly enclosure has also been lost, by the opening- created Harmony Road. It is clear that much up and tarmac surfacing of forecourts and of Fore Street was re-built at the same time – side yards of several of the commercial prem- most of the surviving buildings are of a similar ises for parking (a result especially of the un- style and date (stone built, four-square with attractiveness of the main road for pausing or round arched central doorways); the plots parking), and, even more damaging and much have a regularity, especially on the east side less remediable, the over-engineered subur- of Fore Street, suggesting an element of ban estate-style access road to the Shires planned development. Evidence of earlier slashed through the previously unaltered buildings and streetscapes may have been streetscape of Fore Street; not only is the lost with the demolition or very severe altera- road-splay insensitively done, but the open- tion of cottage rows on the west side of the ness and destructive loss of the rear hedges street (although there was always limited de-


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas and trees is a loss of context and setting for the street-scene.

However, the underlying structure and grain of the townscape, and the number of good historic buildings that survive, easily over- come these negative elements, providing a continuity of streetscape along the whole length of Fore Street. The overall similarity in scale, the regular rhythm of the plots and their detached buildings, the continuity of traditional forms all combine to make this a quality historical street, even when buildings Fig 3.4 The junction of Harmony Road with Fore Street in 'lower town' have been rebuilt or enlarged, as with the rebuilding of the commercial single storey This area has seen the most change from its ‘sheds’, an entirely appropriate and historical pre-industrial origins. There is little here of tradition in Roche as in other Cornish rural the 18th/19th century farming hamlet that streetscapes (see Bugle, for instance). once stood roughly where the Temperance Hall is now. New road alignments, new roads There are exceptionally good residential indeed, created a new place, with grid- buildings here, including the very grand no 1 patterns of small, regular fields relating to the Tremodrett Road, the elegant Old Bank House new Chapel Road, and Harmony Road, and to and its near-twin on the other side of the new enclosures taken out of former open road no. 17, and the remarkable, semi- common land along Edgcumbe Road and Vic- detached pair, unique in a least a local con- toria Road. Originally with a scatter of small- text. All are well-detailed in a modest classical holdings, each owning just 2 or 3 of the at- manner, with an interesting range of textures tached small fields, this sort of settlement is a and traditional materials. Despite this resi- repeated feature of the industrial boom pe- dential element, commercial use extends riod in the early 19th century in Cornwall. This along the whole street – even the residential sort of ‘location’ (as they are still termed in buildings have small lean-to shops attached, those parts of America settled by Cornish all of historic interest (Old Bank House), some miners) is still recognisably part of a nucle- of outstanding historical and architectural ated settlement, albeit with a very diffuse interest, like the charmingly detailed small character and a very open ‘grain’. shop attached to no.17; to the rear of many buildings are extensive ranges of outbuildings The nature of the settlement pattern here and workshops. naturally lent itself to increasing infill and de- velopment – already in evidence by 1900, The lower town much accelerated in the later 20th century The phrase ‘lower town’ has little basis in lo- Post War period: the holdings were geared up cal usage, but is used here as a convenient to a sort of horticultural use rather than what description of the area centred on the junc- we would recognise as farming today – too tion of Harmony Road, Fore Street, Victoria large for gardens, too small for farms, they Road and Edgcumbe Road, and characterised were either swallowed up into larger units by the grid-like early 19th century ‘location’, (some still operating as farms on the fringes that was developed here. of the village area), or were given over to de- velopment. Although the sheer scale of the 20th century infill in this area is beyond any- thing that could be considered appropriate to the scale and character of the historic village, at least it is appropriate in its location, par-


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas ticularly in those instances where the old grid Edgecumbe Road, and with the long rendered of plots and boundaries has been respected, a terraces of cottages. Amid the rather dour process which also incidentally preserves the and traffic-grimed frontages are remains of large Cornish hedges and mature planting traditional shopfronts (but with little detailing which softens much of this development, and surviving) and single-storey commercial build- thus still forms a backdrop to the older core. ings; many of the buildings on the east side of the junction survive from an earlier period, The new roads and grids were laid out in the albeit heavily disguised by later alterations. 1820s and 1830s. Later 19th century redevel- All have been poorly served by traffic volumes opment started with the creation of the new and traffic management measures which Temperance Hall in the 1880s, and the central demonstrate no awareness of the spatial crossroads area saw continuing redevelop- qualities or townscape potential of the area. ment from then on. The major factor in this Signs, posts, street lights, white lines, road redevelopment seems to have been the crea- widening, demolition to improve sight-lines, tion of the railway station at Victoria, which the sheer noise and dust, have become the stimulated commercial development, in the dominate characteristics here. form of shops and workshops, many of which survive. As this was a passenger station, this The creation of a real sense of place, and of a was also a natural area of the village for large much more pleasant environment is even so houses for those who might commute or have still achievable, partly through environmental business interests elsewhere; these could and public realm improvements to the street- easily be placed in the large plots already ex- scape and frontage buildings, but also be- isting. The earliest of these ‘suburban’ cot- cause much of the historic streetscape and tage-villas are perhaps those in Tremodrett underlying and background historical topog- Road – larger than cottages, smaller than the raphy survives. The central area still appears fully-fledged villas seen along Fore Street or surprisingly attractive form Victoria Road as it Harmony Road. Chapel Road has the best sur- sweeps downhill into the core – the very fine viving sequence, especially of the early 20th slate roofs of the Co-op building and the century, others are in Victoria Road, which Temperance Hall frame a view of the gabled remains as a relatively pleasant heavily elevations of the Hall and the ornate frontage planted approach dropping down into the of the tall commercial block adjacent. This is village centre. As the station was also a major an interesting focal group despite the road. transfer point for china clay brought by road Despite the somewhat bleak, unenclosed set- from the clay works to the south and west of ting of some post-war developments like the Roche, this was also a convenient part of the Cornish Unit developments along Edgecumbe village for terraces of workers' housing; these Road, or the sheltered housing development are seen most obviously near the central in Harmony Road (the forlorn setting of the junction, close to the shops (and close to relocated Longstone, symbol of the hopeless what must already have been around 1900 an destruction of the ancient Hensbarrow coun- undesirably busy road for the better-off to try), many historic buildings are scattered live near), in Harmony Road and Edgecumbe amid the later developments – old cottages Road, and at the east end of Chapel Road and and smallholdings - many with small walled Tremodrett Road. forecourts or hedgerows with their dominant By the turn of the 20th century, there was the canopy of mature trees adding to the surviv- tight concentration of buildings seen around ing interest and quality of the townscape. Just the central junction. This is a varied, some- one or two of the smallholdings have been times bizarre, almost unclassifiable group; lost to development – notably that on the long, rendered buildings gable end to the north side of the main junction (although a road jostle with the tall, four-square stone small outbuilding survives in an adjoining gar- and brick commercial bravura of 13-17 den).


