ISSN: 0029-7739 $ 1.00 per copy THE OBSERVER Official Newspaper of the Catholic Diocese of Rockford

Volume 83 | No. 45 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 Bishop Offers Masses to Remember

ROCKFORD— On All Souls Day, Nov. 2, Bishop Da- vid Malloy celebrated Mass at Calvary Cemetery west of Rockford for the souls in purgatory, including more than 250 people listed in the program who were buried at Cal- vary in the year since All Souls Day in 2017. The bishop spoke of how God is “eternally good (and) completely perfect,” and only those who are perfect in love can be in His presence. He noted that “our prayers, in purgatory most forgotten for who knows how many years, by God’s design these prayers somehow assist in He called it “a deeper sense of calm, because I know even if I am not now perfectly ready for the entrance to !" is sadness to remember those we’ve lost, but it is a consola- tion in the real hope for them and for each one of us ...

“In my own heart, this gives (Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) me so much hope about being Deacon Thomas McKenna (left) assists Bishop David Malloy at the All Souls Day Mass, Nov. 2, in the Calvary Cem- Extra with Christ forever.” etery Mausoleum. The diocesan cemetery is west of Rockford on U.S. Rte. 20. Look for a photo feature for digital sub- scribers in The Observer Online. ... and to Seek Forgiveness

EAST DUBUQUE—Bishop David Malloy said the #- ford Diocese parishes Nov. 5 at St. Mary Parish here. In doing so he joined his brother bishops in the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in dedicating themselves O ask for prayers that will open an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all the bishops. The week of peninitential activties precedes the Nov. 12-14 USSCB meeting in where the bishops themselves accountable for their response to clergy sex abuse allegations in their dioceses. Although the 2002 “Charter for the Protection of Chil- dren and Young People” imposed standards that led to the O% excluded themselves from the landmark child protection measures,” according to recent newspaper reports. Assisting Bishop Malloy at the Mass on Nov. 5 were Fa- ther Dean Smith, pastor of the East Dubuque parish, and Father Howard Barch, pastor of St. Mary in Byron and co- (Observer photo/Tony Carton) ordinator of Prison Minisry for the Diocese of Rockford. In offering 7 a.m. Mass on Nov. 5 at St. Mary Parish in East Dubuque, Bishop David Malloy joins his brother bishops Deacon Tony Keppler and altar servers John Herding and in dedicating himself to seven days of “intensified prayer and sacrifice.” Tom Francois also joined the bishop for the Mass.

This Issue Quick News Inside

Bishop Malloy ...... 2 DAC to Close 10-Year Bridge between Evangelization Headliners ...... 3 Diocesan ...... 4, 6, 20 Nov. 12 Continents Celebrated Grandparents Around the Diocese ...... 7-11 In Observance of Nigerian native Tina Omeke (left), have a special Seasoned Observer ...... 12 Veterans’ Day on board member and health director for role in the family Forever Family ...... 13 Nov. 11, the Diocesan ImaBridge Africa, smiles with Christine when it comes Nation/World ...... 14-15 Administration Carrington, board president. Both to spreading the Our Catholic View ...... 16-17 Center will be closed are parishioners at St. Patrick Parish, faith. For the Record ...... 18-19 on Nov. 12. McHenry. Forever Family, Media/Arts ...... 19 page 3 page 16 2 | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | The Observer The Truth of Our Faith and the Four Last Things ach November we and who will one day be united to confession where our sins were The Observer (ISSN 0029- conclude the current Christ in heaven, but for now are forgiven, and every poor person 7739), is published weekly, liturgical year before that we helped. the Diocese of Rockford, Ebeginning the Season of The practice of our faith Advent and our preparation for At this time of year nature itself means that we will not stand !"#$%&''* Christmas. reminds us of death. The leaves alone before God. Rather, we +./'1455648: During these last weeks the & will stand with the Church and /'14556&** BY BISHOP Church reminds us of what are brown. Our landscape displays a the sacraments. That thought is #;# !"#$### DAVID J. famously referred to as the Four certain barrenness. deeply consoling. è MALLOY Last Things. Those are death, These visuals remind us of the Of course the judgment will judgment, heaven and hell. truth of our faith — that because ultimately be about whether POSTMASTER:### +;The Observer, 555 Part of the beauty of our of sin, death entered into the through our life and faith we have Catholic faith, and one of the world. Each of us will face the he chosen heaven. Have we desired !"#$%&''* reasons it shows itself as most moment of death. How good for to be with Christ, in truth and joy, Tpractice :ADVERTISING". worthy of our trust, is that it each of us to pray now, hopefully forever? The only alternative will of our faith tells us the whole truth about our ahead of the moment of crisis, for The Observer+ be that we have chosen against ##/'14556 means that nature and existence, and about a peaceful death. being with God. That is, in 48"/'14556&** God Himself. But thoughts of death should we will not choosing sin over good, we will >.!+? This truth often touches upon not simply frighten us. As one !"##; stand alone have chosen for ourselves hell elements that we would rather shy spiritual writer said, we should before God. itself. @# NEWS"The away from. But, to understand not lose sight of what is so Observer+##" Either way, God will respect the meaning of the reality in positive. A8# our freedom. He will honor our which we exist as well as how our It is through death that we will ?!"## follow Jesus to the Father. We choice. ; 8A" In reminding us of the Four +.11!"## need the whole story. Especially should remind ourselves daily ;16A about those Four Last Things, that the practice of our faith and Last Things, the Church teaches even though the truth of that story living a good life prepare us in us that heaven and hell are real. @AB*/ C/AD8# may make us uncomfortable. death for the possibility of our This world is passing and none of us can escape death or avoid #EB*58+ Of course we have already had entrance into heaven. ";.A"B4 a sample of those things in the Following death, each of us will judgment. B58;B' Still, just as the leaves of celebrations we have observed at stand before God to be judged. The Observer Online#; the beginning of this month. We might fear that judgment fall dry up and blow away, A On Nov. 1, we celebrated all the when we think of all of our sins, next spring the new life will Publisher: saints. That is, all of those who however judgment will also come. If we have been faithful F##GF in preparing for the Four Last are already with God eternally in recall the good we have done. Editor: H; heaven. Our Lord will be mindful of Things, the truth is that Jesus News Editor:E#JA# On Nov. 2, we prayed for all every prayer we whispered, every awaits us with new and eternal souls, that is, those who have died Sunday Mass we attended, every life. Features and Multimedia Editor:@++"# Circulation/Proofreading: @A@K!L+ ‘You Shall Not Commit Adultery’ %A#+ Accounting:G!

