Flora of Moreton Island

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Flora of Moreton Island Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form Dicotyledons . Aizoaceae C Carpobrotus glaucescens pigface herb C Sesuvium portulacastrum sea purslane herb C Tetragonia tetragonioides New Zealand spinach herb Amaranthaceae C Achyranthes aspera chaff-flower herb * Alternanthera pungens khaki weed, bindi herb * Amaranthus viridis green amaranth herb Anacardiaceae * Schinus terebinthifolius broad-leaved pepper low tree Apiaceae C Apium prostratum var. sea celery herb prostratum C Centella asiatica pennywort herb 1 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form C Hydrocotyle acutiloba pennywort herb * Hydrocotyle bonariensis pennywort herb C Platysace ericoides heath platysace herb C Xanthosia pilosa woolly xanthosia herb Apocynaceae * Catharanthus roseus pink periwinkle shrub * Nerium oleander oleander tall shrub C Parsonsia straminea monkey rope climber Araliaceae C Astrotricha glabra low shrub C Astrotricha longifolia star hair bush low shrub * Schefflera actinophylla umbrella tree low tree Asclepiadaceae * Asclepias curassavica red head cotton bush low shrub C Cynanchum carnosum mangrove waxflower vine climber 2 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form * Gomphocarpus fruticosus narrow-leaf cotton bush low shrub * Gomphocarpus physocarpus balloon cotton bush low shrub C Hoya australis native hoya, waxflower climber C Marsdenia fraseri narrow-leaf milk vine climber C Marsdenia rostrata common milk vine climber Asteraceae C Actites megalocarpa * Aster subulatus Wild aster herb * Baccharis halimifolia Groundsel low shrub * Bidens pilosa var. pilosa Cobblers' pegs herb C Bracteantha bracteata golden everlasting herb C Chrysocephalum apiculatum yellow buttons herb * Cirsium vulgare spear thistle herb * Conyza canadensis var. pusilla Canadian fleabane herb * Conyza sumatrensis tall fleabane herb 3 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form C Cotula australis carrot weed herb * Crassocephalum crepidioides thickhead herb C Cyanthillium cinerea vernonia low shrub * Eclipta prostrata white eclipta herb * Emilia sonchifolia emilia herb C Epaltes australis spreading nutheads herb * Erechtites valerianifolia Brazilian fireweed herb C Helichrysum oxylepis herb C Melanthera biflora yellow eclipta herb C Podolepis longipedata tall copper-wire daisy C Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum Jersey cudweed herb Senecio lautus subsp. fireweed, variable C herb maritimus groundsel * Senecio madagascariensis fireweed herb C Senecio quadridentatus cotton fireweed herb 4 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form * Sonchus oleraceus common sowthistle herb * Sphagneticola trilobata Singapore daisy * Tagetes minuta stinking Roger herb * Xanthium pungens noogoora burr low shrub Avicenniaceae C Avicennia marina grey mangrove low tree Bignoniaceae C Pandorea pandorana wonga vine vine Brassicaceae * Cakile edentula Sea rocket herb * Lepidium virginicum Virginian peppercress herb * Raphanus raphanistrum wild radish herb Caesalpiniaceae C Chamaecrista mimosoides herb C Chamaecrista nomame shrub 5 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form Campanulaceae C Lobelia alata angled lobelia herb C Lobelia purpurascens white root herb C Wahlenbergia gracilis sprawling bluebell herb C Wahlenbergia queenslandica herb Cunoniaceae C Bauera capitata clustered bauera shrub Caryophyllaceae * Polycarpon tetraphyllum Four-leaf allseed Casuarinaceae C Allocasuarina littoralis black she-oak low tree C Allocasuarina torulosa forest she-oak low/tall tree Casuarina equisetifolia subsp. C coast she-oak low tree incana C Casuarina glauca swamp she-oak 6 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form Celastraceae C Hippocratea barbata knotvine climber Chenopodiaceae * Chenopodium ambrosioides Mexican tea succulent herb C Salsola kali soft roly-poly shrub C Sarcocornia quinqueflora succulent herb C Suaeda australis seablite succulent herb Combretaceae C Lumnitzera racemosa black mangrove low tree Convolvulaceae Evolvulus alsinoides var. C tropical speedwell shrub decumbens * Ipomoea cairica coast morning glory climber * Ipomoea indica blue morning glory climber prostrate C Ipomoea pes-caprae goat's foot convolvulus climber 7 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form Crassulaceae * Bryophyllum tubiflorum mother-of-millions succulent herb Crassula sieberiana subsp. * Australian crassula herb tetramera Cucurbitaceae * Citrullus lanatus Wild melon vine * Cucurbita maxima Pumpkin vine Dilleniaceae C Hibbertia acicularis guinea flower low shrub C Hibbertia diffusa wedge guinea flower low shrub C Hibbertia fasciculata low shrub C Hibbertia linearis showy guinea flower low shrub Hibbertia linearis var. C guinea flower low shrub floribunda Hibbertia linearis var. C grey guinea flower low shrub obtusifolia 8 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form C Hibbertia nitidula low shrub C Hibbertia salicifolia willow guinea flower low shrub C Hibbertia scandens climbing guinea flower climber Droseraceae C Drosera binata forked sundew herb C Drosera burmannii tropical sundew herb C Drosera peltata pale sundew herb C Drosera pygmaea sundew herb C Drosera spatulata sundew herb Elaeocarpaceae C Elaeocarpus reticulatus blueberry ash low tree Epacridaceae C Acrotriche aggregata red cluster heath low shrub Brachyloma daphnoides C Daphne heath low shrub subsp. daphnoides 9 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form C Brachyloma scortechinii low shrub C Epacris microphylla coral heath low shrub C Epacris obtusifolia common heath low shrub C Epacris pulchella wallum heath low shrub C Leucopogon deformis small star bearded heath low shrub C Leucopogon ericoides pink bearded heath low shrub C Leucopogon leptospermoides tea-tree bearded heath low shrub C Leucopogon margarodes bearded heath low shrub C Leucopogon parviflorus coast bearded heath low shrub C Leucopogon pimeleoides bearded heath low shrub C Leucopogon virgatus common bearded heath low shrub C Monotoca scoparia prickly broom heath low shrub C Sprengelia sprengelioides white swamp heath low shrub C Styphelia viridis green five-corners low shrub C Woollsia pungens woollsia low shrub 10 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form Euphorbiaceae C Amperea xiphoclada broom spurge low shrub C Chamaesyce atoto * Chamaesyce hirta asthma plant herb Euphorbia tannensis subsp. C shrub tannensis Euphorbia tannensis subsp. C eremophila C Petalostigma pubescens quinine tree low tree C Poranthera microphylla small poranthera herb C Pseudanthus orientalis sandhill pseudanthus low shrub C Ricinocarpos pinifolius wedding bush tall shrub Fabaceae C Aotus ericoides common aotus low shrub C Aotus lanigera pointed aotus low shrub 11 Flora of Moreton Island Mangroves & Mangroves Saltmarsh Foredunes Seepage Areas Headland communities & Melaleuca swamp assoc. communities Sedgelands heath Wet & closed Dry heath scrubs woodlands Grassy and Open forests woodlands shrubby sites Disturbed Growth form C Bossiaea ensata leafless bossiaea low shrub C Bossiaea heterophylla
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