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas

Along Harmony Road, despite much rebuild- a result of ancient tin-streaming hollowing ing, this variety of built form and streetscape out the small valley), by turns in the street is also apparent; there remains here a variety and pinch-points between buildings, these of individual buildings of interest – the single streets become immediately quieter and gen- storey buildings on the site of an old smithy tler than those blighted by the main road. The on the north side, the commercial sheds on pattern of large, regular plots (largely undi- the south side, resplendent in sloping slated vided) still defines the streetscape; bounda- roofs or bright red corrugated iron. Further ries are still largely made up of hedgerows, out, along Harmony Road, the bleak, subur- many with shrubs and mature trees. Tre- ban turning into the Marshall Close estate modrett Road in particular retains old hedges and the bare tarmac settings of late 20th cen- and trees that once bordered the stream and tury bungalows and housing gives way to a leats that ran though the shallow valley here. varied group of largish houses; when built Where these have been replaced they have they stood slightly outside the main village, all been replaced with well-built walls, mostly in have pretensions to greater status than the stone, but some of brick and terracotta of workaday core, with the elegant dressed great interest in their own right. The streets stone classical elevation of number 22 Har- benefit from not being major through routes. mony Road dominant. This house, with its ornate cornicing, its genteel proportions, well-built outbuildings and strongly demarcat- ing boundary walls, is part of the group of overtly better-class houses that distinguish Roche. Harmony Cottage, although like 41 harmony Road a simple early 19th century farm in origin, has seen aggrandisement not only of the buildings (in 1856, as a ‘private residence’, it was lived in by one John Johns, Esq.) and farmyard, but of the grounds – cre- ating a park-like lawn and plantation bor- dered by well-built walls. The whole area is Fig 3.5 Properties on Chapel Road and Tremodrett Road are extremely varied in design much like the small-scale parkland associated with the Old Rectory. Here trees and land- The buildings are varied, but all of quality, scaping form a natural transition zone be- whether well-built four-square stone houses, tween the rather bare, poorly enclosed and arts and crafts/’neo-geo’ influenced early exposed streetscape of Harmony Road and 20th century villas and bungalows, or early the open countryside. The fact that early 20th 20th century public housing, still showing tra- century housing was placed at some remove, ditional scale, detailing and materials. For the a jump of a field away, reflects the strongly most part they sit well back in generous plots, defined character of this area. with mature gardens or substantial grassy Chapel Road/Tremodrett Lane areas –but all fronting directly the street and relating to the underlying grid. Interestingly, Although these two roads form part of the and perhaps appropriately, the only non- smallholding/’location’ development of the residential buildings that are off-set to this rest of the lower town, they have been much pattern are the exceptionally good, listed, less unsympathetically altered, and in fact chapel/school/graveyard group (apart from today form some of the most attractive one or two good outbuildings, occasionally streetscapes not only in Roche, but in any of strikingly punctuating the street-scene with the clay country settlements. Separated from bright corrugated iron cladding. the main road by slight changes in level (in Tremodrett Road in particular this is perhaps


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas

The outer edges of this pleasant, green and tures (including an important early Christian quiet streetscape have gradually been over- cross, a scheduled monument). There are two taken by the spread of 20th century housing other crosses in the Glebe Field and the estates; the hedges and trees of the old grounds of the Old Rectory, they form an im- closes maintain a sense of a place apart, portant group in central Cornwall. More of however. Both roads meet at the eastern end the built fabric and archaeology of the of the village by early 20th century industrial churchtown survives than is at first apparent, housing of the best quality and a pretty apart from surviving buildings (see below), smallholding group, together forming a suit- the ancient curving churchyard enclosure sur- able gateway the village; beyond it a line of vives in part, together with later walls and not unpleasant early 20th century bungalows extensions, the very hedges defining the lanes stretches off, leading to the eye down to and enclosures in the area are themselves views over the countryside and down the lane built structures of great importance and sig- to the ancient manorial site at Tremodrett. nificance, and the site of the manorial pound is known in the Rock Inn car-park. BUILT ENVIRONMENT The quality of the church is matched by that Roche has an unusual range of buildings, and of the Methodist Chapel in Chapel Road (the an unusual number of genuine quality and church was gutted in 1822 to provide a rival architectural and historic interest. Its role as preaching space to the multiplying Methodist an administrative, ecclesiastical and manorial chapels in the area). Built in 1835, it is an ele- centre for a large and prosperous parish, and gant dressed granite box with a pedi- as a favoured residential village, together ment/gable of two storeys with round-arched with its antiquity as a settlement, make it windows to the roadside; the interior is the very different from more purely industrial work of Silvanus Trevail who altered it in 1877 settlements nearby (like Bugle, for instance). when he extended the adjoining schoolroom.

Public/ecclesiastical buildings There are a few other public buildings in The church of St Gonand stands sentinel amid Roche, but there is less than in some compa- the dense trees of the churchyard, its strik- rable industrial settlements of similar size – ingly tall tower visible over a wide area, a no other chapel, no Literary or Mechanics partner to the 15th century chapel atop Institute building (although the Temperance Roche Rock; the remote ruin of the Chapel of Hall provided accommodation for some of St Michael (an inevitable designation on such these uses), no Masonic Lodge. Most of the a precipitous outcrop) on the Rock, is a two public buildings owe more, indeed, to the storey structure (chapel over priests room) established, Anglican order than they do to with a third plinth stage, licensed in 1409. As non-conformist ‘industrial’ independence. Pevsner (1970) says ‘the carrying up of the The rendered, gabled Temperance Hall of granite blocks remains a feat to be wondered 1884 with its lancet windows, for instance, at’. The chapel and the rock, and the tower of built in memory of Thomas Pearce, rector St Gonand’s church are ancient landmarks still 1841-63, the church Sunday School/hall in dominating the local landscape. Fore Street of 1887, stone built with brick detailing, again in a simple village-gothic lan- The church, although with Norman antece- cet style, the simple stripped-down detailing dents, is basically 15th century in date; after of the Board School (now Roche Junior its virtual destruction in 1822, the interior School) of 1871, with its equally stripped was extensively and sensitively reconstructed down rendered 20th century neo-geo head- in 1890 by J.D. Sedding, one of the most sig- master’s house. None are architecturally out- nificant 19th century architects working ex- standing, although all have a simple, modest tensively in Cornwall. The lovely churchyard merit, and are appropriate to their setting. contains a wealth of old headstones and Rather less sympathetic, but of some interest chest-tombs (several listed), walls and struc-


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas in its early use of concrete frame and panel- In contrast to these older buildings are the ling, is the utilitarian post-war Victory Hall in several early 19th century smallholding- and Victoria Road. farm-houses in and around the village. These are remarkably consistent in size and form; Housing types they are taller, more symmetrical than the It is perhaps in the range of the housing types Fore Street cottages; although one or two in the village that Roche is so distinct from have projecting stacks, most have only simple neighbouring settlements. brick chimneys. All have (or had) rectangular There are first the agricultural holdings. Pri- (rather than the earlier square) shaped sash mary amongst these are Tregarrick Farm [66], windows, some have round-arched stair win- the largest and most imposing of the numer- dows to rear. Although several are now com- ous farm and smallholding houses around the pletely rendered, all are stone built, many village, and indeed vying with the ‘gentry’ slate hung on the first floor. The pair in Victo- houses like the Old Rectory in scale and inter- ria Road amply illustrates the different range est. A tall, wide double pile house, a major of changes that the group has undergone. element of the streetscape of Fore Street, it is They are recognisably later than the early stone built with a rendered upper floor group at the churchtown/higher end of Fore (probably replacing slate-hanging); the pro- Street. The semi-ruinous cottage used for portions and the disposition of fenestration some time as an outbuilding, in Chapel Road, hints at a substantially older building than the opposite the Co-op is likely to be of this superficially 19th century frontage suggests. group, although, with its low proportions and Scarcely les important is the small cottage projecting stack, there is the possibility that it [68] standing just to the north of the farm- too is a survivor from the earlier village, pre- yard entrance. This, with its timber lintels, dating the creation of smallholdings in the low proportions, large projecting stack with 1820s-30s. bread oven and small, widely spaced win- These early 19th century farm cottages share dows, appears to be the oldest domestic many characteristics with the building identified in Roche, at least late 18th houses/commercial premises around Fore century in date, perhaps earlier; it is certainly Street, even the former Commercial Inn (now older than and substantially different in scale ‘Poachers’), which retains its 19th century and detail to the early 19th century small- character despite being altered, with detail holdings scattered around Roche. Together lost by rendering. They too are typified by with the outstanding non-residential buildings squared, roughly coursed stonework, a sym- adjoining and in the farmyard (see below), metrically of design, tall, detached, although these two houses at Tregarrick, part of the there is also a greater use of round-arched ancient churchtown, form one of the most central doorways and of brick for segmental significant and historically important groups widow lintels, and an elegant, classically- in the whole area. derived urbanity. Some of the buildings The Rock Inn, although never a domestic around the central road junction subse- building, is very similar in scale and detail to quently altered by render and shopfronts may these older houses (it too is part of the old originally have been similar in appearance. churchtown); it is a rendered L-shaped build- Quite distinctly different are the later 19th ing complex, with the same low proportions, century four-square stone houses in Tre- widely spaced square windows and projecting modrett Road, these are very finely con- stacks; this is at least 18th century in date structed of dressed stone, with machine-sawn (the projecting hipped wing is early-mid 19th granite lintels, (even though one at least was century), and the pub has the reputation of clearly a smallholding, with its attached preserving some older fabric (dating reput- barn/challhouse). Other later 19th century edly back to the 16th century). houses around the village are similar in their


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas size and quality of detailing – and have a simi- with the humble farm cottage nearby which it lar ambiguity as to whether they are purely originally more closely resembled. Tregarrick, residential, agricultural, or even commercial of course, as an ancient manorial home farm in origin (perhaps in truth they are all a mix- was of high status before much else in Roche ture). had been built.

