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1977 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

9-29-1977 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 29, 9/ 29/1977 University of New Mexico

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i1 RF,p 2 91.. ;' ·~ ' R.lg,lJ,t~~~ .. ".~vRheld ~ I I ....c: . SPECJAt · B 'D M. FLYNN · longer considered hitn a member o. f -::. «JOLLEOTIO:mt . Y · ' ' · . · · · ' ...... LOBO Asst. News Editor the staff." ' .: : 8. The State· .Supreme Court ruled · Attorney for the plantiff, ._. ttiat. the public has a. basic right to ~icheal Rosenberg, w'ill be meeting

examine government files ·· and ~tth Newsome later1 this week to docum~nts while it upheld UNM's, pl~n a co?rse of act)on: Ne~some right t() withhold certain con- satd he wtll sue the ~mverstty .for fidential materials on personneL court costs, legal fee~ and posstble files. . da~ages. , . . . UNM student ·Tom Tit ruling was made in the case of . · I do~ t . thmk 1 recetved an 'I Thomas News.ome a UNM student opportunity to. present my case Newsom: "f:m .going to who filed suit. ~gainst Phillip fully in .. municip,al court/" make .II demand for the 18C0Tds again. l.f they nJfuss, Alarid, UNM personnel director on N~~~ome s~td. I Oct. 6, 1975. .. I m gomg to rna~~ a demand I'm going to · ask that 11 Newsome, a fonner reporter for for the , recor~s agatn. If they criminal penalty be im­ 1 the" LOBO, shouts be granted' the reru~e, I m gomg t?: ask th,~t a posed." right to .inspect portions of per- cr~mmal penalty be tmposed, he sonnet records that are nor deemed satd. . . . . confideniial or exempted by law, H.e sa~d ~he case has cost. htr_n the court ruled. $320, whtch mcludes $50 he pmd hts

While working on a story for the attorney. LOBO Photo by q, M. Flynn LOBO, Newsome requested· per- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sonnet files of UNM employ~s with the purpose of matching their qualificatjoqs with the pub~ic job New Mexico descriptions, Newsome said Wednesday. The files were turned over to him DAILY\ by Alarid after the medical and 'I Thursday, Sep~ember 29,1977 arrest · records, recommendation . letters and matters of opi,nion were removed from theJiles, Alarid said. The recent decision by the Supreme Co,urt upheld Alarid's· original decision to withold certain confidential materials in personnel ASUN.M files, Alarid said. Among the exemptions were military records (including type of . ApproP,riations for 3 Campus Groups disharge), letters . of recom­ mendation (confidential letter from previous employers), and matters · Ruled Unconstitutional by Student ·Court of opinion. The court ruled that . 'the right to inspect public records By ROB~RT R. LEE bu~get deficit. Williams argued that he had vetoed the four bills on Sept. must be freely allowed,'' Justice LOBO Saafr Writer H, not knowing when they had be~n passed. · Mack Easley said in his opinion. The ASUNM Court ruled Tuesday the appropriations bills passed by the The ATM, veterans and IF-PC bills were passed Aug. 31 and the at- "The definition of public records ASUNM Senate for the attorney g~neral's salary, A TM Business Club, torney general's salary on Sept. 7. The Black Student Union bill was also in State Law 71-6-2 (C) is so broad UNM Veterans Association aQd the Inter-Fraternity and Panhellenic passed Aug. 31. Williams said he did not sec these four bills until Sept. 8, as to materials subject to preser­ •counci Is (IF-PC) are noUaw. . . . . , and assumed they had all been passed Sept. 7. • , vation by the Records division that The Senat~. was to recoilsider these bjlls ·at .JasNlight's SeJJate rn~eting. . , Considering the appropriations too high,· Williams returned ·llll five bills· ' it covers trash in the waste basket," ASUNM .President Tom Willia!DS said Tuesday he would ask the Senate to to the senate Sept. 14, he said. The senate amended the bills, returned them the opinion said. · also reconsider the' Black Student Union appropriation, which Ite signed to Williams, and on Sept. 16 Williams signed the BSU bill. . The Custodian of the records, into law on Sept. 16. . Also on Sept. 16, and after he had signed the BSU bill, Williams said, the opinion · said, makes the final The purpose of the court hearing was to decide whether the attorney Mike Roeder of the New Mexico Union Business Office informed him the descision in determining the cir­ general's salary, the ATM, veterans and IF-PC bills had in fact become senate would have a budget deficit if all live bills were allowed to become cumstances under which the law without Willliams signature. The ASUNM Constitution provides that law. confidential material in the records bills passed by the senate which are not signed' by the president after seven Williams said he then decided to veto the ATM, veterans, IF-PC and· can be withheld. ~ days .become law. Williams had not signed or vetoed the. bills within that attorney general's bil1s. · . Newsome·- was an intern at the time. It was not until the Sept. 21 senate meeting, \Villlam~ • :.~id r1:r1 he A/buq<~eruqe Journal in the fall of 1~ the bills had become law as passed, the. senate would have had a lcont. on page &I 197 5 when he filed suit against Alarid. He quit his intern position with the Journal because the paper would not lend its name in his support, Newsome said...... Newsome was also black­ . bal_led by New Mexico Daily Loao editor Susan Walton (1976-.1977). In the fati of 1976 she said, "1 no

f' i' .Ringing •. ·\....·.·.·*'.··,· .. ~ Abort.ion Fund Rattles ·/(eep "~v~ C t 0· ff VA>0 u s " Readers

·~ Protested I. SAN DIEGO ( UPl)-Once a· J ' day the school bell at O'Farrell ~~ ! junior high· school rings out the : ',. . letter ''R" in Mo·rse code and that's Mem'bers of the UNM \ the signal for evetyone-studehts; w National Organization .for teachers, janitors and visitors---to . Women (NOW) picket outside stop what they're dding and spend the office of a doctor on the 15 minutes reading. Health and Social Services Principal George Frey said it's a Board who they say made the " new approach to ell.'courage motion to cut off funding for reading, Medicaid abortic.fis. NOW The idea evolved from a members hold that this is .. discussion among teachers of the discriminatory against women need for regular periods of unin­ who are financially unable to terrupted; sustained silence for pay for abortions. They say this reading. "Will Jorce women to resort to "lt's been well received," the • unsafe and self-induced abor­ principal said. . tions, In only two areas of the school ~.; has the reading schedule presented

a problem~in Physical education ·~' and among cafeteria workers. '\' "The workers have things have things cooking. Things they hitve to ·' watch over, H.J

.j ,

~- .- .. ,·;. ;' ~<~·-. . -...__ . '. \' f ',· "<< Editorial Musical Group DOONESBURY

