On Course for 2013–14
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October 2012 From the Editor On Course for 2013–14 Welcome to the latest ICOYC Newsletter which focusses on the With all the world’s woes of late, it In the coming time, I would sug- 7th ICOYC Commodores’ Forum is a rare privilege to have the op- gest a few specific activities and which took place at the Royal Southern Yacht Club in Septem- portunity to lead an organization actions to continue fulfilment of ber. We have details of all the as healthy and well supported as our Mission defined above. different aspects of the Forum the ICOYC. I am honoured, and including the main discussion sessions, the guest speakers, the will do my best to see that the Fellowship hotly contested Commodores’ Cup course so well set by my predeces- In terms of ‘fellowship among and the two cruises on the south coast which preceded the Forum. sors and the membership is con- yacht clubs’, by building our com- Mark Inkster, the Commodore of tinued. That ‘course’, I believe, mittee participation we should the RSrnYC, has written an inter- esting piece on his club’s experi- has a few well defined marks to be reach beyond the Council’s core of ence of hosting the Forum, whilst I rounded in the next two years, delegates to involve the members have compiled an overview of the and, with your help, I hope that of our clubs in the Council affairs, delegates’ most memorable as- pects of the event. This edition we can pass each one successfully, and expand the existing cruising also includes details of the sesqu- fulfilling the goals so ably set in efforts to an Interclub Activities incentary being held at the RSYS. the birth of the Council by its Committee to encourage and Most importantly, this edition founders. guide a broader range of interclub ‘leading’ yacht clubs in yachting introduces John McNeill as the new ICOYC President and in his as well as Council-wide opportu- venues not presently represented, opening piece to the Newsletter he During one of the grandest events nities. so that our voice as an organiza- outlines his vision for the Council. of the recent Forum, our banquet tion can be seen to truly represent After serving as Vice President he has taken over from John Stork aboard Her Majesty’s Ship Warri- Discussion that of all leading clubs where and will now lead the ICOYC for or, I was able to briefly outline ‘Discussion of topics of mutual appropriate, while maintaining the next two years. I am sure that you will join me in welcoming him some of the items that I view as interest’ will continue to be para- the criteria that have preserved in his new role whilst at the same most important to the continued mount in producing a continually the conviviality and ‘family’ at- time thanking John Stork for all the hard work and effort he ex- success of the Council. In the few improving schedule of Forums mosphere we value. Further, the pended on behalf of the ICOYC paragraphs below, you will find and Conferences of value to us all, Affiliate membership provided in whilst President. the same points explored a bit and striving to establish active our founding documents should Best wishes, Alison Boyd more in hopes that this plan may interclub communications on now be defined and activated to Newsletter Editor be seen by all, and refreshed in issues both general to the sport assure our role in the broader [email protected] the memory of those at dinner and Council as well as individual, leadership of the sport, and rela- that night. through a private online means of tionships with non-club organiza- sharing information and experi- tions that also support our basic The Council was formed in late ences. mission, and the sport. 2006 after the concept was pre- sented to a Forum in Hong Kong. Increased benefits I hope that you will join me in this Inside this issue: Following the unanimous approv- ‘Increased benefits to club mem- pursuit over the next few years, al of this presentation by the at- bers’, beyond fellowship, are de- and will take up some area of Forum: Membership Develop- 2 ment tending clubs, the Council’s objec- livered in some subtle forms, such effort and involvement that may tives were stated as: as the things we learn from our interest you. There is ample room Forum: Managing Sailing 2 Activities interchanges that help our clubs in this for every person who would The development and encour- to improve. That, of course will accept some small responsibility. Forum: Effective Communica- 3 continue, but we will need to do a If you have a particular interest, tions agement of fellowship among yacht clubs; much better job of communi- or would like to discuss any of the Forum: Strategic Planning 3 cating those benefits as Council above, please do not hesitate to The discussion of topics of Forum: Club Operating Man- 4 benefits to the very members they contact me or any member of the mutual interest to yacht clubs; agement affect. Additionally, we will use Board. Constructive criticism, The delivery of increased ISAF at the ICOYC Forum 4 our best assets, with your help, to good ideas, and thoughtful ques- benefits to members of ICOYC assist club member volunteers in tions are MOST welcome! Best Ever Forum? 