NEWARK POST ---\ '( d=,t':' lE V NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., May 20, 1914 '1.' ~lBER 17

FIELD AND New Rector Installed The Sprinkler Payments Due IAffairs Of The , IA. U. M. P. TRACK MEET By Bishop Kinsman At W k June First Womens College j CONFERENCE .'I' he Hl'v: W. C. JIallpt, form ely or 'I'h t, OUI'St' in )]ome "i ':COllom ics ~t Havl'o de Crace, 1\1ct ., OIl la st ill Ih c })lImmrl' S hoal .1'01' '!'PHeh. (' I'R At I)r lall'fll'c ( 'ol lpge lI'ill he COLORED FOLK IN CONVEN- ALL DELAWARE REPRE- nnday mot'lling 1\' 11 in tal lecll'ec· One or th e most \I' 'Icome sightR Pi·oped)' OW11e1'S who h:w fnil· of til e >!('asoll was the sprinkler I'd 10 IlIlIk!' ilrl'nJl genH, "ls .t01· PH Y' /! iv r ll h.v Ilw dil','rlol' o[ Ih nt ll('· TION AT NEWARK SENTED BY VISITORS Itor or St. 'l'homas' Ohul'ch Newark 1I1I1'11I 1I' llt ill Ih c \VonwlI'R L'olkg(', by: the Right Rev. Frederick i II'lIi ch appefl l' d OIL th, strec1s last 111(' 111 or SCII' l' I' as 'c, 111 ell I will 110tC Monday. ·Wilh the type of road adv('1'liflClIlI' nt i l1 [[l1 ol ht' I' C011l 111n , Miss J\l.v l'lI c \T. .' a1lt1ell. 'l' ,t1il III To Physical Director William J. Klllsman, Bishop of Delawar e. Ih e 'all gl' fol' this CO lil'Sl' lI'ill uc \Vitlt lkkgiltl'S pl·C'.t' lll from ",[e,\ '.1 i'i d ue 1U0st oE the credit H ~adecl by the ve:t1'ymen, Bishop we have at. prescnt antl so much cu llillg n-tte lltion to this 1I1 attel'. It Ill,lawnl'!', P('nll , y"'nnill, l'\ P\I· ,)I'L" olltside antoll lOb il c 'tl'avcl, thro11gh' is illl] el'f1liv (' that thc b,: 'i!lesS be givl'n to Iho. p \\'ho R,'k 1'01' it. fol' II ~ 1'l' lIt sneees of the fir, tan: KIUSOHlIl a uu the Hev. 1\11'. Haupt, A II fll1vi. OI'Y councils [or the Sl')" Nell" YOJ'k and l'U i1IHl,l , tilE' J11 l111 1 I,'!,· 'cho lastic field and track WCI.'e esco l'ted fl'0111 th ve. tibule of Ih e town, the du, l without sOllle r losl'd up and Ih CommiSS ion hfl s 01 11' hUlldl'l'tilh Hilil '·11 . essioll oE 111 (';111 , of: allay il1 g' it, becomes LIn· gnll1l rd this CXll' l1 sion of ti1l1!' un· \VOIlIl 'J1 'H Col l ~g' hl1 . 11 IRO b C'l' 1I Rp · IIll "I L,,~ d 0]1 .Jo Fl'azor Field 1a t ~h e church 10 Ih e cliHn ee l by Sen· poill ted I1S I:ollolI's: I hr lIIidel ll' (lisll'iet o\' I h A rl'i('f1IL SHIll !" lay. While Ih e mcct wus un· JOr yvard n Alfl'ed A. 'nl·tis and bea l'Hbl e. ']'nlVrl hns ill cJ'eased so IiI .rulle 1 st. A fl·el· this cia Ie. t.h r l' ni oll Mpiltodist I' I'olL'R la nt ch1ll' ch within Ih last f(' 1I' yfIC l'S, t.hat it PI'O IP I'l y 011' 11('1' wh o has failed to ]\fl's. AILI'pd n. \ \Tal'llel', chair· d,'I' I I,' allspice of the Athletic JuUlO.1' Wardcll Ceo l'ge A. 11a rtct· . IIlan ; 1\lrs. -William '1' . Ballcl'oft of open tl I l1i~ 1lI01'lIing- ill Ih e , '1. ['011 111' I of Dclflwnl'e Uo llcge, Mr. Ar!-r Bis11OpKill 'man had pro· soe l1l S impo, sible to Efl ll: into Ih e I' ll'·et 111 fll1 1l el' of paymell t lI'aivrS. ,J Oh ll ' ehul' Ii hl' I·I'. Ahoul GO WHY ·OI' doil1 g wi l·holl t fh e spl'inldcl' IIl C' I' ight or choicr aDd is co mpell r l1 Wilmington ; l\i[I'R. l\ [a l' Y A. 13l'own ~ l d\ ll.l. had p erson(l.l supervision Imlll ed Mr. llflllpt duly instaHed of' Milford ; 1\11' . O. Y. Woo ten of del ga tes 1'l' PI 'csl' II Lin g pI'l1C'li("l ll)' of /lit Ih preliminary arrange· II . rcctol' the kE'Ys 01' the church as was the cli slolll hefore the Pili" 11 0t b,Y Ih(' Comm issioll, b111 hy the l'Vl' l",\' chu1' eh in till' tl isll'i('1 WC·I· ' cha sl' of 1h l' Ce ll III L'V Ull1 b sevel'a I provisions of th e Act of the Cl' nel'al 1"ll nl'e l, a lld M l's. Chnl'l es B. EvanR IIl l'II [o,. Fo r weeks pI' 'vious to the wore 11l'eSented to hilll by Senior 0 1' Ncwal'k. PJ'PS(, Il!. Hi shop C' .\Y. 1 ~ 1" 0\\"1I · oE dH.'. IIr Ih ' mcet he uad put in Warden ~ 1 1"1' e c1 A. CUI· lis. A J?1'ge .VC<1l's ago. ' Assem bl y Lo pay Ih e fili i [1 111 011111 fll Wil1l1in Hobill .O Il .J II11 e l s I. till' :-;la to. wher e the future cmoll· tl'ell 1 Im g, th e wol'l{ of IYlfl C[1t1- niva l of lD14-. wa s held nt the h0 111 Making Review 01' Baltilllol·l' a lld Ui ,· hop Bu:scll oE llIl'II1 will c0 1l1 e hOUl , than any · a llliz~ng will be' s t~l't ed . 'l'his will of ~[I's. Eo C. \Vii. 011 on l\[onliflY Work Attractive Philadelphia al'e a lso ill altl'lH1ance Ihill !! I ha t ha. happened fot, years. r e ~ lllll ' e J I'obflbly. 30 days. If .110 rvclling. 'I'hr lad ie ' SPC'll t thc tilllC' Hlld ,I ill tl1 k ' pil l' f ill f1 H' tli~ c II . · l'01Il.h ~ l c Avoy r eceived many con. nn hap OCC11l' ~n tho can ll !.l~g ill wOl'kin '" 011 the val'iou commit. G. A. R. At Church Services sio ll s hl'fol'l: Ih (' CO llfeJ'c 11 ec. OIL gl'allliations for the able aud fuu' work, tho sll·ee t Improvement WIll, tec!; lI'hi eh \rill be ::J lIl1onllcl'cl rll tl' I'pstiJlg xe rci·s s mark c1 the lli e 1'1.' 'OII1I1I l'uLialioll oL th, ('om· 1I11l1lll el' in which fh " meet was man. ue co m1 Ide I .J11 I.v 1st, the date of nex t werk ' is. ne. ~ f (, lIlb c l.'s oC Be,Y ll olds P ost Ko. a f'i r rJ1 oo 11 Be 'sion ill till' eeo 11el mittec 011 Admission. Hev. L cvi 11<'1'.1 H1ll1 pl'a tically all the schools the carnival. I L ho~\' e v ~r, . thi _____ D. O. A . H. , aud W ashingtoll Camp grade. NelYal'k Public, 'chool lfl:t Adam Ol \ VihnillO'toll II"n.- I·p -ill· YOllllltH rily prol11ised their snppol't CHn uot be dO I1 l'. lJkely :'\0.2:5, j . O. '. of A .. \ril l nltcnd ·l·'dda\·. 'I' he chiltl1'e11 hnd fini hell CO l1Il C I~ 11'11.1 slatr d· as il 111('1111)('1.' of th e confer· fll!" M . l11t ul'e meets. postpone fh e \rol'k until attel' the Lecture On Eugenics : el' iees in Ebcll ezer I·;. ehul'ch Ih ei r ;'creat handicap to the Newark ace emoc acy O ' Brien of the U. S. D pa1'tment of Pro ceo ~ s fo l' lhe betl er cql1ipmeat WEDDINGS tea m to lose Hogan, yet aU his I ~ tln cation nlJC1 by Dr. III. Bates ot the Or'cIt tl'a, which has al· fl'i enr1s hope thflt he lands aDd '['h demand fO L' the 1110re genCl'al 2. CO lidncl mOL'ing pictllre shows St(' phen, State Supel'intemlr nt of l'eady, nl'te l' are\\" mon th of exis· tence, added . 0 lal'geLy to lhe social :BrJ_E ·l'·S.\NDEH· 1\',r ,. Illflkes good. 11 se of th public school building. ill schoo l I' oo ms. EduCflt ion. sid e of the eollcg li t e. The ]J rl)' JJi~.- E. fl' ene Blest and 1. 1 find gl'Olllld. i becoming gen::! l'a l !-l. Have social dances in school At th oo nclusion of the speeches gr am fo ll Olrs: 1,'l"l'd P. ,'andel's were 1I1 a l'l'ied last M .E. CHURCH NOTES thl'onghout the , and I'fJOll1 once (' ach week. Ih ere,wc1'e ont·oE·dool' flthl tic con· Thursllay at the hOlil e of the i n 1I1flny cities the ·Hses of the school 4. Mak e school cellars 'into bowl· tests, amongst Ih em a baseball 1. l\Ingic l" lu te, ol'er!III"C vV. A. :U.)/'il l' t br id (:': I ell' Ilts, M I' . and Mrs. Ben· Newark Metho(list hurch plant ns socia l centers have ad· ·illq alleys. gf11n e between the E lkton flnd th e jal11i n Blest, ewark. Helatives of The interest at this church con· VHll ced b 'yood t. li e experimental G. Ijet lit e cia. s j·ool1t be cl1f.b Cfl lve l't High Schools, in which the 2. " Evpning Star " f l'om " Tann· hallser " R. \Va!.!'11 et' Ih (. illlltl ed int wel.' c fl1l10ng ti11l1 es to grow with each Sunclay, stag. I'ooms at nig /, t. 1' 01'IIl er OH111 e off winner by th ~a111i li es 3. ( fl ) Sprin g Flo\\" el'. - Ih .. gUl:st:. MISS Mflt'~ Doyle and and the pastor is plfllllling to malte [11 thc CU I'!' nt edition of H earst 6. I so school p'ia,nos at -n/:gltt to co re of 6-3. . C. Heinecke ll :' . .Ja1l1es Doyle, ~ 011S1n S of the In ext SUllelflY 11 day in which the Ma<>8zin e an flrticl e entitlcd "Put- lea,i'll IlW8-ir. f11 th e High Schoo l bui lding \I·e l'e (b) Ooo( P. To ti IJI'1dl'. act d ns maId of hono1' and ~ e l'vi ces will be 1l1lllSUlllly h elpfnl. lingO the School Plant to WOl'k," 7. Us e day school roo king rooms l' xhibits of H1 e work being done by M MI'.. L 011111'(1 E. Walr. 1 !l' ~1 l11u n. j.'athel' Dougherty ot'fi· Evel'y unchnl'ched pel'son is most eontaill s nt Icast some mnterial for to !f' aclt 1.Uom nat niu . the Vfll'ion' ehools oE the co unty 4. Loin elu HAl E. Gill et Ci H1I'd. In the evelling the yonng cordially invited. consid eration that it might be well 8. lIbi lize wOl'kshops (bt '/t'ight to nnd Ih er wore viewed by many of 5. extett tr0111 " J.J ncifl " ]wnp l were serenaded by. many 10.00 a. 1l1.-Sullda.y School !('arh mell the visitoL's. G. DOl1nizetti 1\"t 'I I-w ish 'I'S of the com 1I111Ll lty. M.l'. 11.00 "0. In. Preaching: subJ'ect-- .s('to hadopt.ool II o llTh.see. al,ticleThe s csays,hool 'Ushouse eth ise Such a .po li cy would b e vastI y 6. a ) Cavalinfl .J. Hoff alill 1I [l's. ,'and el's will make theIr "'rIle Thorn Remains." f he ?Ia,tHl'al, logical, l'eady·to·han(Z va IUfl II) e t 0 th e IlOr d es 0 f·JIlUlll' . HI'gh School PupI'ls ( b) Meditation from '''I'hfli hOlllt, iuNewark. 3.00 JJ. m.-C1ass Mecting rallY'illg place of democracy. It ,is gl'fln t S t 0 our bl'g cl·tl·es.. W e o"'" e l·t Contest For Prl'zes J. 1\Ia 8enet 6.45 p. 1Il.- YOllng P eoples' Mee t· til e " I'eoples," alj'cady bniU and 10 the n owcomers to assimilate them The Ol'a toricfll coil test for boys E . Willil1lll Marlin, violilli t Canary Bird Lost ing I' f.jlllpp ecl." inlo Alll el'i Clln ideals. And no and the iutel'scholilstic essay con· 7. Zfl llah, Egyptiflll 11I1 .'1'111 eZZO Th( lwt CanA l' bird belonging to 7.45 p. m.- Pnblic Worship and. . . less ~10 w(,l owe .it to olll'se lves. ?-'.he test for girls-open to the high F. LOL'l'ain HI' F • Jo e; was lost on MOil' SCl'Tllon. PhIlander P. CIf1. xton. Un l~ e d publiC schools 111 tho smallel' CIti es school si:nuents of thc StflLe WI1 ' 8. (a ) , pl'ing·li,l e 11. Beckel' dfl . I~. h'· til: bott ' 11 f ell out of I A 'ol'dial W elc0 1l1 e-FI'ee Seats Stal s ommissioner of EducattOll lind in the country distl'icts should Iwld i11 the coll cge ol'atol'y lA St Fri· ( b) I H ca l' You a ilin g i\'1 th:: 'I'; we( 1<~lId1 the li t~ ; ct'cuLul'e, in I- A IJome·Lik ChUI'C!l. ' poiuts out that wc. huve about $2, he so ntiliz d. Cornmission~l' Clax· day evening. C. [ fl l' hall ih II'igl;t. flcw away. Its singing 000.000 Illv('s ted 111 grounds and ton l'ec01l1mends the estabhshrnent '['he CO l1 test WHS won by Rfllph 1Ifrs. Wal ', W:1 ~ the sl1bj ect of comment by a Geibel Chorus To :tt'11c+11l'es of public schools and a evcrywhere of school gardens, a Chalfant of th e duPont High D. Song WithOllt W Ol'ds 1l\1I11IJ(' 1' of passersby who wonder. Come To Newark qUHrtel' of thc year these lie idle '1'8C01l1111 ndation proposed by the School, who delive1' d fln ol'atiolJ P. 