Square One . SO HOli.I'IJ liJtU, FIFST .4 GE.N/1· u OL1TtOOY /NE. PANAWINI!iN Lands in SUB; e . The recent decision by the New Mexico Supreme Court in the GeT me SECeSSIONIST HAD 70 matter of public access to personnel records~doesn't really say ! REVOLUTION BE fOUND! ONe PIN· anything too startling arid didn't acco_mplish much. l UNDER WAY, ALLY TIJRN£0 liP IN Appears Out The two-year old case finally concluded Tuesday when the 7. f A OR. MANII&l- \ court ruled that the public has a right to see personnel records \ that are not deemed confidential by whoever holds the records. Of the Blue Big deal. All this means is that if you want to see some records and the boss says they .are confidential, then you have to go to court to get a ruling. "Back to square one," is way someone described it. THE CASE INVOLVED Tom Newsome, a former LOBO reporter who wanted to see all the personnel· records of certain University employes. Phillip Alarid, UNM personnel director, refused to let Newsome see the records and the two-year suit "Out of the Blue" performs in the New Mexico Union. began, The public's right to know vs. the individual's right to privacy has long been an issue between organizations and newspapers, especially. In most instances, the public deserves to see the records of state, local government or federal employes to learn what it can ')'' about the person's background, and decide if their tax dollars should be paying that person's salary. Certainly, if a person with a background, of crime or what-have-you ha~ been hired for political reasons, the public deserves the right to know about the background. AT THE SAME TIME, psychiatric records of an employe could ~f I be made public; if all records were made public, that would tend ( to make the public think of the employe in a poor light. Just I .I because a person receives psychiatric care, it does not mean I ;hat the person is unqualified for an job. But unfortunately, many people would not agree. And a blanket open file could do '11ore harm than good. To be sure, it is still a problem and one that will not be eas'ily solved. I ) We appreciate Mr. Newsome's conviction and courage to I carry out this important issue as far as he co.uld. But the court's ! decision was really a non-decision. What it said was, "We can .1 ~ give you some records, but not all of them. If you want them all, TV Hits Home ) and the employer won't give them to you, bring a lawsuit." Cases will be decided on an individual~ basis. Editor: lost your sense of humor, Mr. Newsome is far from an outright winner in this case, and the I feel compelled to reply to D.M. Flynn. Loosen the collar of the "Mr. same goes for the University. Nobody won, exept the lawyers Flynn's rather ludicrous article in Ed" days and open your eyes to who will have to be paid to bring more lawsuits. the Sept. 2B LOBO entitled "New "Eight is Enough." Comedy Falls Flat." Bob Altaman • Mr. Flynn, obviously of third­ grade mentality, prefers the non­ sense situation comedies of old Backing Bunk such as "The Flying Nun" and Walkers "Gomer Pyle." He cannot stomach Editor: modern comedies such as "Mary If there is a city ordinance that In the past few days a number of the mayoral candidates have been Tyler Moore" and "One Day At A requires motorists to stop when a receiving endorsements from a number of political also-rans, cronies, Time" crosswalk is occupied by a pedes­ community leaders and newspapers. This is. nonsense, Mr. Flynn. trian, then it would take a police Mayoral drop-out Herb Hughes endorsed Mayor Harry Kinney Television is merely a mirror of officer-at irregular surveillance Tuesday because he feels his ideas and Kinney's are closely aligned. society, so may I suggest that if you times passing out tickets to those .. I Hughes said that he had been approached about an endorsement by' do not like modern television, you who fail to give the pedestrian the '· two other candidates, Paul Demos and David Rusk. probably don't like yourself. right-of-way-to make the motor­ by Garry Trudeau THE ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL Sunday·endorsed David Rusk for "One Day At A Time" showed ing public well aware of its need to ·mayor. The Journal said Rusk had the energy and ideas to make segments about religious cults. Are stop for the crosswalks. I lA/lSH I Albuquerque a better place to live. The New Mexico Independent has you afraid to be moved by the A few timely tickets gets the in­ WeRe, OL' also endorsed Rusk. The Albuquerque Tribune has not made an en­ spirit, Mr. Flynn? formation passed around qQickly. dorsement as of this writing. Maybe you have, as you suggest, Jayne Lund Within the next five days before the election, there will be many other endorsements for Kinney, Rusk, Demos and Jo Ann Eastham. But I many people probably don't understand just what an endorsement is. A group of people thrown together, for whatever reason, sit down Apology C'orrection and decide Which candidate will benefit them the most, and then they The author of an opinion endorse thi't person. And that's what an endorsement is mostly-back­ Editor: column in Wednesday's LOBO • ing the candidate which will do the most good for that group. was inadvertently mis­ BUT MANY VOTERS see endorsements as an official opinion from Please accept my apology for identified as Paul Leach. The what -was a regretful indiscretion experts. It is not. Don't feel you should vote for someone just because actual author of the some experts back that someone. when interviewed by your staff in "Involvement Urged" column regards to the recent hiring of Dr. The LOBO too, will make an endorsement for mayor next week. But was Richard Hannemann. Ernest Stapleton. we will also urge voters to make up their own minds. Endorsements The LOBO regrets the error. . ENGINEE.ING GRADUATES, should not influence the outcome of an election. Make up your mimj. Larry German Then vote. WORK IN A PLACE WORTH'WRITING HOME ABOUT.

In Saudi Arabia you'll be near the cradle That means your Saudi Arabian take­ way in Saudi Arabia, and advancement of civilization. home pay will be approximately equal to opportunities are exceptional. You'll see awe-inspiring sights such your gross pay in the Stoles. We're looking for Mechanical, as the carved cliff tombs of Madain Sa/ih, New Mexico Dally LOBO editorial phone: 277·4102 or 277-4202. In addition, you'll be close to the Geological, Chemical, Electrical, and LOBO Editorial Slaff: created over 2,000 years ago sorne 6rXJ worlds top vacation spots.Travellhrough­ Edilor-in·chlef: Tim Galfagher Petroleum Engineers with bachelor's, kilometers north of Jiddah. Managing Editor: Rebekah Szymanski out the Middle East. Or fly to Rome, Paris master's, or Ph.D. degrees. /!you're News Editor: DCJiores Wood You'll have plenty of time to explore, and London. Or visit India to the east, Asst. News Editor: O.M. Flynn graduating this fall, spring, or sum­ too, because you'll have a 40-day paid Photo Editor: WendeH T. Hunt Africa to the west. mer, we'd like to talk to you. Sports E:ditot: Peler Madrid vacation and 12 paid holidays each year. Arts Editor: George Gesner We'll even fly you back to the States, Additional information is available You'll have rnoney enough to travel in Copy Edllors: Koren Walston Daniel Gibson. free, while you're vacationing. now in your career planning office. Ad Manager: F"rank Salazar style. Your base salary will be competitive EbiTO~IALS: Unsigned editorials represent a maJority opinion of the LOBO editorial You'll be working for the world's larg· board. AU other columns~ cartor.ms, and lel\fers represent the opinion of the author and do with what you can eam in the States. Plus, est oil producing cornpany, and one of not necessarily reflect the view of the editorial board. A RAM CO you'll receive a generous tax-protected the fastest growing. Currently, we have LETTERS: letters to the ei::lltor must be typed1 and signed With the author's hame SERVICES COMPANY srgnature, address,, and telephone number. Letters to the editor should be no longer tha~ expatriate premiurn. over $20 billion worth of proj~cts under 300 words although exceptions will be made If the topic warrants so. Only the name of the , 1100 Milam Building, Houslon,Te,os77002 author Will be prlnted and names Will not be withheld, OPINIONS: Opinions must by typed and signed with the author's name, signature ad· 10·10 dress and telephone number. Opinions sllould be no longer than 500 words. Only the ri~me of author W11J be pnnled and names will not be Withheld. \IISJON, All s~bmrssrons become the property of the New Mexico Dally Loeo :.md will be edft~d NI~BEE. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE ON CAMPUS ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER S. only fbr length or possrbly lrbelouscontenl. If any changes ~remade, I he author wtll be con· 1 l.a<:led lo discuss changes. dff • •

