Corporate Citizenship Report 2009/2010 Corporate Citizenship Report 2009/2010 For further information and other Tata Steel reports: Please e-mail your comments or questions to
[email protected] On the front cover: Karen Gilbert, environmental engineer, on site at Tata Steel Colors, Shotton, UK. INDEX AT A GLANCE 2 LETTER TO STAKEHOLDERS 4 OUR VISION AND OUR VALUES 6 A SAFE AND HEALTHY WORKPLACE 8 RESPEctING THE ENVIRONMENt 13 CARING FOR COMMUNITIES 24 CREATING VALUE 32 HIGH EtHICAL STANDARds 34 EMPLOYER OF CHOICE 36 WHAT WE OFFER OUR CUSTOMERs 40 IMPROVING THROUGH INNOVATION 43 PERFORMANCE SUMMARy 47 ASSURANCE REPORt 48 GLOSSARy 49 2009/10 AwARds 51 The fume extraction baghouse, helping improve air quality at NatSteel’s Singapore mill. The Tata Steel Group Corporate Citizenship Report 2009/10 was produced on behalf of the Tata Steel Group by Group Communications in conjunction with ©2011 The Tata Steel Group and the contributors. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP REPORT 2009/10 1 SEctION Long Products Europe, Scunthorpe, UK. Strip Products UK, Port Talbot. Tata Steel, Thailand. Manufacturing Raw Materials Projects Sales Offices 2 CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP REPORT 2009/10 SECTION Strip Products Mainland Europe, IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Jamshedpur works, Jharkhand, India. NatSteel, Singapore. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP REPORT 2009/10 3 LEttER to STAKEHOLDERS Letter to stakeholders Tata Steel is an ambitious and results-orientated enterprise. Like all Tata companies, we strive for leadership and global competitiveness in the business sectors in which we operate.