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Ellbth Series, Vol. XXXVIII, N~.2.8 Friday, April 22, 1988 Vaisakba 2, 1910 (Sata) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Tenth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) (Vol. XXXVIII contains Nos. 31 to 40) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price: Rs. 6.()() [Original English proceedings included in English Version and Original Hindi proceedings included in Hindi Version will be tr~ated as _utboritative and not the Translation thereof.] CONTENTS [E'ghth S!s:;ion, Vol, XXXJllll, Tenth Session, 1988/1910 (Saka)l No. 38, Friday, April 22, 1988/Vaisakha 2, 1910 (Saka) COLUMNS Obituary Reference 1 Oral Answers to Questions : 2-29 ·Starred Questions Nos. 776,777,781 to 783, 787, 790 and 792 Wl'tten Answers to Questions 29-267 Starred Questions Nos. 775,178 to 780, 784 to 786, 788, 29-38 789, 791 793 and 794 Unstarred Questions Nos. 7954 to 7994, j 996 to 8083, 39-264 8045 to 8111 and 8113 to 8185 Papers Laid on Table 267-269 Assent to Bi lIs 259-270 Estimates Committee- 270 Sixty-third Report and Minutes-presented Public Accounts Committee- 270 Hundred and Twenty-seventh and Hundred and Twenty-ninth Report-presented Business Advisory Committee 271-272 Fifty-third Report - adopted Matters Under ;Rule 377- 272-277 (i) Need to declare the Ahmednagar Fort as a 'National Momument'- Shri Yashwantrao Gadakh Patil 272 I (jj) Need to provide more financial assistance to the Government of Rajasthan to meet th~e situation caused by drought in the State- Shri Shanti Dhariwal 273 -L-~ ________ ---------*The Sign tmarked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was. actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) CoLUMNS (iii) Need to take steps to check prices of drugs- Sbri Manvendra Singh 274 (iv) Need to provide adequate facilities and concessions to spastics- Shri Ranjit Singh Gaekwad 274 (v) Need to ensure proper distribution of potassium chloride to the' small matche manufacturers of Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu- Shri N. Soundararajan 275 (vi) Need to take steps to ensure proper working of the Hindustan Teleprinters, Madras- Dr. A. Kalanidhi 276 (vii) Need to check the use of tobacco products- Shri Raj Kumar Rai 276 (viii) Demand to take up immediately repairs of the railway bridge in Kamla Balan river at Jhanjharpur in Bihar Dr. G. S. Rajhans 277 Demands for Grants, 1988-89- 278-339 Ministry of Defence- Shri R. S. Sparrow 278 Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 290 Shri Ajay Mushran 298 Shri Indrajit Gupta j 306 Shri Shivraj V. Pati1 319 Shri Chiranji Lal Sharma 337 Committee on Private Members Bills and Resolutions 340 Fifty-first Report-adopted Bi11 Introduced- Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill 340 (Amendment of Sections S9 and 61) Shri Sharad Dighe 340 (II) CotUMNA CoaItitutloa (AmeadmeDt) BiD 341-360 (llltert1oD of Dew article J 5A) Sbri Tbampu Tbomu MotioD to CoDaider- &hrJ DJDOIb Goawami 341 &lui SureIb Ie..., 344 SIui allD ~ur ..... 348 Sbri B1Rdreswar Tantl 355 LOK SABRA DEBATES LOX:SABHA ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [Entlll"] Friday, April22, 1988/Valsakha 2. EEC Aid for Development of CoeoaatI 1910 (Saka) 'D Kerala *776. SHRIIC. KUNIAMBU : WUI the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to The £Ok Sabha met at Eleven o/the state : Clock (a) whether the European economic [MR. SPEAKER ill the chair] Community has agreed to finance a project for the development of coconuts in lCerall OBITUARY REFERENCE by giving an aid of 4' million (ECU) (8 S3 mi11ion); and [Enclish] (b) if so, whether any phased programme MR. SPEAKER : Ho nourable members, has been chalked out for the utilisa I have to inform the House of the sad tion of this aid and how it will reach the demise of Choudhary Raghubir Singh who coconut planters ? was a member of the First Lok Sabha THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THB during 1952-57 representing Agra-East DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC constituency of Uttar Pradesh. AFFAIRS IN THE MINISTRY OF An agriculturist and a prominent social FINANCE (SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO) : worker, he worked untiringly among the (a) Yes, Sir. poor and the down-trodden and fought (b) This progr amme, which is phased against the evils of untouchability and illite over a five year period, is to be implement. racy. He evinced keen interest in the ed by Kerala Kera Karshaka Cooperative spread of education in the rural areas and Federation (Kerafed) in which the coconut was associated with several educational growers, who 8re the main beneficiaries, institutions in various capacities. are represented. Choudhary Raghubir Singh passed away SHRI K. KUNJAMBU: Sir, I would at Ahmedabad on 12 March, 1988 at the like to know what are the details of this age of 81 years. programme which is