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'·' .. ,_ s; In Fine Arts To Solve Social, Economic Problems ASUNM •.. Dean Applications Swell Anaya Urges Minority Political Involvement ~ Twenty-five applications are in [co.,t, from page 1) By J .. B. SKENANDORE He said the people in Rio Arriba ''The problem is not in the has been acting dean for the College force issues they feel arc important for the position of permanent dean of Fine Arts since August, 1976. the Fine Arts Museum, is heading become aware that all of the bills had not been passed on Sept. 7. LOBO Staff Writer County "think they don't have the. system," said Anaya. ''The system "' for the College of Fine Arts and the SeurclJ committee, which is Atty. Gen. Toney Anaya said ability to do it (politics) ori their works, but it is the people who must he said. Protests, Anaya said, will decided to build a horse rating 2. '',We have sent 200 or, more to Williams said further that ASUNM law stipulates that bills passed by the t~ack. with?ut state a.pproval or 2 ,:.; none are from the University staff. made up of six faculty members senate be delivc;red to the president by the president of the senate within Bisp;mos and other minorities must own, and that is wrong." ch_ange and get more inv.olved," he only lead to short term gains. other schools ancj agencies and we hcensmg th1s year, saying that such ;::_Y Beatrice Cappelli, administrative and two students, in adition to three school days after passage. become politically involved if they Anaya said he has often "pitted sa1d. In a question period after his also have advertised iii several. sanctions are unnecessary since ·~ ·§ ~oordinator for the College of Fine Coke. ASUNM Senator Rudy Martinez, representing the Senate argued that: are to find permanent solutions to himself against other Democrats · People should support their speech, Anaya was asked his educational publications," she opinion of the Bakke case, in which state law does not arrect Indian " Arts, said that 1200 notices have said. -;-Williams veto of the bills was unconstitutional, since· it took place their · social and economic and Hispanos in his effort to bring candidates, but should also run for lands. £. ~ been sent out to University offices. ''We'll look over the applications· more than seven days lifter the bills had been passed. problems. them legitimate leadership." office, attend meetings, and try to a white male, John Bakke, charged ·-:: " Acting Dean Donald .McRae said and after interviewing the major In a speech in toe New Mexico that reverse discrimination kept Applications and nominations -The senate's ammendment to these bills (on Sept. 14) violated an Union Building this week Anaya "The state can regulate any non- [' Z that he has not yet decided whether candidates in January, we'll make ASUNM law which provides that copies of legislation to be considered by him out of medical school in have been open since July I and will our recommendations to president said that while New. Mexico has a California. · Indian activity on Indian land ;f ';. he wants to apply for the position, close Nov. I. the senate must be provided to all senators before action is taken; Martinez · Davis, who'll make the final minority population of almost 50 · "My position is close to that of within the state. This would not be §.. ::E"" to be effective J uly I, 1978 .. McRae Dr, Van Deren Coke, director of said a copy of the ammendment was not provided before the senate acted decision," Coke said. ooit. _ per 'cent and although. minority the Justice Dept.'s," he said. "I so if only Indians were to operate ~ political leaders are in power, many the track and only Indians were to ~ · -Williams violated veto procedure by not returning the involved bills to think that race can be a criteria for problems of minorites remain admission to the educational participate in its use." He said the -~~~~~~~~~~.tif~~ the senate at the next senate meeting after the vetoes, as provided' by the track plans had been set up at :5 ASUNM Constitution. unsolved. Anaya was asked to system, but o,ot strictly by quota." speak by Mesa Chicana', the He said he thinks the courts will Sandia by a non-Indian. "' Chi.cano graduate student probably rule this way. J PB~SBNTING ~ association. Asked about state jurisdiction He said minority problems in­ Responding to a question about DOMESTIC IMPORTED over Indians, Anaya said that this minority problems with bar exams, J & I clude political education, poor was an irrelevant issue in the Sandia Anaya said, "I don't think anyone housing and education. racetrack case. \l: Herbs Spices /)~ can defend the system of selection UNM Police "Why are. some people hesitant In the case, Sandia Indian Pueblo :(1 Teas Health Food :I to become involved with politics?" of lawyers as non-discriminatory." Grains Flours o~ Anaya asked. "Why are others if intimidated by the political ::f1 ·Nuts Vitamins :I Sponsor Scouts system?" Without naming names, he gave By ROBERT ALMY the example of a political leader in 9~ . different areas of the University that are available. Rio Arriba county who, Anaya ;uerb lmporiumj LOBO Staff Writer "The post has adult leadership," James said. "One . said, is a "patron," or old-style UNM Police have decided to sponsor an explorer of the first goals of the post is to have the ex ?lorers .· Laramie Square · ~~ post of the Boy Scouts of America. 1 political boss. In Rio Arriba decide what they would like to do." county, he said, one man can flan elled 3218 San Mateo NE 'iJ~ The idea for the sponsorship of an explorer post 1: "I think scouting is a way kids can develop an in­ guarantee block voting for a ~~:~:~l;>'u:w,~:~~:~~:~~:'id.~:~ came from Corp. Pete James and patrolman Ivan ..... ~~~ ..... ~ .-:.::J94il" .... ~ ... t:i~P/ ... ~ terest, a lasting profession or friendships," Jame~ Smith during a conversation. Both UNM Police of­ candidate, resulting in favoritism ..- said . and continuing economic ficers have had previous experience with scouting. TonoyAnaya LOBO photo by Jennette King . ' James, who was brought up in , depression. James has been a committee chairperson with the Cub joined the scouts as a boy to get out of the city and Scouts and later assisted with an explorer post. Smith into the countryside and mountains. His friendship has been a scout master. with former scouts remains today. ) This summer the two officers approached Berry D. 8.75 James said he hopes to start the post with about l Cox, director of Police and Parking Services, with the Eleven Queen Hopefuls ,, DANSKINS Stvl• 188. Clnsu: L.•ourd, eight members. "After the post is going it will { Adj111tabl• "V" N•~k, Ll:lng sponsorship idea and found approval. Official ap­ SIHVU probably have about 12 to 15 members,'' James said. proval was received later from Associate Provost ~" ARE NOT JUST Marvin "Swede" Johnson for the UNM Police Dept. ·James also said the UNM Police Dept. is looking for Pass Committee's Choosy Eye 0 FOR O,t..f\t(ING to sponsor an explorer post. other adult leadership on the UNM campus to help James said the post will initially be of general in­ sponsor the post. Anyone, whether student or staff, terest. It will not be limited to one ru:ea of the city for who is interested is invited to join in the ltadership of Eleven candidates for the 1977 UNM Homecoming The duo that Is cropping Queen have been chosen by the selection committee. dependent; Allison Enman, Chi Omega; Leslie up everywhere nnd anywhoro­ membership but will be city wide. the explorer post. Holmquist, independent; Teresa Janis, Alpha Chi Danskin leotards and jeans. The committee narrowed the number down to II James said, "The age group we are looking for is -::>ponsorship of scouting groups is not new wtth Omega; Leslie McCarthy, Pi Beta Phi; Christi Ray, Just right for everyday young men and women from 14 to 18 years old. Any­ candidates from the 19 applications, Bill Walter J.!";ng. police departments. The Albuquerque Police Dept. Alpha Delta Pi; Rhonda Ruchensky, Delta Delta one interested, can get in touch with Berry Cox at 277- associate director of the alumni association said. Available in a range of sponsors an explorer post whose special interest is law ;rhe queen will be chosen by a student election on Delta; Dinah Taylor, Pi Beta Phi; Susan Vigil, Kappa fashion colofs 2241. Leave your name and telephone number and Kappa Gamma and Stacy Wilson, Delta Delta Delta. · ·either myself or Ivan will-contact you." enforcement, as does the police Dept. for the Oct.S and will be ho.nored, along with the other University of Oklahoma where Corporal James has candidates, on Oct. 15 during half-time of the UNM­ James said he hopes to expose the scouts initially to oreviously been employed. l Wichita State game. A $200 scholarship from the UNM Alumni •f' f The finalists. and their affiliations are: Cheryl Association will be awarded to the queen along with a j Bassett, independent; Dorothy Davidson, in- chance for a six-day, all expenses paid trip to the At Law School Forum I' Orange Bowl. I !j~'iu\if . 1\e.\ll me.x\c:.o ~ j ] ORTHOPEDIC · Motol >ecane drives down the 1 s\\ot 5\\op J ~~~~m Stvie1911-Ciuih!ltolud, ""Bakke~~ Decision Studied == '-·'"'f ,.,.t,.,.,_ ~ ... *~"''"""'-'""'"Ahd Seoop Nttlo,i.DI!oSiuwh cost of driving. .II 4821 CENTRAL NE oppoolte Hiland Shopping A "Forum on the Bakke Con- ·Hamilton and Paul Phillip, at- ASUNM CrD(b Simp has (aciiJtir.:'l fCir all kinds of· troversy and Its Possible torneys at law. Members to serve on the forum's crarts. Comedown and 1!:0 wUd • Ramifications" will be presented panel are expected to provide differing views on the Bakke case. '!'here WIU be a :,pun: mcellng Scpl, 2.9. al 7:30 ,., Oct. 6, at 3 p.m., in room 101 of The "Bakke vs University of p.m. J•• rm. 231-£ o! thrSUB. · ,, Bratton Hall, UNM School of Law, California ~ Davis--Medical Seating is limited, but admission GSA will hold aS.t.,OCI. J.at lO a.m. in rm.230 1117 Stanford NE. School" controversy resulted when oflhesua. The forum is 'being sponsored by Alan Bakke, a white applicant to is free and the public is invited to attend, Conroy said. the UNM Mexican-American Law the medical school, was denied Sludcnl ReCiarch Appllc.a.Uom are .O.\·ailobl!:!in Ihe ~ CSAorncc.rm.OOBorthcSUB, i Very fine European & Student-Association (MALSA) arid admission. Bakke believed that his Black American Law Student denial was the result of reverse jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Association (BALSA) in discrimination practices by the ' cooperation with the UNM Student medical school. Indonesian Bar Association. In particular, Bakke alleged that THE Distinguished members of the a special admissions program, FOREIGN SERVICE Food legal community will serve as the which allocated 16 of the 100 OF 'THE forum's panel members, they in- available positions to minorities, Drive off on a Motobecane, the elude the honorable Cruz Reynoso, denied him equal opportunity for UNITED STATES Effortless Bicycle, and you'll get: former UNM law professor who is admis.sion into. medical school. Bloo·d OF AMERICA AND THE -up to 143 mpg currently serving as a justice for the The California Supreme Court U.S. INFORMATION AGENCY -Simple operation California Court of Appeals; Peter agreed with Bakke's position and ANNOUNCE -No extra costs- a Moto- A Winograd, associate dean of the the case has been appealed to the becane doesn't need registra­ UNM School of Law; Paela B. United States Supreme Court. The Plasma A written examination for potential tion, mandatory helmet, or In­ Minzner and Leo Romero, UNM case has been scheduled to be heard Foreign Service Officers and U.S. Information/Cultural Officers will be surance in most states and it professors of law; and Raymon~L-"-Oct. 12. . held on December 3, 1977 at 150 runs practically maintenance Donor Center cities throughout the U.S. and abroad. free Applicants must be U.S. citizens All for a price a whole lot less than and 20 years of age. Application deadline is October 21. For fUrther the average family compact. 8 am to 5 pm information and applications write to: Daily Lobo Tuesday - Saturday MOTOBECANE Indonesian Doctor in BOARD OF EXAMINERS .M. Dinner Special ROOM7000 Classifi.ed residence SA·l5 ·at the Loempia Advertising DEPARTMENT OF STATE Telur Berlada WASHINGTON, D.C. 20529 Marron Hall 842-6991 Bami or Nasi Goreng THE bEPARTMENT OF STATE IS AN Beverage l Room lOS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER GB'IfBRAL 2. 0 Serving lunch and or by moil to: Albuquerque dinner UNM Box 20, UNM 1307 Central NE seruing all day AlbUquerque, NM Telephone 765-5671 87131 STORB· 1600 Central SE 111 Harvard SE- 266-7709 8117 Menaul NE- 296-5039 "t1 """' The Lights Come Out Qt Night _-o" z ":!; 3; ~. 8 0 Ill. i<~· r' 0 CT .0w '0o; 3 .,CT N"' il,, . ·"' ~~ ~ ....,""