Much less easy to categorise, but merging Even into the early 20th century, Roche con- and emerging from these elegant, simple 19th tinued to be a favoured residential village – century village houses, are the several the station at Victoria adding to its attractions grander houses (to which number perhaps in this respect, and there are late 19th/early Tregarrick farmhouse should be added) – a 20th century houses and villas (and bunga- major feature of the character of the village. lows) showing the usual eclectic mix of details The Old Rectory, in effect a small country and materials, perhaps not as architecturally house, is the most imposing, a hipped, simple polite or with such grand pretensions as some classical stone building of 1822, of 5 bays, of the earlier houses, but still generally pro- with extensive rear ranges. Full descriptions viding a higher standard of accommodation exist in the Listing information, although the than the old cottages, and some are of real, if detached cottage/coach house, and a small quirky, architectural interest, particularly the detached piggery beyond that, should also be group in Chapel Road with their classically- considered part of the complex. Two other influenced detailing. houses approach the rectory in quality, no. 22 Finally there are, even in this largely non- Harmony Road, with coursed stonework, 6 industrial village, a number of those late 19th bays, modillion eaves, a charming bracketed /early 20th century stone or rendered ter- door hood, the door-offset from centre; it races to be found in so many of the clay vil- looks 18th century but, as far as can be told lages. Although they can now appear rather from map evidence, is mid 19th century, per- dour and grey, particularly along the busy haps re-using elements from an earlier house main roads, in fact they have some interest- elsewhere, with a later 19th century rendered ing details and good use of materials, seen wing to rear. Like the Old Rectory, it is sur- especially in some of the outbuildings with rounded by a complex of outbuildings and their large slates on roofs with crested ridge walled enclosures that add to its quality; what tiles. They maintain traditional proportions a pity that the windows have been replaced and details, shapes and orientation – address- by the most tawdry PVCu fixtures. Number 1 ing the streets and following the lines of the Tremodrett Road is a similarly classical, enclosure grid. The short terraces in Chapel broad, hipped building in large grounds with Road and Tremodrett Road in particular are extensive rear wings of various dates. attractive and pleasantly set in their grounds The ‘polite’ architectural element in Roche and in the street, the geometries of the ter- thus forms a significant element of the char- races, rear wings, outbuildings and enclosing acter of the village; it ranges from high status walls and hedges are a major positive ele- houses, to the main-street commercial and ment of the townscape here. residential buildings; it even influenced changes in later years to some of the sur- Industrial, commercial and outbuild- rounding buildings – nos. 13/15 Fore Street, ings although a semi-detached pair, were de- The essential townscape of Roche is a mix of signed to look like a single, elegantly grand commercial, farming and purely residential house. One, at least, of the smallholdings buildings. Its streetscapes are varied, and un- (Harmony Cottage) had already been predictable in this respect; it would be a sig- enlarged and its grounds treated as if they are nificant, potentially catastrophic, loss if this landscaped gardens, or small scale parkland mix were to be lost, if it were arbitrarily de- by the mid 19th century – a telling contrast cided that the road frontages should all be


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas commercial or all residential, if all the myriad an important focal point in the streetscene. and entrancing outbuildings, sheds and lean- These lean-tos could be a delightful addition – tos glimpsed all through the village were to that added to no. 17 Fore Street has an ex- be removed or tidied up, their multifarious tremely rare small bay window, and a pat- textures, details and materials homogenised terned glazed side window; these are unusual by poor modern replacements, or unjustified early-mid 19th century survivals. bias against humble materials like corrugated There were also purpose-built commercial iron, render or painted timber. properties; the two pubs in the village have There are no obviously industrial buildings or already been discussed, largely because of structures in Roche, in contrast with other their similarities with residential properties. china clay villages (Bugle, Stenalees or Nan- By the late 19th century, commercial build- pean, for instance). The abrupt change in ings were more recognisably distinct – the slope, and evidence from 1946 aerial photo- large two storey gable block which looms graphs, suggests possible archaeological evi- over the Commercial Inn (Poachers) is a good dence for tin-streaming south of Tremodrett example of the change in scale; despite its Road (on land now heavily built upon), along size, this is a well-proportioned and tradition- which a leat runs, and some of the outbuild- ally styled building, once adorned with a first ings to the rear of properties on the south floor veranda. side of the road, and to the rear of nos. 13/15 Around the central junction it is difficult to Fore Street may just have origins linked to fully assess the constructional or architectural this. Apart from this, the smithies and work- qualities of the commercial buildings, or the shops, and later garages, in Roche are not shopfronts, since nearly all have been so industrial as such – they are the normal thoroughly altered, in not one instance to trades and crafts expected in a typical their benefit, and the general streetscape has churchtown or rural market centre. been so dulled and downgraded by the im- The commercial buildings of Roche form an pact of the main road. One building which important sub-group within the village, and stands out here, as indeed it does in nearly all have a wider importance. The sort of simple views into and over the roofscape and street- single storey shed used for workshops, retail scape of the lower town, is the large late 19th shops and garages throughout the village century block of 13-17 Edgecumbe Road; this were formerly much more common in rural was a speculative commercial development of centres like this. A few survive in nearby Bu- flats over shops, of 3 tall storeys with attic gle, but Roche has a historically important marked by two large gables, 8 narrow bays collection. These range from the large barn- wide, more window than wall with brick and like building in Harmony Road, with its strik- stone construction and detailing. It is the fin- ing red corrugated iron roof, to smaller tim- est building in the central junction area, the ber chalets. Although of limited aesthetic or only commercial building of any pretension in architectural pretension, these buildings have the village, forms a fine group with the an historical importance as they show how a (somewhat disguised) qualities of the Tem- significant number of village shops appeared perance Hotel group and is one of the best of – and in Roche there is a continuing tradition its type anywhere in the clay country. It of this sort of commercial property, as re- would not be out of place in St Austell town cently rebuilt premises follow the same sim- centre. Quite what it is (thankfully) doing here ple shed-like pattern, entirely appropriate to remains something of a mystery, but may be the historic character and historic street- an indication of what was hoped for Roche at scene. An alternative approach to providing the height of the economic boom years shop space was to add a lean-to to a residen- around 1900. The quality and attractiveness tial property – the large shop added to Old of this building could be an inspiration for bank House is an historic building occupying


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas major enhancement of the streetscape and reaches of Fore Street; these small walls set the surrounding commercial buildings. up an important rhythm along these roads; sometimes the old hedged boundaries of the If commercial buildings in Roche have suf- grid of enclosures survive, especially along fered from the impact of the road and traffic, Chapel Road. Their loss is noticeable else- the outbuildings have fared much better, pre- where in Fore Street, Harmony Road and cisely because they are tucked away, they around the central road junction (such walls have been less altered as money has been were still visible here in early 20th century directed towards the principal buildings; they photographs), creating an open streetscape retain some of the best examples of historic out of character with rest of the village. materials and traditional construction details, add enormous textural qualities to the town- Materials and local details scape, and enliven the many cross-views and Roche has traditionally been a stone-built glimpses that are so characteristic of the vil- village. There is a mixture of materials to be lage. The most impressive and without a seen, including irregular, but generally flattish doubt most significant group is the farm killas rubble, although most stonework is of complex associated with Tregarrick farm. Al- roughly dressed squared granitic blocks. The though many of the standing buildings are silvery-grey stone appears to be a variety of mid 19th century in date, any of them is likely petuntse or china-stone, an altered granite to have 18th century or earlier origins, par- still hard enough to use for building; this at- ticularity those closely sited to the farm- tractive local stone is a distinctive feature of house, and the main barn itself. The single- the clay country. Granite is also used, most storey stone building attached to Tregarrick elegantly as ashlar in the Old Rectory, but farmhouse may be a former smithy; it is cer- especially in later buildings, where the sharp- tainly an old building of considerable historic edged, sawn materials contrasts with the and streetscape value. more local product.

