
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 33, 1862 I“""’,!g’,e'lJlm'e ro,-r: PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY MO RNING, JANUARY 8, 1868^ Term.EtghiD^t..~^num, HIE PORTLAND DAILY PKESS is published miscfllan cous. at No. 1 Printer!' REMOVALS. CO S' A KT N EKSHIP. everyday, (Sunday excepted,t copartnership. niSCELLAKEti U». Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. Besides the Austrian and the Mexican mis- N. A. Proprietor. the there will now FOSTKK, largest dissolution ot DAILY PRESS. sions, be a Chinese mission to fill. in ad\Anc«. REMO Copartnership. Ikrsis:- Eight Dollar.*- a vsar VAL^ Mr. must copartnership heretofore existing under the DISSOLUTION~ 1808. Burlingame have resigned his office THEfivm and st le of McCallar & is POUl'LAM). as American minister at Pelcfa THE STATE PRESS, Is published at the Greenough, Co., before accept- MAINE this day dissolved mutual consent Copartnership herei ofore existing under the Thursday morning at #2.00 a yea*, & by the trust confided to bim tame place every WOODMAN,-TRUE CO, F. THEname and style ot Tarbox & Clieover is this The ing by the Chinese in GREF.NOUGH, Portland Press □variably BOOK F. \LL\R. dissolved mutual consent. tbe two advance.______BLANK IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN J. MoC day by Daily authorities, offices being incompatible D. C. McCALLAR. «. W. for Wednesday Morning;, 8. 1868 _ Has Kates of advertising.—Due mchot vpace.m TARBOX, Maine readers tbe wbtch be- January with each other a of our V Portland, Jan. 4, A. D. 1868. J. S. CHEEV&R. advantages by provision consti- length oi < oiunm, roustautes a**«qnarc.” long to a The bu ints* will bo continued Tarbox & paper representing Maine interests. Tbe tution. A §1.50 per -<’ur\ro daily tin-t week. 75 cent? per by Washington correspondent rays MANUFACTORY DRY GOODS! Brackett at the same details of general news, as are An wt-ek alter; three or less, $1 *H>; coutinr- place. they to be found In Unpleasant .National ( baracterUtlc. that the members of the insertion#, Notice. P„rdand, dan. 7-dlw* foreign legations in other atier tir*t week, 50 cent,*. Copartnership 3,1*6$. jan New York newspapers, we do not undertake to |ne every day Tin* give. thaf Halt three insertions or 75 one undersig- cd have this day formed a copart- A Since Swift wrote bU inimitable satire on city pronounce the appointment of square, lest, cents; WOOLENS, suilicient summary of the current of the ” as the Amdassador from Copartnership. world,isall we can to furnish. the English nation under the title of Gulli- Burlingame Under head of “Amiwemfsts,” $ OOnersquare pretend (Jurr.’ports McrALiiAR WAl.T4.tt II. iVlOKnirv/is part- China to the Powers not com- week ; three insert ions or $1.50. Gents’ KRornens, ot the ver's Travels has which can European only p©r less, Furnishing Goods, Mbner in om firm from tlis date under the stvle nothing appeared Special Notices, $1.25 per rquare for the first in- and slia’l ocenpv the store plimentary to the United as formerly occupied by of Hillman Mellon & Co. so wound the national as a States, recogniz- sertion. and 25 cents per square tor each AND SMALL WAKES. Greenongli, McCallar & G>»., and assume their busi- painfully vanity subsequent HILLMAN & MELLEN. of ing our commanding in Chinese af- insertion. MAINE! ness in e/ery respect, and set lc all the affairs of the recent art'eie in the London position Have this to Woodman’s Portland, Jan. 1,18G8. jan. 7-dCt Proceedings Congress Spectator. The Adve< ti-eraems Inserted in the “Matne Statr day removed Block, '■Id concern, and are alone authorized to use the firm fairs, but calculated to advance the will nevertheless be as (u'l as New important Press’* (which ha- a circulation >n pnr- name of the old firm in any England following are a few specimen extracts from large every Corner of Middle and Pearl liquidation, journal pub.i.-bes, and our commercial interests of our citizens in the Ce- ?t the Siateifor $l.no for find insertioo‘ Streets, SEWARD this per square FRYE, remarkable document, which appear in lestial fd'*0 cents per square tor each subsequent ins, i« Nearly opposite tlieir old s te. rJ. F. MoCALLaR, Copaitaership Notice. Empire. The appointment confirms the on. D. G. MoJALLAR. Regular Corresponds nts at Wash- American in all the of Agents tor Maine for the World-renowned newspapers revc'ry assertion of the late Sir Fredrick Bruce to Portland, Jan. 7, 1867. d3t Fickett & Is mu- Linen Finish Collar I Gray di‘solved by ington anil New York, italics: Senator that he THEfPmoftuil consent Tin affairs ot the firm will be Sumner, regarded Mr. Bur- HALL L. With Cloth at the Button and Fettled bv J. B. \V“ doubt if a race ever whom as BUSINESS CARDS. DAVIS, Hole, Fi. k tr, who will coniuue the busi- the political and commercial capitals of tie country existed among lingame the most powerful man in the ness at the old stand No. 187 Fore •UreeL pecuniary was so or so Gray’s Patent Molded Collar Dissolution of have already given proof of their ability. Our ar dishonesty general Chinese Empire. For the Austrian mission J. B. FICKETT, deeply aft' cted the structure of We —ALSO— Copartnership, society. rangements lorprocuring ■ S. S. late of but now WILLIAM GUAY. consider ourselves a virtuous p pie, tho salt Cox, Ohio, of Washing- copartnership heretofore existing under tlie January 1,18C8. jaiTdlw WEBB, FOGG & FREEMAN, for Sir Sewine Machine. ot the earth, and it is not too much to that ton, is said to be the favorite and Bookseller and Agents gars THEfirm name and style of CHASE, ROGvRS & say candidate, Stationer, MAINE NEWS at this moment the basis of hall our aws (Successors to A. WEBB & Co.,) woo van: a ( o. HALL, is this dissolved mutual consent. the for the Mexican mission Gen. McMahon is nuan, day by cause of half or Dee 18t>7. dec3d4m Albert k. are to the more than half our adminis- Portland, 2d, chase, MMCTLLAKKOI in. unequalled. Dispatches Associated Press hard, backed Senator Dixon. chas, b. trative weakness, the root of three-lourths of working by Rogers, from allparts of Maine, we shall of course 16S Still continues to make the manuiacture ot FHKD’K P. HALL. receive; our commercial difficulties is the well Commercial St., Portland, Me., hut in addition to founded REMOVAL. Portland, Jan 1868. these, we have belief that a middle class A Eebel Plot.