Federal Register: 29 Fed. Reg. 13515 (Oct. 1, 1964)

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Federal Register: 29 Fed. Reg. 13515 (Oct. 1, 1964) Pages 13515-13554 F ElISTER NUMBER 192 Washington, Thursday, October 1, 1964 Contents AGRICULTURAL MARKETING COMMERCE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SERVICE See also International Commerce Notices Proposed Rule Making Bureau; Martime Administra- Hearings,etc.: Milk in Greater Cincinnati and tion. Arizona Public Service Co--- 13549 Dayton-Springfield marketing Notices Central Illinois Public Service areas; extension of time for Authority delegations, organiza- Co ---------------------- 13549 filing exceptions ------------- 13535 tion, functions and responsi- Florida Gas Transmission Co__ 13549 Perishable agricultural commodi- bilities: Nemours Corp. et al -------- 13547 ties; license fee -------------- 13535 Assistant Secretary of Com- Northern Utilities, Inc ------- 13550 merce for Administration--- 13540 AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Community Relations Service- 13541 FEDERAL REGISTER Procurement functions ------- 13541 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE See also Agricultural Marketing Public Roads Bureau -------- 13542 Service. CFR. Checklist ----------------- 13517 Notices CUSTOMS BUREAU FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Designation of areas for emer- Notices gency loans: Assistant Commissioner of Cus- Rules and Regulations Minnesota and Nebraska ------ 13538 toms et al.; order of succession- 13538 Hunting in certain wildlife refuge Ohio -------------- -- 13538 areas: DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Klamath Forest, Oregon; mi- gratory game birds --------- 13518 ARMY DEPARTMENT See Engineers Corps. See Engineers Corps. Upper Mississippi River, Min- EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION nesota et al.; upland game.. 13518 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION - APPEALS BOARD FOOD AND DRUG Notices Rules and Regulations ADMINISTRATION General Dynamics Corp.; issuance Employees of Canal Zone Govern- Rules ahd Regulations .of facility license------------ 13542 ment; definitions ....------- 13519 Oregon State University; issuance Food additives permitted in food of facility license ainendment-- 13543 forhuman consumption; methyl ENGINEERS CORPS glucoside-coconut oil ester- 13534 CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making Bridges; Charles River, Mass .... 13518 Juices; definitions and standards Rules and Regulations of identity: Certificated air carriers; uniform FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY Fruit nectars, canned --------- 13535 system of accounts; reporting Pineapple-grapefruit juice drink of indebtedness data --------- 13528 Rules and Regulations Prohibition of air traffic over and and diluted fruit juice bever- Notices in vicinity of Eufaula Dam Site, ages ------------------ 13536 Hearings,etc.: Eufaula, Okla.; special Federal Blocked freight air space tariffs- 13543 aviation regulation ----------- 13519 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Frontier excursion fares case-- 13544 Standard instrument approach WELFARE DEPARTMENT Michigan points "use it or lose procedures; miscellaneous See Food and Drug Administra- it" case ------------------- 13544 amendments ---------------- 13520 TACA International Airlines, tion. SA --------------------- 13544 Notices United States Overseas Airlines, University of North Carolina; de- INTERAGENCY TEXTILE Inc --------------------- 13544 termination of no hazard to air ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE navigation ------------------- 13544 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Notices FEDERAL HOME LOAN Cotton textiles; entry and with- Rules and Regulations drawal from warehouse: Excepted service: BANK BOARD Portugal ------------------- 13550 Agriculture Department ------ 13517 Notices Republic of China------------ 13551 Army Department ----------- 13517 Organization and functions - 13544 (Continued on next page) 13515 13516 CONTENTS INTERIOR- DEPARTMENT MARITIME ADMINISTRATION STATE DEPARTMENT See also Fish and Wildlife Service; Notices Notices Water Resources Research Of- Moore-McCormack Line, Inc.; Chief, Division of Supply and fice. notice of application and hear- Transportation Management; Notices ing - 13540 delegation of authority ------- 13538 Administrator, Southwestern Power Administration, et at; SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE TARIFF COMMISSION notice of basic compensation_- 13538 -COMMISSION Notices INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Notices Window glass from Czechoslo- BUREAU SDM&R, Inc.; hearing, etc ---- 13552 vakia; investigatiol ---------- 13552 Notices SMALL BUSINESS TREASURY DEPARTMENT Pechiney Progil Overseas, S.A., et al.; denial of export privileges-- 13539 ADMINISTRATION See Customs Bureau. Rules and Regulations INTERSTATE COMMERCE Adjudicative procedures; invest- WAGE AND HOUR DIVISION COMMISSION ment companies; miscellaneous Notices Notices amendments -------------- 13518 Certificates authorizing employ- Fourth section applications for Notices ment of learners atspecial mini- relief 13553 Arizona; disaster area declara- mum rates ------------------- 13553 Motor carrier transfer proceed- tion -------------------- 13552 ings 13553 WATER RESOURCES. LABOR DEPARTMENT RESEARCH OFFICE See Employees' Compensation Ap- Notices peals Board; Wage and Hour Associate Director; redelegation Division. ' of authority -------------- 13538 Codification Guide The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date, appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1964, and specifies how they are affected. 