From the General Audience, St. Peter’s Square, mediocrity that have only a vague O% Advertising and Marketing: LF+ Oct. 24. ' in sickness and in health.” and to certain bitter and immature love and honor one another all the Production and Web Our series of catecheses on relationships “love,” with the days of their lives, solely on the Administrator: MJA;+ the Commandments brings us basis of good will or of the hope Contributing Writers::+ today to the Sixth Word, which life in something that, at best, is that it “will work out.” L+HK!:+ (CNS photo/C. Peri via Reuters) Peri photo/C. (CNS addresses the sentimental and LFL+%A#+ They need to ground BY POPE sexual dimension, and states, %O Thus it can happen, for example, FR ANCIS “You shall not commit adultery.” themselves on the solid terrain @P!K!F; that one overestimates physical ' of God’s faithful Love. And F#P%A! attraction, which is itself a gift this is why, before receiving the H idelity and indeed no human relationship from God, but aims to pave the sacrament of matrimony, there Publication Dates: H! way for an authentic and faithful Fis an loyalty. should be a careful preparation — +*'/+K relationship with the person. attribute One cannot love only as long I would say a catechumenate — AGF+4 As St. John Paul II used to say, because with love one’s entire life GA*5EA;4'Q4# of a free, as it is “convenient.” Love is truly the human being “is called to */ mature and manifested beyond the threshold is at stake, and one does not kid a full and mature spontaneity around with love. ... News Deadlines: RA' of one’s own personal advantage, of relationships,” which is “the responsible However, to achieve such a #"A# when one gives unreservedly. As gradual fruit of discerning the human beautiful life, our human nature is Ad Deadlines: RA' the Catechism of the Catholic impulses in one’s own heart.” R #"A# relationship. Church states: “Love seeks It is something that is acquired, to enter our being, to infect us. %*% because every human being è"+6 This Sixth Word calls us to turn # an arrangement ‘until further must “learn with determination <& "+"!"# notice’ ” (n. 1646). and consistency what the body can remove from us an adulterous #+;" Fidelity is an attribute of a +&/3 The Observer6 free, mature and responsible November 1980). heart and give us a faithful heart. "+ human relationship. Friends, too, The call to married life, In Him and only in Him, is è"A# A reveal themselves as authentic therefore, requires a heartfelt there love without reservations because they remain so in all discernment of the quality of and second thoughts, absolute The Observer A# # circumstances, otherwise they are the relationship and a period and unmitigated giving, and the not friends. ... tenacity of full acceptance. Our Mission is the mission From His death and resurrection of the Church itself — to Human beings need to be loved To approach the sacrament of spread the Gospel through unconditionally and those who marriage, the engaged couple must ! contemporary means of do not receive this acceptance establish the certainty that the unconditional love comes communications. carry a certain incompleteness hand of God is in their bond and steadfastness in relationships. within themselves, often without that He precedes and accompanies From communion with Him, Member of: knowing it. them and will enable them to say: with the Father and with the Holy The human heart seeks to With the Grace of Christ I promise Spirit comes communion among to be faithful to you always. us and the ability to live our bonds accepting compromises and They cannot promise each other Headliners The Observer | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | 3

10-Year Bridge Between Continents Celebrated Prayer for

BY AMANDA HUDSON Veterans News Editor and Service MCHENRY—A gala for ImaBridge Africa (IBA) held Members Nov. 3 in the Church of Holy Apostles Sherry Hall was in Almighty God, whose celebration of 10 years of assis- great power and eternal tance to persons living in pov- wisdom embrace the erty in Nigeria. universe, watch over About 125 people gath- all our veterans and ered for dinner, silent and live service members. auctions, presentations and prayers. Protect them from harm This year’s gala was geared in the performance of to raise funds for an ambi- their duty to protect tious ImaBridge project: con- our country. To those struction of a medical clinic in who have served, grant Owut Uta, a village centered them peace in the part of Nigeria where ImaBridge has provided four- and health. fold services: clean water, We pray, help (Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) them and education. Father Godwin Asuquo, pastor of St. Patrick Parish in McHenry and the founding director of ImaBridge Af- rica, was feted with a traditional Nigerian wrap and a stone for garden or other location in commemoration keep our Ima (pronounced “eema”) of ImaBridge Africa’s 10th anniversary. country means “love” in the Nigerian safe day and language. begun businesses, and 10 wells ^ % ganization describes its major The “bridge of love” between have been dug to provide clean instead for “auntie”; the three supporters, who were listed in night. We people in northern Illinois and drinking water to several com- to four hour Masses; and her the program. recommend Nigeria began when Father munities. appreciation for electricity They range from the Akwa them to your Godwin Asuquo was serving Recently, a board member when she returns. Ibom State Government to loving care because as an associate at Christ the drove a donated Christine Car- Bishop David Malloy and the their duty is dangerous. Teacher Parish in DeKalb 10 ambulance to Bal- rington, board Diocese of Rockford, and in- years ago. timore to ship it president and clude the McHenry and Uyo Grant them your The priest cooked a native to Nigeria. A bus eight-time traveler Rotary organizations, and peo- unending strength and Nigerian meal for a curious also has been sent. with IBA, called ple from a handful of Rockford courage in their daily Northern Illinois University Carleen Mur- the 2018 gala a diocesan parishes. assignments whether student who talked about the phy, liturgy di- “very important “You have become my fam- on the battlefi eld or at meal with others on campus. rector at Father night. This allows ily members, my friends,” said home. Dear God, grant That publicity resulted in Asuquo’s current Extra us to touch the Father Asuquo in his remarks. an annual community meal parish, St. Patrick lives of thousands “My heart goes to all of you for them your almighty Look for a photo protection, unite them where, Father Asuquo says in in McHenry, has feature for digital sub- in Nigeria.” your support. The number one a program letter, “at one point traveled to Nige- scribers in The Observer At these annual thing I know God made us to safely with their families over 300 people enjoyed di- ria with IBA four Online. events, she says, do is love. after duty ends. Amen. verse cuisines from Nigeria times. O` “Thank you for your power Source: Northern Illinois Red and learned about her rich and ‘pillars’ for our of love,” he said. “You are the Her job on Ribbon Program unique culture.” those trips is counting out pills bridge,” which is how the or- bridge of love for Africa.” Unexpected freewill dona- for the many people served by tions prompted a trip to Nige- the mission clinics. 3>>@V “I work in the church every ' day,” Murphy says, “but I feel were enough to sponsor 32 stu- those three weeks in Nigeria dents in universities for a year. (are when) I’m doing Christ’s That led to the establishment of work.” XZ"VV[>/+\+]\ She describes how many charity. young children there have nev- Sixteen trips have been er seen people with white skin. made. More than 200 college “They come up and touch students have been assisted by your face and hands to see if IBA, and over 60,000 people you feel the same,” she says. have received medical care. She recalls also the teenage Small loans have been pro- youths who refuse to call her vided to Nigerians who have

Bishop Malloy’s United States Conference of Public Schedule Catholic Bishops AURORA — Nov. 10, 10 a.m., DEKALB — Nov. 17, 3 p.m., Confi rmation, St. Rita of Cascia Mass for the Great Lakes Church Catholic Men’s Conference at Northern Illinois University, ROCKFORD — Nov. 11, 7:30 a.m., Sunday Mass, Cathedral of Holmes Student Center St. Peter ROCKFORD — Nov. 18, 7:30 BALTIMORE — Nov. 12-15, a.m., Sunday Mass, Cathedral of Fall General Assembly of the St. Peter

Corrections and Clarifi cations A caption on page 6 of the Nov. 2 edition misidentifi ed a priest hearing confession at the 2018 Youth Summit. The priest was Fa- ther Rico Paril, parochial vicar at Holy Cross Parish, Batavia. The Observer regrets the error. 4 | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | The Observer Diocesan Batavia Parish New Home to Saint’s Relic

BY PATRICIA SZPEKOWSKI bined with the testimony of Observer Correspondent # € & % BATAVIA—A relic of the |&% % | &% V N||%N (Observer photos/Dan Szpekowski) ! & } €|&% ~ 3/ % - With a photo and relic of St. Charbel placed before the altar at Holy Cross Parish in Batavia, Raymond Nader, %- (at microphone) a Lebanese Christian, tells of his first encounter with St. Charbel in 1994. Father James The relic’s arrival was com- Parker (left on front pew), pastor, and Simone Romanos, parishioner, who was born in Lebanon and emi- Z/@3@/@†@ grated to the United States 30 years ago, are among those listening to the presentation. &‚" % %' ers for the day’s schedule of Those in attendance could An image of | monks even emptied him and prayers, the rosary, veneration %|&- St. Charbel “There was a mysterious built a wall around him, but the - bel oil after the vespers before hangs above % liquid came from within the - € tomb and when they opened it, # an enclosed Donations were accepted relic of the his body was intact, like he was OX /†“[ | &- ' saint at Holy €‹ % % ƒ /[> to continue the work of the Cross Parish O‚- whom had previously seen the & in Batavia. Nader joined in with oth- 3>/” % Lebanese Man Carries Mark of St. Charbel

