Host-Specificity of Monoxenous Trypanosomatids: Statistical
Protist, Vol. 166, 551–568, November 2015 Published online date xxx ORIGINAL PAPER Host-specificity of Monoxenous Trypanosomatids: Statistical Analysis of the Distribution and Transmission Patterns of the Parasites from Neotropical Heteroptera a b b c,1 Eugene Kozminsky , Natalya Kraeva , Aygul Ishemgulova , Eva Dobáková , c,d,e f b,d Julius Lukesˇ , Petr Kment , Vyacheslav Yurchenko , d,g h,2 Jan Votypka´ , and Dmitri A. Maslov a Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, 199034, Russia b Life Science Research Centre, University of Ostrava, 70200 Ostrava, Czech Republic c ˇ Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre, Czech Academy of Sciences, 37005 Ceské Budejoviceˇ (Budweis), Czech Republic d ˇ Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, 37005 Ceské Budejoviceˇ (Budweis), Czech Republic e Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8, Canada f Department of Entomology, National Museum, 19300 Prague, Czech Republic g Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, 12843 Prague, Czech Republic h Department of Biology, University of California - Riverside, Riverside, CA 91521, USA Submitted May 28, 2015; Accepted August 18, 2015 Monitoring Editor: Michael Melkonian Host-parasite relationships and parasite biodiversity have been the center of attention for many years; however the primary data obtained from large-scale studies remain scarce. Our long term investigations of trypanosomatid (Euglenozoa: Kinetoplastea) biodiversity from Neotropical Heteroptera have yielded almost one hundred typing units (TU) of trypanosomatids from one hundred twenty host species. Half of the parasites’ TUs were documented in a single host species only but the rest were found parasitizing two to nine species of hosts, with logarithmic distribution best describing the observed distribution of parasites among hosts.
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