Elsewhere, there are good outbuildings asso- A unique feature of Roche is the use of the ciated with other farms and smallholdings, very dark, glassy basaltic-looking material whether traditional stone-built buildings or (schorl - from Roche Rock itself?), used in later, corrugated iron clad barns and sheds, as great square, roughly dressed blocks, seen well good ranges to the rear of commercial best perhaps on nos. 13/15 Fore Street; this is buildings – like those to the rear of one of the most localised uses of any building Edgecumbe Road, the slaughterhouse range material in Cornwall. This building is a won- to the rear of the butchers - or to the rear of derful showpiece of the various materials larger houses. used in Roche, rough-coursed petuntse, the schorl blocks, white brick detailing, slate An adjunct to the large house-grounds are the roofs, slate-hanging to the rear and on the tall, well-built stone walls which emphasises outbuildings. the sense of enclosure which is so much a part of the character of the village; these can The slate hanging in Roche tends to be of be on quite an impressive scale, with orna- large scantling slates, also used for roofing, mental gateways, and are major features although most roofs are of smaller sized even on the main road frontages of the vil- slates; no. 1 Tremodrett Road has a fine pat- lage. More humble houses were nearly all terned slate roof with bands of fish-scale tiles. fronted with low stone (or in later examples The traditional slate roofs survive reasonably rendered concrete) walls; many of them well in Roche although there has been signifi- clearly originally had iron or timber railings cant replacement in recent years. Because of too. These walls are a particular feature in the local topography, the way the village sits Chapel Road (including some bright brick ex- within the slopes of gentle but pronounced amples) and Tremodrett Road and the lower valley, the roofscape is extremely important


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas in Roche, it is not just the prominent buildings LANDSCAPE SETTING, GREENERY AND that stand out, nearly all buildings can be OPEN SPACES seen from above from somewhere, and nearly all can be seen from the back as well as The immediate context of Roche, is, as it al- the front. Even in the central junction area, ways has been, agricultural land, an anciently the fine slate roofs and crested ridge tiles of enclosed landscape with remnant mediaeval the Co-op, the Temperance Hall and no. 13-17 field systems still discernable. Field systems Edgecumbe Road are an important feature. have been identified on every side of the churchtown (See Herring and Smith) Brick (and terracotta) plays a less significant role in Roche; it is used extensively for chim- The ever spreading tide of development is neys, of course, although some of the earlier changing the very nature of Roche’s relation- buildings have stone stacks, but also, as white ship with its countryside setting. Throughout brick, is used very widely in Roche for archi- its hundreds of years of history there has tectural dressings, particularly lintels and been a direct connection: development in the quoins; the brick walls in Chapel Road have village was rarely more than one building been mentioned already as an unusual fea- deep along the roads; houses stood individu- ture; one of the most attractive and immedi- ally in generous plots, there was little to stop ately visible uses of crested ridge tiles is actu- views through to the hedgerows and mature ally on the low roofs of the outbuildings to trees that close off every view and glimpse in 51-57 Tremodrett Road. the village, and beyond that the open coun- tryside. These hedgerows and trees still in Materials like corrugated iron render or many cases shield the old core from the ex- painted timber are an essential component of panding development, but all too often, espe- the variety and textural complexity within the cially where the unnecessary wide suburban- village, used as they are cheek by jowl with estate style access roads intrude into the his- more polite materials and building forms. toric streetscape, there are views directly into Their contribution to character cannot be un- the new developments. The uncharacteristic derestimated. density of development, the lack of relation- The standard facing material from the late ship to topography and historic boundary pat- 19th century onwards has been render, often terns, the complete lack of appropriate land- of a harsh texture and dull grey or brown col- scaping to match the historic setting is all too our. This is sometimes used with moulded or evident – all seen most damagingly off Fore applied architectural detail (best seen in Street. Chapel Road) and often painted; both treat- Trees are perhaps as dominant in the charac- ments show that this need not be a dour or ter of Roche as are buildings – as seen most unattractive, material when sensitively, and clearly in the setting of the church and Old traditionally, treated. The insensitive, non- Rectory, in fact along the whole western traditional and inappropriate treatment of all fringe of the village. Throughout the village, the local materials, including render, can be the mix of formal ornamental species, of seen on some recent developments with their planted shelter-belts, of hedgerow trees, of out-of-place ‘civic trust’ pastel colour simpler garden trees permeating every schemes, fussy stucco surrounds and details, streetscape creates a character immediately and most particularly the red-brown inter- and obviously distinct from the tightly- locking tiled roofs – a feature never before packed, hard streetscapes associated with seen in Roche, nor, until recently anywhere industrial settlements; it also highlights the else in Cornwall, and a disastrously inappro- denuded character of the main road running priate choice of material for the setting of through the village. Roche Rock. There are few areas of formal public green space in Roche. This is becoming more of an


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas issue as the village becomes more removed nant in wider views of the village, their inter- from its immediate backdrop of countryside. visiblity, their relationship to the village itself, The open space around the Victory Hall is is being increasingly threatened by new de- bleak and given over to parking and tarmac; velopment. The setting of the Rock in particu- the playing fields to the south of the village lar is under serious threat from increased de- are remote form most of the potential users velopment. in Roche, and suffer from a lack of landscap- The sloping topography, relatively gentle as it ing and planting around the edges, and no is, is sufficient to create picturesque slopes matter how valuable a resource, little positive along Fore Street, a scene of stepped roofs, can be said about their impact in the setting and to reveal the roofscape of the whole vil- of the churchtown and most particularly of lage to various viewpoints, generally creating Roche Rock. The small area of green in front streetscape views of great interest and poten- of the post-war housing in Edgcumbe Road tial. There is rarely a long view, horizons are and Harmony Road do little to add to the very immediate (Fore Street, Chapel Road and quality of the streetscape. Nonetheless, much Tremodrett Road are closed off by small of Roche appears to be green and open due changes in slope), the roads turn or close off to the generous garden plots, enhanced by at critical points, creating short views, allow- the well-planted grounds of larger houses - ing only glimpses into and across the main the Old Rectory grounds and Glebe Field in road. Only around the central junction is particular are an extremely important green there a concentration of views along roads; element – visually they act almost like a vil- the buildings here are (potentially) good, but lage green, but they remain inaccessible. the streetscape in this focal space is scarcely VISTAS, VIEWS GLIMPSES AND STREET- worthy of the attention thus drawn to it. SCAPE But perhaps most characteristic of Roche are Beyond the spreading housing estates are still the glimpses, the side views into the back wide swathes of open countryside; the land- yards and outbuildings of the centre, into se- scape here is relatively flat, the valleys are cret gardens, the unfolding views along short gently sloping, so that there are long views lengths of road like Tremodrett Road, the glo- over fields and trees to the distant monu- rious informal walk along the Avenue into the ments of the china clay industry, particularly twisting lanes of the churchtown. Everywhere the white peaks of the ever-growing dumps these views and glimpses are framed and to the east and south. These close off all overshadowed by the dominant canopy of views except to the north where the Castle- trees. an-Dinas/ Beacon hills stand lowering In this context, the bare, blasted and insensi- over – a reminder that Roche an- tive impact of traffic management and road ciently stood at the meeting point of various ephemera seem even more destructive. landscapes and routes, and should not be There is virtually no street furniture of historic thought of simply, or even primarily, as a interest – granite kerbstones outside the Co- china clay settlement. The roads on the outer op store perhaps; old photographs show edges of the village all have long, straight vis- more, but road-widening has removed it all. tas along them terminating in white crests of The main roads are now an overdone array of clay dumps; a direct visual link given greater road markings, grey steel street lights, sight- impact by the re-routing and straightening of line realignments, signs. The side streets re- older routes in the mid 19th century (cer- main thankfully simple and free of clutter tainly that to Carbis past The Rock) . (even the telegraph poles in roads like Chapel Within this low-relief landscape, the two Road seem to enhance the timeless quality of landmarks of the church and the Rock stand the streetscape rather than clutter it up), and on a locally prominent ridgeline; still domi- here is preserved something of the historic