BY PATRICIA SZPEKOWSKI that he prayed and received the “A few minutes would turn OX Observer Correspondent Eucharist, and because God O ‹ is love, ‘you will understand ~€†/††‡ has a plan for every human be- BATAVIA—Since 1994, R % Raymond Nader has experi- The mystery of the Eucharist %!! enced more than 44 apparitions put Nadar on the path to search |&% be transported from human be- and bears an intermittent im- OX %' |&- O!%€ all of a sudden I felt a warm % would ponder, “that Jesus is %<O' } Nader shared his stories !‚ hot wind, the trees were shak- when he accompanied a relic of me, and in the universe?” %X O` - |&% ! & }- ! ' ` % - ~3/ <X  “I went to science as a pro- % hour he spoke, those in atten- fession to seek answers and X ` % “There was no voice, but I €OX “I ask you,” he said, “shake because it sounded important,” heard, ‘No, you are not dream- % it up, wake up, and be faithful OX R X Q` X }- ' and the universe, but still had ` R X |&% ƒX |&% Audience members asked € continued my search for God, “I never felt such peace or Nader, “What should we do?” to church, receive the holy Eu- (Observer photo/Dan Szpekowski) ^ OX Since his first encounter with St. O‰% € X Z%- !V Charbel at the Monastery of St. % O#3[ ^ his wife and three children and Maron in Annaya, Lebanon, Ray- QX% mond Nader has received mes- About whether he really saw childhood to search for proof R sages from St. Charbel on his |&%€ƒ and look up at the stars in the This encounter lasted for feast day and bears a hand-print that he did not see details of his ! - | &% four hours but Nader felt it was on his left arm. O^ % ronite priest “who was always O € usual routine but realized he It was then Nader explained ! & ‰ “As a child, I always asked ! now wanted to dedicate his life € him, ‘What exactly is your O| ‰ wife thinks about his spend- ^%R ! Z% OX OX ^ & 'Š his workshop was the church, % station and wanted to make `X !‹ X Watch Nader went home and | ‹O`‘ couldn’t describe to his wife day, Nader has had more than Catholic ^ ‡‡‹|&%R talked about how at times she | notices that “spouses aren’t Mass With a few exceptions, this always on the same path and Œ| Sunday, 6:30 a.m., |&% The search for answers led &% % } WREX-TV Channel 13 him to his bishop, who told him celebrated on the third Sunday Nader if he had the imprint of Rockford ! ‰&- |&% Anytime at ! After four days, the burn ! where a faint imprint was vis- Brought to you by the Diocesan Office of blind to see the reason for our % Communications and Publications !% ‹

 Doctors for Adults on Medicare  Insurance paperwork help  Same day appointments available  Minimum wait times  Transportation available CALL TODAY - 815.315.9227 Nation/World The Observer | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | 5 Synod’s Words on ‘Synodal’ News in Brief Trappist Father Keating, leading figure Church Puzzle some People in centering prayer, dies at 95 SPENCER, Mass. (CNS)—Trappist Father VATICA N CIT Y (CNS) — God,” it said. Thomas Keating, a leading figure in the cen- “Synodality,” a key concept of “We can describe this pro- tering prayer movement that got its start in Pope Francis’ papacy, was used cess by speaking of synodality the 1970s, died Oct. 25 at St. Joseph Abbey - for mission, that is, missionary in Spencer. He had been abbot there for two ment of the Synod of Bishops synodality.” decades in the 1960s and 1970s. Father Keat- on young people, the faith and Archbishop Hector Miguel ing was 95. Joseph Parker Kirlin Keating en- vocation discernment. Cabrejos Vidarte of Trujillo, (CNS photo/courtesy In simple terms, “synodality” (CNS photo/Vatican Media) tered the Cistercians’ Monastery Our Lady of Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, presi- president of Peruvian bishops’ Contemplative Outreach) means “walking together” with the Valley in Valley Falls, Rhode Island, in 1944 Father Keating dent of the USCCB, and Sister every member of the church, conference, told reporters Oct. and was ordained a priest in 1949. In 1950, the Briana Santiago of the Apostles recognizing that the grace of 25 that especially with the in- monks moved to Spencer. Father Keating was invited to help of the Interior Life from San Anto- volvement of young people at establish a new monastery in Snowmass, Colo. He stayed until baptism makes one part of the nio, at the Synod Oct. 26. body of the Church and, there- the synod, the bishops saw how 1961, when he was elected abbot at St. Joseph’s. He turned to fore, responsible for its life and and discernment, is to walk synodality could be a way of centering prayer — a technique of praying silently to God with- mission. with young people going out life that “promotes everyone’s out words — based on the encouragement issued by St. Paul “The Church must really let to all to witness to the love of participation.” VI during the Second Vatican Council to rediscover the contem- herself be given shape by the plative tradition. At Snowmass he helped found Contemplative Eucharist that she celebrates Outreach for centering prayer practitioners in 1984, serving as as the summit and source of its president 1985-99. her life,” being like “the bread made from many stalks of Australian priest: Asia Bibi decision wheat and broken for the life sets legal precedent in Pakistan of the world,” the synod docu- SYDNEY (CNS)—Asia Bibi has been released ment said. (CNS photo/Vatican Media) “The fruit of this synod, the Pope Francis poses with U.S. cardinals and bishops, U.S. synod observ- from death row and prison in Pakistan and is choice that the Spirit has in- ers and officials with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops after a now under heavy protective guard in a secret spired in us through listening session of the Synod Oct. 26. location with her family, reported a longtime Catholic missionary involved with negotia- tions in Pakistan about her case. Speaking in Government to a telephone interview from Rome Nov. 1, Aus- tralian Columban Father Robert McCulloch, (CNS photo/Punjab Governor Survey Church the Columban procurator general in Rome, House handout via EPA) told The Catholic Weekly, Archdiocese of Sid- Asia Bibi Property For ney, that the decision to free Bibi had set a groundbreaking legal precedent for the country. Bibi, a Catholic and a poor farmworker, was sentenced to death for blasphemy Border Wall in 2010. Her appeal was successful. “A very important precedent WASHI NGTON (CNS) —Fed- in law has been established and set which will be to the ben- ƾ efit of the thousands who are incarcerated in Pakistan because two properties belonging to the of accusations of blasphemy,” he said. While Bibi is a Christian, Diocese of Brownsville, Texas, the majority imprisoned under Pakistan’s blasphemy laws are seeking to survey the land for Muslims, whose cases often emerge from professional enmity, (CNS photo/Paul Haring) construction of a border wall jealousy, business rivalry and other factors; human rights organi- Catholic Charismatics Coordinator is New on it. zations have claimed for decades that Pakistan’s blasphemy laws Capuchin Franciscan Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of In an Oct. 29 statement, are regularly abused to settle vendettas. the papal household, is pictured in 2017. “Charis” will take over the Brownsville Bishop Daniel roles previously played by the International Catholic Charismatic E. Flores said he did not con- Human bones discovered at Renewal Service and the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Cov- sent because such a structure Vatican nunciature in Italy enant Communities and Fellowships, the Vatican announced Oct. “would limit freedom of the 31. Father Cantalamessa will be its ecclesiastical adviser. Church to exercise her mission VATICAN CITY (CNS)—The Vatican press office confirmed news in the Rio Grande Valley.” reports that human bones had been found during reconstruction He also said it would be “con- work in a building connected to the Vatican Embassy to Italy. Ital- trary” to the Church’s mission. ian media immediately surmised that the bones could be those of Youngstown Bishop Releases Names The diocese said it received Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee who pre- Oƾ - sumably was kidnapped in 1983 at the age of 15. The unsolved Of Clergy Credibly Accused of Abuse ernment saying “papers” have case has been the subject of speculation since. In a statement % Oct. 30, the Vatican press office said Rome’s chief prosecutor has YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio moved from ministry but who the Southern District of Texas (CNS)—Bishop George V. resided in the Youngstown Di- asked police to carry out a fo- in McAllen “seeking right of rensic study of the bones to Murry of Youngstown has an- ocese after their removal from entry.” determine “the age, sex and nounced the names of 31 clergy ministry. “There is more to this dispute and one religious brother who Bishop Murry emphasized than meets the eye,” said Kevin date of death. During some served in the diocese since its that all credible accusations Appleby, senior director of in- reconstruction work in a build- founding in 1943 who have have been reported to civil au- ternational migration policy for ing connected to the apostolic been credibly accused of sexu- thorities and that all of those ac- the -based Center for nunciature to Italy.” The nun- al abuse of a minor. cused had been removed from Migration Studies. “The gov- ciature is sovereign Vatican (CNS photo/Stefano Rellandini, Reuters) He also released the names ministry years or even decades ernment is also sending a po- property, so the Italian police Italian Army and police officers of two priests from the Diocese ago. Of the diocesan priests ac- litical message. The bishop is enter only upon request, which stand in front of the apostolic of Pittsburgh who had been re- cused, 18 are deceased. was granted. nunciature to Italy in Rome. 6 | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | The Observer Around the Diocese

