THE MINERALOGICAL MAGAZINE AND 30URNAL oF TKE ~{[NE R~kLOGIC ~kL SOCIETY. No. 115. December, 1926. Vol. XXI. MINERALOGICAL S(_)CIE~I u (Instituted Fehr,mry 3, 1876.) JUBILEE CELLBRATION (.~el,tem ,er, 1926.) CONTENTS Pak, o Page Preliminaries 9:) Addresses and Letters of Con- Programme. 100 gratulation . 134 Reception and Conversazionu I0[ List of Delegate~, Guests, and Dinner lO3 Members l 41 Visits to ]~].useunls and Institu- Lists of Officers of the Society tions 10l (,1876-1926) . 144 President's Add ross 106 List of IIonnrary Members (,1877- Southern Excursion 12,t 1:~26) 146 Nm'thern Excursion I'2S Photograph of Group (Plato If) . 148 Visit to Cambridge 133 COMMI'ITEE consisting of the President, Treasurer, Ger,eral A Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Editor, Prof. A. 1-[utchinson, Sit" Henry A. Miers, 3Jr. W. Campbell Smith, Dr. G. F. Herbert Smith, and Dr. H. H. Tllomas was appointed by the Council of the Society on November 3, 1925, to consider how the Jubilee of tile Society should be celebrated. This Committee, to which Dr. A. Brammall and Air. Arthur ~usscll were afterwards added, held several meetings. The General Secretary (Dr. G. T. Prior) had charge of the general arrangements, the Treasurer (Mr. F. N. Ashcroft) of the financial arraugements, the housing Ii 100 I~[INERALOGICAL SOCIETY--JUBILEE CELEB1RATIOI~ 1926. of the official guests, and the Dinner, Mr. W. Campbell Smith of the Conversazione, Prof. A. Hutchinson of the Northern Excursion, and Nr. Arthur Russell of the Southern Excursion. The special thanks of the Council and of the Society are due to these gentlemen for their work, which resulted in an unqualified success.
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