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I Could you be I Southern Methodist University = 5 ~ a nuclear expert? i School Of Law- Dallas, Texas . ,. Announces ~ " = the 1 Hatton W. Sumners i m~r!~h~~$~~~: ~~7;th ~ Scholarship In Law 2 your Senior year.)· = Sumners Scholars, who are selected by the Trustees of the Hatton 5 W. Sumners Foundation for the study and teaching of the science s of self-government, receive a stipened of approximately $5,800 a § Even if you're a Junior engineering or physical § year, This Scholarship provides full tuition and fees, room and § science major, it's not too early to start thinking about § Top left: Zimmerman board in Lawyers In (or the equivalent amount for married 2 your career. And if you think you've got what it takes to 2 students), a fund for books and personal expenses, and travel ex­ 2 become an expert in nuclear power, the Navy has a 2 Library, Top: Duck Pond penses between Dallas and the Scholar's home at the beginning § special program you should look into right away. § Near top right: Health and end of the academic year, § Why right away? Because if you're selected, we'll § Science Lab on North § pay you more than $600 a month during your Senior § Qualifications For Consideration: 2 year. (If you are presently a Senior,.oyou can still join the § Campus Far Top Right: 1. be a permanent resident of, or attend a college or university in one of the following states: Arkansas, Kansas, § program.) § Night lights near the dor- Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico § What then? After graduation, you'll get nuclear § mitorles Right: The ffiall. Photos Oklahoma, or Texas; ' § training from the men who run more than 70% of the § 2. rank in the upper quarter of their graduating class; 2 nuclear reactors in the country • Navy men. And an op· 2 by 3. be a citizen of the United States; 2 portunity to apply that training in the Navy's nuclear· §· 4, take the Law School Admission Test at the October or 2 powered fleet. " § Phyllis December testing dates; and § Sign up for a personal interview at the placement § 5. have completed by February 1, not only the application for § office Oct 11th & 12th or send resume to Nuclear § the Sumners Scholarship, but the application to the § Power Manager, Box 8667, Albuq. N.M. 87108. § Kush net School of Law as well. ~lllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ill • For additional· information and applic~tion forms, write the Secretary of Admissions, School of Law Southam Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275. • ' j: ! e::~.

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• ])R-etri- k~ You can put the campus in a mailbox for just $10 per year. That includes ~,,,...... ,.J. , d jvd{Qm~veo(_ ~v[~,-;f" daily mailing of all issues of the Daily lobo and ~ Student Directories ~ Pcxrl/(/[~ q c; ~ .9~~~,Ct_ ;;t; weekly mailings of the Summer lobo. ~ are on sale now ~ raY/+C~QZLc- . L/7!1 d4/A1;r- J for 25c ~ (..ed!__ ~ ·aJ.Jrn--z L;(4t.'J75YLO-~ ~ with a valid UNM ID J Come to Marron Ha:~ J at the ~ Room 131 or mail $10 to: rf1?t?J~-~-~ Daily Lobo ~ I UNM Box 20 -. Student Information Center ~ (Album Rock 99\\FM) Albuquerque, N.M. !17131 J in the SUB J ~ . and the UNM Bookstore · ~ ,...... , ...... ~ (Album Roc~ 99~FM} • I ..,_...... '"''\