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE Section 3: Roche Village Character Areas hierarchy of surfacing and treatment – simple merce and trade. Perhaps Roche’s greatest macadamised surface to the lesser roads, significance in an industrial context, there- gravel to the side lanes, simple grassy tracks fore, is as a measure of the complexity and into the individual plots. The recent tendency diversity of the traditional churchtown set- to open up frontages, remove enclosing walls tlement as it was affected by industrial devel- and tarmac forecourts is destructive to the opment in its hinterland, as a control against qualities of this streetscape. which to measure such complexity (or lack of it) in the more purely industrial settlements. INDUSTRIAL SIGNIFICANCE

Roche was a churchtown, an administrative, ecclesiastical, manorial and service centre. It was never simply, perhaps hardly at all, an industrial settlement, although tin-streaming, which may have been locally significant in the Middle Ages, was undoubtedly still important in the 18th/early 19th centuries, and may partly have stimulated the creation of the location/smallholding settlement here. Later industry was located away from the village – industrial settlements sprung up close to the actual works, although some, like Trezaise almost merged with the churchtown itself. Even when, in the later 19th century, more clearly industrial housing was built, the prin- cipal reason for locating much of this housing here was still the service element, the pull of the railway station about a mile away.

All the workshops, trades and services in Roche would have been there without the china clay industry, serving the traditional part industrial/mainly agricultural economy, but there was an undoubted increase in scale of activity because of the growth in the clay industry through the 19th century. An in- crease in agricultural production, an increase in the carrying trade (clay was shifted largely in horse drawn wagons until well into the 20th century), an increase in shops, and ser- vices – Roche would scarcely have merited a bank without this background.

Roche remained a place of some quality and pretensions, as befitted its historical role, and its role as a service and administrative centre for a prosperous industrial and agricultural area. Within its bound is a remarkable collec- tion of high status sites and buildings, some ancient (crosses, church, Rock Chapel), some agricultural/manorial (Tregarrick Farm and Farm complex), many more linked to com-


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village

APPENDIX Agricultural/service centre By the late middle ages, Roche stood within A HISTORY OF ROCHE an ancient landscape of agricultural fields, In developing sympathetic plans and devel- remains of which survive on all sides of the opment proposals for Roche Parish and Roche village. The church overlooks the crossing village itself, it is important to understand the point of a principal east-west route through history of the development of the Parish and central Cornwall (Broad Lane/Harmony Road the primary settlement. Unlike most settle- is the precursor to the 18th century turnpike ments in the China Clay, the village grew over road now followed by the A30 to the north of a long period as an agricultural, pilgrimage Roche) with an important north-south route and trade centre, and this rich history is still from to St Austell bay and Mevagis- very much visible in its form and settlement sey over the Hensbarrow uplands. It is about pattern, and in its range of buildings and gar- mid-way between a number of established dens. This history and its architectural and late medieval centres (St Columb, , place making impacts informs and should also and St Austell). be read alongside the Design Guide. The stream valleys near the churchtown were PRE-1809 long important for communications and for Roche churchtown is one of a number that milling (grist mills for grain and fulling or tuck- ring the high ground of the Hensbarrow up- ing mills for cloth - Tremodret tucking mill is lands. Its role as an ecclesiastical, administra- recorded in 1270). tive and local market and service centre was The late medieval intensification of mining well-established and stable by the 11th cen- throughout the Hensbarrow/Blackmore area tury. There is the suggestion of an early Chris- led to intensification and increase in agricul- tian ‘lan’ site at the church, with a circular tural activity which remained fairly constant burial ground forming the nucleus of the pre- right up to and into the 19th century. Enclo- sent churchyard. There are Norman remains sure, spread of agricultural land onto both the in the church itself, although Domesday re- uplands and Goss moor and the increase of cords only Tremodret, the more distant of the cash farming, all led to an increase in activity two principal local manors: the principal in the local service/marketing centres like churchtown manor of Tregarrick or Treroach Roche churchtown, as well as stimulating the was not recorded until the 12th century. creation of large agricultural holdings – the There appears to have been at Roche a more large farms at Tregarrick, Higher Trerank, the than locally significant religious/pilgrimage Rectory and elsewhere in Roche were already centre which may well have advanced the a major element in the make-up of the grow- prosperity and function of the church and ing churchtown by the time they are first re- churchtown. There are a number of local corded in the 16th/17th centuries. springs and river sources, including the head There were three well-established cattle (and waters of both the Par and Fal rivers - the pony) fairs by the late middle ages at Roche, place name Pentivale may suggest a holy continuing throughout the 19th century, spring rather than simply the head spring of while the Tregarrick manorial pound was lo- the Fal - and there are recorded and surviving cated near the church. holy wells (Tremodret/Victoria) as well as a supposedly tidal and magical pool near Roche Tin Rock. Another aspect of this cult/pilgrimage The valleys have also been exploited since at centre is the Rock itself, crowned with its least the late middle ages for tin streaming 14th century hermit’s cell, which gave its and associated stamping mills. It is difficult to name to manor, family, village and parish. talk of a truly pre-industrial phase in Roche’s history.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village

Roche was at the centre of the Blackmore vicing and infrastructure (including a stimulus , the dominant tin-producing area in to agriculture). the south-west in the 14th/15th centuries. It stood at an important communications node Extent of Settlement and with extensive and rich tin streaming Like the old farming and manorial sites grounds in the upper Par and Fal valleys to around it, the churchtown stands on the up- the east and to the north and west (on Goss per slopes of the valleys of the Fal headwa- Moor), and with a major elluvial system on ters which cut into the anciently enclosed the slopes of Hensbarrow beacon itself, traces plateau forming the gently sloping outer man- of which survive to the south of Roche. tle of the main upland area to the south. Not surprisingly, therefore, the churchtown by Lode-back and shallow mining of local tin de- 1809 included at least three large agricultural posits such as at Great Beam (or Old Beam) holdings (Tregarrick manorial farm, the glebe on the parish boundary at what became Bugle lands, Trerank farm) in addition to the church, are recorded by the 16th century. By 1691 churchyard and rectory (slightly separated reference is made in tin bounds in Trezaise to from the churchtown by the glebe, in a way an old tin shaft, suggesting early development not unusual in many Cornish churchtowns). of deeper mining techniques in the area. Associated with the manorial farm at Tregar- Post medieval to early 19th century activity is rick were also the manorial pound and the difficult to quantify. Tin streaming and mining fairpark. There was also at least one old- declined markedly from the 16th century on- established inn (the Roche Rock Inn is said to wards, although there is evidence of continu- have 16th century origins). ing (if less productive) 18th century tin work- Amongst these larger complexes were indi- ings on Goss Moor and stream working vidual cottages and commercial properties; around Roche well into the 19th century (in- the churchtown had probably been much like cluding perhaps in the valley running through this for some considerable period. The 15th he present heart of the village). century rebuilding of the parish church re- China clay flects the wealth and activity generated by By 1809, the developing china clay industry early commercialisation of local industry and had scarcely impacted upon Roche. The major agriculture. 18th century areas of activity were almost The churchtown had already expanded by exclusively in the western part of the Hens- 1809 beyond its old nucleated core (marked barrow uplands, in the parishes of St Dennis approximately by the cottages north of Tre- and St Stephens. Here were the early quarries garrick Farm); buildings and plots running and pits exploited by Cookworthy and his suc- down Fore Street kept very close to the road- cessors, and the first of the larger scale works side, restricted on the west by the presence developed by the Staffordshire potters. As a of the glebe lands. The properties on the east whole the industry remained small: in 1807 side of Fore Street show the regular plot sizes Trethosa pit (St Stephen’s) was one of the and depth running parallel to the road which largest works but, only about nine feet deep, they retain to this day, and hint at some de- it produced only 300 tons per year. gree of controlled development. We should not look, therefore, for much ef- At the bottom of the hill was a second set- fect on the settlement at Roche; the vast im- tlement hub which had developed on the ma- pact china clay had in the later 19th/20th cen- jor stream and road crossing point, with a turies tends to give a distorted view of its mixed farming, workshop and cottage group, landscape and settlement importance at this culminating in a farm complex newly enclosed early stage, although it may already have be- from the edges of Goss Moor (now Parkwoon gun to make local demands for transport, ser- Close).