'l'schaikow ki b' d "fOl' 110 other r eason than that in Am l'ican for 'rhrift. Soci ~ ty on the s1lbject "Lin coln." 'I' he ]0. 'R lm flR Ih e ~ight at th unusnal singing II' The Great Giebel Chorus Wil· tho IJI'imi tive days teachet's and It is about time that the people ~(l ~f prize was $25. The prize of $25 in 81'1 Bohm S. !1I1in gton, will give an entcrtamment pupils wer e ueeded on the farms reali7.e the possibilitielS foT' culture essay writing was divided betwee n orman A. Gl'oves, CO l'netist chool ChIldren ill the Newa J'l< Opel'a House, Thurs· thl' e 01' rOnI' months iu the sum· und public welfare contained in Miss Elva Fl'edericks of. tbe elu 11. Eagle's" e·t E. r. Cllman In Eslay Contest day evening . .Jull e 4th: will 1I1 el'. " Thcre we have another in- the enOl'lUOllS pnblic school equip· '1~hi3 Pont High School lind ii. S R.eed of '1' 11"0 hundl'r rl !lnd thil'ty·six es· be the gl'eatcsl· entel'tlllJlmcnt ever stU I1 G' of the ghost.rule of the m'nt. And pat,ticulatly is it not K ent county. 'rhe title of Miss Join The Aaaociation ' H .I . ~ lI"e l'e submitt d by school· given in Newfl l'k. Over one h?n· world of how we go on doing a time that we awake to the fact that Frederick 's essl1Y was "'I'h NI1.· ch ild1'l' ll of Lhe ,tat in the" Anti· thed voices in the c horu~. ~eslde thing 'by srICer .inertia for no r eason th, most powerful agency in mol" tionlll Grange" and the title of 'I' he OCiH I Co 111 l1li tl·ec of the Ily" t's~ ay contest, conduct d by extra fcntu I· es. Do not lIlISS It. except that we have always done nls and molding the tflstes and ·Miss R eed's essay was "Woman's Newark High School Alumni A, · th e, ' (' 11' CrntUl'Y 'Iub or Willlling· -- it, go on doil~g it. long a~tet' the idcals of young people .is amusC' Position in Hi~toI'Y ·" sociation has this week mail L1 ton. Th'l" was so s1l1a ll n degree To Speak On reason for domg It has disappear- menH Teach to play lS the key- A pl'elilrUnlll'y contest was h Id cards to nil tho. e who fl l'e eli gible of llif)'e l'e l1 ' between the essays, Subject Of Mi ..ion ed. W e do uot act from reason, note of modern education. Any in cRch eOUJlty of the State last to m mbel' hip but a .Y t have neg­ ~h' judges declal'e, that their task . but f l'01l1 the ghost of dead I'easons. plnn to control the chara.cter of the Friday. Each High School of the lected joining the OI'gl1nizatioll . Tt .Irs. D. E. Wiber, representative . . hi h . ".1 naming th winners wall /I. par- 1\ d f 1 Edward W. Stitt, one of New I'ismg generattOn.w c. Ignores State was permitted to send to this is hoped ll111n), of the'e will brcom lteulaJ'ly difficult one. Names of of the Home Mission B?ar 0 t .le York ity's snperintendents in poor and I;nemment. The preli1l1in al'Y contest two contest· membpl's pl'evion to th e anlluAl tho 'e to whom pt'izes were given Presbyterian Church Will speak ill chat'ge of vacation schools and pubhc school house IS the temple of ants in each contest; two boys and meeting to be h Id on J un fifth • Trult Co. follow: the lecture room of Ne,:,ark Pres~y· playgrol1udS, puts the matter into ~em~racy, and upon it should be two girls. From boy ni N wark. Th busin ss meeting ],'rlll1k ,' ubocz • chool No.... $2.50 tet·ian Ohurch next F~day even1l1~ some definite, sensible proposals: lUscrlb d: and one girl wer liIelected to repre· will be pt'ec ded by a bflnqnet. th event of th yeal', in the ocial life Ororg{' Iray ' artet', No.!." 1.00 lit eight o'cloc~ .. T e speakTrh! 1. Us school auditorimns for "Tlty gat c ,~ shall be open con­ sent the connty at the contest Fri· i\[al'Y \)I'cibelbies, No. 24, , " 1.00 subject will be.MISSI?n ~tlldYto be rOllrats, l e ctlll' e.~ alld ellte1'tain· tin1tOlls/Y,. T!~ey shall fIOt be shut day evening. . of the ol'gnnizlltion. Mal'ion Lee, No. 24, .. , • , . " 1.00 public is cordIally lIlvltec1 In IItS. day 01' Inght. ] 'ubl' lla PAl'l'Y. Odessa. Del... 1.00 I present. NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL" May 20, 1914

'onlillelltal tart d off Iik a Win- \ II ~ 1t'I ' : ' cori,n~ tllI'e' I'uns in th fir 't UPHOLSTERING WILSoN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~.~~ \Inllln~ rl~ll1nU who wn on ili = luounu for th vi itol' tight ned up aftel' that aui! blank d the 'ou­ What Local Baseball linentnl ~or the next thi!'t n CO Il - Funeral ecutive innings. " hit mall hall the best of th a rgulll n t until h e Clubs Are Doing II' likened ill lhe foul,t ell t h an 1 Your Fall Upholstering Richard on Pal'k hammel'ed ill five Carefully Attended To t'un and won the game. 'VhitCII1I1Il Prompt And personal fll 11l1 1 10 and 'J'in, ilia II 13. HOGAN WINS HIS OWN GAME--­ Geol'getown High chool provcd Gods tention a ll 'liS,\' propo. ition fO I' the lo cal 0 Called For And PENN-MAR GAMES POSTPONED high 'c hool team Monday aftcr­ Tent At Cemetery noou when ~ p wIIl'k won bv the Delivered sco re of 11 to 2. The visitors were Appointments the Best WRITIEN ESPECIALLY FOR THE POST complet I,v outclll!>'Sed and cou ld A GOOD STORAGE ROOM BACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= I do noiliing with ili dclivery of : 'hillas. GeOt'aetown scor ed their' OF MY OFFICE fir t run in th ixth inning when Upholstering .oa Repa II II a ball hit bv Townsend to left fi eld ONABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ~ t in t~~ l lg~ and wo n~ PRICES REAS TRI·COUNTY LEAGUE PENN·MAR LEAGUE OTHER LOCAL SCORES found un til the player had made the cil'cuit. Saturday's Scores OF THE 'LUB' Saturday's Scores 'J' owl1send pitched fair ball for i~ e wal'k 1 · Rising 'un O. Geol'getown aiter th fourth inning NEWARK'S Elkto Ll 7 · Oxford. 2. . W. L. Pct. W a hington, 7 ; D ela ll'Il I'e, 2. While. hit hard he was also given 2 0 1000 Dela wa l'e cnlb., 3· Hiah School 2. Ab 'I'deen, 2; Elk ~Iil l. , 1. POOl' , upport up until that time. LEADING 1 1 500 "l'A :"\'DJ~ G OF THE CL UBS Drexel hpre today. Ande1'son, who covel'ed third in R. T. JONES 000 0 1 Ru taer hel'e aturua)" . W. L. Pct. I H'1l 0 1 000 i~~~ ~e of 'aptain Green, made thl'ee PHONE 22.A N wClrk ...... 2 1 .667 t'on I High School at hestet'today. Meat Ri ,ina , 'un ...... 2 1 .667 " HEDCLE FOR AT HDAY Alp rd en ...... 2 1 .667 l\e\\'a rk at 11'0n Hill. Elk Mills ...... 2 1 .667 Appleton a t Providence. Aak For Delaware Flag Charles P _ Ste Elkton ...... 1 2 .33:3 Oxford ...... 0 3 .000 GOI'(,1'I10I' Millel' I'ecentl,v has r e­ Dealer In , ']-lED LE } OR 'IHIS WEEK ceived a letter fl'om the Am · L'i can Elk ~Iill s at .;\'ewark. 'olllmis ionel' Genera l of the An­ FRESH AND SALT Elkton at Ab rdeen. glo-Americll n Exposition. notifying Hi ina , 'Ull at Oxford. hill1 that the opening ceremon.v at MEATS ' hephel'd' Bush. Londoll, took ----Jake Iloa. at " Ieat game IS stt . • . . . . broke hIS left \IT I t wh en he co lli 1- talk el of by baseball fans through- Th .fa ll ~ thr:oug hout the c lrc~:Jl t WIll 1 " h F " . . f A Day At A Time t D I .. Iawa It With mtere t th action of ec lIlt elguso ll In gOlLlg a .ter a Light Livery ou a ll.a l ... PI' s id ent Kay in this case. ~o mat- fl y ball. Green had been plaYlLlg a Ollly a day at a tim. Ther e may :r'aylor It pltchl!lg a.s go.oc1 ball t I.' what the provocation a p layer w.oll.elel'ful game this season and hi s never be a tomorrow, Ihl y ear a an:,' tllne 111. hIS career who attack an umpire on the fi eld hlttmg had hell?ed to win 'everal Only a day at a time and that wc but at t~at h e ha . nothlllg on th is guilty of an otfcn e which :hould games fOt, the l11gh school boys. call live local t ll' l!'I el' .. WI~II he may la ck keel hi'm ou t of the' aame for some The high school had the Scrubs W e know, Best Cab Service some of tl! e ex perI ence Hogan has time. Sp ctatot" do" not pay theit, 2 to 0 uI~til . the sel'enth inning The trouble we cannot bear is only mOl" ,·tu ff than . Taylor ever had. 1I1 0n Y to see s uch disgraceful when theIr IIlfi lel C\'umbled and ~ h e tl'ouble we bonow, lIoga,n '~'as at h~ .' b t after the scelle~ and it is to be hoped that the the Scrubs sCOl'ed three runs just And the tl'ials that n ever come are Chas. w. Strahorn ~I'.'~ wnlng on aturela.v. In that I agues ex cutive will make an ex- eLlough to win ~ to 2. Andel' 'on, the ones that fret us so. H.IllUl g he walked tll'O m en but a ll1p le of th Aber.'deen p lay I' if Il'ho took Grecn 's p lace at third tightened up .and ha] perfect con- afte r a LI inve, tigation he find; the did fairly well a n.d made the hit On ly a step at a time. It Illay be trol the r e mal~del' of the game. H e umpit. was attack ed. Abe rdeen that scol'ed the high school ' £rst th a ngels bend 0 'el' 118, fau nec1.10 while 'l'aylo_r had but won the aame from E lk Mills large- )·llLl . It was a hard game for Chi l­ '1'0 bear us above the stones that one tL'lk e out. TI~ :\ 1l'.ark club I)' thL'ough the fine pitching of Bon- las to lose as h held thc Scrubs to wound our f eet by the way, had a pel'feet da.1' 111 fieldlllg a n1 net who a ll owed but two hits. three hits. The step .that is hardest of a ll is consequ.en tly all of th even scat- ' weitzel' also-pitched clevet' ba ll. DELAWARE PLAYED LOOSE not the one just before us tereel hIts made 0: Hogan wel'e 1'1 b " f II GAl"'E lI'a. teel. ' le 'core y ILlnlllgs 0 Oil'S: "J. And the path we dread most may be smoothed another day. As is g enera Uy the case th fin- H.. H. E. D ela Ira t'e p layed a miserable ish of th game cam suddenly. Elk ~rill 100000000---1 2 1 game agaiJlst Washington College With two out in the ninth A. Beat- A b rde u 01000100 x---2 5 4 last l"riday and was def eated 7 to Newark Train Schedules 2. No matter how good the team it ty .. ingled and stol s cond from Battet'ies, Abel' ]een, Bonnett and B ALTIMORE &; Om o where he scored on Hogan's d oubl e. BI'uff; ]~ I k Mill, S weitzer a nd seems tha t D elllll'ar'3 in L10 line of Note: Sheduled in e.ffect Novemb'3r The core foll oll' : ~roOl ·e. SpOI·ts call play its usua l game 30th, 19] 3. against the boys from 'hestertolVn NEW ARK ]~ LK DEFEA'l' ' EXFORD Eas t bo'Un ~week days : a. m" Cff Beginning May and consequently they walk off 7.17, 9,17-, 10.25; p, m ., 1.00-, AB. R. II. O. A. E. Elkton bt'ok into the win column with the bacon in most of the events 4.23, 5.47, 6.53-, 8.18, 10,17-; Snn­ Jack. on. S8 .