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THE CHANTICLEER Jacksonville State University Jacksonville Jacksonville State University JSU Digital Commons Chanticleer Historical Newspapers 1985-01-11 Chanticleer | Vol 32, Issue 15 Jacksonville State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Jacksonville State University, "Chanticleer | Vol 32, Issue 15" (1985). Chanticleer. 871. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Historical Newspapers at JSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chanticleer by an authorized administrator of JSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. C Entertainment THE CHANTICLEER Jacksonville State university Jacksonville. Alabama Vol. &No. W January 11, 1985 Mild controversy erupts over - senate resolution By JAN DICKINSON A resolution calling for a faculty-wide vote of "no confidence" in Resident Theron Montgomery was presented to the Faculty Senate at its December 10 meeting, two days before Montgomery anriounced his resignation to the Board of Trustees. Now the sponsor of the resolution, Dr. Gene Blanton, of the English Department, says that he intends to withdraw the resolution at the January 14 meeting of the senate. 13lanton stated in the January 6 edition of the Anniston Star that, because of comments made by several members of the Board of bstees, the wssibility of dropping the resolution was strong. According to that article, trustee Paul Carpenter said, "It (the vote) wouid make absolutely no difference in my opinion. We have studied the entire situation, and we are satisfied with the decision." Another board member, Dwaine Luce, stated, "....the bard is responsible for running the school, and the faculty is responsible for iristructing the students." Echoing the sentiments of Carpenter, he added, "'I'he board has inade its decision and the board, in my pinion, will stand by its decision." According to Dr. Thomas Nicholson, senate president, resolutjons that request information are usually presented !'If there is no objection to the withdrawal, the resolution could bedropped. If objections occur, the senate willvote on whether to drop the resolution or continue discussion of it." He added that if the majority decide to discuss the resolution, "possibily Atlanta puts rhythm in studenis damaging information" could surface. "In that case, we would go into executive session' (closed to all except senators) before continuing," he said. Nicholson's opinion was that no one would object to the withdrawal of the resolution, since the Board of Trustees indicated that they would "stick to their decison." According to JSU AEA President Don Paxton, of the Economics Department, even though the position of the organization has not changed since December 12, a faculty vote of "no confidence" could be worthless. "The board could ignore it, irrespective of who sponsored it, the Faculty Senate or the JSU AEA." Paxton explained that, although a few AEA Campus police work surfaces members are in the senate, they have not been instructed to oppose the withdrawal. "Dr. Blanton can drop it (the resolution) if he wants to," he By JAN DICKINSON the two and they ran to a nearby Nichols. Thanks to the description of (See RESOLUTION, Page 2) vehicle and drove off. Fortunately, the suspect's vehicle and the Activity on campus last semester Goetz had enough presence of mind Nigence ot the campus police, three may have seemed slow tor most to get the license number and arrests were finally made three 'Mini' New York trip students as exams drew nearer. For description of the vehicle. He then weeks later by the city police. Two the University Police Department, reported the incident to the campus men were charged with first degree rtn attempted auto theft and a break- police. But for Nichols, as well as theft while the third was charged planned for May m at Mason Hall made the end of the Sgt. Arner McDaniel and officer wth buymg stolen property. The By JAN DICKINSON The trip to New York includes four year anythmg but dull. A trip to New York City is once Broadway shows, a vlsit to Lincoln "With the help of concerned students, agam in the works tor Jacksonville Center tor the Performng Arts, as The campus police have once students attending school this well as tours ot major museums and agam helped the Jacksonville City crime on campus can be lowered." coming minunester. Otfered lointly exhibits. Upon returning to JSU, Police solve an offcampus crime. by the English and Art Depart- students will spend the last week of Only this tune' the crucial m- Greg Dempsey, an unfortunate twist jeep was recovered, but it was ments, mterested students may take the course summarumg the try, and formation that led to the 'west took place the very next day: the stripped and burned beyond hope. the trip tor c~editas EH 484, EH pomts ot mterest vlsltea. came trom a tip given by a con- cerned JSU student. hcense had expired, so the suspects 484G, or Art 484. mtton says thit students will got a new tag' for the vehcle. 