Council's 3-3 Vote Defeats Zoning
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WEATHER fair taaeyas r«rU tdghlatbeHsaadalewof2S. SHadyaide 1-0010 Partly cleudy tomorrow, Ugh of 1 Ilium Dally, If maty tltnnifh Frldu. >ntina u Mcond Cluf lfrtur VOLUME LXXXII NO. 68 •t th« Port Offlea u Bed But, N. /., under th* Act at Much I, lOT» RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Plan 5-Store Shop Council's 3-3 Center in Lincrofi Vote Defeats LINCROFT — Pita* were re- vealed yesterday for construction here of a $400,000, fiveetore^hop- ping center on Newman Springs Khrush Rd. at Hurley's La. Zoning Law Principal tenant in the center would be an Acme Supermarket. Warns A Ttft Dry cleaning store, a A Record 74 in 1928; EATONTOWN — Council re* branch of the Keansburg-Middle- jected the proposed new zoning town National Bank, a drug and Enemies A Numbing 22 Today ordinance last night by a tie veto a hardware store are also planned at the second and final hearing for the center. People who leag far "the on the measure. According to Rudolph Ricclar- Says Rocket goed old days" hod n right to A two-thirds -majority la re- di, spokesman for the Ricciardi tkat morning. Just tl years age quired to pass a zoning ordinance Construction Co., East Orange, Output Could today this section ef the eeas- when it is not endorsed in. its the project should be started try waa basking In 74-degree entirety by the Planning Board, within a month. weather. as was the case in this instance. The entire center will be ready Wipe Out Foe And what de we have today, Preparation of the ordinance for occupancy in about "six or Nov. IS, 1959? A snlverlag 22 represented about two years' •even months," he said. MOSCOW (AP)-Premier Nikl- degrees st 1:55 a. m. The ex- work by the Planning Board., He Mid leases already have i Khrushchev says one Soviet pected Ugh today will be In Councilmen Ralph L. Lewis. been signed with the supermar- factory alone has turned out 290 the Ma. , Carley Garofalo and Howard ket and dry cleaning firms. rockets with hydrogen warheads Of course, tho good oM days Meyer voted "yes".on the ordin- had their bad moments, toe; The builders will meet with in one year—enough to "raze all AMAI0NID IN RID IANK— Rod, Bank Police Chief George H. Clayton, far right, stands with four men'arrestod ance. Councilmen Leon B. Smock, bank officials tomorrow to dis- The record low for this date Jr., Robert A. Braun and Herbert cuss location of a branch in the our potential enemies off the face in connection with robberies In Red Bank, Middletown and Atlantic Highlands. The four ware arraigned in Rod was la 1924 when tho mercury Werner voted against it. Mayor center. of the earth.' Bank .Municipal Court yesterday. Left to right, aro Milton Goode, 26, of 72 Bank St., William Henry Davis, 20, of skidded) to 17 degrees. E. Bliss Price had no vote in William D. Martin, U.S. The bank already had federal "You can well imagine that 87 Linden PI., David Jonei, 28, of 224 Shrewsbury Avo., all of Red Bank, and Hobart. Lewis, 32, of'15 Cherry St., this case, • • ," • approval to build a branch in weather observer, saM this cold i Mayor la Favor the Lincroft area. - if this lethal weapon is exploded Now Shrewsbury. The men also wero arraigned later in Middletown and Atlantic Highlands. snap won't last too long. More over some country there will be "I wish it to be known," the The bank originally planned to seasonable temperatures are mayor said, however, "that had locate in a single building there nothing left there at all," Khrush- expected for the week-end. chev told a meeting of Soviet Answers' Runson Critics I been able to vote, I would have but.those plans were scrapped, 4 Suspects voted 'yes', I believe the ordin- according to William Johnson, journalists. But he said the So- ance Is a progressive one that Sr., bank president. viet government ia "ready to Will Appeal would have benefited Eaton- The 27,000-square-foot structure sink all this In the sea in the town.1' interests of ensuring peace on Axelsen Says Survey Is On Robberies will be built on a four-acre tract Council referred the defeated which has 400 feet of frontage on earth .., if other countries will Court Ruling measure back to the Planning Newman Springs Rd. follow our example." Now in Jail Board. It waa decided that those The site is zoned for business Khrushchev's spa For Use of River Islands In Kelly Case who voted against the ordinance The single-story, masonry build made Friday, bat his -text was Four men, who police say have would put their objections in not released until last Bight SEA BRIGHT - "I don't see Asserting