Summer 20212020/21 Issue 4

Summer Newsletter Principal’s Welcome As we close for the summer break, after what has been a challenging year for us all, I feel that it is right and fitting to end on a positive note. I hope that this newsletter helps to share with you all, just some of the wonderful achievements and experiences that students have had. I’m proud to announce that this week we saw the appointment of the new Head Students, James Whitmore and Maria Apostol, for the academic year 2021/22. Along with the newly appointed Deputy Head Students, Amy Trumper, Jess Barrie and Jodie Carter. This was not an easy task with some strong competition. Congratulations! After years of working towards this and completing the rigorous process of application, interview and staff votes, the new Head Students are a credit to us all. Have a great summer! Well done to all those who applied. School returns from 6th September

Enjoy reading and sharing all the successes Return Date Year Group within as you relax over then next few Monday 6th September 7 weeks. Tuesday 7th September 11 I look forward to seeing you all in Tuesday 7th September 9 September. Wednesday 8th September 10 Wednesday 8th September 8

INSIDE THIS ISSUE • Dr Frost • Monster Kickabout • Alumni News • Maths Competition • Thank you to Wickes • Y11 Leavers Party • Primary Partnership • Transition Zoom • Art Club • Virtual Work Experience • Gardening Club • Forest School • Lottery Donations • Life Studies • Geography Models • Summer Reading and more...

Lostock Hall Vision 2020-21 LHA will be the local secondary provider of choice. We will equip all our learners with the knowledge, skills, values and behaviours to achieve their full potential in a safe, stimulating and supportive environment. Educating the future, Academy students will be proud to achieve a successful career path through transition into work or training in all walks of adult life. Virtual Work Experience James saw one of the virtual Podcasts, Film & TV and work experience opportunities Events. During these sessions, posted on the school bulletin and I was shown the various applied for a number of them, places that a virtual session the ones he talks about in this could take place, for example article were offered by the BBC the journalism session and related to careers in the arts hosted by Katie Thistleton and creative industries. James is was held in her home and and could be the future of work one of a number of students who Chris Stark’s podcast session was experience in years to come. For has the drive and determination held in an Indian restaurant in now as programs such as Zoom to succeed even when the the middle of London while he are far from perfect, I believe pandemic stopped our traditional was recording his podcast with after the pandemic comes to a work experience this year. Well former professional footballer close, the in person aspect of life done to him and all the other Yr Peter Crouch. This shows that it will come back into play. Although 10s who made this effort; you is also convenient for the host of just for the entertainment will stand out to colleges and these sessions as they could hold industry, BBC Get In is a great employers. Mrs Tucker. them at home or on the job. way for aspiring people to get an apprenticeship at the BBC and Although the pandemic has In the sessions, advice was a key possibly a job there or at another stopped most things in the world, part of the information given workplace down the line. work experience - it has not! Even out to the viewer of the webinar, though it’s not even remotely for example; particular pieces These last 5 sessions which I have similar to the real thing, virtual of advice that kept cropping taken part in, I have thoroughly work experience on programs up were: Be passionate, work enjoyed, and I hope that I will such as Zoom are the next best hard, ask questions, build your take part in more as I get closer thing to giving people answers connections with the industry to the end of high school as they to questions about a certain job and people who work within it, are convenient for me as I don’t while being in the comfort of do it because you love it, apply have to go anywhere to listen their own homes. for anything to get a grasp on a in on the information, and it is career in the industry and always, also convenient for the host, Recently, I took part in BBC Radio always be yourself. as they can even be taken on 1’s Big Weekend Career advice the job, even if the job is in an sessions, in which I listened into As a whole, I think virtual work Indian restaurant in the middle and took notes on 5, one hour experiences and advice sessions of London… sessions: Journalism, Radio, are good in the current climate Career Path - Jessica Lawler

My name is Jessica Lawler and I left Academy in 2019. I have recently finished my second year at , where I studied A-Level business, early modern history and fine art. Despite the struggles over the past two years, I have had a great time at Runshaw and have had the privilege to work with fellow students and tutors, who have encouraged us to work to the best of our abilities and effectively adapt in these unprecedented times. Furthermore, I have acquired and developed many new skills, including critical thinking and creative techniques within my studies, as well as employability skills for the future.

In September I will be going on to study Interior Design at Manchester Metropolitan University, where I will be taught by practising designers and architects about various aspects of interior design, such as interior architecture and set design.

It is thanks to the continued support and valuable teachings from the staff at both Lostock Hall Academy and Runshaw College, that I have been able to have the opportunities to be in the position I am, taking my next steps in the creative industry. Year 7 Geography 3D Models

Congratulations to all the Year 7 PQP Geography students for their excellent work this term.

The students have been working in groups, to produce 3D models, to illustrate their study work into how rivers shape the land, the river basin and river features.

The quality of the work is superb! Well done Year 7 - Noah , Sophia, Lucy, Thomas, Liam, Kara, Ashton, Kien, Scott, Rosie, Louise and Isabella. Monster Kickabout in P.E.