5 yacht clubs. their tasks with committees and The 2012 ICOYC Cruise 6 such, by proactively sharing infor- Fair Winds These objectives remain today, RSrnYC Role at Forum 7 mation and experience from although defined in more complex Council archives. Controlling Commodores 7 detail, and still serve us well as we RSYS Celebrates Sesquicen- 8 pursue the Council Credo, ‘The Implicit in the ‘Mission’ is Council John McNeill tenary LEADING Yacht Clubs, Working membership development. We ICOYC President Together, Sharing Experience’. must continue to seek out October 2012, page 2 Forum: Membership Development The first session of the 7th ICOYC Commo- contests between volunteer groups to dores’ Forum at the Royal Southern Yacht strengthen their feeling of belonging to the Club focused on Membership Development – club and the fun factor in volunteer work. ‘It's all about Participation’. Sandringham YC Lively discussions developed in the audience Commodore Chris Carlile gave an overview of as membership is so important to each yacht the Club’s successful attempts to address eve- club. The good as much as the less successful ry age level of members with its own program. examples were welcomed to enable delegates Youngsters are trained in dinghies and are to learn from each other. approached through their favourite media while advancing through the stages from Past Rear Commodore Sailing Jack Edwards learning to sail up to racing. Seniors are also (Royal Thames YC) and Rear Commodore welcomed to learn or improve their sailing, George Dort (St Francis YC) covered the topic but rather on keelboats and guided through of ‘It Really IS Easy Being Green’ with presen- the club’s offerings by traditional mail. Adapt- tations on the Royal Thames Mansura Trophy ing both program and communication meth- presented the club’s successful ‘Active Inter- awarded for excellence in developments in ods to each generation’s needs and habits mediate’ program to the audience. hybrid marine engines, and on the environ- proves to be a most successful scheme. mental program St Francis YC introduced into Commodore Gunilla Antas of Nyländska Jak- their racing. One of the rather difficult groups to win over tklubben in Helsinki and Edith Frilet of Socié- and retain is members who leave the confines té Nautique de Marseille each gave a presenta- The session sparked a lot of interest and fur- of their parents’ home and explore the world. tion on ‘Developing Membership by Social ther exchanges between delegates, some of Keeping them interested in their club calls for and Yachting Participation’. While our Finnish which still continue via email. attention to their special needs. Royal Van- Member Club explained the re-structuring of couver YC’s Past Commodore Jim Burns the club’s member program, the SNM subject Gero Brugmann was a vivid volunteer program and various Norddeutscher Regatta Verein Forum: Managing Sailing Activities The fourth session of the Forum was entitled starts per year than northern clubs. Typically member owned boats, with another 20 racing ‘Managing Sailing Activities’ and consisted of there are about 30 to 40 race days per year. in the harbour. RHKYC was fortunate in that two parts; ‘Effective Regatta Management’ Twelve clubs report hosting one or more days there is a licensed builder of J/80s in nearby and ‘Optimal Club Fleet Optimization’. The of match racing per year and five report occa- China and the club was able to negotiate a session was chaired by Guy Walters, Commo- sional team races. Little was reported on good price for the purchase of six boats. Oth- dore of Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. ocean racing. The number of regional, nation- ers piggy backed on this order and as a result al or world championships hosted seemed there are now 25 or more J/80s in Hong ‘Effective Regatta Management’ represented a quite low relative to the number that must Kong. collation of the responses from nineteen happen annually. member clubs answering a questionnaire that Chris spoke about the fleet of Beneteau 7.5s was distributed in March. The presentation The last question, about rating systems in use, owned by the club and the many ways these was in the form of presenting, and comment- was very interesting in that among the 18 boats are utilized.