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Braby, Michael (1994) Life history strategies of tropical satyrine in north-eastern Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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68 N \0 69 + + + + 'J'! near Mt. Lamond (pers. + + + + obs.) Claudie River (Waterhouse + + + + + + + & Lyell 1914) Iron Range (Le Souef 1971) + + + + + + + + + Iron Range (Daniels 1975) + + + + + + + + + 71 + + + + + 72 + + + + + + 73 + + +

~ 74 + + + + 75 ___ 1II1IIIIIIIIt~ ...... ~ __... ,...... _ ...... __ ...... ______"""- ______"""""" ______...-. __ ....._ ..... _ +...... _ ..... ___+...... _~.-"""""" __+...... ____ oiIIIIIIIIIIII_ ...... ___ .....+______...... _ _.__ ..... _ ..... ___ .-. _ ...... ,...._ ...... _ ...... ~~ ...... _ ...... _ --._.... __ -..._ ...... HOPE VALE- TOWNSVILLE 78 + + + + + + + 79 + 80 + + + + 81 + + + + + 28 kIn S Cape Tribulation + + + (pers. obs.) 82 + + + + + 83 + + + + + +

84 + N + \0 0\ 100 + + + + + 101 + + + + + + + 102 + 114 + + + + 115 + + + + + + 116 + + + + 117 + + + + + 168 + + + + + + + 169 + + + + + + 170 + + + , + + 152 + + + + 153 + + + + 154 + + + + 156 + + + Ollera Creek, 10 km NW + + + + + + + Rollingstone (pers. obs.) --,....---... ~--~~-- ...... _-~.,...... _------_-._------... ..,..".,..- - -.-..- -- -...... -- ..... - _...... _ ...... - ---_ ...... ------~------.-... ------...... -- ..... ---_ ...... ------..... TOWNSVILLE- ST.LAWRENCE Mt. Elliot Nat. Park (pefS. + + + + + + obs.) Cape Cleveland (pefs. obs.) + + + + + + 118 + + + + N \0 119 + + + -J 120 + 121 122 + + + + + 123 + + + + 124 + + + 125 + 126 + 1 + + + 2 + + ~+ + + 3 + + + 4 + + + 5 + + + + + 6 + + + + 7 + + + + + 8 + + + + + 9 + + + + + 10 + + + + + + 11 + 12 + + + + +

Mackay (Waterhouse & + + + + + + + N \0 Lyell 1914) 00 13 + + + + + 14 + + + + 15 + + + + + 16 + + + 33 + + + + + 34 + + + ST.LAWRENCE­ ROCKHAMPTON 21 + + + + + 22 + + + 23 + + + + + Byfield (pers. obs.) + + + + + Byfield (Stewert 1981) + + + + + + Yeppoon (Turner 1925) + + + + + + Totals for Zone 1 3 1 19 56 52 67 46 5 42 36 3 3 1 o o

Total sites = 76 Zone 2 CAPE YORK-HOPE VALE Upper Jardine River + + + + + + (Moulds & d'Apice 1982) 61 +

N 62 + \0 \D 63 300

I I I I I I I I I I + I + I I I I + + + I + I I I +1I + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + + I I I I I I I I 1

+ + +:I + + + + + I I I

+ + + + + +:I + + + + + + + I ~. I I

+ + + + + + +:I + + + + + + + I I I + + + + +:I + + + + I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I ( I I I 00 I o \0 0\ tr)1 lr) 00 00 I Mt. Black, 25 Ian W + + + + + Townsville (pers. obs.) TOWNSVILLE­ ST.LAWRENCE 165 + + + + + 166 + + + + 167 + + + 49 + + + + 48 + + + 41 + 42 + + + + + 40 + + + + + 35 + + + 36 + + + + 37 + + + + + + ST.LAWRENCE­ ROCKHAMPTON 20 + + + Totals for Zone 2 o o o 14 24 26 18 o 25 10 4 2 o o o Total sites = 37