—The Washington DEALERS IN 1, Tm: best Englishman, if he special like a will of S. W. LAKRABEE Sgta anything chance, thieve, will the Boston Advertiser says: Regular Correspondents in the his his aud his expend brain, time, energies in The War has received a Notice. able efforts Department letter CORN, Blank Account Books TTAS removed from Central Wharf to Ricliard- Copartnership principal cities of the Slate, to steal money which is not his. from C H RI ST Our is Breckinridge County, Kentucky, giving A son’s Wharf Commercial Street, opposite Col- MAS muuicipal difficulty jobbery, that is an account ot a horrible undersigned having the interest oi outrage attempted ton Street, where he will be happy to see all his oId purchased occasional orrespondeuts at other po'nts, and we theft,—the practice municipality is cer- the inmates THEChas, B. Rogers, in the late firm ot OE every upon and friends of one of the customers, and to serve hosts of new ones. Orders ^hasc, Rog- have for tain, unless to of Flour,Meal,Oats, ers & Hall, will continue the arranged watched, indulge in, robbing largest colored schools in that It A lor the to county. SPECIALITY. citizens eurich its own members or oth- that a In or Small N e av Y appears teacher to have a Large Quantities. ear’s er favored individuals. Even proposed Parliament, even •concert and on Dime as ion Lumber, Pine, exhibition Christmas eve. Spruce, &e., Special the Cabinet, the or of was ALSO, Wholesale Flour Business, Dispatches fiosver, supposed flower, She warned that it could not be permitted, SOLICITED. life, is not the same sus- AT — PRESENT From the §ta#e Parliamentary beyond but refused to believe that the rebels would’ Capital picion. We dare not let the Chiefs of Fine Ft ed & Or Corn Depart- carry their threat into and went on Shorts, CLAPBOARDS, SHINGLES. ment; execution, Old Stand No. 1 one can their every so as the ia iu act lor themselves in a most with her £3r*Choice flour the single barrel or in Long Wharf, any give friends will be a night, long legislature session, important preparations. The exhibition was Family by Also constantly on hand a large assortment of function, that of the bags. containing the subsianoe of the day’s proceedings.— making great contracts, finally held in oue of the colored churches, under firm name of choosing, in fact, the agents think which S. H. WEBB, J L. H. C. FREEMAN. Doors, Sash and Blinds I All matters of local news or interest will be they ablest, was packed with the friends of the FOGG, report- because we are — — certain that will Dee 28, 1807 -dtf AND PHOTOGRAPH! ed aud they thieve, school and children. Within a fow minutes IIALL discussed in our columns more tally than not CHASE, & CO., indeed for themselves, hut for their after the exercises not can be party. closed, but until the Building; Material and will be prized as such. Go to expected of newspapers out of the Slate. The Look at our It is tho anil will railway system. great- people had left, the church was blown to mrnisbed at short notice. settle all accounts lor tlie late firm. various est aud most FESSER & STATIONERY! important business organization the of a of ZAL'jO, CO., October 19. pieces by explosion keg powder dtf ALBERT F. CHASE, E. S. ever devised by a and it is WORMELL’S, RAILROAD nation, breaking that had been placed under the platform on F. 1*. IIALL. ENTERPRISES, down under habitual thelt. January 1868. jan3dtf which the children were seated, and probably General CotnmUion K E TV1 O V A JU 1, JVo. 316 now in progress, the The dislike of Merchant?, AT Congress Street, theft, unless committed touched off with a slow match. An explo- by violence, seems to have died out of the na- sion during the exhibition would HAVANA Nuticn. where you can set all kinds of such work Employment of our Water Power probably | done in the tional mind. If a man stauds oil London have the whole audience. H. 31.BBE WEB, Portland, Jan. 1868. lies manner, an 1 for prices that destroyed December 23. dim 1, defy competition. which is beginning to attract attonlion abroad as well Bridge, selling brass for the (Successor tc J. & rings , police Wholesale and Retail. Co.) Undersigned having lormed a p irfnersbip in home, the of aud as an extreme measure, make THEto carry on the Stove, Tin-Ware, and Photographs nil their Styles. Tin fill bearing Congressional legislation ultimately, Varieties. I>K. TJIJZZi:LL, Plumbing aud Ferrco him salk, but if he robs a thousaud widows Manufacturer of Leather business, un ler th** firm ana style of M. E Tliomp- Types ypes, th cheapest that can be upon our Has resumed bis residence s n made in tbis and a Belling, & Co., -olicit the patronage aftho public gener- eily, pencet satisiaction wai ranted. successfully by prospectus deliberately train- —The German Charivari Has removed to Kemember the ed to he lias just published Comer l*ark and Pleasant Streets. ally. Heai quarters at the old Stand, i’emple St. place. manufacturing. Commercial, Cumbering, deceive, goes at once into Parliament. M. E. HUM There is not a in a caricature which proves that Germans have SUN, JE. 8. Fishing and shipbuilding department England iu W"Office hours from 8 to A. M. 2 to P. M. MO. 02 MIDDLE STREET, J. S. KNIGHT. tVOlIJIHI.t., intere.ia, which 9, 4, one-third of the not he not much confidence in the results of the con- 31G expense might November 11. dtt DESK FURNITURE ! Marrett & Jan. 3. eodlm* Congress Street. and other kindred savetrif men could be Poor’s New Block, where may befennd a dec'Sdtf_ topics will claim a large portion assumed to be barely ference for the of lull assortment ot Leather purpose settling the Roman Belting, as cheap, and of our space. The relations o' Maine to the Domin- “law honest,” or in which, if we did assume it & BUCK.. equal toanyluNew England. Belting and Loom Disolution. the nation would not question. A fisherman, standing tbe river Clras. ion of Canada are so intimate that we shall lose twice as much as it by made to order Also for sa'e. Belt Leather Firm Dickens’ Books ? be com- The most complete assortment that can be found in Straps of Bowen & Merrill is this dissolv does. There is not a holds at the eud of his line a Proprietors of Greenwood Mill, Backs and Leather day to considerable great shop in London side, fiy called Sides, Trimmings, Lace Leather, THEed by mutual consent. The business ot the pelled give attention to Belt whose proprietor is not paying a third of his all the small BUt KMVU.f.E, 9. C. MAINE, embracing everything useful Hooks, Cupper Rivets and Bnrs. jyl9dtf firm will be settled by either at 13t Middle St FOR SALE VERY Congress; fry leap out of the wa- party CHEAP, gross aggregate of salaries to whose THOS. A. BOWEN, Canadian AfiairN, persons ter to catch the but all the fish swim in Yellow Pine limber and Sliip and ornamental. ~aT. hie rbilT^ real work is to prevent plunder—a bait, big Stock. Orders solicited. EDW. S. MERRILL. -AT plunder DEALERS and shall continue our weekly review of Canadian now so dreaded from its aw ay, with sovereign on Counsellor and at Dec. 31,1867. universality,that im- looking contempt References—R. P. Back & Co., New York; Attorney Law, news. The 01 mense brain has terms the Daily Presl will be as here- been exerted, and is being ex- their lesser brethren for allowing themselves Wm. McGilvery. Esq., Scarsport; Ryan & Davis, has removed to erted to 144$ Exchange Street, opposite pres- C. B. CHISHOLM & tofore Eight dollar, a year. prevent salesmen ever touchiug cash Portland. mai26dtl ent