1 CFR 21 CFR f CFR Checklist -------------- 13517 1 ---------------------- 13534 Announcing:Volume 77A PROPOSED RULES: '. 5 CFR 27 (2 documents) -------- 13535, 13536 213 (2 docum~ents) ------------ 13517 UNITED STATES 33 CFR STATUTES AT LARGE 7 CFR 03 ---------------------- 13518 containing PROPOSED RULES: 50 CFR Al!~ TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE 103- - 13535 32 (2 documents) ------------- 13518 inQ&4 13535 UNITED STATES Promulgated during the First Session of the 13 CFR Eighty-eighth Congress (1963) 109 ---------------------- 13518 Price: $4.25 14 CFR Published by Office of the Federal Register, 91 [New] -------------- 13519 National Archives and Records Service, 97 [New] -------------- 13520 General Services Administration 241 ---------------------- 13528 Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, 20 CFR Washington, D.C., 20402 501 - --------------------- 13519 Rules and Regulations NS 20 0-39(ev. ,FR Unit sistant to the Personal Physician to the Title 1-GENERAL PROVISIO Supp. (1a. 1,1 ).... ... ... .40 President is no longer excepted under 40-169 (Rev.Jan.1,191) ....... ...... 4.50 Schedule C. The section is also amend- Chapter Il-Administrative Committee Supp. (Jan. 1,1964) -.--.--- -------- 1.00 .ed to show the exception under Schedule of the Federal 170-299 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) ---------- 6.25 Register Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) -------------------- 60 C of one additional position of Secre- 300-499 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) --------------- 4.00 CFR CHECKLIST Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) ----.......------- 40 tary iri the Omce of the Military Aide to This checklist, arranged 50-599 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) --------- 4.2S the President. Effective upon publica- in orde r of Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) ...------------.- .. 30 tion in the FEDERAL REGISTER, subpara- titles, shows the issuance date and ririce Supp.600-end (Jan. (Rev. 1, Jan.19r,4)-- 1. 191)__---................. .------ .------- 3.00..40 of current volumes and pocket sup graph (1) of paragraph (b) is revoked ple- 27 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) ....------------------ 3.00 and subparagraph (2) is amended as set ments of the Code of Federal Reg la- Supp (Jan. 1, 1964) ----.............--- 30 ie 28 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1904) -------------....... .. 0 out below. tions. The rate for subscription sei ice 29 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1964). --------------------- 2.50 to all revised volumes and pocket sup pie- (0--(Rev. Jan. 1, 1959) ------------------- 3.50 § 213.3307 Department of the Army. 1.25 ments issued as of January 1, 196. ,n32 pp. (Jan. 1,1964) ..................... * * * * * $100 domestic, $30 additional for for eig 1-39 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) ------------------- 5.50 mailing. The subscription price for Supp. (San. 1, 194) ---------...... .. 1.25 (b) General. * * * re- 40-399 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) ------------- 4. 00 vised volumes and pocket supplem ants Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) --------.-------------- . 60 (2) One Administrative Assistant and issued as of January 1, 1965, will bia at 400-59 (Rev. Jan. 1,1962) -------------- 3.50 two Private Secretaries to the Military Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) -----------------------. 45 Aide to the President. the same rate. Order from Supe tin- L;90-099 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1962) ------ .----- 4. 25 tendent of Documents, Governn ent Supp. (Jan. 1. 1964). -------------------. 70 (nRS. 1753, sec. 2, 22 Stat. 403, as amended; 402. 700-799 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1962) -------------- 5. 00 Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20 Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) ......----------........ .55 5 U.S.C. 631, 633; E.O. 10577, 19 P.R. 7521, 800-999 (Rev. Jan. 1, 190) --------------- 3.75 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 218) CFR Unit Price Snpp. (Jan. 1, 1964) -----------------. .70 1-4 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1961) ........................ $4.00 1000-1099 (Rev. Jan. 1, 1964)---------.... 1.75 Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) ....................... 1.25 11 00--nd (Rev. Jan. 1, 19062)------------ 4.50 UNITED STATES CIVIL SERV- 3 1938-1943 Cum. Supp ..................... 3.00 Supp. (Jan. 1, 1964) ------------------- .60 ICE COMMISSION,
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