T E I R E S I A S A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies Volume 43 (Part 1), 2013 ISSN 1206-5730 Compiled by A. Schachter ______________________________________________________________________________ CONTENTS Editorial Notes Work in Progress 431.0.01: S. Gartland: The Boiotian Fourth Century 431.0.02: Jose Pascual and Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou: The Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Fourteenth Ephorate Epicnemidian Locris Project FINAL REPORT 431.0.03: Nicola Serafini: La dea Ecate in Beozia: un culto-fantasma? Bibliographies: 431.1.01-60: Historical 431.2..01-49: Literary ______________________________________________________________________________ Editorial Notes: (1) It is a pleasure to present three items of Work in Progress. The first is a summary report by Samuel D. Gartland of a one-day conference on Boiotia in the Fourth Century BC, which he organized and which was held, with great success, at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, 25 May 2013. -- The second is a report by José Pascual and Maria-Foteini Papakonstantinou on the results of the archaeological survey of Epiknemidian Lokris. This small but important region is at last receiving the attention it deserves. -- The third item of Work in Progress, by Nicola Serafini, deals with the evidence for the worship of Hekate in Boiotia, another subject which has long been overdue for close study. (2) Teiresias is now being distributed from a new email address (
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