AWAIT CANNON Necessary, to Make a General' Attack on the Offenders Aw&Kree Them Beyond the International Line
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Rebel Planned To Assassinate Mexican President On New Year's Day ASSOCIATED PRESS EL PASO, TEXAS, Leasea Wire DAT AHB MIGHT RKI'ORJS. Wednesday Evening, WBATHE KIIKKCAST. 31, 1913-- 'Pages ed December 12 Increased cloudiness; Thura-unsettl- ET JbitlLlJ ERA.LD TWO SBUTIONS TODAY. UNITED STATES ARMY WLL POTTER IS VICTIM 0 LULL IN FIGHT RETURN FIRE IF OJINAGA BURGLAR FEDERALS FIRE LNE Professional Burglar Forces Entrance and Gets $400 in OJINAGA TO ' AT . Ji Loot. D. C. Dec 31. Apprehension ej$sts herein official circles regarding conditions at Ojinaga, WASHINGTON, between federal refugee soldiers 4tom Chihuahua and their rebel pursuers is expected. T. A. JONES HAS , The force of United States soldiers, urtleiyMajor at Presidio, Texas, it is learned from high war department officials, has been ordered by Ac wrtleparrn.tent to warn the combatants not to fire across LINEN DUSTER LEFT the border into American territory, and back up the warning lj$s time by force. burglars, . armed Should the warnings be disregarded, Major McNamWV been ordered to return their fire with fire, and, if PROFESSIONAL "Jimmy" gained AWAIT CANNON necessary, to make a general' attack on the offenders aw&kree them beyond the international line. an entrance to the residence of These orders have been issued by the war departo enVi3&h a full realization that such an attack by American H, a Potter, 700 Prospect avenue, Tues- , i troops on the Mexicans might be taken as a practical declaration of war between the countries. day night. In the haul, which consist- part Jewelry, At the department it was said from Developments anxiously ed for the most of the war that no official news had come presidio. are burglars secured a gold chain valued REBELS DELAY FIGHTING TO CONSERVE AMMUNlTtON waited by the officials. at $160. The total loss was estimated at $400. A rear window of the resi- dence was pried open. At the time the Rebels Find the Federals Unwilling to Run at First Shot Town Too Strongly Forti- AZAS IS occupants of the home were absent at Fed- TERR FOX, KING TROOPS TAKE the theater. fied to Capitulate to Small Arms Charge Rebel Artillery to Hammer the Leave Htm a iilnen Duster. T. A. Jones, wearing a linen duster eral Garrison When it Comes Up Death List Not Heaoy So Far. over a pair of trousers and a shirt, went TO BE GIVEN to the detectives' office Wednesday AND BARNES ARMS FROM morning to report the visiOof burglars at his home. 3132 Rivera street, Tues- RESIDIO, Texas, Dec 3 1 . Rebels and federals have spent the last day of the old year testing oa their arax, day night. The burglars took all the clothes of Mr. Jones, besides four following 24 hours of fighting. The lull is only for th purpose of getting the rebel artillery into posibos, bow-eve- r, HIS LIBERTY dresses and $10 in cash. A pistol and a PROMOTED THE STRIKERS pair of field glasses also were taken., and its arrival k expected at any moment It is understood that as soon as it reaches Gen. Ortega, it Groeery Store Robbed. will be unlimbered and thrown into action for the final, desperate assault upon the federal fortifications ef Ojisttfa. Burglars entered the store at 500 Gen. Gfaao Be New Gov- Assis- South Stanton street Tuesday night The fighting yesterday 'and the night before proved to the rebels that they could not take the town without artil- to Eugene Fox Beconfes Search Is Made in Colorado and carried away eight buckets of lard, lery, an oil stove, some coffee and eight unless by tremendously heavy loss, so the decision to await the arrival of the artillery was readied. The advance ernor of Chihuahua Villa MaiagAr small sacks of flour. guard of rebels opened the battle before their artillery came op, believing that they were strong enough tb take the towa tant Traffic El Strike Region; All Tents Shopper Loses Purchases, with, small arms alone, the by spies, to Coin Own Money. Paso & Are Entered. Mrs. W, R. Bradford, of Las Cruces, counting much on stories supplied 'their that the federal soldiers were ready Is Southwestrn. N. M., who was here Tuesday tp da her desert at the first fire. The rebels' found the federals too strongly fortified to be driven with small arms fire; ther shopping, returned to her home without ol a silk dress and fur neckpiece which also found the federals unwilling to run at the first shot AltL BANK BILLS HIS ASSISTANTS RECENT KILLINGS she had purchased. Mrs. Bradford was in a store on Mesa avenue and placed The loss in fife so far has not been