Energy Conservation
2016 Centre County Planning Opportunities Energy Conservation Centre County Comprehensive Plan — Phase II Implementation Strategies Introduction County-wide In 2003, the Centre County Board of Commissioners Planning adopted a County-wide Comprehensive Plan which included Goals background studies, inventories of existing conditions, goals and recommendations. These recommendations, revised Adopted 2003 and updated, continue to serve as a vision and a general direction for policy and community improvement. Those specific to energy conservation will be discussed here along with implementation strategies to achieve the recom- #1 — Identify, pre- mendations. For more detailed background information serve, enhance and monitor agricultural please refer to the 2003 Comprehensive Plan available on resources. the Centre County Planning and Community Development webpage: #2 — Identify, pre- serve, and monitor environmental and Centre County seeks to balance growth, protection of natural resources. resources, investment in compatible new building Small wind turbines like erected #3 — Preserve his- development, and incentives for sustainable development. at the DEP Moshannon Office, toric and cultural Much of this effort includes stewardship, community can help offset electricity costs resources. outreach and expert professional service. to the property. #4 — Ensure decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing in suitable living surroundings, com- patible with the en- vironment for all The Keystone Principles individuals. In 2005, Pennsylvania adopt- Redevelop first #5 — Appropriately ed the “Keystone Principles Provide efficient infrastructure locate and maintain for Growth, Investment and existing and pro- Resource Conservation”, a Concentrate development posed community set of principles that have Increase job opportunities facilities, utilities, focused Pennsylvania on and services for all Foster sustainable businesses reinvestment and reuse of its residents.
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