NEWARK POST ---\ '( d=,t':' lE V NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DEL., May 20, 1914 '1.' ~lBER 17 FIELD AND New Rector Installed The Sprinkler Payments Due IAffairs Of The , IA. U. M. P. TRACK MEET By Bishop Kinsman At W k June First Womens College j CONFERENCE .'I' he Hl'v: W. C. JIallpt, form ely or 'I'h t, OUI'St' in )]ome "i ':COllom ics ~t Havl'o de Crace, 1\1ct ., OIl la st ill Ih c })lImmrl' S hoal .1'01' '!'PHeh. (' I'R At I)r lall'fll'c ( 'ol lpge lI'ill he COLORED FOLK IN CONVEN- ALL DELAWARE REPRE- nnday mot'lling 1\' 11 in tal lecll'ec· One or th e most \I' 'Icome sightR Pi·oped)' OW11e1'S who h:w fnil· of til e >!('asoll was the sprinkler I'd 10 IlIlIk!' ilrl'nJl genH, "ls .t01· PH Y' /! iv r ll h.v Ilw dil','rlol' o[ Ih nt ll('· TION AT NEWARK SENTED BY VISITORS Itor or St. 'l'homas' Ohul'ch Newark 1I1I1'11I 1I' llt ill Ih c \VonwlI'R L'olkg(', by: the Right Rev. Frederick i II'lIi ch appefl l' d OIL th, strec1s last 111(' 111 or SCII' l' I' as 'c, 111 ell I will 110tC Monday. ·Wilh the type of road adv('1'liflClIlI' nt i l1 [[l1 ol ht' I' C011l 111n , Miss J\l.v l'lI c \T. .' a1lt1ell. 'l' ,t1il III To Physical Director William J. Klllsman, Bishop of Delawar e. Ih e 'all gl' fol' this CO lil'Sl' lI'ill uc \Vitlt lkkgiltl'S pl·C'.t' lll from ",[e,\ '.1 i'i d ue 1U0st oE the credit H ~adecl by the ve:t1'ymen, Bishop we have at. prescnt antl so much cu llillg n-tte lltion to this 1I1 attel'. It Ill,lawnl'!', P('nll , y"'nnill, l'\ P\I· ,)I'L" olltside antoll lOb il c 'tl'avcl, thro11gh' is illl] el'f1liv (' that thc b,: 'i!lesS be givl'n to Iho. p \\'ho R,'k 1'01' it. fol' II ~ 1'l' lIt sneees of the fir, tan: KIUSOHlIl a uu the Hev. 1\11'. Haupt, A II fll1vi. OI'Y councils [or the Sl')" Nell" YOJ'k and l'U i1IHl,l , tilE' J11 l111 1 I,'!,· 'cho lastic field and track WCI.'e esco l'ted fl'0111 th ve. tibule of Ih e town, the du, l without sOllle r losl'd up and Ih CommiSS ion hfl s 01 11' hUlldl'l'tilh Hilil '·11 . essioll oE 111 (';111 , of: allay il1 g' it, becomes LIn· gnll1l rd this CXll' l1 sion of ti1l1!' un· \VOIlIl 'J1 'H Col l ~g' hl1 . 11 IRO b C'l' 1I Rp · IIll "I L,,~ d 0]1 .Jo Fl'azor Field 1a t ~h e church 10 Ih e cliHn ee l by Sen· poill ted I1S I:ollolI's: I hr lIIidel ll' (lisll'iet o\' I h A rl'i('f1IL SHIll !" lay. While Ih e mcct wus un· JOr yvard n Alfl'ed A. 'nl·tis and bea l'Hbl e. ']'nlVrl hns ill cJ'eased so IiI .rulle 1 st. A fl·el· this cia Ie. t.h r l' ni oll Mpiltodist I' I'olL'R la nt ch1ll' ch within Ih last f(' 1I' yfIC l'S, t.hat it PI'O IP I'l y 011' 11('1' wh o has failed to ]\fl's. AILI'pd n. \ \Tal'llel', chair· d,'I' I I,' allspice of the Athletic JuUlO.1' Wardcll Ceo l'ge A. 11a rtct· . IIlan ; 1\lrs. -William '1' . Ballcl'oft of open tl I l1i~ 1lI01'lIing- ill Ih e , '1. ['011 111' I of Dclflwnl'e Uo llcge, Mr. Ar!-r Bis11OpKill 'man had pro· soe l1l S impo, sible to Efl ll: into Ih e I' ll'·et 111 fll1 1l el' of paymell t lI'aivrS. ,J Oh ll ' ehul' Ii hl' I·I'. Ahoul GO WHY ·OI' doil1 g wi l·holl t fh e spl'inldcl' IIl C' I' ight or choicr aDd is co mpell r l1 Wilmington ; l\i[I'R. l\ [a l' Y A. 13l'own ~ l d\ ll.l. had p erson(l.l supervision Imlll ed Mr. llflllpt duly instaHed of' Milford ; 1\11' . O. Y. Woo ten of del ga tes 1'l' PI 'csl' II Lin g pI'l1C'li("l ll)' of /lit Ih preliminary arrange· II . rcctol' the kE'Ys 01' the church as was the cli slolll hefore the Pili" 11 0t b,Y Ih(' Comm issioll, b111 hy the l'Vl' l",\' chu1' eh in till' tl isll'i('1 WC·I· ' cha sl' of 1h l' Ce ll III L'V Ull1 b sevel'a I provisions of th e Act of the Cl' nel'al 1"ll nl'e l, a lld M l's. Chnl'l es B. EvanR IIl l'II [o,. Fo r weeks pI' 'vious to the wore 11l'eSented to hilll by Senior 0 1' Ncwal'k. PJ'PS(, Il!. Hi shop C' .