Students recently took part in the ‘Monster Kickabout’, an action packed football initiative for secondary schools across the country, sponsored by Nike and Sports Direct. To help run the event, the PE Department were fortunate enough to win an equipment pack worth £1,000 containing footballs, bibs and a £200 voucher to help run the 5-day extravaganza of football! Over the course of the week students participated in a range of football inspired activities - from lunchtime skill schools to mini-tournaments taking place in schools up and down the country. The event was endorsed by Premier League legend Eric Cantona, alongside football stars Jordan Henderson, Jack Grealish and Bruno Fernandes who have all shown their support. Mrs Blackburn has put together a ‘skills reel’, which can be viewed on the school Facebook site, featuring many of our superb Year 7 and 8 students performing an array of tricks. Check out our skillls video Life Studies - Aldi UK ‘Design a Lorry’ project As part of Healthy Eating Week , all students in Years 7-10 took part in the Aldi UK ‘Design a Lorry’ project in Life Studies. Students were given the opportunity to discuss what healthy eating looks like and then to create a design that could be submitted for a national competition run by Aldi. Following an extensive selection process, a number of students were selected to have their designs submitted. These included Erica and Alfie in Year 7, Rojenne, Daisy, Efini, Caitlyn and Phoebe in Year 8 & Adam in Year 9. Well done to all those selected, Mr Doyle & Mr Sloan

Knife Crime Presentation

During Life Studies this half-term, Year 9 & 10 received a presentation about knife crime. This was organised by Police and delivered by a national campaigner in the dangers of knives, Byron Highton. Byron has personal experience of losing someone close to him due to a knife attack and he is touring schools in Lancashire passing on this strong message.

The session covered many hard-hitting topics including death, suicide, depression, County Lines, gangs, drugs, alcohol and first aid and our students really engaged in this powerful session. Maths Staff Training Session

On Tuesday 29th June Mrs Archibald and Miss Lomax led a training session for all of the maths staff and teaching assistant along with Mr Burke one of our governors. As part of the session Majed and Hain taught the teachers how to use the algebra tiles to develop mathematical understanding. Having only trialled them in class over the last couple of weeks they both did an amazing job and showed amazing confidence infront of a room full of adults. Well done.

MEM Challenge Lancaster University On Wednesday 7th July Mrs School of Mathematics Archibald was fortunate enough (even though it meant missing the first half of the football!) to attend the presentation evening of the MEM (Maths Education on Merseyside) challenge competition at the University of Liverpool. Out of 548 entries from across the UK Erica in Year 7 put in an amazing entry and came away with a Certificate of Merit for her hard work.

Amy in Year 10 recently took part in a series of afterschool maths revision sessions held at the Lancaster University School of Mathematics. As a reward for full attention at the 6 week Amy received a surprise in dfm the post of a voucher so she can go Well done to all the students shopping. and the Maths Department. Dr Frost Top Scorers Well done to our top scorers in each LHA are currently 17th in the year group. world on Year 7 top scorer - Abigail Parker Dr Frost Maths Year 8 top scorer - with a total of 2758786 Jessica Carter Year 9 top scorer - points and 768847 questions Ruya Mohammed answered! Year 10 top scorer - James Whitmore Primary Partnership in June Lostock Hall Community took part in our Primary Partnership and despite it being a virtual experience this year for most Miss Melling and Mrs Owen managed a visit to one lucky class! Year 5 enjoyed slime making in Science, a Maths murder mystery, scraffito Art and making balloon globes in Geography.

Thank you to all the schools and students who took part it looks like you had lots of fun!

We look forward to seeing our new year 7’s at r umme S OL SCHO @ Year 11 Leavers Party Early last month some of our year 11 leavers joined us for a lovely celebration of their time here at Lostock Hall Academy. Whilst it wasn’t quite the format or venue for the celebration that we had all hoped for it was a super occasion, nonetheless. The students were amazing, and all followed the COVID safety measures that were necessary for the event to be possible. Thank-you Class of 2021! Clay Club Y8 students have been working after school to create clay signs for the gardening club vegetable beds. Made using terracotta clay and glaze, we hope that these will help students learn about the variety fruit and veg being grown here at LHA. The sculpture club will continue after the summer holidays and will expand into creating even more sculptures and art for the school gardens.

Gardening Club

After a relatively short but productive time spent on the LHA allotment it is now time to reflect on our achievements. Over the past four months spent clearing and preparing the beds we have successfully grown the following produce: radishes, potatoes, courgettes, cabbages, wildflowers, sweet peas, a selection of herbs and sunflowers. We are also looking forward to seeing how our pumpkins progress into the autumn and will soon be planning our next planting schedule.

Thanks go to our small but dedicated Year 8 team of gardeners whose commitment and hard work has been invaluable in the progress made. Staff and students have enjoyed spending time outside, interacting with nature and seeing the garden come to life. We are looking for more volunteers, so if you would like to join us you will be made very welcome!