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' ~ "0 - (1Q,-'" .·z By ROBERT SPIEGEL _ to enjoy it; and we usuilliY do," . we all have l)ther things we do that "' :;;:: The Watermelon Mountain Jug said Steve. "We set it up that way. we really enjoy, so we came back, "' ~ Band is easily the most bizarre band We take jobs that we're going to "Now, we don't want to get tied Fi' in Albuquerque. enjoy, or try to for the most part." down to one place too much. That's 0 0 Using such instruments as comb, "It's real important how· much why we only play one night a week, el. .?;> Hopping Over to Hopper unicycle and stomach, the J.ug Band we like it or don't like it," added regularly, at one place. The other -< ·a r- turns their jobs into parties with Jeff. "That's why we're only doing nights we keep open for balloon 0 By GEORGE GESNER The H. Hopper line-up has a c:r ~ his existence or his influence, but their "cowboy kazoo music.'' it part-time now." fiestas and old folks homes. It p -~ "The neatest thing about this talented host of musicians which I personally have relied on him. I Although they are not that easy to A little over a year ago, the Jug drives bar owners crazy, but we get (I) ..,~ band is the amount of energy, we· include Nelson the newest member, have listen.ed to his style and he's define, basically plays "a Band tried the life as a full-time tired of playing every night." '0"' "" put out." Daryl Keys, (sax; vocals), Chris got a lot to teach me. He's not mixture of country, ragtime and jug band. They moved 'to Las Vegas, "If our music went national," ;;;. ::: 3 " Those -are the words of guitarist Herrington (vocals), Bill Miller around enough to show me tech­ band with a little bluegrass thrown Nevada. They were successful .in added Jeff, "ruen we would follow c:r Z Kas Nelson of the H.Hopper Band, (keyboards, vocals), John Carney nique, but I do pick up a lot listen­ .., 0 in.'' it, but that's the only way. The Watermelon mou~taln Jug Band "' ~ one df the new up-and-coming (bass) and Rocky Lane (drums). ing to him. It does!l't bother me to The· members include Jeff N stuff like Vegas and L.A. is not too ·-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;===------;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;==; .-.o ill,· bands in Albuquerque. The band itself has been together be cal!edBobby's brotlier." Burrows, ~'Ragtime Billy Peaches" hot for us. We've tried the middle. r '0 1 CL."' since February and Nelson has been on guitar and vocals. Jeff also ground." -..., with the group a little over two Chris Herrington was asked how writes their original material. The it felt being the female vocalist in a The Watermelon Mountain Jug months. Jug Band 'recorded his song Band (the name is taken from the A Little Bird Told Me .. l predominantly, male group. "!love "Turquoise Tickle" for the KRST it," she said. '~It has more ad­ Sandia Mountains) is now working Miller said "We have fo'ur Enchantment Album, Jeff is also PEACE CORPS/VISTA vantages than disadvantages. These on a second album. The first different singers with lead active at the New Day Runaway people (the band) are pretty sen­ album, now sold out, was IS COMING capabilities. There's subtle differ­ House. LOBO photo by- Dolores- Dooley produced, recorded and financed ences that set 'us apart from other sitive." Herrington commented on On washboard, tambourine and the difference between her folk by the members themselves. "We ON CAMPUS: groups." Carney said, "A lot of The H-Hopper Band background vocals is Barbara singing days in coffee houses and decided very early," said Steve, , .. bands in town get off on their music Piper, "Loose Hands Leyd." Oct. 5-7 her present situation. "In a coffee "we shouldn't wait for breaks; you 1 itself, their techniques and vir· When not indulging in the jug band house people will listen to you "We'd be pretentious to think happy band. I think it's neat have to make your own breaks. On Information Table: tuosity. We get off on audience life, Barbara teaches special I because they know what you're that we are established musically coming to work, and liking to see this second album, we're toying response." education for APS. Student Union going to do and people appreciate We realize we have a lot of work to the people you're working with. with the idea of one side live and Leaning back with a cowboy hat, your voice· and your quality more, do. We don't want to get into the Working in a show band, we didn't one side studio. There will be six l · "We're here for the people. is Mark Zimmer, "Mouldy but with the band the excitement is fastest gun in the west trip. I don't even' talk with each other." new songs by Jeff on it, pius the That's the bottom line," said Lemon," playing banjo, har­ "Turquoise Tickle." The album Nelson. "Sometimes when Daryl just extreme and I enjoy it so think competition is healthy in Grand music. Competition within yourself monica, whistle, mandolin and, should be out by Christmas. r.---~~-~------~~~~--~·- comes in with the sax solo the much." 0 Mexico's 1110111 famoWI name Ia America's 1110111 • is a good thing," Nelson said. Keys said, "Hopper mania is yes, it's true, saw. In his worldly energy could not get any higher. back. We want to keep going life, Mark is an art student at One of the aims of the Water­ Opening! The people on the dance floor just forward. I don't say up, I say UNM. melon Mountain Jug Band is to lose control of themselves." "My Nelson said, "I want it to stay Playing the best washtub bass in attract a wide audience. "We like a WANTECI forward, because that's the Jeff 8uaows October I drums get smacked in three times a fun. This kind of music has to be direction we want to go. the West is "Gut Bucket" Gary very diverse audience, all the way night," Lane said. fun for people enjoy it. That's the Oleson. Gary also teaches at the finding sreaay worK, and they even from kids of grandparents, hanky Public skating 6 to 10 p.m whole point of' rock 'n' roll. Jt Acoma Pueblo for the Bureau of did an appearance on the Merv tankers, marginal hipnoids, adrniss ion 100 "Sax is one of the hottest things started out that way and it should Indian Affairs. Griffin Show at Caesar's Palace, everybody. We try to structure our stay that way. You can be serious Is the band going to stick with it? On vocals, comb, ·kazoo, spoon, jobs so that it is something Fraternities, Sororities, in our band," Herrington said. The band said that having Chris but after a few months' they about rock 'n' roll, but you can't Nelson said, "You're crazy if you unicycle and, yep, human stomach, returned to Albuquerque. everybody enjoys, like a party." Campus organizations· "There's a real horn revival going in the band adds a different color to take rock 'n' roll seriously. We're a ·quit, crazy if you don't." is Steve Wilkes, "South Valley "Everybody in Vegas thought we The Watermelon Mountain Jug H;we you thought about on." The sax player is Daryl Keys, the group. "It keeps our act whose brother , you Slim." In his daily life, Steve poses were crazy for leaving, and every­ Band has the ability to, as Steve having a special party? cleaner." } J have heard with as a student teacher supervisor for body here asked, 'What happened puts it, "destroy the barrier bet­ (Sticky Fingers] and is on the ' UNMandAPS. out there?' " said Steve. "The six ween the band and the audience." ·nformati'on c· all·. When asked if the band had r------T~7-::;.-c;:;;;,~r------~ You can catch the full spirit of the ~Pancho Villa tequila For l current Joe Cocker tour. , I ·· ··· -.,. ·· .,. · I Enjoying the music is all im· nights a week, two or three shows a David Foster· room for improvement, Herrington 8 d I '. :: ·• :• :; ·. •· '' '' I d I portant to the Jug Band. "We have night was fun for the summer, but Jug Band's craziness of Sunday' 255-2715 Keys was asked if his brother had said, "Always. If you. stop thinking Q n l . :: .• :: :: :! •.. : ' >· : Qtes I · nights at the Headquarters through any bearing on the group. He said, you h~ve room for ll?provemel)t, J ;. • ::: : ,; •;_ :' , ;'. _; _; j 1 r------,--:---:--... -:-:-::--;-,------~ October, plus they will play the • • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "As a group we haven't relied on youmightaswellhangitup." ' 1: .. ·· •. ·.. ··. ·· ·' ·,, 1 I I J · :: ,: . ; ' ;! '. " .. · J I Balloon Fiesta ·an October 14. 11 B d 1 ..,.-,., :' .,.,_.·-... ' _, ... ldI I I . · ·. . · . ' ·· I ------~------I .. . ' ·· . ' ' I I t::;~~;;======:5~=~ L Gold Ritsh strikes· it richI.'.:'.· at the .. '/.·· with ... ;,Latin-style, I disco i-~ck at_j the · : nn :,,_.:·.•,·;:,'•·_!1 ates I ~ Apollo this week at 931 San Mateo Club Illusion on Central. I !.-::··:,_-r•;}_•·t! .. _j NE. • The talented balladeer Tom Streetlife calls the shots with Parrott adds a new perspective to funk and disco at the Tender Trap L_---~------~--~------~----~------the group. on 5600 Central SE. (cont. f1ompagelO) •·ire on the Mountain is on hand Arlen Asher Jazz Quartet play a Speakeasy features a dynamite seriously at the Hog's Breath at for your listening pleasure at the TONIGHT Chelsea's Street Pub in the good assortment of jazz for the bass player as they do a wide array 4800 San Mateo NE. early evening crowd at Neds on of musical styles at Okies on Sneak Preview is the number one Coronado Shopping Center. Of The Street Talk turns out the best in Central Central this Friday and Saturday. band at the Latin Quarter on 5402 LIVE ON STAGE! disco at the Bolero Lounge in the Planets, circling in a new orbit, H. Hopper Band, featured on Central SW. Their main attention is are spinning their own brand of loday's bandstand, will be rocking directed toward disco and Latin Hill on Midtown. The Gat bering will do the light IY l!l!ltl· rock 'n' roll at Neds on Central for out at Alfalfa's at 5001 Lomas NE. rock. the late evening crowd. Mellowtones give you a break Frank Larrabee Grou11 with a fandango on the stainless-steel dance floor at the Big .Yalley Ranch Last Mile Ramblers chase ghost from rock 'n' roll nightmare with trio of startling female vocalists Company al 8904 Menaul NE. Located In The Student Union riders in the sky and wear the big easy listening s.ounds at the Stadium have established themselves at the Building Basement iron this week at the Headquarters Club at the Dukes Sports Stadium. Establishment in Montgomery on Central. Cosmic Charlie is playing in the Plaza. Stone Brothers are serving up a bar down under, Fogg's Bar in the Soundstage has set up for for a . combination of country rock at Albuqueruqe Inn. two-week stand at the Friar's Pub FridaytJ·SepteJDber 30 Uncle Nasty's on 4418 Central SE. Showdown is taking rock 'n' roll on Lomas ncar the State Fair. After thei:l• farewell performance in Placitas Amigos want to be vour friends (contonpogoll) Cadillac Bob was rained out at their farewell concert in Placitas, so (',.H,E.\\o",S. wltl meet Thurs. In the Sodolngy was rained out the Subway Station downstairs in BldJ!;. at 3:30. All ·wclcome, the Student Union) will try to re­

create the event this Friday night. Orp:ani::tallcm m~llnp; o( Student Faculty Curiosity satisfies your boogie ~·dation Cor Women in Scitnc.'e and En~necrlnK CDILLICIII •1 4 p.m. Tbur•• CI\·Jl Englna:ring 235. Month!}' • and disco desires this SatUrday at One Last TiDte the Subway Station. oo11oquia, currmt tPpics, Saturday, October l. 1 Boogie and Da.uce with I

BUV1 Check out the Food and Drinks at the GET1 FREE Monday · Friday 5:00. 9:00 I Admission Prices Boogie To: . The Students ~ ~'[,L-.,1-'tJ.---,1'\.'--" l (Witlt UNM ID, Plus One Guest) Stone Brothers an Andre' Kole Production Sl.~OO each Don't Miss It! Get yotJr tickets now. Public - $2.00 each UNCLE NASTY'S Tonight at 7:30 p.m. , Presented By The · Lunches Monday Thru Saturday Tickets available at all Ticketmaster ASlJNM Popula•• Entertainn~eut Contmitted locations and at the SUB box office'. '