heavy. '. ARE CALLED IN the box containing: the articles on a - Fighting practically ceased yesterday afternoon when messengers arrived in Ortega's camp. These BOTH ELEVATED CAUSE OF SEARCH counter. When she returned to the Messages, k spot box was. missing, is now learned, informed him that the artillery was being moved with very great difficulty and to conserve bis ammtBH-- Her, Dec SL Luis the CHIHUAHUA, UGENE FOX general freil t and Colo.. Dec 3L A tent- - Police Chief Issues "Warning. tton until die heavy guns could be brought up. The rebels moved in closer to Ojinaga during the night and occaeteaal Jr., in an Interview to-te- nt In order to avoid an epidemic of bur- passenger agent of Aso S; search for Are arms was yesterday, said he expected de- r the Ell T- glaries and thefts, police chief I. N. exchange of shots occurred between the rebels and the federals, as the rebel cordon drew in around the federaT de re- railroad, begun at the strikers' tent colony Davis warns occupants of all residences tails would be completed for his Southwestern habeen morning direc- fenders of the town. asl-sUn- t at Ludlow this at the to employ extra precautions in guard- lease shortly, and that permission would promoted to the position of tion of Gen. John Chase, who declares ing their homes Wednesday night. The be granted him to leave for El Paso general traffic manager in citaSe ol he has information that the strikers chief says that no Occupant should The Bail Expected Soon. with his family within a few days. was opinion ex- "and such other duta K as have been secretly arming themselves leave his home unoccupied. It the of military Stories as to the bad condition of his solicitation during past weeks. The kill- special warning is given to perts today Ojinaga are unfounded. He is feeling may be assigned to him." He the three autolsts that the battle of health willlave ing o. "Kid" Morgan, a nei-- member keep close watch on their extra tires would be decided 34 and looking welL headquarters at 72 West AcUut.s sflJet, of the colony yesterday by George and have their tool boxes well locked. within hours; that Gen. Manuel Chao will be named Chicago, i iprjssenuSve Shepherd negro No packages should be left in the ma- the federal army was fasttbeing driven governor, to take office about January and will be the Wilson, another strik- to a retreat and tnat their only rhanee VILLA COMES TO there of A. X Brown, the general tl er; the discovery that both were armed, chine unguarded. 10, while Gen. Villa takes the, field and heavy firing of the camp Extra policemen will be put to work of escaping merciless extermination south. fie manager, who is now making l.s north should the rebels pour in on them, was frtllnwi hv an nnfln n. military Wednesday night on South El Paso a precipitate flight Federals are reported by "constitu- rlptAll spnt to investiemte. are ! Street into United States tionalists" to be at Santa Clara station, headquarters in El Paso reearded territory. Succeeding- Mr Fox as crenel as proof that the strikers have The were run- eight kilometers south of Bermejillo, weapons in possession. Capt. federals reported to be or 25 kilometers north of Torreon. their Woman Wants To Sell J ning short of ammunition, while the ' Lindefelt with a mounted detachment rebels, by the frequency pf their fire, VISIT HIS WIFE The state treasurer has made a call j deposit of all bank bills with this morning resumed search for the ' appear to have ample supplies 'of it. for the two mounteu men wno urea upon nis Husband For $1000; He The tactics of narrowing semi- - him, for which he will exchange the yest'-J-i- their No troops late 7c el?! vith the federals in the center. new state issue. bank bills are to A detachs of 4t soldiers irom ,, ,,Willirxt Ti R "ZM1 be accepted in .payment of any ac- Xj&Oibw bmhjp, uu,.'. aw orawtng inr on an sides except SfcC Bflsffibr ViLLA is in called on TrTnuiad morning i tte-morgi- ' went to this Hjwara pursuea ay n counts under penalty after January arrange- - tne river, was dad Juarez. He arrived thereCT'fMtofyilU Cabrera Am- - ' to assist in the search for He wlll hc te S!t WHh Yoa Men.ui urcega s reoei xorces tooay. - Villa is now treating with an troops "Of bj orient a Wednesday mornins 11 ochxfc is heft: ftam HermosiBo. Whether he ments. Two cavalry and Hj t-- Mm rpi-- ii A Decisive Acttdn. at erican for the purchase of ma- - hi,v. writ ; here everal companies of Infantry sur- 1n viM tt- -. Today's fight incr was expected to de ( on a special ' train from Chihuahua, oc has an. official mission from Cairanza chinery for the coinage of silver anl rhundMr.