• . .4 0 0 2 2 0 on 'aturday d ef ating Oxford 7 to II'h 're the two meet. Washington days: a. m., 6.53, 9,17-, 10.25; Marsey, c . , . .. .4 0 1. 10 1 0 2. ft wa s the first v ictory for E lk- has been looked OLI as D elaware's p . m " 1.08-, 3,11-, 4,04, 7,20-, 8,17, 23, we will close at G I'egg, Ib ...... 4 0 2 9 0 0 Iton Il'hile Oxford has not won a " hoodoo " fOL' years and it seems 10.17-. :\[ol'l'is, cf .... . 4 0 2 2 1 0 galll' this s ason. lay showed to stick. 'rhe blue and gold easily W estboun~week d ays: a , m" C. Batty, 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 2 sOll1e of hi, old tife fOt'm and had d efea ted S warthmore wh il e th 12.34, 5.20- , 7.02, 8.42- , 8.45 ; p . m, noon on Satur­ A. Batty, 2b .. 3 1 1 2 3 0 I the P nnsylvania boys at his mercy Quakers trimlltt'.;l Washington and 1.29-, 2.33, 3.39, O. t 3~, 9.26- ; i\ [cGov I'll , l' f . . .4 0 1 0 0 0 ' 1110 t of thc tim. '1' hc SCO I'C by in­ then the IlItter calll ' here and made Sundays: a. m., 12.34, .5.20-, 9.22 ' n rrlman, If .. . !1 0 1 0 1 0 lIillgs foll ow the loca l college team look foolish. p . m., 1.29-, 2.33, 6.22, 9.26-. ' ilogan, p '" " . .4 0 2 1 3 0 H. II. E . ' uch comparisons app Ill' p eculiar -Expr ess trains. days, until Sep------Oxfol'd" . 000100010--2 but then the uncertainity is' what P ENN8YLV ANIA Total 33 1]0 27 13 0 Elkton ... 04020001x--7 8 0 makes the national game so popu­ lar'. N orthbo1tn~week days : a. m" • R[ ING S ' ~ Battp. ries. Elkton, Clay and Potts 1.54- , 5.59, 7.41, 8,33, 9.28-, 11.13-, • • • " .Buck ' Hoch pitched fa ir ball, tember. • . Oxford, R eynold and TholJlas. p. m., 12.21, 2.38, 3.04, 4.36, 5,46-, -. • • but his snpport was ragged. Do­ AB. R. H. O. A. E . 8.49-, S u n d ays: a. m., 1.54- 8,33 Barrett, ..... 3 0 0 2 1 1 l ' Rl- OUN'l'Y LEAGUE NOTES hel·ty had a bad day while the r e­ liablc Fidallce m iss d an easy 9.28- , 11.38- ; p. m ., 2.38- 4 .36-' 'l'homp.'oll 3b , . 3 0 2 1 1 1 '1'0 hold Rising Sun l'unless and 5.46- , 8.49- , " lleimiller, cf .. .4 0 2 3 1 0 thpn win your own gam with a chance which gave the visitors two run '. Hoch h Ip d matter:s a long So'Uthb o 'Un~week days : a, m., S n"del', c ...... 4 0 0 4 1 0 nice double is going some. 12.29-, 8.05; 10.04- , 10.31, 11.26-; Bricklcy, Ib . , . .4 0 1 5 0 0 As a result of the Slltut'day by making II couple of erl'Ol'S him­ self. l'he visiting twirlet' did not p . m., 12.02-, 3.04, 4,54, 5.34- , 6,35, Kirk, If ., ...... 4 0 2 5 1 0 gam fOllr of the c lubs are now 7.04; Sund ays : a, m., 12.29-, T aylor p .... , . 4 0 0 1 1 0 tied fOL' first place. seem to hay a curve but E. Hoch, who got t1l1'ee of D elaware s four 8.19-, 9.24, 11.26-; p, m ., 12.02, Armour, rf .,. ,3 0 0 2 0 0 Odol'd is sti ll without a vietory. 5.34-, 6.29, 8.28- . hits lI'as the on ly p layet' who could J enkin , 2b .. . ~ ~ ~ ~ -.: ~ Looks as tbougb Joe Davis will bave do anything with his d livery. -Expreu trains. Newark Center train. for Tota Is . . . , .. 32 0 7-26 2 to make ome shifts to get his club going right. Aftet' pitching great ball for Philadelphia- week days: a , m., EDW. L. -Two out when winning l'UIl was 7.30; p. m., 12.10. Arrive from RICHARDS R 'ynold of OxfOL'd has not prov­ thir'tcen inning Whitemall of the NEWARK CENTER scored. ed the terror to th other teams so Continental Fib,'c team weaken ed Philadelphia : a , m" 8.08' p m NEWARK, DELAWARE fill' this y ar that he did la t season 7.14, ' ' , S ORE BY INNJ~G in tit fOlll'teenth against Richard­ H rdman played hi first gam son Park on Saturday and tbe lat­ Delaware City t raina leave : a , Ri ing Sun 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 with the loca ls on Rtllrcla,r al]d te l' tea m 11'011 to 3. It was the m., ,8.33; p , m ., 12.04, 4.48, 5.47. Nr\\'I.lI'k ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 got II tIro bas hit. mos t exciting game of th se3 on. Arr Ive: a. m" 8.28, 10.04, 11,01, p. m., 4.25. ~EWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., May 20, 1914 3

Cecil co unty is about to I'eccivc '['li t' 'WilininO'ton tl'(' t lind of ,TalllPS CA l'pent(' 1' \\"as ul'ivt' n off HERE AND 'THERE * ~j5 0.41 Flfl its shal'e of tip tat bol' 01' mntel'.inl Ilt 11 ost of $ 000 \'\\'(' 1' Depal'tn1l'nt will take steps bllt WIlS l'etnl'l1cd ou th e pI' violls tax on Hut'omobiles which is IIp­ to limit th e speed of {he engines on will be dedicllted by Bishop N ely ~atul'dilY night. On llll(luy tlios(' 011 ]\[ay 31. $2200 of th cost is sportslll!' ll. (If AvoJlllHlr, K. onn ~t I Olivel' '. Gil es Wlls confirlJled by pli ' d to the l1pk ep of 'tat I'oads. theil' wily to and l'etlll'l1 hOIl1 tb'es. oC ,John MUl'I'ay and Willifl l11 '1'. d yet lIlIpnid bllt it is hoped to sc­ I" ', W('s t Gl'ove H':I thOll' the Senute 011 \lve,]usdIlY a,' po,'t- 80111l' of tli p lI ew auto engin e. hnve PUII'roC, ' I' ., wel'C tuken and on 60 Clll'e th e 1I1l10 Ullt Ilt tli ' dedication, III rli o~ ds h,lIve ol'glll1lzcd the III II s.te I' at .Elkton lind whl likely Robel't Adail', I'epl'l'. 'c uting the bee ll I'un of late at mil e lin !\Londay 1l1ol'l1ing ]~dwn rd Pleas­ Il' (,lIll lub. begliJ 8(,I'VICO 011 ,fune 1. 'J'aXpl1,Y el's f,eagno of Wilmington, li oul', to th e pel'il of p 'ople allrl lit anton Illet Gl'ouJe Rpecd ing Dr. l\,[c ihe I'i sk of rlnmnge to th e mA chin es. PI'of. \Iv. . Jason of the Stllte on ]''t'idIlY obt'ained an illjUII Ct ioll Dowell 's telllll Along the ChOptAllk 'olol'ccl Co lI <'ge ne:1 I' Dovel', saved ']' 1I., O:.;i'o J'(1 11 01l l'd of Edllcation . Of t~l e sixt n applicllnts fOl' fl'olll 'hanccllol' 'I1I'tis fOl'bidding ing off tell illS of th I'C fa 1'111 I'S of I'olld: He stoppell the hOl'se tiell , II $12,000 addition to the ,his life 011 Priday luol'l1ing by IIquol' hccnses in Havre de GI'ace th e d 1'/1 wing of allY checl< 01' OI'd el' th c· boy to II fence II nil phoned to I'S publ ic s hool. jumping hom his autOlllobil which bu t fi ve I'efnseel were Sllcccssflll undel' the aml'nd 'd ordinance of Justice 'ox at :Middl town last DI', McDowell who had GI'OIl, e 111'­ stllck ill oft ClIl,th 011 th c raill'olld T~ othel's wel'e oith I' I'efused 01: the 'ity Council, PIISO'tl on '1'hnl's­ Tuesday cOll1l11ittcd Richard Gl'ouse I'est (1. CI'O., ing neal' t he school. 'Phe Til l' Pl'r rO I'mall e of "'rhe Ken­ 1~'lthd l ' e w thei l' appliCAtions. '1'he ti :cy night, incl'casing th compen­ aged 1:3, and Ch:lI' lcs Heavellow, Irk\' HI'IIt" ,. givcn by hom, talant nOl'thbound 9,37 PASS ngel' tl'lIin lIcenses gl' IJvcl'Y l'end pl'('d . 1"J'i cncls of thc youth tabl in P l'I'yvllle, Illst ru sday. will lII'g,' thn t he b given a light ~fc was cut clown but died before a PHONE 159 S a ll d a chance to IIvoid fu­ physician Al'I'iv d. lIe leaves 11 DELAWARE ture Ir'Ol1b l(' . widow, three sons and a dllughter' . NEWARK, DELAWARE A Ph ilad elphia manufacturer 1'holl1l1s Ellingswol',th, It Seaforei off(,lwl to start 11 neck-tie fIlC- 1youth, on of It Icadlllg m e r:c$l~OO tory in II nVL'£' c1 Grace provided ()f the town, was held lind] I . 100 gi l'l s ca n I c 8 Cl~l' 'd fOl' its bllil fOl' Court o~ W~d n (,s(HIlY 10d _=====:=;...,1wOI'k . th e hlll'gC of sellll1g hqIlOI' . . e la ,EWARK POST, NE\~·ARK. DEL.. May 20. 1914

I ._~_~~~--__---" I' FOH • A 1.. 1,;- 1)/lhliIL I'oo ts , Ht _., a ll d T hl' 1111111 Ilho : flY S thal p()lit il" ~ ),\'I's Il' /ld. ilion' of the SIIII Shi lH' 1"'1' ulI ,kl't. , II llI ri !'lil" caIn I' • \I H~ ..1 0 11 \ 111:.\ . PERS I llllkl ' ~ I'Vt' I'V I11l1n a l'fl 8C,tll ha 1 I.)(' t· lift' , Want Advertisements THE NEWARK POST lo 'l'sta'\' olli. It will only h() w hi ,n l,l'l's bL'fa il 't'I'/lllll 1l' I's kct'p I ~ ~i:;~"' I:\li .'\ • 'I k, "'UI'I'I 'II ~illg IUP· SlI'c't j Fo,Sal.,F.,, L• •landr • • "d Newark, Delaware th t' ;\l'II' ;t l' k. '1'1'1 ______1 .'0 1ll,' ltll' I' 1~11"l·t "Olltl tllin\;: 01 'lli,' f,e t 's bc JlI Rt thl'oug h (hl' (oil Illlt! HO ARll};n,' WA :-.' l' HD Rooli. alii Published Every W ednesday by Everell C. Johnson' s(I'ifc', . I I 'l'ab l!' B oul'clcl'~i II IRO 'I'oh lo HOII,llrs, ['OUlp UII,I·. IS. n politicill l'il' WR o[ til t' 11l1l1I, lh fil'.,t I"Jrt 's bl' SUliny to tho. e we IIH'C l. 1\'0 qu ~Stio U UU I ~ I ,I ;~l~;Ct~gi::~ ... nt I'IlCCI\'OI 'Y Appl.I' :?9 '. Chlq,,,1 SI l'iRilill g 1'I ,ln We Wli li t HU t! ill\ itc comlltuni cnti onR <, lall J'l and garde n in 'owurk tll O 01' 1 N holll('. )11'11(\011' ", Ioolll ; oll r of t11l'1ll on .\ Iuill stn'pl, days" II rek. (: 00.1 pny ~o ri ght I . . . Ilud .\1 1" ;' (JI'()I' .JII St by Wily 0 1: I'cmiuder,- thel'e TIlP 811nshille lifp. \li t h it s lilting , '1' 1I <' llt,l"II "I'O flll'lll . Ap ply . ~S~','1 I1aIllC Ilt thc oillc oC XOllfi ;~~', '. lIIAY 20, 1)1 1-1- HI'1' 11 0 pl'pltil' I' g il'l: ill Ohio thall pHI'I,\' 111:1 111' tlt L' (lny' :-\ I '~ \\, A HK '£11 S'I' ,I; 8,\1"1': DI'; I'OH I'L' cI'cks. FIVE MINUTES FOR MEMORY I'mld s, Wllil l' \l'L' Il ppl'eCiHt ' Lh c HI'Olll Hl , e\l'Hl'l..( lind.... C hl'istiallR, 1;I' I's plll ck thisth's nuel I t'R pll1l1 t ('O\lI'A :-\ Y- Hea! l';stlltc PCl'al·tllll'lIt '.\11'. Wi lli nlll '1'11(' clI stom 01' olJsl' l'I.ill .... " I..' ivll II III ~ I.\ · l'x l ll · lI ~l : H J'aeillu COUll 'iI, \l'e .)u, I wh" th l' l' Bl'yan is makillg blooll1, ('0!11'[,(1" (' lflRR 1 ];I' I 's pOUl' un. hin along Olil" i - AUSTIN BURNS 11' I r;\1 " :'11 . 1\ ut' I1 (' 1'1' IIl1 l1 nll il OUS :l pPl'ova l \l'oliid Ii islo l',l' 01' hy. tCl'i a dl'Pl' IHl s on Lh e (jitl', jl" ., II'IIS ('f; hac k WflY. I ,FOR HE1\'l'- 'ron'l'oolll hO llse Oil Ara.I, 1)111 11 0,1 ' 'I [' 1:10 1'.\' 1 o.n,. , ~I Il Ol' H\ a llY II ctioll leuding 101l'flI'd I'll' G, '1"Hel l'l' /l lid ii .\' , \I'll ' III l'OI,II Cl'l III • ell'a n lid 1' 1'0 111 th ' dllst. po in l of l'i l' lI'. :N o on question', ny stl'cet. 11' 1'001'11 uri ck hO llse, no\\', Will iliA ke th, RCU S OI1 of 10 1·[ at Elk )1 ,1, la st ),"11 1'. 'I' hl' IlIl'!\. II a II'l' V 'I', hHu I hOIl·l.'l't'l'. bllt th Ht hc i making II : I 1Il 0.1ern convenie llces; Depot Roall. Cecil rOllllt,r, .\l arylan.1. Austill DIII'Il' . ( '01l(.1t ~ f c A 11 01 bl'l' ll lI'i dl'l .\' l'xpla i l1 ('d. Hlld it is , 1I 1l'. so l: I . • ', diploma cy, " \t ress CHA S. P. WOLLA, 'rON, n Ihll'k Imy "ith blll ck points, fi nc mallO ing tlt l' \I· e' ~' k .(,. 1 hoped thl' tollin'" 1)(' 11 will carry a COACH McAVOY S SUCCESS Sewer Notice t ' , ~ XCW[t.I'k. alit! ta il, 16 hands high, woight 11,jO ]'." J[cA\' O.l 01 WII I. .