Post Dlsolution. to be caught. Office. july9dtf BEOS, at all—to enable children to do that of the Firm of H. 8. Kaler & is this dav dis- part —It will be a Co., as do in lotteries. great comfort to tho swarm of O. G. MERCANTILE PRINTING! The business wi 1 be setle l 307 Congress Street and Grand work, they managing DOWNES, REMOVAL. THEsolved, by H. S. American Kaler at the store of & travelers in Germany to discover Kaler. Bawen Merrill, 131 Trunk These extracts are taken almost at random,' MERCHANT TAILOR, Middle St. H. S. KLLER & CO. pepot. THE MAINE STATE PRESS that the annoying passport system, from which Of JAMES Dec. 1807. and constitute a formidable HAS REMOVED TO every description promptly and faithfully execut- O’DONNELL, 31, pretty indictment have heretofore suffered in is as made as an they every petty TICKtfOR dJ FIELD’S carefully up entirely independent the middle No, 283 1-2 CoD^ress Street, ed. We arc also prepared to fill or- against class Englishmen, whom has Counsellor at Law. paper. It will contain State, been entirely abolished in the terri- Copartnership. most writers of CORNER OF CHESTNNT ders for all kinds of Nslary Public A- Commie,,ioner of that race regard as the pride tories of the North German Confederation. Deed*, Undersigned have this dav formed a copart- A August 30, 1866. n dtf A complete Congressional and I and of Has removed to Clai p’a New Block, THEnerahip uuder the tiriu name ol KaUr, B >* eu DIAHOAB EBITIOX cgislative hope Britain. But our author spares of the N. Y. Times writes that record from week correspondent OOK. EXCHANGE AND & Merrill, for the purpo e ol* transacting a whole- to week, a summary FEDERAL STREETS, not any of that can ren- formal notice was the Gov- Lufkin & sale Millinary and Fancy Goods and have Single topics, » i .10 Pub’s price *1.50. of Stale intensity expression given by Prussian Gray, Perry, Jan 15. (Over Fruit d« business, Hews ariang* d by counties, Sawyer', Store.) talen the stoie 131 M'ddle street sta where •• der this favorite class more ernment that this would be (up rs) Couipl lcSct(14 voir.)1 1.00 21.00. au agricultural contemptible or done from the be- MAN UFA C1 VJl Elis LITHOGRAPH they would e pie tsed t>> see their old customers and dcparlmeui con- more He of the and no H E M new ones. taining articles pr* ex- suspected. says that the worst of ginning present year; doubt it AND JO 13BEKS OF O V A L. ! many pared H. S. Kaler, for its has been carried out. This is Also on hand pressly columns,ihe all is tha’ no one can see any for it. It another of the -AND T. A. B »WEN, help W. n. New* of the that and mankind owe AATS, CAPS. FURS, CLIFFORD, E. S. Mebbill. Shipping seems to be the general impression that the things Germany to the -Alt ft Counsellor Jan. 1, *68. dlw T. B. PETEBSON’3 AND APPLETON’S week in full, market battle of Sadowa. at Law, island is gradually relapsing into that state Sti-aw Goods ! And Solicitor of Patent*, Report* carefully —In of the recent disclosures Editions of tho same of consequence Copper Plat© Dissolution of works, in different styles of revi-ed barbarism and lawlessness in which it 54 dr 56 Uliddle Si, over Woodman, True A Co’s, Engrayiiig-1 Has Removed to Copartnership. to date relative to the of as low management workhouses in Corner of Brown and Congress Streets, Copartnership of Cobb & Behrens is dissolv- binding, as of pnblicn- was found when the Romans first crossed the PORTLAND, MAINE. THEed by mmual consent. Either of the under- England, it is understood that a royal com- Apr 9-dtt JalS BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. dtl is authorized to in tion, Channel. “If Claude the signed sign liquidation, lor tlie Duval,” says Spec- mission will be issued to purpose the outs tan affairs of the late Twenty-live Cents Bach ! A readable every and a shortly inquire gen- ofsetling ling 8'ory week, page tator, “were alive now, he would not be fool DEEBIMU, MILLIKEN & CO, firm. GdiO. W. COBB. of entertaining miscellany, together erally into the management of workhouses FREDK. BEH HENS. Also a choice assortment of with the most important to rob coaches. He would JOBBERS OB New Publications! correspond- enough get up a the aiul Melodeoiis rFThe Lumber business will be and throughout country. Organs continued by me ence, reports editorials, and tea company.” under tbe lirm of G. W. Cobb A Co., on stnrde- the latest telegraphic intelli- —A Bible class was asked to name the pre- DRV Of the latest and Manufactur- vant’s from GOODS, improved Style Tone, Whart. GEO. W. COBB. gence the daily stones AND Albums, Glove and Hdkf. Boxes! cious named in the Bible, After sever- We shall be ready to supply our patrons with all ed by Portland, January 1, 1868. dlw* edition. Pinna* nt the Exposition. al scholars had given answers, one little fellow new as soon as Ladies’ Dressing D* publications issued. Irom all Companions, Cases, The*Maine Stale is a [From ight’s Journal of Music.] WOOLENS, Dissolution ot Copartnership ! Press quarto paper, contain- called ont, “Well, Thomas, what Hare this day removed to the new and spacious store WM. P. Ac. Ac We have not meddled precious the publishing houses In the HASTINGS, heretofore under the , Ac., ing eight large page-,and is one of the largest much in the erected tor them country. Copartnership existing weekly great stones have you found?” was name In “Brimstone,” No. 15 Chestnut Street, Portland, THE and style ot A. S Shurtteff, is hereby papers in the country. It will be furnished to sub- controversy. common, doubtless, with mutually dissolved. Tbe business of said Arm will lit able for Christmas presents. Now is the time to all our fhe the reply. S8 and OO Middle St., scribers as heretofore-, for two dollars a nearly readers, finding newspapers MAINE. be settled by Sylvcn Sburtleff. uv. Remember the place, 307 Congress Si. year. has To the full of it ad nauseam, we long ago had ceased —France been so denuded of its forests On the Old Site occupied by them previous to the Alva Shctrtleff, Jr. December 20 dtf clubs, during coming impor.ant year, we are tire. to read. Moreover, witn most musical as to the it less great PUBLIC and PRIVATE SYLVEH SHDRILEFF. willing to offer a liberal reduction. To clubs of ten per- change climate, making rainy, Portland, March 16. tf Porttand, Jan. 1, 1868. 