Zone 3 VJ o l--'" HOPE VALE­ TowNSVILLE 54 + + + + 55 + + 51 + + + + 52 + + + 53 + + + + 90 + + + 91 + + + + 92 + + 93 + ,~ + + + 94 + + + + 95 + + 106 + + + 107 + 108 109 + + + 110 + + + 140 141 + 142 143 + w 0 144 N 145 146 147 148 + + 149 + + TOWNSVILLE­ ST.LAWRENCE 130 + + + + 131 + + + 132 + 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 + White Mountains Nat Park + (pers. obs.) 127 w 128 o f..,.iJ 129 44 + + 45 + + 38 + + 39 + + + ST.LAWRENCE­ ROCKHAMPTON 18 + 19 + + + 17 + + + 32 + + 31 + 24 + + + 25 + + + 26 27 + + + Totals for Zone 3 o o o 2 13 23 22 o 27 o o 3 o o o Total sites = 53 Zone 4 ATHERTON TABLELANDS-PALUMA

'....,;..J RANGE r--.. --.J +;:... 85 + + + lSlS + + + + + + 96 + + 97 98 + + + 99 + + 103 + 104 + + + + 111 + + + 112 + + + + 113 + + + 150 151 + + 155 + + + + 157 + + + + 158 + + + 159 + + + + Bluewater State Forest + + + + + (pers. obs.)

'-'-~_"""~""~11111111111""""~""''''''''~ __'''''_''''_'-''_"''''''''''_''''''_'''''''_--''_'''' ______...... --. __ """""" ______..... ___ .....- ____ -.. ______...... ____ ..... __ .... _ ..... __ .-,.. ____ ...... ___ ..,...... __ .-. __ ....-.1IIIIIiIIIIo ~ ..... -~~ .... ___ ...... ______-.. _-.. _____ ...... __ DICKS TABLELANDS- EUNGELLA RANGE

43 + + I...JJ ~ '::A 46 + + + + + 47 + + Broken River (pers. obs.) + + + + BLACKDOWN TABLELANDS­ EXPEDITION RANGE 28 + + + + + 29 + + + 30 + + Atkins (1974) + + + + + + + Rainbow Falls (pers. obs.) + + + Totals for Zone 4 o o 1 8 2 21 8 o 10 7 17 2 4 2 4 Total sites = 27

oVJ 0\ Appendix 1. Larval host plant records of satyrine butterflies in northern Queensland, 1985, 1989-93. ... Host species introduced to Australia. ¢ G. Moore (pers. carom.). Egg-laying times are E.S.T.

Satyrine species Larval host plant Locality Date Observations

Mycalesis perseus Themeda triandra Forsskal Townsville 1985 1 egg laid

30km SE Cardwell 12.iii.1989 1 larva (instar V)

Townsville 15. v.1990 1 larva (instar IV)

Lvi. 1990 1 larva (inslar V)

19.iii.1991 1 egg laid

9.iv.1991 1 pupal exuvia

l.vii.1991 1 egg laid at 1630

29.i.1992 1 egg

15km SE Cardwell 1 pupal exuvia

Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) A. Camus Townsville 20.iv.1989 1 egg laid at 1530 2 larvae (instar V)

1. v.1990 1 egg laid at 1530

12.v.1991 1 egg laid at 1530

Heteropogoll triticeus (R.Br.) Stapf & .. 8.i.1991 1 larva (instar V) Craig

20km NW Townsville IO.iii.1991 2 eggs laid at 1654-1716

H. cOfltortis (L.) Roemer & Schultes Townsville 1985 1 egg laidcP

... Paflicufn r1'laxinlU!n Jacq. .. 18.ii.1990 1 egg laid at 1757

lOkm NW Rollingstone 18.i.1992 1 larva (instar V)

Aristida calycillQ R. Br. Townsville 1985 1 egg laid4>

Brachiara sp. .. 1985 1 egg laid4>

Sporobolis sp. 1985 1 egg laid$

Eriachne sp. Seaforth 25.iii.1992 1 egg laid at 1611 I..J.J 0 -....j grass ~p.l Mt. Elliot Nat. Park 10.ii.1991 2 eggs laid at 1546 grass sp.2 .. 10.ii.1991 1 egg laid at 1610

Mycalesis tenninus Oplismenus aettlulus (P .Br.) Roemer & 10km NW Rollingstone 30.x.1993 1 egg laid at 1137 Schultes

