University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1977 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 9-29-1977 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 29, 9/ 29/1977 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 29, 9/29/1977." 81, 29 (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977/108 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1977 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' . "' SPECIAL CO:LLillO'rlOMS I ... ,.~ i1 RF,p 2 91.. ;' ·~ ' R.lg,lJ,t~~~ .. ".~vRheld ~ I I ....c: . SPECJAt · B 'D M. FLYNN · longer considered hitn a member o. f -::. «JOLLEOTIO:mt . Y · ' ' · . · · · ' ...... LOBO Asst. News Editor the staff." ' .: : 8. The State· .Supreme Court ruled · Attorney for the plantiff, ._. ttiat. the public has a. basic right to ~icheal Rosenberg, w'ill be meeting examine government files ·· and ~tth Newsome later1 this week to docum~nts while it upheld UNM's, pl~n a co?rse of act)on: Ne~some right t() withhold certain con- satd he wtll sue the ~mverstty .for fidential materials on personneL court costs, legal fee~ and posstble files. da~ages. , . UNM student ·Tom Tit ruling was made in the case of . · I do~ t . thmk 1 recetved an 'I Thomas News.ome a UNM student opportunity to. present my case Newsom: "f:m .going to who filed suit. ~gainst Phillip fully in .. municip,al court/" make .II demand for the 18C0Tds again. l.f they nJfuss, Alarid, UNM personnel director on N~~~ome s~td. I Oct. 6, 1975. .. I m gomg to rna~~ a demand I'm going to · ask that 11 Newsome, a fonner reporter for for the , recor~s agatn. If they criminal penalty be im­ 1 the" LOBO, shouts be granted' the reru~e, I m gomg t?: ask th,~t a posed." right to .inspect portions of per- cr~mmal penalty be tmposed, he sonnet records that are nor deemed satd. confideniial or exempted by law, H.e sa~d ~he case has cost. htr_n the court ruled. $320, whtch mcludes $50 he pmd hts While working on a story for the attorney. LOBO Photo by q, M. Flynn LOBO, Newsome requested· per- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sonnet files of UNM employ~s with the purpose of matching their qualificatjoqs with the pub~ic job New Mexico descriptions, Newsome said Wednesday. The files were turned over to him DAILY\ by Alarid after the medical and 'I Thursday, Sep~ember 29,1977 arrest · records, recommendation . letters and matters of opi,nion were removed from theJiles, Alarid said. The recent decision by the Supreme Co,urt upheld Alarid's· original decision to withold certain confidential materials in personnel ASUN.M files, Alarid said. Among the exemptions were military records (including type of . ApproP,riations for 3 Campus Groups disharge), letters . of recom­ mendation (confidential letter from previous employers), and matters · Ruled Unconstitutional by Student ·Court of opinion. The court ruled that . 'the right to inspect public records By ROB~RT R. LEE bu~get deficit. Williams argued that he had vetoed the four bills on Sept. must be freely allowed,'' Justice LOBO Saafr Writer H, not knowing when they had be~n passed. · Mack Easley said in his opinion. The ASUNM Court ruled Tuesday the appropriations bills passed by the The ATM, veterans and IF-PC bills were passed Aug. 31 and the at- "The definition of public records ASUNM Senate for the attorney g~neral's salary, A TM Business Club, torney general's salary on Sept. 7. The Black Student Union bill was also in State Law 71-6-2 (C) is so broad UNM Veterans Association aQd the Inter-Fraternity and Panhellenic passed Aug. 31. Williams said he did not sec these four bills until Sept. 8, as to materials subject to preser­ •counci Is (IF-PC) are noUaw. , and assumed they had all been passed Sept. 7. • , vation by the Records division that The Senat~. was to recoilsider these bjlls ·at .JasNlight's SeJJate rn~eting. , Considering the appropriations too high,· Williams returned ·llll five bills· ' it covers trash in the waste basket," ASUNM .President Tom Willia!DS said Tuesday he would ask the Senate to to the senate Sept. 14, he said. The senate amended the bills, returned them the opinion said. · also reconsider the' Black Student Union appropriation, which Ite signed to Williams, and on Sept. 16 Williams signed the BSU bill. The Custodian of the records, into law on Sept. 16. Also on Sept. 16, and after he had signed the BSU bill, Williams said, the opinion · said, makes the final The purpose of the court hearing was to decide whether the attorney Mike Roeder of the New Mexico Union Business Office informed him the descision in determining the cir­ general's salary, the ATM, veterans and IF-PC bills had in fact become senate would have a budget deficit if all live bills were allowed to become cumstances under which the law without Willliams signature. The ASUNM Constitution provides that law. confidential material in the records bills passed by the senate which are not signed' by the president after seven Williams said he then decided to veto the ATM, veterans, IF-PC and· can be withheld. ~ days .become law. Williams had not signed or vetoed the. bills within that attorney general's bil1s. · . Newsome·- was an intern at the time. It was not until the Sept. 21 senate meeting, \Villlam~ • :.