2w sons hereabouts, we have come to our own tes will send the Maine State Press one and rendering a great amount of land more year for in our own and Furs ! a opinions way, hearing and Hats, Caps seventeen and ha f dol'ars, and if toone judging barren in consequence. A petition setting M. F. KING. LIBRARIES SUPPLIED. Dissolution address, lor ourseives, and should prefer tbe of of Copartnership for fifteen dollars, strictly in advance. avierags forth this fact was recently presented to the B AIIGA INS~B ARGA INS ! Chickering pianos to any Steinwav that we Specimen copies will be sent tree to address. PHOTO GBA PB Copartnership heretofore existing under the any ever heard, in spite of French juries, Mons. Imperial Senate, and it was suggested that 1ST, firm name of D. W. Address * THE True & Co., is this day dis- Fetis, or the Emperor himself. We never the French army, in the various home canton- solve lb mui ual consent. A stock, consisting of liir Middle thought they needed any such endorsement. be and em- street, I TV FACT , Either partner is auihorizfed to use the firm name IV. A. ments, may reasonably profitably FOSTER, Merit makes its own wav in liquida'lon. with or without ployed in the business of planting trees all PORTLAND, ME. D. W. PUBLISHER OF THE medals. Indeed this medal TRUE, Hats, Firs & Umbrellas PRESS, competition at over the June 12dtt C. H. TnUE. Caps, country in those places not reached !¥•. 1 Printers’ great Expositions stirs excitement so Premising te n First Clsue will be sold at Exchange, Portland, Me. up by Pertaining Portland, Jan. 1,18*8. by agriculture. This suggestion is one that JOHN E. DOW, Jr., many questionable means, raises such a senseless clamor, such a that commends itself to the man who Very Low at Wholesale or dust, calm, un- Emperor—a The Organ is the best Reed Instrument now in use, Notice. Rates, Notice* of the Copartnership Press. biased becomes almost likes to show himself as the of so- Counsellor and at voiced wiih a rtch, mellow and powerful tone. The judgment impossible. organizer Attorney Law, aim Retail, How can one a clear in such cial BOOK STORE great has been to manufacture an instrument to D.W. True is this day admitted as a partner get impression a reforms, and it is probable that it will And Solicitor m pleas** the an*l satis the ear. in onr the Round turbulent arena? Bankruptcy, eye y MR liim. At [From Table, Now V'ork, July, 1867.] Anywhere else, in the con- soon be acted on. Also improved Melodeons. the latest of which i*» a PARIS No. 12 Exchange Street. rooms JAUNCKY FLOURING CO. The Portland Press evinces a commendable cert of one's own town at home in his COURT, newly which does not the in- Jan. ener- —Kertch is to bs the new Russian arranged Swell, put Paris, 1, 1868. in tacts to own can one Sebasto- 43 Wall Street, New York City. CAN BE FOUND AT strument out of tune This stock wil be sold without regard to cost, gy collating pertain ng the commercial, house, judge better than in cir- manutai taring ar.d life ot its St ite. pol. The government has orders for im- ^^Commissioner for Maine and Massachusetts. A1 o keeps on hand Piano Fortes of the best January 1. dlw agricultural Its cumstances so exceptional. We wish the given styles editorial opinions arc a’so cl with Jan. 29 dtt and tone. WM. P. HASTINGS. Copartnership Notice l pressed uouiuai should his mense works to be crecfcd at that which dc9eodly weight, and i, is the on provincial Emperor, ambition ever prompt place, ^““Price list sent by mall. y journal in the J. & C. J. country that pays a ay considerable attention to him to give another World's is admirably for defence. It will Under-i^ned have this formed a Ca- Exposition, adapted W. T. BROWN & CO., day copart- BARBOUR, nadian events. would have it HALL L. THEners ip for he purple ofeondmciinga Whole- absolutely without medals or completely close Azoff and atone for the loss DAVIS’, sale Grocer/ and No. 8 Exchange street. [From the Waterville Oct. the of General Commission Merchants, CORN AND OATS. Flour, Provision-bu>inesa, under Mail, 25.] awards; comparison products would be of The foundations of the batter- the name of D. W. TRUK & .141 Sebastopol. Cq. commercial Have for retail a large Stock of TUe proprietors ol the 1‘ress arc sparing no ex- equally instructive, and the conclusions far No, 90 l-£ Commercial St., Portland. in ies aud earthworks will cost half a mil- Street, No. G3 St. ED TV. H. BURGIN pense strengthening their editorial force, and in more genuine. nearly Exchange <3b Co. On hand at all times a large stock ot first class their in (Thomas Block,) improving paper every department. A dr-t here lion roubles to begin with. This is a check- Gro-eiies and and ail Western and class now But has been a question of fact: Wtjlard T. ) Portland, Dec. d4w constantly and have in store Provisions, grades Shoes daily may be iound without going out of iirfl 20,1807. receiving and Brown, Portland. Paris Mills Flour. Boots, Rubbers the State. Which had the mate to the treaty of Paris of 1830. Walter H. ARE•*»ime Old and Corn, for sale on party highest award ? Touch- Brown, } Vor track or loaded in cars. aho Men’*, Women’*, Boy’s and the which we once —The of a bole Wholesale Agents lor the Boston Match Co. SPLENDID promptly Mi«*cs’, [From Machias Republican, .Dec. 11.] ing ventured, having got hold proprietors Minneapolis mill gave, The undersigned at S uth Childcreu’s wear. of a document not tuen lor Maine. By permission refer to Dana & Co., J. 5000 fit unlit-in Northern Oats. Paris under the firm The Portland Press has instituted a new featuro published in this on Christmas Day, to each of their married superior name of Pans will cuntinu W. Perkins & Co., Josiah H. Drummond, Burgess, Flouring Co., the man- In i's news columns, that of culling tlie news trom country, the “Liste Offirielle des Recom- Fine Feed and ufacture of the well Known Paris Mils also workmen a turkey, to each of the unmarried a Fobes&Co. june2Gdtr NhortS; Rye; Graham Flour, RUBBER every county in tile State, and arranging a column, penses,'’ &c., to suggest an inference from CHRIS TUBAS Wholesale D alers in Corn, Grrtham Flour, M.d- GOODS! mote or to m nerial. This it, woollen and to each of Flour and Buckwheat. less, acconliug is certain- which now scarf, the girls a calico Fine Feed and Shorts. Address D. W. a appears to be the one. In W. H. PHILLIP8, AND dlings True ly goo l plan, ami lias added much to the already right & 141 or our of we dress. Co., Coiul, st., Portland, Paris Flouring Selling, Packing, Hose, Clothing, well earned reputation of the Press tor reliable in- paper Aug. 17. translated a A Iso manufacture at their Mills in portion CARPENTER, BUILDER, Falmouth Co., PaiiSj Maine. formation. of the this comment: —Some ol the otter and heaver skins D. W. Spring., Cloth, Mats, Tubing, Ac. List, adding TRUE, the and < (Fiom Watarville Mail. June 14, It will be seen from the to this season are of un- And Ship joiner. NEW Dairy Table Halt I HARLES HAILE V, IF" All descriptions of Rubber Giods obtained 1867.] above that the Dec- brought Minneapolis YEAR’S GIFTS The Portland "rkss FRANKLIY roin at short notice at —H.W.Ri,hardsell orations are classed as the highest of wonted fineness and S^bCircular and done with CtvAWFORD, Faeiory and lowest rates. Esq., grade glossiness. They are Jig SayWijig despatch. A.eal and Cracked Corn A P MORGAN. has resumed his old position of e i tor-in chief of this next comes the Grand of all Sash and Blinds as* honor; Prize, awarded sold at from five to twelve Mouldings kinds, Doors, made Portland, Tan. 1, 1868. d&w2w paper. Mr. Richardson's to dollars. or furnished to order. furnished promp.ly In any quantity in bags or bar- ability only M. Sax; and third in grade in the Oak Leather Belts. lmscomoto bo widely known and an I Ladies’ & l w reeogn zul, Grand Medal. The —A correspondent writes of a new to Travelling Shopping Bags, teod tf and candor are piano-making house of way 338 C ommercial St , (foot of Park St.,) rels._dec23d Iiisoourtesy acknowledged even by HOYT'S his warmest Erard placed itself out of the competition punish children in vogut^in Paris: M. X. ob- Portland, ASSORTj\I Copartnership Notic?. political opponents. Fora short-lived by .