Send Advent Don’t Miss Activities

Bishop Parishes, schools and Catholic organizations: Send information Malloy’s about prayers, talks, retreats, ba- zaars, craft fairs and other Advent TV Messages activities — especially those in the fi rst two weeks of Advent — Weekday Refl ection by Nov. 13 in order to be included in the annual Worth the Wait sec- (about 6:58 a.m.) tions of The Observer. (See sub- on WREX-TV, Channel 13, mission information below left. Rockford We encourage electronic submis- Top o’ the sions.) Morning Going on Now with Nov. 11 STOCKTON Bishop Mission collection ending: Holy Cross, 223 E. Front Ave. Father Malloy Michael Morrissey, parochial ad- ministrator, is taking donations to Listen to archives anytime at (Photos provided) Pine Ridge Reservation in South The statue of Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos is surrounded by fl owers and angels (at bottom of picture) Dakota this month. Final dona- Click on Bishop Malloy on the top left at St. Mary Parish in Sterling. In Elgin, a woman holds a child to see the statue in its case during the proces- tion day is Nov. 11. Items needed side of the page. sion to the church. are winter hats, gloves, mittens, Brought to you by scarves, blankets, new toys, candy, cans of soup. gently used or new & Savant Capital Catholics in Diocese Greet Our Lady of Los Lagos children’s books. Info: 815/947- Management ELGIN—The statue of Our 2545 or http://www.holycross. & Fitzgerald Funeral Homes Lady of San Juan de los La- in & Illinois Bank & Trust the Nov. 4 bulletin gos visited four parishes in the & Diocesan Offi ce of Rockford Diocese in October: Communication and St. Rita of Cascia in Aurora, St. Save the Date Publications & The Observer Mary in Sterling; St. Joseph in & Offi ce of Charitable Giving, Elgin, and St. Monica in Car- Nov 22 DIXON Diocese of Rock ford pentersville. Thanksgiving dinner: noon-3 “The Immaculate Concep- p.m.; Dixon Knights of Columbus tion has been venerated for Council 690 Hall, 506 W. Third many years in Mexico, and the St. Open to individuals, couples, devotion of San Juan de los La- families and friends. Meal delivery gos, Jalisco, has been spread- and transportation available; ing out,” said Father Adalberto sign up by Nov. 20. Free. Info: Sánchez, parochial vicar at St. for meal — 815/288-4775; for Rita of Cascia. transportation — 815/288-1821 In Elgin, the Sept. 30-Oct. 3 Dec 1 visit was the fourth to St. Jo- AURORA seph Parish. Qualifying exam: 8 a.m., Rosary During her visit to the dio- High School, 901 N. Edgelawn Dr. Entrance exam for potential the sick and for religious edu- students interested in applying cation students. Confessions, for scholarships. Register online. private prayers and veneration Parents must also sign releases also took place. for student’s seventh- and eighth- Our Lady of San Juan is the At St. Joseph Parish in Elgin, the statue is escorted to the church by grade report cards. Cost: $35. Info: Weekly in second most popular devo- traditional Chinelos musicans and dancers. THE tion and image of Our Blessed by traditional Chinelos danc- word tzineloa, which means OREGON Mother in Mexico after Our ers. The dancers are associated shoulder and hip movement. Craft fair: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; St. Mary, 881 Mongan Dr. Coff ee and Lady of Guadalupe. with Mexican Carnival, held "V OBSERVER muffi ns, 9-11 a.m.; chicken salad The statue originally came to four days before Lent. formed during the days before the New World with Franciscan lunch, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Craft and They wear black velvet cos- Lent, but their popularity has vendor booths, bake sale, cake friars who used it to help evan- tumes with brightly colored spread and now they perform walk, raffl es. Info: Laryssa Kramer, gelize the natives of the region accents and a variety of deco- Subscribe on other occasions, such as fes- 815/677-1284, laryssak74@gmail. about the Immaculate Concep- rations. They cover their faces tivals and weddings. com; tion and Mary’s universal role with elaborate hats and pink- events/743342066032966/ in the Catholic faith. Sources: http://www.mexconnect. Today! cheeked masks. WOODSTOCK com/articles/974-chinelo-dancers- The small statue is associ- Originating in the Mexican Placement exam: 8:15-11:15 Select print, digital ated with healing of the gravely state of Morelos, the dance be- and-the-original-hip-hop; a.m.; Marian Central Catholic ill and those with addictions. or both for just gan in the 16th and 17th centu- High School, 1001 McHenry Ave. The statue is always accom- ries, intending to mock Spanish chinelos-de-atlatlahuacan- For incoming freshmen. Info: $28 per year. panied by a priest from the colonists in a playful way. Mike Maloney, 815/338-4220, morelos-dance-troupe; Call 815/399-4300, shrine in Mexico. The word chinelos is from [email protected]; www. In Elgin, it was also escorted the Native American Nahuatl ext. 383 or go online at Dec 2 http://observer. AURORA Like The Observer Catholic Submit News Cookie and Craft fair: 7:30 a.m.- Newspaper on 1 p.m; Holy Angels Connor Hall, 720 Kensington Place. Sponsor: Parish, school and Catholic Online: Use the form at http:// St. Anne’s Society. On sale: organization publicists may send homemade cookies from society news and photos about their Click on Submit Events contact-us. member’s kitchens, craft items, and upcoming and recent activities. and News. food and refreshments. Raffl es: Submissions will be forwarded By Mail: Send to The Observer, P.O. to El Observador and to the cash $25-$100, hand-stitched, Box 7044, Rockford, IL 61125. @ObserverRkfd diocesan calendar. double-wedding ring quilt (approximately 90 years old). Info: on Twitter Deadline: 10 days before publica- Find more events http://www. 630/897-1194 tion. Around the Diocese The Observer | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | 7

(Photos provided) Geneva Opens Second Year of Family Faith Formation In early October, St. Peter Parish in Geneva hosted its monthly Family Faith Formation of their children. While adults receive instruction from the pastor, Father Jonathan Bak- night for students and parents enrolled in the parish religious education program. In kelund (left), students meet in classrooms (right) to study the same topic as their par- its second year, the program gives adults an opportunity to learn — or relearn — ele- ents. Some grandparents are getting involved, too. After each monthly session, families ments of the Catholic faith to support them in their role as primary religious educators leave with resources to continue learning the faith at home.