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village

At a time (1801) when the whole parish only Although tin production had declined since had a population of 954, the village would the high Middle Ages, it remained important, have seemed relatively more dominant locally with tin streamers recorded in leasing agree- than it did in the later 19th century. ments as resident in Roche. The overseers of the poor derived an income in the 1820s and The early development of evangelical Angli- 1830s from tin streaming sets, and the leasing canism and Methodism in Roche is a marked and exploration of such sets was actively pur- element of its history. It was partly explained sued throughout the period. At least one by the personal impact of early supporters of stream works on Goss Moor had a bob engine Wesley (Trethewey of Trezaise, who held (giving its name to the set) showing some meetings at their house in that hamlet); per- degree of investment in the industry, but it haps even more significant was the friendship continued to decline in scale and importance. of the Anglican Rector himself, Samuel Furley, supported by the evangelical Clapham Sect, At the same time, deep mining was develop- who eventually purchased the living of the ing, although most concerns were small, in- church. The parish church and Methodist termittent and not very successful. Great chapel were to retain extraordinarily close Beam was being worked as deep mine (rather and friendly links in Roche throughout the than shallow lode-back or surface working) 19th century. The mix of industry, commercial before 1830. By 1841 shafts had been sunk interests and independent farmers which dis- below 70 fathoms, with other mines worked tinguished Roche from other, perhaps simpler at Belowda/Belovely and at the Cornu- agricultural and more conservative settle- bia/Roche Rock Mine, where, 70 tons of tin ments was important for the early hold of having been raised by 1836, a long period of evangelical Protestantism in Roche. This is closures, re-opening and further closure then much more like early, pre-industrial non- set in. conformist patterns which developed Meanwhile, Great Beam was being worked amongst the commercial and skilled artisan from the early 1840s for clay – a sign of classes in the towns of Cornwall than the changing emphasis in local industry. typical miners’ or agricultural workers’ Methodism of later 19th century Cornwall. China clay 1809-41 Between 1820 and 1858 there was a huge rise in demand for china clay for the pottery, tex- ‘Roche….chiefly consists of open uncultivated tiles and paper industries. This was met commons; the inhabitants find employment largely by the opening of many new small on the small farms and in the stream-works.’ pits, rather than deepening or intensifying production at old pits. In 1820 there were C S Gilbert, 1820 only 12 works in the Hensbarrow area; by Agricultural/service centre 1845 this had quadrupled, while new china At the beginning of this period Roche de- clay shipping facilities were developed at pended on farming and tin streaming; its tra- Pentewan harbour in 1826. Production in the ditional role as parochial focus and agricul- industry as a whole grew from 2000 tons per tural service centre, with fairs, inns, smithies, annum to some 13000 tons by 1838. mills, pound for stray animals and church to While most new pits were still in the west and maintain the celebratory round of the farming south of the wider area, this was also the pe- year, continued almost without change, riod when the first of the major works in alongside increasing industrial activity in the Roche opened – a lease dated 1828 gives village and parish. permission to explore Littlejohns ground for Tin clay, the first reference to what would be- come one of the principal china clay works.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village

Wheal Prosper began production in the same The obvious prosperity and strength of the period. Methodist community was matched by that of the Anglican Church. The Rev Thomas The dates, scale and impact of these early pits Fisher (1819-34) rebuilt the church in 1822 in in Roche are difficult to quantify, but the imitation, it is said, of the Methodist preach- population of Roche parish grew from 1,425 ing chapel, and enlarged the churchyard. Par- in 1811 to 2,041 in 1841, the biggest rise be- son Fisher also rebuilt the rectory (1822), im- ing 13 between 1831 (1,630) and 1841. Clay parked and landscaped the glebe lands, cre- workings around Trezaise, Great Wheal Pros- ated the rookery plantation and the Avenue per and Gracca stimulated this growth. as a formal link to the church, and built a par- Extent of settlement ish school and cottages near the Rectory gate. It is also clear that the old main east-west The population increase between 1811 and route that passed just north of the rectory 1841 was spread through a large parish. was re-routed to the north, creating a new Much, if not most of it, was taken up by the road – Harmony Road. The central junction in creation of large numbers of smallholdings the lower town thus became a focus of all the and groups of rural cottages outside the new roads and developments, creating a new churchtown, by and large much closer to the village focus. clay pits. Surviving buildings indicate that Roche was a However, this process also affected the favoured residential village – large private churchtown, particularly in the creation of houses were built there in addition to the smallholdings and cottage holdings around Rectory and Tregarrick (Harmony Cottage, 13- the edge of the village and especially on the 15 Fore Street, 1 Tremodret Lane). Cottages, moor and waste which still came right up to inns and workshops of this date still survive, the settlement – although whether this was although anonymous in the historical record. for industrial workers or a more purely agri- cultural development is questionable. In any Roche churchtown by 1841 retained the im- case, this period saw the doubling of the set- pression of a service, agricultural and market- tlement, the creation of nearly all its streets ing centre; undoubtedly increasing in size and and roads, the creation of Roche as it re- influenced by the general increase in eco- mained largely until the late 20th century. nomic activity in the Hensbarrow district. Unlike other communities in the china clay To the north and east of the cross-roads and area it was not really an ‘industrial’ settle- in the valley bottom, grids of small fields and ment, but a service centre for an increasingly attendant cottages were laid out along industrialised area. This difference is visible in Edgecumbe Road, Broad lane, Chapel Road the settlement pattern, which is more dis- and Tremodrett Lane; this was land-lord con- persed and with good sized gardens – unlike trolled speculative development, not the tra- the predominant form of terraced cottages in ditional squatter or tin-streaming encroach- most settlements in the china clay communi- ment on waste or common land. The new ties. Methodist Chapel, school, burial ground, cot- tage and shrubberies built here in 1835 gives 1841-1880 a good indicative date for the whole process. Agricultural/service centre The (Wesleyan) Methodist Chapel itself re- Although never developing a formal market, placed one built in 1810 in Manchester Roche fairs remained extremely important Square (by the crossroads), later used as a and more than local occasions, held three schoolroom. There was also a private school times a year on the traditional fairpark for in a cottage near the new Methodist chapel. cattle, but also including ponies and large numbers of geese raised on Goss Moor, with the pleasure fair held along Fore Street.


