Midsize Cities on the Move
(Inside front cover) December 2012 Midsize Cities on the Move A Look at the Next Generation of Rapid Bus, Bus Rapid Transit, and Streetcar Projects in the United States Acknowledgements We would like to thank The Rockefeller Foundation for supporting this research. We also wish to thank the review panel members for their helpful comments and suggestions: Sarah Jo Peterson, Urban Land Institute; Dennis Hinebaugh, National Bus Rapid Transit Institute; Kathy Nothstine and Brett Schwartz, National Association of Development Organizations; Jeff Hiott, American Public Transportation Association; Roger Millar, Smart Growth America; David Westendorff , Mid-Sized Cities Policy Research Institute, University of Memphis; and Leslie Wollack, National League of Cities. We are thankful for the refl ections and participation of staff from transit agencies, cities, and metropolitan planning organizations that contributed to this report. This report was written by Sarah Kline and Sasha Forbes, and edited and formatted by John Hughes, with contributions from Elizabeth Wampler, Jeff Wood and Irving Pham. Midsize Cities on the Move 3 Contents Acknowledgements2 Introduction6 Methodology7 What is a Midsize City?9 Three Types of Midsize Cities9 Midsize City Characteristics10 Supporting Economic Revitalization: Stark Area Regional Transit Authority, Canton, OH12 A Look at Midsize Regions13 Transit Investments14 Overview of Rapid Bus and Bus Rapid Transit14 Overview of Streetcars17 Planning and Implementation of Transit Projects20 Players and Partnerships 20 Transit
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