THE STUTTGART–ULM RAIL PROJECT INFORMATION CONTENTS WWW.BAHNPROJEKT-STUTTGART-ULM.DE/EN/ENGLISH/ ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE 4–5 WHAT IS THE STUTTGART–ULM RAIL PROJECT? The latest information on all construction sites of the Stuttgart–Ulm rail project: 6–9 THE NEW INFRASTRUCTURE MEDIA CENTRE 10 –11 TRANSPORT BENEFITS Webcams, construction site photos, films and many other media resources: 12 –13 FIND OUT MORE TOURS Experience the construction site live on a variety of guided tours: Fold-out page NUMBERS, FIGURES, FACTS 14 –15 THE NEW MAIN STATION CONTACT: Bahnprojekt Stuttgart–Ulm e.V. 16 –17 URBAN DEVELOPMENT Turmforum Im Hauptbahnhof 18 –19 WORK AND BUSINESS | PARTNERS AND FINANCING Arnulf-Klett-Platz 2 70173 Stuttgart, Germany Phone: +49 (0)711 2092 2920 20 –21 ECOLOGY Email:
[email protected] 22 –23 CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND LOGISTICS WHAT IS THE STUTTGART–ULM RAIL PROJECT? The Stuttgart–Ulm rail project encompasses available for urban development in the very heart benefit from the shorter journey times and in- Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg as a place to live Stuttgart 21 and the new section of track between of the city. creased numbers of direct connections offered and work. More jobs and a larger population mean Wendlingen and Ulm. by the rail project. In addition, the Stuttgart–Ulm higher revenues for city and state. The Stuttgart– SHORTER JOURNEY TIMES rail project is part of the impor-tant European long- Ulm rail project is also an ecological one: surveys TWO SUB-PROJECTS, AND MORE DIRECT CONNECTIONS distance corridor from Paris to Bratislava, which have shown that Stuttgart 21 and the new section MANY ADVANTAGES is being developed into a high-speed route.