What’s Up Pilgrim Statue at St. Charles Parish FREEPORT ROCKFORD Sister Maria Esperanza Reyes, Mon Nov 12 Last donation day: school Deacon day: 10 a.m.-12:30 CFP, prays in front of the Pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Veteran’s Day observed hours; Aquin Central Catholic p.m.; Diocesan Administration Junior/Senior High School, 1419 Center, 555 Colman Center Fatima at St. Patrick Parish’s Diocesan Administration downtown church in St. Charles Center closed S. Galena Ave. Servant Leaders Dr. For men 35-55 (and their are collecting clothing for their wives) interested in applying to on Sept. 26. It was one of several AURORA “Share the Warmth” drive. Info: become permanent deacons for parishes on the statue’s recent Fall fun: 3:30-5:30 p.m.; Rosary 815/235-3154, ext. 230. the Rockford Diocese. Formation tour of the Rockford Diocese. High School, 901 N. Edgelawn begins in 2019. Must attend one Dr. For girls in fourth- through GENEVA of three sessions to apply. Info: “Beauty and the Beast”: 7:30 eighth-grade. Create fall and Permanent Diaconate Office, p.m. (also 1:30 p.m. Nov. 17); Thanksgiving art, including tree 815/399-4300 and table decorations and edible St. Peter School, 1881 Kaneville art. Info: Sister Geraldine Kemper, Road. Featuring 45 middle (Photo provided) OP, [email protected] or school students in a musical Sun Nov 18 630/896-0831, ext. 233 performance. Cost: $10 per person; free for children under AURORA thAnnual  3). Info:; Remembrance Mass: 9 a.m., Tue Nov 13 [email protected] Rosary High School auditorium, Christmas in the Country Craft Show 901 N. Edgelawn Dr. Mass for Saturday, November 17th MCHENRY WOODSTOCK deceased alumnae, graduates, Veterans’ Mass: 6:30 p.m.; Visit day: 9:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.; students, faculty and staff and 8am-3pm Church of Holy Apostles, 5211 Marian Central Catholic High their family members; open to all. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church W. Bull Valley Road. For Catholic School, 1001 McHenry Ave. For Refreshments after Mass. RSVP and non-Catholic veterans, their eighth-graders in the McHenry by Nov. 16. Info: www.rosaryhs. 1023 McHenry Avenue, Crystal Lake families and friends. Catholic Deanery interested in Marian. com/remembrance_mass Over 60 Juried Artisans * All Unique Hand-Crafted Items * Locally Order of Foresters will host a Registration required. Info: Famous Bake and Candy Sale * Seton’s Artisans Booth * Polish reception after Mass. Mike Maloney, 815/338-4220, WOODSTOCK GRAND RAFFLE [email protected]; www. Activity day: 1-3 p.m.; Marian Oplatek for Sale * Food Court * AMAZING Central Catholic High School, with 9 UNBELIEVABLE PRIZES including Apple iPad, 2 iWatches, Wed Nov 14 1001 McHenry Ave. For freshmen 1 Week Mexican Resort Vacation, a chance for $1000.00 CA$H Deadline for Nov 23 What’s and eighth-graders. DJ, And MUCH MUCH MORE!! Admission $2 Up (for events Nov. 26-Dec. 9: Sat Nov 17 refreshments, games and more.  (815) 459-3033 Note two-week listing. Watch Info: Mike Maloney, 815/338- DEKALB 4220, [email protected]; for updates at What’s Up+plus at 24th Great Lakes Men’s http://observer.rockforddiocese. Conference: 8:50 a.m.-4 p.m.; org/whats-up+plus) Open house: 1-3 p.m.; Marian Northern Illinois University You are in good hands at Faranda’s Central Catholic High School, Holmes Student Center, 1001 McHenry Ave. Info: 340 Carroll Ave. Speakers, From Catering to Wedding Receptions Thu Nov 15 Mike Maloney, 815/338-4220, confessions, Mass and more. Cost: [email protected]; www. and everything in between. AURORA $40 adults; $15 college students Open house: 6:30 p.m.; Rosary or younger. Info: 888/849-2282; Meetings  Graduations  Anniversaries High School, 901 N. Edgelawn Find more events at http://www.   Dr. For girls in fifth- through or Funeral Lunches Banquets Business Meetings CRYSTAL LAKE eighth-grade and their parents. on The Observer Catholic Newspaper Faranda’s is a full service venue equipped with a designer kitchen, a master 39th Craft show: 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Opening program, department Facebook page. chef, and certifi ed event planners providing a premier facility in which you can presentations, meetings with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, 1023 host a one of a kind event defi ned by culinary excellence, attention to detail students, faculty and staff. Info: McHenry Ave. Juried craft items, and fi rst class amenities. Our team of hospitality professionals will work with baked goods, candy, Polish Say ‘Thank you, you to help design an enticing menu that will satisfy and stun your guests. Our oplatek and more. Info: 815/459- impeccable staff is courteous and friendly delivering white glove service. 3033, Father.’ Fri Nov 16 Watch for this Faranda’s Banquet Center off ers fi ve reception suites to MCHENRY logo on The accommodate the most elaborate of settings to a smaller, more AURORA Craft, bake sale: 10 a.m.-6:30 intimate atmosphere. Drive-through fish fry: 4-7 p.m. (also 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Nov. 18); Observer Make an appointment with p.m.; Marmion Academy, 1000 Church of Holy Apostles, 5211 W. Catholic our wedding consultant today! Butterfield Road. Proceeds for Bull Valley Road. Sponsor: Holy Newspaper 302 Grove Street Marmion fishing club. Catfish Apostles Ladies Organization. Facebook page and Downtown DeKalb and fixings. Order before Nov. Cookie walk, handcrafted gift join us in praying 14. Cost: $12 per meal. Info: items, gift raffle baskets and for our priests. 815-981-3304 holiday sweets. 8 | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | The Observer Our Catholic View

Scripture Reflection for Nov. 11, Food for Thought Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as an indication of black 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic complacency during the monumental era. November is Black Among many things, such an observation Dangerous ignores the fact that black Catholic men, women Catholic History Month and youth did play pivotal, and oftentimes lead- ing, roles in local and national campaigns for civil Behavior There is an enduring myth that African-Ameri- rights. can Catholics were largely absent from the free- Black Catholics were leading figures in struggles dom struggles of the 1950s and 1960s, which BY KEVIN PERROTTA against racial segregation and exclusion within resulted in the legal demise of Jim Crow segrega- Catholic News Service Church boundaries. Unsurprisingly, black Catholics tion. Some have even pointed to a 1961 observa- sometimes drew inspiration from secular struggles tion that there was no Catholic equivalent of the %| for racial justice as they mounted challenges to %—%Z"|‚ longstanding anti-black discrimination in the ^‚‹ 'RR Church. L For Patricia Grey, formerly Mercy Sister M. Martin  'R de Porres, the 1955 lynching of Emmett Till was a % turning point in her life. “I remember seeing that ' unforgettable, grotesque photograph of 14-year- old ... Till in his open casket in Jet magazine ... and recalled how incensed I was as a young teenager, The wanting to do something and not knowing how ‹ to even talk about it,” Grey stated in 2018. though, The 18-year-old cradle Catholic and Sewickley, % Penn., native joined the brave group of black youth fighting institutionalized white supremacy. ‚‹ During the 1950s and 1960s, scores of black Catholic teenagers desegregated the nation’s % all-white seminaries and convents. Among this 'O pioneering generation of black priests and sisters in historically white orders were descendants O% of slaves once owned by the Church and young | (CNS photo/courtesy National Black Sisters’ Conference) people who had desegregated Catholic schools as Then-Mercy Sister Martin de Porres Grey consults with a priest in an undated photo at the National Black Sisters’ children. % Conference headquarters in Washington. During the 1950s The Church has been celebrating Black Catholic History and 1960s, scores of young black Catholics desegregated Month since 1990 when the National Black Catholic Clergy '%% the nation’s all-white seminaries and convents. Caucus of the United States initiated it. ~ ! `  '% %` The Family is Where We Learn How to Love RX RXR Ethically Speaking ‹' % theme of Catholic social teaching: % # O by Father Expanding upon that theme is the Kenneth ` second: “the call to family, community Wasilewski ` Diocesan Ethicist Being made in the image and likeness ‹% [email protected] ˜RXR^ '% XR‹ % ‹X & % N < 'N|!|N ' %% ‹ %"% % ~ "Oƒ ‹%  R X%R OX%!R R %‹ ` }%R X%R Z %R%% X %^ ƒ od gave us free  OXR%%X %%N% will not so that ‹% %"X N‹ ‘G | we could sin, but so O %‹ }ƒ R% ' OXR that we could love.’ ‹! %' !' R %% –O O %! % !" % % ! X O˜ '& %% %! X%‹ € % ‹  '& &% %ƒ When have you X % done something a little like what these %‹% ‹` %% in the family will impact the next components of this help you see something in your life now %% % in a new light? `%% ‹ Our Catholic View The Observer | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | 9 Diff erent View CNS/Joe Heller ‘Only Human’