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village

The largest single group of ‘tradesmen’ in lowda/Belovely (which in the ten years up to contemporary trade directories remained the 1880 only produced 10 tons of tin) and those farmers and the exceptionally large class of working Tremoels and Rosemellon tin lodes. ‘cow keepers;’ very much a local phenome- The tin slump of 1870s killed them all off non, many of these latter doubled as carters, unless they could turn to clay, and by 1878 market gardeners, clay agents etc, and were not a single tin mine was working in the area. presumably dependent upon the extensive grazing rights on the moors, the three annual Iron cattle fairs, the increasing demand from the Unusually, a group of iron mines was active local industrial population and the proximity just to the west and south-west of Roche of the railway station. churchtown; that at Coldreath produced 14, 570 tons of iron ore in the 1850-70s, espe- Anecdotal evidence suggest that many of the cially between 1856-64; Dyehouse sold 344 smiths, carpenters and wagon builders active tons of iron ore in 1858 and Colbiggan pro- in Roche built agricultural wagons and duced 4,000 tons up to 1874. Just as with tin, equipment as much as, perhaps even rather however, the 1870s saw a slump, and by than ‘industrial’ goods (Creswell Payne), al- 1878, no iron mines were working locally ei- though as the following quote shows, as al- ther. ways, industry and agriculture were difficult to separate:-. China clay ‘China clay is dug out in immense quantities ‘At some distance from both their cottages from this neighbourhood and forms a large and their work the Tin-streamers build little article of commerce in this and the adjoining turfen shelters for the nest of their store- parishes’ 1856 Post office Directory geese. As soon as they are hatched, therefore, the goslings find suitable food in the This statement is qualified by other sources neighbouring pools, marshes, rills and scat- (Lake) which make it clear that the area was tered patches of grass. As harvest approaches notable for the large quantities of tin which some two or three thousand young geese are had been raised in the parish, and only lat- sold off the moors to farmers who fatten terly much china clay. But this was undoubt- them on the stubbles of several surrounding edly the great period of expansion in the clay parishes.’ Henwood 1873 in Creswell Payne, industry in Roche parish. p. 59. The industry as a whole increased output Tin/iron from 65, 600 tons in 1856 to 552,384 tons per Despite Henwood’s description of tin- year by 1900, a growth associated with tech- streamers in 1873, the decade 1870-80 nical changes and increasing use of coal-fired probably saw the last of the traditional tin pan-kilns, waterwheels, adit driving, pipe- streaming on Goss Moor. lines, steam engines etc., all demanding an increased scale of materials, engineering and The scattered local tin mines continued in a building skills, transport and supply. In Roche somewhat desultory and sporadic fashion; parish the pits were, for the most part, some they had a noticeable, if ultimately limited, distance from the churchtown, sited to the economic impact on the district, enough for south and east (Wheal Prosper, Goonbarrow the 1856 Post office Directory of Cornwall to etc), and the chief settlement impact was declare ‘This is a mining district’. Beam Mine actually the further development of the en- was active in 1844, Cornubia Tin Mining Co. tirely new settlements near the pits them- (Ltd.) was working Roche Rock mine, while selves, outside Roche Parish. Having said this, the Rocks mine (nearer Bugle) was said to be most of the increasing output in the later unusually rich in tin - it nonetheless opened 19th century was achieved by increasing and closed at least three times in the period. technical improvements; the numbers actu- Other mines included Wheal Gray, Be- ally employed in the clay industry did not con-


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village tinue to rise, and eventually declined in the Other rural crafts noted in Roche at this time late century, despite ever increasing tonnages servicing both the clay industry (heavily de- of clay produced. pendent on heavy wagons and wooden bar- rels for transport) and local farmers and However the stimulus to trade and manufac- tradesmen included wheelwrights, smiths, ture also affected Roche churchtown. At least carpenters as well as shopkeepers, grocers, one resident was described as a grocer and general merchants, boot/shoe makers etc, all brick maker, and Roche was well placed to traditionally concentrated in the churchtown. turn some of the traditional skills and trades of a rural centre to the new demands of the Other industries clay industry: Farmers and cow-keepers also There seems to have been limited diversifica- worked as carriers, the large numbers of tion in the local industries, although some which are a feature of late 19th century trade other minerals were exploited – what became directories of Roche. Their direct involvement the Polpuff Quarry at Trezaise opened in the with the clay industry is shown by the fact late 1870s, digging feldspar–rich pegmatite that, by the 1880s, at least three were de- used for glass making and pottery glazes. scribed in directories as ‘cow keeper and clay agent’. Clearly the cottagers and former tin Extent of settlement streamers-cum-agricultural labourers were Despite the increasing scale of activity around turning to new forms of labouring. Roche, the settlement itself expanded only Every 1000 tons of clay shipped to the tram- modestly over this period. While this may ways and railheads represented some 3-400 disguise some increased density of buildings wagonloads. Roche stood in a gap between and occupation within the built up area, it two mineral tramways, from Bugle to Par accurately reflects a stagnation and eventual (1847), and Hendra, St Dennis, to decline in the population of the parish from a (1849), until the opening of the Newquay rail peak in 1841 (2,041) to 1,681 in 1881. link to Par in 1874, with a station at Victoria At a relatively early stage, the continuation of (Roche Station), 1 mile to the north-east of the development of smallholdings in the village where there were sidings and a Edgecumbe Road, Broad Lane and Tremodrett depot for clay. The output of the Littlejohn Lane changed to providing cottages in much works was brought through the village and smaller gardens. This reflects a change in em- the station. Between 1872 and 1874 the old phasis from new smallholdings relative to Treffry Tramway system was rebuilt and ex- new cottages seen throughout Hensbarrow in tended as a modern steam railway; the Corn- 1840-80 as compared to 1805-40. wall Mineral Railway quickly captured the clay traffic from the broad gauge main line Com- The village was slightly enlarged by the new pany, as their new route to was schools, further extensions to the churchyard shorter, and they also had a direct route to and to the farm complex at Tregarrick Manor Par dock. Fowey developed rapidly as the ma- Farm. There was extensive redevelopment jor deep-water china-clay port, a position it and increased density of building in the cen- holds to this day. The large pits in the south- tral junction area with new cottages and lar- east of the parish were already served by the ger houses, commercial premises and the Treffry tramway at Carbis. Despite these at- Temperance Hall. tempts to improve communications in the The character and social mix of the village is area, until well into the 20th century large revealed by trade directories: - it continued to quantities of china-clay were still moved labo- have a much greater mix of classes and trades riously from the works high on the Hensbar- (and quality houses for them) than the more row Moors to Charlestown and Par by horse- purely ‘industrial’ settlements around it, with drawn wagons. several gentry and professional people, in-


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village cluding the rector, Methodist ministers, a industrial character than Roche – they were, surgeon, mine purser, school teacher and for instance, where the Bible Christian and agent, and one or two ‘private residents’. This Primitive Methodist chapels were, much was a favoured residential village with large more typical of working class and industrial private houses. This reflects rising prosperity populations in Cornwall. The Wesleyan Meth- associated with the growth of local invest- odists in the churchtown were, at this time, ment in agriculture, industry and the railway; made up of small farmers, agricultural work- secondary wealth created by increased servic- ers, shopkeepers and tradesmen as much if ing, carrying, farming and food supply and not more than clay workers (a pattern con- local investment by tradesmen and shop- tinued into the 20th century – see Phillipps, keepers in the increasing number of small 1994). clay pits: what was said of St Austell in the mid 19th century may also have been true in 1880-1906 a small way of Roche:- Agricultural/service centre ‘……. to see new mansions that have been The continuing importance of the cattle and lately built by persons who only a few years pony fairs was one factor in Roche acquiring a since were standing behind the counter or branch of the Cornish bank opening on Satur- working at their trades and are now inde- days and, significantly, fair days. pendent gentlemen’ Mining Journal, 10th No- Tin vember 1866. As for tin, there was a brief revival of deep There was a wide range of craftsmen, inn mining around Roche in about 1900; Bunny keepers (The Roche Rock and Commercial Hill, for instance, worked 1902-7, quite suc- Inns), traders, shopkeepers, drapers, grocer, cessfully for tin and wolfram, but closed soon merchants and so-on typical of a mid 19th after. As with other local ventures the com- century churchtown. As the social, service, pany was unable to meet the cost of pumping religious and trading centre for the extensive out the deepening levels. agricultural area around, the facilities in the churchtown continued to expand: a National China clay school was built in 1856; a Board School was The clay industry continued expanding, albeit built in 1871, the Methodist school in 1874 rather in fits and starts. The area around (the chapel restored in 1877, by Silvanus Tre- Trezaise developed significantly as a part of vail). In a village where the Anglican hold re- the continued overall expansion of the clay mained strong, however, it was Thomas industry, which produced a total of 552,384 Pearce, the rector in 1841-63 in whose mem- tons per annum by 1900 (compared with 65, ory the combined village hall, Temperance 600 tons in 1856). The pattern already set in Hotel, and working men’s institute was set the mid 19th century continued, with ever up. wider use of dry-kilns, steam engines etc. and increasing rail and tramway access, more lo- While these facilities developed, the indus- cal sidings (especially round Carbis, which trial element in the local population was still became a local centre of all sorts of process- scarcely noticeable. As the mid 19th century ing and trans-shipping activities), although development of the clay works (and the tram well into the 20th century large quantities of and rail systems that served them) entered china-clay were still moved laboriously from the same sort of scale in the Roche parish the works by horse-drawn wagons. area as elsewhere in Hensbarrow, it actually expanded the newer settlements, Trezaise, Other industries Carbis, Bugle, Victoria etc, and this was where Brick-making on an industrial scale was estab- most of the workers lived, not at Roche lished in Roche parish, at Carbis, in 1883, the churchtown. These had a much more overtly Carbis brick and Tile works near Roche station