Oplismenus sp. Townsville 3.iv.1990 1 egg laid at 1520

8.iv.1990 2 eggs laid at 1530

22.i.1992 2 eggs laid at 1430-1445

Bartle Frere 16. viii. 1992 1 egg laid at 1322

Dichanthiunl sericeunl Townsville 23.xii.1990 1 egg laid at 1638

28.iv.1991 1 egg

6.v.1991 2 eggs & 1 larva (iRstar I)

+ .. Axonopus conlpressus (SW.) P. Beauv. 1985 3 eggs laid

'I + Pallicunl Ill(v:itnUltl 1985 4 eggs laid

10km NW Rollingstone 30.x.1993 1 egg laid at 1052

Therneda /rialldra Cardwell 9.i.1990 1 egg laid at 1610

grass sp.l Townsville 22.i.1992 1 egg laid at 1521

grass sp.2 Seaforth 25.iii.1992 1 egg laid at 1530

Flagellaria il/dica L. (Flagellariaceae) Wenlock River. Cape 2.x.1990 1 egg laid at 1633 York Peninsula

Mycolesis sirius Therneda ,rial/dro 8km SE Cardwell 9.vii.1989 2 eggs laid at 1406-1408 IOkm SE Cardwell 3.ix.1989 6 eggs laid at 1355-1440

"" Pal/ieulII IlHLti,NU,N Cardwell 8. ix.1989 1 egg laid at 1300

Ischaelr1U/l1 Gus/rale R. Sr. 12km NW Rollingstone 25. v.1992 1 egg laid at 1518

12km NW Rollingstone 7 eggs laid at 1410-1423

grass sp. lOkm SE Cardwell 3.ix.1989 1 egg laid at 1410

Melolli/is leda +Paniculll fI/(v:i'!lU!ll Townsville 2.iii.1991 5 larvae Cape Cleveland 3.iii.1991 I larva (instar V)

'..;J Majors Creek 20.iii.1991 eggs, larvae & pupae x l1km W Kennedy 7,iv.1991 3 eggs, ca. I00 larvae, 20 pupae

10krn NW Rollingstone 18.i.1992 2 larvae & 5 pupae

lmperata cylilldrica (L.) P. Beauv. 12km W Kennedy 27.ii.1991 20 larvae

Cape Cleveland 3.iii.1991 3 larvae (1 instar I, 2 instar V)

15km SE Cardwell 2.xii.1991 1 egg laid at 1832

Ophiuros e.xa/fOfUS (L.) Kuntze Mt. Elliot Nat. Park 10.ii.1991 3 pupal exuviae

15km SE Cardwell 26.ii.1991 3 larvae

2.xii.1991 5 eggs laid at 1825

Thefneda triandra Mt. Elliot Nat. Park 10.ii.1991 1 pupal exuvia

Townsville 20.iii.1991 3 eggs

Byfield 29. iii. 1992 1 egg laid at 1737

Heferopogoll trificeus Cardwell 26. iv. 1990 1 pupa

15km SE Cardwell 27.v.1992 2 pupal exuviae

+Melinis InillutiJlora P. Beauv. 12km W Kennedy 27.ii.1991 20 larvae

SorghuI11 sr. Cape Cleveland 3.iii.1991 3 eggs

Ch,)'sopogO/l sp. Innot Hot Springs 1 larva (instar V)

Paspalidiultr sp. Byfield 29.iii.1992 2 eggs laid at 1738

grass sp. Townsville 6.v.1991 I larva (instar V) l-1ypO()"SfO at/ianIe Therneda triolldra Skm SE Cardwell 24.i.1991 1 egg laid at 0833

HypO()'Sfa Itletirius Eriachne pallescens R. Br. Paluma 17.iii.1992 3 eggs laid at 1105-1125

grass sp. 10km W Paluma 21.xi.1993 2 eggs laid at 1439-1457

'-....1 ..-., -.:::. Appendix 2. Adult host plant records of satyrine butterflies in northern Queensland, 1989-93. + = Host species introduced to Au~tralia. Feeding times are E.S.T.