'm 0t the th;.ee, Bobby Bradley According to Dr. Steve Whltton of and Chris Bundren, both from receive either three hours of English On November 27, JSW football 'heretore, the police were lookmg the English Department, the tlrst RedmOntj undergraduate or graduate electwe were charged by the week of the course wlll be on cam- team member C71rls Goetz was tor a iag number that no longer campus pollce ulth second degree pus, where students wlll study the credit or three hours ot un- walking to Salls Hd1 when he attempted thett m the November 27 background ot New York's art and dergraduate Art electve credit "All noticed what looked to be a theft The day atter the mcident on lncldent courses are open for students to dramatlc centers. Course talung place 'rwc men were actlng campus, a jeep was sblen trom the to the audlt, toc." he states. ~~~~~d~~~ p~~~h~l~,case rtxjuremei?a w& as ciscussed, as sujplacl~lyaI?unr! a jeep parked Kt~giot of Federal would nave been dlfiLcde to solve well as a genera! study oi museLms marby. Accordmg L? Chi Camd ~t pret:y sue %at the ~CS?wdqW YI&$'P <'.>t,7 "r; n 5^-p~'b'?7 ' *,? <l-," ^ '-*or' " ,;Jc er:d :&?.:rr;s. SJOWK; Fagc 2) c3 ., fe- IRZtME, 2;i:t- ', 2 Friday, January 11, 1985, THE CHANTICLEU University offers many scholarships each year By JANET PARNELL odds. The scholarships awarded by a good idea. The G.P.A. will be Some scholarships have their own men with outstanding writing Need financial assistance to get the JSU Scholarship Committee stated in the transcripts, but a quick application forms which must be abhty. you through college but a loan seems require a resume' and a.transcript glance of it on the resume' helps to picked up and fied out. Those General academic scholarships out of the question? Why not check of high school and college grades. catch attention. Resumes should be scholarships requiring an ap- are usually awarded to incoming out the Jacksonville State Univer- The committee also requests that presented in tabular form with the plication will be denoted as such. In treshmen or upperclassmen. In- sity Scholarships? The JSU the applicant include, along with his- use of headings to guide the reader's the instance of applications, just comgfreshmen are encouraged to Scholarship Committee offers ap- her resume' and transcript, a short eye. remember to fill it out legibly either apply tor Alumni Scholarships and proximately 16 scholarships every biographical sketch identifying in ink or by typing the information. the Faculty Scholars Scholarships. academic year and there are'about future plans and explaining reasons Others also available are based on 29 others offered by various agen- such qualities as leadership and for applying for the scholarship. The The variety ot scholarships of- cies and contributors in accordance short biography, according to Mr. academe standing or just sinlply with the university. These fered at JSU ranges from Smith, is requested so the com- scholarships awarded in specific graduatmg trom a particular high scholarshps are not the only ones mittee will be able to get an idea school or bemg a resident of a available, however, for there are study areas to general academic certam county. Upperclassmen can about what the applicant plans to do scholarships to scholarships many nationwide ones which are not apply tor such scholarships as the later. The awarding of a particular awarded by certain community directly given by JSU. scholarshp is not based on the Dr. Theron E. Montgomery sketch, however. The applicant is Scholarship and the Quality Scholarships come m all shapes judged on his academic standing organizational chapters. Examples Beverage Scholarship. and sues wth each possessmg its and periormance, past and present, of scholarships offered in specific areas of stuhy include: fbr ac- own quahticatlons and apphcant accordmg to Mr. Smith. reqwements. Do not get down-m- counting majors, the Alabama The American Legion and the the-mouth unul you have researched A resume' can be a scary ex- Society of Certified Public Ac- United Daughters of the Con- those avallable, and it certa~nly perience tor those who have only countants offers ten tuition tederacy are among the never hurts to try. Accordmg to Mr. been exposed to it m freshman scholarships; tor nursing students, organizations which otfer Larry Smth of the Fmancial Aid English. So when a resume' is the Alrnon (Virginia) Memorial scholarships. The above list u by no (4ttlce and Charman of the JSU requested, the apphcant should state Scholarship which requires no ap- means exhaustive.
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