Evaluation of the Commission of the European Union’s Co-operation with Nepal – Country Level Evaluation Final Report Volume 2 – Annexes March 2012 Evaluation for the Commission of the European Union Framework contract for Multi-country thematic and regional/country- level strategy evaluation studies and synthesis in the area of external co- operation Italy LOT 4: Evaluation of EC geographic co-operation strategies for countries/regions in Asia, Latin America, the Aide à la Décision Economique Southern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe (the Belgium area of the New Neighbourhood Policy) PARTICIP GmbH Ref.: EuropeAid/122888/C/SER/Multi Germany Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik Evaluation of the Commission of the Germany European Union’s co-operation with Nepal Overseas Development Institute (Country Level Evaluation) United Kingdom European Institute for Asian Studies Final Report Belgium Volume II Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales Spain This evaluation is being carried out by A consortium of DRN, ADE, PARTICIP, DIE, ODI, EIAS & ICEI c/o DRN, leading company: Headquarters Via Ippolito Nievo 62 00153 Rome, Italy Tel:+39-06-581-6074 Fax: +39-06-581-6390 mail@drn•network.com March 2012 Belgium office Square Eugène Plasky, 92 1030 Brussels, Belgium Tel:+32-2-732-4607 Fax: +32-2-706-5442
[email protected] This report has been prepared by the consortium led by DRN, with Particip, ADE, ODI, ICEI, EIAS and DIE. The core evaluation team comprised of: Jan Douwe Meindertsma (Team leader), Malcolm Mercer, Chhaya Jha and Jonas Lovkrona. The core team has been supported by: Georg Ladj (QA expert); Tino Smail (evaluation coordinator); Sarah Seus and Claus-Peter Hager (junior consultants).