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/ / / .. ·. Dotes gi UNm S~mphony ,.. Ptesley Bodies 'to be moved .,'tl t The UNM Symphony Orchestra will open their new season with a free By SUSAN WHITE ""., E concert Wednesday Oct. 5 at 8;15 p.m. in the SUB Ballroom. MEMPHIS, TENN. (UP!)-The cost of $200 a day at the Marble others who are entombed in the ~ " Under the direction of Condttctor Joel Rosenberg and Concertmaster , family of , burdened Mausoleum where Presley and his fr Larry Watson, the orchestra will perform Mahler's First Symphony, "The by security problems since his mausoleum have been unable to zno mother, who died Aug.l4, 1958, are visit the crypts. ~ Titan," and the Leonore Overture #3 by Beethoven, . death, won permission Wednesday entombed. :;:: .g The orchestra has scheduled. a total of five program~ this year. TentatiVe to move the bodies of the enter­ In requesting the zoning change, " Smith said Vernon Presley, who Smith spoke of the lasting effect of ....! works for their next concert on November 22 include Beethoven's Fifth tainer and his mother to a garden was appointed executor of the "' Presley's legend and the ap­ 0~· ..:::C Symphony and the Carmen Fantasy Ill by Bizet. burial site at G raceland-the singer's estate, was also concerned '• On Dec. rhe orchestra will be joined by the combined choruses of family's 13-acre estate. propriateness of Graceland as his 0 ·s I, that relatives of several hundred ., ~ UNM in a performance of Handel's "Messiah." This will be in Popejoy The Memphis board of adjust- burial site. ~· UNM Arena Courting New Look r< Hall. . ment unanimously approved a 0 ;:E·~ Members of the Music Faculty will join the orchestra for their la.1t two zoning variance which will allow By PETER MADRID cr' ;: programs, March 5 and April30. In Marc)), Leonard Felberg and Joanna gravesites for Presley, his mother NBC Canc~ls Ptyot LOBO Sports Editor 9 no " de Keyser will perform the Brahms Double Concerto for Violin and Cello, Gladys, and four other persons. '0"' ~ ~ while in April, Herb Levinson \)'ill guest in the Bartok Concerto for Viola "Elvis Presley died on August 16 NEW YORK (UP!)' 8 The Richard Pryor television show will end with sno the Oct. 18 broadcast, NBC confirmed Wednesday, but the network Two small Lobos catacorner from each other and the New Mexico zia cr' -;:; and Orchestra, and nearly two weeks after his no denied reports the comedian was quitting because of censorship hassles. sun symbol are but a few of the new designs on the floor of the UNM .., N 1 death there was an attempt to steal Arena which were added to spruce up the Pit. I c..~ Come Fly With Us· · · his body," Attorney D. Beecher Pryor and NBC have been at odds about the comedian's use·ofpossibly ;-o offensive material in the show's family viewing time slot. What A Challenge!! Smith said Wednesday, adding that NBC confirmed that the show would go off th~ air, qut a spokesman for · ...... "' I the attempt caused "a great deal of The 18-foot Lobo which stretched .its running body across the middle of .... PEACE CORPS the network said there were never plans for more than five weekly Pryor the floor is a thing of the past now ' concern" to Veriwn Presley, the .1 "That's all he wanted to do," the spokesman said. "We had hoped he . -·., * VISTA Singer's 62-year-old father. would change his mind and do more. Bu( he apparently hasn't" "We did this in order to make a valid attempt to keep up with the The family is currently providing In fact, Pryor will be doing only four original shows, because the Oct. II t day and night security guards at a changing styles," Lobo basketball coach Norm Ellenberger said. "We On Campus Oct. 5-7 program wil be a repeat of the special the comedian did last spring. want the basketball program at UNM to be fresh this year." Sign Up Now For Interview Another change in the floor of the Pit is the different lettering on the .... Placement-Mesa Vista Hall ends and the sides of the Arena floor, & Law School Bldg. Ellenberger said, "We wanted a more subtle approach and by achieving '· (Oct. 5 only) this, we eliminated the big Lobo down the center of the floor." This season the Arena will be on national television as UNM hosts the NCAA West Regional Tournament. The WAC Game of the Week between UNM and Utah on January 28 will be televised in the Rocky.mountain west. Lobos Lose Monster A broken arm will force Lobo dstrom, another offensive lineman, middle-linebacker Roark Shirley to redshirt this year and come back either.hurt his . shoulder and will not play season.Lobo basketball fans will see the 'Pack play on a new court surface during the upcoming next year with two years of eligibility to go. Shirley's arm was broken during last week's 42-17 pounding by . 4310 Central SE Lobo head coach Bill Mondt said th'at the break was not a compound 6l'adua&ing EngineePs: injury and was not unlike the injury We Serve The Best In Sub Sandwiches. former Lobo Robin Cole suffered while with the Stee!ers. , • The Lobos will rely on Marion This Week Chapman and Gabe Chavez to plug up anything that comes the line­ Ozone Express backing way. De Young, Chuck Panozzo, Young, Shaw, and John Panozzo. ·- . ' . C.J, Jones suffered an ankle Next Week injury and will not make the trip to The Provo to play the Brigham Young Styx, the Wotld Cougars. Freshman Brad Wright Big River Boys TodQy Tomoitow will be the back-up man. San FPancisco ..... Best In Country Bluegrass Offensivt: lineman Matt - Schaeffer suffered a bruised thigh Late Night Happy Hour Every Night "The Grand Illusion "!Styx/ A&M It makes you wonder if Styx will and will not play, and Steve Lin- SP'4637 The single off the album is taken ever reach its peak; its state of the from "Come Sail Away," a Happy Hour art. After reviewing Crystal Ball, I By GEORGE GESNER beautiful song with an unexpected thought the band was pretty close IMNet 4-8 Fri. With 5-7 Mon. - Sat. This band may have started out lyrical twist. Side one is one of the to it, but this album is even better. Daily Doubles in the Styx, but it has truly found its best album sides you'll ever hear, Daily Doubles Styx is just too amazing to make Elysian Fields with Grand Illusion. but side two is better. any finalizing.statements, because it With ''Miss America," Young Tourney will always do one better. rocks the socks off Bert Parks with The grandeur and majestic one of, the year's best rockers. Set strength of the title cut strikes you "Man In the Wilderness" is a with the blistering guitars of By RUDY DURAN Tommy Shaw and James Young. It Don't hang up that old tennis has the classical-progressive style of racket yet. Yes, but unlike Yes, the group You will be given a chance to ma'tcl)es its technical prowess with show