Satyrine species Adult host plant Locality Date Observations

Myca lesis perseus Melaleuca leucadendra (L.) L. (Myrtaceae) Townsville 24.vii.1989 1 ~ at 1300 (nectar)

+Mangijera indica L. (Anacardiaceae) (nectar) 18km N Coen 2.x.1990 10" at 1145 (rG'lt;n~ 5ruit) Townsville 27.xii.1990 ~ ~ at 0930

Alphitonia e.xcelsa (Fenzl) Benth. Townsville 5.iii.1991 20"0" & 1 ~ (Rhamnaceae) (nectar)

Pandanus sp. (Pandanaceae) (rotting fruit) 15 km NW Bluewater 24.vii. 1993 1 ~ at 1650

Mycalesis temlinus Pandanus whitei Martelli (Pandanaceae) 10km SE Cardwell 25.ix.1990 ~ ~ at 1500-1520 (rotting fruit)

+Mallgifera indica (rotting fruit) ~ Townsville 3I.x.1990 20"0" at 1500-1530

30.xi.1990 1 ~ at 1515

Nauclea orien/alis (L.) L. (Rubiaceae) (rotting 10km NW Rollingstone 16.iii.1991 do" & ~ ~ at 1330 fruit)

18.i.1992 de! & ~ ~ at 1000-1200

5.ii.1994 dc!' at 1630

Ficus racenlosa L. (Moraceae) (rotting fruit) 15km W Rupertswood 27.iv.1991 dc!' & ~ ~ at 1520-1600

Planchonia careya (F. M uell.) Knuth Townsville 2.iii.1991 1d" at 0830 (Lecythidaceae) (sap)

Mycalesis sirius Helichrysunl rupicola DC (Asteraceae) 20km SE Cardwell 25.ix.1990 10" &I ~ at 1504 (nectar)

Melastonza affine (Melastomataceae) (fruit) 9km SE Cardwell lS.ix.1991 10" at 1209-1212

Ypthirna aretous Helichrysum rupicola (nectar) 8km SE Cantwell 3.viii.1990 1 ~ at 1600-1710

+Bidens pilosa (Asteraceae) (nectar) 10km NW Rollingstone 17.iii.1992 2cfd' & 2~ ~ at 1624-1634

Townsville 8.i.1991 1 ~ at 1356-1358 w +Etnilia sonch{folia (L.) DC (Asteraceae) 15km SEton 5.iv.1992 1cr at 1426 ...- (nectar) 0

Melaleuca linariifolia (nectar) 6km SE Petford 19.x.1990 ~ ~ at 1550-1600

•Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (nectar) 8km SE Cardwell 10.i.1991 1!fat1515

Rostellularia adscendens (R.Br.) R. Barker Cardwell 12.i.1991 1ei' & 1 ~ at 1600 (Acanthaceae) (nectar)

24.i.1991 lei'

15km S Eungella 8.iv.1992 2cfcf at 1250

16km W Paluma 1cf & 1!f at 1259-1301

Bursaria tenufolia (nectar) 15km SE Cardwell 8.ix.1991 1cf at 1114

17km SW Bluewater 27.iii.1993 10" at 1008-1010

Hidden Valley 17.iv.1993 4cfcf at 1436..-1444

Spennacoce tati/olia (nectar) lnoot Hot Springs !f!f at 1130-1135

Canthiunl sp. (Rubiaceae) (nectar) .: 15km SE Cardwell 16.x.1992 1cf at 1202-1205

Euphorbia sp. (Euphorbiaceae) (nectar) Marlborough 28.iii.1992 1d' at 1345

.,. Emilia sonchifolia (Asteraceae) (nectar) 15km SEton 5.iv.1992 1

Vernonia cinerea Less. (Asteraceae) (nectar) 8km E Paluma 14.v.1992 1 ~ at 1523-1526

Asteraceae (nectar) 6km W Grantleigh 6.ix.1990 4~ ~ at 0950

Fabaceae, Asteraceae (nectar) Blackdown Tbld. Nat. 7.ix.l990 !f!f at 1100-1200 Park

Hypoc)'s{(l Ine/iriliS .,. Bidens pi/osa (nectar) Atherton 21.x.1990 I ~ at 1655

.,. Lan/ana calnara L. (Verbenaceae) (nectar) Kirrima, Cardwell Range 1 ~ at 1505

'" Rubus rosifolius Smith (Rosaceae) (nectar) Eungella 1 ~ at 1105

Acronychia laevis Forster & G. Forster " 8.iv.1991 20'if at 0837, 0917 (Rutaceae) (nectar)

