To Deal with Laos Aid Pleas

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To Deal with Laos Aid Pleas /* p i • ’ ^ A FRIDAYr SEPTEMBER 4, 19B9 AYcrage Daily Net PrcM Ron PAGE SIXTEEN The Weather i®mtrl|PHtpr EwpMittg Ifpralb For Um Week RMed ' May SSrd.'l95e rogeeua* *f 0 . R Weeilwr aeNM Fair, eool teelGiit. Lew I t G range InHtalls’ |' 12,925 ee. bwmejt. ea^m^Me4l E^girei ^hi About Towu Member of the Audit New O fficers . Bureen ef OIrealetloB da,r. Wffli 88 to Se. Mpnehenter^— A City of Village Charm A i*bb«th ^ -it T>mpl« Sholom tontjthi New officers of 'Vsnohester i i: Or*nge No. 31 were ( it ■ t i 11 e d : i;:. • t tiSO VOt. LXXVIII, NO. 287 TEN PAGES—TV SECTION MJiNCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1959 (Cln aHiod Adverttotaif ea FaGa 81 Wednesday night with past msa- : For trhom thr $rhool hpll toU», , . we're alt tet to PRICE n V E CENTS Regi*t«itJon of n»m pupil* «t tera scltng as Installing officers Teit^l* Belii Sholom rfltpou* The new officers sre Madelyn i ■ •chool win h*. held Tu*»<l«y from Morey, master; Robert Schubert. ' meet all their major neetlM e- at very minor price*. 10 «,tn to 12 noon- atwl from 1 to overseer; Thomas Dunbar. '^c-j;^.: Ike Order! 4 p.m. Thf Twopl* school i* open turer; Celeste King, steward; ^ J;,; Everything ‘’'Grade A," Sen, Morse Slows to ehtldwn from kinderjrsrlcn F.arl Hutchins, assistant stewafd; 450 Seen thPOUiflJ 12Ui irrsde ' Waldea LaChance. chaplain; Extra Session 1 James O. Baker, treasurer. A LsbPt I>*y »’Seksn(J hiiftet 1 Also. James McBnerty. aecre-;;;;; to Deal tary; Betty Dunbar, gatekeeper; ^ dv Congress Windup *plU bs h«ld K'r msmbrr* *nri Killed on On Bond Rates. irusits of th* ElHnpfon Ridpf rltib i Roberta .lames, Ceres;', |i:v eunday at * poi. Sloani F-lora: Dorothy Hutaoh. Po- di; ' mona; Charlotte Hutchins, lady ’ Washinirton, Sept. 5 (fp)—^farm mirpluae*. It feeumes work Waflhington, Sept. 5 (/P)— assistant steward; Reginald ' Weekend SenatoFs today continued On the pro|Kisals today ConGress, already buffeted by The Ladies of S t James »jll James, member of executive corn* '/ U tth Girls' Although the legislators worked presidential vetoes, faced the atari the fall season with an miltee for two .veers, and Reatnce :. CLOSEP MONDAY. LABOR DAY . By THE ASAOCIATED PRBM thflir slow push toward ad­ under limited debate, fiery ora); autuRm buffet supper Sepi 14 at Utile Boys' journment, but in the path added threat today of recall Garden Grove, at d 30 p.m Tirltets , IjiUle execiitive committee for | dj; OPEN EVERY MONDAY THEREAFTER! Millipns of Americana epn- tory and a series of rollcail votes Brr»«n Buirtift three years. ; ORLON CARDIGANS, lay a host of touGh leGisla­ still left a pile of amendments to to a special fall session to With Laos Aid Pleas must be purchased before Sept. 11 ' tinued their travels today as me6t President Eisenhower’s ilembers may purchase tirkets i/ Enfiafted Soloist was Albert Heaviside, JERSEYS'n Styled by May Claire. Completely wash­ tion and the stubbornness of be considered. accompsnled by Marjonf Morri­ the Labor Day, hroliday en­ Wayne Morse. When the farm surplus program demand for authority to con­ at/er the *. P 10 or 11 a m Mas«e* able. .Choose from a wide aaaortment of 1* out of the way, the Senate still ^ S., on Sunday or from any rneiwber The engagement of Mia* Mari son, pianist. Past .Master BestHre j; colors in 4 to 8x. tered its first full workless Sen. Morse (D-Ore) ,hae been, trol interest rates on Govern­ ■of the ex^utive board. • ’ garet Angelina O'Reilly to John | Little was presented her Jewel by SLACKS day. dipping into his jitore of legisla­ must consider such legislation as ment bonds. Gustave Anderson, past master. the foreign aid appropriation, the William Lahda Jr.. »on of Mr j A last summer's outing found tive know-how ^to toss parliamen­ The special aesaion possibility Columbia Decarlt was chairman of ;; • i ' * ths highways, buses, air Imes and gasoline tax Increase, the increase Eisenhower A Knichli of Cofombus aetbark and Mrs, John W. Lahda Daisy-' *2.98-*3.98 tary obstacles in the way of Sen­ assumed solid proportions as ri- the refreshment committee LONG SLEE3 E COTTON KNIT trains crowded with travelers as ate leaders trying to close down in interest rates on government *ult of yesterday’* Hrtuae action tournament will start Sept 11 at tn«m Pa , I* announced by hef- Members were Informed that d e r s a a x E the summer vacation season drew bonds, a new public works bill, I pm ai.'the K. of C Home INFANT AND TOT SHOP shop by next