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J' I' r-' rI' '"' ... Centers For The Trench Hogs I ~ ! I ~ N... ,D" E -"0. Ryan: Man In The Middle VJ" 0 .0 0 By CAROL PAVELETICH "Trench Hogs" means the front for helping Lobo athletes, but said your team stands nationally," Ryan ...J LOBO Staff Writer line digs in and ,hits low," Ryan that all too often the general at­ said . .?;> "@ "Adios Lobos" printed in Sports said, proudly wearing his ''Trench titude after games is "we won" if Ryan said the Lobos concentrate Ci Illustrated doesn't bother Lobo Hog" T-shirt. · the Lobos came out on top, and only on one team at a time; "If you 0 u football center Tom Ryan. In fact, Ryan came to UNM in 1975 from "they lost" if the team drops a look too far ahead, the team suffers ·;;; Ryan feels the term "Trench Hogs" Richards high in lllinoi&, where he victory. a mental breakdown, and if that ::E" is a better description for the Lobo played at guard and tackle. Ryan Ryan said that the total team happens, no one can give I 00 per offensive line. was recruited by two Illinois effort is a must in football, and cent." z" The term "Trench Hogs" was schools, but decided on the Lobos both the offense and defense do the Ryan feels one of the main given to the Lobo offensive line last because he "needed to get away," best they can at attaining a com­ strengths of this year's Lobo of­ " spring by one of the Lobo coaches. Ryan said he looked at UNM and plete group effort, whether they fense is it is young, and therefore "'Oll liked it, and has never regretted that win or lose. strong. Despite the tough schedule c.."' he chose New Mexico. "If you don't go into a game the Lobos hav·e faced so far, Ryan The Lobo center is an industrial with the attitude that you're going feels it will be an asset to the Lobos education major. Ryan is 20 years to win, then there is no need show­ when they enter into the WAC old, 6-2 and weighs 230 pounds. ing up on the field. It's a team schedule. Ryan was ~ wrestler in high school effort and you need all II {on each Ryan's attitude toward the rest of .and was involved in track, but unit), giving their all, in order to the season is optimistic. H~ thinks chose football as his major sport. Lobo Center win," Ryan said. the Lobos will play well in their Ryan played Freshman ball for Tom Ryan Ryan is still optimistic about the upcoming games. the WolfPups and suited out for Ryan feels that Bill Mandt is Lobes even though the team had If Ryan's attitude of "Do the varsity games as a back up for doing a fine job as Lobo head suffered a couple of devastating best you can in order to win," is a Edgar Bell. He played quick-guard coach, but wishes that the Lobos losses. He would rather play strong, renection of the feelings of the as a sophomore and then replaced could get more support from the nationally ranked teams and lose, entire UNM squad, then New Dave Green at center when Green UNM students. He is really pleased than play easy schedules, and win. Mexico fans can still expect a good · graduated. with the Alumni program designed "At least that way you know how showing from the Lobes • Golf Is Berry's World. NewMexica By DOROTHY FEINBERG LOBO Sports Writer Berry feels that it's a neat experi­ UNM woman golfer Barbara ence to win and to feel that you've Daily Laba Berr,· started playing golf twelve accomplished something on your yea· ago when only an elite few own. She also said that it's great to played golf in Carlsbad, New be part of the UNM team and that The New Mexico Daily Lobo Mexico. . team goals help the individual as Berry played against amateur well. will be sent to your home, or turned professional Nancy Lopez Kathy Whitworth, a LPGA anywhere in the country every when Berry was 21 and Lopez was golfer, has influenced Berry the II at the New Mexico Amateur most over the years. day this semester for $6.50 or Championships. Berry loves the outdoors, that's for two semesters and weekly Berry is a very well-rounded one reason the game of golf and her athlete who started playing golf in go so well together. during the summer session Carlsbad through her mother's in­ Woman GtJtlf~, This weekend the UNM women's for $10.00. Subscriptions may fluence and persistence. Berry also . Barbara Berry golf te~m will travel to Durango, played softball for several years and Berry won the New Mexico Colo., to play .in a dual meet with be . placed in Marron Hall was the All-Regional Most Amateur Golf Tournament twice ·Brigham Young. Valuable Player for her team, .the and is in her second year on the The top six Lobo women are room 131, or may be mailed UNM golf team. J akers in 1970. going to the tournament. They are Berry also said she'd Hic:e to teach to: Berry played the position of the following: Berry, Sherri .... catcher for the McDonald Jokers elementary school physical educa­ Chandler, Nancy Romero, Kim tion, and at the present time she's Eaton, Cindy Kelliher and Patty New Mexico Daily Lobo team. Berry also participated in student teaching at El Dorado high Curtiss. UNM Box 20 . bowling and was a state champion. school and Governor Bent The women will play thirty-six "Golf was so different when 1 elementary. Berry also said she'd holes of golf in the tournament and University of New Mexico first started playing. Now it's like to teach golf to younger their scores will count towards Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 fantastic," Berry said. children. qualifying for nationals in Florida. Former Signal Caller Myer To Start For Seattle Seahawks A professional starting quarter­ get into the No. I position," Myer regular season,game, but managed back job is something that former said. II of 30 passes for 101 yards during Lobo Steve Myer has always Headcoach Jack Patera said he the pre-season. wanted and now has, but he got it felt Myer was ready despite not The Seahawks waived veteran in a way he did not want. having any experience. Bill Munson, giving the back-up "I feel ready and confident," resl?onsibilities to Myer. The Cultural Program Committee The Seatle Scahawks regular Myer said. "I have confidence in myself and The Associated Students UNM quarterback, Jim Zorn, injured his Zorn is expected to be out of my teammates. I feel very fortunate ·left knee tackling a Cincinnati action for about three to four to start. Of course the whole ob­ Bengal who had intercepted a pass. weeks.' jective is to win. It's not how many Popejoy Hall Myer got the job as a result. M yer, a fourth round draft passes you complete or your per­ "This is not the way I'd like to choice, has yet to appear in a centage. That doesn't make any Present difference," Myer said. Myer will make his debut in !t_'ft'ft~'i''ft'lo'ft+'i''i''f''ft'ft'ft'ft'it'fttf''ft'fti: Seattle's Kingdome against the Out of· Step ~ "' Denver Broncos. iJo cfl The Seahawks are coming off a REFU NOS cfl 42-20whippingbytheBengals. Perpetrated By .,_~ J&. ~:;'., ..r. Zorn was injured late in the ~ ~.: · ··-:~ N M p I RG J:-11 contest tackling Lemar Parrish. ~ "'" Zorn's injury was said to be a Michael Brown l)t partial ligament tear.

1)- The folks who brought you ell z~;;~~it~~es are for the birds," '· ~ -' A multi-media, historical, musical d. ..r. Myer said that if he was in Zorn's ~ • The Renters Guide "~" . resume of the most famous frumps,. .,_ • The Child Care GUide ..r. place he would have just pushed frauds, conm~n and-eccentrics in our ~ "~" Parrish out of bounds instead of Qe • The Market Basket Survey e(l tackling him. ·fc .. comes iller time. past. Satire Jtr songs. if you miss it 1)- • The Birth Control Handbook e(l "What happened is just un- -you're a lunatic. .,_ • The Cost Of Education Survey ..r. fortunate for the whole •team," ,, . "'" Myer said. ~ ' Sunday Octob.ar 9 8•15 p m • will give a $2 re;und check to any student who does:!! ~==:::;::::==::=7:::;::;:::;::::::; ' ' " • • • 1)- not wish to be a NMPIRG member at the SUB TICKET"'" 1-Anyone interested in for· . . Tickets $3.00, 4.00, 5.00 Qe OFFICE between 10:00 am & 4:30pm beginning Mon., .fs ming an Irish Republican @19n Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ents with Act.·v,·ty Car· ds t2... Sept. 19 Thru Fri. Sept. 30 UNM Student ID Required ..r.·.· Club (support organization UNM Stud ~ ~ fo;· SinnFein the Workers 1/2 price 1)- c:(~. · Party, political arm of the Of- . cfl fica I Irish Republican Army) 2 7 7 3 1 2 1 5 1 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiieiiiil.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-'1 :tf!t:t .J, f!1:. .J:.+.,t. .§:..§:. ..J:t.J:. ** 4-t.J:t .J:..J:.t!t ++ + ~ ...... ~-~e-7 ~6_ :_og_~_: 8-~-~~--~..... a~..... ~a_d_le_y _at-!

'· ., '''