~id r1:r1 he A/buq<~eruqe Journal in the fall of 1~ the bills had become law as passed, the. senate would have had a lcont. on page &I 197 5 when he filed suit against Alarid. He quit his intern position with the Journal because the paper would not lend its name in his support, Newsome said. ..... Newsome was also black­ . bal_led by New Mexico Daily Loao editor Susan Walton (1976-.1977). In the fati of 1976 she said, "1 no f' i' .Ringing •. ·\....·.·.·*'.··,· .. ~ Abort.ion Fund Rattles ·/(eep "~v~ C t 0· ff VA>0 u s " Readers ·~ Protested I. SAN DIEGO ( UPl)-Once a· J ' day the school bell at O'Farrell ~~ ! junior high· school rings out the : ',. letter ''R" in Mo·rse code and that's Mem'bers of the UNM \ the signal for evetyone-studehts; w National Organization .for teachers, janitors and visitors---to . Women (NOW) picket outside stop what they're dding and spend the office of a doctor on the 15 minutes reading. Health and Social Services Principal George Frey said it's a Board who they say made the " new approach to ell.'courage motion to cut off funding for reading, Medicaid abortic.fis. NOW The idea evolved from a members hold that this is .. discussion among teachers of the discriminatory against women need for regular periods of unin­ who are financially unable to terrupted; sustained silence for pay for abortions. They say this reading. "Will Jorce women to resort to "lt's been well received," the • unsafe and self-induced abor­ principal said. tions, In only two areas of the school ~.; has the reading schedule presented a problem~in Physical education ·~' and among cafeteria workers. '\' "The workers have things have things cooking. Things they hitve to ·' watch over, H.J<rey said. "Our custodial staff stops what­ ever they're doing, and reads, also I my secretaries, the counselors. )I 1' I I· I 1 ".J' l American's Life Threatened '~CD~CLLD Red Army Seizes Jet ~~~·~ I •• < 'I 'I -"' DACCA; Bangladesh Japanese government had agreed to I which the terrorists twice extended By United PreSf;. International (UPI)-Japanese Red Army their demands for a $6 million a deadline to begin killing their __::, guerrillas holding 155 hostages ransom. Airport officials said the prisoners, ·~ aboard a .Japan Air lines ·DCA iet­ Hijackers were holding out for the Peace Sought in N.lreland -; liner told airport authorities early release of nine comrades jailed in The Japanese Cabinet agreed to ,. .~ Thtirsday tjley plarined to execute J~pan as well as the money. pay the ransom but did not decide . LONDON - Britain and Ireland Wednesday pledged to work '5 an American Jew within hours The guerrillas hijacked the plane whether to free the prisoners. jointly to bring an end to eight years of bloodshed in Northern Ireland ~ because all th<;ir demands had not on a Paris-to-Tokyo flight shortly and Britain promised to restore self-government to the embattled six C been met. · after a stopover in Bombay. They The decision was made at an countries of the North. Z: Authorities identified the hostage later forced the jetliner to land in emergency meeting of Prime The agreement came at the end ofthe daylong talks between British ';; only as John Gabriel and tole news­ Dacca. Minister Takeo Fukuda's Cabinet · ·Prime Minioter Jameo Callaghan and his Irish counterpart Jack . g- men at the Dacca airport that he In a statement given to airport held in the pre-dawn hours in Lynch at no. 10 Downing Street. "- was a friend ·of President Carter. officials,. the hijackers said they Tokyo, Violence between the province's two-third's Protestant'majority Authorities released no further were determined to "free the and one-third Roman-Catholic minority population has cost nearly information on the hostage. Japanese people from oppression." Chief Cabinet Secretary Sunao 1,800 dead and between 18,000 and 20,000 injured in the past eight The Red Army hijackers made The statement said that despite Sonoda said word had been relayed years.
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