\Y. 1 ~ 1" 0\\"1I · oE dH.'. IIr Ih ' mcet he uad put in Warden ~ 1 1"1' e c1 A. CUI· lis. A J?1'ge .VC<1l's ago. ' Assem bl y Lo pay Ih e fili i [1 111 011111 fll Wil1l1in<rton pl'eRided. Hey. S. \V. mil 11.1 hO llrs or work p erfecting congl' egatlOn attended th e scrvlees. A lthough no definite nction hns on ·l·. 1"lI ill1l'p to ]0 thi s ma kcs it C'hippey or \Vi11l1ill g10 1l 11' 11. 1'(,I1P­ bee n taken by 'ollll eil, it i beli eI" 011 the '01l1 111i ssioll to el"l'n Il, tai l fo r the big day. That COIIIP III ~O I' Y Trust Officer Appointed pointed by Hisllop 111'011'11 , srcl'c­ ed I he 01't't'1' 0 I' the wa go n Ill.flU ' by pl'oce('d wi th eo ll cctio l1 by IH II' as th,'I" WlIS 1I 0t a hitch ill any of the Hope To Complete (il 'O I'~P W. 1\ ful"l 'ay. telil'l' ,If th e tar,Y of th e eonfl' I'cn c Hnd He\". J. til e ;-..Jew CCl1l 11I·.\' lub \YiIl bc ac. srt fO l'th ill Ih e Act. eve l'fl l pl'Op' III'I' all~t' IIH' n tH is evide l1 ce of the Work By June First I' 11 1·1I1('I·S· 'l' I'u st ( 'ompfl ll,Y , ha H 1!ill ll'flnl ;-..Jichol s of Nt'\\" Yotk Wil lIb'" 1I1 nagemelit which thc meet cept C' d, Hlld COll lI il stand !'CSPOIIS' 1' 1'lv OW11'I·s ·have had a cO l1JII sed elected a!lsi, tant Sl'cI·pla!')'. Hev. A. ible foL' iL opel'ation during 1h e idl:,I-s011lC of them 111I lh'I'. tanding bern clectl'll Trust offie(' I' 01: that l'l'l"'in,d. Bvery event wa s rUII off Jlldging from the work, the last illslilutioll. ~ ll ·. :;U11 ITav will have B. Hr lvl'.\· 01: ('aHlllell. ~. ,J .. Hev. !H1111111 Cl' 111 011th . tllat Ihl' fl1l10 1111 t co uld bc paitl any .J. C. Dellllison of Al1lbh'I·. PH. HeClI 1' lill g to scheuule aud there was tew daS's it is thought that the ______ tillle withiu ;) years. chfll·gl' o\' the Bl'al E hil e D l' part . JlUt a di:agl'cemeut of any kind to wlltel' mai11 \rill be compl teu by III I' ll I. This position \I'flS giv"11 10 1111(1 Hr v. Gcol'g(' i\lllndl' I' or :\e\\"· 1II11!" lht' day. The affair pl'ouably Jun.e 1 t. The wOl'k is jJl'ogr ssing Ladies Plan For Carnival 'I'his is not the ea:l, 11 011' 'vcr, pOI'I , 1)cl. \\"a s a ppoill ted a (,0111, fllld tli os wh o have failed 10 gi ve 111'. ~ fll 1'1' aV ilt th l' Dil"ec lo l"s' 1I'[('c1- did 1<I(l l'e to advorti e Delnwal'e Col. l:ap1d ly now ~l1Jcl a: mnny as 16 illg, May 12. lllitt(1(' 011 l'eSol11ti OIl . fl lld I" cpol"ll'll Il'"'' ;J ll d brill" the lustitutioll clos· JOints a re b ' I11,r cHul ked in one A nll'Pl in g of Ih c ladies of the Ih i: l11.altel· attention should makc l\t l' 'l'edcntiC1l s or till' va l' ious llt' l· HL' I· a ngt' 111 t' lIt · beEo l'p the da l(' 'et, c"l~ 10 th ' high school studonts of I tIny. I IrIlIl.1fil ed ial· ly on sf' ttling of I0 11'11 Io eO Il Sl(. I(' I' p Ia il s f ortlI ca r'· ('galc!'; co rl'l'ct. Hi ho]> Hobill .O Il .J II11 e l s I. till' :-;la to. wher e the future cmoll· tl'ell 1 Im g, th e wol'l{ of IYlfl C[1t1- niva l of lD14-. wa s held nt the h0 111 Making Review 01' Baltilllol·l' a lld Ui ,· hop Bu:scll oE llIl'II1 will c0 1l1 e hOUl , than any · a llliz~ng will be' s t~l't ed .
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