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village becoming one of the most important in the reminiscences of the parish historian hardly area. suggests it was dominant in Roche:-.

The continuing expansion of traditional indus- ‘Fifty years ago there were several flourishing tries and crafts to meet both industrial and business – carpenters and builders, black- agricultural demand is reflected in the pres- smiths etc….At the carpenters’ one used to ence of four saw mills in Roche in the later witness the whole process of the making of 19th century. agricultural wagons, carts etc...... There were at least four saw-pits in Roche…’ Extent of settlement Despite the expanding scale of the clay indus- Creswell Payne, writing in 1949 of Roche in try at this time, the population of Roche par- about 1900. ish continued to decline, from 1,681 in 1881 1906-1946 to 1,624 in 1901. As with the range of industrial and economic Tin activity, the character of Roche as a settle- Much was hoped for from the introduction of ment was already long established by 1880 modern methods of dredging the alluvial tin and continued pretty much unchanged for deposits on Goss Moor; between 1910 and the rest of the 19th century. The numbers of 1915 £120,000 was invested in gas and gentry, private residents and professional steam-worked dredging with scarcely any men (surgeon, teachers, mine engineer, clay return. merchants) in the village continued to rise, Such tin as was produced locally was mainly a while many of the surrounding farmers and by-product of the clay working; although landowners clearly looked to the village for hardly enough to be recorded, sufficient was professional services. The importance of this produced to keep at least one set of tin farming community is reflected by the con- stamps associated with Old Beam mine/clay tinuing importance of the cattle and pony works by Bugle working until 1944. fairs and the branch of the Cornish bank that opened on Saturdays and fair days, although China clay this undoubtedly also reflected commercial By now demand for china clay was world- activity generated by servicing the china clay wide, and more changes in technology and industry too. organisation kept production on the increase. These included the high-pressure hose first The full range of services available to the lo- used in the Hensbarrow area in 1877 but only cals by the 1890s included the train station, accepted practice by the mid 1920s; the in- with post office, omnibus services, the Meth- troduction in 1911 of filter presses as an ad- odist Chapel, the significantly rebuilt parish junct to the pan kiln effecting great savings in Church (1893), the Temperance Hall, which drying time and coal; increasing use of elec- also acted as the village hall and working tricity. The rail system further expanded cre- men’s institute and a range of shops (includ- ating more sidings and reaching more pits; at ing the Co-op), trades and services (surgeon, the same time, after 1918, the use of casks bank, auctioneer, watchmaker) beyond the was phased out, cooperages closed and, per- usual craftsmen and grocers shops. haps particularly relevant to Roche, the avail- The ever increasing numbers of farmers and ability of cheap motor-lorries after the Great cow keepers who doubled as carriers and clay War meant the end of the horse teams and agents hint at the influence of the clay indus- their wagoners. try elsewhere in the parish and wider area, The growing demand for the products of the much of the new or rebuilt housing near the industry was curtailed by the two world wars temperance hall in the centre of the village and the trade depression of the 1930s; the may have been for clay workers, but the clay industry came almost to a standstill as


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village export markets disappeared. The industry re- After the 1939 to 1945 war china clay produc- organised, in a series of amalgamations, with tion was effectively in the hands of one large the largest company (English China Clays Ltd) company; pits continued to close or merge, controlling 50% of the industry's production the remaining ones becoming much larger in 1919 and (as English Clays, Lovering, Pochin and deeper, their waste spreading out over & Co) 75% in 1932. huge areas but at the same time employing more technology and far fewer people (hand- Other industries fuls rather than dozens or hundreds as in the The Carbis brick and Tile works continued to 19th century). Production at the end of the thrive throughout the period. A new venture 20th century stood at about 3 million tons per was the Roche Glass Mine or Polpuff glass year, and the hugely expanded scale of the works set up in 1920 exploiting the old industry has not only destroyed vast acreages Trezaise pegmatite quarry. The quarry had of countryside, but there has been an in- been re-opened in 1917, during the First creased loss of cottages, rows, entire hamlets World War, to provide feldspar for electrical and re-settlement of population within the porcelain. so-called Island Settlements, like Roche. The Extent of settlement process had already begun before 1946, so that, notwithstanding an overall population The parish population grew modestly in the growth in the parish (1,660 in 1951 to 2,360 first half of the 20th century, from 1,624 in in 1991), the council houses and modern 1901 to 1,965 in 1931. The increase was re- housing estates represent a shift rather than flected in the continuing provision of signifi- a growth in the industrial population. cantly large areas of housing, first started around 1900. By 1946, with most of the new Extent of settlement housing only recently built, this had created Post-war growth in Roche has been almost the largest increase in the size of the settle- entirely in the provision of extensive housing ment since the 1830s, much of it indeed in- estates, a process still ongoing. Much of the filled the grid of plots which had been laid out earliest housing from 1946 was in the form of along Chapel Road at that time. As well as the ‘Cornish Unit’, a standardised housing individual bungalows or villa-style houses, type, some of the earliest of which were built there were improved cottages built in small here at Roche, using china clay sand as aggre- estates – that along Tremodret Lane at least gate. The size of the settlement has increased was specifically built for clay workers; a sec- beyond any reference to its historical bounds ond, larger estate was built isolated from the or character. It has expanded at a much main village along harmony Road. greater rate relative to population growth in There were too many houses simply to meet the rest of the area, in part a reflection of the the local population rise, many were for fami- slightly elevated level of services and shops it lies re-housed as the older farms and hamlets has always provided, in part a reflection of of the moors continued to be swallowed up the ever decreasing availability of land out- by the advancing clay pits and dumps. This side the island settlement – Roche has always was less a reflection of an industrial character had the added advantage of being just slightly in Roche itself, more an example of the de- outside the main extraction areas, and there- veloping phenomenon of the island settle- fore rather more attractive than some alter- ment – settlement development concen- native settlements. trated in established population centres TODAY rather than scattered around close to the works, as had been the pattern before. The most recent developments have dramati- cally reshaped Roche – more than doubling POST 1946 the size of the village in less than two dec- China clay ades. Contrary to recommendations in the


DRAFT Roche Parish DESIGN GUIDE APPENDIX: A History of Roche Village

CISI report on Roche (commissioned by Eng- built form of the community, and local views lish Heritage, Cornwall Council development and needs. Meanwhile, increases in traffic has taken place up the southeastern slopes to through the village (between St. Austell and the ridge line north of Roche Rock, cutting off the A30, St. Austell and Newquay, and HGV views of the Rock from much of the village. In traffic from the western side of the Clay area contrast this Design Guide seeks to establish avoiding St.Dennis) has materially damaged the basis for a renewed emphasis on sympa- quality of life in the village, the resolution of thetic and high quality development taking which is a key focus of the Neighbourhood account of the history and the best of the Plan.