\ ll'. ;1 11 (1 )fl's. 1I1l'SSIl " P of t l'lI l' pat riot ism nud :-\ lI ie lcl'lI [o tlrlce n ha withouL Onl' \l'ay to , ettl l' this l\fp.·icHn Xo tit'c is hN!'hy gi vcn thnt ill fl. 1I I ' a ~ ( ~ I ~ol' disposition he hus no superior . .\ ,. hi ghpl' lIa tiollal id l' fi1 s, to it Im'gl't' IIU l'stion bl'e ll thu greatest ill till) I l i ffi r llll y , ~d (pos(' lIn ' rln a mI dis· timon' Hlw ll t ;:l~~~ r ~h : b~'II~ ;::~I': ~ I';;~'III~;' ~rt l~I:~a s~: ~I~~~ ~e;l~ \\,A S'r I '~ \) - I ~al ' IJI , also "1I'g tl'a(.t ~ of ti ll BuJ'lls is 1t pa ~el' and tloes not \\. '11' cil'clp lhi ' yl'Hl ' thilll ill ]91 3. Illstol'y of Ul'la lnll'c ·o ll ege. Ideas, POS(' of 1l l''y an. ill;\'('lI' ll l'k . 01' hn ~ 1I 0t eleeteti to pay in ill O: llllllll' ut by 1," 1>1 II it h 01' II itbo ll t sto,·k. Write com, It opples 01' uoot ~ , excepting a I'll il' 01 )[iss ) 1<1 1'1011 T Ill' ol'igiu HI dl'slgnH t iOIl of .:\lay ouce hoolcd ;t t, ha I'C bee n Pl'oj 'cted • • " th" til'st day of J lI ne Ifl 14, the f:;ell'cr " Il'l~ dcscriptiou, pril"', lel'Ill", etc. ,!ld he 1'hl' busill PSS mall who aj] that dAI' an c' I' lIo on. J~ . ' P I'c isl'R in fi ll localitirs hav , slarted la s!. Iall Lo gel all Delaware the tell' phOlw made rO l' bl'cvily, SPECIALS- 3 ca ns good corn for ~:; II . not hal'll, on mall fa 1' 111 , A <1,lr cs ~ i THEATRE ~fi ~s l's jIlIl'i , ill c' thL' con ce pt iO Il of Ll1I' idea. u1tet'csted ill ·oll eg· AthleLics. I n­ Good clean Ricc 51'. HELf _\ BL, I';, ~ c JJi , ' W hil (l idll 'l li vI' 011 a pill·ty lill C, 4 . . ? 'fhi om oc. Wilmington'. Handsomell t bl'PIi IIlld e'I' t ht, upel'vi sion of tllr "itaLions issued to tb 'hambel' of : i \'0 Ille u call a nd be cOIll·i" eel. Play.Hou.e the gllC'sts of ~ 10cH I po,' ts. ( L J\ . H, A ' t h r ank. UOllllUel'Ce, the Nell' Castle COlloty " • ~ I HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE w('e k. of th c v(' tp l' 11 nS have dll'indl d. and a mi Wilillil1gtoll iliglt :::; chools Th C' SnllllllCI' g it'l da intily play· '1.00 worth of coupons given with each LO, "1'- CUnHI'.\' hiI' d, al! yellow. Last ,\1 iss IIHIIl \' of' 1Il 0l'C f OI'(~ d lll m m. bl'ought a hO'L of vi Sitors. They ill g with hel' embroiclr l'Y aid. " Oh. '1.00 worth of good, purcha,ec. I Twice Ilnily, Aflcrtloon. lit 1, 1' "'t!(l n in t l' f' C'S 0 11 the Collcg' • 1', Vc,..' lI l 11 C 'o\C ll .Pi FOil 1'1 Ii bl" l' . IH1Vt' passed to the Ol'eH t Bc. we t" !Sul'lJl'ised, iIl Le l'e 'ted, a III I I hll\'I' gO Ill' a lld eli'opped fl stitch." He\\ :1l'd j f l,<.,t uJ' ud to ,'chool. took ~ 'o nd . a dccitl l' lI ch:IIJO'I' has ma l'ked weuL away friend or Llle HlsLit ll ' "DolI 'l lI1illd thllt. d C11 I' . ' · obs(' l'I" KILMON'S )LR,' . F.. ( '. J OX I';, ', walk 011 :'11011 th ' Ohsl' I' l'ancl' of Iii dny. It h;) tion. 11'ric' nds, bCCHU e t hey sawed the consid l' I'flte fa thel'. ' ·that , NEW AVE. )\ellllrk i'::::~=::::~:::~:.. aud tIlt' hotH ny I)l'collie l)et'ol'lltion J) av l'ath(' 1.' than Hud l'e ·oguized fol' Lh e lh'st tlUlC th e waist you 11fI \'e n ha ll ea l'ly all of I Ju,t above B. &. O. I ·) · ~'l.! . I pll10ri nl D a ~ The ;u o~ ru10 u. oppor~lllt ~ !S HIII I adl'rul~g~ o~ Ih e ll1dmpp ~ I . " I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ School SPl' lit j'h iug 'I)(' f'i ll1l' lI: mindc' d makC' it ~ timp rOl' tlcCOl'at- f cred hel'o. Agaiu Oll last ::la tul'- ~ '" ... graIl' ill sncll iwr thc g l'fl Vl'8 of depal'll'd loved dilY, COil ·1I MeAI'oy Ili ad ' Uela· To so al'l'lIllgl' [ arl.' as to III fl kc n hnnk. or Whitl' oll es ; to t h o~(' onnectl' cl lI'ilh the 'oll ege the illtel'cst 'd subjccL ('a I.' ' illlPI'l'. sioll I' ljllil'I'S a IIl fl .'tl' I' ,,',U" .\ 1.1'. an d Ml's. busines ' wOl'lll , it i, H wclcome ho I. of diSCUSSIOn ill e\' 'I'y high school hflild. Hut h ('~ . jll.l tilE' SHm,' of T\1'II I1 L' tt itla.\' ill the gl 11tl sprinOltimc. Hun- ill the :::ilate. J II 'chool co nvel'sa- tll'cLl s o[ tholi SH Il e1 swcll th l'C. tioll ' this wee k lhe inst itution is 'I'hr l'p i ' Ill OI' I' btl inl', s goi ng Oil JII'S, WHITe ceipts of openil1 g (l fl Y ill all the 'POkc ll of I" ith JIlUI'C fa vol' thau in :-i (' w

W. C. T. U. Me~ting \' '0.111(' ill the field velils. Tho PERSONNLS 'I'l' , " pOints Rr?I't'd by schools iii clas 1 C ,,1e I t'g~t1HI lil t' tl11g of thc W. ~ I' (' I' L' 118 CollolI'I'l 'Pom e Institute, 54 \\',II'I'l' n killgl('s, 'l' rofHHl I'ei' of l\ir~' V· w~" h h h l o home of ] -:~; Willll illgton High, 27; Wil- . V'a IJ av IL on l' l'l(lay lIftCl'- Dll lIl gt,Oll COllf'el'l'lI ce Aca demy 17 Give Your till "lI' ,l l'k TI'IIRI nll(l ~A ['U Deposit nooll, Muy twcuty-speolJd. ;2-:3; WillllillgtOIl io'l'iellds, 14 '!l11l1 Pocket-Book A Rest! ("lllJlIlll ." , is n wily on '0 VACAtio ll CI 1 JL' 1 7 I'isilillg l'plHli l' ('s ill PiqUA Ohio, Annual Co-~nv-en-ti-o~ Il'S el' I'~ l , . YOH don't catch thc careful mall payin')' .\11'. ;I lId ~[I'I';. Geol'go lIenvcll olV, Of P E D I·:LAWAB.E DEI!' I!lA'L'ED HY $20-&-,, ::?,) [or hi5 clothes. 0 sirce! He com~~ .\Ii,,,'s 1 ~ I O I' ( 'IlC(, and t!Jmlllll ~lc • • Church DHF;XEL to thc PcS-Q Shop, \ VillUillg tOIl :L1I c1 g'cts the 1",\1' II. ,\11'. Huss(' 11 Willi amson UlergYIl1l' 1l and laymen t.hroLlO'h .lIld \10,1' IllIl'l' o f' Philadelphia, MI', Ollt tho ,Slnte atlelld'c(l the 1H1l1l~AI Dclaware 10 t the uU1l1 llIect sa me styles, salll e fabrics, sallie Lailoring in .iI I \ ll's. I"l'cd Robinson oj' Stan- oOllve ll~101l of the PI'oles lant Epis- with Dl'cxe l lilstilllt e by'a total oE 1111 'I,' I'P I he undAY guesls of eopal CllIll'ell of th e Diocl'se of 62 poinls fO l' Dl'ex 'l a'lld 46 fo l' \\' I I1 l';]I'pll o\\' and f ll lllily at their Delawa l" ill Imnllllluel Church Dehlll'HI·e . Lf was in the field Hand-Built P&Q Clothes h" I'. ;Il('lIl lolI' Bl'ook .I'\1I'1Il. M I' . "N,e,w (;a~tlc ?Il \\Tedne;;day. B ishop 'I'Pllls Iha t Ih e go ld find b1n Wfl. ,lIld .\ll's. UeO l'gc H Oll ve ll ow and I ~ ~n e l oE ~ 1 ' l e , 1 a., assisted Bishop d 'foated as th l'Y ontclnssetl the I'is­ at always $10-&-$15 p, I" I' IIHld l' lhe tl'ip on thcil.' motor ~ln s lll a l. 1 HI ~h ' opell ing (;omm lll1- itOl'S 011 the LI'a ck. Archi e DeHll ('I.,'I"~ ' 10J. I SCI·Vlce. John S. Gl'o he of Wil- C'stablished II new r eco l'd fol' bol'h If you are real "fu ssy" all the better, \\,c\'e ovcr 50 !>ty les to '.\11' Wi lli il lll • 'hadel' , Delawal'c 111 111 glon was l'e-elected sccretary tl~ c ]20 Hll d 220 yn 1' (l hlucl les, Will­ show you and thcy're all "i!';sers"---lIo "wassel's." Vif e are ('!lll,';!'" ('lass ID10, of hesapeakc a,nd Hcl' .. rl.' . G. Hill of Smyrna as- lllllg' both v' DI,. Smith of Dela­ Manufacturers and have 8 busy storcs. Here YOll btly direct. ('il.I". :'I lll., was LlH' r(' cell,t guest of 'S istaut. Bishop gave his annual ad- wal'e 11'011 t il(' 100 )'<\1'(1 dash witli (:. 1",H lpI' Hnd En mily, dress dctniling the comlition of all Rp ecd to 81 AI'O wlii l.c Mlll'shall cnp- Decoration Vay is Due, so ('I';\('1i j feAvoy enterla in ed clUl'- the chuI'ches ill th diocese and tlll'('d th e 4'La yard dash eusy. :Mllr- ill!! ,lil' II'Cp k-Clld his fathcl', II. G. r(' pOI'Ls of offi cel's all(l cOll1l~ i ttees -s linll hOlreve l' mil ch to the SUI'- , IV .1 F ')I'ise of mHll Y' 10 ,t t be 220 yal'(1 ,\[,. \ \11.1' of vVilk('8 Barre, Pa. el'c I'eflu. redel'ick Bringhul,_t " Renew in a P&Q---You'IlSave Money If You Do 'I,. ;1 11(11\[ 1'8.. John Gl'l1l1t of Ha l- wlls,chosen t l'('aSmel'; George R. tl a, h by fl foot 10 Cra II' fOl'(l of P&Q SHOPS AT Ii II l' HIll' nl lfl st week with fl'iends Hoffecker, tl'lIstee j ·Hev. E. J . II. ))I'CXC !. Ol'othel's of Delawflre won Trenton. N. J. 5 09 Market Str~et ill \' II'll rk. AlI(lrews of lUilford, registl'al'; and Ill r ODr mi ll' evellt after l'ulJlling a Waterbury, G on n. ~I ~s Jl il l'ion C'nlllpbcll spent the .Ju Ige J'Jdw:1l'd G. Bradford a mem- pretty I'llee. Wilmington, Del. 11'1,,1; I' ll d with ft-i en.lls at Annapo- b.el' of the Co ullui ttce on COllstitu- n 'lawnl'l' llid not have a look in And Many Othefl l i~f. j [d. t~~ n fllld allon. Rev. F . lH. on the fi elel eve nts. Dl'(,x I meli JII'. and Mrs. G ol'ge Cm'tis and K~r' l m il of '.L' rinity Chlll'cb, W il - heal· tli r n pillwal'e recor cl in the ('hil.tI'l'll lefl Sallll'day fO l' Colora '10 nUJ?gtoll, proposed an amend,ment, pol vllll it fi nd IJl'oad jump and :-; Pl'illt!:~ . Col., after a. v isit with WhlCh w ~s apJ) I'ol'ed, giviug laymen ellll(1l1('(l th e local co ll c"e r ecord in ('urlis' pal'ents, MI'. and lIIl's. VO l e With the clel'gy iu 1l01lJ- thr hi gh ,inlllp. ., r:'II.I'~. ~. Anu' tl'on~ ~luqu~latlng alld ~cting L~hop ~ ilie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :'111''';. Bl'olmw of Pail' Hi ll , l\{rl ., c1~r'gy ~t pyescllt having the right Iw' !I"" II Ihe gupst of het, ]au"hter 01: D0fl11110tlOll. jll'_. !La rold '1'ifE1tny. ." . IHember's of tilt" OUiega A lpha. r-Th:R:::h-----~-, :\11''';. B.i char'l Cal1n of Kirkwood ]1'J'a lel'll il y enterlained a numher Ollly a /-ilile cav·ily, I ,JI,lll JIll' week-cnd with J. P . Cann of Ih eil' fl'i ends nt H dance last l<-'ri, .\'cylccl ad day afl I' day, alld lH lll il.\'. dny vening. I Kennard & ·Co. As beillg . mall aHd nnimporlant, I ])1'. Cha l'l es A. 'Wagner 3nd For (lrl, rs alld pains pav s lh 1vay. SIII"'['i nll'lIdl'llt Ca rroll of K ent I ('Ollld~', 11"' 1'(' among visitOl'S at I'he It is unwise to neglect the smallest cavity as the process I Seasonable Mention Fi"ltI and 'l'I'il ck meet last Satur­ of decay continues: unless arrested, and in time the tooth be- I 7 a !lil\ afternoon. comes so badly diseased that its removal is necessary. II . 'JIH Y.i ' r ' ~ II 'y lh.e J: igh .'1 f1 ler mark 1'0], SP l'ill , hop­ ~[i~ sl' s 'JIul'iel Ca l'pellter 3ml NOTICE:- Office Hours; Morning, 9 to 12: Afternoon 1.30 to 4 plUg. Hem'lug tl1J. ' 11) J11Lllcl YOIl will fillll hel'e stockl:l :\,·lli,' Whil of Wilm ington were I DR. DUNLEVY, Dentist, so comp lelc a.' to be nbl e 10 supply the grcnte. t de­ Ih,. !!lIl'sts of 'JIat'jol'i e John, 011 last I mand, that can be made on it. MAIN STREET. - PHONE 61 - NEWARK. DELAWARE i \1" '1'1; . Next Rhodes Drug Store \ Large showing of so pal'a te Waist .. in I'ep cl jliss P enningtoll, teacher or TEETH EXAMINED FREE. 'hin e, "N et, Voil e, Chiffon, Ol'galldie, J-l inen and 1.'lIlIl'lh Gra(h , f\(1 wnrk Public I...... repe. . !