Braby, Michael (1994) Life History Strategies of Tropical Satyrine Butterflies in North-Eastern Australia. Phd Thesis, James Cook University

Braby, Michael (1994) Life History Strategies of Tropical Satyrine Butterflies in North-Eastern Australia. Phd Thesis, James Cook University

This file is part of the following reference: Braby, Michael (1994) Life history strategies of tropical satyrine butterflies in north-eastern Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University. Access to this file is available from: 266 References Ackerman. J.D. (1983) Diversity and seasonality of nlale euglossine bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in central Panan1a. Ec%<.~.V 64: 274-283. Ackery, P.R. (1984) Systematic and faunistic studies on butterflies. In The Biolo~p'y ofButte/f7ies (Eds R.I. Vane-Wright and P.R. Ackery), pp. 9-12. SytrljJosiutn o.f [he Royal En{oJnofogicaf S()ciety (~t· Lon.c/()/'l. NUJn/Jer 11. Academic Press, London. • Adler, P.H. and Pearsall, D.L. (l9R2) Why do Inale buttertlies visit mud puddles? Can. ./. Zoo!. 60: 322-325. Aiello, A. (1992) Dry season strategies of two Panalnanian butterfly species, Anartia !atinl0 (Nymphalinae) and Pierella luna luna (Satyrinae) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). 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