Maesa deperuiens F. Muell. (Myrsinaceae) Seaview Range 10.x.1991 cfO' & !f ~ at 1510 (nectar)

HypoLysra irius of' Bidens pilosa (Asteraceae) (nectar) Atherton 21.x.1990 1 ~ at 1655

Helichrysu", rupicola (nectar) 17km W Kennedy 5 ~!f at 1430-1445 w N--- *'AgeratuITl houstonianulTl Miller, ... Conyza sp. l~ at 1435-1445 (Asteraceae); *' Stachyrarpheta jarnaicensis; Spernzacoce latifolia (nectar)

Hypocysta pseudirius Asteraceae (nectar) 6km W Grantleigh 6.ix.1990 10" at 0950

20km ESE Duaringa 6.ix.1990 3 ~ ~ at 1155

Tisiphone helena Polyscias australiana (F. Muell.) Philipson 26km SW Bluewater 30.xi.1992 10" at 1005-1007 (Araliaceae) (nectar)

w f...JJ 314 Appendix 4. Dominant plant species at sampling sites A-D, Cardwell.


Overstorey Canarium australianum F.Muell., Xanthostemon chrysamhus (F.Muell.) Benth., Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, Scolopia braunii (Klotzsch) Sleumer, Bucking/lamia celsissima F. Muell. , Planchonella sp, Paraserianthes toon.a (Bailey) I.Nielsen, Syzygium tierneyanum (F.Muell.) T.Hartley & Perry, c Schefflera actin.ophylla (Endl.) Harms, Dillenia a/ala (DC.) Martelli, Deplanchea tetraphylla (R.Br.) F.Muell., Bursaria tenuifolia Bailey, Lophostemon suaveolens (Gaetner) Peter G.Wilson & Waterhouse, Eucalyptus tereticomis Smith, E. tesse/fans F.Muell., E. drepanophy/la Benth., E. clarksoniana D.I. Carr & S.Q.M. Carr, E. platyphylla F.Muell., E. intermedia R.Barker, Acacia mangium Willd., A. aulacocarpa Benth.

Understorey Acacia flaveseens Benth., Guioa acutifolia (F.Muell.) Radlk., Mallotus polyadenos F.Muell., Chionanthis ramijloris Roxb., Pandanus sp, Alyxia spicata R.Br., Seolopia braunii, Plan.chonia careya (F.Muell.) Knuth, Dillenia alata , Glochidion jerdinandi (Muell.Arg) Bailey, Alphitonia exee/sa (Fenzl) Benth., Lantana camara L, Jagera pseudorllus (A.Rich.) Radlk., Polyscias elegens (C.Moore & F.Muell.) Harms, Timonius timon (Sprengel) Merr. Cycas media R.Br., Alyxia spicata, Eustrephus latifolius Ker Gawler, Seleria sphacelata F.Muell., Lomandra longifoiia :tabill.


Overstorey Eucalyptus platyphylla, E. drepanophylla, E. clarksoniana, Lophostemon suaveolens with some E. acm.enoides Schauer.

Understorey Acacia flavescens, Melaleuca nervosa (Lindley) Cheel, Grevillea para/lela J.Knight and Planclzonia careya.


Overstorey Melaleuca viridflora Gaetner and M. quinquenervia (Cav.) S.T.Blake with some Eucalyptus pel/ita F.Muell. , Pandanus whitei Martelli and Deplanchea tetraphylla.

Understorey Grevillea pteridifolia J.Knight, Pandanus whitei with Gahllia sieberiana Kunth. 315


Overstorey LopJlostemon sUQ.veolens, Eucalyptus platyphylla, E. inlennedia and E. acnlenoides. Melaleuca dealbata S.T. Blake, Eucalyptus leptophleba F.Muell. and E. tessellaris form minor components.

Understorey Planchonia cQ,reya, Lophostemon suaveoIens , Acacia flavescens, Canarium australasicum (13ailey) Leenh., Grevillea parallela, He/icreres semiglabra Bailey; with some Acacia crassicarpa Benth., AlpJlitonia e.xce/sa, Me/a/euca quinquinervia and Acacia leptocarpa.