__ ^ LARGEST: EXT he d es the fact that one of its members Maine,_au29dtt Premium Oak popularity not pander to a prurient and vi- (M. Schaeffer) serves to his son in a grave tone: “Charles, Leather Bells! cious laste; and in his earnest ot a was on the but on this IN THE SMA.RDON & ff^HE have this formed a advocacy good Jury; gentleman, as NATHAN CITY, THOMES, CO, undersigned day copart- cause he does not you have been a bad I shall take WEBB, X under n The most unnecessarily grieve his friends well as on Mr. was bestowed boy to-day; JOBBERS OF nership the ame of perfect article in the market. Also, Chickering, the nor thoughtlessly exasperate his a off opponents. Cross of the Legion of Honor^why, if not by year your age. You are nrw no more ’age's Patent Lace and the Augusta of Counsellor and Attorney at Law, Selling Very Cheap! II(TNT, JEWETT & CO., Leather, [From Standard, Sept. 20, 1807.] way recognizing these two as at the head of than six years old." At which the ertfant ter- WOOEEJ\'S, Blake’s Belt Studs. The Portland Evenin' Star is conducted with all the makers of Pianos? The French have -at- AND FOB THE far rible, overcome with grief, subsides into com- No. Ol St. Dec more manliness, dignity and lione-ty, than any long regarded the Erard as the Grand Piano Excliauge 10,18C7.-iseod3ni ether 8-ilt.p Republican paper in the State. It presents its of all the this plete docility, promising the most angelic July NO. 179 MIDDLE STREET. views wiili marked and world, beyond competition; by Mannfactnre of ability defends them willi a act now welcome the if his Tailors9 Marble Work! zeal that betokens but they Chickering to an goodness father will only restore him Trimmings! LUMBEK sincerity, scorns to descend beside the C. J. SCHUMACHER, XX. Dunn & Son. AGENTS FOR THE to personal abues, slander and vilification ol equal place object of their own the This a in %11 Its branches, and have t iken the near the political missing year again. is word to the shop Its course in this I>ride. December 16. dim. head of Preble Street, and oppooems. respect is in marked wise. Fit KSFO PA I\TFIt. Ne and contrast wilh that oi the Press, published in the That this obvious interpretation was the Plus Ultra Collar Drying Planing Mills, same Comp’y, NO. 112 COMPRESS STREET, city. right one is now definitely settled the fol- —Another American traveller has received Otlce at the Drug Store of Messrs. A. G. Schlotter- me. Jtt. Ji D. by BIDDEFORD, where Larrabee <£* [From the Machias Oct. the honors of the Boval beck & and may be found a Urge and general assort- Co., Republican, 24.] lowing Geographical Society Co., Ferreotypes Tin-Types 56 ment of We learn, not lor tlie first LETTER FROM MR. can be had at Union time, however, from a CHICKERING. of London. TbisisMr. A. 8. who 303 CongrrM St, Portland, We, by calling Street, West Commercial street. letter in tlie and Bickmore,, Door from Bangor Whig Courier, that Mr. (First Middle.) a Paris, Nov. three the islands of the ja12dtf One door above Brown. FECK’S NEW Monuments & Grave George Gifford, young Auguslalnwyer, has accept- 10,1867. spent years exploring ROOMS, Francis O. Thornes. S'ones, a Je20rxAStf' Geo. H. Smardon Kiln-nried Luii'ber for Sale. ed situation on ihe editorial staff ot the Portland Sly attention has several times been called to and afterwards Press. Mr. Malay archipelago travelled Charles P. No. 174 middle Street opp. U. N. Hotel. Tablets, Table Tops, -helves and Soap Gilford has been some time in that situ- parngiaplis and extracts in American Matlocks, Pine Lumber and and has done some jour- in Stone Work. Dry planed ready ation, good service, and is capa- that the of very extensively China, visiting many Ladies and of Portland and for use. nals, stat.ng Lagion Honor, which gentlemen vicinity, Don’t Check Your Lumber PERFECTLY b e of doing much nr ire. Mr, G. is an earnest and which have call an-* shall be suited in E3T* Orders from the was conferred upon me on the first ot places not been seen by Europe- and Counselor at in, you quality amt price. country promptly attended Pry Norway Pine and Spruce Boards planed and devoted student, and will bean to the July Attorney Law, in a Heat. OSGOOI) & HAN- to at low acquisition as the Copying neatly done. J. M. PECK. Roasting Dry prices. inted, for floors. All kinds of lumber furnished at editorial corps ot Mainw last, representative of the firm of Chick- ans since the time of the Jesuit missionaries. C A .\ A I, NA’S Process Seasons wood HANK Ul lLDIMi, December 2o. d4w BY of any kind or di- Murb.e at wholesale as usual. »w pi ices. Various Wcod Moul for ering & Sons, as an award trom the men .iujds liouse-fin- the Gardiner Exposi- The Chinese rebellion rendered his No »li Middle Mtreel ... Portland. iuii- without injury, in two to four days. R. K. h and tor [From Home Journal, Jan. journey HUNT, picture frames on hand and ma Je to or- 1.] tion IJniverselle, “was a mere com- reb!4dti One ini'li li:ick Walnutscusoneu in hours. J. The Portland Dailk personal SWAN A forty-eight M. JEWETT, er. We can do job work, such as jig tuni- Press entcis on ihe new that I “had often difficult and at times but Mr. BARRETT, Pine T le sawing, bought that “it dangerous, much quicker. process is now being gen- JOSEPH yoar with a full and able o* edito s and pliment;” it;” RING, ng, planing, sticking moulding, &c, in tiie best corps with had nothin" to do with the Bickmore bis researches until erally used und appreciate J. . W. H. tanner. a determination on the of Ihe Exposition;” that prosecuted he 6r. A. _ TURNER. part publi-hers to SVSSKRALT, NO D Nii EH FRO A FIRE. it meiit “the order had been obtained Mr. F. Chick- BANKERS & Simple, Sure, December 24.1867. d&wlm 5SiP~Prompt personal attention. mace the large patronage it is receiving. by became ready to leave the His re- 1I?I BROKERS, safe ami economical. who it country. I'OllTEK, Speedy, State, County and K. J. D. LARRABEE & CO.. Our merchants should consult tiieir interests and ering. procured personally, and upon NO. 15 EXCHANOB Shop A’, ights tor sale. take it instead of turn to Europe was made overland to St. Pe- MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IH STREET, Commerclai St., Portland. supporting the Boston dailies en- application for the