-i ,·I,,·,, '! . took hel' pupils 0 11 a :May I nl' sscs in every conceivablE' mod el aDd fHb l'ic at 11'1111; on Montlay. .?Ili s, P ennock *7. 50 to $65 each. ilild 11ll' bollwy elas.' fI-OI II I he High Top 'on ts ill huudl'ds of fa brics lind slyl s. 8ehoo l sp nt the afternoon gathel'­ : lli t. ot li ght wei"ltt wool, silk, a ncl si ll~ nncl wool ill!! spl'einl1' II S of wild flowel's idlich smted to SrIllllll Cr II arc now lIlark ' e] at most pro­ 11'1' ,1\1' in suell Vl'ofusioll along th e DELAWARE nOli need r ' d IICtio ll S. hHlll\;; of vV'hile IHY· CO ll'lpl e l · ~ silowing of correct Laces, 'J'l'imlllin g and :\11-. and 1\[1' . Howftrd '.L'hompson DYNAMITE PRICES Embl'ol(lel'l cs, Cotton aDd LiD en Dress Fabl·i cs. of I\PlIn ett ' quare and Mr. and • 'ilks 111111 Dres Goods 'u it d to Sl111l1l1 el' uses. JII·s. Will'l'en jIa r. hflll of YQl'klyn, Red Cross Extra 40 Per Cent 11'1'1'" I hr gl1e 'ts of E. L. Richards " fa mily last Sl1lJClay. W e prepay delivery ehat'ges within a l' ell sJllable distance al1Cl solicit charge IlCCOUllts from those of es­ ~,is .. Lr til v'\Taters left .?IIonday 200 pound lots, 13c pouud fOl' Philadelphia, wh el'e she \vith tablished credit, 22 to 20U pOll nd loss, Hc pound h'l' sisler. ~Ii ss Essie Waters, wi ll 15c pounel \I};\ 1; .. 111' 1' t il tUl'C hom e. Les ' than 25 poullds, Jf1'1I . Lce of Phila cl Iphia was tb e Prices Oll Caps and Fuse according to quall tity 621-23 Market Street gll,'~t O\'cr • nn. K j~nekinghall1 of W;nsh- ill l!ln ll , I). C. • . -'11'. ,T . T. D mpscy a'nd family "III, I'la ill C' d OIL Sunday MI'. Charles j[a":\lII Il N' of B ismer e and Mr. anel Weddings :'Ifl·'. (:pol'ge W . Dempsey of i\[el'­ maid. ,\Ii,,, ElIll11a Wclsh of :l\[el'lllaicl Sterling Silver I I'fl~ the r ece nt gnest of the Misses LOI'H fi nd glizab lh IJittlc, Cut Glass \[d 'lal'c nce Walton uf Red Chinaware Liltll SIWIII RII;lclay with Mr. Ray- and any part of III 'It 11 I HlIC·kin g hflll1 . . are staple wares suitable fo~ Wedding Gifts in all .\[I'~. G I). Ln1l1bol'lI hAS bern V18- itillt! hl' l' 80 11 , M.l'. Roy 1'.Jllmb01'll (par) of which we carry an unusually attractive line. all I ra lll ily of Phi ln cle lphi a. 50 Lewes Fisheries Co. 100, \[ 1'. illal ]\fI'S. JJcwis L r of ManufaC'.turers of Oil a,nd Fertilizer Sheffield Hard Plate Til '" d's Hpl'n l Rnnn .lind JU IC of IClllon et K. G l'nll t of Wilmington disposes I t comes befor e the weathcl"s hot, ness Houses W/l sh the I'i cc, Put rice, milk, of flU estHte valued at $300,000, fllld sits Il l'onnd and fil cs its I gs, sn it Il nd snga l' into double boilel', '1'11'0 trust fUllds of $100,000 and IIlId lays at lelt st tell million eggs, THE PLAC~ TO BUY BY ISRAEL ANDIRON Cook IIl1til vCl'y tellllCl', Add bllt· '$15,000 lire pl'ovided fOl' I'elatives, and evel'y egg will bl'ing a fly to tel', Bra t eggs vOl'y li ght, /ldd ~ e n - Iwd t he I'esidue, apal't f l'om be­ d l'ivc us crllzy by and by, Oh, ...... tly to I'ic , stilTing All the tIme, quest·s, is left to hel' daughtel', Mr.'s, AUTOMOBILES Add jnice lind I'illd of lemon, Set Mal,tha 1<. GI'llnt. Among the be· evcry fly that skips oUt' swatters A, F, Fader RANDOM TALKS on i c ~ to get very cold, 'I'his is best qucsts nl'e $2500 to the Home fO l' will have five million sons nnd ...... J I11lld e the dllY b fO l'e it is intended Aged W omen ; $2000 to W est Pres­ daughters, and countless first and BANKS , f f I Id \\,'11.' 1'1 tl, e Il ol'sc cOIllll wOl'k no 111Ol'e, to be used, Mould into p~l.'all1ids, bytcriHn C hurch; $500 to the second consins, and aUllts and un­ Newark Trust &; Safe Deposit Co, H el'bel' t '1ll rk S '!lith no , dip in well -bcnten egg and b['ea~l Bail'Cl l\1emoriltl M ission; $500 to h ors(' which hfls beclI CII I'('(1 fO l' a IL So 1 gave the hOI'S away and it Cl'llmbs, I" I'y in deep hot fat unt rl Farmel'll' Trust Co, of Newark the ltl1lian P rcsbyter'inn Mission; cles, scores of dozens, lind fifty­ willt'cr by Mel'ton 'l'holl1as, died last wcnt to a nic stall and good cal'e, a li gh t brown, seven billion nieces, so knock the w!' ek, I twas t hil'ty-t.hl'c y ea l's I:Hackw , II thillks p el'lllips he C/lU: $2000 to H,ich'llrd W eeks, It fn ithfnl old ; a fri(, lId of 11, 11 th CO Il1II1Ullity, curc it, find pel'haps he CHn , Stew· APPTJF. FRITrrERS colored sel'\rant und *1000 to MI,'S, blflll1ed thing a ll to pieces, And COAL Minllie J, Morl'ow of Baltirnol'e, 11 a 80 r t of institutioll in the life of Ar t Gill e had 11 hOl'sc g iven him two 1. 1-2 cups flotH' CVCl'y niece and evel'y Runt-unless H, W, McNeal the p lace, yeil l's ago, itR hoofs havin g begnn 11-2 tel1Spoolls baking powdel' fOl'mcl' employee of the testatrix, we swat them so they cRn't-will E, L, Richard. H ow oftell ha~ its pflticll t illdus· to cl'lllllbl(', and he t UI'~l e d it out to -!-- little Sll !t lay ellough dodgasted eggs to fill ______t I'y se l'ved its tilll '8 ! H ow killdly gl'll s ,lInd f ll sscd over for a co u: ::1-4 cnp mrlk Samuel W, Hall, son of fOl'l11er ~ t np ten five-gallon k egs, t,md ~ll COLLEGE were its wa ys, how good its wi ll to- of mon ths and has been of- 1. egg Goveruor John W, Hall, died on 1 ~ l e s ll~ c e these kegs, ere summe~' ,Illes, \~11l Delaware College 11'111'(\ mflll ! J t had 11 0 g l'cat rellso n- fered a hundl'ed alld eIgh ty, dol- 1 tablpspoon ~ u ga r IMay 11, Ilged 70 yem's, at his,h?me bl'ing forth twen ty trllholl fll ~S, illg POWCI' the in tcll ect was not 1~I' s for ,it. Stcwll l' t, says he IS get- B eat eggs h~h t. Add sugal', thell ,in Dovel' fl'om the effects of IIlJur­ And t.hus it goes, an endless ,cham, acute, but it had enongh mind to tl,lIg a ,httle a long 111 y,ea rs, but ft ~l1l' an? baktng p~)\vd e r ! salt ,and jes Cll nsed by a fall l10wn a stll it'­ CANDY so a ll 011 1' swatting is in vam u!1- choose betwcl'lI sel'v icc and hll tred llitlll enJoys a good horse hImself and II1llk, , Cu t apples 111 thm, sh ces, way fit his home }n F ebruary, H e G, W, Rhode. less we do that swatting soon, m Hlld it lII ade the vcry best 1I S(, it 111'011 't sell it. If .t'Il, l'In el'S would be fldd s hces too bllttel and f ry In deep, left a n estate approximately $700, May time and in early JUll,e, ~o, cO lild of the horsc lI atu rc, B ut iu honest a boll t thei r horses they ver y hot Illrd, When relldy to serve 000 ill value, chicfly to his wife, DENTIS'i' men and brothers, let llS rIse, ~Ir~ this it lived lip to its 1'll Ce stAnd- would be bctter ofT' in lI~ any cllses ; sprinkle with powdered sngar and M I'8, Annie E. H a ll, naming her as Dr, Dunlevy up oUt' loins and swat the fil es , finis, A ll t,lol'ses, if they, ha vc, rea- I to sell a horse l;> eca nse ,It ,lI as !?on~ Cll1n a mon, execu trix, She, however, waived And sistel's, leave your cosy bowers SO li (' lI oll gh to be ca ll ed II1telllgen t l al11~ may, lo?k hke 11 gll ll1 f nl t,hrng.' CHBAiVlED lVIUSHHOOMS her l'ight Ilnd agreed to 8hl11'e the DRY GOODS whel'e you have ,wasted golden Cl llillllli s a ll d are ,in.'tly tTeated, d e- at tllnes, I ~ I" bnt the I?ss of s ~ l f- P ee l llnd clefl n lI1u slll'ool11s, Wash 'p I'oper ty equally with her two J, R, Chapman hOlll's; with IlrdOl' 111 your souls Sl' I've wcll by their act ions, ):1""0 1'- respect InJure,s , a ma ll s ea,I'lIlug well. Stew very slowly in some !'I ons FI'llnl< and S, Wal'l'en Hall. , L, Handloif Fer pointe fi nd eyes, roll up yom sleeves al~d tllllat ely the friend of the fa mily powel' a nd 11~ r1l ty to get favors beef stock wi th a piece of butter , Thc' estate compl'ises bonds and swat the fll es !-Walt Mason III li ved and diell ill a tim e of peflce, frol11 hI S nClghbors, who uSll a lly Ma ke Cl'ell m Sll ll ce while mushl'ooms mOI'tgll~ es and about $100,000 in DRUG STORE Post, G, W, Rhodes o fl l'my wagoll or drawillg?f kn,ow a tI'ick h fls bcell p lfly ed, fII' e cooking, Take a tablespoon of rea l property , 1'01 pointe crushillg Cfl nnOll was P ll t upon It, Often a horse that,l,las gOll C ,lllme butter, Melt, mix in a d essert­ FARMERS' SUPPLIES We8C ,I ts toi l WIl S hal'll, bnt it was wi th- can be c UI'e,d , even If t ' h ~ veterlllary spoon of fl om' and stir until H, H, Shank ou t the d l'eildful wOllnd of the ex- a nd the n eIg hbors SflY It Cll l1l~ Ot be smoo th, Add milk 01' cI'ea m nntil p lodin g shell , the slow misery of h,elped, And wh en a h ~ I' s e IS not pl'opel' thickness is attained , K eep GREEN GROCER IIl1 dcr fed I'etl'cats f rom doubtflll hkely to be wort'h fl nythlllg to an 0 11 fire stilTing well, find add foUl' W, H, Cook battlefields when whip Ilnd blow ;Ivcrfl ge farn~C1' it is not likely to be cooked l11uchl'ooms, Season wi th Fer Kemb llIadc evel'y f Ul'long agony, 'rhe wo r th anythll1 g to a llY one else, salt and sprinkle to taste, S el've on ville Become Famous and GROCER s wee t hll Y and good ly gl'rlSS were its ___ C1 'isp pieces 0 £tOflSt, I' l' wal'd fo r labol' done alld gl'fl ill it ____-- Earn a bit 0/ J, R, Chapman .... helped to grow was mefl.'llI'ed to it Horace W estover is out pl'llllillg Found G'I Oue fn il'ly al l the d fl Ys of its li f e, Jus- and, praying tt'ees today, Y eal's UI ty HARDWARE tiee find kind linc's towa rd an ani- ago he had seven, childl'en, but now Of Manslaughter Spending Money T, A, Potte IIl a l is a ' mnch a d ll ty to the God· he is a lone 'ilnd E astel' was his sev· iVl rs, Elizabcth I , McKinuey was TAILORS loving man as jllstice elscwh ere, ent icth bil,thday a nnivel'sa l'y, H e q \Ne want a representative in every neigh­ Sol Wilson PO I' rig htonsness is not a matter to still keeps the fil l'm, old lVI I'S, :Mfls- fo und g nilty of m anslaughter in Floyd West be limi ted by him wh o I'cccives it, ell a, the Tta lilln womfln who hob- the Cou r t of Oyer and Tel'miner on boring town to look after the interests of bnt of the attitlldc and II ction of blse II ronnd with a cI'ntch, does the Thul'silay, after the jury had d elib­ The Post, LIVERY the rnlln ; it becomes the sonl, wh en 1I'0rk in thc honse li nd blesses him el'Ated f l'om 12,18 o'clock unti l 7.40 0, W, Strahorn cxercised lIS to n hOI' , fI dog 01' Eo I' keep ing her out of the pOOl' o 'clock Illst night, In l'etlll'ning the «II 'Write liS a weekly letter, receive subscrip­ Alfred Stiltz, l' ven the least of' cl'clltm'es, as when house, for much of the time she h'as malli fested ill the courts 01' senates no work at a ll Il nd he gcts his own ve rdict the fO l.emall