Woodland Mrs Ball George, farmer Dew Henry, farmer COMMERCIAL. Chattell Chas. farmer & landowner, Harlock John, farmer, South farm Ball Emmanuel, Bull P.H Manor farm Speechley Jonathan, frmr. Lodge frm

UPWOOD (anciently called Upwode) is a parish 3 1 interest on £5oo, invested in Consols, left in r84r by miles south-west from Ramsey stations on the Great Mn. West to the poor of this parish, and £1 a year Eastern and Great Northern railways, and 8 north-east left about 1830 by the same donor for widows. The from Huntingdcn, in the northern division of the poor's land of 13 acres produces about £Io yearly for county, hundred of Hurstingstone, petty sessional public uses. The site of House was once occu­ division of Ramsey, union and county court district pied by a seat of King Edgar and subsequently passed of , rural deanery of St. Ives, archdeaconry through the hands of Ailwin, Earl of the East Angles, of Huntingdon and diocese of Ely. Bury New Fen , the monks of Ramsey Abbey, and the Cromwell, was annexed to this parish by order of the Local Pheasant, Bickerton and Hussey families. The present Government Board, March 25th, 1884. 'l'he church of j house is the property and residence of Lieut.-Col. A. St. Peter is an edifice of stone in the Norman and Moubray J.P. who is lord of the manor, and with Lord Early Englisn styles, consisting of chancel, nave with De Ramsey D.L., J.P. is the principal landowner. The clerestory, aisles, south porch and an embattled western soil is partly of a stiff clayey, partly gravelly and partly tower, with a small spire, containing 3 bells, one of of a fenny nature; subsoil, clay. The chief crops are which, bearing the inscription "Henry Cromwell, r6rs.'' wheat, barley, oats and potatoes. The area is 2,141 originally belonged to Great Raveley church: several acres; assess

WARBOYS, or Warbois (formerly spelt Wardebois), R~msey, the Huntingdonsbire County Council, George is a village and parish on the London road, with a Saunders Newton esq. J .P. Messrs. G. L. and T. L. station about r! miles north-east of the village on the Ekins and Messrs. Thomas and Charles J. Longland Ramsey and branch of the Great Northern are the chief landowners. A large portion of the soil and Great Eastern railways, 3~ miles south-east from is fenny; the high land districts are a stiff clay; Ramsey station on the Holme and Ramsey branch of subsoil, clay. The chief crops are potatoes, wheat, the Great Northern railway, 7 north-east from I barlev, oats, beans &c. The area is 8,429 acres of land Huntingdon and 8o from London, in the Northern and 6 of wat>er; rateable >alue £15,251; the population division of the county, Hurstingstone hundred, Ramsey in rg1r was 1,7go.

1 p~tty_ sessional division, union of St. Ives, county court l Sexton, Sidney Adnitt. district of Northampton, rural deanery of St. Ives, . archdeaconry of Huntingdon l!nd diocese of Ely. The I Post, M. 0. & T. Offi_ce. Josep~ Gabbitas, sub-p?st- chnrch of St. Mary Magdalene is a handsome and master. _ Letters arnve by mail cart from Hunting- spacious edifice of stone in the Early English style, don, dehve_red at 7 a.m. & 4 P·~· (callers only) & a consisting of a chancel and a nave tower, with spire, second delivery at 6.r5 p.m.; dispatche~ at 5.30 & containing a clock and 5 bells: the chancel was restored 1 r. 10 a.~. & 6. 15 p.m. ; sundays, delivered at 7 1 about 1832 and is separated from the nave by a Norman a.m.; dispatched at 6.r5 p.m arch: the tower is a beautiful specimen of modern Wall Box at the East end cleared at 8-45 a.m. & 5-45 p.m Early English: and was redecorated in 1900: the east window, and another in the chancel, placed in r896, PUBLIC OFFICERS. are stained, and there are monuments by Bacon to John Leman esq. and Mrs. Strode, and a brass to Assistant Overseer & Clerk to the Parish Council, Edgar Lieut. A. S. Way (son of the Rev. W. H. B. Way, rector Wood - · 1895-19oo), who was killed in the Boer war, 1899-I9o2: Certifying Factory Surgeon, Medical Officer & Public a new organ was provided in 1900 at a cost of £2oo: I Vaccinator, District, St. Ives Union, Robert the church affords 640 sittings. The registers of bap- Ross Sutter M.D., C.M., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond tisms date from I551; marriages. r565, and burials, Customs & Excise Officer & Pension Officer for the 1556. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £1,22o, Eastern & North Divisions Sub-Committees Hunts including 957 acres of glebe, with residence, in the Local Pensions Committee, Thomas Talbot Stirton gift of Richard Flowers Serj eant esq. and held since Registrar of Births & Deaths, Warboys Sub-District, 1901 hy the Rev. Justus Stephen Serjeant M.A. of 1 Edward Rignall; deputy, Herbert Allpress Christ's College, Cam bridge. The school building in the Fen district has attached w it a consecrated burial ground. Divine service is held in the Fen schoolroom SCHOOLS. every Sunday. There is a Baptist chapel in the village. Council, Fen, built in 1864, for 8o children; Henry W. In r887 a memorial clock tower was erected by the Woolley, master parishioners at a cost of £2oo. During subsoiling Council (mixed), built in 186g by public subscription. operations at Warboys Fens an ancient boat was for 300 children; Joseph Knowles, master; Mrs. J. found aboutJ four feet beneath the surface; it is Know les, !nfan ts' mistress of oak, and about 38 feet in length. The Rev. Robert Endowed (mixed), built, with house for the master, Fowler, by will dated August 3, 1824, left £2oo, the in 1852, at the cost of the Rev. W. Finch, late rector, interest thereof to b~ disposed of yearly amongst such for 220 children, & supported in part by an endow­ of the poor of the parish as should regularly attend ment of £1,ooo given by the founder; Francis church; the interest is distributed in meat on St. Garner, master Thomas' day. The church estate now produces about Railway Station, Jn. Hy. Longmore Davies,station mastr £so yearly, which sum is applied by the churchwardens to incidental expenses in connection with the church. Carriers to :-Huntingdon, John Ashley (van), sat. at Countess Crawford, who is lady of the manor, Lord De ro a.m.; St. Ive!!, John .Ashley (van), mon. at ro a.ID