Mrs Heaton, Miss Melling & Mrs E Blackburn Freddie breaks Reading Plus record! Voracious reader Freddie Nicholson (Y7) has become the first student at Lostock Hall Academy to complete the entire Reading Plus programme, clocking in nearly 30 hours of reading and achieving an average comprehension score of 87%. By utilising Reading Plus, Freddie has made huge strides in his reading speed and understanding and is operating at a level expected of a 17 or 18 year old. This truly is a superb achievement in his first year with us at Lostock Hall Academy and we hope his example encourages others to immerse themselves in the pleasures of reading. Year 10 Food Preparation and Nutrition

In their last lesson of the academic year, our Year 10 Food Preparation and Nutrition class practised their presentation skills. They were asked to create a plate that could be served in a high-end restaurant, using a Tunnock’s Teacake as the focal point. I think you will agree, they certainly rose to the challenge.

Well done Year 10, have a great summer and keep cooking!

Thank you to Wickes EXCELLENT ATTENDANCE Well done to you all!

The following students have won a £10 Amazon for 100% attendance for the entire year

7T - Tilly Alveston • 8C - Elisha Collins 9S - Jessica Delaney • 10S - Noah Patchell

The following students have had 100% attendance from 3/6/21 - 16/7/21 and have won a tub of sweets We would like to say a huge thank you to Emilia’s dad who has arranged a generous donation of garden supplies from Wickes in Preston for the 7C - Libby Holland gardening club. 8H - Phoebe Tinniswood 9L - Jesscia Entwistle • 10L - J Hynd Forest School Finale Another successful year of Forest School came to an end on Friday and the boys group celebrated their achievements with a morning playing games, improving their whittling skills and generally having fun in the outdoors. They finished up with s’mores and hot chocolate around the camp fire. Well done to all the students attending Forest School this year. And a big thank you to Rachel and her team for providing such a valuable resource. SUMMER READING LISTS KS3 SUMMERRecommended READING reads for LISTSYears 7- 9KS3 Recommended reads for Years 7-9

Aged 11-13 Skellig – David Almond Northern Lights – Phillip Pullman Tall Story – Candy Gourlay Wonder – R J Palacio The Island at the End of Everything – Kiran Millwood Hargrave A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle Framed – Frank Cotrell-Boyce Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief – Rick Riordan The Star of Kazan – Eva Ibbotson Mortal Engines – Phillip Reeve Walk Two Moons – Sharon Creech Skullduggery Pleasant – Derek Landy Girl, Missing – Sophie McKenzie The London Eye Mystery – Siobhan Dowd The Knife of Never Letting Go – Patrick Ness Aged 12-14 Noughts and Crosses – Malorie Blackman The Owl Service – Alan Garner Booked – Kwame Alexander A Monster Calls – Patrick Ness Coram Boy – Jamila Gavin Tightrope – Gillian Cross How I Live Now – Meg Rosoff The Garbage King – Elizabeth Laird Witch Child – Celia Rees Love Aubrey – Suzanne LaFluer The other Side of Truth – Beverley Naidoo Ruby Holler – Sharon Creech Journey to the River Sea – Eva Ibbotson I, Coriander – Sally Gardner Geek Girl – Holly Smale Aged 13-15 The Great Godden – Meg Rosoff Their Eyes Were Watching God – Zora Neale Hurston The Call – Peadar O’Guilin Boy Proof – Cecil Castellucci To Kill A Mockingbird – Harper Lee The Fault in Our Stars – John Green Grow – Luke Palmer Wilder Girls – Rory Power The Book Thief – MarcusWhy Zusak not be part of Reading Club? Feeling Sorry For Celia – Jaclyn Moriarty Chinese CinderellaWhy – Adeline not makeYen Mah your summer reading more sociable by Junk – Melvyn Burgessreading the same book as your friends? You can discuss Uglies – Scott Westerfieldyour progress, compare notes on characters, and predict Thirteen Reasons Whyhow – it’sJay all Asher going to end! Mr Barnard has multiple copies The Giver – Lois Lowryof the books on these last two pages; if you’d like to borrow copies for the summer, see him before the last day of term.

Why not be part of Reading Club? Why not make your summer reading more sociable by reading the same book as your friends? You can discuss your progress, compare notes on characters, and predict how it’s all going to end! Mr Barnard has multiple copies of the books on these last two pages; if you’d like to borrow copies for the summer, see him before the last day of term. ♥ • ♥ • • ♥ • ♥ • • • ♥ • ♥ ♥ Join the school lottery • It's £1 a week and one of our supporters wins a cash prize every week. Thank you to all our supporters who have raised £5,548.40 so far!

Here’s some of our latest winners, why not join them? ♥ Miss Bamber ♥ Mr Crook ♥ Mr Roocroft ♥ Mr Sloan ♥ Mrs Gorman ♥ Mr Clitheroe ♥ • ♥ • ♥ LHA received another generous donation • ♥• of £32.40 from one of our lucky winners! • ♥ ♥ • • ♥ • • THANK YOU Miss Bamber

School Synergy - Parents Portal

All students, parents and carers have access to Synergy which monitors and supports students at LHA. Please could you read through the slides and log on to Synergy to support your child. If you have any issues with accessing your account, please contact school. Click the links below to see video guide for Synergy Parent and Student Portal Guide