that an engineering the islands about three years ago MIDDLETOWN - Patrolman Ing will set back approximately confessed to at least three rob- writing for Planning Board con- 175 feet from Newman Springs The Russian leader aald he was'how Rumson can control what survey is being made of the is- from Benjamin Gaief. While they John B. Kelly said yesterday sideration, and would meet with Rd. making public the rocket pro- we do here." lands preparatory to asking state are offshore from his South Beach Ties in Red Bank, Middletown that he will appeal to both the that body as it attempts to wort The center will have a 200-car duction figure. to back up his So said Arthur O. Axelsen yes- and Army officials for full ap- residence here, they legally are md Atlantic Highlands, are state Civil Service Commission out a second new set of'zoning parking area. 1958 announcement that the So- terday in reviewing Rumson ob- proval, Mr. Axelsen added: "Our under the jurisdiction of Ocean ail today awaiting grand jury and . the Appellate. Division of regulations. The Ricciardi firm built the viets were turning out intercontl- jections to the resort develop; plan is to Improve this property, Township. Superior Court to have his de- Shopping Center Objects ment of Sedge and Great Sedge iction on a variety of charges. West Long Branch Shopping Cen- nenta1l ballistic missiles. He did not make it an eyesore." Stavola a Partner motion from sergesnt and two- A telegram from the Monmouth ter several years ago. Islands in the Shrewsbury River. Mr. Axelsen aaid lie bought WilUam Henry Davis, 20, of 87 month suspension overruled. not indicate whether the plant Michael J. Stavola, Middletown .inden PI., Shopping Center, which arrived Eugene De Martin,' East he David Jones, 224 Monday, County Judge John C. referred to was producing all contractor and owner of Drift- Ihrewsbuiy Ave., and Milton as council began its deliberations, Orange, ia the architect for the of Russia's nuclear-headed wood-by-the-Sea beach dub here, Giordano ruled the court had no stated "etrenous objections to project. Goode, 72 Bank St., all of Red jurisdiction in the matter and rockets. Is associated with Mr. Axelsen Bank, were held without.bail on that portion of the proposed or-. Seek Open in the development plan. An in- that the case should be reviewed dinsnee requiring landscaped "Some In the West claim that Sessions irmed robbery charges after ar- by the Civil Service agency. the Soviet Union has changed itial investment of at least $190,. screening in the B-3 business ignment yesterday before Mag- He said an appeal to that agen- TV Probers its policy and therefore it has 000 has been projected. Being istrate Irving B. Zeichner in At- zone, with a density sufficient to considered is a park for from 200 cy was in order even though civ- obscure 7S per cent of the light become easier to talk with us," lantic Highlands. All three il service regulations were not In Budgi to 300 automobile trailers. waived preliminary hearing. from automobile headlights on CheckDataon Khrushchev said. "This is wrong, et talks adopted here until Nov. 9. after the premises. of course. Communists we were Steps thst must be taken prior Davis and Hobart Lewis, 32, o voters approved a referendum. born. Communists we live and KEYPORT - Boards of Educa to development include the pur- 15 Cherry St., New Shrewsbury, "We also require," the tele- tkm all over the state are starting chase of land that was built up Patrolman Kelly, through Ms gram continued, "that this or- 'Bandstand' will not die but continue to march waived preliminary attorney, Edward W. Wise, Jr., onward aa Communists." Plan's Goal: to prepare 19(041 school budgets, by natural causes.connecting the fore Acting Magistrate George dinance permit the operation of PHILADELPHIA (APHHouse which will be voted on Feb. 2. Red Bank, nee 10 -days Men an amusement area for chUdrta Khnssaehev aald a slaters oV two islaada. "These riparian Oetrov ia MfcJdletown and were fnveetiftatort have coma here to aha, budgei Bere,-(tar .lMMt* Nov. 9 to appeal to the Civil up to the ago of W to the B-a sire far peace, not aajr attt. Thanksgiving rights mujt be bought-f ram the held in HU.OOO ball for armed ; check information about the tele- was defeated twice this year and state," the owner .aaid. / robbery.. Jones had been ar- trvtcc COAunlsstoni" business zone." vision practices of Dick Clark, tary, cesasaUe or peridca! j Mr. Wise said that be also ' prompted the as a result took one of the big- As a navigational improvement, raignsd M the same chart* Sun- Ttfo petitions from a total ef Mol of teenagers.