same, from the OFFER FOR 6AL.G Notice. c24d3m_West Agents Wanted- Copartnership tirely. fcrsonalrench Government;” that “it is a personal tersburg. [From the Lewiston Journal, Furs, Hats and Caps, Apply to J. H. IISGOOD, JR., Room 6, No. 20 Patents Jan. 3.] matter, outside of and without the slightest —A Cleveland letter-writer adds to the ad- 5-20’s Court Mats. for Seventeen Years of 1865 and 1867 ! street, Boston, undersigned have, this a For the cxecellei't synopsis ot Legislative connection with the official awards 136 Middle Street, 1864, dav formed copart- reports of the Ex- dress of his for the EfAll infringements on our patent rights will be THEnership under the name of OBTAINED 11Y which will appear in our first elition letter, probably benefit of * TATE OF MAINE during the position;” that “I did not receive it till sev- PORTLAND, MAINE. RoNDK, pros, cu td. no30d2awtt Maine we are CITY OE Legislative session, indebted to the eral after the 1st of and clerks with bad phrenological developments, BS^Casli paid tor Shipping Furs. sepiOOtf POKrUNII ICON OH, Portland Press, which, with days July;” many CITY "E ST. I.OITIM BON HARRIS & BROWN & BEADLE, commendaide^^er- other remarks of the same nature. “For Heaven’s let this letter Oh. REDDY, RICHARDSON, 00., prise, receives its report in special dcsoatcliSwom sake, go through; CITY OE CHICAGO 7 FIB CENT. Solicitors ot the capi-al. Knowing full well the source from which no tv Alin a? CLEAVES, MH MERCHANT TAILOR, (or the purpose ot carrying on the wholesale there is no money in it.” acuooi. bonus. these statements emanate, and as the facts AND DEALER IN IFrcm the Kennebec Reporter, Jan. 4. ] —Tho Journal GENTS’ imerican and Fatents. with official proofs had been Bepublican says, “In opening A This is protected by an ample sinking FURNISHING GOODS, Foreign The Portland Daily Press is not already publish- Counsellors at Law tund, onlya credit I had to Attorneys ana is a choice tor No. 107 FEDERAL STREET. ed, up this time cousidered it unnec- and examining business letters, we otten find security those seeking a sale and West India to the citv but al o to the State, it is now as large PORTLAND M NE remunerative We have in siure one oi the finest assortment of Goods, to make denial of ihese but investment, Grocery, Mr. Brown had as most of the dailies, and in point of abiliiyit de- essary any rep irts; words of cheer, and not unfrequently elevated ENGLISH, FRENCH and AND having considerable experience as as I laid that such Office Xo. 30 Exchange Street, GERMAN, DOMESTIC serves a high rank. Its editorials are not o ten dull statements are still being CLOTHS, UASSIM that van be tsshtanl Examiner in the political sentiments.” Among these elevated Oosei h June and LUES, Arc., found in Patent Office, is well ac- but usually have fresh and not and I feel it a HrtvarU, jy9*67-ly Naihan Cleaves. July- 7.30’s Portland. These hove been Flsur sparkling style com- extensively copied reproduced, goods selected with great Business, u-iinted with the routine of mon in our The to and sentiments the Journal quotes the t are and business and the offl- dai'y exchange'. Press alphas duty myself to the interests of the following: especially adapted to the fashionable the trade, and have taken the s ore No. 143 Commercial ials ini! telegraphic disnatches ol the firm of which I am a and at prices that cannot tail to anil all Street, therein. Messrs. B. * B. will malce prelimina- Associated member, to make a posi- Enclosed please find $'J for a year’s sub- Converted into New please, goods heretofore & Press, und regular "orresi oude ice from WALTER COREY 5.20’s, shrunk and occupied by Richardson, Dyer Co. Wa-hingtou tive denial of all such which are The Journal is service 4.00, thoroughly satisfaction guaranteed. y examinations in the Patent Office, with a view to Now Y and Ihe statements, scription. doiug good On Favorable A call is K M. R CHAKDSON, ark, principal cities of our own State. Manufacturers ani> Dealers in Very Terms. respectfully solicited. Thankful to friends written and published for the sole in the cause. Its Roosters are more thau J1EX.J F. seel tain the of Invention that During the session ol'ihe legislature it will have evidently holy for past to merit a HARRIS, Patentability any spe- of Uolders K patronage, hoping continuance of J. W cial dispatches every night, containing the substance purpose giving to this award a false and de- a match for the bull niggers ol Black Repub- of S VEK- Til TR TIES the 8am**. DYER, •lay he submitted to tbem for that will purpose; of the day's proceedings. Any movement that looks teriorated value in the opinion of the Ameri- licanism. gain nothing H. Proprietor. LITTLEFIELD, the JFURN ITUItE 1 by delaying janOdtf_M REDDY, Docember 14. d&wistt repare necessary papers for those who wish to to the nia'crial growth of tlie State slwavs finds in can and in making this denial I conversion. public; beg —Lord Brougham has always been a puzzle aake applications lor Patents lor their rho P ess a hearty advocate, it should have a leave to call attention to the facts: Inventions, large following most Holder, of5 iO'.of I MU, Will find n list in all the prominent places of Maine. to the French, and the marvelous stories Looking Glasses, Mattresses, large r it extensions or reissues of I never in any way, either directly or indi- profit iu for oilier Bov- CLOTHINa Notice. Patcutsalready grant- For those who desire a family paier the rxrltn.tgiiig Copartnership weekly tor, nor did 1 ever use anv influ- (says an English paper) are circulated about die. rruineul Bond.. d; will act as Attorneys in presenting applications edition ot the Press lias much to commend it. Bo- rectly,asked Spring lieds, Cleansed ence, or to 20. dtf and Repaired subscribers t the Pat nt si les the car. selected news of the personal otherwise, obtain this high every time he r* turns to his villa at Cannes. September have f rmed a copartnership un- Office, and In managing them to a final fully week, and r.liipp’a Htock, Kennebec street, itlcal matter, it lias readable distinction. WILLIAM BROWN, at 91 Federal THEder the firm name ot will draw po st Tics and choico Thu other the Retue dee Cannee the formerly ssue; up Assignments; will examine Into attractive to the official notification of the award is dated day gave Foot BYstreet, is now located at his new store NoG4 Fed- miscellany, lamily circle. My (Opposite of Chestnut.) ■ he condition of that his an- FehMtf eral a tew doors EDWARD H. BUBGTNA: CO rejected applications when desired Jnue 30,1867, and was received by me on the somewhat startling intelligence PORTLAND. P. si, below Lime street, will attend [From the Bath Jan. __ I*. to bis usual to do so. and undertake the ol Times, 4.] 