to be financed by the We deeply mourn the loss of this friend BEC. I would also like to know whether and I am sure the House will join me in this programme will be a part of the conveying our condolence to the bereaved programme being undertaken by the family. Coconut Board to develop Coconut or it is a separate programme. Now, the House may stand in silence for a short while as a mark of respect to the SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO : Sir, departed soul. under the 1987-88 programme. the EEC has agreed to finance to the extent of 45 Tire Members then stood in silence miUion European Economic Unit which means • 53 million. Therefore. they are lor Q short whil, financing tbt coconut development project in Kcrala with an ajd of 45 million ECU. The assistance is avaiJable UDder the follOW- 3 Oral Answers APRIL 22, 1988 Oral Ani wer' 4 ing terms. (1) Direct financing to the SHRI SURESH KURUP: As you extent of ECU 21.2 million and (2) financ know, the economy of Kerala is depend r ing through the supp Iy of vegetable oil on coconut cultivation and we wholeheartedly to the extent of ECU 23.8 million. 'tile w_lcqqle this help given by the Central assistance received would be channt'lised Government. But now, a serious apprehen through the National Cooperative Develop sion has arisen in the minds of the farmers ment Corporation to the Kerala Kera and the general public in Kerala due to the Karahaka Cooperative Federation, which is new Import Export Policy' of the Govern responsible for the implementation of the ment of India. It has been a standing demand project. The project has the support of of the people of Ker ala and the Govern the Government of Kerala. Therefore, the ment of'Kerala that the Central Government Government of Kerala is involved at every should not allow tbe import of coconut oil. stage in this project and so also the Coco In the new Import Export Policy, the nut Board that the hon. mtmber has in Government has announced that it intends tnind to import coconut oil on a large scale. I would like the Minister to clarify the SHRI KUNJAMBU : I also want to position of Government of India with ~ow the approximate number of coconut regard to this, because it affects the economy ~owers tha~ are going to be benefited of Kerala. lhrO\lgh this programme. SHRI EDUARDO FALBIRO : As the SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: It is a hon. member is aware, this Ministry does wide programme and it is for the State as a not deaJ with the export import policy. whole. It is· expected to be completed within five years from the date of agree [Trallslation] ment, i.e. 25 March 1988 . It will fulfil the objectives of increasing the production of MR. SPEAKER: Today you have told coconut through increased product ivity, it. adoption of better management practices [English] in cooperative movement and providing the members of Kerafed with Supplies and Interest Free Loans to Cotton Gro\\ers services and increasing their income through an integrated system of production, *777. SHRI M. RAGHU MAREDDyt : procurement, storage, processsing, diversi fication and marketing of coconut products SHRI SUBHASH YADA V : or by-products. Will the Minister of FINANCE be SHRI A. CHARLES: It is seen that a pleased to state: substantial amount has been al10wed as aid. (a) whether the Reserve Bank of India If passed on the real to coconut growers, it has recently expressed its inability to will heJp in steppmg up the production of provide interest free loans to cotton which the b~ckbone of coconut is the State's growers in the country; economy. May I know from the hon. Minister, since there is a possibhty of the (b) if so, the reasons therefor; funds bemg misused, whether there would be proper monitoring by the Government (c) whether Union Government propose of India? And will the Minister ensure to instruct a11 public sector banks to that this aid wiI1 rcalJy be passed on to the provide maximum relief to the farmers coconut growers so that the aid may really affected by natural calamities like drought benefit. them ? and floods on interest free basis; and SHRI EDUARDO FALEIRO: We Cd) if not, the reasons therefor? have no reason to believe that this money THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE win be misused when in this project, DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS Government of Kerala is involved and IN THE MINISTRY OF FlNANCE (SHRI different organisations are involved and so EDUARDO FALEIRO) : (a) to (d). A also tbe Government of India is involved. Statement is given below. 5 oral Answer" VAIS,AKHA 2. 1910 (SAKA) Ora/ A,,""r, 6 Statemeat give him a categorical reply. The p1ight of (a) to (d). The banks raise resourc"es at the farmers or the cotton growers in cortain cost and have also to bear opera Andhra is not due to banks and also not tional expenses; it is, therefore, not possible duo to financial institutions.