of the jU I'y tions and advertisements for your commnnity, wh el'e the powel'f' nl nile the nation, mea ls, As el1ch of his chilc1I'eu aelded a recommendation fo r mel'CY LUMBER ---0--- died, SOll1 e wh en ,Yo nng, some wh en and the court ll 11 0wed fonr days in q Anyone interested write or stop in ancl H, W, McNeal A g reat loss is bein g snstaincd by older, Horace sct t'he fol iowing II'hicl1 a n appeal fO l' a n ew t ria l see liS , E, L, Richards IIIH ny \I'omell who hHv e not time to spl'ing a n apple t l'ce on th · W est may be lI1a d e, NEWARK POST ga ther the harvest they own ; grow- Hill lot fi nd a rose in his ba ck ya r L 1\[I'S, McKinlley was convicted of MEAT MARKET ing in the soft spring sunshine, The H e tends t h(' m a.' hi most impol't- C, p, Steell> tla nel eli on will not wait. the Illap- Hilt work. The roses, each of 11 cl if. fata ll y shooting D elHlY [lre R ecd, It's 11 1'(' I' t'tl f or th hHrvr st and the fel'ent killd, he gathel's as they h(, I' cOll s in, with a r evolvel' at Glas· anell101l (,S are white n pon the hills, bloom a nd sends to sO ll1 e person gow 0 11 the aftel'll oon of Jllnnary PHOSPHATES The g l'e(' n 0' th ' YCflI' , the SCfl rlet 2fi of this yea r, It was testifi ed E, L, Richard. of. wood spaces, the ten le I' leaves of wlro he t hinks is a li ttle neg lecte(l, thflt Heed had retlll'ned home after J, M, Pennington Ir oll sehold f1ow el's a round the yard ; a lways p u tting in t'he ca rd of the these need ,g'flthel'ing with the ey es delld ch il d whom the rose bush is a drinking bOllt at 1I'0n H ill find ~o/ ~ ~ alld binding wi th the h 'lIrt 's im- set fo r, Each a u tllmn h gathel's \lTeckcll the fu rniture of the honse fTi~ PLUMBING pllises and storing in the memory, the a pples and s nds thcm in boxes and assll ul ted her .before sh e fit'eel v5 ,', l You're a I W, D, Dean It'st the advall cing season make to people who will be ch ered 01' thl'ee shots whi le he WflS standing " T Daniel Stoll 1'Il elll to f fl de befo re I\'(' hnve silved help ed by them, a n] the ca rd f rom in the hont ya rd, one of which l h ~ l~of.r~~£L s,(s,\~~~~/:J ~ e ep one I PRINTING tlWlll , The fa rmer 's wife .'hould the one the trec was sct for a lwflYs took eff ect find cansed almost in­ ~ DC/~lED t()~ ~ lay ilside hel' importil ll t wQl'k ; the goes in to indicatc that the dr ad Q ' Newark Post c lean ill g, the pl1 trY- lmlk ing, the have sen t th ' frui t. Some think stant d eflt h, At the coroner 's in- ~ perator I RAILROADS qllest, the woman was exonerated lIlillion duties of the hOIl1 (" find go H Ol'fl ce is a li tt le out of his mind ; Pennsylvania on t now a nd then to th(' more im- he nevel' does anyth ing wrong, but on the g rounds of s If d efense a n d I I Baltimore & Ohio pOI'tant \I'ork of refl' eshillg her he confides to f l'i ends that he hea l'S I There are three parties to a telephone I he r attorney, J, F l'an k Ball , mad e ~ connection-the calling, the called and the ~ SEWING MACHINES . 0111 alld restin g her mind, while voic s in the 11I 0mcn ts bct ween this cont!:' ntioll d uring th e tria l. she secs the revr latioll of thAt li f e sleeping a llll wal

Th P,lI'ty wh ose pictul' ' Il'cr SPl' ia I ll'A i II 11 nd lhe Ct'ui t g l'Ow I' thllt th demalld will ill cl'ell 'C with IHead Of Chriltiana Society Ili kell Ht' tlH' stlilioll by all nl 1.' ­ filld th In pec uli arly adaptcd to ti ll snpply. H L' lIll oj' l 'hl'i, tinlla ~[i ss i o IlHI' Y DIRECTORY pl'i ing photographer, in cluded hal'v'stillg th ' bel'l'Y ' I'OP, ' Uo' ex C? IlIlLy,gl'OI\'C I:S th is ),,'11 1' Society IIl d nl th , hOllle oE l\lt", E. Mrs, It' lorcncc 13n Ylll'tl Hi ll e, 1[1'" At Bridgeville, the IUI'gl' t stt'aw­ f1I' (j eXp el'llll (, lItllJO' With In l ~e l' - H. Mi lblll'lI , 'l'hill'sdn uft e!'lIoo ll , Heubl' lI ~Htt e l'thw aitc, l\liss [I1I'Y bl'l'l'y 'hipping poili L ill th ' wOJ'ld Ili elon8 011 fI IHl'ae S 'ule, S?"I 'thlll " with fI V(,I ',\' good nt.tendnnc', 'rhe H, d ' \ Oll , ol'l'espo ndi ll g Rce l.'r t.a l'y IIll' l'chalits all.'ca dy al'e laying in ill ­ lh py have 11 ' vel' ,dOli ' Ud O I' ~ , IIlId vi Ce- pl L's id cll t, 1\ 1I'S, LI in hllHl1I was MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Legilliaturu M ~ mb enhip of th e Dela WH I' , Equa l IIfll'Ug ' cl'eased stocks of nil kinds, foJ', dUl'­ IllallY cfl l,loaLis or Ili eloll 1\'111 be IL' adcl' of the devotiOllal exercises. Mayor-J, H, Hossinger, J, p, A rm~tr on g p, M, Shorwood A.' '0 'iatioll; Mrs. ,John F , Tholl1as, II ig t h ' wecks of the 'tl'H wb 1'l'y shipped fl'olll th e JH'in cipal t IIn8 AC tel,' thr bll, illl's.' nfr fl il's oE th Johnaon, H, B, Wright John Pilling Eaate rrl Dilltriot - Jonathan tl'CHS lIl'Cl' of thc Wilmington elub ; caSO ll, it means thllt hllndl'eds of Joseph Lutton, Wm, R , Taylor or that COHlity. Society, the nf'tl' 1'1I0011 WIlS devoted Midd le District-G, Fader, W, B., Barton, liss l\lnbel l~ oll' l e l' , Miss l\Iathilde IIdditio li al men, wOlll en Hnll chi ld­ A ll Cl'Op cO lldition III' good, but Ic. l1olll ' and J ~ol'('i"' " l\lissioll, . We stern Distriot-E, B, Frazer, E, C, ' lippe, MI'S, F, E. BIlCh , Miss i ii 1'­ l'l' ll IIl Il ;:; t b clothell and f d, stl'awbel'l'ies fl lld p ua will U ~ilte l' 'I'h l' next l11 e till g will bc at th OARD OF EDUCATION Wilson, g lll' I'it c ""a lillee, Mr's, B 111 11111 L . 'l'he i'I'uit Hlld tl'llck Sl' 'lioll , of thall nsual ow illg to th e InL spl'ill g. hom or l\ll',. ' il Cl'e \\' ell , 011' ­ Me aretary and TreaB'urer-B, B, Herdman, President-Edward L, Richards. Amici, i\lio's MiI!'y Statnekoo, MI' , Delall'Hre n ' v I' loo ks pretti I' , '[' his '[' hi , how v 1', i ' regard 'a a ' a <1l1tOIl'II , t·he secolld 'rhllL' aAY ill Atllting 01 Couflcil--lIt Monday night SI!Gi!~~r:. , and Treasurer-Dr, J, B, RPl'illO' the aCl'eage of pens i gl'(~H t, or every mouth. • Anllie J. 'IcGce, i\i([os, Y I'g ' I' , 1\1t-, good, igll a the , outhel'll bel'l'i es June. Robert Gallaher Haney Hoffecker, and i\'li's. Frank 'tephens, Don S te­ Hnd on e may tl.'avel Illi les while will be Ollt or the wa y, and al t(l. C, A, McCue, ' phell s nll d . Irs. J:'; lizabeth W att of: 'oull tlp's nllmbcl' of fi elds of peas, gethel' this ",iv 's every pl'Omistl of 'l'he W n, hlll gtO Il I<'ir 'ompany Newark Postotfice AI'L1c l ~' Ml' . Sa muel N. Donllell or lookillg like gl'eat gl'e n block ', being a gr'ea t yell l' for the Delli a L' ­ or \\ ilmingtoll ha , I' ('ce ived fl'om MAli,S DUll NEW ARK TOWN LIBRARY N 'wn!'i" nlill Mes, J. Mi ll iga u of a l'C presented to vi ' II', '!'he peas From points South and 801ltlt- H. vin P £' ni nSl1ln, On' h fll' S no t·llll< the Mu rtin HI'l'iag' WOl'ks of York will a l'e contrH cted fol' by CHIIU C1'S, and eGit 7.00 a, Ill. The Library be opened: SL Oeol'ges, joill ed the IUH l'c h 'l'S of hard ·times, bll t on the CO lttl'll l'y 'Pa" its new IlIltO c0 ll1 01l1 ed chem­ 10,SOa, m. Monday 8 to 5,45 p, m, f}'Oln Delawal'e, in Washill gtoll, the wo rk of ha I' vestin g th is CI'OP (' vel'ybocly is optimistic, and mlln y ica l engine a lld hose wa go n which l.aOp.:ol. Tuesda y \I to 12 m. wi ll begin in a fe w weeks, Friday 8 to 5,45 p, m, thousand ' of doll ll l'.' will , 00 11 be wi ll be eqll ipped with a .J.O "'lIlIon f'l om pointa Nortll and Wut '1,00 a, m, T he yield of npples is also goi ll g put in cil'cnlatioll , 8,45 a, m, Saturday P to 12 m. 7 to \I p, m. Banner Fruit Crop Predicted tl1l1k and HiOO (l'Ct of hosc. 9,30 a, m, to be gl'eat this yea I', fO l' the apple 11,30 a, ,n, BANKS 'rhe fo ll owing optimistic accoll ll t OI'ChAl'd is supel'seding the p cach 5,15 p, Dl, PARWERS ' TRUST co, Meeting ot Director. of thr pl'ospect fOl' a banner' huit Ol'chal'll, Apple c ld ~lIl' e wa s fil,,'t .From K emblesville and Strick· every Tuesda!l morning, CI'OP in Delawa l'e, i, clipped from begll n on an e x~ e n s l v e sca le . 111 EGGS FOR HATCHING ersuille 7,45 a, m, NJo; WAn x TRUST co, Meeting ot Direetors th Wilmington uncl ay Stal' oflKeli t co unty, but It ha s e:,te[ld ed to i ,15 p, m, every Wednelldaw evening at 8 0 'cloek, Fro m .& vondale 11,45 a, m, MIlY 17: . S II SS?X ~O U[l,ty, IIlId hUlt gl'Owel'.' DUSTON STRAIN WHITE WY ANDOTTES 6,30 p, m, Dclawal'c, and ill fact thc entn'e 1II'C fi ll dlllg Its c u l tUL~e ,very p l'ofit­ Fr. m Landenb urg lUllp, m, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Dplllla l'vill Pcui ll snla, i, facing able aud .far' m,o l'e satisractol'Y than INDIAN RUNNER l:CK Secretar!l-W, H, Taylor, tl filth gh L Frem Coooh ', Bridge 8,S5 a,m, Meeting first Tuesday night ot ea~h what prom ises to be a bAnnel' crop ·:e gl'OWl ll g 0 peac les',a . on < 6,00 p, m. month, yeal', a nd it is expected t·hll t, ship- r ide through the state eVid enced the WAILS OLOSE In eill's of ce l'tllin I, iuds of fl'lllt will f~ct nll~t thel'e appC!~l's to b, .11 t'e­ Mrs. E. C. Johnson Newark, Del. t'.r points Sovth and West 8a, m, bl'('l1l< HII p l'evious I'eco l'lls, v~va l or peach g l'OWlI1g, '1 hi S re­ 10.55 a, m, LODGE MEETINGS Phone 181-L 4,30 p, m, OI'OW('I'S and bnye l's of the 10lve L' vlval be,gan on ly I' ce ntly, Hnd 8p,m, OPI!:RA H OUSIl part of the State were n ve L' 1110}'e lIulny or the ol'chal'ds seen II' I'e 1'e- Por point. North, and Monday-Knights ot Pythiu , or K, of optilliisti c at this time, And wh il e cently pia, uted, Welt 8,45 a, m, p" 7,30 p, m, I I 9,00 a, m, Tuesday-ImproTed Urder ot Red Men, big in cl'ciises in the shipm(, lIts H e Oue of the lal'~ cs t ~IPP OI'C~- 9.45 a, m, 7,30 p, m, loo ked fo r, they expec t th e demand Hds to ?e rO I~nd III th iS co untl:y IS Time of Greens 2,30 p, m, Wedneluay--Hept&8o phl, or 8, W, M., to ('quAI th e supply, rol' D e l a~v~lI' () Il eal' HI'I(]gevI," e-that o~ t l~ e Del- Spring Time, The 4.30 p,m, Circle, 8 , W, M ip rod ucts a l'e shipped to many Cities, awal" AppleColllpany, . rhl.' cO.IIl- Stol'my wintel' weather ca ll fo!' heavy foods, wc lI eed them to 8,00 p, Dl, T;~~2d~~Lad i'" 7,3 0 p, m. " eveJl ill cludillg 1\1ontl'eal, 'anada. pany bO ll ght the S, H. , i(ess.lCk F Qr Kemblesville and Strickerl' keep liS warm. Spring CO lli es and gl'ee ns spl'ing up, aDd we must eat Friday- Modern Woodmen ot Ameriea, 'I'he ,tn llvU 'ITy crop is expected ra l'l n on the road, f rom Hl'ldgevill e ville 9.45 a, m, them if we wou Id be hea It hy, They a I'e l1 a tUl'es own food and med i­ 6,00 p. m, No, 10170, 7,30 p, m, to be a 1'eco l'd bl'eakel', bll t it would t·o Georgetown, and set out !J29 a URA L FRlt:ll DIlUVU' be diffi cult to lIlake an es tilllate at acres in apple, trees. These ,t rees ciue, Buy r l'OIl1 us as 11' 0 have thelll fl'csh evel'y day. W e al'e cutting ' . 