1st. of Its connection with the business oi Cleansing and Repairing will prosecut.on such as July. official nual revenues amount to six hundred and continue the business ot It gives us pleasure to note the enterprise and en- Clothing of all kinds with his usual inav bo considered and do whatever else awards of the Exposition can be understood S. FREEMAN promptness, patentable, ■ & CO., ergy of our friends f tlie Portland Press in the thonsand sterling. This ^ Pap^r* Pantalets. tr Second-hand for sale at fair edi- from the extract from fifty-four pounds Clothing prices. s usually done by Pacent Solicitors. will also torial and news of that following the official or- Jan 8—eodtf They departments paper. No pa- of the statement has drawn from Lord Brougham a Commission Merchants ! Flour and in ihe Siate is more gan French Le of Corn, Meal, Grain, fell PATENT RIGHTS on commission, being in di- per lully up with the times than Empire, Moniteur, X e. FUHLONG —AND— is the Press. July 2,1867, which, in the list of awards, un- letter of denial; whereupon the editor declares 1*21 Broad GREAT rect communication with the leading ManvJ'aclurrrs der the head street, DISCOVERY! of “Chevaliers of the Legion of that if Lord bad not been annoyed Manufacture of Dairy and Table all over the are thus Brougham Samuel Freeman, I I Salt, country. They enabled to ofler Honor,” places, among other names, that of piPifU piNTALET £10mPANV At old stand the the editor should be E. D. Appleton. J new YORK. Superior Inducements to inventors to employ them, mill lor Sale. Monsieur Cbickering, Factor de Pianos, Expos- by story, he, glad Arc now to alien lion prepared supply the Market No. 120 Commercial in condition both to ant,' and its relative value can he seen that he had since he had obtained KIP'1-Particular given to the purchasing through Street. Wng obtain I'atents and to scl subscriber offers for sale the WATER- trom copied it, ot Flour and Grain. their agents lor Maine, HYDRO-CARBON BURNER. the extract EDWARD H. THEPOWER SAW MlLr< owned situat <1 billowing of the report of Mens. its means an invaluable autograph. Here Rekrencea—Da\ id BUKGIN, he nights. by bim, by Keazer, Esq E. McKenney & K. S. GERRISH, on the P llet River, in ihe of Kouher, French Minister of State and Vice W. & C. U. J. B. Circulars and Coumy Westmorland, is a hint to autograph hunters. Co., Millikan, Ca-roll. Esq., T. H. EDWARD S. BURGIN. pamphlets turnishedon application, New 66 miles from St and 23 President ot the read Wes tun & Co. DEERING, MILLIKEN & Co. machine burrs water wilh any Petroleum Brunswick, John, miles Imperial Commission, junelldtf Portland, Sept. 30, 1867 oct. 5,-eodtf ree of charge. fro*u Moncton. before the and the —It seems that Mr. Goldwin Smith is really PORThAI\ I>, THISOil. It can bo adjusted to rnn the largest steam Emperor Pu lie. at the dis- The Mill is comprised ot a Broad Gate and this article. engii c, to hake a biscuit, or to boii a tea-kettle. It Single tribution of awards on the 1st ot to this coui try. The London corres- With superior They are the cheapest 22 Saw with Trimmers. July. coming A. N. NOYES & can be kind'6'i or in Office, Federal Block, Gate, Edgerand “Thanks to an SON, and most economical Paper Goods ever put on the extinguished au in-tant, with- activity which had surmount- the Boston that out loss oi pondcutof Advertiser says market! fuel. May be seen at Copartnership Notice. Corner F and Seventh Streets. —ALSO— ed all obstacles, the decisions deman led of the Manufacturer? and dealers in Mr. Smith’s friends their inabil- jury lor the first of .lull are all and greatly regret No. 65 Frdvrnl subscribers have this day formed a A ROX rendered, Pantalet Street, Portland, Maine. copart WASHINGTON,DC. SHOOK MACHINE, the result can be to-dav before ity to shake bis resolve to make America his Stoves, Manxes dt Furlong Paper Co., THEnership uuder the ntme of P. O. Box 249. proclaimed furnaces,9 MECHANIC ME. and Capable of mannfaclnriiig 900 Shooks per day ol your Majesty. Tbejury has distributed to the home. The adds: “He has be- FACES, JEf-Town County Bights for sale. G. E.Buoivn, ot Me. II. W. Bimule, of Mass. correspondent Can be Evans Sc 10 hours. exhibitors 64 grand priz s, 883 gold medals, 6,- found in their ET“H. B. CLAFUN & CO, New York, General Greene, wtf36 come a power in English politics, and has Agents for United States. dcOeodSm AOENTS WANTED! __ The Mill and Machinery are all in workin" 56Q|broiize medals 3801 honorable mentions. And will continue good used his influence for noble ends. Can he find NBW Bi’II-DINll ON i, December 5. eodSm the business of ortler. The pr* sent solemnity is crowned by tho iTM * Mar/et., Christmas and New The property is $ miles from the Petite diac Sta- proclamation of still higher rewards. a bet’.er sph ire in the States? This he seems (Oppositethe SAM UEL E. Year’s tion ol the E. 4 N. COBB, COAL AND A. Railway, in direct com- Your has deigned to award-to the Where will h“ to see all WOODl munication w ith tiie Majesty to have decided for and in a sense they pleased their former G GODS! Harbor f St John at the one most himself, orders as usual. IV<). 35f> eminent of the exhibitors, of this Customers and receive augl7dtl m Congress Strcist, LECTURES- At the old Stand end, and Moncton on the other. pacific Some who strife ‘The Cross of the of which is favorable to the republic. The Stream is large with a never Imperial Legion NEAR SSI Commercial .**«, Ilend failing supply ot IIBAI) OF STREET. A new Cour?e of Lectures as delivered at the Smith’. Wharf. acieau b Honor.’ admire him as a scholar, but are not imbned II. .11. PA 1’SON. being A. G. CORLISS waier, Rocky dtom entirely free from ran i We have on hand and oiler l«r sale at or ot It be friends and corres- the low- impurities any kind, ami the Manufactured may that the with his say IJIANO New York Museum or est rash the different varieties of Hard Is political notions, emphatically FOHTES, Me'odenns, Organs, Guitars, Anatomy, prices, and lias for sale at Lumber capable of being raffed and driven to pondents who write in the interests of STOCK BROKER. A Violins Flut the Soft Coals, all ot the first and delivered in within 500 that he will uever be across tba Banjos, nas, Music boxes, Cou- embracing subjects quality, yards of the Railway, at which a sidin'* other exhibitors, who did not receive this appreciated •‘How to live and what to live the best possible order. Also could tic nut in at No. UO i»J.llo8’ /'eeorueons, TainUorines, Flutes, Flagco- for.—Youth, watur- NO. 317 CONGRESS easily very little expense, and it is know more cf the value of tl • that he will be lost in a crowd, and Exchange Street, 1fi> Clarionets. Violin Music it^ and old STREET, level with the award, Atlantic; vioi bows, Stools, age.—-Manhood generally reviewed.— HA11D AND nearly railway. do PORTLAND ME SOFT WOOD, different recoin; emes lhan tho.e who oc- which him are TI021dt Files, Sheet Music, Music The causes of in flatulence and N rvous a Along with the Mil) there are 500 acres ot that the qualities distinguish Hooka vu!,'rlw’ lVu‘"s! ijgestiou, Delivered iu large and well selected stock of land, 25 in the diseases accounted any part of the city. acr»8 o' wli eh are in a cupy high positions management and View-* V.u,Uir s,lln*Ki Stcreoscoi'cs and for.