KAZIMIERZ ROBAK 17525 Brandywine Dr. Lutz, FL 33549
[email protected] (813) 909-4755 CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATION: M.A. in Liberal Arts/Humanities. University of South Florida, Tampa FL. May 2009. Thesis: Cultural Response to Totalitarianism in Select Movies produced in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland Between 1956 and 1989. Major Professor: Maria Cizmic, Ph.D. M.A. in History. University of South Florida, Tampa FL. May 2005. Thesis: The World War I in Poland Ended in 1923. Major Professor: Graydon A. Jack Tunstall, Jr., Ph.D. M.A. in Polish and Slavic Philology. University of Warsaw, Poland, June 1973. Thesis: Common Linguistic Errors in Contemporary Media. Major Professor: Bronisław Wieczorkiewicz, Ph.D. Non-Degree. Oriental Philology, Indian Department. Two semesters. University of Warsaw, Poland, 1971-73. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS: University of South Florida Humanities and Cultural Studies – Adjunct (from Fall 2009), GTA (till Spring 2009) Freedom in Eastern Europe (HUM 4938) – Spring 2014, Summer, 2013; Fall 2012, Summer 2012, Spring 2012, Fall 2011, Spring 2010 Introduction to Theater as Culture (HUM 2930) – Fall 2012 Twentieth Century Totalitarian Systems in Central-Eastern Europe through Film and Literature (HUM 4938) – Fall 2010, Fall 2009, Fall 2008, Fall 2007, Fall 2006 Modern Theater (HUM4938) – Spring 2012, Summer B 2011 World Film Postwar (HUM4938) – Spring 2010 Art Against Regimes (HUM 4938) – Spring 2009 The Twentieth Century (HUM 3252) – Spring 2008, Spring 2007 World Language Education - Adjunct Directed Study on Polish