“I’m only human,” we say when we make a mistake or can’t do everything expected of us. If we embrace perfectionism we may beat ourselves up inside, bemoaning the fact that we are all too human. But that “only human” view is a temptation to look away from the beauty and potential of every human being. We are, after all, each handmade by God Himself. Society and the evil forces active within it perpetuate a disapproving view of human beings through many channels that include entertainment that Person in the Pew portrays men and women as * by Amanda pornography, which leads to Hudson %^* News Editor overwhelming use of statistics, The Observer causing us to lose a sense of [email protected] the individuals behind the %* such as abortion, euthanasia, racism, ageism, sexism and the human beings. 'Vƒ spiritually. God is the antidote. This Church is Worth Fighting For First we must remember our human design. 'Z% The crisis in the U.S. For the Journey of that day’s homily in the humanity, calling human beings “fearfully and wonderfully Catholic Church lumbers collection basket every made” (Ps 139:14). “What are humans that you are mindful along. by Effi e Sunday. I used to think of them ...” asks David in Psalm 8, “Yet you have made them We were still reeling Caldarola the old man was eccentric. little less than a god, crowned them with glory and honor.” His from the Now, I think he was a thought is echoed again in Hebrews, Chapter 2. grand jury report on genius. Most amazing is what God says in the Book of Genesis: “Let clergy sexual misconduct If you are going to vote Catholic News Service us make man in our image, after our likeness.” That alone tells and hierarchical cover-up us that, no matter our social status or abilities or giftedness, we when a disgruntled archbishop released a new parish, explain to the parish and your have value and goodness that are built right in. scathing letter calling for Pope Francis to bishop why you’re moving. A relative Being human is an incredible gift, and God is made visible resign. Now, many states are launching of mine left his parish in a presidential the more human we become. Evil is what happens when people % election a few years back because homilies begin to lose their humanity. Here’s the view from my pew: were all but endorsing one candidate. But Hardness of heart is a sign of that loss — think of the A scandal within a scandal is that some he never explained why he left. Don’t miss Pharisees who did not want Jesus to heal on the Sabbath. Every people are continuing to exploit it to foster that opportunity. act of bullying, dominance, abuse or manipulation, quests their own conservative or liberal agendas. Speak up, respectfully, lovingly, civilly R Among our latest three popes, there are no and constantly. unfaithfulness, hatred ... many things point to the loss of heroes on the sex abuse issue. Let’s bring Simply dropping out can be lazy. It’s easy peoples’ humanity. this into the light. to slide into a Sunday morning sleep-in, But God is so great, even those who seem completely lost to I’m sick of patriarchy. Jesus sent Mary of followed by buying your own doughnuts. evil can return to God. Magdala out as the “apostle to the apostles” '& St. Teresa of Jesus of Avila describes e could say to spread news of his resurrection. Not `‹% a soul as being like a crystal or long after, a group of guys said, “Let’s put hit in the early 2000s, a friend asked me diamond mansion, a place of many Wwe are fully the little women in charge of the funeral mournfully, “What happened to our church levels and rooms with God Himself human when luncheons.” It’s been downhill from there. of the monks and the mystics?” present in its most inner dwelling. His Women need to be in decision-making It’s still there, but we have to search for it. light shines through all the layers and nothing hampers positions, now. Thinking of withholding donations in out from us into the world. the beauty of our I’m tired of clericalism. The boys’ club, protest? Granted, money talks. But there We could say we are fully human Father knows best, the priest-on-a-pedestal. are many great parishes when nothing hampers the beauty of soul shining with Let’s throw open windows and many great pastors. our soul shining with the light of God. the light of God at seminaries. How are e are the body of Don’t take your anger out But our sins — and the sins of others ... sins ... are like these guys taught about Christ, quite literally. on the good ones. All our done to us — are like mud thrown women, sexuality, the W gifts come from God, so upon the surface of our souls. If we mud thrown upon priesthood of the faithful? do not use this crisis as an don’t go after that “mud” and get it the surface of our I spoke recently with a man who teaches excuse to put a death grip on your wallet. at a college seminary. He said hopefully How much should you give? A deacon forgiveness, it will begin to harden. souls. that in the last year or two the men he friend used to answer, “Give more.” As sins multiply and stick, God’s light encounters are less “rigid” than in the Catholics do amazing work with the poor. shines out of a person less and less. recent past. How many of the “rigid” Continue to donate to a good parish, and But He continues to dwell within even the darkest souls. And, ones were ordained? Again, not a liberal/ & although the process is more painful once our sins harden in us, conservative issue. the margins — your own diocese’s Catholic they can be softened with tears and repentance or cracked apart Considering leaving? Don’t. Charities, a Catholic school serving an by purifying blows to our egos and false ideas. God can pull out I understand why people are angry or impoverished clientele, a home for unwed even deeply-rooted sins, with that sinner’s request. emotional right now. OK, maybe you moms — and give more. Many years ago I was walking with an older acquaintance in need to regroup. But then come back We are the body of Christ, quite literally, the Port Authority area of . I felt claustrophobic to church. You are the Church. Are the as St. Teresa of Avila points out. Right and remarked with some dismay about so many people. homilies stultifying, the liturgies and music now, that body is bruised, broken and being A huge smile came to her face. She threw her arms wide open discouraging? Speak up. taken down from a cross. and proclaimed to me, “So many people to love!” In my old parish in Anchorage, Alaska, X% I knew right then, that I had to work on adjusting my attitude. an older gentleman would put his critique I don’t think so. Perhaps I am not unique in that need.

To send letters to us please use one of the following: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, Mail: The Observer, Email: or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of The Diocese of Rockford [email protected] speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, 555 Colman Center Drive (Please put Letter to the Editor in P.O. Box 7044 the subject line.) and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Rockford, IL 61125 Please provide your name, address, Fax: 815/399-6225 and phone number. — The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 10 | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | The Observer For the Record