1111 &. IlL ODD F ELLOWS' HALL .c:Jl_ thi ' tilil e a.' t. o th e yield, ro r the j ust uow a ~' e 111 a fin e, cO ll cl ltlOu , OUI' 011' 11 ' pinHeh, It is 15 ce ll ts 1-2 peck. 0 11 1' Aspa I'agus is cut the V u. 3p,m. Monday- Jr, Order American Mechanics, 7, 30 p, m, , aCl'L'agr is lal'gPl' than ever before but they will no t bear III ru ll rOl' sa me 1I1 0r'ning YOLI get it,-l ce nts Il large bnnch ; Rhubarb, 5 ce nts find the vinl's fit this time co ntai ll thl'ec III Ol'e ycal's, BOARD OF TRADE Wednesday- 1st and 3rd ot every month, bunch ; Fresh P eas, ]0 ceuts quart; Stl' ill g Beans, 15 cents quart; Whits Clay Camp, No, 5, Woodmen of 111 01'(' b{' I'I'i C's than on a ll y I revious . B ~ fol' C' the first crop is, gath l ' ~ d President-D, C, R9118, New Potatoe , 15 cents 1-4 peck ; lal'ge bllsket. old Pot.atoes, 50 ce nts; the World, occasion, TIll' weather, it appeAl'S, II wil l ,b . necessary to bu~ l d ~ ra il ­ J' ice·President-J acob Thomas. Thursda!l-I , O. 0 , F " 7,30 p , m. J-1al'ge P in eapples. 13 and15 ce nts' Gl'ape F rui t, 3 rol.' 25 ce nts, T't'easurer- Edward W, Cooch, Saturday- Knights of Golden )<; agle, ha s u('en id ea l for the ViIl CS, illid I'oad Siding from. the 111 AII) III ~' of $eoretary-W , H, Taylor 7.30 p, m, the crop \I·ill be enormons, t1~ e DelAwa re Ha Il l'oad ~t BI'ldg- Very early 'forna,to P llIl1t, r ea dy for scttin g out, 2 ceuts each, A 1'I' I11'e, (' ntative or 'l'he 'ta t' vIl lc to the fa rlll . It will nlso b Eal'l", 'abbage Plants. :30 ce uts pel' 100. COMMI'l- 'TEES lllll'ill'" the past Ir ek made a trip II ccessa ry to e l' ~ct II cold sto l'~ ge Industrial Financial FIRE ALAR.MS H, 0, M, Koll ock Jacob Thomas th l' OI l"'h the State, visiting the bel'- pla ll t and a,n Ice manll~a ctlll'lng G , W, Griffin E, L, Ri c ha ~d8 II! ease of fire call the following num· 1',1' belt , and hc fo und only optim-l plnllt. Ha.ll an I Hbol' ~ l' s wil l be en- GREEN AND YELLOW STAMPS C, A, Sho rt T, F, Armstrong bers in succe8sion: iS1l1 on all si(iL's. gaged to pick the frnl~ , an] a small H, W, McNeal E, W. Cooch 27 D 'I'h \l'o l' k of gl1 th el'inrr th e y ield setL lpln C' llt· oE ha ck ' will bc bll il t on Statistie& Educational Phone 87L N , M, Motherall Dr, Walt Steele 99 A will berr in ill hom tll'O to tlll'cc the farm. w. H. COOK W. T , Wilson G, A, Harter 33 D ~ I~' C 'ks l1~d it. lI1 en n, the illlpol'La- I'' 'I'h , apple c~m,p~ny h ~s, also PUI'- L, K. Bowen 172 tlO Il of eO Il .' llcnlble labor to the chA' 'd allothel fa l \11 nea l the Ie - Municipal Transportation fruit belt. sick 0 1' hard.', and 4.J. ,00?, 111 0l'C E. M, Th om pson J , W, Brown 31 D 1,'o l'Illt'l' h' tlt p crop In lS hl1 l' vc,'ted t!" e' IHlve bl'ell plallted, 1 hc ?l'- .1, H, Hossinger C, B, Evans Joseph Dean :lr ~0~::e;fwrL80N . lililinly h,l.' II ('g I'O failli li l's brought chards of t·his CO Il1P,H II ), a~ o n 111 - f1'011l :\ IHl'yll1l1Ll a lld th' \ "i I' O'i nia , SIlI 'I' all enOl'I11 0US ,1'll'ld oE HP I ~ I I'.' bllt wi th the .illcl'eas{'d aCt'l'Hg , it ill H f('II' yea r ' lIlIl es, sO lll ethlllg CA,NDIES i ' A Delawarean's View . I 'olll'enil' of the national CO I1I'cntion Ill' ';\111(' Il l' e('l;sl1 1',1" t d l'all' ul on should happen to kill tI~ ,trees .. of 19] 2, 11 bl'i1l1tii'lI l metal ca.' t· of 111 - Of The Suffrage Parade Othl' l' SO lll'ce .. alld nOli· Italians are 1' lIl e.'.' \l'eathcl' olldlt·IOIl S 0[' Just the Kind You Want, \: ou Have Heard of A POLLO A con'esl ondent in th Middle- th e hi s.tori o. Lib r l ;~.Y B II .witl: th > IHI' gl' ly Cill pl oyed. spct. do rr l'ea t ~l Hlnagc , th e yi ' lel of 'I'h l' bier O' l'Oll'el'S pal'l\' ill the I'l' fII' Clllltaloupcs 11'111 b C' fa r gl"at('1' CHOCOLATES but do you know there are A pollo Candies tO lm Tl'IlII 'c l'ipt giv ' an intere.'t- motto II1 .'CI'lb!.'d: P ro ,Ia lill Ilb ' l'Ly II1HI<(' 111'1~1I1 "' (, lllc n L 11·.i'tll pHdl' ~ II f" , thall ,'n' befo l'e, Th "'l'owel'S l'lfl,,'e of like quali ty of every style and k ind? inO' de.'cl'ip tiolJ of th 'Itftrage dem- th roughout all th la lJc1unto all the who in tUl'n arrange fo r the 1I1I1lI- p lant ed t·he se ] fi nd th ey fl l '~ Ipo k­ For the children there are Fresh, T hin Crisps ot Every o n~t !'ati o ll held ill Wa, hington, inhabita nt.' thereot' All ca l'l'i d bl'l' ot: IAbol'c t's desired. 0 11 th ill g fOl' lI'a l'd to the 1'csul t of th IS F lavor, in Dainty Shapes and Sizes, 2S cents per pound, :;')1,1,1' 2. as fo II 011' , : Delaw lI l'!.' pcnIHlnt. ill bluc with fl'uil fal' lIl s fl I'C el' cte(l r oll', or ,VP HI" crop lI'ith a gr at ] al of in­ a Then the Caramels, Everyone Pronounces T hen the Best go ld lettcl'in , IIml smA il Votes woodell sha cks wh ere the ra III il ie.' [crest. " Dign ifi d in ca l'l'iaae, elastic of E ver, either rut, 1\[arshmallow or Plain, 40 cents per pound, .'tep, and bright in hope marched .£0 1' "'{om n. " flag, in yellow And lake up quarter.' dU l'i li g the f ruit ' oll1 e of the pe.', imists dec l a ~ 'e tho usan Is or 1I'0men on Satul'day bla ck. 'e1l , 011. No rent is charged, and the tha t ir there i a f ull crop, the hlg T he Chocolates have made the Name Pamolls, T hey in 'iVa hington-voluntee!'s pres Ilt Mrs. Flol'el1 e Bayard Rilles, ltalian rHm ilie H I'P enabled lo lI1 al'ket.' wi ll b glutted, bllt oth I' are put u p in Beautiful Boxes and Baskets, Suitable for 1' 1'0111 ]]orth, east, outh and we, t, to loca l chaiwlall of th e Congt' ssion­ lIlake co mforta ble lI' aO' s, cO ll te nd that the Delawa l'e pr~du ct \\ orkboxes later on, Stop in early and make a repl'ese nt not only their respec.tive al I ni on. held th e bea. utiful new 'ometirn s th yare bl'ough t f l'om has lIlade 'll eh a iHlm e fO l' Its If Selection .'tate' but th lIl any occupations Amel'i ea n flag rece ntly pUl'cha, ed . Philadelphia and othcl' citi s by dlll'ing thc pA t fiv e 01' ix. years Hlld profession whi ch rapidly LEATHER GOODS e; hanging eco nomic conditions have thl'Oll' n op n to wom en, and which @®®@@)@@)@)@)®@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@)@@)@)@@)@)@@)@)@)@)@)@(§)@)@@®@@ Man icuring Sel3, Leather Goods, Hand Bag~ a i' fll ,t proving thc uuanswel'able Card Ca~ es, Pocket-books, W allets, a l'guill ent fo l' ~h e just~c e of: ~ xt ud­ Tra\Jelling Cases, i ng them the !'Igh t of hanch Ise . .JlIclO'iuO' by the fin e weath I' A FINE LINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS co nditions in Wa 'hingtoll, th e : LAWN MOWERS I\' l'atherman must favor votes fo r I Waterman and Parker Variety, women, as h ccrtainly smiled on th e ma rchin'" suffragists on Satul'­ ciaI'. 'rhe rou te a longPennsylvallia Remember our Lawn Mowers cut al:ellu e hom th White House to G. W. RHODES th e 'apitol, with its c l ou~-.cap~ e d most of the grass III the community. c1o m· rising chaste aud VISIOn-like NEWARK. DELAWARE fl ga inst th clear blu sky, was an They have a reputation~~built onuse and inspirillg one for the marchers whose gay pageant!'y of C010L', ~re­ experience. Get (llI (' llt bands fl ower -deck d gll'ls, , uff l'age calva ry, infantry ~ y ~hO~l­ at your lawns .. fi nds colorful with badg' lnslgnla An Instructive S4-page OPTOMETRI ST- and I'egn li a of val'ying, kind '! Ol' early with one Illustrated catalogue o PTOM ET R V - The mark c1 by so m ffcctlve devICe- 0 Brim ful of what you want to know science of prescribing One skilled in optom­ etry, an expert in as ('on nrcticut with its gay~m- 0 of our mowers. about gctting bigger. better results from the and fitti ng gl asses to soil -shows th e labor-lighteni ng, time-savin g correct def ecli ve vis­ mea uri ng eye defects, brcll a.' , the p aO'ea ntl: ~ of "pl'mg, features of Planet J r tools-the mos t economica l A physical Eye Spec­ youth a nd hopc, tYPified by hun- 0 efficicnt agricultural implcments ever in vc nted, ion withou t the use of alis!. dl'eds of g irls and young women, I Fully guaranteed, drugs, rrarl and ed by flowers, and fo ll owed 0 hI' a wh ite- robed ehol.'us- a ll CO I11 - 0 b'i lwd ill a beautifu l and artistic ell -I 0 WINDOW Concerning Your Eyes ·(' Ilib le. 0 Planet Jr - 'I'lwl'e II'{, I'P thc delcgation:q, too, 0 [l!23] Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder. Wheel Hoe, Cultl_ GOOLI eyesight is essential to health and comfort. Eyc of trad ' uilions en] marshallmg a.lI: 0 SCREENS Yator, and Plo w sows seed accurately a nd works Qui ckl y. easily. t hor. OURhly . \·Vonder£ul all·round garden tool and Illoncy·savcr. strain Illl correcled leads to nervou di sorders and is a factor t 11£' IllO lin ted ca Iv a l'Y WOlllen, thell ~ Planet Jr Double Wheel Hoe, Cultivator, Plow and Rake in call 'iug many reflex disturbances, pU l'ph., II'hitc and gold flilg f1a sh- 0 works both sides o[ plants thorou5ithl y and rapid ly at one paSS3f(C. until crops are 20 inches hi gh. This fine .. 001 has indestructible illg gaily !L(' I'(' find th re alld ev('!'y­ DOORS lit el frame and steel teaf·lifters. Tired, aching eyc ', frequent pain ovcr the eycs or heads II' he l" , th roughou t a ~ lel of movll1g 5endlr:i~!tl::::~~ ~~re~h5s ~~~i!ol~e~l1 ~i~1. ~il f~~::~~~t aches are sonic of the indicat.ions of eye strai n, At other lI'ill'illg co lot' , '0 1l11Dg OV I' 2,000 work. Do it now ! tim es th e eyes gi ve no indicati on themselves of strain, but lIl il e" from thc west, were th wo­ SCREEN cndeavor to kcep up the demand upon them, by using the II1£' n vOtP I'S, an aclvAn'~ gUill'll who reserve accomltlodative power until th cy gi ve out. all' £' ady exe l'cise lh r igh t to vote, WIRE It II:as a piclul'esq ll gl'O UP or GLASSES RELIEVE EYE STRAIN \ ))l' lawRl'e womel1 tha.t gatheJ' d at Get the house screened Success in relievi ng eye strain depe nds enti rcly upou the P 'lIllsylvaliia stlltion in Wa ~ h­ before the fly seoson , the skill of th e practi tioner who pre sc r ib~s the II'lasscs, Our illgton to take the D,10 a, m, tl' !~ II1 , OptOllle(ri sts are experieuced and capablc, hl'ari ng al so a HlIffl'agc d !egatl,on of on hUlldl'ed Phila.d clpllla[ls, 11'1 - cl udi ng l ach 'l's and p l'o!es.'ional WO Il1 11 to lhe nationul ca pital. Millard F. Davis 1'h , D ,IAwal' party wo~ e white THOMAS POTTS Jeweler and O~tician d l'l's, ('[oj and l'cgH lia of val'lOliS de­ " l'iptio l1 s, Th l'ich pur'ple, yell ow a lid wh it , sash of th ongr'es­ Newark, Delaware 9-11 E. 2d. St. Market & 10th Sis. , io Hnl [ nioll were in vidcnce, be­ , id" th yellow a nd black " votes WILMINGTON. DEL. 1'01' wome n ' bl'east bands, b~ tt on~ with th pil' ten blun sta l's tYPICa l of the 'nFI'Alichisecl ,tate, whi l ' on e pnlhllsifH;t 11'0 1' ·' us a penclaut aud NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., May 20, 19 14

