~'!:"i(Cfll( Government of India ~'«~ +i'il11~4 Ministry of Power ~if~ PJf~'Q '51TnTcp~'Uf Central Electricity Authority PJf~'Q ~urr~ 41"\il"o:rr ~ct ~::~~rt;;po:r ~ mlf-II Power System Planning & Appraisal Division-11 No. 66/5/2017/PSPA-2/ 513,21 Dated: 13 .07.201 T: ~ J< /f ~~';.;~. --';;_1 To As per List Enclosed Subject: 19th Meeting of Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Eastern Region -Agenda. Sir/Madam, Agenda of 19th Meeting of Standing Committee on Power System Planning in Eastern Region is available on the CEA, website: (Path to access- www.cea.nic.in/Wings/Power Systems/PAP&A-II/Standing Committee on Power System Planning/Eastern Region). Exact date and Venue of the meeting will be intimated shortly. The meeting will be chaired by Member(Power System), CEA. You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting to resolve various issues relating to transmission system of Eastern Region. Copy for kind information to: 1) PPS to MemberPS, CEA ircrr'+fCI"ii, am:.~- ~-1, ~~-110066 ~Jlil"'': 011-26198092 ~:
[email protected] ~iil'tii~C:: www.cea.nic.in Sewa Bhawan, R.K Puram-1, New Delhi-11 0066 Telephone: 011-26198092 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.cea.nic.in 1 List of addressee: 1. Managing Director, 2. Director (System), Bihar State Power Transmission Company, Damodar Valley Corporation Vidyut Bhavan, Baily Road, DVC Towers, VIP Road,Kolkata-700054. Patna-800021. Tel. 033-23557934 Tel. 0612-2504442 Fax No. 23554841 Fax No. 0612-2504557 3. Member Secretary, 4.