Deaths Parish offices may forward death and wedding information using forms at You AURORA—St. Therese of Je- may also request death and wedding postcards by calling 815/399- sus: Darlene Scroggins, 89, Oct. 4300, ext. 383. We encourage you to send the information as soon as 20; you receive it. Thank you. ELBURN—St. Gall: Kevin Tier- ney, 49, Jan. 27; Oct. 9; August Vonderheide, 86, ited by the right of taxation for the ELGIN—St. Laurence: Daniel Oct. 13; Louie Henry VerVynk, common good. Moreover, there B. Sullivan, 81, Oct. 16; 81, Oct. 21; must be an understanding that the earth and its resources belong ul- HUNTLEY—St. Mary: Eulalia SUBLETTE—Our Lady of Per- timately to God. In this relation, “Laura” Dolcimascolo, 50, Oct. petual Help: Roland Schuhler, 83, man is steward, not owner. An 24; John Cauldwell, 87, Oct. 29; Oct. 12. uncontrolled individualism needs MCHENRY—St. Patrick: Lil- Weddings to be constantly reminded of the lian M. Cairns, 92, Oct. 21; divine ownership of the earth and ROCKFORD—Holy Family: AURORA—Holy Angels: Jordan its resources. Judy Snyder, 76, Oct. 11; Nancy Mosquera and Adam Chaberski, Courtesy of Parish Publications Coole, 73, Oct. 11; Lois Griparis, Oct. 13; “Stewardship” newsletter 84, Oct. 15; Emmet Grace, 86, Oct. St. Therese of Jesus: Yasmin Cal- 16; Odette Rice, 98, Oct. 21; Patri- legos Calderon and Jose Eduardo Mass Meditation cia Behrends, 79, Oct. 23; Medina, Oct. 27; St. Bernadette: Rebecca Mahle, ST. CHARLES—St. Patrick: Sunday, Nov. 11 (32nd Ordi- 57, Jan. 30; Ellen “Jane” Welsh, Brittany LaMaide and David Mal- nary): Both widows in Sunday’s 81, Feb. 6; Florencio Nunez, 78, adra, Oct. 19; Catheryn Donna readings gave all they had to the Feb. 9; Lena Benesh, 70, Feb. 15; Gotlund and Felipe Antonio Gon- work of the Lord. One used all her Margaret “Peggy” Metz, 83, Mar. << ~ /†* " ! remaining food to feed Elijah and 7; Salvator “Sam” Valenza, 102, and Timothy Stubinger, Oct. 20; Mar. 30; Laverne Lynch, 92, April Kimberlee Dwyer and Mike Pi- coins to the temple treasury. Faith- 2; Barbara Pierce, 98, May 30; otrowski, Oct. 20; Devon Las- ful stewards give all that is asked Primo Tanaglia, 95, May 31; Flor- siter Brueske and David Matthew and trust the Lord to be faithful to ence Sciame, 92, June 20; Betty Geyer, Oct. 26; Margaret Eliza- His promises. Lupont, 82, July 2; Richard Grall, beth Sullivan and Michael Francis Courtesy of Sharon Hueckel 88, July 2; Anthony Scarpitta, 90, Sweetman, Oct. 27; Andrea Nicole July 13; Jimmy Haggerty, 78, Aug. Voris and Austin Michael Koenig, Life Moment 4; Robert Farley, 84, Aug. 5; Oct. 27. St. Rita: Maria Winters, 70, Oct. Pray: That as we look forward 21; Stewardship Moment to the coming of Christ, we may actively build a world that seeks ST. CHARLES—St. John Neu- Who owns the earth: A capitalis- justice and respects life at every mann: Betty Ladurini, 89, Oct. 15; tic society is based on the private stage. Stanley Potter, 91, Oct. 24; ownership of wealth. But this right St. Patrick: Mark Schuldt, 48, is not an unlimited right. It is lim- Courtesy of

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual Please take the abuse by an employee or mem- ber of the clergy of the Rockford Diocese, report the matter to       time to thank law enforcement in the county     in which the conduct occurred    our advertisers. and then please call the hot-line ##$ " !$" $$!$$## number: 815/293-7540.

Business Spotlight

The Catholic Gift Store A family owned Evelyn Dubbs Broker, REALTOR® Gifts for any occasion. funeral home Marketing Homes For The Sale 770 N. Peace Rd.  DeKalb  815-787-0802 since 1949. (847) 658-5000 (office) Hours: M-F 10 a.m.-6 p.m.  Sat. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. (847) 913-5079 (cell)  The Real Estate Group 401 River Lane Loves Park, IL 61111 [email protected] EQUAL HOUSING WWW.THECATHOLICGIFTSTORE.COM (815) 633-6010 OPPORTUNITY Each office is independently owned and operated. Saint of the Day Discount Please mention the feast day Medicare Supplement Savings or Saint of the Day Several top rated carriers for all budgets. and receive 10% off your purchase. Supplements may be changed 4150 N. Perryville Rd. TIM & PEGGY JAVUREK — OWNERS Inside Loves Park, IL 61111 at any time throughout the year. Carlson Ice Arena 815-282-0568 “We treat your car as if it were our own!!” Full service agency offering all types of insurance coverage:  Complete Auto Repair  Lightning Lube Your Ad HERE! Auto—Home—Annuities—Life Make Your Appointment Today For only $9.50 a week your Business Health—Business— etc… — All Work Guaranteed — can reach over 58,000 readers. Chris Yaeger, 4th Degree K of C 815-399-2886 For details contact 3427 East State @ Fairview - Rockford The Observer, 815-399-4300 847-292-2000


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As Illinois celebrates its bicentennial this year, The Observer several years in the late 20th will present occasional features from Rockford Diocese and early 21st centuries, as history books. Bishop Doran sought to reach Catholics through Bishops of the Rockford Diocese have been concerned more media. In addition with reaching the faithful and others through media to licensing several sta- since early in its history. tions that aired Catho- Diocesan media begins with lic content, he also newspaper in 1935 hosted a weekly talk show for many years. In 1935, the Diocese of Bishop Malloy hosted the Rockford began publication program after his ordina- of its own official newspaper, tion as bishop. “The Catholic The Observer. Msgr. Charles Forum” was discontinued after Conley, pastor of St. Mary (Observer file photos) The first TV Mass for the Rockford Diocese was broadcast 16 years when the station that Parish, Freeport, was named Jan. 23, 1966. hosted it changed its program the first editor. The first issue format. of The Observer is dated Nov. Another outgrowth was a diocesan bookstore to pro- 28, 1935. vide access to Vatican II documents. It has since been Also during his tenure, Bishop Doran — From “That All May Be One,” taken over by private individuals. saw the diocese develop websites, a Facebook page, published Sept. 23, 1976, in Twitter feed. Under Bishop Malloy, various other social When it started, the TV Mass was aimed at shut-ins and The first issue of The honor of the national bicenten- media outlets, such as the My Parish phone app have was called a “new dimension of religious service” for the Observer was pub- nial; written by Father Robert been adopted. diocese, according to a 1966 story in The Observer. lished Nov. 28, 1935. R. Miller — The Observer files In the intervening years, the Mass, as the station, has One editor of The Observer was then-Father Arthur J. gone from black and white to color, and from analog to O’Neill, who would later become the seventh bishop of Rockford. digital production. — From The Observer, Jan. 13, 2017 TV outreach begins in 1966 Bishop Thomas G. Doran, the eighth bishop of the dio- When the TV Mass is broadcast at 6:30 a.m. Jan. 22 on cese, inaugurated the “Top of the Morning” daily Gospel WREX-TV from Rockford, it will officially mark the end of reflections on WREX-TV on Jan. 11, 1999. Bishop David its 50th year and begin its second half-century. Malloy, the ninth bishop, continues the segment, soon to begin its 20th year. The first televised Mass for Shut-in’s was aired on the same station at 9 a.m., Jan. 23, 1966. Radio to web, media Authorized by Bishop Loras T. Lane, the Mass was just efforts move forward Bishop Thomas G. Doran talks with Dr. Owen Phelps, part of the communications and evangelization work former diocesan communication director, on his weekly that followed Vatican II. Radio was part of the diocesan media outreach for radio show in 1997.

At the Movies

So, aided by a life-sized nut- Joe Johnston’s riff on both ing with others are perfectly cracker in the shape of a sol- E.T.A. Hoffmann’s tale “The acceptable, they are driven dier (Jayden Fowora-Knight), Nutcracker and the Mouse home ham-handedly. she sets out to defeat Mir- King” and the Tchaikovsky PARENTS: THIS FILM CON- ren’s apparently villainous ballet indirectly derived from TAINS peril, frightening character and restore unity. it may satisfy few. And, while images. Though suitable for most, its messages about believing (CNS photo/Fox) (CNS photo/Disney) directors Lasse Hallstrom and in yourself and cooperat- — Catholic News Service Bohemian Rhapsody The Nutcracker and the Four Realms O (Fox) Rami Malek gives PG-13 (Disney) himself completely A-II Visually rich but Increase your business by advertising to the role of Fred- PG dramatically im- die Mercury in this biopic of poverished fantasy the lead singer of the rock your products and services to our loyal in which, while searching group Queen, with impres- for the key that will open a sive artistic results. Though Christmas gift left for her by and dedicated Catholic audience. screenwriter Anthony Mc- her recently deceased moth- Carten and director Bryan Singer treat homosexual er, a teenage girl (Mackenzie Website ~ Newspaper ~ Television aspects of the story with re- Foy) from Victorian London straint and some complexity, finds herself in an alternate their film nonetheless predict- world divided into the ter-  Restaurants/Banquet Facilities  Bridal Shops ably sends the message that ritories of the title. There, she   at least committed gay rela- learns, mom once reigned Gift, Floral and Specialty Stores Travel Agencies tionships pass ethical muster. as queen. But one of the   PARENTS: THIS FILM CON- regions (led by Helen Mirren) Health, Fitness, Salons Legal Services TAINS a benign view of ho- has since gone to war with   mosexual acts, cohabitation, the others (presided over Financial Institutions Health Care/Retirement same-sex kisses, profanity, by Keira Knightley, Eugenio   rough, crude and crass terms. Derbez and Richard E. Grant). Automobile Sales/Repair Landscape/Snow Removal

