161ST PORTAGE COUNTY RANDOLPH FAIR AUG. 20-25, 2019 KET OF F AS UN B #PCRF161 FAIR OFFICE 330-325-7476 www.randolphfair.com
[email protected] ALL ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 6TH AT 8:00 P.M. Fair Friends, I am honored to welcome all fair visitors to the 161st Portage County Randolph Fair. Each and every year the entire Randolph Fair Senior Board of Director’s along with the Junior Fair Board, Auxiliary and many volunteers strive to make our event one of the best in the area. We are able to do this with the support of our community and fair visitors like you. In recent years we have purchased additional property, replaced horse barns, updated safety features in our granstand and created additional asphalt driveways on the grounds. We take pride in our Fair and it shows! This year we are proud to be showcasing our new 22,000 square foot Livestock Complex building. This is a true statement of the hard work the Senior Fair Board along with volunteers do year round and the incredible commitment that we have received from our fairgoers. Members of our community and many businesses have pledged funds in order for us to be able to complete this building. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all who have assisted us in reaching this goal. Please stop by and see this wonderful building that houses Swine, Sheep and Goats and the new sale/show arena! We hope that you take the time to enjoy our wonderful rides on the Midway and of course fair food! Each night we present grandstand shows that can be enjoyed by all ages.