Saturday. denying Eisenhower's urgent re­ mother. Mrs. Charles O'Reilly, .38 there'will he a change of meeting d to a close. and, perhaps another housing bill. quest fqr repeal of the 4M per ; Boek-tO'S^hoei JERSEYS ' Main Floor, Rear X The National Safety • Council On Labor Day. for example, The antagonism between Morse Concerned LAncaster Rd. place Mr East Central, Pomona. Morse, angry that the Senate is rent legal limit on long-term bond The Wesleyan University It will he held at Vernon Grange In stripes and scj'ds. Machine - - _ estimated that heavy travel on the and Johnson over adjournment yfta* O'Reilly la s grsdaute of scheduling work on a holiday, interest rates, Alumni Club of Hartford will hold . Sept 12 at 4 p.m. followed by washable. Sizes 8” iontha to T highways might kill 4.40 motorists appears to be growing sharper. By a topheavy 378-7 vote, the .Mount Saint Joseph Arademv. veara. ahd pedestrians during the peak plans to read a 3-volume hiatory The Oregon senator was off the Its first luncheon meetinR of. the supper St fi;3fl p.m of labor to his colleagues. house sent to the Senate a bill al­ Over Strife college year at noon Tuesday m West Hartford and is empl^iycd At the next regular maetmg the, driving period beginning at 6 p.m. floor when Johnson obtained unan­ lowing the Treasury to boost inter­ with.’Travelers Insurance Co first and second degrees will . he Friday and closing midnight Mon­ But Senate Democratic Leader imous consent of the Senate to the Embasfj- Room of the Hen- Her dance attended California B A ^ *1.25 *1.98 Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas in­ est payments on the government's By WILLIAM N. OATU hlem Hotel Raymond J. Walsh, conferred on a class of candidates. day in all time zones. consider overriding the housing popular denomination “E" and “H” High School: CaJifoinia. Pa . and By comparison, only 307 persons tends to meet the Sept. 12 target veto. United Nationa, N. Y., Sept. chairman of Wesleyan • deparl- aervprt three years In the U.S date by keeping the Senate in long bonds from SV* to 3 3-4' pet cent. 5 UP)—Secretar>' General DaG • ment of school sen'ices sAd publi-, _A L(»0 — died In motor crashes throughout Afterwards. Morse wrote an an­ The Senate flnance committee la Arm\ He la employed h\ .lone* Come «nd see our lovel.v n.ssortmpnt of hack the nation in a corresponding 78- sessions. He let the tired legisla­ gry flote to the majority leader: Hammargkjold hurried home cStnms. wull discuss the activittea W a d d e l l S e t s tors go home last night only after scheduled to take up the bill to- of the Wesleyan Univeraily Priyi and tj»iighlin Aliquippa Pa rro hour period of a non-holiday week­ "1 was called off the floor for i day. from South America today to The wedding will take place th school bags for the ,\oung mi.s.s and Ipen WASHABLE COBDITlOT end two weeks ago. That weekend a working day that stretched over not more t h ^ three minutes on The club v«Hl meet on the second almost 14 hours. i,,„. While accepting the boost In deal with I.«o8’ appeal for a Sept 28 at St. .lames Church G ouiilrv F air O ct. 3 agp.r. Choosp from top handlp or'shoulder was surveyed by the - Associated an emergenc.v matter. : .savings bond* rates, (he House de- Tuesday of each month at the, SLACKS Press to reach a figure against At that time the sharply-divid­ "Subseqiiently, w’hen I tried to U.N. ta«k force to atop any 'Heuhjein. Strap stylp. ed Senate was working on pro­ ' flantly turned down the main fea­ aggresflion from Communist A barbecue tenderloin of beef Double knee for longer wearing. which to gauge the impact of holl. discuss this matter at your desk ture of the President's Interest Waddell PTA will hold Its an= Colors: Brown, navy apd gray day traffic. posals to dispose of billions of dol­ North Viet Nam. Robert- Davidson who lives dinner at " pm tomorrow will nual country fair Oct 3 on the lars worth of government-held rate program, which would give precede a dance at the Flllnglon school groiinds There will be mixtures In sizes 3 to Bx. TTie fl^st reported traffic fatal­ (Continued on Page Two) him authority to disregard the President Elsenhower was de­ nith his daughter Mrs. vW'tlham Ridge Country Club Al .larvis' *1 0 0 T ^2.98 ity of the current holiday period scribed today as Concerned abbut T. Mehl. 11 Foxoroft Dr. has re­ hnoth.s for jewelry, new and used WM recorded at North Reading, present 4'<i per-cent ceiling on all orchestra will pla\ for dancing •, - 4 the situation.
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