4118 the London Gazette, 9 July, 1957
4118 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 9 JULY, 1957 BELL, Alfred, residing at 16, Doe Royd Crescent, K1LASS, Charles, otherwise know as Sol Klass, and formerly residing at 38, QBrrington Avenue, residing and carrying on business at 8<5, Furze both in the city of Sheffield, ENGINE TENTER. Croft, iFurze Hill, Hove, in .the county of Sussex, Court—SHEFiFtlEiLD. 'No. of Matter—21 of Jeweller and Antique Dealer; formerly trading 1957. Date of (First Meeting—16th July, 1957. ini partnership with another as JEWELLERS and 11 a.m. Place—iQfficial •Receiver's Office, 55, AINTIQUE DEALERS ond'er' <tihe style of Queen Street, Sheffield. (Date of Public Exam- Charles i& Co. from No. 19, Prince Albert Street, ination—15th Aug., 1957. 2 p.m. Place— Brighton, dn the county of Sussex, and1 also in County Court Hall, Bank Street, Sheffield, 1. partnership under theftr own names' as1 SUGIAR (Date of Order for Summary Administration— COMFECnONBRY MANUPACTURERS and 5th July, '1957. •RETAILERS1 from1 No. 96, Clarendon' Road, Soutihsea/in the county of Hampshire; latterly TTMiM, John Brunyee Firth, now residing at 10A, St. carrying on> business on his own account from Oswald Road, Bridlington, now employed! as a the last named address- as a. JEWELLER-, and Salesman, formerly residing at The White FANCY GOODS RETAILER. Court— Cottage, Pembroke Terrace, Bridlington, and BRfflGHTOlN. No. of (Matter—14 of 1957. lately residing and' carrying on business as a Date of Order—28'th June. 1957. Date of FARMER at Balkholme Hall Farm, Howden, Goole, all in the county of York. Court— Filing Petition!—27th March, 1957.
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