Society Defines Its Object \ 1,;It'ctl'icnl :\ 1 l':1SlIl'ill~ fl1Stl'lIlIl l' lIl s, \I iSl' 11 (li"lIslr liS polalo t1 'oll))le, - I-"Ililly" ,' 1111 \;I ,\", Ihl' l11l1(,h I < \ llholl~h hI' , jlllkl' bl'il'f1\' ,11)(1111 'l'h"I'l' is 110 dOllilt bL:t Ih It thl' HOIIg-hl l'\'Il11g1,lis l, ha s ngrl'l'd 10 ac- 'I'll" IlcIH'I'al :-Il;I'\'i C'1' Ilnal'd o[ "111'1 '('111 II 'al1"I'OI'IIII' I'S , Ill:illl' Ih 'lt dj"l'HH(' hilS a ll'l'llI l,I' l'l'achet1 Dvlfl- ('I 'pl till' illvitlltiol1 or the 11l 1l'1'- 1111' Ih,II1\I'al'" :-lol,it'I,I' or ('ivi,' :11101 1111'1' 1IH1\' hi' l'UIIII"tll '~1 il; S l' ~it~ (01' 1I'IlI'I', till' l'lalil Pathoiogisl hllving l'hlll'l'h 1,\'dl'I'lllion 01' , ViI1l1il1g- ee· ...... •..... --- - .. :'lI(' il~~ \\~"I:' :lI'l', !'l""'",II,\' ,IJ1'W"liz.,d ill jll11'1'lil'l I1l1d thai Ihl' 1lIl'oll;.(h I'ulllld IhL' HIIIIIl' IIp011 1'0111.' din'PI 'L' llt tOil IllId :\l'\\' l'astle cOll lll y to ('011- ", \\ t1l1l1llglOIl, 1'1, dlsll ' lb~llllIg' a 1,\'1 ' lI'iI '" fill hl'a\' ,\'IIOl'k is a CC IlI'- shipIII!'lIts or HI'I'II pu l:l to ('.' Inh 'lIt'd dlld a 1':11l1])Higll in Ihnt ci l~' ill 11 I ('11 '1'\11111' 11 ,111 '1' II'hll'h sds IOJ,th Ihl' all' lI'illiill ,U 1 01' ,O:! or 1 PI 'I'l'l'ltl. 1'1'0111 i\ llIilll', l!JlG, pI'ovidl,d a tempol'l11',I' talll'l'- BUG G I E olijl'ct or Ihl' :I""or,jalioll!lS 1'011ulI's: 1111 01 ilbOll1 10111 11l'tl'I'S, S:I,I ill~: tlt at Tilt, spotI-; 01' ]lllstil's of POWdl'I',Y lI;Jei(' 10 S"H t 1'1'0111 J,OOO to 10,00 ,'Ol,il 'l\' flJld il.' 1':l'('lIlivl' II", dl'ltljll'liilig' l'lfl,('t js SI'L'III'("l hy s,'all lin' Jlol i I'l'l'gll Iii l' 1I,' a l'It1p like is hllilt lI11d a s or PI' lilllillfll',Y 'J'1 1i~ g ~ll'l'i 111111\', '1'111' U;' III'I '1I1 :-lI'I'vil'I' IltHlI'd Ii I'HII." or iI dlo.,l', hi' l'Ol dilll,d lIic Ihlll 01' 1'01<)111011 st'ab, bill an' slIlnll - \ "Il'L.t ill s br 11I 'Id, III' lil'l;J ll fll'[', if; 11l'galiizl'd to I'O-O p - gl'I'f1I" I' pilrl or his lalk 10 Wiltt- l' l' Hlld IIl':lI'ly ('il'l'ulal', bl'l'rl killg ------"I'Htl' with Ihll l'xiRlillg ('i\'il' I1l1d hUII I'IIIl'I"I'S, thl'ollgh thl' thil1 ,lIl'l'ncl' sl,il1 01' tht' f B - Th "BAB i VOLUME V r",· "". ",;' 'j, ::'.:: ,;:: EC URI TV TR us TAN D I :;:i ::::::;,;';;:: :;~~::~':" """ , ' ~ :"~;, :: ,:~:',d:: ;,~ ~ ':',~::: :::::;";,,::':':,', ,\" ';:::: '\,, ::,,~:' 1; ,'.',':::,~ CO~~~ai:eO:;';,':z. ~ew ~:;:'~rade ~ind. If IlIld"I'S , ill whi"Ii th,"dl'lIljh'niJlg " I' - 1I11d jllIll'dl'I',\' , This disl'Hsl' lil(p Ol'- S FE DEPOSIT COM PANY YOl.l want something better than the regular 1, '1'0 stlldy ill H SC'il' "t,i fi l' 1I1i111 -1 I'l'l't III\S SP('I II 'l'd It\' IIIPilllS 0" ;11'0111- diJl;!I',I' sl'ilil Ii la,l' pel'sist ill illl't'sl(,(l SIXTH ANI) MAR KET 51'S, . 111 :1' ,1111 Ihl' (l (' lll' I' ,11 W" I1I11' t' ,11111 1 pal'atil'l' ('I'ud,' l:il1l- likP il l'I'ilugl' - soi l 1'01' ;\ 1011g tillll', 'I'l l(' sl'l'io ll , _ stock kind, the "BABCOCK" is the one. A ('me 1>I 'obl Ill R I,ll 1)(' ll1l1'ill" ', to till; IIICIII. II " 1111'11 sholl'l'd u~ o Ill' or II l'SS or Ihl' disl'i1SI' is dill' to sl'VP I'i11 ~~~~'t~~~ ' lIll d PI'oIlIS, ~~~~:~~~ I classy, high-grade buggy at a price tbat will ~ ' IJ{I thaI all II"" 11I 1<:1'I";ls l'!l,IIl'I'l'ltl'( Ihl' 11 lOSt 1Ij1 lo.dflll' II'l\t I 110'11' 1I1d- ('hill'al'II'rislics 1I0t ('01111\10n 10 ol'di- Deposits. $2,500,00 I III PI' () J1()~ I: tll l'g'I:~ II1IIOII,hL' ~1\:I ' 1I1\lH · 1'1 ',' '; IIHL'I',Y J, Elli"on, rubber tires. ' Ihl' 1'1I11 11111\ .. frl'C'lil'l' SlI PP Ol't 01' a 111111111111111 , , I,hl' 1o,.;. o f lI'alls 111 id t'lIlifi('atioll or III , di, til," \I'ill be Assistant 'l'reaslII'er I ,'l1vh llIell,'III'l''; a~ the .'ociety shall 1111' sh llll i ('od ,IS 'ollsl:11I1. j \\'i',Il, Illadl' illld 11 I'P P 1'1 sell I to thc Levi L , U aloney, \Ve can give you good value for the money. i1 JlPI'O\'1' nl'll'l' (it ,lilJl'l'alil'l' sllld\', II IHl Ihr 10 sol WHlls 111 t11C' S,'I )(\ gl'OllL'l' Assistant Se('rcta l"Y , "Oil IS 1I1 ~ 0 ('OIH,1 1\111 , !Jl1t IS oilly , ~ ~ To 1' 1111 (' <1\'(11 ' to I's llll!\J h Hfi 1\.111 Ea C' h or th l'fil' 10, ~ ('~ , i;o\I'- \ Board Names Committees Come and see our stock. We won't bore jlllhlll' polll',l' ,llId l'!HIl'1 1I11~ IlllI' I' ','1', is C'0111 111'1I 'nt r tl 1'01', 'I'll(' gl',' nl s l1 l' h 11l('aSI II 'I'S liS sll,dl ht' rllHi I1,1 ' I"st (' ,\1'1' IS I.lkl'll 10 insllI'(' 11 1',' 111'11(''' 'I'il l' l'O llllll ilt('CH p l' oviLl('(l 101' fi t K R YPTO you with selling talk. The GOODS ANi) d"t '1'1111 11 I' d liS appllcabl(' to (;Olltil- ill Iilis 1,,111 ' 1' ill Stl'II1111'II1. \loll'S il l:(, a n 'cl'lIl III P, 'lil1g' or tli c 'l'l'lI,'tl'CS o[ LENSES I PRICES DO THE SELLING. lioll '; Il'illiill Iltl' statl', jlllllelll'd in 1111 ' dise to PI,,'\'I'II I Ih' \;l\l'li rc ('Olll'g'l ' have )) >('n i1p - To PI'OI1t'I'I,\' \\'(ll'k Ollt 111l' s'opc Ic l,,'pping, a (,lill1li of IHl i1l1 is pnt 011 Two Pal·rs in One W 11 h- d h of Ihis 1110 \'1'111('111. il is I11 '(' I' SSI1 I'" 10 1111' d ls(' to III SIII'!, pl'l'l'l'C' 1 billall"I', ['oillll'd by K,·(i0\'Pl'Il0I' PI'cston I e se everyt lng use on t e hI' i1SS 11I'f' tI or fillilll('ial Sl1PjlOI'l ' I'llI' 111111 th (' l'illio oJ' 101'(jl lr to weigold IJI'il. rlillil'lllall of Ih t' Boal'll. There f N l-' 11 dE' " p" I'iot! or 1101 I, 's' titan t111'l '(' i, a dprillill'I,\· kilO\\, II ql1antil,\', i ~ 110\\' a ll Ex('(: uti\'e C'01l1111itl 'e, arm. ew 1.0 an nglnes, \','m's, 1'1'()11l .)111 11' 1 ~ 1. l!ll.J, 10 ,IUIl I' l'O IlIPOs('d or tht, haii'mnn [ Ih e 1 H yes & Myers Pumps 'our long 'lsI. ]!Jl7, Tliis is il1 OI 'd,' 1' to IIl1 o\\' Quarantine ,On I l\ul1 l' lells.' I • • NEWARK, DEL. I 1111l!l'I'\\Titin of-I his \\'ol'k to an \I1 <1l'k(,t pOtiltOl', ('0111",' dll'C'c tly - ' ' , , .. , , , , , ;\llll1l1 nt of ,~O,OOOlr pel' 11111111111, 01' from Ihis 110l'tht'I'n RO IlI'ep, it il'ill ;\r. h oll ock, ('h[ll1c('lIor C, i\I. 111 '- S. L. McKee Optical Co. IIHlI'(', for till' fil'sl Ih l'p(' I'L'HI'S, lob ' bl' IJ(" ('~ Sfll ' ,\ ' tor liS to b\'C0 111 ;J II'HI'e tis, ,J. L1, H ossin grl' 1)1', G, ,y, MAIN STREET applied 10 SP('l'l'ln l'inl. oiTil' C' , ('d lle;]. o[ thp :';''''i,ow; 11 :1 t,l1 I'C' ,rr this lroll- ;\flll'sha li. Optometrist Opticians liol1ed, IC'ga l nllcl o:hl'I' ('XPI' I1 SI'S, II blC', C,l,I' L'l lIll'xHl11l1lHlI OII sh,oultl be 1"i l111I1C C ('ol11ll1itte -Go\'CrllOI' 816 Market St. ~0fL~N~OU SE .-----. . -----. is, Ilw1'(,fo l'I', nl'CI'HSH I',\- to Ht' 'I II'C 1/Hllll' o[ all potato,'s Il sl'd fol' ,('cll C, l{ , Milk'l' II I •• ..... • .... • tIc C h ' l i l'111 ~ I1 ' Invitations 1'1'0 111 Ihosl' 'iliz,' ns of 0111', tatl' II'ho iIl, nti sho,lIldr Ill('I 1ft PI'I 'S" "~(, of a Il C\,I' Th oll1 JlfO~ I'I, 1')1', C~r , \,"; ' ' ''I1\ ''l l ' ~~1 1[1 II' A,'t,ificial EyesWilmington Carefu ll y li'ttell. 'iIl PPol't lh l';;C]l l'in C' ipI I'SIl,Sub,C l'ip- 1 O I""1' ~I · s'nl )l',II1I1I,11P" R l we l - I 'Vatsoll ll fl1'1'ington, 1 ~( .. ', n: by friends in 11011 gUIlI'HlILl'!' l'lIl1l111l" 101' Ihl'('1' Ilnc11s s,l ollld br SIIb111 It ted to thc I'.. ' r I . ding of jIi 'S Mal \'I'IlI'S~ p"yabl(' Itl lal ' t('~ h ' , sC111ia n- l 'rlant i'alholoO'isl of Delawl1l'c " \'~II S , ~:,q, " ' to n anti Mr, ;\llally, or' <1 11lll1 l1l h' 11 , d l~::;i l 'L' Sh 'l ~ n\( 'I . " s f l'0 1l1 1,IIrcsted Cl'oft, III" ~I'C III "'l l. 1,IlJd I1l1d JlIl' llil'l qnH I'a11tlllcs all "\\'01l1r ll ',' ('ollc"c- 'hancell or , slIbs I'jpli 11 sliall bl ' 1I11lflt' billd. are,as showing auy evidenec of bein g i\l. 'ul'tis, chair1l1 Hn; n, B, '''hom p­ y ill g. f1 nd plr l'c lil'C' lIpOIl 11 l11illilllll1n \ II.1Iestl'd" 0111', g l'O\\'(, 1'8 are a li'('.nd SO li , n enl',V 'Ridgcl,V, Esq" '1'h 0111a8 when he's a Sol Wilson Tailored Man. The skinny person gllHnl lll l'1' or ,',) ,000 a ,rt'H I' For th' 1\\\':1 I't' o[ tht' lact Ih nl tll C' (nlt('(1 Da vi s, l ~R q .. 1J, ViT, ::\fnslal'(I, llil'['(' \'l'a l' p E' l' io d, - Statl', hl w ;t q ll f1I':11111 I1 C agl1l1lst IlI stl'lI ctioll- l I', G, ViT , Mm', hl1 ll who wrote the line "Nobody loves a Fat Man" was airing his I ss l~ ('d h,\' till' Ol'gH llizinO' Com- J ~lI I' OP l' f111 a nd (',nna~ l ian potato(', hflil'lnlln ; ,J, n, \Vhitcmlln, E sq,: Illiltc(', Ion F1CCOl llil of tilL' llL 'eil E' Hnd t h ' :-i , n , i\,' ick DJ', G, A,lIIlI:t('1' ' jealousy,~and he knew he was perjuring himself when he ('lial']rs WlIl'lI l' I', ('//(I in/lo ll black \I'al:t 01' C[I like l', which i like- H, EVflns, liJsq, ' ' did it, It is, of course, perfectly true that a slouchy fat man H el'bel't II, 'Ward is not very attractive, But for that matter nobody cares T , 1\II 'lI Il illl's (h:ol'g'I' H, ;\1i 11,,1' especially to hug a slo\lchy light-weight. ~ harl es L, Candee ~\I a I' ga I'pt 11, Sh('al'l1l f1 n "Fat" is just like anything else, If you do it up in a nifty i\11'8. ,J am t's II. H lI g hes ( 1)0\'1' 1' ) ('Ol' nl' l ia 'l'Oll'n sl' nd ( Ode,'sa ) package, and display it with tasty, harmonious trimmings, it I ~dll'ild A, Joj VH II S ( 'hr, l\' oIL1 ) SPRING OPENIf\:G presents a mighty alluring front, Moreover, it combines both 1<' 1' 'd 'rick Bl'ady (:;\Iiddlctoll'n ) ( ';1I t'iJ I;;, Hl1 l'chcnal quantity and quality-a full-weight package of good GeoJ'ge .K He d merchandise, Irving ,VHl'n " AT HANDLOFF'S Edgar i\l. 11oop C'" JI', On the other hand, if you wrap it up in butcher paper and ,J 1' f1 111l ('t te J ~c l \ lIla 11 , ,,< ('(' I'( lory, tie it with coarse-grained string-then nobody values it UST arrived, a new line of Gent's Furnishings and SCHOOL NOTES particularly, ' JRrady :Made Clo thing for Easter, 'rhe S uits I have LH.'L l"riciH,\' II ft l' I'1I 00 1l II most are Rcady Made, but the Material, Workmanship and li elpl'lIl Hlld illtl' r('!'llillg addl'cfls lI'a s ~I especially invite the visits of the Robust , 0 neo f th emaln' 1'it, guaranteed just as the made to order, for less tll,lin'l'cd iJ l' fol'l' thc :\clI'