Report of High Powered Committee on Accident in the Deep
. t.- {i REPORT of HIGH POWERED COMMITTEE . on Accident in the Deep Mining Zone u I of' Rajmaltal,OcP, ECL on 29 Dccember 2016 1-- I "t -l it*;r ir 3;;,, ;,11,; IP,{)lH}iit i I rJj rWfrrtlrda'' , --i.------r, r'r.j)p'ur r t?*a t* ., " \t? - a,.!:'-i,, \:r.i' ':,i lt r'i if i \, I f* l^tl'-. l ,,y'.. I , r'' I ,l{ l 5 rr'lr' I f -.------ i il lr I J | .,rqi-foSt rs6fr 96".r i ' rlr ,.' I t zltn T*-[-- ! -,-./+-rJ---- I -fu --+J I t, **:1' $ftrPoPS i,rci!( i,,rt{r .,,r, #*u f nr. $1fu ,rae l'#.gJtpt l i:_etrq: ; ; '1-';3 :w*rl|; rf : r(r-!,)t:.. ".4 I tneSodydirynmof$lriflryArafsb ? il\J 1 I i $ Volume l: Text \ Table of Contents Table of Contents... 2 1. CHAPTER I.. 6 INTRODUCTION... 6 1.1 Constitution of the Committee 6 1.2 kope of the Committee: ...... 6 : : l',,leetings and Visits of the Committee 7 I rl-APTER ll I 2.i BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT 8 2.2 PROIECT SITE INFORMATION 8 2.2.I Location 8 2.2.2 Climate 8 2.3 GEOLOGY.... 9 2.3.1 SEQUENCE OF COAL SEAMS AND GEOLOGICAL RESERVES 9 2.3.2 Faults ...72 2.3.3 Hydrogeology 13 2.3.4 Coal Reserves 13 2,4 MINE LIFE.. 74 2.6 MAJOR EQUIPMENT ON ROLL .......15 3. CHAPTER lil............................................... ........................77 CONCEPT AND STUDIES RELATED TO SLOPE STABILIW, SAFETY AUDIT, STATUTORY & ISO INSPECTIOS AND DGMS STIPULATIONS FOR RAJMAHAL PROJECT............,.., 17 3.1 General Mechanism of Slope Fai1ure...........
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