Huntingdonshire. Warboys
DffiECfORY.] HUNTINGDONSHIRE. WARBOYS.. 71 . I wheat, barley, oak and p<>tatoel. Tbe area iit 2,140 nearest money order & tclegraph office, 3 miles distan~ acres; ratea!Xe valuet £:01,440; ths population in J89L nearest money order k telegraph offica . "W1UU .. 13. National School (mi-,.:edh built i~ x871 by R. H. Hussey PosT 0FI"IC11.-John Key, sub-postmaster. Letters esq. and enlarged in 1893 at a cost of over £3oo; arrive from Huntingdon Yi!i Ramsey at 7-45 a.m. &. average attendance, 79; Miss !bell, mistress 3.50 p.m.; dispatched at '8.20 a.m. & 4.30 p.m. Postal C.\.RRIER.~Wm. Henry S~nclair, cart, to Huntingdon~ qrders are issued here, but not paid. .Ha.msey is the· sat. ; to St. Ives, mon. returning same da.ys <:ooksey Rev. John Franci1 K.A.. Fordham Lewis, grocer JMurphin Corneliu;;, wheelwrighl li Vicarage tiaunt .John. beer reliailer · carpenter Evison John l.P. Upwood hon•e Iug:e Albert Henry, black~mith Purser William, farmer, Bury fe:'l Kay Peter, Cross Key1 l'.H. & wheelwt G~orge, farmer . COKKKRCU.L. Key John, draper, Post office Sinclair William Henry, carrier .Qhapman .!m()s, farm bailiff to J. KeY Wllliam, fanner & miller (wind), Taylor J ame&, farmer (small) EviBon esq. l.P Carlton house Thomp:.;on William & Sons, engineen. Collett William, frmr. Townsend farm Kidman Reginald Job, farmer & steam ploughing, cultivating A5 1 Cross George, farmer · county councillor thre11hing engine' proprietora &c. Darwood Ad a (Mn. ), beer retailer King J,ames, shopkeeper Providence place Evison John, chemical manure IDanu• Kin~ Thomas, farmer Thompson G~orge, engineer factunr & farmeT Langley John, fanner, Bury -fen WARBOYS, or WARBOIS (formerly spelt WA.RDEBOIS), Ramiiey, the Duke of Manchester, and John Longland esq.
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