:... : l t-- l: t-- 0\,..... Rates: 15c per word pet do.y, Jl minimum. 5 or mote consecutive days, ~ 9c per wotd per day N.... TDDAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLB Q) (no·refunds If canceled befote 5 Insertion~) • ..0 E Terms: ccuh.ln o.dv.,.nc ...... Q) . -~•o.dlln"' 12 noon tot ne~t day's papet mattan .Hall tm. 105 Q. Q) C/J RESllRVED PARI. prices in town. Fast, pleasing. Call 265-2444 or rmes. Caii29S-6669. 9/30 Must he over 21 ycur.l tlld. Apply in pcr,cm, 110 UNITI;D Feature Syndicate phone cnll~. SAVI\·WAY liquor .ll3. A~ for ·xQJ Chris, 9/30 li's I he Planers for your \lancing pleasure ar NEO'S ACROSS 50 Like better Wednesday Puzzle Solved: :E 'til2 A.M. this week! 912!1 PART TIME SALESMAN hr l!lCil's wenr, Inquire 52 Cinema ::: 4. HOUSING Richmun Bmlhcrs, 122 Cor()nn!lr> Ccn!cr. Some 1 Of men ··· ff.'lature S E w s R A M I S L A N G QJ STUDY IN QUITO, Ecuador, at UNM's Andean c.~pericncc prcl'crml, I0/5 z Center, Spring 1978. Informal fori, 229 Ortega Hall. LOVELY bedrqom. Kitchen privileges, quiet, near 5 .Compress 54 Secured with A L 0 p U N I T p E D Au 277-2636 10/28 Coronado & Winrock, $60,00/ml!nlh. 268· 9 Banana leaf string E \0 L 0 H A I NeM I N A T CHINA FAIR HEIGHTS Community Center, 823 6223 9/30 7. TRAVEL fabric !:16 Charge with a A P E R N U T 0 L D M E N QJ Buena Visla SE, Movie, food, craft sale, Oct. lsi, FENCED 2 bclrm. Kids, pets, five minu'lcs Ia clas~. 14 Lab, chemical duty ~ 10-5. 9/29 $160.00. 262-1751, Valley Rentals, $~0.00 CAR POOl. TO SCHOOL! I.T,C, 12·6, 26$- 15 Employ 59 Leisurely D E N T ~~ R 0 T p ll.. fcc. 10/5 S A U L Rlfi.S 0 A FINAL SUMMER CLEARANCE. SO"'o off summer 9R61l. 10/J 16 Large room 62 Interjection C A P R E A P S T 0 R S 0 clothe,,, lai' chi slippers, $2.50. Wild Rose, 2910 l.ARGE I bdrm., all ulilitlcs paid. $125.00. 2 blocks CHRISTMAS Fl.IGHTS~ Think now, fly laler! 17 Canada and of distaste • Cenlral SE, 255-1122, 9/29 to UNM. 262-1751, Valley Rentals, $30.00 Rcservnrln11s al llltcrcontincnt;tl Travel Centre, 12- Allstralla, 64 Spud ORA~FREE~ATE ASTROLOGY CLASSES, evenings, Beginning, fcc. 10/5 6. 265·9R60. 10/3 once 65 Ashen as with S E G U E T tti:A T I M advanced, 292-0266 after 6 p.m. Mictrael, 9/30 UNM SPECIAL. 2 bdrms., garage, fireplace, fenced I>ENVER;FJV\NKFURT Christmas Charter, 19 Work with the · anger T A E L P E S A R G 0 GUYS & DOLLS-University Singles Club Is here. If for pels. $210,00. 262·1751, Valley Reolal~. $30.00 $445.CK> round trip. R~scrvatinos lmercl>ntinental hands 67 1NT L UJ.tt D S E R F S you like to party, have fun, & meet people like fcc. 10/5 Travel Centre, 12-~. 265-'1~6(), -10/J 20 Friendship 70 Modify V A s S A L D I D H I l E yourself, wrile ro us for all the free del ails, I'.0. NON-SMOKER to share clean house, 842- 21 Equilibrium 71 Lose Interest • I N 0 M P L E T E I C A L Box 12669, Gainesville, Florida 32604, ·10/10 8~63. 10/5 c organ 72 Flat S T A M p A N HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Barbie Stepka, Sepl, 29th. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE in South Valley, $75,00. One 8. MISCELLANEOUS T E N A I I. 23 ---- City73 Skin disease A I R E S S T 0 p I L L S M.W. 9/30 roommate needed. Call24J-18~3. 9/30 Calif. com-. 74 Fill by packing NON-SMOKERS CLUDI897-0l31. 10/3 STAINEP GLASS mini-elms. Sepl. 24, copper foil technique. Oct, I, lead technique. 10-J. $13.$0 per munity 75 Cleave 12 Newscastle 41 Hockey posl- FREE B wk. old female, German shorlhai~ FOR class. Stnincd Gla~s Co of New Mexico, S:il9 24 Deep blue material lion: 2 words pUppy, Call BBl-3614 afler 3 p.m. 9130 5. SALE Mennal NE, 883·1110, 9/30 shade DOWN 13 Mr. Gump 43 Rotate WARGAME emhuslasts are hilrd to find. Call 247- SINGER FUTURA zigzag scwipg machine. Tor or POETS, WRITERS, ARTISTS. plHrtogrllphm. If 27 Hindu god: 18 Synthetic 46 Garland 2697. 10/4 line, slill guarameed. Auro, bobbin winder, com· you, want a campi!S Olllicl for Yottr w11rk, we need Var. 1 Feminine title cloth 48 Quarrel CONTACTS?? CASEY OPTICAL Company, 255· puteritc\1 buiJonholer, IOO's "f fancy 5iltchc.. Reg. your help in cstuhlishing a new student lilcrary/ans 29 Handsome 2 New Mexican 22 ---Van 51 Hockey 8736. tfn $800.00; now$150.00Cash, 821·4256. 10/4 ma~a,Jnc. Call l,eslic. 299-4773 or Gayle, 292- young man native Winkle official: lnJ. 1nn · HOMECOMING 1977 includes concert appearances 20 USED POR,TAOLE TVs, $30 10 $60. 441 31 Himalayan 3 Tending to 25 ---- Informal by I he Gra!eful Dead on Oclobcr 7 and War/Tower Wyoming NE, 255·5987. lOllS FREE KITTENS. 296-3422. aflcr 5 p.!n. 9129 animals restrict about 53 Art gum of Power on Ociober 14, Tickcls for these UNM UNBELIEVABLE! ONLY $650.00 l/4 acre lot in STU!)ENT l.IDERl'ARIAN PARTY. 2)i.t\, SUD, 35 Fiery 4 Used the blue 26 Spring and 55 Eatlng-p,ans • Arena concerts are available ar 1he UNM SUB and Rancho de Taos Eslute~. Call Chris nt 842-9416 or 7.9 p.m .. Thurs. Sepi. 29. Fc>r a ralionUI pnllticul 37 Protuberances pencil neap 57 Number Popejoy Hall box offices· and at all Tickelmaster 2(,,,.)407, 9/29 syMem. 9/29 oullels, 9/30 39 Unsophisti- 5 Ho --- 28 Dutch name 58 Course SINGER FEATHERWEIGHT sewing machine. Per· NATIVE AMERICAN STUDENTS picnic, Suntlay HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANNE. 9/29 cated Minh: Asian prefix 59 Shut with feel ror dorm Of aparlmelll. E~cellenl cundilion, Ocl, 2, 1977. Mcc1. m Kiva Club u1 12:30, lr you 40 Infamous leader 30 Pre-final con- force CASH FOR CLEAN 1967 VW Dusorpiekup. Engine $75,{)(), 265-l 609 9/JO need a ride or direclions. Potluck and BYOB, Main 42 Pardon 6 Spanish river tests: lnformal60 Kind of bean condition unimporlam, 256-0768. 9/30 HP·2S. All acccmlfies. Very reasonable. 24.Z· llinsnred by the llaha'l Studcllt Assudallon, 256- 7593. 9/30 47 Nose doctor's hills 35 Succor 66 Ike UPRIGHT PIANO. Good tone, 5275.00. Antique concern 9 Call for 36 Completely 68 Supporting 2. LOST AND FOUND Vlclorian bureau, mahogany, $160.00, 165· 5126. 10/3 49 Daughter of 10 Handkerchiefs finished 69 Actor--- FIND YOURSELF in l~e Peace Corps. Orlega 233. Cadmus 11 Athena title ·38 Inasmuch as Ayres 277-5907. fs PIPE COLLECTION: slraighl grains: a bcautlrul scr! Including Savinelli autograph, Punto Oro & LOST 9120, SUB; ladles turquoise watch. ~lrcme Dclu~e: GBD ebony, GOD second, and IRC, Nice scnrimcmal value. Reward offcrecl. Please, please, price for !he sci. Call266-3679, eves. 10/3 relurn if found! 243-2177. 9/30 DUE TO DIVORCE. Will sacrifice equity, Red LOST orange backpack, SUB bookshop. ,. Cla,<1c Ill and atlnchments. Assume paymerlts or 3497. !1/30 $7.00mouth, new guaranlee. 268-4394. 10/4 FOUND: Texas lnstrumenls C:alculatorl Cia your NEW SONY TRINATRON. Unclaimed lay-a-way. brain. 277-2787. 9/30 Color TV, brand new, guaranlce, no down pay· LOST GERMAN SHEPHERD, female, black & tan, ment. $7.75 per month till balance Is paid orr. 268· large car~. l.ost near Carlisle & Lead, Reward. 266- 4393. 10/4 1438, 881-9882. 10/4 PIONEER STEREO SYSTEM. Reposm~~d, lake FOUND: prcscriplion eyeglasses on windowsill out• nvcr payment~ of$7.00 m(lnth. 266·5872. 10/4 ~ide Zimmerman Library. Name In frnme, PLANT LA YOFI', Viking sewing machine, open arm "Rosie.'' Claim Marron Hall, Rm. 105. 10/5 deluxe. S1rc1co Mltche~. new guarnalcc, Take over LOST: male dog; medium site, long red-brown hair, payment~ orSi.OO per mont]!. For information 266- white muzzle ches! and paws. Collar, tags. Pete,. 5&71. 10/4 255-1083. I0/5 ASI'EN DR·35. Aconitic wthard shell case. 266· 9844, 10/5 S('ARIHC:E. 1975 Pinto wagon, Many extras. 3. SERVICES $1800.00. 299-0401. 9/30 QA TYPING SERVICE. A complclc typing and YARD SALE. Housekeeping oddiments: wine cdilorial system, Technical, general, legal, medical, gla11e1, kirchcn lUppliel, cur1ain1, elc. Truly cheap. schola

COPIES 31f2c ... Overnight D1?W "~n KINKO'S HAYA'r SHALOM Makers of Hand Made . NoMinimum Indian Jewelry Recor.ded Message 2312 Cent. SE 268-8515 OLDTOWN Phone 296-8568 New Mexico Daily LObo

Please place the following classified advertisement in the New Mexico Daily Lobo times(s) beginning , under the heading (circle one): 1. PPrsonals; 2. Lost & Found; 3. Services; 4. Housing; 5. For Sale; 6. Employment; 7. Travel 8. Miscellaneous. Want Ads say it in ·a Big Way!!

Classified Advertising Rates I5c per word, $1.00 minimum charge Terms Cash in advance

Hours: 8:30A.M. to 4:30P.M. Monday thru Friday Marron Hall, Room 105 Mail To Enck>SP.d $ _...... ,._ Placed by_. ----Telephone UNM Box 20, University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 ·
