Jeans Escape
TheThe lossloss ofof thethe earlyearly MartianMartian atmosphereatmosphere andand itsits waterwater inventoryinventory duedue toto thethe activeactive youngyoung SunSun H. Lammer (1), Yu. N. Kulikov (2), N. Terada (3), I. Ribas (4), D. Langmayr (1), N. V. Erkaev (5), G. Jaritz (6), H. K. Biernat (1,6) (1) Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Schmiedlstrasse 6, A-8042 Graz, Austria (2) Polar Geophysical Institute (PGI), Russian Academy of Sciences, Khalturina Str. 15, Murmansk, 183010, Russian Federation (3) Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan (4) Institute for Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) and Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio (CSIC), E-08034, Barcelona, Spain (5) Institute for Computational Modelling, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ru-660036 Krasnoyarsk 36, Russian Federation (6) Institute for Geophysics, Astrophysics, and Meteorology, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 5, A-8010 Graz, Austria IEEC/CSIC TheThe casecase forfor aa wet,wet, warmwarm Mars:Mars: ButBut wherewhere isis allall thethe waterwater andand thethe atmosphereatmosphere ?? ¾ Observations of a network of valleys in crater rich areas of the southern hemisphere suggests that Mars had once a significant hydrologic activity [e.g., Carr Nature 326, 30, 1987; Baker Nature 412, 228, 2001; Carr & Head III JGR 108, E5, 5042, 2003] ¾ Asteroids and comets from beyond 2.5 AU provide the source of Mars’ water, which totals 6 – 27 % of the Earth’s present ocean equivalent to 600 – 2700 m depth on the Martian surface or in the crustal regolith [Lunine et al. Icarus 165, 1, 2003] ¾ Enrichment and fractionation of heavy isotopes [e.g., Pepin Icarus 111, 289, 1994] ¾ Estimations of volumes of potential early Martian water reservoirs from geo-morphological analysis of possible shorelines by MGS images and MOLA data → d ≈ 150 - 160 m [Carr & Head III JGR 108, E5, 5042, 2003] - Stored in present polar caps → d ≈ 20 - 30 m - Surface ground water → d ≈ 80 m ? - Escaped to space → d ≈ 50 - 80 m ? ¾ Early atmosphere ≈ 1 – 5 bars [e.g., Pollack, Kasting et al.
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