—Marriage philosophically g iod slate ot ultivatl m and too finely tempered for the roughnesses of M. 1>. L,. AS. Caucs, Uortlts, Bird Look- considered. &o.” WM. H. cut about 15 tons of hay, and a government of the Exposition; but while I EANE, ,-r.«<41e«kSb A^1 Cages, EVAN^, goo comfortable is of the stock of rens- ,Hk, Pocket vol imes these lectures win bo CHAS H. dwelling house capable ot have the to base mv claims fact* Amrican life. But this part HfH?r»i PicVui'cs'o.rtit Lined and !JPlationcry, Hocking containing GREENE. accommodating about 50 power upon ise*, Frames, Fancv Baskets < iliil— forwarded Nov Fancy Goods, Jewelry, men. with several to patties unable to attend on receipt of Portland, 1st, 1867. lioldif Workmen's Houses, Bams,Sheds, and proofs as well founded as tho cx- which an old aristocratic country and at Mf tour Blacksmith foregoing prejudice Attorney Counsellor oilier articles. stamps by addressing: “SECRETARY. New shop, 4c., all in goo condition. trnc s, I shall still continue to claim and Law, Old pvaiioiyPianos Kalien m Toy*. KYnml to an- #»|CI|' Kxcimnirr for IV<>w Mufeum Work, kerchief ami Fancy There are 60C0 must be to retain. * Av atomy and Science. 618 acres of Green F orest Land which we have expected and Melodeons tuned ^•''K Boxes, Ladies’ nounce as already done,that the Cro;s No. 150 Nassau jEfi^Pianos au!f lo HliOADWAY. NEW YORK.” MEW Film. Travelling Bags, will be sold with the if desired. or uio << uuunu as- Street, A property, There is of the Legion of Honor is the —The members college prilti—II December 9. eod3n»* Companions, also a large extent of Crown Lauds tor Highest lllUlt. nearly 30 Award" awarded the their annual in Boston subscribers have this miles al'ove the Mills, which has never by Exposition Univer- sociation had supper N'ovcmt.er day formed a copart- been oner and that for the SCOTCH ted upon, lo wlileb extent can selle,” & Sons are the of the ,nst. 27._eod2m THEneisbip purpose if conducting the retail HOOD GOODS! Lumber be ilrir n Chickering on the evening first Mr. William The Miracle of the There is a sufficient i. r. Cooking quantity of pine and spruce only Competing Exhibitors ot Pianos who pi.xikkk Age. Timber Cullen Bryant was invited to contribute some Coflans, Caskets, Desks, Napkin Rings, Csrd Cases, Razors, t*ci». convenient to t ;e River to furnish stork for have received tin- double recompense of ihe Pattern, ami Model Shoe and Rubber Manufacturing tor the next 25 years. In- Cross of the to be read on the occasion. He Mal.er, Zl MMEIIMAX’S Show Cases and Boot, Business, sors, Koircs, Clocks, Ac., Ac. purposes, Legion of Honor” and a First verses replies, So. OfJIce Furniture, tending purchasers can treat for one hull or the Gold 4J Exchange St. Portland Me. Under the firm name of Medal, a that occasional verses are Of whole. in pleasant letter, Levels Hat, Bonnet an,l Every Description, (Signed) C. F. Chickering. Wig Mocks matte For further particulars io the subscriber at not in his and adds: and repaired Ar.ts.s, Steam tTf^Pleise call and appily vein, Surgeons, Musicians, Inven- Cooking Apparatus. Made trom the be t material and by EXPERIENCED ELWELL & examine. Petiteodtac Station, or to Si. John M.tttu and BUTLER, Clocks and me. ters, ;l.!ui,ih, ALacellaucous Jewelry ueitly repaired and warranted D. .1. The Shooting ar- Besides, it is the December of Life with executed. Order,,*1 per- WORKMEN, at M.:L UGIILIN, JI!.. of Judge Busteed.—1 tonally Cheap. Suinde, Eronoinica)! And taken the store recently occupied by Messrs. dc31-w«w HUGH I to a few flowers in is- dim c. 317 dadcr DAVIDSON. ticulars of the in try keep pot*—mere Ju mi ay 2. II. BLAKE’S, Elliot & Coiiyrc** Xt., Mcchanica’ Hall. of Busteed is DINNER COOKED Mc^allar, shooting Judge ineuibraneeisof a more season, which for twenty pe'sons over December 31. dtluewlaw gonial A ONE holeofttie 10 Cross St., Portland, Me. w. w. Mobile by District \iartiu state that now with the ottnc If I can have Stove. Can be put on any JieptlRdU_Nu. No. 11 Market Square. luimtc.N. Attorney tilings past. Dr. W. R. Stove or Range ready for instant use. the first ball entered his abdomen. He fell a carnation or two for Christmas I think my- Havng addon a large stock ot goods to that purchas- Johnson, Water changed to a delicious distillation. write as if I had nothing Soup by ed ot Messrs. E. & AI., we are to furnish FOR SALE. backwards into the while self fortunate. Vou Leaves the entire house tree irom offensive odors in H ill’s prepared and Steamboat Joiner gutter, and, lying but to out 5335 Pile Ointment every st le and description ol Bools. Shoes and Bob- Ship toiloiu fulfilling your request go cooking Its results as’onish all who it. Extension ami Sale Martin fired two more shots, one try bers, which we shall so 1 at the verv lowest cash Tables, Writing Desks, Ward- there, taking and under the hedges and by the dentist, BEfi^Send fra Circular. Rrcat screes. ONE EIGHT HOUSE POWER robes of all kinds ot gather Office No. 13 1-2 Fr» v Si T 'Lw.',,1?x?se,!!.'vllh Kniiroly rcge- prices to retain all former made Walnut, Oak, or •fleet in A Mobile flowers that reel, 1 table. cure, no pay. sold all hoping thereby patrons the thigh. paper says Mar- brooks, a bouquet of spring spon- P°r n* nl*o Town by Druggists, and our triends Chestnut; Scores litteil out, and Job- »*ili) and County rrice23 cent-p tri-ox. give and (he public generally an oi>- taneously, amt ihrow them upon your fable.— Second Rome from If. fT. n iu Portable at 'ended to. tin is a Southern man, but must have taken Ray’s Anofheeary Store. ilie ttfnic, by purluuiiy to buy good goods at d. si table pri- es. Engine. bing would 038^ Elher O. '1, If L were to try, what you sav it it prov- administered when desired andtho eht HILL, A. LEW'S ELAYELL. IV. H. Hill 1,1.TPS. (l*r ofFni'k A Commercial N|g, Portland. an iron-clad oath to be able to hold his office. advisable. JuHNCOUSENS, Proprietor, ed to l>o only a little bundle ot dead stalks and Jy22eodti jau 3-dtf l noyl5-eyd3m J. E. BUTLER. Refers permission to Kennebunk, Me. Portland, Maine. by Capt. J. B. Coyle and Judge Busteed has the sympathies of the Mo- withered leuves, which my dim bad mis- Portland, Oct 15, 18CT. ocltidti Portland & Sturdivant. sight JylSeodOm bile public iu bis misfortune. taken lor fresh green s-rny* and blossoms? ASHES—'There te a very light demand for ootasb. Report or the and V Attempted Suicide.—A young named SPEF1AL NOT ICES. lor Salem ; 31 Sewall. lor Dar.en lor Indian Peace Commis- #oi*tlt*ml iciniiy* girl Pi ice Ivlttery; Cltv, ENTERTAINMENTS. unchanged. Wint rpoi 1 sion.—The the In- Nora Lizra, in Yarmouth, attempt- BEANS—The is not large and'as the de- THE PRESS. summary of the report of belonging supply ] n port, schs Bt nsal, on