CNS classifications MPAA ratings Let us create one to enhance (Catholic News Service) (Motion Picture Association of America) Don’t have an ad? G — general audiences, all ages admitted your business at NO additional cost. A-I — general patronage A-II — adults and adolescents PG — parental guidance suggested, some A-III — adults material may not be suitable for chil- L — limited adult audiences, films dren — Contact — PG-13 — parents are strongly cautioned. whose problematic content many Some material may be inappropriate Kevin McCarthy @ 815-399-4300 ext. 385 adults would find troubling for children under 13 O — morally offensive R — restricted, under 17 requires accom- or email panying parent or adult guardian '~ƾ€&Œ# [email protected] For new ratings, visit The Observer NC-17 — no one 17 and under admitted Catholic Newspaper on Facebook. (age limit may vary) GALENA - FREEPORT - STERLING - ROCKFORD - DEKALB - CRYSTAL LAKE - ELGIN - AURORA 12 | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | The Observer FOREVER FAMILY

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FAMILY Evangelizing CORNER Prayer for Grandparents Have Special Role in Families

Grandparents BY DAN RUSSO A New Call to Grandparenting,” based on their Catholic News Service experience with the Christian Family Movement. Lord God almighty, bless our “Fifty-four percent of Americans over 50 are grandparents with long life, ow more than ever, grandparents,” said Deacon Aitchison. happiness, and health. grandparents have an “We like to think that grandparents are blessings and May they remain constant in essential role in their families, anchors to our grandchildren,” his wife added. your love and be living signs particularly when it comes to In his homily, Dubuque Archbishop Michael O. Jackels shared some of his own experiences with family of your presence to their passing on the faith to future members who are not practicing the faith, saying that he children and grandchildren. Ngenerations. could identify with many at the conference as one of six We ask this through Christ our “We had to realize that while society doesn’t value children who were raised Catholic. grandparents, God does,” said Crystal Crocker, to a group Lord. “I’m the only one who still goes to church,” he said. of about 120 people at St. Mary Church in Waverly, Iowa. He encouraged people to show others the truth and Amen. “You’re needed. You still have a job to do.” power of Jesus’ love by their own actions. — From USCCB “Catholic Crocker, director O' Household Blessings and Prayers” ~ƾ doesn’t work so well Evangelization for the with adult children,” Archdiocese of St. Paul said the archbishop. and Minneapolis, was O' the keynote speaker at thing is the example, a daylong conference the imitation of Christ.” Aug. 25 called Some of the “Grandparenting: attendees, like Jill Leaving a Legacy and Dean Rowell of N Practice ‘restorative St. Isidore Parish in event of its kind in niche activities’ Springville, were brand the Archdiocese of new grandparents. In marriage and family life Dubuque. “We have a 3-month- we do not always get the Crocker is known for old grandson,” said Jill. opportunity to fully attend to spearheading one of the “Our son did have his ourselves — to fi ll our cups. baby baptized, but they That emptiness makes it in the nation focused on grandparents. aren’t actively attending very hard to be at out best for Mass, so we’re hoping our children and our spouses. She realized it was necessary to reach out to hear some ideas “Restorative niche activities,” to the elder members on how to encourage so named by sociologist Matt (CNS photo/Dan Russo, The Witness) him and our grandson of the Church because Kay Aitchison stands with her husband, Deacon Gary Aitchison, as he Bloom, are activities with two of the unique wisdom in faith and knowing benefi ts: we do them well holds a photo of their grandchildren. The couple spoke at the Iowa God.” they can provide their Grandparents’ Conference this year. enough to feel a sense of mas- families. During his session, tery, and we do them simply “You have to be a Selby, a convert to for the joy they give us. spiritual grandparent,” urged Crocker. “Our goal is to &} They are activities such as get our children and grandchildren to heaven.” guidance on reaching out to adult children and other knitting, golfi ng, painting, or She spoke to the conference participants in the morning family members. gardening that we need to and afternoon on God’s call to grandparents and on “Don’t blame yourself,” said Selby. “There’s free will engage in regularly to restore passing on a legacy of faith. involved. You’ve got to recognize their free will and don’t beat yourself up.” ourselves. The day also featured three breakout sessions that !&OR The busy-ness of contempo- focused on tough questions facing grandparents such as: What do you do if your adult children have stopped don’ts,” when reaching out to adult children and other rary family life and its atten- practicing their faith? family members who are not practicing their faith. dant stressors make it almost Deacon Gary and Kay Aitchison, two pioneers in Both speakers emphasized the importance of prayer, impossible not to be focused grandparenting ministry in the archdiocese, were joined on goals and outcomes. by other archdiocesan Church leaders: Mary Pedersen, '– % Restorative niche activities director of Adult Faith Formation, and Matt Selby, “Let the parents discipline, and you can come in and remind us how to play. ~ƾ be the consoler,” said Crocker. “Understand that it’s — From http://www. leading breakout sessions. %˜% The Aitchisons have written a six-session small group you no longer have control. We can’t change people. God restorative-niche-activities/ program for grandparents called “The Grand Adventure: can change them.”

hen there is another question I would like to ask the couples who have been married for 50 or 60 Tyears: “Which one of you has had more patience?” It’s predictable; the answer is “Both of us.” This is beautiful! This reveals a life together, a life lived as a couple. That patience of abiding one another. ‘— Pope Francis ’ Digital Extra The Observer | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | 13 Bishop Offers Masses to Remember ... and to Seek Forgiveness

Bishop David Malloy (left) and Deacon Thomas McKenna talk with some of the people who attended the All Souls Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery west of Rockford on Nov. 2.

(Observer photo/Amanda Hudson)

(Observer photo/Tony Carton) Bishop David Malloy (third from left) gathers before a Nov. 5 Mass with Father Howard Barch, pastor of St. Mary Parish in Byron and coordinator of the Rock- ford Diocese Prison Ministry; Father Dean Smith, pastor of St. Mary Parish in

(Observer photo/Amanda Hudson) East Dubuque; Deacon Tony Keppler and altar servers John Herding and Tom Bishop David Malloy, assisted by Deacon Thomas McKenna (left) offers Francois. The Mass was the first the bishop offered for prayer repentance before All Souls Day Mass in the flower-filled mausoleum at Calvary Cemetery his departure for the Nov. 12-14, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ meeting in west of Rockford on Nov. 2. Baltimore, where the bishops are expected to discuss sex abuse accountability. Extra This photo feature is exclusively for digital subscribers of The 10-Year Bridge Between Continents Celebrated Observer Online.

A decorated cake declares the reason for the gala held in the Church of Holy Apostles Sherry Hall.

(Observer photos/Amanda Hudson) ImaBridge Africa board President Christine Carrington (dressed in red) introduces members of the board and of the ImaBridge team as supporters of the charity gather Nov. 3 in McHenry to celebrate the organization’s 10th anniver- sary. Founded by Father Godwin Asuquo when he was serving as an associate at Christ the Teacher Parish in DeKalb, it helps needy people in Nigeria. The Nov. 3 gala welcomed about 125 people, raising funds for the organization’s projects to help the poor in Nigeria.

LEFT: Father Godwin Asuquo (third from right) smiles with supporters (from left) Bob and Barb Sharp, Jane Lindgren, Chan- dra and Allen Broughton. RIGHT: Several gift baskets were part of a silent auction displayed along one side of the parish hall. A live auction also was part of the evening activities.