Reunion Issue - October 2010 The Cascade Panorama Our reuse policy remains unchanged: Other photographica societies and collecting groups Reunion Issue may reuse material provided credit is given to For many years the Cascade Photographic the Cascade Panorama and any author. We’d Historical Society in Portland, Oregon published appreciate a copy of the reuse or a notification, its well received Cascade Panorama. To the perhaps with an online link. Reusing by others disappointment and sadness of many, our final requires specific permission. printed issue was dated November-December 2003. Mike Otto, co-founder and co-owner of Pacific Rim The decision to create one more issue was inspired Camera in nearby Salem, Oregon, has graciously by Milan Zahorcak’s excellent talk, Caught in the agreed to host the issue on their company’s website Act: Photographers with their Cameras, which he You might also want gave in late April, 2010 during the Puget Sound to peruse other parts of the Pac Rim website. As Show Experience Weekend. Soon after, I asked a separate activity for those whose urge to write several contributors to the earlier issues, and some remains strong, Mike also wants to make available newcomers, to each write another piece. The result, these efforts. Simply send your work to him at including color images, would be an online-only . If you wish, you publication, free to all for reading and enjoyment.
[email protected] can ask me to look it over first. Since we never found an appropriate event to mark as an anniversary, we’re calling it the “Reunion Be sure to see additional information and Issue,” after the term used by a band getting corrections starting on p.