

National Recreation and Park Association practice

How to Develop an Conservation Program for Your Agency

A Best Practice for Agencies Assess your organization’s facilities and One of the most important steps any park operations for energy use. Identify where and recreation agency can take as part of you have already implemented energy a conservation strategy is to reduce en- -saving practices and where you can still use, and devise ways to easily and simply ergy consumption. Making your agency’s apply creative solutions to reduce ener- turn such equipment off when it is not in facilities and equipment more energy ef- gy use. For example, do you purchase use. Get surge suppressors for comput- ficient and reducing the amount of ener- certified appliances or elec- ers, for example, or strips for mul- gy you consume will reduce costs and tronics? Do facilities have motion or oc- tiple electronics. You may also be able to reduce impacts on the environment, ul- cupancy sensors to turn lights on and off? identify simple energy efficiency retro- timately making your agency more sus- Are fleet managers implementing an- fits such as replacing incandescent light tainable. But how do you get started? ti-idling policies to reduce wasted ? bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs. No Following is an outline of steps to consid- You may be surprised by what your orga- matter how much you have already done, er when developing an energy conserva- nization is already doing, and your effort there are almost always more ways to re- tion program. to identify how you use and save energy duce energy use with simple solutions. will produce new ideas for more savings. For more ideas on how to implement Developing an Energy Conservation ■■ Set goals and have policies for en- simple energy conservation measures, Program for your Agency ergy conservation go to: www.energysavers.gov. ■■ Measure and document a baseline of Once you have baseline usage, you can ■■ Train staff and educate the public energy usage (ideally, a year’s worth look at how to set a goal of reducing us- Develop a messaging campaign about for each facility) age by a certain percentage. Or you may the energy conservation measures that In order to conserve energy, you need to look at setting a goal of saving a specif- you are implementing. Provide staff with know how much each facility and energy ic amount of actual energy used. Review training on when can be sub- cost center in your organization is using. facilities for reduction opportunities that stituted for interior lights. If your organi- This applies to electric, , oil, gas, fuel, can range from the simple (turning off the zation has similar facilities, develop an and all types of energy consumed. First, lights) to the complex (HVAC system ret- energy reduction contest between the fa- determine who pays the utility bills and rofits). Determine if there are facilities that cilities that compares energy reductions if they have access to utility usage data. are slated for energy-efficient upgrades and then shares best practices among with your energy provider as they and how much savings staff afterwards. Promote your campaign may be able to run usage reports by ac- will be available. Prioritize the steps and to the public, encouraging them to recog- count. Work with your facilities staff to de- retrofits you can take for energy-saving nize your efforts to save taxpayer dollars, termine which accounts belong to which strategies from the largest amount of en- and to adopt similar steps in their own facilities. Note that usage amounts and ergy saved to the lowest and then devise homes and . dollars spent are two different things to an implementation plan consistent with ■■ Measure reductions both in energy measure. The cost of utilities may fluc- your annual budget to achieve the great- units and dollar savings tuate from year to year depending on est amount of savings for the most appro- Work with your utility company or your your contracts. The usage of utilities may priate investments in time and money. billing department to track monthly util- fluctuate month to month depending on ■■ Implement simple energy conser- ity usage. Compare year-to-year usage weather or usage patterns. Once you vation measures in both facilities to see if reduction goals have been met. have the usage data, develop a baseline and operations Compare costs but adjust for contract for each account or facility—ideally a full Work with staff in the facilities to identi- changes or off-peak prices. If facilities are year’s worth of use or at least a seasonally fy simple energy conservation measures reducing energy, let them know about it! representative sample of several months. such as turning off lights when no one Incentivize managers and staff to save en- ■■ Understand and take credit for what is using facilities or is in a room. Identi- ergy, and provide tangible rewards and the organization is already doing fy equipment that is running when not in recognition to staff and facilities.

12 Parks & Recreation november 2011 www.NRPA.ORG/conservation ■■ Look for smart designs in retrofits U.S. Council site at: www. include green power in your portfolio. and capital projects usgbc.org. For more information on how to in- When considering upgrades to facili- ■■ Incorporate alternative energy sources corporate alternative energy sources ties or new facility construction, ensure where possible into retrofits and new construction, go to: that energy efficiency is part of the dis- If you have the opportunity to implement www.epa.gov/cleanenergy. cussion. Consider energy-efficient light- integrated systems in ■■ Continue monitoring your energy use ing, high-efficiency heating and cooling new construction or major retrofits, look Continue tracking energy usage to de- systems, additional insulation, and ef- for opportunities to utilize alternative en- termine whether reduction goals are met. ficient and windows. Look to the ergy sources. First, ensure that you cal- Also by tracking energy usage, you may U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED rat- culate the return on investment at the find anomalies that indicate equipment or ing system as a guide for energy efficien- beginning of your process to determine usage issues. Also, continue looking for cy goals. potential cost savings; and if cost-bene- energy efficiency or conservation proj- For larger projects, consider special fits ratios are favorable, consider making ects that can be short-term or long-term. training for certain staff in how to apply the choice for alternative energy. Such a Look to the International Standards Or- new technologies or design with energy- choice can also serve a public education ganization ISO 50001 for guidance in im- efficient equipment—or consider bring- benefit if it is properly interpreted and ex- plementation of an ing in a consultant to advise you. Often, plained to the public. Alternative . the savings will more than pay for the sources are particularly suitable for edu- For more information on how Chicago up-front expense, and these savings will cational facilities such as and en- Park District uses these strategies in its extend well into the future in reduced en- vironmental education facilities where energy conservation program, contact: ergy consumption and costs. the efficient use of alternative energy can Brendan Daley, Director of Green Initia- For more information on energy retro- be incorporated into learning programs. tives, Chicago Park District, brendan. fits and smart energy design, go to the When making bulk purchases, [email protected]

Solar and wind powered pedestrian lights at Northerly Island, Chicago i ct str i d rk a o p o g a i c ch

www.NRPA.ORG/conservation november 2011 Parks & Recreation 13