Textural, Mineralogical and Microfacies Characteristics of the Lower Paleogene Succession at the Nile Valley and Kharga Oasis Regions, Central Egypt
Journal of Geosciences, Osaka City University Vol. 47, Art. 4, p. 39-53, March, 2004 Textural, Mineralogical and Microfacies Characteristics of the Lower Paleogene Succession at the Nile Valley and Kharga Oasis Regions, Central Egypt 1 Ibrahim Mohamed GHANDOUR1,2, Abd EI-Monem T. ABD EL-HAMEED , 2 Mahmoud FARIS 1, Akmal MARzoUK I and Wataru MAEJIMA I Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, 31527, Tanta, Egypt 2Department of Geosciences, Osaka City University, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585, Japan Abstract Four lithostratigraphic successions covering the Early Paleogene time have been measured and sam pled at the Nile Valley and Kharga Oasis areas in central Egypt. They include the Early-Late Paleocene upper Dakhla Shale and the Tarawan Chalk, and the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Esna Shale. There is no marked variation between the grain size distribution of the Dakhla and Esna shales. They are generally composed of medium and coarse silts with small amounts of sand and clay. XRD analysis revealed the dominance of smectite with relatively low contents of kaolinite and illite and sporadic occur rence of palygorskite. Smectite was formed under warm semi - arid climatic conditions. Kaolinite, on the other hand, was formed under tropical to subtropical humid conditions. The relative proportions of smectite to kaolinite are controlled by the hydraulic sorting which concentrates kaolinite in the nearshore and shallow areas and drifts the smectite to deeper settings. The non-clay minerals are dominant by calcite with lower contents of quartz and local occurrences of feldspars. The high calcite content is consistent with the abundant calcareous fossils in the studied sediments.
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